DC Machines: Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur

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DC Machines

Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur

D.C Generators

Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur

38 D.C Generators (Lesson-38) 4
38.1 Goals of the lesson ……………………………………………………………….. 4
38.2 Generator types & characteristics. ………………………………………………... 4
38.2.1 Characteristics of a separately excited generator. ……………………… 5
38.2.2 Characteristics of a shunt generator. …………………………………… 7
38.2.3 Load characteristic of shunt generator. ………………………………… 10
38.2.4 Prediction of approximate load characteristic from OCC & Rf line. …… 10
38.3 Compound generator ……………………………………………………………... 12
38.4 Tick the correct answer …………………………………………………………… 14
38.5 Solve the following ……………………………………………………………… 15

Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur

38.1 Goals of the lesson
Students are expected to learn about the classification of d.c generators and their characteristics
in this lesson. After going through this lesson they will be able to:

1. differentiate different types of d.c generators along with their schematic representations.
2. identify, looking at the circuit diagram of a given generator, the types of the generator
i.e., whether the generator is shunt, separately excited or compound generator.
3. sketch the important characteristics (no load and load characteristics) of different types of
4. identify various factors responsible for internal voltage drop.
5. understand the conditions to be fulfilled so as to build up voltage in a shunt generator.
6. predict the load characteristic of a shunt generator from its open circuit characteristic.
7. locate the shunt and series field coils in the machine and comment on their relative
number of turns and cross sectional areas.

38.2 Generator types & Characteristics

D.C generators may be classified as (i) separately excited generator, (ii) shunt generator, and (iii)
series generator and (iv) compound generator.
In a separately excited generator field winding is energised from a separate voltage source in
order to produce flux in the machine. So long the machine operates in unsaturated condition the
flux produced will be proportional to the field current. In order to implement shunt connection,
the field winding is connected in parallel with the armature. It will be shown that subject to
fulfillment of certain conditions, the machine may have sufficient field current developed on its
own by virtue of its shunt connection.
In series d.c machine, there is one field winding wound over the main poles with fewer turns
and large cross sectional area. Series winding is meant to be connected in series with the
armature and naturally to be designed for rated armature current. Obviously there will be
practically no voltage or very small voltage due to residual field under no load condition (Ia = 0).
However, field gets strengthened as load will develop rated voltage across the armature with
reverse polarity, is connected and terminal voltage increases. Variation in load resistance causes
the terminal voltage to vary. Terminal voltage will start falling, when saturation sets in and
armature reaction effect becomes pronounced at large load current. Hence, series generators are
not used for delivering power at constant voltage. Series generator found application in boosting
up voltage in d.c transmission system.
A compound generator has two separate field coils wound over the field poles. The coil
having large number of turns and thinner cross sectional area is called the shunt field coil and the
other coil having few number of turns and large cross sectional area is called the series field coil.
Series coil is generally connected in series with the armature while the shunt field coil is
connected in parallel with the armature. If series coil is left alone without any connection, then it
becomes a shunt machine with the other coil connected in parallel. Placement of field coils for
shunt, series and compound generators are shown in figure 38.1. Will develop rated voltage
across the armature with reverse polarity.

Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur

38.2.1 Characteristics of a separately excited generator

No load or Open circuit characteristic

In this type of generator field winding is excited from a separate source, hence field current is
independent of armature terminal voltage as shown on figure (38.2). The generator is driven by a
prime mover at rated speed, say n rps. With switch S in opened condition, field is excited via a
potential divider connection from a separate d.c source and field current is gradually increased.
The field current will establish the flux per pole φ. The voltmeter V connected across the
armature terminals of the machine will record the generated emf (EG = pza φ n = kφ n ). Remember
a is a constant (k) of the machine. As field current is increased, EG will increase. EG versus If
plot at constant speed n is shown in figure (38.3a).

Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur

It may be noted that even when there is no field current, a small voltage (OD) is generated
due to residual flux. If field current is increased, φ increases linearly initially and O.C.C follows
a straight line. However, when saturation sets in, φ practically becomes constant and hence Eg
too becomes constant. In other words, O.C.C follows the B-H characteristic, hence this
characteristic is sometimes also called the magnetisation characteristic of the machine.

It is important to note that if O.C.C is known at a certain speed nl, O.C.C at another speed n2 can
easily be predicted. It is because for a constant field current, ratio of the generated voltages
becomes the ratio of the speeds as shown below.

EG 2 Gen. voltage at n2
EG1 Gen. voltage at n1
kφ n2
= ∵ voltage is calculated at same field current
kφ n1
EG 2 n2
∴ = i f = constant
EG1 n1
or, EG 2 = EG1

Therefore points on O.C.C at n2 can be obtained by multiplying ordinates of O.C.C at n1 with the
ratio nn12 . O.C.C at two different speeds are shown in the following figure (38.4).

Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur

Load characteristic of separately excited generator

Load characteristic essentially describes how the terminal voltage of the armature of a generator
changes for varying armature current Ia. First at rated speed, rated voltage is generated across the
armature terminals with no load resistance connected across it (i.e., with S opened) by adjusting
the field current. So for Ia = 0, V = Eo should be the first point on the load characteristic. Now
with S is closed and by decreasing RL from infinitely large value, we can increase Ia gradually
and note the voltmeter reading. Voltmeter reads the terminal voltage and is expected to decrease
due to various drops such as armature resistance drop and brush voltage drop. In an
uncompensated generator, armature reaction effect causes additional voltage drop. While noting
down the readings of the ammeter A2 and the voltmeter V, one must see that the speed remains
constant at rated value. Hence the load characteristic will be drooping in nature as shown in
figure (38.3b).

