Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is trade and business that involves the illegal movement or
migration of human beings, including legal and forced labor activities. The term is
The issue of human trafficking is a serious scenario that is plaguing the world
estimated nearly 2.5 million people from 127 countries have been trafficked
phenomenon which hit the world in fact it is believed to have started thousands of
years ago in form slavery. Through historical studies there is also evidence to show
that human trafficking has occurred in regions such as Southeast Asia since colonial
times again. This can be seen, for example, through women from Japan and China
who have migrated through Singapore to other Southeast Asian countries to serve
as sex workers (Glind and Kooijmans, 2008). Human trafficking is defined as acts
(Section 2 of the Anti -Trafficking in Persons Act And Anti -Smuggling of Migrants,
Human trafficking takes several forms. Among them is exploitation sex, bonded
labour, forced domestic slavery, organ sales and trafficking baby. Sexual exploitation
usually involves deceived victims of human trafficking with the promise of getting a
well -paying job but then being forced prostitution while bonded labour in turn
involves victims of human trafficking smuggled illegally and fully manipulated to work
under supervision strict and sometimes unpaid salaries (Wan Abdul Halim, 2015).
Domestic devotion meanwhile according to Wan Abdul Halim (2015) usually involves
victims of human trafficking i.e. women who are forced to work as maids or nannies
while children are forced to work as beggars and the sale of organs is also one of the
from the form of human trafficking from which most of these organs are obtained
from backward countries while infant trafficking is usually carried out by kidnapping
There are three types of countries involved in the issue of human trafficking,
namely countries source, transit country and destination country. The source country
is the country in which people which is traded it comes from. The source country
became the focus of the syndicate to find individuals or groups of people who will be
their victims. Next is the transit country is a country used as a route by human
trafficking syndicates for bringing victims of human trafficking before arriving in the
destination country. Route method used to travel to transit countries include by land,
sea and the air. The destination country is the recipient country of victims of human
human trafficking because the issue is a global issue hit almost every country in the
world. However, the question is to what extent the Malaysian government is making
country. Therefore, the objective this study is to discuss the phenomenon of human
trafficking issues that are occurs in Malaysia along with the efforts undertaken by the
that the crime of human trafficking has made a profit of USD 44.3 billion a year after
gun and drug crimes. The issue of trafficking is due to the high demand for labor,
sexual services, debt traps and poverty. Typically, the victims involved are usually
not given any choice and are unable to report their suffering as a result of tight
control by certain syndicates. Poor countries and countries with large populations are
often victims such as China, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and so on. While the results of the
study found that Malaysia, especially Sabah is a stopover destination for women and
children trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation while men are used as forced
Education is very important to all groups, regardless of the young or the old,
especially in this modern age. We must get out of the old notch so as not to be
outdated and be able to adapt to the environment that often changes over time.
Importantly, education because with the existence of education can prevent us from
being deceived arbitrarily by those who like to take advantage. So, it is clear that
trafficking is not only against the ideology of Malaysia, but also against the norms of
the international community, as well as Islamic law and Shariah principles. This
this 'new millennium slavery' activity which is not much different from the form of
slavery that took place in the Arab Jahiliyah era. This phenomenon is seen to be
groups of people through illegal means for certain purposes such as forced labor
activities and sex slavery. This phenomenon is disturbing because it is a crime and
even has its own act that is used and is a reference in addressing issues that arise,
namely the Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants Act 2007. The
existence of this act thus illustrates the need for this issue to be addressed
Human trafficking is a form of trade or business that involves several aspects
coercion. The term is used in a narrower context by advocacy groups with reference
forced labor and the sale of human organs. Exploitation of human trafficking includes
Malaysia can be seen from the provisions contained under the Anti-Trafficking in
Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants Act 2007. The section clearly explains the
meaning of the term and the elements used in committing the crime of human
The Dawn Dictionary defines ‘trafficking’ as a form of trade that is illegal and
considered an immoral act. Therefore, any party involved in this crime is considered
to have committed a wrongful act not only from a legal point of view, but also from a
moral perspective that allows the offender to be punished according to the provisions
trafficking can be seen under the Anti -Trafficking in Persons and Anti -Smuggling of
Section 12:
"Any person who traffics a person who is not a child, for the purpose of exploitation,
Section 14:
“Any person who traffics a person who is a child, for the purpose of exploitation,
term not less than three years but not exceeding twenty years, and may also be
fined. "
Section 15:
“Any person who profits from the exploitation of a trafficked person commits an
offense and shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term not
exceeding fifteen years, and may also be fined not exceeding one million ringgit and
as the movement by a person illegally and secretly to cross any border, whether
within or outside the country with the aim of oppressing and exploiting victims either
in the form of sexual or economic in the interests of the recruiter (agent) alone. [6]
The fact that trafficking actually occurs in Malaysia is as stated in the Trafficking
and Smuggling Act. Among other aspects mentioned in the interview with the Deputy
Director of Immigration Malaysia Tuan Zainal it is the fact in their lives that is a trade
game. Originally they came to Malaysia fully documented and had good intentions to
better known as Tekong to get a good job such as a restaurant and mostly factory
work. But unfortunately it is just a bait for trade activities by irresponsible parties.
