Lesson 1.1 What Is Business Tool?

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APPLIED BBT REVIEWER  Represent an investment to the

LESSON 1.1  Require control as their use or loss
can represent a significant cost to
What is Business tool? the business.
 Are attractive in terms of cost and
A business tool can be considered as any can be attractive to a potential theft
asset that helps or assists the organization  Require training to prevent damage
to achieve its stated claims or objectives. to the user or the business.
 Are often portable so they are
Management must ensure that these tools susceptible to damage and loss, the
are available when required, are in usable exact location of a tool at any time
and operating condition and that the user is may not be known.
sufficiently trained to use the device
efficiently. One criteria may be the asset value;
another could be the usage cost.
Defining a Business Tool
 Example: Mobile telephones can be
Each business will need to develop criteria very inexpensive to buy but the cost
so as to identify which tools are to be of calls or internet charges can be
monitored and therefore controlled to frightening.
ensure that time and effort is devoted to
managing the proper and important tools. Another can be the portability of the asset.
(mobile phones and portable computers are
There are several criteria to identify and small and easily mislead/concealed)
classify business tool. Once identified, the
tools need o be considered as a group and it  Example: A computer monitor can
is logical to provide a name for the list that also be very expensive but it is not
recognizes the importance of the group. very portable or easily removed as
Possible names could be: they are often secured in place.
Therefore, monitors may be
 Portable and Attractive tool - this excluded from the tool risk because
states that the item is portable and it does not present a risk.
probably does not have fixed
location, they could be a target for a Another can be the training necessary to
theft or excessive use. use the tool efficiently and safely, the tools
 Significant Small Tools - the item are in this group often have a wide range of
so small so they can be easily lost functions and capabilities so that some level
and they are significant to the of training is mandatory.
Examples of Common Business Tools
It is important to note that the tools must:
Each of these items represents an
investment by and important to the
business. They are portable, can be the details are recorded in a book - an asset
misplaced, requires usage monitoring, register.
training and maintenance:
Spreadsheets are excellent tools to record
 Digital cameras the required details. They can be password
 Mobile Telephones protected or secured using other methods
 Pagers to ensure the quality of the data allowing
 Scanners many people to view the document and
 Photocopiers only few to edit.
 Laptops
 Laser pens Electronic document files can be as simple
 Hard drive as word processing files that require a little
 Facsimile more effort to construct, but once done, are
 Landline Telephones excellent tools. There are purpose designed
 Software database software packages that store and
 Website manage the details of each asset. These are
 Social Networking flexible packages that can be configured to
suit the needs of the business.
 E-mail
Each tool needs to be describe and
Identifying and Access of Common
identified. Rules can be established for
Business Tools
various types of assets but the description
In identifying the common business tools could include one or more of the following.
follows the criteria in defining it thru
individual classification and grouping on  Brand or manufacturer
logical name list that recognizes the  Model or name
importance of the business tools.  Purchase date
 Supplier
To access the business tools you can find it  Warranty Expiry date
on the register - the register provide  Purchase price
sufficient information to ensure that the  Department
tools are locatable and identifiable thereby  Physical location
ensuring the correct tool is identified. There  Serial Number
are general set of guidelines that will  Asset number
identify the data that most businesses  Color
should collect. The selection of data to  Warranty responsibility
collect can vary because the size of business  Other non-attached items that from
allows greater resources to be used in the the tools such as:
process. o Cables
o Power Supply
Futhermore storing details is needed to o Lens
locate the business tools easily. The o Memory cards
simplest is the paper approach where all o Mice
Serial Number bag and passed through a scanner and each
will be identified at a reasonable distance.
Most tools have serial number that is
attached to the devices as part of the Storage Location
manufacturing process. These are generally
globally unique. They convey a great deal of Where will the tool be stored? There are
information to the manufacturer about many places that can be used to store an
production runs and assembly teams and item: a desk, drawer, cupboard, storage,
quality approval teams. A serial number locker or cabinet. The location needs to be
does not identify the tool without context identifiable so there can be certainly as to
or other information. the tool's correct storage location.

Asset Number What is Business Technology?

