Psychotherapy Brochure - Jan 2020

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to Regent’s University London

Regent’s is London’s only independent, not-for-profit At Regent’s, you can progress from beginner right
university, with a highly cosmopolitan community, through to professional accredited status without
based in royal Regent’s Park. changing institutions. Whether you join us at entry
level or higher, we have the right programme to
Set in the heart of the UK’s vibrant capital, Regent’s is reflect your requirements and current level of training.
a superb place in which to live and study, just minutes
away from all that this world-class city has to offer. Visit our beautiful central London campus and find
out what Regent’s can offer you.

Thank you for your interest in psychotherapy and counselling

at Regent’s.
The School has constructively critical arena. They facilities, we have excellent library
a longstanding are recognised for excellence in resources to provide you with
reputation as a their fields, in which they have the information and support you
leading training made significant contributions. We need to reach your full potential.
institute for espouse an ‘integrative attitude’
psychotherapy. Our specialist throughout all our programmes, and This prospectus should answer
programmes offer a training route to it is this spirit of questioning and most of your questions, but if you
professional practice and accredited critical inquiry that makes studying need further advice in choosing
professional status. Whether you at Regent’s both rewarding and a course, please contact our
are just beginning your training or enjoyable. We aim to provide you Admissions department. We hold
part-way through, we have the right with the knowledge, skills and regular open evenings offering you
programme for you. I am sure you confidence needed to pursue a the opportunity to visit the campus.
will find our courses interesting career in this life-changing field. I look forward to your application
and stimulating, and hope you will and hope to welcome you
decide to join us for a rewarding All members of our expert faculty
also practise professionally so you as a student at the School of
period of study and training to Psychotherapy & Psychology.
become a professional practitioner. can rest assured you will learn the
most current approaches. With
Professor John Nuttall
Our academic staff teach and small class sizes, you will be able to
practice a range of therapy build strong working relationships Head of School and
approaches, and you will learn with both your tutors and your Assistant Faculty Dean
contrasting views in an open and peers. As well as our specialised
Certificate in Psychotherapy
& Counselling.................................................................... 6

MA Psychotherapy & Counselling ............. 8

Postgraduate Certificate
in Existential Psychotherapy...................... 10

Postgraduate Certificate
in Integrative Psychotherapy.................... 12

How to apply.................................................................. 14

Visit us..................................................................................... 16

How to find us................................................................ 17

at Regent’s
The study of psychotherapy explores core therapeutic practices and theories, as
well as philosophical and spiritual perspectives and cross-cultural approaches.
Regent’s is a leading training Psychotherapy at Regent’s offers: At Regent’s, there is no need to find
institution for psychotherapy. another institute to complete your
■ Programmes accredited by
We have a reputation for training. Our programmes offer direct
innovation and critical thinking the United Kingdom Council training routes, enabling you to enter
in this interdisciplinary field. Our for Psychotherapy (UKCP). as a beginner and continue all the
academic staff frequently speak at ■ An opportunity to learn about way to professional qualification
international conferences and are a range of different theories and doctoral level. Please note that
drawn from all corners of the globe. and ideas, from a variety of progression between programmes
different perspectives is not automatic. You will need to
We aim to develop professionals submit a new application at each
who think independently, are ■ Classsizes carefully set according
stage of your training.
knowledgeable in both contemporary to the type of learning activity
and traditional approaches and are ■ Training
Regent’s is an organisational
routes from entry level
able to work skilfully and ethically in and accrediting member of the
right through to professional
a variety of professional settings. United Kingdom Council for
accredited status
Psychotherapy (UKCP) and our
Our psychotherapy programmes programmes lead to professional
encourage academic rigour You will be exposed to contrasting
views in an open and constructively membership of that body.
and foster competence to meet
the professional challenges critical arena. These discussions will We offer PhD degrees in a range
of a rapidly evolving field. develop your understanding of the of subject areas validated by the
many different attitudes involved University of Northampton. Our
We advocate a non-doctrinaire, in this field, and help you to make expertise stretches across a wide
integrative attitude throughout informed choices in your own career range of topics within the field of
our programmes. Rather than and practice. psychotherapy, including sexuality,
promote a single approach, we addiction, integrative studies, and
teach a range of theoretical Training for professional accreditation
relational research. These can
perspectives, covering existential, We offer a range of programmes, be undertaken independently
psychoanalytic, humanistic and from certificates to doctoral degrees or within the school’s Research
integrative approaches. and professional courses for both Centre for Relational Studies &
personal and career advancement. Psychological Wellbeing. Research
topics are subject to the availability
of relevant, specialist supervisors.
Training Pathway in Psychotherapy & Counselling
Progression from the Introductory Certificate to the MA, and from the MA to the Postgraduate Certificates, is not automatic. You will need to apply at each
stage in order to progress with your training. Intakes at all levels are subject to availability and continuous progression cannot be guaranteed.

