Report Card Comments & Phrases - Citizenship

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Report Card Comments & Phrases—

Although _______ has had some difficulty adjusting to our room and various duties,
he usually tries to cooperate.
As you know from my reports to you, _______ has had some problems adjusting to
our room. Please continue to work with him in this area.
_______ has made many fine contributions to our class and is an inspiration to her
No matter how busy _______ is, he still has time to do something nice for someone.
For this reason, he is one of the best citizens in my class.
_______ assumes responsibility well, excels on the playground, and is well liked by
her peers.
_______ is trying to practice good citizenship habits, but has been inconsistent with
this. He needs to remember that we play only at certain times.
_______ is a very dependable student. She frequently helps her classmates without
being asked to do so. Thank-you for your help.
Since our last conference, _______ has shown great improvement in the area of
citizenship. Thank-you for your support.
_______ is starting to understand that in order to be a part of this class, she must
follow the classroom rules. More improvement is needed for her to be successful in
this area.
_______ is one the best citizens in the class. He often volunteers and helps others
without being asked.

_______ is learning to be careful, cooperative, and fair.
_______ is very helpful with cleanup work around the room.
_______ gets along well with other children.
_______ accepts responsibility.
_______ works well with her neighbors.
_______ is a good citizen.
_______ makes friends quickly and is well liked by classmates.
_______ cooperates well.
_______ helps others.
_______ is a big help in seeing that our room looks clean and pleasant.
_______ is a fine citizen and takes a keen interest in school.
_______ possesses good self-discipline.
_______ is respectful of others.
_______ can be very helpful and dependable in the classroom.
_______ is always cooperative.
_______ needs to improve respect for others.
_______ interrupts others.
_______ needs to learn more socially acceptable behavior.
_______ needs to improve his self-control so he can be more socially accepted.
_______ is learning to listen and share with others.
_______ has difficulty following the classroom rules.
_______ does too much talking. It is disturbing to the other children.

Report Card Comments & Phrases—

Personality & Attitude
Although there has been some improvement in _______'s attitude toward his
schoolwork, it is not consistent. He will need continual guidance from home and
school throughout the rest of the year.
This report card is a reflection of ________'s attitude in school. He could improve if
he decided to work harder and cooperate more.
_______'s attitude toward our school rules, the other students, and myself is reflected
in this reporting quarter. She is capable of being a successful student with effort.
As my past reports have indicated, ______ does not do his schoolwork. He can do
better if he makes his mind up to work harder and complete his assignments.
Although there has been some improvement with ______'s attitude toward her
classmates, she frequently needs to be reminded to be respectful.
As we discussed in our last conference, ________'s attitude toward the basic skills is
poor. Please continue to do a nightly review with her, especially focusing on
Thank you for your interest in our class. I am pleased to report that _______ is
showing positive development in regards to his attitude in our classroom.
_______ continues to make nice progress this year concerning her attitude in the
classroom and on the playground.
I will continue to need your help and support if _______ is to overcome her attitude
and social difficulties. She will find school a much more pleasant place if she can
make a positive effort in this area.
_________'s attitude has continued to improve. Thank you for your support and


______ displays an excellent attitude.

______'s attitude toward school is excellent.
______ has a good attitude toward school.
______ assumes responsibility well and has a find attitude.
______ shows initiative and thinks things through for himself.
______ is developing a better attitude toward ___ grade.
______ needs to improve classroom attitude.


______ is a very pleasant student to work with.

______ is a very thoughtful student.
______ has a pleasant disposition.
______ is pleasant and friendly.
______ is cooperative and happy.
______ is cooperative and well mannered.
______ has a pleasant personality.
______ is a pleasure to have around.
______ is friendly and cooperative.
______ is a sweet and cooperative child.
______ is a very happy, well-adjusted child, but _____.
______ is self-confident and has excellent manners.
______ has a sense of humor we all enjoy.
______ has a sense of humor and enjoys the stories we read.
______ gets upset easily.
______ cries easily.
______ often seems tired at school.
Although _____________'s growth in social maturity is continuing, it is not


______ is enthusiastic about participating.

______ participates well in class.
______ volunteers often.
______ is willing to take part in all classroom activities.
______ is showing interest and enthusiasm for the things we do.
______ makes fine contributions.
______ takes an active part in discussions pertinent to ______.
______ responds well.
______ speaks with confidence to the group.
______ takes turns talking.
______ enjoys participating in conversation and discussion.
______ needs to actively participate in classroom discussion.