38.2.2 Characteristics of a shunt generator

We have seen in the previous section that one needs a separate d.c supply to generate d.c voltage.
Is it possible to generate d.c voltage without using another d.c source? The answer is yes and for
obvious reason such a generator is called self excited generator.
Field coil (F1, F2) along with a series external resistance is connected in parallel with the
armature terminals (A1, A2) of the machine as shown in figure (38.5). Let us first qualitatively
explain how such connection can produce sufficient voltage. Suppose there exists some residual
field. Therefore, if the generator is driven at rated speed, we should expect a small voltage
( kφres n ) to be induced across the armature. But this small voltage will be directly applied across
the field circuit since it is connected in parallel with the armature. Hence a small field current
flows producing additional flux. If it so happens that this additional flux aids the already existing
residual flux, total flux now becomes more generating more voltage. This more voltage will
drive more field current generating more voltage. Both field current and armature generated
voltage grow cumulatively.
This growth of voltage and the final value to which it will settle down can be understood
by referring to (38.6) where two plots have been shown. One corresponds to the O.C.C at rated
speed and obtained by connecting the generator in separately excited fashion as detailed in the
preceding section. The other one is the V-I characteristic of the field circuit which is a straight
line passing through origin and its slope represents the total field circuit resistance.

Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur

Initially voltage induced due to residual flux is obtained from O.C.C and given by Od. The
field current thus produced can be obtained from field circuit resistance line and given by Op. In
this way voltage build up process continues along the stair case. The final stable operating point
A shunt generator driven by a prime mover, can not built up voltage if it fails to comply any of
the conditions listed below.

1. The machine must have some residual field. To ensure this one can at the beginning
excite the field sepae 30ly with some constant current. Now removal of this current will
leave some amount of residual field.
2. Field winding connection should be such that the residual flux is strengthened by the field
current in the coil. If due to this, no voltage is being built up, reverse the field terminal
3. Total field circuit resistance must be less than the critical field resistance.

38.2.3 Load chae cteristic of shunt generator

With switch S in open condition, the generator is pe ctically under no load condition as field
current is pretty small. The voltmeter reading will be Eo as shown in figures (38.5) and (38.6). In
other words, Eo and Ia = 0 is the first point in the load characteristic. To load the machine S is
excited motor, here IL ≠ Ia. In fact, for shunt generator, Ia = IL - If. So increase of IL will mean
increase of Ia
3. Now draw a horizontal line NQ which intersects the field resistance line at Q.
4. Draw a vertical line PQ intersecting OCC at P.
5. Length PQ must be I a ra drop.
6. Knowing the value of a482.04 67.8 21 180 0 6.9375 210.9 679.823m(4.72ETEMC /P 0 0 5.034 1.5 5 0 dMC /P 0Tj8 Tw 1.534 Tm2 25 682. Tm[(r8(6.)Tj/1e f,)486( Ine 46(= /P </MCID 1 >BDC BT/T0 1 Tf0 Tc 0 Tw 12.03 Tw 1.5 0 Td(Kn5 682. Tm65owi6.)Tj/1 , canEMC )TjculatedC /P </MCID 8 >BDC BT1/T0 1 Tf0 Tc 0 Tw 12 0 0 12 90 682. Tm(5.327/T1 7 Tf( )Tj/0 1 Tf0.3 Tc -0.05Tw 1.5 0 T7d(Knowing theT )Tabove steps are.59peated, /P 0T2 Tw 1.5 0 0 Td2.05wing thefor of )rTjETsEMC chosen Tf0 Tc
9. In fact it explains why the load characteristic takes a turn toward left after reaching a
maximum current.

As we go on decreasing the load resistance, terminal voltage falls. Field being connected
across the armature,
Series field coil may be connected in such a way that the mmf produced by it aids the shunt
field mmf-then the machine is said to be cumulative compound machine, otherwise if the series
field mmf acts in opposition with the shunt field mmf – then the machine is said to be differential
compound machine.
To understand the usefulness of the series coil in a compound machine let us undertake the
following simple calculations. Suppose as a shunt generator (series coil not connected) 300
AT/pole is necessary to get no load terminal voltage of 220 V. Let the terminal voltage becomes
210 V at rated armature current of 20 A. To restore the terminal voltage to 220 V, shunt
3. A shunt generator is found to develop rated voltage in the armature when driven at 1000
rpm in the clockwise direction. The generator is now first stopped and then run once
again at 1000 rpm but in the anti-clock wise direction. The generator,

(A) will develop rated voltage across the armature with same polarity as before.
(B) will develop rated voltage across the armature with reverse polarity.
(C) will develop a voltage lower than the rated value across the armature with reverse
(i) What should be the field circuit resistance in order to have no load terminal voltage to be
230V? Also calculate the critical field resistance. (ii) What maximum current can be supplied
to the load and at what terminal voltage? Assume the speed to remain constant at 500 rpm.
(iii) What should be the range of variation of field circuit resistance in order to have a
terminal voltage of 230V from no load to the full load condition, the full load armature
current being 20A? The speed drops to 450 rpm at full load condition.

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