MasterPozzolith 409

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MasterPozzolith® 409

Set retarding and water reducing concrete admixture

DESCRIPTION  Offset effects of too early hardeningduring

extended delays between mixing and placing.
MasterPozzolith® 409 is a ready-to-use, liquid
 Helps eliminate cold joints
admixture for producing high quality concrete with
 Lower peak temperature and/or rateof
consistent performance.
temperature rise in mass concrete–reduces
It reduces the quantity of mixing water required to thermal cracking
produce concrete of a given workability with greater
economy for a given strength. The retarding nature DOSAGE
of the admixture also aids placing and finishing of MasterPozzolith® 409 admixture is recommended
concrete. for use at the rate of 200 - 750 mL per 100 kg of
MasterPozzolith® 409 meets ASTM C494/C494M cementitious content for most concrete mixes using
–Type B (Retarding) and Type D (water- typical concrete ingredients. Because of variations
reducingand retarding) admixtures. It does not in job conditions and concrete materials, dosage
containchloride-based ingredients and will not rates other than recommended amounts may be
initiate orpromote corrosion of reinforcing steel in required. In such cases, contact your local Master
concrete. Builders Solutions representatives.
MasterPozzolith® 409 is recommended for use in MasterPozzolith® 409 is available in 205L drum or
all types of concrete where moderate to extended in bulk delivery.
retardation of set and improved performance are SHELF LIFE
desired. The admixture improves workability of MasterPozzolith® 409 admixture has a minimum
pumped concrete, shotcrete (wet mix) and
shelf life of 12 months. Depending on storage
conventionally placed concrete.
conditions, the shelf life may be greater than stated.
MasterPozzolith® 409 can be used with high Please contact your Master Builders Solutions
content of manufactured sand and with air representative regarding suitability for use and
entraining admixtures approved under ASTM. When dosage recommendations if the shelf life of
used in conjunction with another admixture, each MasterPozzolith® 409 admixture has been
admixture must be dispensed separately into the exceeded.
mix. By itself, MasterPozzolith® 409 admixture
does not entrain air.
Concrete produced with MasterPozzolith® 409 MasterPozzolith® 409 is available in 205L drum or in
admixture will have appreciable strength bulk delivery.
development after initial set occurs. If retardation is SHELF LIFE
within the normal ASTM C 494/C494M – types B
MasterPozzolith® 409 admixture has a minimum
and D specifications, MasterPozzolith® 409
shelf life of 12 months. Depending on storage
admixture will develop higher early (24 hours) and conditions, the shelf life may be greater than stated.
higher ultimate strengths than plain concrete when Please contact your Master Builders Solutions
used within the recommended dosage range and representative regarding suitability for use and dosage
under normal, comparable curing conditions. recommendations if the shelf life of MasterPozzolith®
FEATURES AND BENEFITS 409 admixture has been exceeded.
MasterPozzolith® 409 used at optimum dosage PRECAUTIONS
enhances the performance of concrete providing the Health: MasterPozzolith® 409 does not contain any
following special qualities: hazardous substances requiring labeling. It is safe
 Improved workability for use with standard precautions followed in the
 Reduced segregation construction industry, such as use of hand gloves,
 Superior finishing characteristic safety goggles, etc. For detailed Health, Safety and
 Controlled retardation depending onthe rate of Environmental recommendations, please consult
addition and follow a instructions in the product Material
 Provides flexibility in scheduling of placing and Safety Data Sheet.
MasterPozzolith® 409

MasterPozzolith® 409
The technical information and application advice given in this BASF Construction Chemicals publication are based
STATEMENT OF on the present state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general
RESPONSIBILITY nature, no assumption can be made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty
as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law.
The user is responsible for checking the suitability of products for their intended use.

Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF either
orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not
BASF Construction Chemicals, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

PT BASF Indonesia
DBS Bank Tower 27th Floor
Ciputra World 1 Jakarta
Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5
Jakarta 12940
Phone: +6221 29886000


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