Proposed-IPCRf Psds
Proposed-IPCRf Psds
Proposed-IPCRf Psds
Key Results Areas (KRA) Weight Objectives Performance Indicators Means of Verification (MOV)
Instructional Supervision 25% Provided guidance and 5 – conducted 20 classroom Monthly Supervisory Plan
instructional supervision to observations per month using the
school heads by observing and “observe the observer” scheme Monthly Supervisory Report
gathering data on their strengths within the target duly reflected in
and development needs and the regularly submitted Monthly
coaching them towards Supervisory Plan and Monthly
improved instructional Supervisory Report
leadership practices (15%)
4 – conducted 15 classroom
observations per month using the
“observe the observer” scheme
but below the target duly
reflected in the regularly
submitted Monthly Supervisory
Plan and Monthly Supervisory
3 - conducted 10 classroom
observations per month using the
“observe the observer” scheme
but below the target duly
reflected in the regularly
submitted Monthly Supervisory
Plan and Monthly Supervisory
2 - conducted 5 classroom
observations per month using the
“observe the observer” scheme
but below the target duly
reflected in the regularly
submitted Monthly Supervisory
Plan and Monthly Supervisory
1 - conducted at least 2
classroom observations per
month using the “observe the
observer” scheme but below the
target duly reflected in the
regularly submitted Monthly
Supervisory Plan and Monthly
Supervisory Report
5 – Submitted monthly
Observed and gathered data on consolidated data on the Checklist of Monthly
the strengths and competency
strengths and competency needs Supervisory Report of School
(KSA) development needs of
teachers and coached school of teachers with the Heads
heads on how to improve recommendations on improving
teachers’ KSA in teaching- teaching-learning delivery Consolidated Monthly
learning delivery. (5%) provided to school heads Supervisory Report
4 - Submitted bi-monthly
consolidated data on the
strengths and competency needs
of teachers with the
recommendations on improving
teaching-learning delivery
provided to school heads
3 - Submitted quarterly
consolidated data on the
strengths and competency needs
of teachers with the
recommendations on improving
teaching-learning delivery
provided to school heads
2 - Submitted semestral
consolidated data on the
strengths and competency needs
of teachers with the
recommendations on improving
teaching-learning delivery
provided to school heads
1 - Submitted annual
consolidated data on the
strengths and competency needs
of teachers with the
recommendations on improving
teaching-learning delivery
provided to school heads
Technical Assistance in 10% Provided technical assistance in 5 – Acted as facilitator in the Certificate of Commendation as
School Management the formulation of school plans division SIP workshop; coached Facilitator
(e.g. SIP) and its adjustments by 91% - 100% of the school heads
conducting workshops, doing List of Schools in the assigned
in the assigned district during the
follow through coaching and district with ACCEPTED SIP
providing appraisal and SIP preparation; reviewed and
feedback on their draft plans, so provided helpful feedback in the
that all schools can have draft SIP and expedited SIP
approved plans as basis for approval for 100% of the schools
budgeting and resourcing. in the assigned district.
Monitoring and Evaluation 10% Conducted monitoring and 5 – 91% - 100% of the schools in
evaluation on the utilization and the assigned district were
liquidation of SEF, MOOE and monitored and evaluated re:
other funds to determine if
schools adhere with the policy proper utilization and prompt
and standards using pre- liquidation of SEF, MOOE and
designed M & E and other funds every month.
transparency tools. (4%)
4 - 81% - 90% of the schools in
the assigned district were
monitored and evaluated re:
proper utilization and prompt
liquidation of SEF, MOOE and
other funds twice in every
Curriculum Development, 10% Conduct monitoring and 5 – 91% - 100% schools in the
Enrichment and Localization evaluation of the school’s assigned district were monitored
implementation of the localized and evaluated along localization
curriculum to provide feedback
of the curriculum; provided
to management towards
continuous enhancement of the regular feedback to the
curriculum. management on the results of
curriculum review
Technical Assistance 15% Assessed the situation and 5 – Provided immediate and
analyzed the needs of schools in appropriate technical assistance
the district to identify the to 91%-100% schools in the
appropriate and relevant actions
assigned district
and interventions (5%)
4 - Provided immediate and
appropriate technical assistance
to 81%-90% schools in the
assigned district
4 – bi-monthly
3 – quarterly
2 – semestral
1 - annually
Total 100%