Preventing Human Trafficking Beings

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Name: Sherwin S.

Course & Section: MMA-201
Full name of Course: Multimedia Arts
Professor: Jumel G. Estañero

“Preventing Human trafficking Beings”

I Introduction
The use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some of work or commercial sex act
includes human trafficking. Millions of men, women and kids are trafficked globally every year,
including right here in the United States. In any culture, it can take place and victims can be any
age, ethnicity, gender, or nationality Abuse, coercion, or false promises of well-playing
employment or romantic relationships can be used by traffickers to draw victims to trafficking.
Victims are also intimidated from finding aid by language barriers, fear of their abusers, and or
fear of law enforcement, rendering sex trafficking a secret crime.
To trap their victims and compel them into work or commercial sexual abuse, traffickers use
force, fraud, or coercion. They are looking for people who for a lot of reasons, are susceptible,
including psychological or emotional weakness, economic distress, lack of a social safety net,
natural disasters, or political uncertainly. The distress caused by traffickers may be so great that
even in extremely public environments, many do not recognize themselves as victims or ask for
There are many theories and misconceptions. The identification of key sex trafficking signs is
the first step in finding victim and can help save a life. In any circumstance of trafficking in
human beings, not all the indicators listed are present, and the existence or absence of any of the
indicator is not inherently evidence of trafficking in human beings.
The wellbeing of both the General public and the victim is paramount. Don’t try to directly
confront a suspected trafficker or alert a witness to any suspicions. It up to law enforcement to
review to review alleged cases of trafficking in human beings.
Human trafficking is the third largest crime industry in the world, behind drug dealing and arms
trafficking, and is the fast-growing activity of trans-national criminal organizations. Human
trafficking is condemned as a violation of human rights by international conventions.

II Body
The true definition of trafficking of human beings. Human trafficking is the act of hiring,
transporting, supplying or receiving, through the use of force, fraud or coercion, an individual for
forced work or commercial sex acts. It is important to remember, however that trafficking in
human beings can include movement, but does not require it. In your hometown, you may be a
victim of human trafficking. The traffickers’ goal of slavery and enslavement is at the root of
human trafficking.
Forms of trafficking in human beings. The most widely known forms of human trafficking are
sexual abuse and force work. Women account for more than half of the victims. It is also
believed that many other types of exploitation are under-reported. These include domestic
servitude and forced marriage the destruction of organs and the trafficking of begging children
sex trade and warfare.
The causes of trafficking in human beings are complex and intertwined and involve
economic, social and political variables. Poverty alone does not inherently establish a
vulnerability to trafficking, but it can lead to a greater risk of trafficking when coupled with other
factors. Corruption, civil strife, a weak government, lack of access to education or jobs, family
disturbance or dysfunction, lack of human rights or economic disruption are some of the other
causes. This industry is lucrative Human trafficking is one of the main foreign crime sectors in
the world alongside illegal weapons and drug trafficking. An International Labour Organization
study says that forced labour produces illicit income of 150usd billion per year. Commercial
sexual exploitation accounted for two-thirds of that money, while the remainder came from
forced economic exploitation, including domestic work, agriculture, child labour and related
Believe it. There’s human trafficking everywhere. Each continent in the world has been
involved in trafficking in human beings. It is most common in Texas Florida, and California in
the United states nearest countries and between continents within their own country. Trafficking
victims may be of any age and any gender. For sexual abuse, women and children are frequently
used while men are more likely to be used for forced labour. Globally, about one out of five
victims of trafficking in human beings are girls. For the purposes of forced begging, child
pornography or child labour, children are often abused. Int tasks like sewing or untangling
fishing wire, their smaller hands can be used. For refugees, we need to do something People are
on the run all over the globe. Because of war, a changing climate and economic uncertainly,
many have been forced to become refugees. Any of these refugees are vulnerable to trafficking
in human beings. A United Nations expert on rights that a new approach is required. Trafficking
in people in situations of conflict is not a mere possibility, but something that occurs on a regular
basis,” Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, United Nations. Assembly-General. “This means that anti
trafficking measures must be included in all humanitarian measures and in all policies relating to
people fleeing conflict.”
The figures of Human trafficking 24.9 million people are forced labour victims. In the private
sector, 16 million individuals are trafficked for forced labour. 4.8 million persons are trafficked
for forced sexual assault. In state-imposed forced labour, 4.1 million people are trafficked for
forced labour. It estimated that 20.9 million people are trafficked worldwide. Sex trafficking
affects women and girls overwhelmingly, accounting for 71 percent.
III Analysis
A rising among of public attention is being directed towards the issues of human
trafficking worldwide. Trafficking is more widely discussed in the media, anti-trafficking
advocacy has increased, and new policies, legislation and compliance structures have been
developed by most nations to resolve the problem. Despite this awareness, there is a lack of
technological solutions that can be used by practitioners and analysts to study the data, carry out
impact evaluations and evaluate decisions relevant to efforts against human trafficking. Analysis
on operations and related analytical approaches have a unique ability to inspire actions against
human trafficking.
Human trafficking is a dynamic social problem involving the abuse of human beings for
financial gain or profit. Human trafficking abuses human rights as a contemporary form of
slavery, raises a global public health issue and is prevalent in both poor and affluent nations. The
number of victims varies from domestic workers (such as housekeepers and nannies) to workers
(including manufacturing, construction, mining, commercial fishing, food service and
agricultural workers), sex workers, beggars and child soldiers.
When individuals are vulnerable due to poverty, the lure of perceived higher living standards
elsewhere, lack of jobs, organized crime, violence, natural disasters or other such factors, risk
factors, risk factors for trafficking increase. The demand for cheap work and for women, girls
and boys are who are prostitutes fuels trafficking. Human trafficking also starts with false
methods of recruitment, such as job promises, marriage or a better life. It begins as recruitment
or movement and comes to an end with exploitation Migration is an aspect of trafficking, but it is
not all migrants that become victims of trafficking. Similarly, migration or movement does not
usually include trafficking.
Although governments play an important role in the implementation of socio-economic policies
to resolve the structural causes of trafficking, continuing recruitment for trafficking calls for
tailored intervention strategies to deter people from falling victim to trafficking in human beings.
Awareness campaigns, perhaps the most common method of prevention of trafficking, are aimed
at raising awareness of the risks of trafficking and providing solutions to avoid deception and
abuse. Such awareness campaigns, with successful implementation, will play a key role in
fighting trafficking in human beings.
Evidence indicates that empowerment-oriented initiatives involving groups hold far greater
promise than top-down, one-time interventions, such as campaigns for public awareness. Such
empowerment-oriented initiatives vocational training. Skills-building, and structured or other
education class support. However, targeted strategies must first identify a target group and then
distribute resources effectively to incorporate a preventive intervention in order to be successful.
Practitioners in analytics will theoretically classify vulnerable persons, groups or societies are
projected to have the greatest risk of trafficking. Additionally, Resource utilization and media
preparation systems may be developed by professionals to efficiently prioritize interventions
similar to public health campaigns.
We need to be alert in all things because we are not sure are talking is so very dangerous not all
good looks is good person sometimes their inside is having a bad personality. And for me we
don’t go along with the strangers because you don’t know their background personality in their
life. And we need to avoid talking to others cause they creating a big problem in your life .
IV Recommendation
- Trafficking requires the transport of someone into an exploitative situation. This can
include force labour, marriage, prostitution, and removal of organs. A few distinct names
are recognised for this kind of exploitation “human trafficking,” “trafficking in persons,”
and “modern slavery” are the ones accepted by the US State Department.

