Circuitos de Anestesia
Circuitos de Anestesia
Circuitos de Anestesia
A breathing system is a series of components that allows the delivery
of oxygen and other anaesthetic gases to the patient as well as aiding
A reservoir bag (RB) of distensible material of a size
in the removal of carbon dioxide. There are key elements that feature in
adequate for the patient’s peak inspiratory flow rate (0.5, 1
all anaesthetic breathing systems with numerous classification sys-
and 2 litre sizes commonly available). It allows collection
tems used. The layout of individual breathing systems determines
of fresh gas flow during expiration and minimizes the
their clinical application and use. All of the above will be discussed
amount of FGF required to prevent rebreathing.
further in this article as well as a brief summary of the use of carbon
A carbon dioxide (CO2) absorber if a rebreathing system is
dioxide absorbers and their function.
Keywords Carbon dioxide absorbers; circle system; Mapleson; non- Corrugated tubing to connect all of the above components.
rebreathing systems; rebreathing systems
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 23:1 24 Ó 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Mapleson D 2e3 MV 1 MV
Bain 70 ml/kg/min
Mapleson E 2 MV 1 MV
Ayres T-piece 70 ml/kg/min or minimum
3 litres/min
Table 2
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 23:1 25 Ó 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Table 3
for IPPV as wastefully high FGFs are needed to prevent connecting the rest of the system to the reservoir bag and is
rebreathing. highly inefficient, so much so that it is deemed to be impractical
Spontaneous ventilation: for clinical use for either SV or CV. The Mapleson C (often
Inspiration: the patient inhales fresh gas and partially referred to as a ‘Water’s circuit without absorber’) is used in
empties the reservoir bag (RB). resuscitation situations and for short patient transfers.
Expiration: the patient begins to exhale, first anatomical
dead space gas then alveolar gas, down the tubing to- Mapleson D: FGF is introduced at the patient end of the system
wards the RB. As the bag fills, the pressure within the with the heavy components, namely the APL valve and RB, sited
system opens the APL valve to vent the exhaled gases away from the patient. It is mostly used in the coaxial form
which are by now mainly alveolar.2 known as the ‘Bain’ system. The Bain system consists of narrow
During the expiratory pause the FGF flushes the inner tubing that delivers FGF directly to the patient, who will
remaining alveolar gas away from the patient and out of then exhale down the outer corrugated tubing to the reservoir
the APL valve. If the FGF matches the alveolar ventila- bag and APL valve. Disconnection of the inner tubing can result
tion (VA) then just as much gas flows into the system as in an increased dead space which causes massive rebreathing.
is exhaled, leaving only fresh and humidified dead space Therefore, one must to perform ‘Pethick’s test’ before use to
gas in the circuit. assess for a disconnection. The inner tube of the Bain circuit is
Intermittent positive pressure ventilation: occluded at the patient end using the end of a 2 ml syringe
Inspiration: with the APL valve closed the bag is plunger. If the tube is connected, this causes back pressure on the
squeezed generating an inspiratory breath which FGF and the flowmeter bobbin will dip. Alternatively, rapid
partially empties the bag. flushing of FGF through an intact system leads to a venturi effect,
Expiration: the subsequent expiratory breath fills the RB causing the reservoir bag to collapse.
and tubing with both dead space and alveolar gas. If this Mapleson D systems are most efficient when used during IPPV
is not flushed out with a high FGF rebreathing of exhaled and will lead to rebreathing during SV.
CO2 will occur. Spontaneous ventilation:
A modification of the Mapleson A system is called the ‘Lack’ Inspiration: the patient takes a breath from the fresh gas
system. The Lack system uses an additional length of tubing, which has filled the outer corrugated tubing and reser-
thereby moving the APL valve further from the patient and to- voir bag.
wards the RB. This runs either parallel to, or more commonly, Expiration: exhaled gases, mixed with the continuous
inside the original corrugated tubing (co-axial) and eliminates FGF, travel down the corrugated tubing towards the
the inconvenience of the APL sitting at the patient end. The FGF reservoir bag and APL valve. Once pressure within the
travels via the outer tube and the exhaled gas through the inner system is high enough, the APL valve opens and vents
tube. There is a large amount of dead space present at the patient exhaled gases.
end, so the Mapleson A is not suitable for patients under 30 kg in The expiratory pause allows the FGF to flush out the
weight.4 exhaled gas and fill the corrugated tubing with any
excess vented. High FGFs are required to prevent
Mapleson B and C: These require a very high FGF to prevent rebreathing.
rebreathing. The potential for mixing inspiratory and expiratory Intermittent positive pressure ventilation:
gases is due to the close proximity of the APL valve to the fresh Inspiration: the RB is squeezed, forcing its contents and
gas port. The ‘B’ circuit has a length of corrugated tubing all fresh gas distal to it into the patient.