Some businesses will attach their own asset In philosophy technology can be search for
number or serial number. This has the meaning. It is a means of rendering life a
advantage that the number can be created little more convenient.
for each asset that has identification within
the number. In some cases stickers can be Business Technology
attached to the inside of the assets, and in
others the number can be etched on the refers to the application of science, data
chassis or the of body of the device. engineering and information for business
purposes, such as achievement of economic
Barcode and organizational goals. The main element
of technology is the idea of change, and
The asset number can be encoded into a how it can affect business and society.
barcode that can be easily scanned to
maintain records. These have the advantage All technology that helps an organization
of certainty and the elimination of data in run its business and operational processes.
error. Although these are randomly created, That technology can be customer-facing
it is simply matter of attaching the barcode applications and solutions, business-critical
to the item and recording the tool and the production and logistics solutions, or back
associated barcode. There are specialist office financial systems among others.
asset programs, but many businesses use
Excel as a list and database management E-commerce and E-business
E-commerce involves of digitally enabled
Radio Frequency Identification Tags (RFID) commercial transactions between and
among organizations and individuals. For
These are electronic tags that can be the most part, transactions that occur over
attached to items that will communicate the internet. Commercial transactions
with electronic scanning systems that will involve the exchange of value (e.g., money).
allow individual items to be identified while in return for product and services. E-
in groups. Items with RFID can be all out in a business refers primarily to the digital
enabling transactions and processes within product for auction or for sale, and
the firm, involving information systems relies on the market marker to
under the control of the firm. E-business provide catalog, search engine,
does not involve commercial transactions transaction clearing capabilities so
where value is exchanged. that products can be easily
displayed, discovered and paid for.
Types of E-commerce
 Social E-commerce
 Customer - to - business (C2B) E-
commerce - E-commerce that is enabled by
o the business are the ones social networks and online social
who are reaching to the relationships. It is sometimes also
customers. referred to as Facebook commerce,
 Business - to - customer (B2C) E- but in actuality is a much larger
commerce phenomenon that extends beyond
just Facebook; including the
- it is the most discussed type in increasing population of social sign
which online business attempt to on, network notification (sharing of
reach individual consumers. It approval/disapproval of
includes purchasers of retail goods, products/services) online
travel services and online content. It collaborative shopping tools
is the type of e-commerce that most (recommendation from vloggers).
consumers most likely to encounter
 Local E-commerce
 Business - to - business (B2B) E- o A form of e-commerce that is
commerce focused on engaging the
consumer based on his/her
- business focus on selling to other current geographic location.
business. There are two primary Local merchants use a variety
business models used within the of online marketing
B2B area: Net marketplace, which techniques to drive
includes e-distribution, e- consumers to their stores.
procurement companies, exchanges Local e-commerce wave and
and industry consortia, and private fueled by explosion of
industrial networks. interest in local on-demand
service such as an uber.
 Consumer - to - consumer (C2C) E-
commerce Selection and Use Common
Business Technology
- Provides a way for consumer to sell
to each other, with the help of an Select appropriate business
online market marker. In C2C e- technology and/or software
commerce, the consumer prepares applications to achieve the
the product for market, places the requirements of work task.
Which Business Tool? Assume that a user wants to take a
photograph from digital phone and
It is important to be clear and further assume they have no
certain of the purpose of the tool. training. The results could be
What are the objectives or anything and the time involved
outcomes that will result from using could be significant as the fumble
the tool? What do we want the tool and take pictures of fingers that
to do? cover the lens.

You need to create a complete Safety needs to be considered for

picture of all that is required from the person and the equipment. A
the tool in a too much detail in as camera flash close to the eyes can
possible. Then it is a matter of injure and possibly blind. There is
matching the requirements of the also consideration of damage to the
tool with the tools available. equipment.