They were forced, abused and finally had to do bad work which eventually became
forced to do it without denying it. It is also known as ATIP which is anti -trafficking in
In this era of globalization, which is laden with various external and virtual
namely the crime of human trafficking. This growing issue often involves women and
children. However, the recent revelation by the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM)
shows that teenagers are also victims of human trafficking. This is really worrying
because the situation can cause other negative symptoms to become serious. For
example, victims of human trafficking are often made into prostitutes, forced
labourers, sex slaves and beggars. In fact, according to the PDRM Criminal
are active in Malaysia were successfully defeated during the first six months of this
year. The crackdown on these syndicates has saved hundreds of individuals who fell
victim to them. This situation clearly shows that the crime of human trafficking is
indeed getting more serious and needs to be addressed immediately. The fact is, the
crime of human trafficking can only be overcome if we understand the factors behind
government officials make this crime difficult to deal with. Human trafficking
human trafficking syndicate agents along with their victims simply by handing them a
few pieces of fifty-ringgit banknotes. The situation is now getting more murky when
example, they look for potential individuals to be trafficked and hand over the
innocent human beings to human trafficking agents. This is very sad because the
party that should play a role in tackling the crime of human trafficking is acting
instead like the saying goes, expect a fence, a fence to eat rice. Therefore, the crime
in the crime of human trafficking. The people of the poor country certainly want to
improve their standard of living in any easy way. Therefore, they choose to work in
richer but understaffed neighbouring countries. However, there are certain parties
who take advantage of them by sowing sweet promises such as jobs, housing and a
better life. Unfortunately, after these individuals were taken abroad, they were sold to
other parties and made into sex slaves and forced labour.
This situation proved to occur when statistics from the PDRM Criminal
Investigation Department showed that almost all the individuals who were
successfully rescued from being victims of human trafficking syndicates came from
situation proves that the economic gap between regional countries is also a factor in
In addition, the low level of public awareness on the issue of human trafficking
also causes the crime to continue to spread. A society that behaves like a frog under
a shell is the cause that catalyses the existence of various crimes across borders.
People now often behave like enough in the bush releasing their shoots and are not
sensitive to the situation around them. For example, are there individuals today who
see disabled child beggars willing to be proactive and take them to the Department
such a situation to occur. It is even more worrying when the community is silent
despite knowing about the existence of human trafficking syndicates in the area
where they live. For example, the PDRM managed to arrest a man in a house with
thirty Vietnamese women who were locked in a room. Further investigation found
that the man had been involved with a human trafficking syndicate for the past five
years and had made his house a place to run the syndicate's affairs. If the
community in the housing area is proactive, the syndicate will be exposed sooner.
Unfortunately, their less sensitive attitude to the surrounding situation made it easier
for the man to run his syndicate for half a decade. This clearly shows that a society
that is silent will cause the crime of human trafficking to continue to worsen.
After being studied and observed in depth, there are several factors that
contribute to the occurrence of human trafficking issues around the world. Among
the main ones is that there is an element of corruption among government officials
which makes this issue difficult to address despite several efforts. Government
officials who are dishonest in their jobs and easily accept bribes are often exploited
by these human trafficking syndicates to carry out their activities without any
difficulty. For example, immigration officers guarding the country’s borders will
automatically give way to this syndicate without thinking about the consequences of
the immoral act because of a drop of indigo, spoiling the milk of an orange. [11]
In addition, the criminal factor of human trafficking also occurs due to the
clearly significant economic gap between neighboring countries. People living in poor
developed countries but lack of workers. However, there are cruel parties who have
taken advantage of those who want to change their lives by sowing sweet promises
such as providing shelter, a harmonious atmosphere and a good job but good news
from the looks. The dreams hoped for by a society determined to change their lives
were shattered when they were forced to become slaves and manual laborers. So it
has been proven that economic disparities are also one of the factors to the issue of
human trafficking.
