Minireview: New Drugs Against Tuberculosis: Problems, Progress, and Evaluation of Agents in Clinical Development

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0066-4804/09/$08.00⫹0 doi:10.1128/AAC.00749-08
Copyright © 2009, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

New Drugs against Tuberculosis: Problems, Progress, and Evaluation
of Agents in Clinical Development䌤
Jossy van den Boogaard,1* Gibson S. Kibiki,2 Elton R. Kisanga,2
Martin J. Boeree,1 and Rob E. Aarnoutse1
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands,1 and
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Moshi, Tanzania2

One-third of the world population is infected with Mycobac- overlapping toxicity profiles of the antiretroviral and anti-TB
terium tuberculosis (MTB) and hence at risk of developing drugs, drug interactions between rifampin and the antiretrovi-
active tuberculosis (TB). Each year, 8.8 million patients are ral protease inhibitors, and the risk of immune reconstitution
newly diagnosed with active TB and 1.6 million patients die of syndrome (104). Fifth, prophylactic therapy of latent TB (TB
TB. The rapid spread of the human immunodeficiency virus infection without symptoms) with isoniazid is also associated
(HIV) has fueled the TB epidemic, especially in sub-Saharan with problems of nonadherence (180). Attempts to shorten
Africa, where 28% of TB patients are HIV positive (176). The treatment with alternative drugs resulted in severe adverse
current first-line treatment for TB is a multidrug regimen con- events (64, 150, 155).
sisting of rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed the
(RHZE). It must be taken for at least 6 months to achieve high directly observed therapy short course (DOTS) strategy to
cure rates (more than 95% in experimental settings). optimize response and adherence to TB treatment. However,
DOTS is labor-intensive and expensive. It causes a high burden
PROBLEMS WITH CURRENT on public health programs, especially in developing countries
TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT with limited human resources (49). In addition, TB diagnosis in
the DOTS strategy is based on sputum microscopy, rather than
There are several major problems associated with the cur- sputum culture (173). Only advanced pulmonary TB is de-
rently available TB treatment. First, the duration and complex- tected by sputum microscopy, and it requires qualified micros-
ity of treatment result in nonadherence to treatment. This copists (115). Consequently, TB detection rates are suboptimal
leads to suboptimal response (failure and relapse), the emer- and resistant M. tuberculosis strains are not detected (62, 115).
gence of resistance, and continuous spread of the disease Clearly, there is an urgent need to improve treatment by
(168). Second, adverse events in response to anti-TB drugs are either enhancing the application of existing agents or intro-
common and contribute to the problem of nonadherence (19, ducing new drugs. Potential new agents should reduce treat-
168). Third, the increasing incidence of multidrug-resistant ment duration, have an acceptable tolerability profile, be
(MDR; resistance to at least rifampin and isoniazid) and ex- active against MDR/XDR TB, be of use in HIV-infected pa-
tensively drug-resistant (XDR; MDR resistance plus resistance tients with TB, and be active against latent TB (Table 1). The
to a fluoroquinolone and an aminoglycoside) TB is a serious aim of this article is to review the challenges of developing new
concern. Resistant TB occurs in the presence of partially sup- anti-TB drugs, to present an up-to-date and critical evaluation
pressive drug concentrations that enable replication of bacte- of new agents in the phase of clinical testing, and to suggest
ria, the formation of mutants, and overgrowth of wild-type ways forward to improve TB treatment.
strains by mutants (selective pressure) (175). The prevalence
of MDR TB in new TB cases ranged from 0% in some Western
European countries to more than 22% in Azerbaijan (2002 to CHALLENGES OF DEVELOPING NEW ANTI-TB DRUGS
2007 survey); 14 of 72 participating countries reported an
MDR TB prevalence of more than 5% (177). Second-line The rapid development of new anti-TB drugs has been ham-
drugs for drug-resistant TB are not available everywhere and pered by several obstacles. First of all, the TB drug market is
are less effective, more toxic, and require longer use than associated with insufficient profit opportunity or investment
first-line drugs (61). Fourth, coinfection of TB and HIV is a return to instigate pharmaceutical industries to develop new
problem by itself. Combined treatment of TB and HIV in- drugs. The cost of developing a new drug is estimated at $115
volves a high pill count with associated adherence problems, to $240 million (39). To be profitable, market prices of new
drugs should be relatively high, whereas the cost of the stan-
dard regimen is only about $11 per patient (115). In response
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: APRIORI, Kilimanjaro to the reluctance of pharmaceutical industries, governments
Christian Medical Centre. P.O. Box 2232, Moshi, Tanzania. Phone: (255)
(0)787-148431. Fax: (255) (0)272-751351. E-mail: jossyvandenboogaard
and nongovernmental organizations have started to invest in TB drug research and development. In the 1990s, the United

Published ahead of print on 15 December 2008. States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


TABLE 1. Required properties of new anti-TB drugs

What a new drug should do Characteristic(s) required

Simplify treatment or reduce treatment duration Strong (early) bactericidal and sterilizing activity
Low pill count, fixed-dose combinations
Allow for intermittent therapy

Have an acceptable toxicity profile Low incidence of treatment-limiting adverse events

No overlapping toxicity profile with other TB drugs

Be active against MDR/XDR TB No cross-resistance with first-line drugs

Be useful in HIV-infected patients with TB Minimal interactions with antiretroviral drugs