Introductory Certificate in Psychotherapy & Counselling (1 year)

Years 1-2

award, you must complete

MA Psychotherapy & Counselling (3 years)

To achieve the full MA

3 years of training
After your second year, you will specialise in one of the three following pathways

MA Psychotherapy
MA Psychotherapy & Counselling - Dissertation pathway MA Psychotherapy
Year 3

& Counselling - Taught pathway If you do not wish to continue your professional & Counselling - Taught pathway
in Existential Psychotherapy training, you can undertake the Dissertation in Integrative Psychotherapy
pathway and still exit with a Master’s degree.
Year 4

Postgraduate Certificate Postgraduate Certificate

in Existential Psychotherapy in Integrative Psychotherapy

Future options
Accreditation with the British Association MPhil/PhD - Research degrees at
Eligibility for UK Council for for Counselling & Psychotherapy
Regent’s are validated by the
Psychotherapy (UKCP) membership (BACP) may also be possible
(subject to individual application) University of Northampton.

Psychotherapy programmes at Regent’s are designed

to meet the standards of the following validating
partners and accrediting organisations:

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy

BACP is one of the principal accrediting bodies in the UK for
practitioners in counselling and psychotherapy. Individuals
who complete the relevant Regent’s programmes
may be eligible to apply for BACP accreditation.

United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) For a psychotherapist, studying in

UCKP holds the national register of psychotherapists London opens many doors in terms
and psychotherapeutic counsellors. Regent’s School of access to placements, with clinical
of Psychotherapy & Psychology (RSPP) is a full experience and supervision second to
training and accrediting organisational member of the
Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy College none. We go to events where different
(HIPC) of the UKCP. RSPP graduates are entitled to theoretical orientations meet. It is a level
apply for membership of the UKCP through RSPP as of access and experience you just cannot
an integrative psychotherapist or via the Society for find anywhere else.
Existential Analysis as an existential psychotherapist.
Sara Rourke, UK MA Psychotherapy & Counselling

Meet the Faculty
Faculty members offer a breadth and diversity of professional, academic and
research experience. They have been at the forefront of developing Regent’s
reputation as a leading training institute for psychotherapy.

Professor John Nuttall Jonathan Hall David Hudson

Head of School and Assistant Course Leader, Postgraduate Course Leader, Postgraduate
Faculty Dean Certificate in Existential Psychotherapy Certificate in Integrative Psychotherapy
MA, PhD, ADipPsy, Dip Couns, DIA, MA, AdvDipExPsych, UKCP reg BA, PGCE, MA, AdvDipIntPsych, UKCP
DipM, CMC, MBACP(Accred), UKCP Jonathan Hall is a reg, MBACP (Accred)
reg, Chartered Marketer, MCMI practising existential David is an
John has an psychotherapist and integrative
extensive career in educator. He is psychotherapist. His
management, interested in assisting main influences are
consultancy and people to process the psychodynamic,
commerce at senior and work through Gestalt and person-
level and now what really matters to centred approaches.
teaches integrative them in life as a starting point for living He has worked as a
psychotherapy and well and with vitality. For Jonathan, secondary school teacher, and for
research methods. He is a registered meaningful existence becomes more Amnesty International and the NHS.
integrative psychotherapist and likely when we narrow the gap David has a background in acting and
certified management consultant with between who we think we are and directing, and his particular interests are
special interests in psychotherapy what we actually experience in the contemporary affect regulation theory,
integration, organisation theory, and the embodied realm. psychodrama and body psychotherapy.
provision of psychotherapy in primary
care. John has written widely on
management and psychotherapy. He is
a practising psychotherapist and
supervisor, and is an honorary
psychotherapist and chair of West
London Centre for Counselling.

