Scarbee MM-Bass Amped Manual PDF
Scarbee MM-Bass Amped Manual PDF
Scarbee MM-Bass Amped Manual PDF
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may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior
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product and company names are ™ or ® trademarks of their respective owners.
Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but in
making this a better product.
Native Instruments GmbH
Schlesische Str. 28
D-10997 Berlin
Native Instruments North America, Inc.
5631 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90028
We have recently been working on a number of projects that have 70’s and 80’s classic
sounds. From a new Will Ferrell movie to some next generation music video games. MM-Bass
software helps us to achieve a sound and feel so close to “classic”, that I expect we’ll be us-
ing it for many future projects.
1 Ensures correct string selection even if the chord notes don’t arrive at exactly the same time, and that the
base note of a chord is played with index finger while the other notes are played with middle finger samples.
2 Not completely random because it is intelligent enough to take into account on which strings/frets and
for which velocities pickup hits are most likely to occur.
When I was a boy, I wanted to be a great Magician, I wanted to amaze the audience and
leave them wondering: “How did he do that?“ Years later, I am still very fond of “illusions“
in any media. I watch almost every movie that raises the bar of Special Effects and I share
true interest in computer and console games with my sons for the same reason. These days
my magic wand and top hat are the Scarbee Sample Libraries.
I have played in various funk bands as a bassist during my younger years, but started soon
to compose music for TV documentaries and aimed for a career as a film composer. After
composing, producing music on more than 150 commercials for TV and Cinema (even work-
ing with Oscar winning director Bille August), I began to create Sample Libraries and Virtual
Instruments as I wanted better sounds to use for my productions. These products are used
by top artists around the world on albums and live.
Due to “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome“ (weak wrists) I invented an artificial way of playing bass
using software in 1998 and released the Scarbee J-Slap & J-Fingered in 2000.
Originally planning a fretless bass release, I instead decided to take a break from the basses
and do some “easy“ vintage keyboard sounds to use in my productions. Ironically it took me
5 years to complete the Vintage Keyboard Collection and the Vintage Keyboard FX plugin!
Not exactly an easy job as I expected, but this is me in a nutshell; I go into something, dig
deeper and deeper and slowly revealing the secrets and soul of the instrument and can not
stop until the job is done.
The MM-Bass project started in 2005 with the first sound recordings. Four versions was
dumped before I finally found the right bass, strings and playing position. I wanted to find the
sound that was closest to my identity as I had been searching all my life for the right sound—
playing various bass brand in the world—with no luck. When listening to all my favorite bass
I was contacted by Thomas in the autumn of 2006 to create a Kontakt 2 script for what would
later become MM-Bass. What initially seemed to be a small utility script for interval samples
that I planned to implement in a day or two soon grew into something much bigger. Together
we came up with ideas such as automatic string selection, easy ways to trigger grace notes
and chord slides without keyswitches, and how to implement slides in all different tempi while
keeping RAM usage down.
1 The bass has no B string, but for flexibility the notes B0 to D#1 have been mapped to a virtual B string.
These notes use stretched E string samples. Only basic articulations like sustain, mutes, hammer-on and
pull-off are available on the virtual B string.
6.4 Slides
Legato Slides are available in speeds 60 to 480 bpm. Play a note legato
while holding the sustain pedal pressed to trigger a slide. If it’s not
possible to slide the played interval without going outside of the
available frets a sustain will be used instead. The velocity of the
+ target note determines the speed of the slide. There are three re-
corded slide tempi:
Velocities 1-30 trigger the slowest slide sample (60 to 89 bpm)
Velocities 31-60 trigger the middle slide sample (90 to 119 bpm)
Velocities 61-127 trigger the fastest slide sample (120 to 480 bpm)
The beats per minute (bpm) tempo numbers above refer to the du-
ration of a 1/4 note in that tempo. To play a 1/8 note slide in tem-
po 120 you need to use a slide note velocity which corresponds to
240 bpm, and to play a 1/16 note slide (very fast) in tempo 120
you will need a velocity which corresponds to 480 bpm.
The articulations with two alternations are sustains, mutes, harmonics, fast grace notes
% and release samples.