No overlapping toxicity profile with antiretroviral drugs

Be active against latent TB Activity against dormant bacilli

Favorable toxicity profile

established the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium (TBTC). In sizes. Trials should be performed in countries where the TB
2000, private and public sector partnerships formed the Global burden is highest, but the human and infrastructural capacity
Alliance for TB Drug Development (GATB), a nonprofit ven- for performing large, high-quality phase III clinical trials is
ture that supports the discovery and development of cost- usually limited in these settings (45). Despite the challenges of
effective new drugs (49). Various other research consortia are TB drug development, studies are being conducted with higher
testing new drugs in preclinical and clinical trials. Large fund- doses of the rifamycins and several new drug candidates have
ing agencies, such as the European & Developing Countries reached the phase of clinical testing.
Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) and the Bill & Melinda
Gates foundation are supporting these initiatives.
A second challenge in TB drug development is the diffi-
culty to identify new compounds with activity against M.
tuberculosis. Regimens against TB should kill both the rap- Rifampin. Rifampin is considered to be the cornerstone in
idly growing mycobacteria (bactericidal activity) and the the current treatment of TB (16). Its standard dose in TB
persisting mycobacteria in lesions (sterilizing activity) (97). treatment is 10 mg/kg of body weight, corresponding to 600 mg
The molecular mechanisms responsible for mycobacterial in most populations. Results from studies with mice and early
dormancy (mycobacteria in a state of low metabolic activity bactericidal activity (EBA) studies in which the fall in CFU
and not forming colonies), persistence (drug-susceptible during the first 2 days of treatment is studied suggest that the
mycobacteria that manage to survive despite continuous ex- standard dose of rifampin in TB treatment is at the lower end
posure to TB drugs), and drug resistance are not yet fully of the concentration-response curve (30, 65, 96).
understood (180). The deciphering of the mycobacterial ge- (i) Mechanism of action. Rifampin inhibits the ␤-subunit of
nome in 1998 has been of help in elucidating regulatory the RNA polymerase, a multisubunit enzyme that transcribes
mechanisms of metabolic pathways and thereby revealing bacterial RNA (16). Mycobacterial resistance to the rifamycins
new drug targets (6, 24). results from mutations in the rpoB gene that codes for the
A next challenge rises with the evaluation of new com- ␤-subunit of the RNA polymerase (40). About 95% of muta-
pounds, as there are currently no animal models available that tions occur in a region of less than 100 bp of the rpoB gene
predict with accuracy the required treatment duration with (52). The increasing prevalence of resistance to rifampin and
newly identified compounds (98). The guinea pig model is isoniazid (MDR TB) is a serious concern (177).
being explored as an alternative for the mouse model since it (ii) Pharmacokinetics. The pharmacokinetics of rifampin in
resembles TB pathology in humans more closely (73). adults treated with the licensed dose (10 mg/kg of body weight)
The phase of clinical testing of new anti-TB drugs is time- are shown in Table 2 and have been reviewed elsewhere (16).
consuming, as the current “gold standard” to assess efficacy of In the 1960s and 1970s, the pharmacokinetics of higher single
anti-TB regimens in phase III clinical trials is the relapse rate doses (up to 30 mg/kg) and repeated doses (up to 16 mg/kg) of
2 years after completing treatment. In phase II clinical trials, rifampin in adults were assessed, showing nonlinear increases
the sputum culture conversion rate after 2 months of treatment in exposure (1, 74). More recently, the pharmacokinetics of
is used as a surrogate marker for relapse rate, but the value of daily rifampin at 13 mg/kg have been compared with 10 mg/kg
this surrogate marker is controversial (95, 120). Several other in 50 Indonesian patients with pulmonary TB who were treated
surrogate markers are under evaluation (120). Large sample with the standard regimen (2 months of RHZE followed by 4
sizes are needed in phase III clinical trials to compare the months of rifampin and isoniazid [2RHZE/4RH]) (133). In-
effective standard regimen to a new regimen, even in trials that creasing the dose by 30% increased the peak concentration of
use a noninferiority design. This contributes to the length of rifampin in plasma (Cmax) by 49%; the area under the plasma
the TB drug development process (45). concentration-time curve (AUC) increased by 65%. AUC is an
Another challenge is the scarcity of trial sites with sufficient important parameter for concentration-dependent killers such
research capacity to conduct clinical trials with large sample as the rifamycins. It indicates total exposure to the drug over a
VOL. 53, 2009 MINIREVIEW 851

TABLE 2. Pharmacokinetics of rifampin, rifapentine, moxifloxacin, and gatifloxacin

Bioavailability AUC
Drug (dose) Cmax (mg/liter) tmax (h)a t1/2 (h)b protein Reference
(%) (mg 䡠 h/liter)
binding (%)

Rifampin (10 mg/kg) 68 21.5 8–20 1.5–2.0 2–5 85 1, 16

Rifapentine (600 mg) Unknown 319–394 10–18 4.8–9 13–20 97 16, 63, 75–77, 102; rifapentine
(Priftin) package insert
(Hoechst Marion Roussel)
Moxifloxacin (400 mg) 86 26.9–39.3 2.5–4.3 (5.9)d 1–2 (0.7)d 9.2–15.6 (6.5)d 50 88, 119, 146
Gatifloxacin (400 mg) 96 30–51.3c 3.4 (3.7)d 1.5 (2.4)d 6.5–7.8 (5.0)d 20 88, 119, 139, 178
tmax, time to Cmax.
t1/2, half life.
In steady state.
Multiple doses in patients with pulmonary TB.

certain time period. In a recent EBA study, a 71% increase in good with doses up to 1,200 mg but less favorable with doses of
AUC was seen with a 67% increase in rifampin dose from 12 1,800 mg (78).
to 20 mg/kg after 5 days of monotherapy (30). A higher dose of (v) Discussion. Available data suggest that higher daily
rifampin is not likely to affect the pharmacokinetics of other doses of rifampin can shorten TB treatment. The maximum
anti-TB drugs and antiretroviral drugs more strongly than the tolerable dose of rifampin should be assessed when adminis-
standard dose, as rifampin’s inductive effect on the cytochrome tered alone and in combination with currently available drugs.
P450 (CYP450) enzyme system appears to be maximal at a The EBA of a range of higher doses of rifampin given alone
daily dose of 300 mg (105). and in combination should be investigated more extensively,
(iii) Pharmacodynamics and efficacy. The MIC of rifampin and phase II and III clinical trials with higher than standard
is 0.15 mg/liter in broth culture (16, 53). Rifampin exhibits doses of rifampin in different multidrug regimens should be
concentration-dependent activity that correlates best with the performed. Rifampin is cheap and widely available, and phy-
AUC/MIC ratio, as was shown in the mouse model (16, 108). sicians have experience with this drug. If increasing the dose of
Results from an efficacy study in mice predicted a one-third rifampin proves to be safe and effective, this intervention could
reduction in TB treatment duration when the rifampin dose be implemented broadly and quickly. Drawbacks of rifampin
was increased by 50% (65). Only a few data are available on are its inductive effect on the CYP450 enzyme system, which is
the efficacy of regimens based on a higher dose of rifampin in involved in the metabolism of many other drugs, and the in-
humans. A short regimen of a high dose of rifampin (1,200 mg creasing rate of mycobacterial resistance to rifampin.
daily or every other day) with a high dose of isoniazid (900 mg) Rifapentine. Rifapentine (10 mg/kg) was approved for the
and streptomycin (1,000 mg) daily yielded almost 100% spu- treatment of pulmonary TB by the U.S. Food and Drug Ad-
tum culture conversion after 3 months (80). All patients re- ministration (FDA) in 1998 (rifapentine [Priftin] package in-
mained culture negative for up to 1 year. Sixteen percent of sert, Hoechst Marion Roussel, Kansas City, MO). It allows for
patients relapsed after 12 to 24 months. If pyrazinamide was intermittent dosing at wider intervals, which facilitates ob-
included in the regimen, treatment response might have im- served treatment (102). However, regimens with rifapentine
proved, as pyrazinamide accelerates sputum culture conversion and isoniazid once weekly in the continuation phase of treat-
rates significantly (14). Another study in TB patients did not ment are slightly inferior to regimens with rifampin and isoni-
show a difference in efficacy between 600 mg or 750 mg ri- azid twice weekly, especially in patients with cavitary TB (152,
fampin daily combined with 300 mg isoniazid for 20 weeks 165; rifapentine [Priftin] package insert, Hoechst Marion
(84). Recently, the EBA of 1,200 mg rifampin daily was studied Roussel, Kansas City, MO). A high rate of mycobacterial
in 14 patients with pulmonary TB. The mean 2-day EBA was monoresistance to rifamycins was seen in HIV-infected pa-
almost twice as high as that of 600 mg rifampin (30). tients treated with rifapentine and isoniazid (9). The use of
(iv) Safety and tolerability. Little is known about the toler- rifapentine once weekly has therefore been restricted to HIV-
ability of higher than standard doses of rifampin. Past attempts negative pulmonary TB patients without cavitation and with a
to use large intermittent rather than daily doses of rifampin negative sputum culture after the intensive phase of treatment
were met with a high incidence of the flu-like syndrome. This (63). Higher than standard doses of rifapentine have shown the
was ascribed to the intermittency of dosing rather than the size potency to shorten TB treatment in mice, especially when
of the dose (16). Daily rifampin at 13 mg/kg was tolerated well combined with moxifloxacin (130).
by Indonesian patients (133). Grade 1 and 2 hepatotoxicity was (i) Mechanism of action. Rifapentine is a cyclopentyl rifa-
more common in the higher-dose group (46% versus 20%; P ⫽ mycin that, like other rifamycins, inhibits mycobacterial RNA
0.054), but none of the patients developed serious hepatotox- synthesis by binding to the ␤-subunit of DNA-dependent RNA
icity. Five days of rifampin monotherapy at 1,200 mg was polymerase (63, 102). Mutations in the gene coding for the
tolerated well by patients in the EBA study (30). Higher doses ␤-subunit (rpoB) of the mycobacterial RNA polymerase lead
of rifampin did not cause tolerability problems in patients with to complete resistance to all rifamycins (100, 172).
brucellosis (900 mg, 45 days) or cutaneous leishmaniasis (1,200 (ii) Pharmacokinetics. The pharmacokinetic properties of
mg, divided in two doses, 28 days) (79, 143). The tolerability of rifapentine in the standard dose in adults are summarized in
rifampin in other diseases was reviewed in 650 patients; it was Table 2 and described elsewhere (16, 76, 77, 101, 102, 123, 127,