The low level of public awareness on the issue of human trafficking also
contributes to the prevalence of this issue. The life of the people who are like frogs
under the shell is also a catalyst to this endless problem. Now, the majority of the
people no matter where they live behave like enau in the bush, letting go of their
shoots causing this issue to become more complicated day by day. Some people are
indifferent to their environment such as seeing disabled child beggars but do not take
any drastic action to report the matter to the authorities so that they can investigate
whether the child is a victim of human trafficking or not. If it has been proven that the
child is a victim pragmatic and drastic action must be taken immediately so that the
problem does not linger. The thing that happened was the opposite because the
people did not care about this issue causing this matter to continue to spread. The
caring attitude of the people can also change and reduce this problem.
Next, the most dominant factor is the very rapid growth of the Malaysian
economy which contributes to the occurrence of these criminal activities. The high
demand for labor in Malaysia by local employers because it requires the production
of cheap expenses only. Foreigners who are attracted to come to Malaysia because
they have been promised jobs and lucrative salaries. But in reality it is good news
from the looks of it when the sweet promises sprinkled by the syndicate agents are
prostitutes, street beggars and so on. Thus, the rapid growth of the Malaysian
In addition, the root cause of this human trafficking is due to the greed of
human attitudes that want to reap huge profits in a simple way. Most of the criminals
involved in human trafficking activities are heartless people who only think about the
lucrative rewards that they will get if they succeed in bringing in a group of victims
who will be trafficked. The agents of this syndicate were never satisfied and were not
afraid of the punishment that would be imposed if they were caught. When they
manage to cross the country's borders without being detected by the authorities, they
will continue their activities without a hitch. This is because of the benefits they get
when they successfully perform a task well without getting caught. So, it is clear that
human trafficking activities will increase day by day if these crimes are not curbed
a) Poverty
Poverty in the country of origin makes the victims try to change their standard
of living. Among the ways they can take is by migrating to more developed countries.
At the same time there are parties that try to take advantage such as recruitment
agencies. These agencies bring migrants to other countries and force migrants into
The high demand for foreign labor in Malaysia by local employers is due to low
spending factors. Some foreigners are attracted to come to Malaysia because they
are promised lucrative job opportunities, but in reality they are deceived and given
because they know little about the existence of these human trafficking syndicates.
Local people are also less informed about the existence of this crime because they
also do not know that this crime has become one of the enemies of the country
the border which is so long that it facilitates human trafficking activities by the
syndicate. This factor also slows down the detection of syndicates that bring in
trafficked people.
e) Ineffective force of law.
continue human trafficking activities. There are some authorities entrusted with being
responsible for border guards, taking bribes from syndicates and acting one -sidedly.
One of the effects of human trafficking activities is to tarnish the image of the
country in the eyes of the world. Various efforts need to be made to alleviate the
problem. Human trafficking activity means all forms of exploitation whether for sexual
purposes, forced labor, slavery and even involves the transplantation of human
organs. This activity has various negative effects and various efforts need to be
Malaysia's position in the list of 16 countries that have performed poorly in curbing
the issue of human trafficking has tarnished the country's image in the eyes of the
world. Shows the country is weak in administering and enforcing the law.
Widespread crime threatens the safety especially of women and children who are
Syndicates or those involved also commit other criminal activities to amass wealth.
Smuggling and human trafficking violate the rights of a country and the issues that
Issues such as abuse and even the murder of maids provoke discontent among the
countries involved
Social problems are spreading in society such as leisure, prostitution, free sex,
contagious in society.
5. Security Threats
The presence of illegal immigrants who flood the country in an illegal manner leads
to various problems, especially in terms of its threat to the well -being and public
interest in the country. This is because this group is seen to be involved and lead to
activities or activities that endanger the local population with increasing crime rates
such as robbery, murder, burglary and various other crimes that must make the local
population in the country as its main target. This can be proven through statistics
released by the Ministry of Home Affairs itself, which is that 14 809 out of 37 446
prisoners in Malaysia are foreign immigrants, most of whom are Illegal Immigrants
6. Social Threats
Apart from the security aspect, the presence of illegal illegal immigrants is seen as a
dangerous threat from the social aspect of the country, especially from the health
point of view. This threat occurs because this group usually comes from backward
countries and less emphasis on health aspects. Therefore, the likelihood that they
did not undergo a health test before being illegally brought into the country is very
high as the process of undergoing a health test is not only time consuming, but also
involves costs that the recruiting party or the party managing the smuggling may not
want to bear. enter them into this country. This situation results in a high risk for local
people to be infected with dangerous and infectious diseases such as HIV. This can
337 thousand foreign workers were infected with HIV in 1992. In addition, the
foreign workers in the plantation sector have been detected as HIV carriers. based
on analysis and observations conducted by the National Anti -Drug Agency (AADK).
