Tri-Centers A07 MOSP

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Triangle Centers

MOP 2007, Black Group

Zachary Abel

June 21, 2007

1 A Few Useful Centers

1.1 Symmedian / Lemmoine Point
The Symmedian point K is defined as the isogonal conjugate of the centroid G.

Problem 1. Show that the symmedian line AK concurs with the tangents to the circumcircle at B and C.

Problem 2. Point X projects to lines AB and AC at Y and Z. Show that X lies on the symmedian line
AK if and only if XY /c = XZ/b (where XY and XZ are taken with sign). In particular, the symmedian
point is the unique point P whose pedal triangle RST satisfies P R : P S : P T = a : b : c.
c 2
Problem 3. If D is the foot of the A-symmedian, show that BD

DC = b .

Problem 4. The point K is the centroid of its own pedal triangle.

Problem 5. Lines AK, BK, and CK intersect the circumcircle at A0 , B 0 , and C 0 respectively (other than
A, B, and C). Show that K is the symmedian point of triangle A0 B 0 C 0 .

Problem 6. Show that the line connecting the midpoint of BC with the midpoint of the altitude from A
passes through K.

Problem 7 (First Lemoine Circle). The the parallels through K are drawn, intercepting the triangle at 6
points. Show that the six points are cyclic with center on KO. Also show that the resulting hexagon formed
has three equal sides.

Problem 8 (Second Lemoine Circle). The three antiparallels through K intercept the sides of the triangle
in six points. These points lie on a circle with center K.

1.2 Gergonne Point and Nagel Point

The Gergonne point Ge is the perspector of ABC with its intouch triangle (which exists by Ceva). The
Nagel point Na is the isotomic conjugate of Ge , i.e. the perspector of the extouch triangle.

Problem 9. The isogonal conjugate of the Gergonne point is the negative center of homothecy between the
incircle and the circumcircle. Likewise, the isogonal conjugate of the Nagel point is the positive center of
homothecy of these two circles.

Problem 10. Show that I is the nagel point of the medial triangle. Conclude that I, G, and Na are collinear
in that order with INa = 3 · IG.

Problem 11 (Fuhrmann Circle). Let X be the midpoint of arc BC of the circumcircle not containing A,
and let X 0 be the reflection of X in side BC. Construct Y 0 and Z 0 similarly. Then X 0 Y 0 Z 0 lie on a circle
with diameter HNa (known as the Fuhrmann circle). Show also that its center is the reflection of N9 in I.

1.3 First and Second Brocard Points

The First Brocard Point Ω1 is the point so that ∠Ω1 AB = ∠Ω1 BC = Ω1 CA. The Second Brocard Point
Ω2 is the isogonal conjugate of Ω1 , i.e. the point so that ∠Ω2 BA = ∠Ω2 CB = ∠Ω2 AC. This common angle
is often denoted ω.

Problem 12. Give a construction to locate Ω1 and Ω2 , thus showing that each is unique.

Problem 13. Verify that cot(ω) = cot(α)+cot(β)+cot(γ) and that sin3 (ω) = sin(α−ω) sin(β−ω) sin(γ−ω).

Problem 14. Show that ω ≤ 30◦ . When do we have equality?

Problem 15. Show that the distance from K to side BC is 12 a tan ω.

Problem 16 (Brocard Circle). Let BΩ1 ∩ CΩ2 = A1 , CΩ1 ∩ AΩ2 = B1 , AΩ1 ∩ BΩ2 = C1 . Triangle A1 B1 C1
is known as the First Brocard Triangle of 4ABC. Show the following:

• Triangle A1 B1 C1 is inversely similar to ABC.

• The circumcircle of A1 B1 C1 contains both brocard points and has diameter OK. (This means it is
concentric with the First Lemoine Circle.) This is the Brocard Circle.

• Ω1 and Ω2 are symmetric about the diameter KO.

• If X is the center of the sprial similarity taking segment CA to AB, and likewise for Y and Z, then
X, Y , and Z also lie on the Brocard Circle.

(Hint: It may help to prove these facts out of order.)

1.4 Fermat Points

If equilateral triangles BCD, CAE, ABF are constructed on the outside of triangle ABC, then AD, BE,
and CF are concurrent at the point known as the first Fermat point. The second Fermat point is the point
of concurrency when the triangles are drawn in toward the triangle.

Problem 17. Show that the lines AD, BE, and CF are in fact concurrent, i.e. the Fermat points exist.

Problem 18. Show that if all angles of 4ABC are at most 120◦ , then F1 (the first Fermat point) is the
point that minimizes the total distance to the three vertices. Where is it if one of the angles is larger than
120◦ ?

1.5 Isogonal Conjugates (Not a triangle center, but useful anyway!)
Problem 19. Reflect P about sides BC, CA, AB to points Pa , Pb , Pc . Show that Q is the circumcenter of
triangle Pa Pb Pc .