Consider the consumables that will Before a person is allowed to use a

be required. If the use is to be off business tool, they must undergo
site there may not be the same some level of training, and perhaps a
availability of resources as in the refresher level or training for those
business. Buy or Hire? using the same tool later to remind
them of the first set of skills.
If the tool is not in-house then some
will need to be made as to future There can be no definitive program
demand. If this is a once-off for every tool in business, but it is
situation then a once-off hire inconceivable that a tool does not
arrangement may solve the require some training. As the users
immediate problem without does the training this should be
committing the business to recorded before they are allowed to
significant outlay. It is not only the use the tool. Possible skills sets
purchase price to be considered, but could be:
the tool must be stored and
maintained should a future use Facsimile
o Page up or down
Use Technology in a way which o Add 0 to be beginning of the
promotes a safe work environment. number
o How to enter the telephone
Training number
o How to send from a list of
In all cases the different use of any contacts
tool requires some training before o How to send fax
the tool can be used efficiently and o How to unjam the fax
o Ability to print the journal if the customers do not have
record (if this is required) their wallet with them, or
o Charge codes if applicable even if their credit card has
been misplaced. Additionally,
Digital Camera with COVID firmly in the
minds of hotel guests and
o Insert batteries other hospitality customers,
o Insert and remove memory contactless payments can
card also offer an excellent way to
o Transfer images to a reduce human-to-human
computer contact.
 video: How Does
Trends in Hospitality Industry Tools Contactless Payment
and Technology Works?
o Voice Search & Voice IYgH3CjNQ
Control - Voice search is o Robots in Hotel and
growing technology trend Restaurants - One of the
within the hospitality most exciting technology
because a growing number trends the hospitality
of guests or customers are industry is getting to grips
turning to voice search in with the rise of robotics and
order to find hotels, the use of robots to carry out
restaurants and cafes, so it is tasks traditionally performed
worth taking the time to by humans. For instance,
properly capitalize on this. To robots can occupy a
do so, you need to make sure concierge role within hotels,
your website and booking welcoming guests and
engine are structured so that providing them with
the voice search can be used important customer
properly. information. This is a practice
 video: that can be replicated across
https://youtu.be/9Fk the rest of the hospitality
Ph8Sahag ; industry too, including in
https://youtu.be/bjkd restaurants, and the use of
IplaNE0 robots can also help to make
o Contactless Payments - an environment more COVID
Aside from speeding up secure.
payments and improving  video: Alibaba's
customer satisfaction, Robot Hotel is
contactless tech is also Straight out of the
compatible with loyal future:
programs Mobile contactless https://youtu.be/rnG
payments are possible even pSZmj-cA ;
https://youtu.be/zCa Virtual Tour:
DJOGnkuo https://youtu.be/r4ce
o Chatbots - Hotels and 7nYJvS
restaurants will also often o Mobile Check-in/Automated
attract queries from people Check-in and Check-out -
in different time zones, so Mobile check-in hospitality
having staff available is tech is another important
difficult. A good chatbot will area to give consideration to,
answer the most common because it can help to
questions without the need improve the customer
for any human involvement. experience at the point of
In more advance cases, the their initial arrival. Crucially,
chatbot can obtain mobile check-in swerve the
information from the need for face-to-face
customer and then pass the customer interactions,
query on to a human staff meaning customers can
member at the earliest potentially have greater
opportunity, while also flexibility in terms of when
providing them with access they check-in. This ties in
to what the customer has with wider contactless
said. technology trends within the
 video: Example hospitality industry, and can
Chatbot for be especially welcome for
Restaurants: those who are nervous about
https://youtu.be/Tjh COVID.
G9p5EJ74 o Recognition Technology -
o Virtual Reality - In particular, Biometrics is being used to
this can make the difference usher in a new age of
at the stage when customers seamless authentications,
are ready to make a booking, and this could benefit hotel
because it will give potential processes and customers
customers a much clearer purchases. For example,
sense of what they can imagine if a fingerprint or
expect when they visit for facial recognition technology
real. Most modern virtual could be used in your hotel
reality tour videos can be to unlock rooms. Now
viewed within a web consider the uses of the
browser, making them easily same technology for check-in
accessible. A greater level of and check-out purposes.
immersion can also be  video:
achieved if users have access https://youtu.be/qNp
to a VR headset. sdCPGyCk
 video: Example of o Artificial Intelligence - In the
Cape Dara in Pattaya modern age, customers
expect to be able to interact  Example: The Internet
with hospitality companies of Things comes for
across a variety of digital the hotel network;
channels and receive rapid video:
responses can be difficult, if https://youtu.be/k1J4
not impossible, which is Fla2nco
where chatbots and artificial o Augmented Reality - similar
intelligence (AI) come in. AI's way to VR technology but is
uses extend into other even more accessible;
important areas for hotels typically requiring little more
too, including data analysis. than access to a smartphone
 Example: Hilton and and the internet. Unlike VR,
IBM pilot "Connie" which places users in a digital
video: environment, augmented
https://youtu.be/ifgf6 reality is about enhancing
bZhxiE the real-world environment
o Internet of Things (IoT)- It through information
involves extending internet overlays.
connectivity to everyday  Example: Augmented
objects, devices and reality within the
appliances. These devices hospitality industry ;
can the collect data and video:
communicate or interact https://youtu.be/H_V
over the internet, turning xlcdP0Kk
previously unintelligent o Cybersecurity - Today, hotels
devices into "smart" smart and restaurants are more