Mike Harding Dr Maria Luca Professor Desa Markovic
Course Leader, Certificate in Senior Research Fellow Head of Programme,
Psychotherapy & Counselling BA (Hons), MA, PhD, MBACP & MA Psychotherapy & Counselling
AdvDipExPysch, UKCP reg UKCP (Reg) supervisor, UKCP Reg. BA (Hons), PGDipST, PGDSTTS,
Mike is an existential Psychotherapist, Accredited Mediator, PGDipPST, MSc, DPsych, UKCP reg,
psychotherapist in SFHEA COSRT accred; SFHEA
private practice and a Maria is Head of the Desa worked as a
former chair of the Regent’s Centre for systemic and
Society for Existential Relational Research psychosexual
Analysis. Drawing & Psychological therapist in different
mainly on the work of Wellbeing and editor contexts including
Heidegger and of the Journal of psychiatric hospitals,
Wittgenstein, his interests include the Psychological psychosexual clinics
experience of time and the influence of Therapies. She leads and private practice.
language on our sense of self. He is the PhD in psychotherapy at Regent’s She has held senior academic posts at
particularly interested in possible links and supervises a number of PhD various psychotherapy training
between philosophy, psychoanalysis research degrees. Maria has extensive organisations in the UK, including
and the wisdom traditions of older experience as a psychotherapist and assistant director and director of
cultures, and has written extensively on clinical supervisor in the NHS. Her training at the Institute of Family
the practice and philosophy of research interests include sexuality and Therapy London. In 2014, she was
astrology. sexual attraction in therapy, which led to awarded fellowship of the Sheffield
her 2014 publication Sexual Attraction Society for the Study of Sexuality and
in Therapy: Clinical Perspectives on Relationships for her contribution to
Moving Beyond the Taboo – A Guide sexology. Her book ‘Working with
for Training and Practice (Wiley). sexual issues in psychotherapy; a
practical guide using a social
constructionist framework’ was
published by Palgrave MacMillan in
2017. She has published several
chapters on the subject of systemic and
psychosexual therapy integration, and
articles in journals such as Human
Systems, Sexual and Relationship
Therapy, and Australian & New
Zealand Journal for Family Therapy.

■ Certificate in Psychotherapy
& Counselling

This course offers a solid grounding in psychotherapy and counselling

theory and skills. It combines academic, practical and experiential
components within a supportive and challenging environment.
You will examine the main therapeutic theories as well as exploring
philosophical and spiritual perspectives and cross-cultural approaches.
The Certificate in Psychotherapy Your studies will encourage you to Programme content
& Counselling will build your examine your beliefs, assumptions You will study a wide range of modules,
understanding of a range of and prejudices in order to help others such as:
psychotherapy and counselling do the same. The course will also
theories, with a focus on existential, develop your capacity to reflect on A Way of Working: Overview of Humanistic
psychodynamic and humanistic your own interpersonal and emotional Therapy
integrative perspectives. Cognitive processes, patterns and experiences. Describing Ourselves: The Fundamentals
behavioural approaches are also of Phenomenology
considered. You will learn to apply academic
Facing the Unknown: Consciousness
theory in practice, benefiting from and Unconsciousness
You will be introduced to the skills practice sessions and self-
Introduction to Gestalt Therapy
practical and ethical issues of development group work.
working with clients in a variety of Putting Theory into Practice
situations, and develop essential As well as providing a solid
Working with Loss and Bereavement
communication and counselling skills. background for those wishing
to apply for further professional
training, the course offers those
who already work in the helping
professions the opportunity to develop
their interpersonal skills.
Training options Next steps Certificate in Psychotherapy
There are two options for completing Successful completion of the & Counselling
the Certificate in Psychotherapy & Certificate in Psychotherapy &
Counselling: Counselling will enable you to meet
Duration 12 months Intensive 5
one of the main entry requirements for part time or 12-week
One-Year Certificate the MA Psychotherapy & Counselling week
This consists of one 4-hour session (see page 8). Progression from the
per week over three 10-week terms. Certificate to the MA is not automatic. Start dates September September,
and April January,
There are two intakes each year in You will need to make a new April and
September and April. Please see the application in order to progress with July

website for further details of class your training. Intakes at all levels are Tier 4 visa No, but the intensive
times. subject to availability and continuous sponsorship certificate is open to
progression cannot be guaranteed. students on a Short-
Intensive Certificate term Study visa

