Uterine Varices During Pregnancy: Koji Matsuo, MD Tadashi Kimura, MD, PHD
Uterine Varices During Pregnancy: Koji Matsuo, MD Tadashi Kimura, MD, PHD
Uterine Varices During Pregnancy: Koji Matsuo, MD Tadashi Kimura, MD, PHD
Severe varices of the uterine venous plexus as such, might be related to the abnormal
were discovered in the lower uterine seg- vasculature typical of placenta previa. In
ment. This finding required the surgeons addition, our patient’s history of classical
to weigh their options for uterine incision cesarean section may have contributed
before surgery could continue. Because an to the development of uterine surface
incision in the lower uterine segment varices. In general, surgeons should be
From the Department of Obstetrics and could have resulted in hemorrhage, a aware that patients whose pregnancies
Gynecology, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan transverse incision was made in the uterine are complicated by placenta previa are at
(Drs Matsuo and Kimura), and the corpus to prevent bleeding from the swol- risk of varices of the uterine venous
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and len blood vessel. Immediately after deliv- plexus as well as cervical varices.2 f
Reproductive Sciences, University of ery of the fetus and placenta, the varices
Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, resolved. The patient’s estimated blood REFERENCES
MD (Dr. Matsuo). loss was 760 mL. 1. Yoshimura K, Hirsch E, Kitano R, Kashimura
Cite this article as: Matsuo K and Kimura T. Uterine Cervical varices, which are related to M. Cervical varix accompanied by placenta pre-
varices during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2007; placenta previa, can lead to life-threaten- via in twin pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol Res
197;112.e1. 2004;30:323-5.
ing hemorrhage during pregnancy.1 The
0002-9378/$32.00 2. Hashimoto K, Tabata C, Ueno Y, Fukuda H,
large varices we suddenly encountered in Shimoya K, Murata Y. Spontaneous rupture of
© 2007 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2007.05.010 our patient’s lower uterine segment uterine surface varicose veins in pregnancy: a
could be a subtype of cervical varices and case report. J Reprod Med 2006;51:722-4.