Optiflow Therapy Brochure PM 610487

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Nasal High Flow

Nasal High Flow


Optiflow Nasal High Flow (NHF) Dynamic

delivers respiratory support to your positive airway
of dead space
spontaneously breathing patients, by pressure
providing heated, humidified air and
oxygen at flow rates up to 60 L/min
through the unique Optiflow nasal
cannula. Airway Patient
hydration comfort
Read on to discover more about:
• mechanisms
• physiological effects Supplemental
• clinical outcomes and how oxygen
using Optiflow NHF can reduce
escalation, thereby avoiding its
associated costs.
With Optiflow NHF, you can independently titrate flow and oxygen
concentration (FiO2 21 - 100%) according to your patient’s needs.
The mechanisms of action differ from those of conventional
therapies, as do the resulting physiological effects and clinical

Read more about mechanisms at:

Respiratory Dynamic
Reduction Airway
of dead space support positive airway

The effects of flow rate on The effects of NHF on airway pressure, The effects of high flows of warm,
clearance of rebreathing CO2 end-expiratory lung volume and tidal volume humidified air on mucociliary transport

Control NHF NHF NHF 100% Humidity 90% Humidity for 15 minutes
15L/min 30L/min 45L/min

Low flow oxygen Optiflow 400µm

0 2 4 6

Adapted from Möller et al.1 Adapted from Corley et al.5 Adapted from Tatkov et al.34

Clearance of expired air Breath- and flow-dependent Optimal

in the upper airways1 airway pressure3,4 Humidity

Reduces rebreathing of gas with Promotes slow and Prevents desiccation

high CO2 and depleted O21 deep breathing3 of the airway epithelium

Increases alveolar ventilation1 Increases alveolar ventilation1,5 Improves mucus clearance6,7

when required
FLOW (L/min)

Optiflow 60 L/min

Optimal Open system Confidence in Peak Inspiratory Flow

(in respiratory distress)
Humidity No seal required the delivery
of blended, +
Face mask 10 L/min

Comfortable8,9 and easy to use humidified 0

oxygen2, 11­, from
21% to 100%

Adapted from Masclans et al.12

The mechanisms of respiratory support, airway hydration, patient
comfort and supplemental oxygen contribute to distinct physiological

IMPROVES ventilation and gas exchange

REDUCES respiratory rate


REDUCES carbon dioxide


INCREASES tidal volume


INCREASES end-expiratory lung volume


IMPROVES mucus clearance


IMPROVES oxygenation

Read clinical studies and other evidence at:
... and clinical outcomes: fphcare.com/opti/evidence-library

REDUCES escalation of care when used:

as a first-line respiratory support



REDUCES mortality rate10

IMPROVES symptomatic relief


IMPROVES comfort and patient compliance


Frat 2015 Ischaki 2017
The New England Journal of Medicine European Respiratory Review

STUDY Acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure*

A 23-center study10 compared NHF to use of a Criteria for immediate or imminent intubation are present.
non-rebreather mask (standard oxygen) and NIV
as a primary treatment. The primary outcome was NO YES
the number of patients intubated at day 28 (not
attained). NHF initiation Intubation and invasive MV
• FiO2 100% NHF for improving pre-
METHOD • Flow rate 60 L·min
oxygenation and peri-
• Temperature 37°C laryngoscopy oxygenation
• FiO2 100%
310 pre-intubation patients in acute hypoxemic Within 1-2 h • Flow rate 60 L·min

respiratory failure (PaO2:FiO2 ≤ 300 mmHg) were

randomized to receive NHF, non-rebreather mask Monitoring
or NIV. Presence of prognostic factors

NHF significantly reduced ICU (p=0.047) and

90-day mortality (p=0.02) Titration Noninvasive MV
• FiO2 based on target Short trial [1-2 h]
The primary outcome was not met for all SpO2 [>88- 90%]
patients (p=0.18), however, NHF significantly • Flow rate based on <
25-30 breaths·min and

reduced the need for intubation in more acute

patient comfort
patients (PaO2:FiO2 ≤ 200 mmHg) (p=0.009) • Temperature based on
Significant increase in ventilator-free days on patient comfort.
NHF (p=0.02)
NHF significantly reduced intensity of respiratory Monitoring
discomfort (p<0.01) and dyspnea (p<0.001) Presence of prognostic factors within hours [maximum 48 h]

Reduced intubation rate (%)* Reduced ICU mortality (%) NO Reduced intubation rate (%)* YES
P=0.009 *Patients with PaO2:FiO2 ≤ 200 mmHg P=0.047 P=0.009 *Patients with PaO2:FiO2 ≤ 200 mmHg

50 58% 50
Weaning 50from NHF 58% and invasive MV
40 53% 40
Firstly decrease
FiO2. 53%NHF for improving pre-oxygenation
No. of patients