Entry requirements Entry References

This is the same programme as the
Applicants do not need to have a first requirements Group interview
one-year certificate, but offered
in a condensed format. There degree or its equivalent. We require
English IELTS: Overall score
are four intakes each year: life experience, a mature attitude and Language 6.5 with 6.0 or above
a capacity for self-reflection. Previous requirements in all 4 components,
Winter Intensive counselling training or experience or equivalent

Weekend modules only is not necessary. Admissions Fees £4,400

interviews are conducted in groups.
Spring Intensive In addition to your application, you
Week and weekend modules will need to supply one reference,
which can be either academic or
Summer Intensive professional. For module descriptions,
Five weeks full-time visit us online
How can I find out more?
Autumn Intensive
We hold psychotherapy opening
Week and weekend modules evenings throughout the year. For
Sessions last from 10:00–17:00 each more information, please see our
day. For current information on start website or call +44 (0)20 7487 7505.
dates, please see our website.

Fern Dickson, UK
Fern has undertaken all her training
at Regent’s, including the Certificate,
the MA and Advanced Diploma.

I have done all my

professional training at
Regent’s from the beginning.
I chose to do the Certificate
programme here because,
of all the equivalent courses
on offer, Regent’s was the
most comprehensive and
well-structured. It also has
an excellent reputation for
psychotherapy training.

■ MA Psychotherapy & Counselling

The MA Psychotherapy & Counselling forms a key In Year 3, you will take the specialist
modules on your chosen pathway:
part of the professional training route for students
Taught pathway in Integrative
wishing to become registered psychotherapists. Psychotherapy

This three-year, part-time programme Programme structure Perspectives in Integrative Psychotherapy

will give you a broad knowledge of Integrative Psychotherapy in Practice
psychotherapy and the work of key The first two years of the MA consist
historical and contemporary figures. of core taught components. Taught pathway in Existential
In Year 3, you will specialise in
You will explore a range of theoretical
one of three pathways: Perspectives in Existential Psychotherapy
perspectives, including existential,
psychoanalytic, humanistic and ■ Taught
pathway in Integrative Existential Psychotherapy in Practice
integrative approaches. Rather than Psychotherapy
focusing on a single perspective, this Dissertation pathway
■ Taught
pathway in Existential
structure enables you to develop Research in Psychotherapy and Counselling
your own integrated approach to
psychotherapy and counselling. ■ Dissertation pathway Teaching methods
Training is led by experts who bring
Personal and professional
For information about the different extensive clinical experience to the
development is a cornerstone of this
routes to completing the MA and classroom. Our lecturers are research-
programme. Throughout your training,
the options for gaining professional active academics who frequently
you will be encouraged to evaluate
accreditation see page 3. present and publish their work both
and reflect upon your own personal
nationally and internationally.
beliefs and prejudices, to prevent them
from influencing your clinical practice. Learning methods include tutorials,
Programme content group work, independent study,
This training will prepare you for engagement with your own
You will take the following modules:
professional practice, enabling you to therapeutic experience and clinical
develop practical skills within a safe Year 1 practice guided by experienced
classroom environment. You will learn to professionals. You will also be taught
Psychoanalytic Approaches
apply your theoretical knowledge and research methods and carry out an in-
acquired skills during approved clinical Existential-Phenomenological Approaches depth inquiry into a relevant topic.
placements under the supervision of
Humanistic and Integrative Approaches
experienced practitioners. Clinical placements
You must also engage in weekly Year 2
Clinical placements enable you to
personal psychotherapy sessions with apply your theoretical knowledge
Contemporary Developments in and acquired skills in a professional
a UKCP-registered therapist. Psychotherapy Theory
context. Approved clinical
We aim to develop you as a skilled Contemporary Developments in placements begin in the second year
professional who is able to work Psychotherapy Practice under the supervision of experienced
effectively and ethically in a wide practitioners.
variety of settings.