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 23:1 26 Ó 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Expiration: exhaled gases, mixed with the continuous ventilation of alveolar gas. During SV there is no pressure within
FGF, travel down the corrugated tubing towards the the container and the APL valve remains fully open as for a
reservoir bag and APL valve. Once pressure within the Mapleson A. FGF requirements are the same for each mode of
system is high enough, the APL valve opens and vents ventilation, namely 70e100 ml/kg/min.
exhaled gases.
Factors affecting rebreathing (e.g. minute ventilation and Breathing systems with CO2 absorber
inspiratory flow rate) are controlled by the anaesthetist,
Carbon dioxide absorbers
allowing a lower FGF. This is consequently a more effi-
For a system to be efficient, the removal of CO2 from the exhaled
cient system, requiring FGF of only 70 ml/kg/min, equal
gas is an essential process. The chemical reaction between CO2
to VA.
and either soda lime [94% Ca(OH)2, 5% NaOH, 1% KOH] or
Baralyme [80% Ca(OH)2, 20% Ba(OH)2] and a dye indicator
Mapleson E: Introduced in 1937 as the Ayre’s T-piece, this
allows CO2 to be safely and efficiently removed. This is an
functions much like a Mapleson D, has minimal dead space, no
exothermic reaction, with water as a by-product, and warms and
valves and generates very little resistance to breathing. This
humidifies the system. Soda lime is presented as dyed granules,
makes it ideal for paediatric anaesthesia in children weighing less
size 4e8 mesh, with small amounts (0.2%) of silica to prevent
than 20 kg. The open-ended corrugated tubing acts as an inspi-
disintegration of the granules. The dye changes the colour of the
ratory reservoir and consequently must have a length that ex-
granules once they have become exhausted. NaOH and KOH act
ceeds the tidal volume of the patient. During expiration the
as catalysts and are regenerated at the expense of the Ca(OH)2:4
tubing fills with dead space and alveolar gas which is then
flushed out by the FGF; the absence of an expiratory pause in 1: CO2 þ 2NaOH/Na2 CO3 þ H2 O þ Heat
small infants means that some rebreathing is inevitable at modest
FGF. The FGF is ultimately the sole determinant of whether 2: Na2 CO3 þ CaðOHÞ2 /2NaOH þ CaCO3
rebreathing occurs and directly influences the oxygen concen-
tration of inspired gas. Therefore if the FGF is not equal to the To prevent channelling of gases via a settling process, and
inspiratory flow rate air will be entrained creating a dilutional consequent inefficiency, the canisters are used in the upright
effect. position.
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 23:1 27 Ó 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
possible making this system more efficient and less polluting, as inadequate anaesthesia as the concentration of the volatile
well as warming and humidifying inspired gases. Gas analysers anaesthetic will be dependent on the patient’s inspiratory flow
are essential at low flows to ensure adequate volatile and oxygen rate. VOC allows the required volatile concentration to be ach-
are administered and that rebreathing does not occur via absor- ieved by adjusting the vaporizer; the maximum volatile con-
bent exhaustion. The system consists of: centration can never be greater than that set. A
two one-way valves
a reservoir bag
a soda lime cannister 1 Milner Q. Anaesthetic breathing systems. Update Anaesth 1997; 7:
a Y-piece patient connector 145e50.
a source of FGF. 2 Conway CM. Anaesthetic breathing systems. Br J Anaesth 1985;
The positioning of the vaporizer can either be outside the 57: 649e57.
circle (VOC), e.g. on the anaesthetic machine backbar, or inside 3 Mapleson W. The elimination of rebreathing in various semi-closed
the circle (VIC). In order for a VIC to work, the vaporizer must anaesthetic systems. Br J Anaesth 1954; 26: 323.
have an extremely low internal resistance to allow easy passage 4 Al-Shaikh B, Stacey S. Essentials of anaesthetic equipment. 3rd
of the gas.4 There is also an increased risk of high volatile con- edn. Philadelphia: Churchill, Livingstone Elsevier, 2007.
centrations owing to vapour containing gas to-and-froing 5 Miller DM, Miller JC. Enclosed afferent reservoir breathing systems.
through the vaporizer, so inspired anaesthetic gas monitoring Description and clinical evaluation. Br J Anaesth 1988; 60:
is essential. In a spontaneously breathing patient, VIC can lead to 469e675.
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 23:1 28 Ó 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.