To solve this problem we provide a chord mode which is activated by key switch D#0. When
the chord mode is active the scripts waits for all the notes in the chord to arrive before it
decides on what strings to use. Only then is playback started.
The longer the script is allowed to wait for new notes in a chord the sloppier a user can play
them and still have them recognized as a chord. But the longer the script waits the longer
will also the playback of the notes be delayed. So there is a trade-off between allowing for
sloppily played chords and latency.
In fact the script waits for extra notes in the same way even when chord mode is not active,
but then a much shorter waiting time is used (the default is 0.5 ms)—so short that one can-
not hear it. It is not possible for a human to play chords that tightly, but if you align notes in
your sequencer and make the first and last note be close enough that will make it possible
for the chord to be recognized.
Hence, for live playing you can use D#0 to activate chord mode, but if you choose to align
notes after recording you don’t have to use the key switch. It’s up to you as the user.
Here you can specify what type of playing style you want to use. This affects the automatic
string selection and whether high or low frets are preferred. For example, when playing rock
a bass player would typically not use the lowest fret numbers.
•• Pop & Country - no specific preference for low/high frets
•• Soul & Funk - frets above fret 4 are preferred
•• Rock & Retro - frets above fret 6 are preferred
Even with the latter settings it is still possible to use lower frets if you tell the instrument to
do so by activating string or playing position key switches.
The instrument comes with a number of factory presets which can be loaded by simply se-
lecting them from the preset menu (see image).
Be aware that whenever you load an effect preset any customization of the MM-Bass - Amped
insert effect parameters you might have done can be overwritten.
You can also save your own presets. To do this edit the insert effects parameters in KONTAKT
to your liking and then choose one of the Save... menu items from the preset menu. Please
note that due to a KONTAKT 2/3 limitation, scripts cannot load new effects but only change
parameters of already loaded ones. This has been worked around by loading all kinds of ef-
fects and bypassing the ones which are not necessary. The status of the bypass buttons is
stored in each preset and restored when one is loaded.
Presets are stored within the KONTAKT instrument file (.nki file) so in case you later down-
load an update to MM-Bass - Amped that file will lack any customized presets of yours, which
is useful to be aware of. However, you can transfer a preset from one instrument to another
by using the native preset feature in KONTAKT and then choose Save... from the menu to
reintegrate it into the script preset system.
In this section the Bass, Middle and Treble can be adjusted. Beware that loading an FX pre-
set can change the EQ.
11.4 Vibrato
Here you can specify the vibrato speed and the volume of the fret noises that are automati-
cally generated in order to mimic the noises generated as the finger move back and forth on a
string. You can also decide whether to use CC#1 or Aftertouch to control the vibrato intensity.
For every note you play the script decides whether a pickup-hit noise should be played or
not. Here you can set the chance for it to happen. At 0% you never get a pickup hit and at
100% you always get it.
The default mode determines whether pickup-hit noises should be enabled by default. It can
be either of:
•• Pickup hits: noises are ON by default. Hold the F0 key switch to turn them off.
•• No pickup hits: noises are OFF by default. Hold the F0 key switch to turn them on.
Please note that the default release mode and pickup are coupled, i.e. if you select “Pickup
hits” as your default mode the release mode will be set to Random.
When you load MM-Bass - Amped the pickup hit knob is set to 0%, so if you want pickup
hits you need to increase it. It can also be automated using CC#4 (or some other controller
of your choice).
The Decay knob in the upper right corner controls how much more silent a release sample
becomes for each second longer you hold a note pressed. The unit is dB / second. I.e. if it
is set to 15 dB/s then the volume of a release sample of a 2s long note will be turned down
30 dB.
There are three types of release samples: loose, tight 1 (quite tight) and tight 2 (very tight).
The tight samples are played more carefully and are less noisy than the loose ones. You can
set the default release mode to be one of:
•• Random mode – use random mix of loose, tight 1 and tight 2 samples
•• Tight mode – use random mix of tight 1 and tight 1 samples only
By using the F0 key switch you can switch to the non-default mode at any time. Eg. let’s say
the default mode is set to Random mode. Then you will sometimes get loose release samples
when playing. If you want only tight release samples for some passage of a song you can hold
F0 pressed during that time to temporarily toggle to Tight mode.
