Operating Recommendations: Tio-540-Ae2A Engine IN New Piper Aircraft Malibu Mirage

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Operating Recommendations for TIO-540-AE2A Engine in

New Piper Aircraft Malibu Mirage

Textron Lycoming Part Number: SSP400

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SSP 400
TIO-540-AE2A ENGINE Initial operation of the TIO-540-AE2A engine should
be done with Ashless Dispersant aviation oil only. Textron
Lycoming approves multi-viscosity, 20W-40, 20W-50 or SAE
Introduction 30, SAE40, or SAE 50 straight weight oils depending on
ambient temperatures (Reference Textron Lycoming Operator’s
The following has been prepared to provide new or Manual) and owner’s preference. The engine should be operated
current owners of The New Piper Aircraft Malibu Mirage with in accordance with the following general recommendations
some additional operating recommendations direct from the during the break-in period. There is no need to conduct any
engine manufacturer, Textron Lycoming. These special break in operation for the –AE2A engine other than
recommendations do not change the basic specifications or avoiding long periods of operation at low power (less than 55%)
limits in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook or Engine Owner’s or prolonged idle. Engine break-in is normally completed within
Manual. They are intended as a supplement to give owners the first 50 hours time in service.
recommended operating guidelines to obtain good aircraft and
engine performance while maintaining a good service
experience with the engine. Normal Operation

Piston aircraft engines are a unique breed of powerplant.