151; rifapentine [Priftin] package insert, Hoechst Marion phase showed good tolerability of the 900-mg dose and an
Roussel, Kansas City, MO). When the dose of rifapentine was insignificant trend towards more adverse events in the
increased from 600 to 900 or 1,200 mg in 35 TB patients, the 1,200-mg arm (12). In another study (35 patients), no associ-
AUC increased by 39% or 61%, respectively (170). Rifapen- ation between the occurrence of adverse events and a higher
tine induces the CYP450 enzyme system to a lesser extent than dose of rifapentine (up to 1,200 mg) was found (170). Two of
rifampin (16). Rifapentine autoinduction—the phenomenon 14 healthy volunteers developed adverse events (grade 2 hep-
that induction of the CYP450 enzyme system also increases atitis and a flu-like syndrome with rash) after treatment with
metabolism of the drug itself—was recently shown in a phase I daily moxifloxacin (400 mg) and thrice-weekly rifapentine (900
study: rifapentine AUC decreased by 20% after 7 days of mg) (34).
thrice-weekly rifapentine at 900 mg in 13 healthy volunteers (v) Discussion. Increasing the dose of rifapentine could
(34). Rifapentine (900 mg thrice weekly) reduced the AUC of shorten TB treatment, especially in combination with moxi-
moxifloxacin (400 mg daily) by 17% in the same study. floxacin, and may be useful against latent TB as well. Rifap-
(iii) Pharmacodynamics and efficacy. The MIC of rifapen- entine will cause fewer problems of drug-drug interactions
tine ranges from 0.02 to 0.125 mg/liter, i.e., two to four times than rifampin. The optimum higher dose of rifapentine has not
lower than that of rifampin (8, 18, 31, 32, 101). When adjusted yet been defined. The start of renewed rifapentine registration
for protein binding, the AUC/MIC ratio for rifapentine in trials with higher doses has been announced by Sanofi-Aventis
standard dose is 76.6 (AUC/MIC ratio for rifampin, 70.8) (presentation by D. Leboulleux at TBTC meeting, 16 to 17
(108). May 2008, Toronto, Canada).
Rifapentine is being evaluated with moxifloxacin as a com- Rifabutin. Rifabutin is mainly used for the prevention and
panion drug. A higher dose of rifapentine (15 mg/kg) with treatment of disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex dis-
moxifloxacin (100 mg/kg twice per day) in a once-weekly con- ease in patients with advanced HIV infection (15). The MIC of
tinuation-phase regimen in mice showed better sterilizing ac- rifabutin against rifampin-susceptible MTB strains is ⱕ0.08
tivity than once-weekly rifapentine (15 mg/kg) and isoniazid mg/liter, 8 times less than the MIC of rifampin against the
(75 mg/kg) or twice-weekly rifampin (10 mg/kg) and isoniazid same strains (31, 54, 156). In TB patients, the activity of ri-
(75 mg/kg) (131). A twice-weekly regimen in mice containing fabutin was not greater than that of rifampin (50, 94). Further-
rifapentine (15 or 20 mg/kg), pyrazinamide (300 mg/kg), and more, the occurrence of dose-related (ⱖ450 mg) adverse
moxifloxacin (100 mg/kg), preceded by 2 weeks of daily ri- events, such as polyarthralgia, uveitis, flu-like syndrome, and
fampin (10 mg/kg), pyrazinamide (150 mg/kg), and moxifloxa- hepatitis (125, 142), is likely to deter any investigation into the
cin (100 mg/kg), resulted in stable cure after 4 months of efficacy of higher than standard doses of rifabutin in TB treat-
treatment (130). Substitutions of rifampin (10 mg/kg) by rifa- ment.
pentine (10 mg/kg) and of isoniazid (25 mg/kg) by moxifloxacin
(100 mg/kg twice per day) in a daily standard regimen in mice
lead to bacillus eradication rates twice as fast as the standard
regimen (132). A recent study in mice showed that the main Fluoroquinolones. The fluoroquinolones are a promising
sterilizing component in regimens containing rifapentine, class of drugs for the treatment of TB (43). In particular, they
moxifloxacin, and pyrazinamide is rifapentine, rather than are distributed broadly throughout the body, including within
moxifloxacin (110). An experiment in mice revealed a dramatic cells, which explains their efficacy against intracellular myco-
increase of bactericidal activity with increased rifapentine dose bacteria (10, 46, 117, 148). The fluoroquinolones are registered
up to 80 mg/kg in a regimen of rifapentine, moxifloxacin (100 as second-line anti-TB drugs (11, 103, 174). Moxifloxacin and
or 400 mg/kg), and pyrazinamide (150 or 600 mg/kg), indicat- gatifloxacin are candidates for shortening TB treatment, since
ing the potential of higher doses of rifapentine to shorten TB they have the lowest MICs (3, 38, 41, 44, 108) and greatest
treatment (129). bactericidal activity, as expressed in the rate of fall in CFU
The International Consortium for Trials of Chemotherapeu- count (44, 56, 66, 140). The approved dose for moxifloxacin
tic Agents in Tuberculosis (INTERTB) is currently conducting and gatifloxacin is 400 mg/day (Avelox [moxifloxacin hydro-
the RIFAQUIN trial with moxifloxacin (400 mg) instead of chloride] tablets, final draft package insert; FDA). While the
isoniazid (300 mg) in the standard regimen and with rifapen- potential of moxifloxacin and gatifloxacin to shorten TB treat-
tine once weekly (20 mg/kg for 4 months) or twice weekly (15 ment is being investigated in clinical trials, a new generation of
mg/kg for 2 months) in the continuation phase. quinolones, including the promising TBK 613, is being devel-
Rifapentine is also a candidate drug for latent TB. A once- oped in preclinical research (M. Spigelman, presented at the
weekly, 3-month regimen of rifapentine (15 mg/kg) plus either 1st International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tu-
moxifloxacin (100 mg/kg) or isoniazid (75 mg/kg) was as active berculosis Drugs, Toronto, Canada, 2008).
as 6 months of daily isoniazid (25 mg/kg) in monotherapy in a (i) Moxifloxacin. (a) Mechanism of action. Moxifloxacin is a
mouse model for latent TB (112). A regimen of rifapentine broad-spectrum 8-methoxy fluoroquinolone with activity against
(900 mg) plus isoniazid (900 mg) once weekly for 12 weeks was both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including
tolerated better than daily rifampin (450 to 600 mg) plus anaerobes (146, 147). It inhibits bacterial DNA gyrase, an
pyrazinamide (750 to 1,500 mg) for 8 weeks by patients with enzyme that is essential for the maintenance of DNA super-
latent TB. The regimen protected well against active TB (138). coils, which are necessary for chromosomal replication (25, 92,
(iv) Safety and tolerability. A study in 150 HIV-negative TB 141, 145). The development of mycobacterial resistance to
patients treated with either 600, 900, or 1,200 mg rifapentine fluoroquinolones has been described in MDR strains (13, 58,
plus isoniazid at 15 mg/kg once weekly in the continuation 163) and in strains from HIV-infected TB patients with a low
VOL. 53, 2009 MINIREVIEW 853