You must accrue at least 100 hours Entry requirements MA Psychotherapy & Counselling
of clinical practice to complete the For candidates with a bachelor’s
programme on the Dissertation degree or equivalent (in any discipline), Duration 3 years part time
pathway, and at least 200 hours to we require at least six months’ work Start dates September and April
complete the programme on the experience in a helping and supportive Tier 4 visa No
Taught pathways. role within an appropriate people- sponsorship
This will involve at least half a day oriented work setting.
Entry Undergraduate
of clinical practice each week, both Applicants without an undergraduate requirements degree and a
during and outside term time. Your degree must have a minimum of two minimum of 6 months’
relevant work
course leaders and the University’s years’ relevant work experience in a experience OR at
Careers & Business Relations team position of responsibility in a helping least 2 years’ relevant
will advise you on finding a placement. and supportive role. work experience
(see column, left, or
In order to be eligible to apply for one website)
You must also have successfully
of the professional bodies, BACP or Introductory
completed an introductory
UKCP, you will need to have accrued certificate course
certificate course in psychotherapy/ in psychotherapy/
at least 450 supervised client hours.
counselling of at least 120 hours counselling of at least
120 hours
involving theoretical, practical and
Accreditation and next steps Interview
experiential elements. For information
This programme meets the on the introductory Certificate in English IELTS: Overall score
accreditation criteria of the UK Council language 7.0 with 6.0 or above
Psychotherapy & Counselling offered requirements in all 4 components,
for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and the at Regent’s, see pages 6–7. or equivalent
British Association for Counselling Annual tuition £8,100 *
and Psychotherapy (BACP). Previous experience of personal fee for Years 1
therapy is desirable, but not mandatory. and 2
Upon successful completion of the
MA, you will be eligible to apply to Taught £8,100 *
In addition to your application,
one of our Postgraduate Certificate you will need to supply details of Year 3
programmes in Integrative or Existential your professional/voluntary work Dissertation £3,000*
Psychotherapy (see pages 10-13). experience, plus two professional pathway,
references, one of which should be Year 3
Progression from the MA to the from a previous course leader/tutor.
* Fees fixed for the duration of the programme
Postgraduate Certificates is not for 2020/21 entrants
automatic. You will need to make a new The application process includes an
application in order to progress with interview. Accredited by
your training. Intakes at all levels are
subject to availability and continuous
progression cannot be guaranteed.
For module descriptions,
visit us online

This programme has exposed me

to a very wide range of theories,
topics and orientations. Through
writing essays and doing various
presentations, I have been able
to zoom in and collect the real
pearls of knowledge, which are
invaluable to me. Not only has
this experience nourished my
personal development but it
has also taken my clinical work
to a whole different level.
Farzana Numan, UK

■ Postgraduate Certificate
in Existential Psychotherapy

The Postgraduate Certificate in Existential Successful completion of the

programme qualifies you to work
Psychotherapy (PGCEP) is a practice-based competently, humanely and ethically as
an existential psychotherapist with the
and highly experiential learning programme that most vulnerable members of society.
leads to professional registration as an existential This privileged position engenders
in you humility and discernment in all
psychotherapist through the Society for Existential your professional dealings.
Analysis of the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). Programme content
Classes will run on one regular
The PGCEP constitutes the final learning will go beyond cognitive and
day each week and you will
year of a four-year training route to rational understanding of yourself in
take the following modules:
become a UKCP-registered existential relation to others towards an embodied
psychotherapist. It aims to provide a way of making sense of experience. Existential Philosophy Applied to
transformative journey that will change Psychotherapy
you and the way you relate to others. This more open and embodied
Practice and Reflexivity
understanding prepares you
The training is founded upon the to connect with the other in Teaching methods
existential principle of the ultimate their ambiguity and complexity,
unfathomability of the meaning of and together begin a relational Training is led by experts who bring
being. Human experience is far process of deep exploration. extensive clinical experience to the
too complex to be explained by classroom. Our lecturers are research-
theory. Existential psychotherapy You will engage in a range of group active academics who frequently
embraces this complexity, employing seminars designed to encourage you present and publish their work both
a philosophical approach to to question your own beliefs, values nationally and internationally.
exploring what it means to be and principles. You will need to be
courageous, to embody fearless Teaching methods include
human. This phenomenological academic and practical seminars,
practice nurtures enquiry, radical speech, to balance openness with
circumspection and be willing to small-group training supervision
openness, and a fresh gaze upon sessions, participation in personal
the world and human beings. explore moments of discomfort
with others in the group. and professional development
Combining rigorous academic study groups, and clinical practice guided
of primary existential texts and Our training promotes an ethical by experienced professionals and
experiential encounter exercises, you duty to uphold clinical standards your own personal therapy.
will develop a philosophical attitude of practice through accurate, You must also participate in weekly
and acquire a new vocabulary for reliable and valid peer feedback. personal psychotherapy sessions with
contemplating human experience. Your a UKCP-registered therapist.

