01-Silibus Material Science

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2. Course Code: USM 2112
3. Names of academic staff:

4. Rationale for the inclusion of the course in the programme:

Kursus ini membantu pelajar memperoleh pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap yang betul
tentang hubungan antara sifat-sifat, struktur dan proses bahan kejuruteraan dan
penekanan terhadap asas-asas untuk memilih bahan-bahan berdasarkan kriteria
rekabentuk kejuruteraan
5. Semester and Year offered: Semester 2 Year 1
6. Total Student Learning Time (SLT):
Total Hours/
Category of Activities Learning Activity
Lecture 28
Practical 6
Guided learning(F2F)
Student Centered Learning activities /
Preparation for lecture 4
Self-learning (NF2F) Preparation for assignment / revision 14
Preparation for assessment 14.5
Continuous assessments 3.5
Formal assessments
Final examination sitting 2
Total SLT 80

7. Credit Value: 2 credits

8. Prerequisite (if any): None
9. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
CLO1 Menerangkan lima sifat – sifat bahan logam secara bertulis dengan jelas.
(C2, PLO1)
CLO2 Menunjukkan kemahiran manipulatif semasa menjalankan amali dengan baik.
(P2, PLO2)
CLO3 Melaksanakan sikap saintifik dalam kumpulan semasa menjalankan amali di
dalam makmal (A2,PLO5)

USM2112 MEI 2020

10. Transferable Skills (Skills and how they are developed and assessed, project and practical
experience and internship):
PLO 5 ____________________________________________________

Teaching-learning and assessment strategies:

CLO Method of delivery Method of KPI
CLO1 Menerangkan lima sifat – - Kuliah
- Pembelajaran
sifat bahan logam secara - Ujian
bertulis dengan jelas..
(C2, PLO1)
CLO2 Menunjukkan kemahiran - Kuliah
manipulatif semasa - Amali 50%
- Kerja Amali
menjalankan amali - Pembelajaran pelajar
berpusatkan mendapat
dengan baik. (P2, PLO2)
pelajar. sekurang-
CLO3 Melaksanakan sikap a Gred C
saintifik dalam kumpulan - Kuliah
- Kerja Amali
semasa menjalankan - Amali
- Pembelajaran
amali di dalam makmal

12. Course Synopsis:

This course introduces students about the characteristics of the most important
materials in modern engineering design. Therefore, the study of solid-state materials
and the relationship between physical structure and their characteristics is an
important component in the study of technology mechanical and manufacturing.
Others than that, this course provides a constitutional framework for understanding
the behavior of engineering materials by emphasizing the important relationship
between in the internal structure. It also attempts to deliver the general overview of
the nature material and the mechanisms by modify and control engineering material.
In addition, experiments in the mechanical testing to discover the mechanical
properties of the materials. While, Phase Diagram also exposed in this course due to
important graphical information to indicate the character of an element, mixture and
solution of materials.

USM2112 MEI 2020

13. Mode of Delivery:
Kuliah, sesi amali dan aktiviti berpusatkan pelajar dan pensyarah.

14. Assessment Methods and Types:

Course Evaluation:
1. Penilaian Berterusan (Continuous Assessment)

a. Ujian 1 (10%)

b. Ujian 2 (10%)

c. Ujian 3 (10%)

60 %
d. Amali 1
Domain Psikomotor - CLO2 (10%)
Domain Afektif - CLO3 (5%)

e. Amali 2
Domain Psikomotor - CLO2 (10%)
Domain Afektif - CLO3 (5%)

2. Penilaian Akhir (Final Assesment)

a. Teori 40 %
Jumlah (Total) 100 %
15. Mapping of the course to the Programme Educational Objectives (PEO):


USM2112 MEI 2020

16. Mapping of the course (CLO) to the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO):


Menerangkan lima sifat – sifat bahan logam secara bertulis
dengan jelas. X
(C2, PLO1)
Menggunakan kemahiran manipulatif semasa menjalankan
amali dengan baik. X
(P2, PLO2)
Melaksanakan sikap saintifik dalam kumpulan semasa
menjalankan amali di dalam makmal (A2,PLO5)

17. Content outline of the course and the SLT (lecture hours) per topic:

Face-To-Face Non Face

L Pr Stud Pr Pr
e ac ent ep ep
c ti Cent ar ar
t ca ered ati ati
u l Learn on on
r ing Fo Fo
e r r
Le As
ct sig

