Universidad Tecnologica Indoamerica: Presentation - Environmental Problems Water Pollution

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 Omar Fuentes
 Denise Calva

Date: December, 14th



The water covers over 70% of the Earth’s surface and is a very important resource for
people and the environment.

Water pollution is the contamination of natural water bodies by chemical, physical,

radioactive orpathogenic microbial substances. Adverse alteration of water quality
presently produces large scale illness and deaths, accounting for approximately 50
million deaths per year worldwide, most of these deaths occurring in Africa and Asia. In

Pollution may be caused by natural sources or human activities, but regardless of the
cause, the result is the same. It can have detrimental effects on aquatic ecosystems as
well as the health of those who depend on those sources of water, like us.


Surface water pollution

Surface waters are the natural water resources of the Earth. They are found on the exterior of the
Earth’s crust and include:

 Oceans
 Rivers
 Lakes

These waters can become polluted in a number of ways, and this is called surface water pollution.

Oxygen Depleting

Microorganisms that live in water feed on biodegradable substances. When too much
biodegradable material is added to water, the number of microorganisms increase and use up the
available oxygen. This is called oxygen depletion.

When oxygen levels in the water are depleted, relatively harmless aerobic microorganisms die and
anaerobic microorganisms begin to thrive. Some anaerobic microorganisms are harmful to people,
animals and the environment, as they produce harmful toxins such as ammonia and sulfides.
Groundwater Pollution

A lot of the Earth’s water is found underground in soil or under rock structures called aquifers.
Humans often use aquifers as a means to obtain drinking water, and build wells to access it. When
this water becomes polluted it is called groundwater pollution. Groundwater pollution is often
caused by pesticide contamination from the soil, this can infect our drinking water and cause huge

Nutrients and their effect on water

Nutrients are essential for plant growth and development. Many nutrients are found in wastewater
and fertilisers, and these can cause excess weed and algae growth if large concentrations end
up in water.

 This can contaminate drinking water and clog filters.

 This can be damaging to other aquatic organisms as the algae use up the oxygen in the
water, leaving none for the surrounding marine life.

Microbiological water pollution

Microbiological water pollution is usually a natural form of water pollution caused

by microorganisms.

Many types of microorganisms live in water and cause fish, land animals and humans to
become ill. Microorganisms such as:

 Bacteria
 Viruses
 Protozoa

Serious diseases such as cholera come from microorganisms that live in water. These diseases
usually affect the health of people in poorer countries, as they do not have the facilities to treat
polluted water.

Suspended Matter

Some pollutants do not dissolve in water as their molecules are too big to mix between the
water molecules. This material is called particulate matter and can often be a cause of water

 The suspended particles eventually settle and cause a thick silt at the bottom. This
is harmful to marine life that lives on the floor of rivers or lakes.
 Biodegradable substances are often suspended in water and can cause problems by
increasing the amount of anaerobic microorganisms present.
 Toxic chemicals suspended in water can be harmful to the development and survival of
aquatic life.
Chemical water pollution

Industrial and agricultural work involves the use of many different chemicals that can run-off into
water and pollute it.

 Metals and solvents from industrial work can pollute rivers and lakes. These are poisonous
to many forms of aquatic life and may slow their development, make them infertile or
even result in death.
 Pesticides are used in farming to control weeds, insects and fungi. Run-offs of these
pesticides can cause water pollution and poison aquatic life. Subsequently, birds, humans
and other animals may be poisoned if they eat infected fish.
 Petroleum is another form of chemical pollutant that usually contaminates water through
oil spills when a ship ruptures. Oil spills usually have only a localised affect on wildlife but
can spread for miles. The oil can
cause the death of many fish and stick to the feathers of seabirds causing them to lose
the ability to fly


Water pollution caused by activities the man is a phenomenon environmental

importance, it starts from the first attempts at industrialization to become a widespread
The main consequences are:
 Diseases such as typhoid and cholera
 Change of smell, color and oxygen concentration in water
 Death of aquatic animals, algae and marine vegetation.
 Death of humans to ingest water contaminated by industrial waste and


After analyzing the investigation, the members of the group have come to the
conclusion the man is the main factor of deterioration of ecosystems.

The petroleum has been a determining factor for water pollution.

Unfortunately the desire to reduce costs in industry, in the installation of systems to

process sewage water and the lack of awareness of the community in general are
attitudes that have been poisoning our water.

It is necessary, at the both instill environmental awareness in the younger generation a

flap to prevent just end up poisoning all water on the planet.

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El agua cubre más del 70% de la superficie de la Tierra y es un recurso muy

importante para las personas y el medio ambiente.

La contaminación del agua es la contaminación de cuerpos de agua naturales por

substancias microbianas químicas, físicas, radiactivas o patógenas. La alteración
adversa de la calidad del agua actualmente produce enfermedades y muertes a
gran escala, que representan aproximadamente 50 millones de muertes anuales en
todo el mundo, la mayoría de estas muertes ocurren en África y Asia. En China.

La contaminación puede ser causada por fuentes naturales o actividades humanas,

pero independientemente de la causa, el resultado es el mismo. Puede tener efectos
perjudiciales en los ecosistemas acuáticos, así como en la salud de quienes
dependen de esas fuentes de agua, como nosotros.

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