- It is estimated that between 20 million and 40 million people are actually living in
modern slavery globally. It is impossible to determine the full extent of human trafficking
because cases are too frequently undetected, something that the United Nations refers to
as the hidden figure of crime.”

- Be a customer who is diligent and educated. Find out more at Responsible Sourcing tool
about who might have picked your tomatoes or made your clothing, or check the List
Product Created by Child Labour or Forced Labour of the Department of Labour.
Encourage businesses to take action to avoid trafficking in human beings in their supply
chains and publish customer awareness information, including supplier or factory lists.

- Volunteer and help the community’s anti-trafficking efforts

- Meet with tour local, state, and federal elected officials and/or write to let them know that
you care about fighting trafficking in human beings and ask what they are doing to fix it.

- Be thoroughly-informed. To receive latest human trafficking news, set up a web warning.

Also, for more reports on the various types of human around the world.

- Host an awareness-raising event to watch sex exploitation movies and discuss them.
Know, for instance, how modern slavery persist today watch a human trafficking
investigative documentary, or find out how forced labour influence global food supply
chains. Alternatively, call your local library and ask them for support to find a suitable
book and ask them to host the case.

- Organize a fundraiser and give the proceeds to an anti-trafficking company.

- Encourage the local schools or school system to include sex trafficking in their curricula
and to establish procedures for the identification and reporting or response to a possible
victim of an alleged case of human trafficking.

- To raise awareness about sex trafficking, use the social media sites, using the following
hashtags #endtrafficking, #freedomfirst.
- Think about whether the workplace is informed by trauma and reach out management or
the human Resources to urge trauma-informed organizational strategies to be introduced.

- Become a mentor to a person or someone in need who is young. Traffickers also targets
individuals who are goings through a difficult time or who lack strong support system. As
a mentor, you can be involved in new and positive experience in that persons’ life during
a formative time.

Human trafficking is a major that’s affects not only the Americas, but most countries
throughout the world. Across all 50 states of the United States, human trafficking cases have
been reported. Many say modern slave trade is human trafficking, yet so little is done in an effort
to stop this issue. 70% of the victims of trafficking in human beings are young girls who are
taken from their countries and imported into other nations where they can be sold for
prostitution. To stop this, we can work together. Not many individuals in the world today are
aware of the human trafficking problem. As human, we do a great job of communicating and
sharing our thoughts and ideas with others. We can take the data we have learned today and tell
others about human trafficking, and hopefully will spread to the point where everyone looks for
human trafficking and, when necessary, reports suspicious activity. We can do it together.
Hopefully we can prevent this by not talking to the strangers and let’s reproach our children to
not talking to the strangers to avoid human trafficking lets prevent it earlier to having good life.
We need to be alert in all things because we are not sure talking is so very dangerous not all good
looks is good person sometimes their inside having a bad personality. And for me w don’t along
with the strangers because you don’t know their background personality in their life. And we
need to avoid talking to others it caused they create a big problem in your life.
VI Way Ahead
I see in the future we can prevent human trafficking because all people know what is
human trafficking because many young age got victim for me the next gen will not be many
victims of Human trafficking because we learned by many cheaters like you will force to get in
job and then you will kidnapped and you will work for no pay. I see in the future human
trafficking will not spread because all people will be open minded because they learned in the
wrong doings.

 20 Ways You Can Help Fight Human Trafficking in 2020 - United States Department of
State. (2020, December 01). Retrieved January 12, 2021, from

 Human Trafficking Statistics & Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2021, from

 Rlemke. (2021, January 05). 7 Things You May Not Know About Human Trafficking,
And 3 Ways To Help. Retrieved January 12, 2021, from

 What Is Human Trafficking? (2020, December 18). Retrieved January 12, 2021, from
 What is Human Trafficking (Tagalog) (2018, January 10). Retrieved January 12, 2021,

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