The criminal factors of human trafficking are indeed difficult to overcome. However, if
the government creates a law that can impose heavier punishment on the
masterminds of human trafficking syndicates, surely the crime can be tackled. The
success of the Dangerous Drugs Act in keeping the number of drug trafficking cases
reduce human trafficking cases. Imprisonment alone is not enough for offenders who
are willing to carry out human trafficking. Mandatory death penalty should be
imposed on them so that it can be a lesson to society. At the same time, the
cases among government officials. If corruption cases can be zeroed, of course law
The ASEAN community that will be created in 2015 should be disclosed because the
countries develop simultaneously, the need for the people of a country to work in
neighboring countries will decrease. Indirectly, this situation in turn will reduce
human trafficking.
In addition, the community needs to be proactive and report suspicious
movements around them. They must work together and ensure that their areas of
residence are not used as human trafficking centers. For example, the Rukun
Tetangga Association must always carry out various measures to combat criminal
behavior in their residential areas. The public should not be afraid to report human
trafficking crimes to the authorities because their identities will be kept secret. So, if
Malaysians are proactive, the crime of human trafficking can be overcome easily.
provided by Section 6 (1) of the Anti -Trafficking in Persons Act 2007 (Act 670).
Amendments to the act made in 2010 have changed the name of this agency to the
Representative of the Ministry of Home Affairs State. Members of this council also
public, including those who are likely trafficked, about the causes and
viii. Collect and aggregate check data and information as well as information
human trafficking.
ix. Perform such other functions as the minister may direct implementation of
The Anti -Trafficking in Persons and Anti -Smuggling of Migrants Act (2007) has
been passed on 18 July 2007 (Anti -Trafficking in Persons and Anti -Smuggling of
Migrants Act, 2007) which aims to prevent and combat human trafficking. This action
However, the act was amended in 2010 and renamed as Anti -Trafficking in Persons
and Anti -Smuggling of Migrants (ATIPSOM). Amendment of the deed done aimed at
human trafficking and smuggling before bringing the victims involved to third
(Section 2 ATIPSOM). The Act empowers the government to prosecute and impose
punishment other than the provision of imprisonment for up to 20 years and fine up
to RM50,000 (Wan Abdul Halim, 2015). Under this act also, the Council Anti
-Trafficking in Persons has changed its name to the Anti -Trafficking in Persons
Council and Anti -Migraine Smuggling (MAPO). MAPO is entrusted to coordinate and
People (2010-2015) has been launched. The plan was launched by the former
initiatives for the period five years i.e. starting from 2010 to 2015 (Norcikeyonn and
Nor-Ina, 2013). The launch of the National Action Plan Against Human Trafficking
combating trafficking human. Among the objectives of this plan is to determine the
strategic direction for a period of five years, determine strategic goals that will drive
and drive national efforts to combating the crime of human trafficking as well as
defining program areas for support and ensure the effective implementation of
strategic goals (Council Anti -Trafficking in Persons, 2010). There are five guiding
coordination among various agencies at the government level and with international
on 15 August 2016 by the former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Dr.
Ahmad Zahid | Hamidi. The National Anti-Trafficking in Persons Action Plan (2016-
2020) is important to realize the goals and aspirations of the Malaysian government
Information Malaysia, 2017). This plan is the second phase of the 2010-2015 plan to
ensure Malaysia strives achieved Level One in the Trafficking in Persons Report
issued annually by the United States Department of State. The plan also involves the
cooperation of various ministries, departments and agencies that are fighting human
involved in enforcement, legislation, protection and publicity within five years will
coming (Borneo Post Online, 16 August 2016). In addition, this plan will provide
and various measures that can be implemented to address the crime. However, such
measures will only bear fruit if the government and the community work together
because in fact clapping one hand will not sound. Hopefully with the zero crime of
human trafficking, we can realize Vision 2020 and sit as low, stand as high as other
In conclusion, human trafficking is a serious issue that is hit the world and not
just happened in Malaysia. The issue of human trafficking should not be allowed to
particular inhibits the development of this country from the political, economic and
social. Therefore, the Malaysian government has taken several effective measures
to address this issue. The measures taken clearly show that the government
Malaysia has always worked diligently and proactively in combating the issue of
trafficking human beings holistically. The steps that have been taken also show that
the Malaysian government has done its best in tackling the issue of trafficking human
sovereignty, security and integrity. At the same time, the measures taken by this
has awareness and social responsibility in helping the government address issues
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