Problem 20. The isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle is at infinity. Pairing this with the
previous problem proves what useful result?

Problem 21. Define points Pa , Pb , Pc as in problem 19, and let DEF be the orthic triangle of 4ABC.
Show that Pa D, Pb E, Pc F are concurrent. Where do they concur? Show that if P = K, the symmedian
point, this point of concurrency lies on the Euler line.

Problem 22. If AD and BE are isogonal cevians, prove that DC · EC = AC .

Problem 23. Project P onto AB and AC at D and E. Show that DE ⊥ AQ, where Q is the isogonal
conjugate of P .

Problem 24. Lines `a and `0a are isogonal lines through vertex A, and the pairs of lines `b , `0b and `c , `0c are
chosen similarly. Let X = `b ∩ `0c , Y = `c ∩ `0a , Z = `a ∩ `0b . Show that AX, BY , CZ are concurrent. Also,
let X 0 = `0b ∩ `c , Y 0 = `0c ∩ `a , Z 0 = `0a ∩ `b , and show that lines XX 0 , Y Y 0 , and ZZ 0 are concurrent.

1.6 Isotomic Conjugates

Problem 25. The isotomic conjugate of an infinite point lies on the Steiner circumellipse, i.e. the ellipse
through A, B, and C that has center G.

Problem 26. What is the locus of the isotomic conjugate of a point on the circumcircle?

Problem 27. Let P and Q be antipodal points on the circumcircle. The lines P Q• and QP • joining each
of these points to the isotomic conjugate of the other intersect orthogonally on the circumcircle.

Problem 28. The isotomic conjugate of H is the symmedian point of the circummedial triangle DEF , i.e.
the triangle so that ABC is the medial triangle of DEF .

2 A Few Useless Centers

Problem 29 (Gossard Perspector). Let `4XY Z denote the Euler line of triangle XY Z. If 4A is the triangle
formed by lines AB, AC, and `ABC , and similarly for 4B and 4C, then the three lines `4A , `4B , `4C
form a triangle 4DEF . Show that triangle DEF is perspective with triangle ABC (at a point known as
the Gossard Perspector). In fact, show that 4DEF ' 4ABC.

Problem 30 (Schiffler Point). Show that the euler lines of triangles ABC, ABI, BCI, CAI are concurrent
(at the Schiffler point).

Problem 31 (More Schiffler Point). Let A0 be the midpoint of arc BC, and likewise for B 0 and C 0 . Let
X be the nine point center of A0 B 0 C 0 , and let Y be the isogonal conjugate of X through triangle A0 B 0 C 0 .
Show that Y is the Schiffler point as above.

Problem 32 (Exeter Point). The median from A intersects the circumcircle again at A0 , and the tangents
to the circumcircle at B and C intersect at A00 . Similarly define B 0 , B 00 , C 0 , C 00 . Then the lines A0 A00 ,
B 0 B 00 , C 0 C 00 intersect at the so-called Exeter point, which lies on the Euler line. (It was indeed discovered
at Phillips Exeter Academy in 1986.)

Problem 33 (Mittenpunkt). Triangle DEF is the medial triangle of ABC. Show that Ia D, Ib E, Ic F are
concurrent (guess where!). Show that this point is the symmedian point of Ia Ib Ic .

Problem 34 (Spieker Center). The Spieker center is defined as the incenter of the medial triangle. Show
that this is the center of mass of the perimeter of triangle ABC.

Problem 35 (Isodynamic Points). Points D and D0 are the feet of the internal and external angle bisectors
from A, respectively, and Ca is the circle with diameter DD0 . Define the circles Cb and Cc similarly. Then
these three circles concur at two points, known as the Isodynamic points J and J 0 . Show that these are the
unique points whose pedal triangles are equilateral. (Hint: Show that J and J 0 are the isogonal conjugates
of the Fermat points.)

Problem 36 (deLongchamps Point). The deLongchamps point L is defined as the reflection of H in O. Show
that the radical center of the circles with centers A, B, C and radii a, b, c respectively is the deLongchamps

Problem 37 (More deLongchamps Point). Construct an ellipse Ea with foci B and C and passing through
A. Construct Eb and Ec similarly. Draw the common secant line of each pair of ellipses. Then these lines are
concurrent at the deLongchamps point L.

3 Problems
Problem 38. Erect squares BCC1 B1 , CAA2 C2 , and ABB3 A3 outwardly on the sides of 4ABC. The
triangle with sidelines C1 B1 , A2 C2 , B3 A3 is homothetic with 4ABC. What is the center of homothecy?

Problem 39 (IMO 1991/5). Prove that inside any triangle 4ABC, there exist a point P so that one of the
angles ∠P AB, ∠P BC, ∠P CA has measure at most 30◦ .

Problem 40. Let ABC be a triangle, and let the incircle with center I meet BC at X. Let M be the
midpoint of BC. Prove that M I bisects the segment AX.