No. of patients
No. of patients

When FiO2 <0.4% and peri-laryngoscopy oxygenation

30 35% 30 25% decrease flow
30 35%
rate by • FiO2 100%
5 L·min-1. • Flow rate 60 L·min

20 20 19% 20

10 10 10
*Adapted from original paper23; used under Creative Commons licence 4.0.
MV = mechanical ventilation; SOT = standard oxygen treatment.
Nasal Standard Noninvasive Nasal Standard Noninvasive Please note that this material isNasal
intended Standard
exclusively Noninvasive
for healthcare practitioners and the information conveyed
High Flow oxygen ventilation High Flow oxygen ventilation constitutes neither medical High
advice nor instructions
Flow for use. This material should not be used for training
oxygen ventilation
n=83 n=74 n=81 n=106 n=94 n=110 purposes or to replace individual hospital policies
n=83 n=74 or practices.
n=81 Before any product use, consult the appropriate
user instructions.
Hernández (Apr) 2016 Hernández (Oct) 2016
Journal of the American Medical Association Journal of the American Medical Association

A 7-center study20 compared the efficacy of NHF to use A 3-center non-inferiority study21 compared use of
of conventional oxygen therapy (COT) post-extubation. NHF to bi-level positive airway pressure (BPAP) post-
The primary outcome was reintubation within 72 hours. extubation. The primary outcomes were reintubation
and post-extubation respiratory failure within 72 hours.
527 patients at low risk of reintubation (age < 65;
APACHE score < 12; BMI < 30 etc.) were randomized 604 patients at high risk of reintubation (age > 65;
to receive NHF or COT (via nasal prongs or a non- APACHE score > 12; BMI > 30 etc.) were randomized to
rebreather). receive NHF or BPAP. The non-inferiority margin was
NHF significantly reduced reintubation (p=0.004)
and post-extubation respiratory failure (p=0.03) NHF was non-inferior to BPAP for preventing
reintubation: 22.8% (66/290) NHF group vs. 19.1%
Successfully extubated patients (in both groups) had (60/314) BPAP group reintubated
a shorter duration of mechanical ventilation (p<0.001),
ICU stay (p<0.001) and hospital stay (p=0.005) NHF was non-inferior to BPAP for preventing post-
extubation respiratory failure: 26.9% (78/290) NHF
group vs. 39.8% (125/314) BPAP group had post-
extubation respiratory failure
Reduced reintubation Reduced respiratory failure
P=0.004; 95% CI, 2.5% to 12.2% P=0.03; 95% CI, 0.7% to 11.6% No patients in the NHF group suffered adverse effects
requiring withdrawal of the therapy, compared to
12.2% 40 14.4% 42.9% of patients in the BPAP group (p<0.001)
30 35

Median ICU length of stay was lower in the NHF group:
No. of patients

3 days (NHF) vs. 4 days (BPAP) (p=0.048)

No. of patients

25 8.3%
15 4.9%


n=264 n=263 n=264 n=263

Read clinical studies and other evidence at:

There is an ever-increasing body of clinical literature which may provide
guidance on the day-to-day application of Optiflow NHF

When are the effects of

Optiflow NHF seen?

Sztrymf13 associated Optiflow NHF

with sustained beneficial effects
on oxygenation and physiological
parameters for patients with acute
respiratory failure. Dyspnea
Similarly Rittayamai14 showed 5 minutes – 10 minutes
24 14
significant improvement in post- Res a
extubation patients. Respiratory rate Oxy rato
These studies may provide guidance 5 minutes14 – 15 minutes13 ge

ry ion
on patient responses to the therapy. Sup

at vicular retr

ac coabdominal asy c


15 minutes

Supraclavicular retraction
30 minutes


tio rony
Thoracoabdominal asynchrony
30 minutes13
View more frequently asked usage questions at:

Is there a way to predict the outcome of NHF?

The validated ROX index25 predicts failure in adults with AHRF receiving NHF,
at 4 time intervals: 2, 6, 12 and > 12 hours. It’s an easy-to-use dynamic bedside tool.