The loose / tight knob controls the probability of getting either loose or tight release samples.
Turn it up to increase the chance of getting tight samples.
The tight 1 / tight 2 knob controls the probability of getting tight 1 versus tight 2 samples.
Turn it up to increase the chance of getting tight 2 samples.
The illustration below shows how the notes of a chord never arrive at exactly the same time –
there is always a period of time between the first and last last note. As long as this period of
time is shorter in milliseconds than the Sloppiness knob value shown to the right, the chord
will be properly recognized and automatic string selection will work optimally.
If on the other hand the period of time between notes gets longer than the Sloppiness value
the automatic string selection is performed note by note which in some cases can yield sub-
optimal results for chords.
By increasing the sloppiness the tolerance for sloppily played chords increases, but at the
same time the latency is increased by the same amount leading to a less responsive instru-
ment. For this reason it is preferable to use a high sloppiness setting only when one is about
to play chords and a low value otherwise in order to minimum latency.
When chord mode has been activated by the D#0 key switch the left sloppiness setting is used.
And when chord mode is not active the normal sloppiness setting to the right is used. In other
words, D#0 temporarily activates a higher latency which makes the string selection for chords
more reliant and as soon as the key switch is released the low latency is restored again.
When you play notes quickly after each other automatic alternation between index and middle
finger samples takes place. When you play slower only index finger samples are used.
You can specify the threshold for what the script should consider fast playing by setting the
Alt. Time knob. When you play a note there will be automatic alternation only if the period of
time since the last note is lower than this.
With the default setting automatic alternation starts when notes are played at shorter time
intervals than 1 second.
Here you can adjust the volume of the various noise samples:
•• Release samples
11.10 Controllers
In addition to key switches it is also possible to control some parameters using MIDI Controllers:
Playing position: an alternative to the F4-B5 key switches. When it is set you can use that
controller to move the playing position. Unlike the key switches this will not trigger fret noises
and one cannot lock the playing position this way since there is no analogue to holding a key
Slide mode: by default CC#64 (sustain pedal) is used to activate slide mode, but here you can
specify another controller to be used if desired.
Release: the CC used to control the balance between Loose and Tight release samples, i.e.
the Loose/Tight knob on the Release settings page.
Sustain: a CC number used to sustain notes (like a sustain pedal sustains notes). Please take
care not to overuse this feature since some space between notes can be good in order to get
a realistic release sound.
Pickup hit chance: you can here configure a controller with which to automate the Pickup hit
ratio knob (see the Pickup hit settings above).
Instrument Graphics
Stefan Kengen
Beta Testers
Richard Hilton, Jules Bromley and Stefan Kengen
Thank You’s
My wife Anne, for all your work, support, and love. To Nils Liberg, you have been fantastic and one of the finest and
brightest persons I have ever met, you should be proud of yourself! To Richard Hilton and Nile Rodgers for their sup-
port and friendship, Native Instruments for their powerful Kontakt 2.2.3 engine, Philip Pendleton for his help with
web matters, Klaus Simone for his help in healing my soul, Jules Bromley for his beta feedback and Stefan Kengen
for the MM-Bass instrument graphics, it looks so cool. To Jimmy Østbygaard from Futureware for fast help, Sound
Soap, the great friends from Gaya Musik: Kim, Steffen and Victor. Big thanks to Garth Hjelte from Chickensys; could
not have done it without Translator. To all Scarbee users: Thanks for your support. Finally to my sons Nikolaj, Oscar
and Victor, I love you so much.
MM-Bass is dedicated to Bernard Edwards (1952-1996)
Copyright Disclaimer
All product and company names, brands and logos mentioned in this document are exclusive property of the respec-
tive owners. Some product names, descriptions and images are cited for the sole purpose of identifying the specific
products that we used to develop Scarbee MM-Bass - Amped. Scarbee is in no way related to or affiliated to any
of the mentioned companies.
© 2009 SCARBEE.
All rights reserved.