CD4 count (47, 48). Fluoroquinolone resistance is due to step- comparable activity of moxifloxacin (400 mg) and isoniazid
wise mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining region (300 mg or 6 mg/kg) (51, 122). The VT50 (the time needed to
of the mycobacterial gyrA and gyrB genes (46). No cross-resis- kill 50% of viable bacteria) of isoniazid was lower than that of
tance with the first-line anti-TB drugs has been shown (46, 47, both rifampin and moxifloxacin. The EBA and VT50 of com-
56), but cross-resistance within the group of fluoroquinolones bined moxifloxacin and isoniazid did not differ significantly
was proved (2, 46, 72). A study in newly diagnosed TB patients from the two drugs in monotherapy. Based on these results, no
showed higher rates of M. tuberculosis resistance to fluoro- antagonistic effect of adding moxifloxacin to the standard, iso-
quinolones in patients with prior exposure to fluoroquinolones niazid-containing regimen is expected, nor will it enhance the
than in patients who were fluoroquinolone naïve (45). Other bactericidal activity of the regimen (42). The effect of replacing
studies did not find such an association (13, 58). ethambutol with moxifloxacin in the standard regimen on the
(b) Pharmacokinetics. The pharmacokinetic properties of 2-month sputum culture conversion rate was analyzed in 277
moxifloxacin in humans are summarized in Table 2. Moxifloxa- patients with pulmonary TB from African and North American
cin is metabolized by glucuronidation and sulfation (phase II sites (17). No difference in percentage of negative cultures
metabolism) rather than by CYP450-mediated (phase I) me- after 2 months of treatment (71% and 71%) was found. How-
tabolism (106). Up to 20% of moxifloxacin is excreted unal- ever, more patients treated with moxifloxacin had negative
tered in urine and 25% in feces (146). The AUC from 0 to 24 h cultures after 4 weeks of treatment than patients treated with
(AUC0–24) of moxifloxacin decreased by 27 to 31% when co- ethambutol (37% versus 26%; P ⫽ 0.05). A comparable study
administered with rifampin (106, 171). This could be due to is ongoing in Brazil (71). The Gatifloxacin for TB Study Team
induction of phase II metabolic enzymes (uridine diphos- (OFLOTUB) performed a phase II clinical trial in which
phatase, glucuronosyltransferase, and sulfotransferase) by ri- ethambutol in the standard regimen was replaced by gatifloxa-
fampin (106). The clinical relevance of this interaction is un- cin, moxifloxacin, or ofloxacin (135). The regimen with moxi-
known. floxacin caused the fastest decrease in CFU during the early
(c) Pharmacodynamics and efficacy. In vitro studies with phase of a biexponential fall (in a nonlinear model that differ-
moxifloxacin show MICs of 0.25 to 0.50 mg/liter (41, 66, 128, entiates between quickly and slowly eliminated bacilli) (28,
140). The bactericidal activity of fluoroquinolones is generally 135). Both moxifloxacin and gatifloxacin accelerated bacillary
considered to be concentration dependent (10, 178), although elimination significantly in the late phase. The percentage of
a recent report showed time-dependent killing as well (140). negative sputum cultures after 2 months of treatment did not
The ratio of AUC to MIC is thought to be the best predictor differ significantly between the treatment groups (82% versus
of fluoroquinolone efficacy in gram-negative, fast-multiplying 77% on solid medium and 40% versus 44% on liquid medium
bacteria (46, 140, 178). It was shown in vitro and in vivo that [in MGIT] for moxifloxacin versus gatifloxacin, respectively)
the greatest bactericidal activity occurs at AUC/MIC ratios of (135). Two-month sputum culture conversion rates have also
100 to 125 or more (178). While it is unclear whether this also been evaluated in a double-blind randomized controlled trial
applies to the slowly multiplying M. tuberculosis, this observa- in which isoniazid in the standard regimen was replaced with
tion would suggest that moxifloxacin is the fluoroquinolone moxifloxacin (TBTC study 28). Culture conversion after 8
with greatest efficacy, followed by gatifloxacin (AUC/MIC ra- weeks of treatment was achieved in 60% of patients treated
tios of 96 and 68, respectively, derived from in vitro and in vivo with the moxifloxacin-containing regimen and in 55% of pa-
work) (46). Aside from the AUC/MIC ratio, the other impor- tients using isoniazid (J. Grosset, presented at the 1st Interna-
tant indicator of efficacy of concentration-dependent killers is tional Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis
the Cmax/MIC ratio, which should be more than 8 to 12 for Drugs, Toronto, Canada, 2008). A multicenter three-armed
effective killing of gram-negative bacteria (36, 108, 124, 178). REMoxTB trial in which the standard regimen is compared
Data adapted from a single-oral-dose study in healthy volun- to (i) a regimen of 2RHZM/2RHM and (ii) a regimen of
teers showed that the Cmax/MIC90 ratio of moxifloxacin (400 2RMZE/2RM has recently started. The possibility of combin-
mg) is 8.6 (88, 108). ing moxifloxacin with rifapentine, two agents with a long half-
In vitro studies and studies in mice showed enhanced bac- life, is explored in the RIFAQUIN trial (see section about
tericidal activity of moxifloxacin and isoniazid when coadmin- rifapentine) (85, 130, 131, 167). Finally, moxifloxacin could be
istered (41, 66, 85, 99, 179). Ethambutol adversely affected the of use in the treatment of latent TB. The combination of 3
activity of moxifloxacin in vitro: it reduced moxifloxacin effi- months of once-weekly moxifloxacin and rifapentine was as
cacy by 80% (85). Moxifloxacin (100 mg/kg) was able to reduce effective as 6 months of isoniazid monotherapy in a mouse
the time to culture conversion in mice by 2 months when model for latent TB (112).
replacing isoniazid in the standard 6-month regimen (113, (d) Safety and tolerability. A single dose moxifloxacin of up to
114). This reduction was not found when moxifloxacin was 800 mg was tolerated well (88, 146, 147). Little is known about
either added to the standard regimen or when it replaced any the long-term tolerability in TB patients. Moxifloxacin (400
of the other drugs. It is hypothesized that the superior activity mg, administered for an average of 6.3 months) was withdrawn
of 2 months of rifampin plus moxifloxacin plus pyrazinamide in 4 of 38 TB patients because of a major adverse event (in-
followed by 4 months of rifampin plus moxifloxacin (2RMZ/ cluding nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, tremors, insomnia, and
4RM) to 2RHZ/4RH is caused by a synergistic activity of dizziness), but no irreversible or fatal events occurred (23). In
rifampin, moxifloxacin, and pyrazinamide or antagonistic ac- another study, no toxicity was experienced by patients who
tivity of rifampin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide (113). were treated with moxifloxacin, rifampin, and isoniazid for 6
Moxifloxacin efficacy has also been shown in humans. EBA months (164). Prolongation of QT time has been seen in pa-
studies in newly diagnosed pulmonary TB patients showed tients using moxifloxacin for a variety of other bacterial infec-