Problem 41. Show that the Nagel point of a triangle lies on the incircle if and only if one of the sides has
length 2s .

Problem 42. For a given triangle ABC, find the point M in the plane such that the sum of the squares of
the distances from this point M to the lines BC, CA, and AB is minimal.

Problem 43. Let ABC be an acute triangle. Points H, D, and M are the feet of the altitude, angle bisector,
and median from A, respectively. S and T are the feet of the perpendiculars from B and C respectively to
line AD. Show that there is a point P on the nine-point circle so that P is equidistant from H, M , S, and

Problem 44. Show that the isodynamic points are inverse in the circumcircle of ABC and that they divide
segment KO harmonically.

Problem 45 (Peru TST 2006). In triangle ABC, ω is the circumcircle with center O, ω1 is the circumcircle
of AOC with diameter OQ. M and N are chosen on AQ and AC such that ABM N is a parallelogram.
Prove that M N and BQ intersect on ω1 .

Problem 46 (IMO 2000 Shortlist #21). Let AH1 , BH2 , and CH3 be the altitudes of an acute triangle
ABC. The incircle ω of triangle ABC touches the sides BC, CA, and AB at T1 , T2 , and T3 respectively.
Consider the symmetric images of the lines H1 H2 , H2 H3 , and H3 H1 with respect to the lines T1 T2 , T2 T3 ,
and T3 T1 . Prove that htese images form a triangle whose vertices lie on ω.

Problem 47 (USAMO 2001 #2). Let ABC be a triangle and let ω be its incircle. Denote by D1 and E1 the
points where ω is tangent to sides BC and AC, respectively. Denote by D2 and E2 the points on sides BC
and AC, respectively, such that CD2 = BD1 and CE2 = AE1 , and denote by P the point of intersection of
segments AD2 and BE2 . Circle ω intersects segment AD2 at two points, the closer of whihc to the vertex
A is denoted by Q. Prove that AQ = D2 P .

Problem 48. Three circles touch each other externally and all these circles also touch a fixed straight line.
Let A, B, C be the mutual points of contact of these circles. If ω denotes the Brocard angle of the triangle
ABC, prove that cot ω = 2.

Problem 49 (Brazilian MO 2006). An ellipse-shaped billiard table doesn’t have holes. When a ball hits
the table border in a point P , it follows the symmetric line in respect to the normal line to the ellipse in P .
Prove that if a ball starts from a point A of the ellipse and, after hitting the table at B and C, returns to
A, then it will return to B.

Problem 50 (Baltic Way 2006). Let ABC be a triangle, let B1 be the midpoint of the side AB and C1
the midpoint of the side AC. Let P be the point of intersection, other than A, of the circumscribed circles
around the triangles ABC1 and AB1 C. Let P1 be the point of intersection, other than A of the line AP
with the circumscribed circle around the triangle AB1 C1 . Prove that 2AP = 3AP1 .

Problem 51 (Korea 2006). Let ABC be a non-isosceles triangle. The incircle of triangle ABC touches sides
BC, CA, AB at D, E, F . The line AD cuts the incircle at a point P different from D. The perpendicular
to the line AD at the point P is drawn. The line EF intersects this perpendicular at Q. The line QA is
dran. DE and DF cut QA at R and S respectively. Prove that A is the midpoint of RS.

Problem 52. Let O be the circumcenter of a triangle ABC. The perpendicular bisectors of AO, BO, CO
intersects the lines BC, CA, AB at A1 , B1 , C1 respectively. Prove that A1 , B1 , C1 lie on a line perpendicular
to ON , where N is the isogonal conjugate to the center of the nine point circle of 4ABC.

Problem 53 (Romania 2000). Let ABC be an acute triangle, and let M be the midpoint of its side BC.
Suppose that a point N lies inside the triangle ABC and satisfies ∠ABN = ∠BAM and ∠ACN = ∠CAM .
Prove that ∠BAN = ∠CAM .

Problem 54 (China TST 2005). Let ω be the circumcircle of acute triangle ABC. Two tangents of ω from
B and C intersect at P . AP and BC intersect at D. Point E, F are on AC and AB such that DE k BA
and DF k CA.

1. Prove that F, B, C, E are concyclic.

2. Denote A1 the center of the circle passing through F, B, C, E. B1 , C1 are defined similarly. Prove that
AA1 , BB1 , CC1 are concurrent.

Problem 55. In triangle ABC let G be the centroid, and A0 be the intersection point of the G-symmedian
of 4GBC with the circumcircle of GBC. Points B 0 , C 0 are defined like this. Prove that the three circles
AGA0 , BGB 0 , CGC 0 are coaxal.

Problem 56. Reflect I through BC to A1 , and similarly for B1 and C1 . The lines AA1 , BB1 , and CC1
intersect at a point M (prove this!). Show that IM is parallel to the Euler line of 4ABC.

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