Three Little Pigs

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LESSON PLAN – Grade 1 Science

Subject: Science
Lesson Topic: Building – Three Little Pigs Date: November 21, 2019
Grade: 1 Length: 60 mins

Alberta Program of Study

General Outcome:
1-7: Construct objects and models of objects, using a variety of different materials

1-8: Identify the purpose of different components in a personally constructed object or model, and
identify corresponding components in a related object or model

Specific Learning Outcome:

1 – select appropriate materials, such as papers, plastics, woods, and design and build objects,
based on the following kinds of construction tasks:
• Construct model building; e.g., homes (human, animal, from other cultures)
• Construct model objects; e.g. furniture, equipment, boats, vehicles
• Construct toys; e.g. pop-ups, figures
• Create wind- and water-related artifacts; e.g., dams, water wheels, boats

2 – Identify component parts of personally constructed objects, and describe the purpose of each


Students will ….
• Identify keep aspects of a house (door, windows, four walls, roof)
• Identify the building materials used in the story of the Three Little Pigs
• Build a straw, wood or brick house to fit one of the little pigs

• Straw
• Toothpicks
• Lego
• Paper pigs
• Blow-Dryer
• Copies of worksheet
LESSON PLAN – Grade 1 Science

Introduction (10mins)
• Students will recall the Three Little Pigs story – main goal is to have students identify the
building materials used for each house
o Review terms - building materials, strong base, design, planning
• Ask students if they can identify a component that needs to be included in theirs planning
to have their building classify as a house; looking for answers like four walls, roof,
windows, and door. Why is it important that we have all these aspects in our house?
o If I just build four walls is that a house? No, it’s a box

Activity - Building Houses (35 mins)

• Explain that they will now have the chance to build a house for their own little pig. I will
be assigning the first type of house that you will build but there will be time at the end of
class for them to build with which every material they wish.
o Partners will be pre-determined
o Assign house types randomly – two groups building with straw, two groups
building with wood, two groups building with brick
o Need to take the components of a house, walls, roof etc. into consideration
when planning/imagining your house (can also bring this to their attention after
they have had some time to experiment with their building materials, or there is
a student’s house you can use as an example)
• Partner the students up and assign their building material.
• Before moving to building locations allow 1 minute for partners to discuss building plans
o Remind students they need to plan for a door, roof, walls etc.
• As students finish building their houses, they can bring them to the Big Bad Wolf, aka the
blow-dryer and have their houses tested
o Take pictures of each house before testing
o Before testing each house ask students if they think the house will fall down or
stay standing
• After the partner’s first house has been tested, they can go build a second house with
whichever building material they wish. These houses can also be tested by the Big Bad
• Twenty minutes before class ends, have students tidy up the building material they are
currently using and return to their desks.

Closing (15 mins)

• The Three Little Pigs Worksheet – have students to draw and colour pictures of the three
materials used to build houses.
o Remind students and demonstrate what a good picture looks like – do not just
draw a single line for straw or a toothpick. Do not just draw a box for the Lego.
LESSON PLAN – Grade 1 Science


• Introduction assessing students’ knowledge on all the concepts and terms (building
materials, strong base, design, planning) that have been discussed so far in this building
unit. It is important for students to have a strong understanding of these words before we
start building the houses.

• Closing activity allows me to assess student’s ability to identify building materials.


Lesson flowed smoothly; students were very engaged the entire time. The students loved seeing
the houses being tested, all stopped building and came each time a house was tested.

Did give students some tape once they realized that straw could not stick together and needed a

Note: did not take pictures, because the house would not have been able to be labelled since it
was basically impossible to build a standing house from toothpick or straw.

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