Clinical placements BACP accreditation Postgraduate Certificate in
Throughout the programme, At the end of the programme, you may Existential Psychotherapy
you’ll be expected to work with have enough training hours to apply
at least three adult clients, two for individual accreditation with the Duration 12 months part time
of which must be long-term, on a British Association for Counselling and Start dates October 2021
minimum basis of once a week. Psychotherapy. Please note that BACP
Tier 4 visa No
For the award of PGCEP, you are also requires candidates to show sponsorship
required to complete a minimum of evidence of 450 hours of supervised
Entry MA Psychotherapy &
100 clinical hours during the taught clinical practice. Application to BACP Counselling (taught
element of the programme. can only be done by the individual pathway in Existential
and the School is unable to play a role Psychotherapy) or a
For UKCP accreditation, you are Postgraduate Diploma
in this process. with the equivalent
required to complete 450 clinical study of existential
hours in total. The total you accrue psychotherapy to
Entry requirements the MAPC Existential
will include the hours acquired pathway.
To apply for this programme, you
during previous training (see MA
must have completed the MA A minimum of 200
Psychotherapy & Counselling, p. 8) client-contact hours
Counselling & Psychotherapy in a formal clinical
with taught pathway in Existential placement
Accreditation and next steps
Psychotherapy (see p. 8), A minimum of three
Upon successful completion of years (120 sessions)
or a Postgraduate Diploma in
the PGCEP, you will be eligible regular individual
Counselling & Psychotherapy, with psychotherapy
for professional registration with
the equivalent study of existential
the United Kingdom Council for Interview
psychotherapy to this pathway.
Psychotherapy (UKCP) through the English IELTS: Overall score
Society for Existential Analysis. We also require completion of a language 7.0 with 6.0 or above
requirements in all 4 components,
minimum of 200 client-contact or equivalent
UKCP membership hours in a formal clinical placement,
Fee £7,366*
The Society for Existential Analysis and completion of a minimum of
is an accrediting organisation within three years (120 sessions) regular * This fee is for indicative purposes only.
the Constructivist and Existential personal psychotherapy. Please check the website for 2021/22 fees in
autumn 2020.
College of the UKCP. It registers
In addition, applicants must Accredited by
graduates of the School’s Advanced
demonstrate emotional maturity
Diploma in Existential Psychotherapy
and an ability to be self-reflective,
as UKCP-registered existential
to function effectively and
ethically under pressure, and to
manage conflict constructively.
The application process
includes an interview.
For module descriptions,
visit us online

Studying existential psychotherapy

was my opportunity to explore
and challenge my understanding
of the ambiguity and perceptual
complexity of human experience.
I see it as the first stepping stone in
a life-long journey. The meaning
I create along the way informs
my professional practice, but
it is equally empowering and
consequential in my personal life.
Serena Fianco, Italy

