Unit 6 Answer Key and Audio Script
Unit 6 Answer Key and Audio Script
Unit 6 Answer Key and Audio Script
Suggested answers:
Answer key and audio script
1 cartoon
1 (two points each) 2 reality show
Suggested answers: 3 nature programme
1 He gets up at half past six / 6.30. 4 documentary
2 He normally starts filming at nine / 9 o’clock. 5 police drama
3 He’s fourteen years old.
7 (one point each)
4 He has to do his school work before he starts
1 F
2 D
5 They can’t start filming now because it’s raining.
3 E
2 (two points each) 4 A
Suggested answers: 5 B
1 He made a TV advert for cat food.
8 (one point each)
2 He acted in a comedy.
1 have to
3 He remembers the hard work (most).
2 Why don’t
4 He’s going to make a sci-fi film.
3 horror
5 He’s going to move to Hollywood in June.
4 badly
3 (one point each) 5 Let’s
1 isn’t going to do the shopping
2 isn’t going to buy a DVD
3 is going to buy a DVD AUDIOSCRIPT
4 are going to play tennis This week in ‘A day in a life’ we’re in Australia with
5 aren’t going to have a picnic the young actor Steven Perry. They’re making a new
4 (one point each) series of everybody’s favourite TV programme, ‘Stay
1 quickly cool’.
2 well It’s half past six in the morning and in his hotel room.
3 carefully Steven is getting up. He doesn’t have to start filming
4 fast until nine o’clock. So why does he have to get up so
5 easily early?
5 (one point each) It’s now half past seven and here’s the answer. He has
1 She has to cook dinner every day. to do his school work. Steven is only fourteen years old,
2 Does Chloe have to take the bus to school? so there’s a teacher here for him and all the other young
3 We don’t have to do homework every evening. actors and actresses. They have to have their lessons
4 Do the students have to be quiet in the library? before they start filming and between the different
5 Harry doesn’t have to study French this year. scenes.