tions (Avelox [moxifloxacin hydrochloride] tablets, final draft ble cures after 12 weeks of treatment and 8 weeks of observa-
package insert; FDA). In February 2008, Bayer distributed a tion, whereas the regimen without pyrazinamide did not (27).
“Dear Doctor” letter warning physicians about rare but se- A multicenter trial of the OFLOTUB consortium is enroll-
vere hepatological and dermatological adverse events asso- ing patients at five African sites. It compares the efficacy and
ciated with moxifloxacin. In July 2008 the European Medi- tolerability of a 4-month regimen of 2 months of rifampin plus
cines Agency (EMEA) sent out a review on the association of isoniazid plus pyrazinamide plus gatifloxacin followed by 2
moxifloxacin and hepatological problems. It was concluded months of rifampin plus isoniazid plus gatifloxacin (2RHZG/
that the benefits of moxifloxacin in treatment of respiratory 2RHG) to the standard 2RHZE/4RH regimen (71). The
tract infections outweigh the risks, but its use should be re- OFLOTUB consortium also evaluated the fall in CFU count in
stricted (37). patients enrolled in the same trial (see section on moxifloxa-
(e) Discussion. Moxifloxacin is a promising drug that could cin) (135).
shorten TB treatment. However, the optimal dose of moxi- (d) Safety and tolerability. A single dose of gatifloxacin (400
floxacin in TB treatment must be evaluated with respect to the mg) was tolerated well (88). Only mild adverse events were
recently observed decrease in AUC0-24 when coadministered reported in patients with respiratory tract infections who were
with rifampin. Furthermore, concerns have been raised about treated with gatifloxacin at 100 to 400 mg/day for 5 to 12 days
the development of mycobacterial resistance against fluoro- (169). An increased risk of dysglycemia was described in el-
quinolones and the association between resistance and the derly patients using gatifloxacin for a variety of bacterial infec-
widespread use of fluoroquinolones for other infections (35). tions (118). Elderly patients with hypoglycemia or hyperglyce-
The efficacy studies in mice and humans revealed ambiguous mia were 4 or 17 times more likely to have used gatifloxacin
results. While culture conversion rates increased in mice when than controls. The results of this study forced the OFLOTUB
isoniazid was replaced by moxifloxacin in the standard regi- study group to tighten their exclusion criteria and to strengthen
men, this was not shown in humans, nor did moxifloxacin show their monitoring of dysglycemic events (71). No dysglycemic
better early bactericidal activity than isoniazid in humans. Re- events related to gatifloxacin use were reported in an earlier
placing ethambutol by moxifloxacin in the standard regimen in study that focused on the fall in CFU (135).
(e) Discussion. Gatifloxacin has many of the favorable fea-
humans also did not improve culture conversion rates convinc-
tures of moxifloxacin. However, the risk of mycobacterial re-
ingly. The optimal moxifloxacin-including regimen has yet to
sistance development and the recently found association be-
be found. Finally, the adverse events of moxifloxacin require
tween gatifloxacin and dysglycemic events are concerns. In
extended evaluation.
vitro studies and studies in mice revealed contradictory results.
(ii) Gatifloxacin. (a) Mechanism of action. Like the other
While ethambutol reduced gatifloxacin activity in vitro, the
fluoroquinolones, gatifloxacin blocks the bacterial DNA
combination of ethambutol, ethionamide, and gatifloxacin was
gyrase, thereby preventing chromosomal replication (25, 92, 141,
highly effective in mice.
145). Gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin show cross-resistance (2,
Diarylquinolines. Diarylquinolines have been identified in a
46, 72). The mechanism of resistance is described in the section
process of screening various compounds for potential anti-TB
on moxifloxacin.
activity (4). The most active diarylquinoline (TMC207, also
(b) Pharmacokinetics. Table 2 shows the pharmacokinetic called R 207910, or compound J) is currently being evaluated
properties of gatifloxacin. The elimination route of gatifloxacin in phase II clinical trials at a dose of 400 mg/day (71).
is predominantly renal; 77% of the oral dose is excreted in (i) TMC207. (a) Mechanism of action. TMC207 inhibits the
urine (88). The elimination time of gatifloxacin was prolonged mycobacterial ATP synthase enzyme (4, 29). TMC207 has
in 22 healthy volunteers who received a single dose of a fixed- shown equal activity in susceptible and MDR strains. No cross-
dose combination of rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and resistance with available drugs is expected since the target of
gatifloxacin (600, 300, 1,600, and 400 mg, respectively). It led to the diarylquinolines differs from that of the currently avail-
a 14% increase in AUC of gatifloxacin (and a 19% reduction of able anti-TB drugs (4, 161). Mycobacteria that are resistant
rifampin AUC) (93). to TMC207 in vitro show mutations in the atpE gene, which
(c) Pharmacodynamics and efficacy. The MICs of gatifloxacin encodes subunit c of ATP synthase (121).
range from 0.2 to 0.5 mg/liter (38, 108, 128, 153, 154), resulting (b) Pharmacokinetics. Oral administration with a meal re-
in AUC/MIC90 ratios of 60 to 68 and Cmax/MIC90 ratios of 6.8 sults in a twofold increase of serum TMC207 concentrations
to 8.4 (adapted from results of studies in mice and healthy (71). The Cmax is reached after 5 h; the half-life is long: about
volunteers) (46, 108). 24 h in humans. The pharmacokinetics of TMC207 show lin-
In vitro studies and studies in mice showed improved activity earity with dose (4). TMC207 is metabolized by the CYP450
of rifampin and isoniazid when gatifloxacin was added and 3A4 enzyme to an active N-monodesmethyl metabolite (M2)
even more when the regimen also included pyrazinamide (26, (134). Rifampin reduces plasma TMC207 concentrations by
81, 87). Ethambutol interfered with gatifloxacin in vitro as it 50%; however, a recent study in mice showed significant
did with moxifloxacin: it caused a remarkable increase in the activity of TMC207 even with a 50% reduction in exposure,
MIC90 of gatifloxacin (87). When gatifloxacin (100 mg/kg) was indicating that the relevance of this interaction is question-
combined with ethionamide (75 mg/kg) and ethambutol (100 able (71, 86). No drug-drug interactions were observed be-
mg/kg) in mice, greater bactericidal activity was achieved than tween TMC207 and isoniazid plus pyrazinamide (K. De
with a 20 mg/kg rifampin plus 25 mg/kg isoniazid regimen (3). Beule and R. van Heeswijk, presented at the 1st Interna-
The addition of pyrazinamide (150 mg/kg) to gatifloxacin/ethi- tional Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis
onamide/ethambutol did not improve activity but yielded sta- Drugs, Toronto, Canada). Steady-state concentrations in
VOL. 53, 2009 MINIREVIEW 855