Unlike their automotive cousins that spend their entire lives Takeoff
operating at 20% power or less, piston aircraft engines live
almost continuously at 65% power and above. An automobile The engine power setting for takeoff is 42” MAP, 2500
engine probably never reaches its full rated power in its entire RPM, Full Rich Mixture. Observe the manifold pressure redline.
lifetime. The aircraft engine does it every day on every takeoff It is not unusual to experience an overboost of up to 2 ” MAP
roll. NASCAR racecars operate at high power for extended with cold oil or on the first takeoff of the day. During cold
periods of time, up to 500 miles, after which they are conditions, the throttle movement rate can exceed the capability
disassembled and rebuilt. The aircraft engine is expected to run of the turbocharger controller to regulate manifold pressure. The
at high power for up to 2000 hours without a hiccup. overshoot condition can normally be prevented by interrupting
the throttle advance momentarily several inches below rated
The Textron Lycoming –540 engine is the strongest, manifold pressure. This allows the cold control system to catch
most reliable six cylinder engine in General Aviation. No matter up with the throttle movement. Maintain takeoff power until
how rugged and durable, it is a mechanical device that still clear of obstacles then reduce power to 2500 RPM, 35” MAP,
requires care in operation and maintenance to obtain the best with climb speed of 125 KIAS, 32 gallons per hour fuel flow.
service experience. Included with this information package are Above 24000 ft., reduce MAP to 34” or below. This slightly
factory recommendations and tips toward improving the service reduced power setting combined with higher climb speed
life of your engine. provides better engine cooling with less loading.
Cruise Settings manifold pressure to raise the engine power level. This method
of operation is not new and has been used on large supercharged
Higher operating temperatures and pressures generally or turbocharged radial engines. It is important to remember that
increase the wear rate of critical engine parts. Aircraft engines these powerplants typically had a full time flight engineer
have operating limitations, termed redlines, that represent the maintaining the operating parameters within acceptable limits.
maximum allowable value for a given parameter. The engine is Many were equipped with detonation monitors in the cockpit.
certified to perform safely at these redline conditions. However, Lycoming also recommended this operating procedure on
continuous operation at redline values may shorten the service certain engines in the 1960’s. This was rescinded due to very
life of the engine. For example, engines continuously run at the unfavorable service experience. The engine will operate
highest possible cruise setting at maximum Turbine Inlet satisfactorily in this manner on our test stand with laboratory
Temperature will probably require a top overhaul of cylinders instrumentation and full time operators. However, operating on
before engine TBO. Operating consistently at the maximum the lean side of peak TIT with elevated manifold pressure,
allowable engine parameters does not promote optimum service substantially reduces or may entirely eliminate the detonation
life. There are balances between aircraft and engine margin. It is certainly not a procedure that is operator friendly to
performance. be used in today’s environment with high ATC attention and
traffic demands. The cost of replacing a burned valve or piston
Textron Lycoming recommends that a cruise setting of will more than offset the small savings in fuel burn. If a $5 per
65% power be used for typical flight profiles. This power hour savings in fuel is necessary for an operator to afford the
setting corresponds to 2400 RPM, 29 in. Hg. manifold pressure. use of a Mirage at the risk of engine wear or damage, this is not
Recommended TIT is 1650 degrees F or 100 degrees richer than the correct powerplant or aircraft.
peak TIT whichever is less. On a typical 400 nm trip, the use of
65% in place of the high performance cruise setting will require Whenever the mixture is adjusted, rich or lean, it should
approximately 9 minutes more time. Fuel savings will be 2 be done slowly. At all times, caution must be taken not to shock
gallons per hour. No matter what approved power setting is cool the cylinders. The maximum recommended temperature
used, cylinder head temperatures should not exceed 435 degrees change should not exceed 50 degrees F per minute.
F in level flight cruise. For optimum service life, cruise cylinder
head temperatures should be maintained below 400 degrees. It is not possible to properly set engine conditions
Adjust power setting and mixture accordingly. without instrumentation that is accurate. Textron Lycoming
strongly recommends that all engine instrumentation be
There is a popular advertising gimmick regarding calibrated annually. Many people believe that incorporating a
operation of the –AE2A engine on the “lean side of peak TIT”. multi-probe system somehow eliminates the need to maintain
This entails leaning through peak TIT until the temperature their primary aircraft instrumentation. The aircraft certification
begins to drop some 50-100 degrees. On some engines, a very and performance is based on parameter data from the standard
small improvement in fuel economy may be realized with this instrumentation. The TIT limit is based on one probe, one
technique. Unfortunately there is a corresponding power loss location and only that instrument. The data from individual
related to this lean operation. The suggestion then is to increase cylinders or other probes is not valid in establishing leaning
temperature trends. Piper Service Bulletin 995 calls for
mandatory replacement of the primary TIT probe every 250 results must be trended over several checks. The same
hours and calibration of the readout system. Typically, the laboratory should be used for all samples. It is critical to take
failure mode for the TIT probe is a progressive condition the oil sample in the same manner for each check. The results of
whereby the indicated temperature is lower than actual. As the the oil analysis should be used together with careful
probe failure progresses the difference between indicated and examination of the oil filter and suction screen. Lycoming
actual becomes greater. It is important to cross check the TIT recommends a 50 hour oil change interval for the TIO-540-
indication against other related parameters such as fuel flow, AE2A engine. However, due to differences in operating
cylinder head temperature, and even airspeed. For example, if techniques and engine service life the operator may find that
the TIT probe provides a low indicated temperature, the pilot the oil gets extremely dirty or black prior to the 50 hour
will lean further. This will result in relatively higher cylinder event. In this case, the oil change interval should be reduced
head temperatures, lower fuel flows, and possibly different accordingly.
airspeed. If not recognized, this condition could result in
operating at substantially higher engine temperatures or even Owners should be knowledgeable of Piper S.B. 995,
outside of approved limits. (Piper Service Bulletin 1008 Turbine Inlet Temperature System Calibration and probe
discusses engine operation with TIT gage inoperative.) Replacement, Piper S.L. 1008, Inoperative Turbine Inlet
Temperature System, Lycoming S.B.’s 521, Inspection of
Descent Engine Exhaust System, S.B. 531, Turbocharger Inspection, and
S.B. 480, Oil and Filter Change. Always refer to the latest
Plan ahead to make a smooth temperature transition published revision of these important documents.
between cruise and descent. Start descent early and allow
airspeed to increase within aircraft limits. Maintain power as Typical oil consumption for a large turbocharged engine
required and mixture setting. Cylinder head temperature change such as the –AE2A may vary between 3-10 hours per quart
rate should not exceed 50 degree F per minute to avoid rapid depending on the time in service. If oil consumption exceeds 1
shock cooling. Spoilers may be used if so equipped. quart in 2 hours consistently, maintenance action is required. If
the oil is being burned, most likely a top overhaul of the engine
is necessary to restore the piston rings and cylinder barrels.
Maintenance Barrel wear and piston ring life is very dependent on the engine
operation conditions, cylinder head and TIT temperatures
Owners should be familiar with applicable Piper and experienced during service life. Cylinder reconditioning or
Lycoming service documentation, Service Bulletins and Instruc- replacement may be necessary before engine TBO is achieved.
tions that apply to the Mirage and TIO-540-AE2A. It is good
maintenance practice with any engine at each oil and filter
change to open the paper filter element and examine for any
quantity of material. The oil suction screen should be removed,
examined, cleaned and reinstalled at each oil change.
Spectrographic oil analysis can also be a useful tool in
monitoring engine condition. To be effective, the analysis
Operating Recommendation Summary:

Takeoff at 42” MAP, 2500 RPM, Full Rich.

When clear of obstacles, reduce power to 2500 RPM, 35 ”
MAP, 32 gph and climb at 125 KIAS.
Above 24000 ft., reduce MAP to 34 ” or below.

Recommended cruise at 65% power, corresponds to 2400 RPM,

29 ” MAP.
Lean to 1650 degree TIT or operate 100 degrees rich of peak
TIT, whichever is less.
For optimum service life, CHT’s in cruise should be maintained
below 400 degrees.
Regardless what power setting is used, cruise CHT’s should not
exceed 435 degrees.

Calibrate engine instrumentation annually.

Comply with Piper S.B. 995, Turbine Inlet Temperature System
Calibration and probe Replacement and Piper S.L1008,
Inoperative Turbine Inlet Temperature System.
Comply with Lycoming S.B 521, Exhaust System Inspection.
Comply with Lycoming S.B. 531, Turbocharger Inspection.
Comply with Lycoming S.B. 480, Oil and Filter Change.

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