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Bangued Abra


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1. The concrete frame is used to support the concrete deck for a commercial building. The frane
carries a service dead load 2.2 kPa. Slab thickness is 125 mm. Beams AH, BG, CF and DE, has a
cross section 0f 250 x 500 mm while girder. ABCD has a cross section of 350 x 750 mm. Weight of
concrete is 24 kN/m.

A. Compute the total factored uniform load in kN/m supported by beam BI.
B. Compute the reaction at G.
C. Compute the reaction at A.

2. IF columns E and H are deleted and beam DEF and GHI Rests on beam BEHK. Beam DEF
and GHI are 350 mm x 600 mm. Slab is 100 mm thick and is cast monolithically with the
beams. The slab supports a superimposed dead load of 3.6 kPa and live load of 4.2 kPa.
Based on tributary area.

A. Compute the ultimate load ( kn ) at E induced by the beam DEF.

B. Compute the ultimate load ( kn ) at H induced by the beam GHI.
C. Compute the maximum positive moment of girder BK assuming full fixity at B
and K. Use FEM = Pab2/ L2.
3. Figure shows the floor framing plan of a reinforced concrete building. All beams are 300
mm X 500 mm.

Slab thickness = 100 mm

Super imposed dead load = 3 Kpa
Live load = 4.8 kPa
Concrete unit weight = 24 kn/m3
The column at E and H are deleted thus girder BEHK alone supports beam DEF at E and
beam GHI at E.
A. Calculate the uniformly distributed service deadload at beam DEF.
B. Calculate the uniformly service live load at beam DEF.
C. Calculate the total ultimate load concentrated at E induced by beam DEF using
the tributary method.
4. When the columns E and H of the floor framing plan shown are deleted, girder BEHK
becomes a one span fixed ended beam GHI at H. The following loads on girder BEHK are
as follows:
Concentrated load at E = 266 Kn
Concentrated load at H = 266 KN
Uniform load throughtout its length = 5 kn/m

A. Calculate the resulting shear at B due to the given load.

B. Calculate the moment B.
C. Calculate the max. shear at E induced by the the concentrated loads.
D. Calculate the max positive moment due to the uniformly distributed load.


Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Hallel Jhon B. Butac Arch. Dario Ballacillo Dr. Norma V. Viernes

Instructor Chairman, CEA Vice President for Academic Affairs

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