humans take more than 7 days to establish due to the ex- (7, 149). PA-824 (a nitroimidazo-oxazine) and OPC-67683 (a
tensive tissue distribution of TMC207 (71). dihydroimidazo-oxazole) are currently being investigated in
(c) Pharmacodynamics and efficacy. In vitro studies show clinical trials (144).
MICs ranging from 0.030 to 0.120 ␮g/ml in both fully suscep- (i) PA-824. (a) Mechanism of action. PA-824 is a prodrug
tible and MDR strains (4, 59). The in vitro activity of TMC207 that needs the mycobacterial glucose-6-phosphate dehydroge-
did not increase with increasing drug concentration, suggesting nase (FDG1) or its cofactor, coenzyme F420, to be transformed
time-dependent rather than concentration-dependent killing. into an active form (89, 149). Activated PA-824 inhibits the
The activity of TMC207 is limited to mycobacterial species synthesis of proteins and cell wall lipids. PA-824 activity is
only (4). limited to M. tuberculosis complex (90, 149). PA-824 is active in
Treatment with TMC207 (25 mg/kg), isoniazid (25 mg/kg), susceptible and resistant M. tuberculosis strains. No cross-re-
and pyrazinamide (150 mg/kg), and with TMC207, rifampin sistance with standard anti-TB drugs has been observed (149).
(10 mg/kg), and pyrazinamide yielded 100% negative lung cul- Mutations in the mycobacterial genes fbiA, fbiB, and fbiC lead
tures in mice after only 2 months of treatment. When any of to impaired coenzyme F420 synthesis and therefore resistance
the drugs in the standard regimen was replaced with TMC207 to PA-824 (21, 22). Mutations in the Rv3547 gene, encoding a
(25 mg/kg), the bactericidal activity improved (4). Regimens protein with unknown function, have been described in PA-824
based on the standard anti-TB drugs and/or moxifloxacin that resistant strains. Complementing these mutants with intact
contained both pyrazinamide and TMC207 were more active Rv3547 fully restored the ability of the mutants to metabolize
than regimens without these two drugs. A 2-month regimen of PA-824. This suggests mediation of a highly specific protein,
once-weekly TMC207 (125 mg/kg), pyrazinamide (300 mg/kg), next to FGD1 and coenzyme F420, in PA-824 activity (89).
and rifapentine (15 mg/kg) was more active than rifampin (10 (b) Pharmacokinetics. Serum PA-824 concentrations in mice
mg/kg), isoniazid (25 mg/kg), and pyrazinamide (150 mg/kg) are not influenced by coadministration of rifampin, isoniazid,
five times per week (166). These results suggest synergistic and pyrazinamide in various combinations, and PA-824 does
activity of TMC207 and pyrazinamide in mice (60). not influence concentrations of the latter drugs in serum (109).
The guinea pig model was used to demonstrate sterilizing PA-824 is currently being investigated in phase I clinical trials
activity of TMC207. Almost complete eradication of primary under the auspices of the GATB. Studies in healthy volunteers
and secondary lung lesions was achieved after 6 weeks of showed a half-life of about 18 h and a time to reach Cmax of 4
TMC207 monotherapy (15 mg/kg), whereas the standard reg- to 5 h. About 65% of PA-824 is excreted in urine and 26% in
imen had limited effect (83). feces (71).
An EBA study was done in which patients with pulmonary (c) Pharmacodynamics and efficacy. In vitro studies showed
TB received various doses of TMC207, rifampin, or isoniazid MICs of PA-824 against fully susceptible and MDR strains
in monotherapy for 7 days. The EBA of both rifampin and ranging from 0.015 to 0.25 ␮g/ml. PA-824 activity is concen-
isoniazid was better than that of TMC207. Only a dose of 400 tration dependent (82, 149, 162).
mg TMC207 showed an EBA between days 4 and 7 of the same The bactericidal activity of PA-824 (25 to 50 mg/kg) was
magnitude as that of rifampin and isoniazid in the same period comparable to that of isoniazid (25 mg/kg) in mice and guinea
(134). Because of the pharmacokinetic interaction between pigs (82, 149, 159, 162) and to those of rifampin (20 mg/kg) and
rifampin and TMC207, the primary focus in the development moxifloxacin (100 mg/kg) in mice (82). PA-824 showed greater
of TMC207 is now on regimens without rifampin. Recently, a activity than isoniazid and moxifloxacin in vitro and in mice
multicenter phase II study in 200 patients with MDR TB was and comparable activity to combination therapy with rifampin
started in which a standard second-line, rifampin-free regimen and isoniazid (57, 82, 162). PA-824 (100 mg/kg) has been
is compared with the same regimen plus TMC207 (71). incorporated in the standard regimen in mice to evaluate its
(d) Safety and tolerability. No serious adverse events were potential to shorten treatment duration. Only the regimen in
reported in single-dose (up to 700 mg) and multiple-dose (up which isoniazid was replaced with PA-824 achieved faster lung
to 400 mg) studies in healthy, male volunteers (see suppporting culture conversion and a lower CFU count after 2 months of
data in reference 4). In the EBA study, no adverse events treatment than the standard regimen. However, relapse rates
related to the study drugs were encountered (71, 134). were the same in these regimens (109). The sterilizing activity
(e) Discussion. TMC207 is a new, promising compound that of a regimen containing PA-824 (100 mg/kg), moxifloxacin
has greater bactericidal activity than the standard first-line (100 mg/kg), and pyrazinamide (150 mg/kg) was recently found
regimen in mice. It is active in susceptible and MDR strains. to be better than that of rifampin (10 mg/kg), isoniazid (25
However, the EBA of TMC207 in humans is not as good as mg/kg), and pyrazinamide (150 mg/kg) in mice, indicating that
that of rifampin and isoniazid. The variability of serum PA-824 could be incorporated in a rifampin-free regimen to
TMC207 concentrations with food intake is a disadvantage. treat MDR TB (111).
TMC207 could be of use in rifampin-free regimens against PA-824 (100 mg/kg) was highly active in a mouse model for
MDR and XDR TB. Interactions between TMC207 and rifa- latent TB when combined with moxifloxacin (100 mg/kg) (112).
pentine, another agent with a long half-life, should be investi- An extended EBA study in humans with daily PA-824 doses of
gated. 200 to 1,200 mg over 14 days is ongoing in South Africa.
Nitroimidazopyrans. The nitroimidazopyrans have been de- Results are expected soon (M. Spigelman, presented at the 1st
rived from the bicyclic nitroimidazofurans that were originally International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuber-
developed for cancer chemotherapy but also exhibited activity culosis Drugs, Toronto, Canada, 2008).
against actively growing and dormant M. tuberculosis (116, (d) Safety and tolerability. Single PA-824 doses ranging from
149). The compounds are structurally related to metronidazole 50 to 1,500 mg were tolerated well by healthy volunteers, but