ur m
e ne
1.0 Introduction to Materials
1.1 Classify the materials
1.1.1 Metal and its alloys
1.1.2 Ceramics
1.1.3 Polymer
1-2 1.1.4 Composites 2 0 1 0 2
1.2 State the general properties of materials
1.3 Explain the Advanced Materials
1.3.1 Semiconductors
1.3.2 Biomaterials
1.3.3 Smart Materials
2.0 Atomic & Crystal Structure
2.1 Understanding the Atomic Structures
2.2 Understanding the Electronic Structure for atoms
2.2.1 Bohr’s Atomic Model
2.3 Understanding Quantum Numbers
2.4 Understanding The Secondary of Orbital Quantum
Number, I
3 0 1 0 2
3-4 2.5 Understanding Periodic Table
2.6 Explain the type of Atomic Bonding
2.6.1 Ionic Bonding
2.6.2 Covalent Bonding
2.6.3 Metallic Bonding
2.7 Identify the Lattice and unit Cell
2.8 Determine the type of basic crystal structures
3.0 Imperfections in Solids
3.1 Understanding the Point defects
3.2 Explain the Line defect 4 0 1 2 2
3.3 Explain the Surface defects
3.4 Explain the volume of defects
7-10 4.0 Mechanical Properties of Metal 9 6 3 2 4
4.1 Understanding of concepts mechanical properties of
metallic material
4.1.1 Concept of Engineering Stress
4.1.2 Concept of Engineering Strain
4.1.3 Hooke’s Law Relationships
4.2 Understanding of Elastic and Plastic Deformation
4.2.1 Elastic Deformation
4.2.2 Plastic Deformation
4.3 Understanding the Engineering Stress – Strain

4.3.1Tensile Strength
4.3.2 Ductility
4.3.3 Toughness
4.3.4 Fracture
4.3.5 Fatigue
4.4 Explain Mechanical Testing
4.4.1 Tensile Testing
4.4.2 Hardness Testing
5.0 Phases Diagrams
5.1 Understanding the concept phase diagram
5.1.1 Introduction of Phase Diagram
5.1.2 Phase of Gases, Liquids and Solids
5.2 Classification of Phase Diagram
5.2.1 Unary Phase Diagram
5.2.2 Binary Phase Diagram
5.2.3 Ternary Phase Diagram
11-14 5.3 Understanding of Binary Phase Diagrams (Two 10 0 2 0 4
Component Systems)
5.2.1 Solid Solution
5.2.2 Phase Rule and Equilibrium
5.2.3 Construction of Equilibrium Phase Diagrams
5.4 Understanding of Binary Diagrams Types
5.4.1 Binary Isomorphous System
5.4.2 Binary Eutectic Systems
5.5 Applications of Phase Diagram
15 Minggu Ulangkaji
16 Final Exam (Teori) - - - - -
17 Final Exam (Amali) - - - - -
Total 28 6 8 4 14
Notional hours 8
Credit Value

18. Main and additional references supporting the course:

1. Zaleha Mustafa, Et. Al, Basic of Engineering Materials for Beginner Module 21, 1st Ed. (2016).
2. Azizah Shaaban, Et. Al, Processes of Engineering Materials for Beginner Module 22, 1st Ed. (201
3. James F. Shackelford, Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, 5th Ed. (2015).
4. William D. Callister, David G. Rethwisch, Materials Science and Engineering, an Introduction, 9th

5. Jasmi Hashim, Sains Bahan, 1st Ed. (2013).
* Tertakluk kepada Pusat Sumber / Bengkel kolej masing-masing dan bertepatan dengan program

19. Other additional information: -

Nama Panel Penggubal
Bil Nama Penggubal Kelayakan

1. Syam Sazani Bin Hamat Diploma Pendidikan Lepasan Ijazah

Pegawai Akademik Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan
Kolej Vokasional Shah Alam
Jalan Batu Tiga Lama,
40300 Shah Alam Selangor
Tel : 0175277987
2. Mohamad Hanif Bin Nadzri Diploma Pendidikan Lepasan Ijazah
Pegawai Akademik Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan
Kolej Vokasional Seri Iskandar Kepujian
32610 Seri Iskandar Perak
Tel : 0175031707
3. Hazilah Binti Zainudin Diploma Pertanian
Pegawai Akademik Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Sains)
Kolej Vokasional Setapak
Jln Genting Kelang 53300 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 0192451006
4. Mohd Firdaus bin Ab Rahman Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi sert
Pegawai Akademik Mekanikal )
Kolej Vokasional Sg Buloh
Km 22 Jln Kuala Selangor 47000 Sg Buloh Selangor
Tel :0134710706

Nama Pakar Rujuk

Bil Nama Penggubal Kelayak

Prof Madya Dr Hatijah Basri Doktor Falsafah ( Kejuruteraan Kim
Deputy Dean ( Academic &International ) Ijazah Sarjana Sains ( Kimia ) UTM
Fac of Applied Sciences & technology ( FAST) Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains UTM
1 Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
Kampus Pagoh
Km 1 Jalan Panchor 84600 Muar, Johor
Tel : 0127704630
Prof. Madya Dr. Ing. Oskar Hasdinor Hassan PhD in Advanced Manufacturing, R
Deputy Dean ( Research & Innovation ) Germany
2 Faculty of Art & Design MSc of Materials Engineering USM
Shah Alam Selangor BEng (Hons) Materials Engineering
Tel : 0355444012
Dr. Muhammad Heikal bin Ismail PhD in Engineering, University Of N
Pensyarah Kanan Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical
Jabatan Kejuruteraan Kimia dan Alam Sekitar
Fakulti Kejuruteraan
43400 UPM Serdang
Tel : 017-7949131

Jamal Yusufi bin Abdul Rahman Ketua Jabatan Perniagaan

Kolej Vokasional Kuala Selangor Jurulatih Akademik BPTV

Ahmad Safwan bin Raihan Penyelaras Bahasa Arab

Kolej Vokasional Dato’ Lela Maharaja Rembau Jurulatih Akademik BPTV


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