SpO2 / FiO2
= ROX index
Respiratory Rate

Example at 6 hours
SpO2 = 88% 88 / .70
FiO2 = .70
= 4.48
RR = 28 breaths/minute

ROX score margin for failure over time

Time Point (Hours ROX Positive

In the example above, the resulting score of of NHF use) Score Predictive Value %
4.48 is greater than the score for predicted
2 hours < 2.85 98
failure at 6 hours (3.47 as shown in the ROX
6 hours < 3.47 98–99
Score table right). Therefore, continued NHF
treatment should be considered. 12 hours < 3.85 99
> 12 hours < 4.88 80
View more frequently asked usage questions at:

Flow L/min
Guidance source Category description 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Macé et al 2019 acute hypoxemic respiratory failure (pneumonia)
What flow rates
Hernández et al Oct 2016 extubated patients at high risk of reintubation
and ranges
are used? Hernández et al Apr 2016 extubated patients at low risk of reintubation

Bell et al 2015 acute undifferentiated shortness of breath in the ED

The adjacent table Frat et al 2015 acute hypoxemic respiratory failure (pre-intubation)

lists starting flows Stéphan et al 2015 hypoxemic patients post cardiothoracic surgery

and flow ranges Maggiore et al 2014 post extubation with acute respiratory failure

used in clinical Peters et al 2013 do not intubate patient with hypoxemic respiratory distress


Sztrymf et al 2011 acute respiratory failure

Parke et al 2011 mild-to-moderate hypoxemic respiratory failure

Corley et al 2011 post-cardiac surgery

Storgaard et al 2018 COPD


Nagata et al. 2018 COPD

Cirio et al 2016 stable severe COPD patients

Rea et al 2010 COPD and/or bronchiectasis

Key: Flow range Starting flow Mean flow

Average airway pressure

What is the approximate average
6 dynamic pressure generated?
Airway pressure (cmH2O)

Average pressure increases
range approximately 0.5 - 1 cmH2O
per 10 L/min.

Pressure ranges are cannula and patient
dependent. For illustrative purposes only.
10 20 30 40 50 60
Flow (L/min)
Use Optiflow NHF to reduce escalation10,20 thereby avoiding
associated costs

Cost of traditional
standards of care

A patient’s journey through the hospital may include


periods of escalation and de-escalation of care.

Consider this conceptual model, showing two
patients’ journeys through the hospital.
The costs for these journeys are denoted
by the areas of blue and red.


Using Optiflow NHF as a first-line therapy (both pre-intubation and post-extubation)

may reduce a patient’s escalation ‘up the acuity curve’, resulting in better patient
outcomes and reduced costs of care.
Watch the Berkshire video at:

Introducing Optiflow
to the Royal Berkshire
This video shows the usage of AIRVO 2 & Optiflow
Nasal High Flow therapy in different departments
of the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading, UK.
It shows the benefits they have found to both
patients and hospital since its introduction.

Evaluate F&P Optiflow

Publications in the NEJM and JAMA suggest Fisher & Paykel Healthcare will provide
Optiflow NHF may improve patient outcomes10 training and equipment during an Optiflow
NHF evaluation to help you achieve these
and reduce the need for higher level support20,21
goals in your hospital. Let us customize an
thereby avoiding the associated costs33. evaluation to suit you.
Visit fphcare.com/opti/eval

1. Möller W, Celik G, Feng S, Bartenstein P, Meyer G, Eickelberg O et al. Nasal 10. Frat JP, Thille AW, Mercat A, Girault C, Ragot S, Perbet S et al. High-Flow
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Physiol. 2015; 118:1525-32. Engl J Med. 2015; 372(23):2185-96.

2. Ritchie JE, Williams AB, Gerard C, Hockey H. Evaluation of a humidified 11. Lenglet H, Sztrymf B, Leroy C, Brun P, Dreyfuss D, Ricard JD. Humidified
nasal high-flow oxygen system, using oxygraphy, capnography and High Flow Nasal Oxygen During Respiratory Failure in the Emergency
measurement of upper airway pressures. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2011; Department:Feasibility and Efficacy. Respir Care. 2012; 57(11):1873-8.
12. Masclans JR, Roca O. High-Flow Oxygen Therapy in Acute Respiratory
3. Mündel T, Feng S, Tatkov S, Schneider H. Mechanisms of nasal high flow on Failure. Clin Pulm Med. 2012; 19(3):127-30.
ventilation during wakefulness and sleep. J Appl Physiol. 2013; 114:1058-65.
13. Sztrymf B, Messika J, Bertrand F, Hurel D, Leon R, Dreyfuss D et al. Beneficial
4. Parke RL, Eccleston ML, McGuiness SP. The Effects of Flow on Airway effects of humidified high flow nasal oxygen in critical care patients: a
Pressure During Nasal High-Flow Oxygen Therapy. Respir Care. (Aug) 2011; prospective pilot study. Intensive Care Med. 2011; 37(11):1780-6.
14. Rittayamai N, Tscheikuna J, Rujiwit P. High-Flow Nasal Cannula Versus
5. Corley A, Caruana LR, Barnett AG, Tronstad O, Fraser JF. Oxygen delivery Conventional Oxygen Therapy After Endotracheal Extubation: A
through high-flow nasal cannulae increase end-expiratory lung volume and Randomized Crossover Physiologic Study. Respir Care. 2014; 59(4): 485-90.
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15. Roca O, Pérez-Terán P, Masclans JR, Pérez L, Galve E, Evangelista A et al.
Patients with New York Heart Association class III heart failure may benefit
6. Williams R, Rankin N, Smith T, Galler D, Seakins P. Relationship between the with high flow nasal cannula supportive therapy: High flow nasal cannula in
humidity and temperature of inspired gas and the function of the airway heart failure. J Crit Care. 2013; 28(5):741-6.
mucosa. Crit Care Med. 1996; 24(11):1920-9.
16. Peters S, Holets S, Gay P. High-Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy in Do-Not-
7. Hasani A, Chapman TH, McCool D, Smith RE, Dilworth JP, Agnew JE. Intubated Patients with Hypoxemic Respiratory Distress. Respir Care. 2013;
Domiciliary humidification improves lung mucociliary clearance in patients 58(4): 597-600.
with bronchiectasis. Chron Respir Dis. 2008; 5(2):81-6.
17. Jeong JH, Kim DH, Kim SC, Kang C, Lee SH, Kang TS et al. Changes in
8. Roca O, Riera J, Torres F, Masclans JR. High-Flow Oxygen Therapy in Acute arterial blood ases after use of high-flow nasal cannula therapy in the ED.
Respiratory Failure. Respir Care. 2010; 55(4):408-13. Am J Emerg Med. 2015; 3(10):1344-9.