multiple doses of 1,000 mg were associated with a moderate, significant decrease in CFU was seen. This activity is currently
reversible increase in creatinine. This renal effect of PA-824 being explored in an extended (14 days) EBA study (71).
was found to be of insignificant clinical relevance in consecu- (d) Safety and tolerability. OPC-67683 in multiple doses up to
tive studies (M. Spigelman, presented at the 1st International 400 mg was tolerated well by healthy volunteers. No serious
Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs, adverse events were reported (71).
Toronto, Canada, 2008). (e) Discussion. OPC-67683 is a promising new anti-TB drug
(e) Discussion. In mice, PA-824 seems most promising in with bactericidal and sterilizing activity in vitro and in mice. It
regimens without isoniazid. However, no regimen in which could be useful in treatment of MDR and XDR TB. Its opti-
PA-824 was combined with the standard, first-line anti-TB mal formulation and its role in TB treatment in humans still
drugs in mice has convincingly shown the potential of short- need to be established. The low EBA is not favorable.
ening treatment duration. No additive or synergistic activity of Diamines. A library of more than 60,000 compounds was
PA-824 with the first-line drugs has been shown. PA-824 could generated by synthesizing ethambutol analogues with 1,2-dia-
be developed for the treatment of latent TB together with mine pharmacophore (20, 67, 70). So far, the most promising
moxifloxacin, since the combination was highly active in a diamine candidate from this library for TB treatment is SQ109
mouse model for latent TB. Its activity against drug-susceptible (70).
and drug-resistant M. tuberculosis strains must be evaluated in (i) SQ109. (a) Mechanism of action. SQ109 inhibits myco-
regimens with second-line (or new) anti-TB drugs. bacterial cell wall synthesis; the exact target is not yet known
(ii) OPC-67683. (a) Mechanism of action. OPC-67683 is a (20). Since resistance rates to SQ109 are low, it is thought that
mycolic acid biosynthesis inhibitor (137). While isoniazid in- two mycobacterial gene changes are needed to result in resis-
hibits the synthesis of all mycolic acid subclasses, OPC-67683 tance. Therefore, SQ109 may have more than one target in M.
inhibits methoxy and ketomycolic acid synthesis only (91). tuberculosis (71).
OPC-67683 has to be activated by M. tuberculosis to exert its (b) Pharmacokinetics. SQ109 undergoes a first-pass step in
activity. Mutations in the mycobacterial Rv3547 gene found in the liver before it enters the systemic circulation. Liver
OPC-67683 resistant M. tuberculosis strains suggest that this microsomes convert SQ109 in four predominant metabo-
lites. CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 enzymes are involved in
gene codes for the key enzyme in activating OPC-67683 (as
SQ109 metabolism; CYP3A4 has little effect on SQ109 (68).
well as PA-824) (91, 158).
It has been suggested that SQ109 is a prodrug that needs
(b) Pharmacokinetics. Studies in healthy volunteers showed a
activation by mycobacterial CYP enzymes (20). Results
more than dose-proportional increase in systemic exposure to
from a recent drug-drug interaction study in rats suggest
OPC-67683 with a stepwise increase of the dose from 5 to 400
that SQ109 induces its own metabolism (55). SQ109 binding
mg (71). Absorption rates were higher when OPC-67683 was
to plasma proteins ranges from 6 to 23% in humans, mice,
administered with a high-fat meal. OPC-67683 was consecu-
rats, and dogs (68). Binding to tissue proteins is higher than
tively analyzed in a different administration formula. This im-
that to plasma proteins (20). SQ109 has a long half-life (61
proved systemic absorption (71). The newer formula is used in
h) in humans (160).
ongoing evaluations of OPC-67683. OPC-67683 does not affect
(c) Pharmacodynamics and efficacy. The MIC of SQ109
the activity of liver microsome enzymes, nor is it affected by ranged from 0.16 to 0.64 mg/liter in susceptible and drug-
activated liver enzymes (91). Interactions with drugs that are resistant MTB isolates, including ethambutol-resistant strains
metabolized by these enzymes are therefore not expected. (20, 71). SQ109 also exhibits bactericidal activity within mac-
(c) Pharmacodynamics and efficacy. The MICs of OPC-67683 rophages (67, 69, 70). Its activity is concentration dependent
are equal in drug-susceptible and -resistant M. tuberculosis (69).
strains and range from 0.006 to 0.024 ␮g/ml (91, 137). OPC- Synergistic activity was shown in vitro between SQ109 and
67683 exhibits concentration-dependent activity also against isoniazid and especially rifampin. Synergy was even present in
intracellular M. tuberculosis (91, 136). rifampin-resistant strains. Streptomycin had an additive effect
The in vitro intracellular activity of OPC-67683 was better on SQ109 activity; ethambutol and pyrazinamide had no effect
than that of isoniazid and PA-824 and as good as that of on the activity of SQ109 (20). Four weeks of monotherapy with
rifampin (91). OPC-67683 showed sterilizing activity that was SQ109 (0.1 to 25 mg/kg) in mice resulted in a reduction of
superior to that of isoniazid and equal to that of rifampin in an mycobacterial load in spleen and lungs that was comparable to
in vitro model of drug-tolerant M. tuberculosis, representing the effect of treatment with ethambutol (100 mg/kg) but less
semidormant bacilli (136). No antagonism of OPC-67683 with than that of treatment with isoniazid (25 mg/kg) (69). When
rifampin, isoniazid, ethambutol, and streptomycin was shown ethambutol (100 mg/kg) was substituted for by SQ109 (10
in vitro (91). mg/kg) in an 8-week regimen of rifampin (20 mg/kg) and iso-
In mice, a regimen of OPC-67683 (2.5 mg/kg), rifampin (5 niazid (25 mg/kg), with or without pyrazinamide (150 mg/kg),
mg/kg), and pyrazinamide (100 mg/kg) achieved faster eradi- in mice with chronic TB, the mycobacterial load was 1.5 log10
cation of bacilli than the standard RHZE regimen (5, 10, 100, lower than with the standard RHZE regimen (107).
and 100 mg/kg, respectively). Whereas no mycobacterial colo- (d) Safety and tolerability. No adverse events were reported
nies were detected after 4 months of treatment with the OPC- in a phase I single-dose study (71). Multiple doses of SQ109
67683-containing regimen, colonies were still detected after 6 (up to 300 mg) were tolerated well by healthy volunteers (160).
months of treatment with the standard regimen (91). (e) Discussion. SQ109 is a potential anti-TB drug that has
The EBA of 400 mg OPC-67683 in patients with pulmonary entered phase I/II clinical trials. It has low MICs against both
TB was low during the first 4 days. From day 4 onwards, a susceptible and resistant MTB strains. SQ109 has different and
VOL. 53, 2009 MINIREVIEW 857