devices, which are often semi reliant on data than ever
or fully autonomous. The before, and make use of IT
hospitality sector is internet- systems than ever before
enabled thermostats, which too. However this potentially
are used to automatically leaves them in a much more
adjust room temperatures at vulnerable position. Some of
check-in and check-out the biggest threats here
times, or in response to include ransomware attacks,
temperature swings caused phishing attacks, distributed
by the sum, or by the denial of service (DDoS)
windows being opened. the attacks and human error
same concept is also being within the company. For this
deployed for lighting, reason, hotels need to invest
improving energy efficiency adequately in cybersecurity
by, for instance reducing awareness training, protect
light intensity during daylight their IT systems, keep
hours. customer data secure and
ensure data is backed up and but as a must-have when
recoverable. they check-in at a hotel.
o Big Data - It could be used by Many leading hotel groups
travel agents to make have started to install high
intelligent destination density Wi-Fi and started to
recommendations, based on offer in-building mobile
age, gender, budget, phone coverage as guests
previous locations visited, have to come to expect these
and so on. Within the hotel services during their stay
industry, big data allows (not only for themselves, but
businesses to identify trends, also for their guests if they
which can be used for are hosting a conference or
revenue management function at the hotel.)
purposes. o Digital Conference Facilities -
 video: Hotels also need to be able
https://youtu.be/rQR to offer access to audio-
5nxp-_LU visual (AV) and digital
o Blockchain and facilities for conferences.
cryptocurrency - This While the amount of AV and
technology offers digital equipment that goes
transparency, security and into typical conference room
control of electronic is fairly minimal, staging
transactions. Blockchain also companies are often hired
eliminates the need for third for various projects in order
parties. Therefore, several to equip the facility as
industries are taking required.
advantage of its benefits, o Mobile Communication and
such as LockTrip (LOC), a Automation - when investing
blockchain-based hotel and in digital apps for check-ins,
vacation rentals marketplace. room service and other
This platform allows hotels to customer-oriented digital
manage bookings with interactions, hotel operator
listings priced in LOC, a are investing in systems and
cryptocurrency with a real- technologies that can
time exchange rate. This personalize the experience
technology allows hotel to for guests, including a guest's
offer prices 20% below name being displayed on the
market rate. welcome desk at a digital
o Wi-Fi Infrastructure check-in station; their food
Overhauls - Nowadays, hotel preferences or past
guests who travel with purchases being displayed in
devices such as phones, a digital room-service order
tablets and computers no system; and similar. In
longer see Wi-Fi as a perk, addition the 'concierge in
you pocket' concept is fast o **Entertainment on tap
gaining popularity due to its -**The future of Hotel In-
ability to allow operators to Room Entertainment; people
include useful information are increasingly plugging in
such as surrounding their own devices for in-
entertainment venues; room entertainment.
medical facilities; and similar o Cloud
services. Services/Cloud/Software as
o NFC Technology - Near field a Service (SaaS) - being able
communication (NFC) to provide entertainment on
technology is the next- tap and mobile content has
generation short-range high led to the trend of hotels
frequency wireless investing in cloud services. It
communication technology gives hotels flexibility to
that gives users the ability to expand and adjust their IT
exchange data between needs along with business
devices. NFC devices can growth, invest in upgrades
transfer data at up to without causing a complete
424kbits/second and the IT system overhaul and it
communication is enabled removes the administrative
when two devices touch each burden of managing an IT
other, which makes mobile system in-house.
payments (buy touching the o Converge LANs to support
smartphone to a credit card) multiple services -
an instant, secure process. Converged local area
This technology is also ideal networks (LANs) will also
for self-check-ins by guests at help hotels to create more
hotels as well as the next intelligent buildings. A
trend in this article; smart variety of computer-based
room keys. building services can be
o Smart Room Keys - Hotels automated in order to
increasingly install small control lighting, refrigeration,
room access systems that air conditioning and heating.
allow the guests to unlock Converged LANs can also be
their doors by simply swiping set up to provide a smarter,
their phones across a keyless more personal experience.
pad on the door. This o **Feedback on Social Media
technology will men that -**This trend will continue
guests don't have to worry and hotels can expect to see
about picking up keys and even more social media
front desk staff won't have to engagement from guests
issue new keys in the event who use these platforms to
that a guests loses their give feedback about their
room key. experience, complain and
give compliments about their positive about you or does this post
stay. respect yourself?
o Integration - Integrating  What does this post say about
these systems can provide yourself?
more comprehensive  Does it reveal too much about me?
management information, Before posting do self-assessment
faster reporting and a truly  Check if this digital footprint respect
comprehensive view of others?
profitability. For example  Make sure you are respectful when
integrating the hotel posting others.
management system with  Ask yourself: would i say this to the
the restaurant point of sale person's face?
application means that the  How would this post make the
hotel has a comprehensive person feel if he or she saw it?
view of revenue per guest or  Could someone get wrong idea
event. about this post??
 Fit yourself with the shoes of others
DIGITAL FOOTPRINT for you to understand the impact of
your actions.
 trail that you leave on the internet.
Do a reflection:
How can we trace Digital Footprint?
Are you leaving positive digital footprint? If
 through the use of our browser yes, how?
Republic Act No. 10173 "Data Privacy Act
Each of us have different digital footprint of 2012"


