Abrasio Placenta
Abrasio Placenta
Abrasio Placenta
Case Report
A Case of Abruptio Placentae due to
the Torsion of Gravid Uterus
Received 12 October 2014; Revised 18 November 2014; Accepted 19 November 2014; Published 4 December 2014
Copyright © 2014 S. Zullino et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Torsion of a gravid uterus is a rare obstetric emergency potentially lethal for the fetus and the mother. Some of the cases described in
literature are associated with preexisting gynecologic conditions related to pelvic and uterine anatomy, even if most of cases remain
unexplained. We report a case of acute 180-degree torsion of uterus at 33 weeks of gestation associated with abruptio placentae in
a young Asian woman without apparent risk factors.
breech extraction. The fetus was alive but pale and hypotonic. bleeding in case placental abruptio is also present, shock, and
A large quantity of fresh clots leaked from the uterus during urinary or intestinal symptoms. Sometimes this condition
the afterbirth. The placenta showed a large subchorionic could be even asymptomatic [9].
haematoma. The uterus was ischemic and extremely floppy. The modification of placental site compared to the previ-
At exteriorization of the uterus we observed the anterior ous scan on ultrasound and the abnormal position of ovarian
crossing over of the proper ovarian ligaments. At that time and uterine vessels across the uterus on Doppler evaluation
we realized that the uterus was rotated by 180 degrees. can help to suspect the torsion.
We performed the counterclockwise detorsion of the uterus The magnetic resonance imaging could be helpful but it
and confirmed a low transverse incision of the posterior is not feasible in emergency situation when fetal distress is
wall of the organ. In a matter of seconds after detorsion suspected [2, 4].
the myometrium reverted to a normal colour and consis- The management of torsion of gravid uterus consists in
tency. We also observed a superficial bleeding laceration of emergency laparotomy. As described above, it is frequent
the left part of the posterior wall that probably was the to diagnose the condition only after the extraction of the
cause of the hemoperitoneum. There were no myomas or fetus. In unexpected cases posterior low transverse incision
uterine malformations. The posterior uterine incision was is usually performed. In such patient with a posterior Hys-
closed by a standard two-layer suture. The uterus, after the terotomy an elective caesarean section is advisable for future
administration of uterotonic, was properly contracted and pregnancy, because the risk of uterine rupture during labour
it was then replaced into the abdomen. The estimated loss through the posterior scar is not known.
of blood was 1100 milliliters. The placenta was sent for Proposed methods to prevent a recurrence of uterine
pathologic examination that confirmed the clinical diagnosis torsion in future pregnancies, as plication of round ligament
of abruptio. or uterosacrals, are not validated [10].
Maternal conditions were stable after two hours. Hae- As regards neonatal and maternal complications, Jensen
moglobin concentration decreased from 10.8 grams/liter has reported 13% of perinatal mortality [3] and there is one
at admission to 8.5 grams/liter. White blood cell count reported case of maternal death in the last fifty years [5].
was 19.000/milliliter, almost halved from admission values Even if rare, the severity of this pathology requires
(31.000/milliliter). C-reactive protein had always been nega- knowledge of its existence and awareness of how to handle
tive. Analysing the previous reports and ultrasound images in this emergency. This is the only manner to preserve maternal
the patient’s pregnancy record, we confirmed that a posterior and newborn’s health.
placental position had been observed at 22 weeks’ scan,
exactly the opposite of the anterior position we have seen by Conflict of Interests
ultrasound at the time of hospital admission.
The newborn at birth weighted 2200 grams, Apgar score The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
was 1, 3, and 5 at 1, 5, and 10 minutes, cord pH was 6.61, and regarding the publication of this paper.
base deficit was 28 millimol/liter.
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