TABLE 3. Overview of anti-TB drugs in the clinical pipeline

Trial to Useful in HIV-infected Active against latent
Drug Acceptable toxicity profile against Interaction with rifampin
phase shorten patients with TB TBa

High-dose II Yes To be established Limited Yes, but not coadministered Yes, but not first NAb
rifampin with protease inhibitors choice
High-dose II Yesc To be established Limited To be established Yes NA
Moxifloxacin III Yes Yes Yes Yes Yesc Yes; reduced AUC of
moxifloxacin by 30%
Gatifloxacin III Yes Yes (caution: dysglycemia in Yes Yes Unkown Possible
TMC207 II Yes To be established Yes Unknown Unknown Yes; reduced serum TMC207
concn by 50%
PA-824 II Doubtful Yes (moderate increase in Yes Unknown Yes No
creatinine observed)
OPC-67683 I/II Yes To be established Yes Unknown Unknown No
SQ109 I/II Yesc To be established Yes Unknown Unknown Synergism in vitro
LL3858 I Yesc Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown Synergism in vitro
Latent TB is the situation in which a host is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis but has not developed symptoms.
NA, not applicable.
Results from preclinical data.

more favorable properties than ethambutol, suggesting that it agents (Table 3) and provoke speculation about future direc-
should be regarded as a truly new diamine, and not just as an tions. Higher doses of the rifamycins are promising and may be
ethambutol analogue. SQ109 could be included in regimens the first to be implemented in a regimen of shorter duration.
containing rifampin and isoniazid, since synergism with both Moxifloxacin and gatifloxacin might shorten TB treatment,
drugs has been shown. Clinical trials are ongoing to establish possibly in combination with rifapentine. Coadministration of
its future role in TB treatment. moxifloxacin and PA-824 could be active against latent TB.
Pyrroles. In the search for compounds with activity against PA-824 and TMC 207 are candidates for a rifampin-free reg-
mycobacteria and fungi, several pyrrole derivatives have been imen for treatment of MDR and XDR TB. SQ109, on the
developed. LL3858 is being investigated in phase I clinical other hand, could enhance the activity of rifampin-containing
trials (5, 71). A fixed-dose combination called LL3848, con- regimens.
taining LL3858 and the standard, first-line anti-TB drugs, is Unfortunately, shorter treatment regimens based on the
also being developed (126). new agents discussed here are likely to take at least another
(i) LL3858. (a) Mechanism of action. The mycobacterial tar- decade to be fully developed and implemented in clinical
get of LL3858 is not yet known. Since LL3858 is active against practice. Since not all new agents will succeed in clinically
M. tuberculosis strains that are resistant to available anti-TB useful regimens, and since only a few drugs are currently in
drugs, the target probably differs from the targets of the cur- preclinical development, more new agents are needed.
rently used drugs. Therefore, urgent attention should be paid to the develop-
(b) Pharmacokinetics. No data about the pharmacokinetics ment of new drugs; this requires more involvement of large
of LL3858 in humans are available yet (157). pharmaceutical industries. The development of new drugs
(c) Pharmacodynamics and efficacy. The MIC90 of LL3858 should get a programmatic approach in which a series of
for MTB is 0.25 ␮g/ml. LL3858 exhibits concentration-depen- consecutive studies are properly planned, while keeping the
dent activity (5). LL3858 (12.5 mg/kg) reduced the mycobac- desired end product in mind (J. Gheuens, presented at the
terial load in mice to a greater extent than isoniazid. Regimens TBTC meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2008). Moreover, the de-
of 8 weeks of LL3858, isoniazid, and rifampin with or without velopment of various agents must be coordinated, since a
pyrazinamide sterilized lungs and spleens of 3 of 6 and 4 of 6 single new drug might not be very promising in a regimen
mice, respectively. When the treatment period was extended to with the standard anti-TB drugs, but could be highly active
12 weeks, complete sterilization of the target organs was in combination with other new drugs. The potential of bi-
achieved in 6 of 6 mice (5, 157). functional molecules with more than one target in MTB is
(d) Tolerability. The tolerability of LL3858 is currently being currently being explored (M. Spigelman, presented at the
investigated in phase I clinical trials (157). 1st International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of
(e) Discussion. The pyrroles are a new class of compounds Tuberculosis Drugs, Toronto, Canada, 2008). Initiatives
with promising activity against M. tuberculosis, atypical myco- such as the GATB have an important role in facilitating
bacteria, and fungi. The pyrrole derivative LL3858 has reached cooperation in drug development.
phase I clinical trials. Ways to shorten clinical trials with new TB drugs should be
explored. The evaluation of surrogate biomarkers that predict
DISCUSSION: THE WAY FORWARD the likelihood of relapse, such as serial sputum colony counts
and molecular markers, should be incorporated into clinical
Several new drugs for TB treatment are being evaluated in trials as much as possible. Validated surrogate markers will
clinical trials. Available data reveal different properties of the reduce the time it takes to assess the efficacy of new agents.

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R. E. Chaisson. 2006. Moxifloxacin versus ethambutol in the first 2 months
All authors are members of the African Poverty Related Infection of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med.
Oriented Research Initiative (APRIORI). 174:331–338.
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