■ Postgraduate Certificate
in Integrative Psychotherapy

The Postgraduate Certificate in Integrative Psychotherapy (PGCIP) constitutes

the final stage of training to become a professionally registered integrative
psychotherapist through the Humanistic and Integrative College of the UK
Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).
Contemporary integrative It is commonly accepted that the Programme content
psychotherapy is a constantly therapeutic relationship, rather You will take the following
changing field, with a rapprochement than a theoretical approach, is the modules, which will be held on
between different schools of fundamental ingredient in integrative one regular day each week:
thought. Built on the belief that no psychotherapy. The PGCIP is clinically
single approach will be suitable for and experientially based, offering Integrative Theory
each individual client, integrative plenty of opportunities to participate Clinical Practice and Experiential Learning
psychotherapy employs a range of in experiential exercises that bring
different approaches and systems. both your client material and own Teaching methods
clinical practice into consideration.
Training is led by experts who bring
The PGCIP will build upon your extensive clinical experience to the
You will not only learn about the
knowledge and understanding of six classroom. Our lecturers are research-
theoretical underpinnings of
major schools of psychotherapy: active academics who frequently
integrative psychotherapy, but also
■ Systemic how to embody them in both your present and publish their work both
personal life and clinical practice. nationally and internationally.
■ Psychosexual
You will learn how to effectively Teaching methods include academic
■ Gestalt
and ethically use supervision and skills seminars and lectures,
■ Focusing and feedback from your peers small-group training supervision
and supervisors to enhance and sessions, participation in personal
■ Jungian
consolidate your clinical practice. and professional development
■ Transpersonal groups, and clinical practice guided
Critical reflection will help you develop by experienced professionals.
By exploring these competing and into a well-informed practitioner who
diverse perspectives, you will develop is skilful and ethical in practice and You must also participate in weekly
your own integrative clinical practice. able to work in different settings with a individual psychotherapy sessions
wide variety of clients. with a UKCP-registered therapist
throughout your training.

Clinical placements UKCP membership Postgraduate Certificate
Throughout the programme, in Integrative Psychotherapy
The School is an accrediting
you’ll be expected to work with
organisation within the Humanistic and
at least three adult clients, two Duration 12 months part time
Integrative Psychotherapy College
of which must be long-term, on a
(HIPC) of the United Kingdom Council Start dates October 2021
minimum basis of once a week.
for Psychotherapy (UKCP). The PGCIP Tier 4 visa No
For the award of PGCIP, you are is the final stage of training leading to sponsorship
required to complete a minimum of UKCP registration. Membership requires Entry MA Psychotherapy
100 clinical hours during the taught the completion of a minimum of 450 requirements & Counselling
hours of supervised clinical practice, (taught pathway
element of the programme. in Integrative
which must also be supervised by Psychotherapy)
For UKCP accreditation, you are a training supervisor of the School. or a Postgraduate
required to complete 450 clinical hours Diploma with the
equivalent study
in total. The total you accrue will include Entry requirements of integrative
the hours acquired during previous psychotherapy to the
To apply for this programme, you MAPC Integrative
training (see MA Psychotherapy &
must have completed the MA pathway.
Counselling, p. 8).
Counselling & Psychotherapy A minimum of 200
with taught pathway in Integrative client-contact hours
Accreditation and next steps in a formal clinical
Psychotherapy (see p. 8), placement
Upon successful completion of or a Postgraduate Diploma in A minimum of three
the PGCIP, you will be eligible Counselling & Psychotherapy, with years (120 sessions)
for professional registration with the equivalent study of integrative regular individual
the United Kingdom Council for psychotherapy
psychotherapy to this pathway.
Psychotherapy (UKCP) through the Interview
Humanistic and Integrative College. We also require completion of a English IELTS: Overall score
minimum of 200 client-contact language 7.0 with 6.0 or above
BACP accreditation hours in a formal clinical placement, requirements in all 4 components,
or equivalent
At the end of the programme, you and completion of a minimum of
three years (120 sessions) regular Fee £7,366*
may have enough training hours to
apply for individual accreditation with personal psychotherapy. * This fee is for indicative purposes only.
the British Association for Counselling Please check the website for 2021/22 fees
In addition, applicants must in autumn 2020.
& Psychotherapy (BACP). You will demonstrate emotional maturity
need to show evidence of 450 and an ability to be self-reflective,
hours of supervised clinical practice. Accredited by
to function effectively and
Application to BACP can only be done ethically under pressure, and to
by the individual and the School is manage conflict constructively.
unable to play a role in this process.
The application process includes
an interview.
For module descriptions,
visit us online

I chose to study psychotherapy at Regent’s

because it is a globally recognised institute
in this field. Psychotherapy is an extremely
enjoyable industry to work in, and one
that allows you to continually evolve as an
individual. This programme exposed me to
a range of different practices and built my
confidence so I can face any challenge. There
is also constant growth within this field,
which allows you to always feel like you are
succeeding and developing yourself.
Poonam Mehta, UK