9. Maggiore SM, Idone FA, Vaschetto R, Festa R, Cataldo A, Antonicelli F et 18. Lucangelo U, Vassallo FG, Marras E, Ferluga M, Beziza E, Comuzzi L et al.
al. Nasal High-Flow Versus Venturi Mask Oxygen Therapy after Extubation. High-Flow Nasal Interface Improves Oxygenation in Patients Undergoing
Effects on Oxygenation, Comfort, and Clinical Outcome. Am J Respir Crit Bronchoscopy. Crit Care Res Pract. 2012; (12):1-6.
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19. Parke R, McGuinness S, Eccleston M. A Preliminary Randomized Controlled 27. Bell N, Hutchinson CL, Green TC, Rogan E, Bein KJ, Dinh MM.
Trial to Assess Effectiveness of Nasal High-Flow Oxygen in Intensive Care Randomised control trial of humidified high flow nasal cannulae versus
Patients. Respir Care. (Mar) 2011; 56(3): 265-70. standard oxygen in the emergency department. Emerg Med Australas.
2015 Dec; 27(6):537-41.
20. Hernández G, Vaquero C, González P, Subira C, Frutos-Vivar F, Rialp G et al.
Effect of Postextubation High-Flow Nasal Cannula vs Conventional Oxygen 28. Storgaard LH, Hockey HU, Laursen BS, Weinreich UM. Long-term effects
Therapy on Reintubation in Low-Risk Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial. of oxygen-enriched high-flow nasal cannula treatment in COPD patients
JAMA. (Apr) 2016; 315(13):1354–61. with chronic hypoxemic respiratory failure. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis.
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21. Hernández G, Vaquero C, Colinas L, Cuena R, González P, Canabal A et
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High-Risk Patients. JAMA. (Oct) 2016; 316(15):1565-74. Stable Hypercapnic Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. A Multicenter
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22. Stéphan F, Barrucand B, Petit P, Rézaiguia-Delclaux S, Médard A, Delannoy
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23. Ischaki E, Pantazopoulos I, Zakynthinos S. Nasal high flow therapy: a novel
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24. Rittayamai N, Tscheikuna J, Praphruetkit N, Kijpinyochai S. Use of
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Emergency Department. Respir Care. 2015; 60(10):1377–82. pressure in adult volunteers. Aust Crit Care. 2007; 20(4):126-31.

25. Roca O, Caralt B, Messika J, Samper M, Sztrymf B, Hernandez G, et al. An 33. Eaton Turner E, Jenks M. Cost-effectiveness analysis of the use of high-flow
Index Combining Respiratory Rate and Oxygenation to Predict Outcome oxygen through nasal cannula in intensive care units in NHS England. Expert
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34. Takov S. Mucociliary Transport Video Microscopy. https://www.youtube.com/
26. Macé J, Marjanovic N, Faranpour F, Mimoz O, Frerebeau M, Violeau M, watch?v=HMdrhwEnY6M&list=PLonAnS_1BEgrIjk745MrBNpRoZFwNI14e
et al. Early high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy in adults with acute
hypoxemic respiratory failure in the ED: A before-after study. Am J Emerg
Med. 2019 Mar 5. [Epub ahead of print]
Optiflow is a trademark of Fisher & Paykel Healthcare.
For patent information, refer to www.fphcare.com/ip

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