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Report Card Comments & Phrases—Work

As I have explained in my previous reports, ________ does not use his time wisely in
class. Please help him to understand that we study in class and play at only certain
times in school.
When _______ is able to settle down, she does much better work. However, she is
often seeking the attention of her classmates, which causes distraction for everyone.
As we have discussed in previous meetings, __________ must continue to improve
his work habits. We need to encourage him to be much more serious about the work
he does.
_______ loves artistic activities. However, I am concerned about the amount of time
she spends drawing when she has other work to do. Can we please meet to discuss
strategies to help _________ correct this issue?
________ is doing grade-level work at this time. However, I am sure he is capable of
turning in better work. When he improves his concentration abilities, I know the work
will improve.
_______ misuses much of his work time daydreaming and then does not complete the
work in time. He is capable of finishing the work in the allotted time and needs to
start doing so.
________ has been doing good work at times, but it is not consistent. She can be very
social and restless and often does not finish her work on time. Thank you for your
help at home. Please continue to work with her on this issue.
________ is very anxious to get her work done, yet she tends to be bothersome to
other students around her. Although she has shown progress in this area over the past
month, she still needs to work on it.
_______ is having difficulty because he frequently talks out loud and disturbs the
other students. He is trying to improve this bad habit and has shown some growth in
the past few weeks.


______ works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities.

______ needs to work democratically with others in groups.
______ needs to develop a better sense of responsibility.
______ wants responsibilities and follows through.
______ now accepts responsibility well.
______ is an attentive student.
______ is gaining self-confidence.
______'s work habits are improving.
______ has the ability to follow directions.
______ requires incentives.
______'s assignments and/or homework are incomplete and/or late.
______ needs to pay attention in class.
______ needs better study skills.
Please encourage him to do things on his own.

Listening Skills
______ is learning to listen to directions more carefully.
______ is learning to be a better listener.
______ is learning to share and listen.
______ listens carefully.
______ is a good worker and an attentive listener.
______ evaluates what she hears.
______ needs to listen to all directions.
______ has difficulty following directions.

Quality of Work

______'s hand work is beautifully done.

______ enjoys doing neat, careful work.
______'s work is neatly and accurately done.
______ does colorful and interesting art work.
______ takes pride in work well done.
______ makes careless errors.
______ is disorganized.
______ needs to proofread work.

Time Management

______ is learning to occupy his time constructively.

______ always uses her time wisely.
______ never completes assignments in the allotted time.
______ is becoming more dependable during work periods.
______ is gaining independence.
______ is becoming more self-reliant.
______ works independently on assignments.
______ fails to finish independent assignments.
______ comprehends well, but needs to work more quickly.
______ needs to be urged.
______ lacks independence.
______ is too easily distracted.
______ works too slowly.
______ does not complete assignments in the allotted time.
______ seems unable to finish required work.
______ often completes work early.
______ is not very appreciative of the value of time.
______ is sacrificing accuracy for unnecessary speed in his written work.

Work Potential and Effort

______ has great potential and works toward achieving it.

______ is working to full capability.
______ is a steadfast, conscientious worker.
______ is enthusiastic about work in general.
______ seeks information.
______ is a hard-working student.
______ is extremely conscientious.
______ is a pleasant, conscientious student.
______ is a hard worker.
______ is an enthusiastic worker during the ____ period.
______ is a polite and conscientious pupil.
______ must improve work habits if he is to gain the fundamentals needed for ___
grade work.
______ is inconsistent in her efforts, especially in _______.
______ makes little effort when not under direct supervision.
______ is anxious to please.