 Trail of web sites you visit
 The things you share online Personal Privacy Rights

Impact of Digital Footprint  in the Philippines National Security

Commission safeguard someone
Positive - in a way that we provide else privacy whenever telemarketers
information to reliable sites do unsolicited calls they cannot
proceed to talk consumers without
Negative - we can provide our personal their approval / consent
information to unreliable person/sites
 First is to look if the messages, PRESENTATION
photos, and videos show something
Why your organization needs a digital sense  design thinking is not just for
DNA Layer? creatives and should be rooted in
your professional development plan
 Genetic Engineering for all departments
 DNA Profiling  in a software-is-everything world,
 Information Storage your product is your focus group, as
sensors connect everything, availing
Law of Compensation data-fed

1. The need for what you do, Four General Archetypes of People
2. Your ability to fulfill that need
consistently and;  Influencers
3. How difficult or easy it is to replace  Amplifiers
you.  Motivables
 Zombie
"Satisfied customers are not secure
customers in tomorrow's market place" - C-suite (Enterprise Wide View) I-3%
cope up with the changes
SVPs/VP (Division/B.U Wide view) A-10%
How difficult or easy it is to replace you?
Sr Director/s (Department Wide View) M-
Prioritization 60%

 the customer is the number 1 asset Sr Manager/Mgs (Program Wide view) M-

 there is no online/offline world in 60%
which we exist. it is now an always-
on world. Rank &Filo (Project Task wide view) Z-27%
 tthere may be multiple budgets
within the org. chart, but there is Experience Marketing Framework
only one bank account
 every decision must be measured 1. Learn
against how it impacts the customer 2. Plan
experience 3. Do
 the internal customer (employee) is
an important as the external Designing Presentation
customer you seek to serve
 you can't keep up with it all, so focus Theory, Planning and Design
on improving the areas with the
least friction and higher ROI first, Pyramid Structure - starting with the
and hen again momentum daily, smaller points, then fleshing out the details,
monthly ,and yearly to tackle more and finally ending with the big ppicture, the
 empathy (EQ) is the number one skill bottom line results and you message
to cultivate in your organization
The Hour Glass - emphasize your

Inverted Pyramid - starting with the most

relevant pieces of information. From there,
information is included in decreasing order
of importances

Step 1: Designing

 Planning
 Color
 Type

Step 2: Building

 Text
 Data Visualization
 Image
 Scaffolding

Step 3: Giving

 Presenting

Presentation Worksheet

1. what type of presentation are you

2. Who is your audience?
3. What is the Headline Message of
your presentation?
4. What do you want your audience to
do with your conclusions?
5. Craft you Opening Statement
6. Craft your Closing Statement
7. Outline the sections of your
8. What stories can you tell?
9. Images (sketch of describe before
10. Anticipated Questions and Answers

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