Report On ZFM
Report On ZFM
Report On ZFM
Our project has two parts, first one deals with the impact of music festivals have on society as
whole and impact of music festivals have on individuals.
The research question is a very important aspect of the project. It helps suggest a suitable
methodology and facilitates in producing a refined set of outcomes. The research question
focuses on a particular gap in the researches that are already done. The gap that we
discovered was how music festivals can influence its attendees.
Objectives must be established in order to satisfy the research question. The research
objectives identified by us are as follows:
• To understand the popularity of music festivals inside and outside India
• To understand the motivation behind attending music festivals
• To understand how often people, go to music festivals
• To understand if music festivals have an impact on attendee’s mood
• To understand people’s spending capacity on a music festival
• To understand what are the other attractions in a music festival are apart from music
The sampling method used in this qualitative research is convenience sampling. Its aim is to
select people who will provide the most in-depth and detailed information which will help
satisfy the research question. Convivence sampling was done because music festivals are still
not very popular in India and it is difficult to form a better sample than this. Lack of time and
available resources were also some of the factors due to which convenience sampling as
done. The sample group consisted of people from all over India who have attended music
festivals. Some of the subjects in the research had also attended international music festivals.
Primary research
Both open ended and close ended questions were directly asked to festivalgoers for the
primary research. Primary data can be collected through quantitative, qualitative or a mixed
method approach. A qualitative approach was selected by us to evaluate the attitudes and
opinions of festivalgoers towards the experience to analyse the impact. We used online
questionnaire for the purpose of this research.
Secondary Research
Secondary research was mainly done to know the impact of music festival have on the
society as whole, as for this we could not gather primary data. We studied five different
musical festivals in India. We gathered information about these festivals from various blogs
and websites and watch videos about people explaining how these festivals have impacted the
society and them also.
Q2 Gender