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1. Is a good citizen
2. Is learning to share and listen.
3. Is becoming more dependable during work periods.
4. Is developing a better attitude toward ___ grade.
5. Is showing interest and enthusiasm for the things we do.
6. Is learning to occupy his time constructively.
7. Wants responsibilities and follows through.
8. Can be very helpful and dependable in the classroom.
9. Always uses her time wisely.
10. Has strengthened her skills in ___.
11. Has great potential and works toward achieving it.
12. Working to full capability.
13. Is strong in _____.
14. Is learning to be a better listener.
15. Is learning to be careful, cooperative, and fair.
16. Is continuing to grow in independence.
17. Enthusiastic about participating.
18. Gaining more self-confidence.
19. Has a pleasant personality.
20. Has earned a very fine report card.
21. Has improved steadily.
22. Is learning to listen to directions more carefully.
23. Now accepts responsiblity well.
24. _____'s work habits are improving.
25. Has been consitently progressing.
26. Has shown a good attitude about trying to improve in ___.
27. The following suggestions might improve his ____.
28. I am hoping this recent interest and improvement will continue.
29. Seems eager to improve.
30. Has shown strong growth in ____.
31. Is cooperative and happy.
32. Volunteers often.
33. Is willing to take part in all classroom activities.
34. Works well with her neighbors.
35. _____'s attitude toward school is excellent.
36. Has the ability to follow directions.
37. Hand work is beautifully done.
38. Learns new vocabulary quickly.
39. Has a sense of humor and enjoys the stories we read.
40. Is a steadfast, conscientious worker.
41. Is very helpful about clean-up work around the room.
42. Anxious to please.
43. Brings fine contributions.
44. Has a pleasant disposition.
45. Works well.
46. Is hard-working.
47. Is pleasant and friendly.
48. Needs to increase speed and comprehension in reading.
49. Needs to apply skills to all written work.
50. Gets along well with other children.
51. Your constant cooperation and help are appreciated.
52. Has shown an encouraging desire to better herself in ___.
53. Making steady progress academically.
54. Quality of work is improving.
55. Responds well.
56. Is maintaining grade-level achievements.
57. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities.
58. Seems to be more aware of activities in the classroom.
59. Takes an active part in discussions pertinent to ___.
60. Accepts responsiblity.
61. Extremely conscientious.
62. Bubbles over with enthusiasm.
63. Has a sense of humor we all enjoy.
64. Has an excellent attitude.
65. Work in the areas of ____ has been extremely good.
66. Is an enthusiastic worker during the ____ period.
67. Needs to work democratically with others in groups.
68. Possible for ___ to exceed grade expectations.
69. Grasps new ideas readily.
70. Needs to develop a better sense of responsiblity.
71. Enthusiasitic about work in general.
72. Performs well in everthing he undertakes.
73. Unusually mature.
74. Seeks information.
75. Mature vocabulary.
76. Doing strong work in all areas.
77. Is a clear thinker.
78. Excels in writing original stories and poems.
79. Is a good student who appears to be a deep thinker.
80. Reads extensively.
81. Has good organization of thoughts.
82. Has a vast background knowledge of ___.
83. Is a very fine and serious student and excels in ___.
84. Rate of achievement makes it difficult for ___ to keep up with the class.
85. Must improve work habits if ___ is to gain the fundamentals needed for ___ grade
86. _____'s academic success leaves much to be desired.
87. Handwriting needs to be improved.
88. Cooperative, well mannered.
89. Is a very happy, well-adjusted child, but ___.
90. Makes friends quickly and is well liked by classmates.
91. Cries easily.
92. Good worker and attentive listener.
93. Good adjustment.
94. Good attitude.
95. Capable of achieving a higher average in areas of ____.
96. Has difficulty retaining process of addition, etc.
97. Is inconsistent in his efforts, especially in ___.
98. Sacrificing accuracy for unnecessary speed in his written work.
99. Needs to listen to directions.
100. Never completes assignments in the allotted time.
101. Fails to finish independent assignments.
102. Would improve if he developed a greater interest in ___.
103. Comprehends well, but needs to work more quickly.
104. Needs to be urged.
105. Can follow directions.
106. Enjoys listening to poetry.
107. Enjoys listening to stories.
108. Listens carefully.
109. Evaluates what he/she hears
110. Phonics - (is able to distinguish, has difficulty distinguishing) sounds in words
111. Now knows and is able to use _____ consonant and vowel sounds
112. Confuses the sounds ___ and ___
113. Is able to blend short words using the vowel(s) _____ with /without assistance
114. Is learning to attack words independently
115. Uses the phonics skills to attack new words