How to apply
We review each application comprehensively and on its individual merit,
considering all your skills, experience and attributes.
The application process Student visas English language requirements:
We accept direct applications all year Our psychotherapy programmes All our programmes are taught in
round and there is no application fee. are not open to students who English, and you will need to meet
Progression between programmes is require a Tier 4 visa to study in the the requirements of your chosen
not automatic. You will need to apply UK. The Intensive Certificate in programme. We will ask for evidence
at each stage in order to progress with Psychotherapy & Counselling is open for you English language ability and
your training. Intakes at all levels are to students on a Short-term study assess whether you need to take an
subject to availability and continuous visa. For more information, see the English language test.
progression cannot be guaranteed. UK Visas and Immigration website: Funding
The application process for each Regent’s University London is an
psychotherapy programme varies slightly. Transfer of credits: independent, not-for-profit institution.
For further details regarding your If you started your studies elsewhere Our students pay the same fees,
chosen programme and the application and wish to transfer to Regent’s, your regardless of nationality, enabling us
process, please see the specific qualifications will be considered in to provide the highest level of service
programme page on our website. relation to our training and, subject and education.
Your completed application along with to interview, you may be eligible to
Please visit the website for
all the relevant documentation will be join our courses at advanced points
information on students loans,
assessed to determine whether you of entry.
scholarships and bursaries.
meet our entry requirements.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited
to attend an interview, which may be
in person or via telephone/Skype.
Shortly after the interview date the
Admissions team will email to notify
you of the decision.

Head of global

Regent’s is a vibrant
where you can ask
questions, meet amazing
people and find out about
so many ideas.

Charlotte is the head of psychotherapy at
The School of Life, a global organisation
that teaches emotional intelligence
through individual and group therapy.
Her team of 14 psychotherapists includes
three who are Regent’s alumni. Her time
at Regent’s gave Charlotte the freedom to
explore different ideas and cultivate her
own unique approach to her profession.

Visit us
A personal visit is the best
way to discover the magic
of Regent’s and explore our
beautiful location.

We hold regular open evenings

throughout the year, giving you the
opportunity to find out more about
Regent’s and our psychotherapy
programmes. You will also get the
chance to take a tour of the University
and chat to our expert staff and

Alternatively, we’d be delighted

to welcome you for a personal
consultation and guided tour. Please
contact us to arrange an appointment.

If you have any particular access

requirements or support needs for
your visit, please let us know so
that we can make any necessary I feel enriched by the experience of
arrangements in advance. meeting students and staff from different
backgrounds and from all around the
world. And I have valued the opportunity to learn in a multicultural environment.
Irene Esposito, Italy

16 16
How to find us O





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We look forward to welcoming you to Regent’s University London. Our campus


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in Regent’s Park is easily accessible by public and private transport. New

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By Underground From London Heathrow Airport From London City Airport



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Take the London Underground (Tube) Heathrow Express train service Docklands Light Railway (DLR) to


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Take the Marylebone Road exit. Turn approximately 35 minutes. approximately 45 minutes.

left and walk past Madame Tussauds.

From London Gatwick Airport From St Pancras International,


Take the first left at York Gate. Continue Gatwick Express train service to home to the Eurostar
over the bridge into the park. The

erkele Victoria station. London Underground London Underground from

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University entrance is on the left.Upper B ORE

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from Victoria to Baker Street Kingʼs Cross St Pancras to Baker


Total journey time approximately 60 Street station. Total journey time



By Road
minutes. approximately 10 minutes.


Our campus is just off the A501 OUR




(Marylebone Road) in central London.


Bond Street



Marble Arch 0 100 200 300 400 500 m

Contains data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC BY-SA
Cartography by Steer Davies Gleave 2016
For a copy of this publication in an alternative
format, please contact us on +44 (0)20 7487 7505 or

Regent’s University London

Inner Circle
Regent’s Park
London NW1 4NS
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7487 7505
Registered Charity 291583
The information contained in this document
is correct at the date of publication,
January 2020. Please visit our website
for the latest information.
© Regent's University London 2020

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