116. Reading is (smooth, jerky, hesitant, rapid, irregular, or fluent)
117. Comprehends what he/she reads
118. Is interested in books and reading
119. Can read to follow directions
120. Can now recognize ____ sight words
121. Reads for pleasure
122. Needs lots of repetition and practice in order to retain reading vocabulary
123. Is still confusing words which look alike
124. Is beginning to read words in groups (phrases)
125. Reading is becoming (not yet becoming) automatic
126. Enjoys discussing the stories
127. Has had difficulty with learning ______ so in the coming term we will focus
on ______.
128. Speaks in good sentences
129. Speaks clearly
130. Has difficulty using (pronouns, verbs) correctly
131. Enjoys dramatization
132. Enjoys participation in conversation and discussion
133. Expresses ideas clearly
134. Has a good oral vocabulary
135. Takes turns talking
136. Speaks with confidence to the group
137. Uses punctuation correctly
138. Is able to place periods and question marks correctly
139. Uses colorful words
140. Uses (complex, simple) sentences
141. Is now able to write a complete sentence independently
142. Participates in group story telling (composition)
143. Can write an original story of (one or two sentences, of a few sentences)
144. Puts words in the appropriate order
145. Is able to read his sentences back
146. Shows self confidence in writing
147. Can compose several related sentences
148. Is building a good spelling vocabulary
149. Uses his individual dictionary to find unfamiliar words
150. Enjoys learning to spell new words
151. Is able to learn to spell words easily
152. Sometimes reverses letters in a word
153. Has difficulty remembering the spelling of non-phonetic words
154. Is helped by using hand or body motions to remember spelling
155. When printing, often reverses letters, such as __, __, etc.
156. Has good (poor) fine-motor skills
157. Is able to print on the lines
158. Spaces letters and words correctly
159. Some printing is excellent but is often untidy in daily assignments
160. Enjoys doing neat careful work
161. Can work with numbers up to ___ with understanding
162. Understands the signs +, -, = and uses them to make number statements
163. Understands and uses basic facts of addition and subtraction to ____
164. Reverses some numbers still
165. Understands place value up to _____
166. Can use manipulatives to add and subtract
167. Can use manipulatives to show place value to _____
168. Understands money (pennies, dimes, nickels)
169. Relies heavily on concrete objects
170. Knows the basic shapes
171. Can count to ______
172. Is able to create graphs using simple data
173. Understands several methods of graphing
174. Is beginning to memorize the number facts
175. Is friendly and cooperative
176. Cooperates well
177. Helps others
178. Has a sense of humor
179. Has a good attitude towards school
180. Is working well in all subjects
181. Lacks independence / Is gaining independence
182. Is too easily distracted
183. Is becoming more self-reliant
184. Is an attentive student
185. All work is neatly and accurately done
186. Is a polite conscientious pupil
187. Is working above grade level in _________.
188. Works too slowly
189. Does not complete assignments in the allotted time
190. Seems unable to finish required work
191. Does colorful and interesting art work
192. Is especially good at ______
193. Requires too much supervision.
194. Please encourage him to do things on his own.
195. Should be encouraged to _____
196. Needs frequent encouragement
197. Is maturing
198. Is learning to concentrate
199. Is learning to listen carefully
200. Is gaining self-confidence
201. Often completes work early
202. Is very thoughtful
203. Takes pride in work well done
204. Is eager to learn
205. Makes little effort when not under direct supervision
206. Often seems tired at school
207. Is not very appreciative of the value of ( time, courtesy, sharing, neatness,
208. Shows initiative; thinks things through for himself/herself
209. If a child is having difficulty - say so! Say what you have tried already to help
him/her, and what you are going to do differently in the term to come to help the
210. Never say the child is having problems without giving a possible solution you
are going to try and what has already been tried.
211. This shows you are doing everything in your power to change the situation.
212. _____ has matured nicely this year, academically and socially.
213. He/She assumes responsibility well and has a find attitude.
214. He/She still needs strengthening in the concept of long division.
215. Thanks for the help I know you have given her.
216. There has been a noticeable improvement in _____'s study habits this
reporting period, which is very encouraging.
217. Please continue during the summer with ___________ review and as many
reading experiences as possible.
218. ___________ would benefit from reading many library books this summer.
219. He needs to improve his reading speed and comprehension if he is to have
success in the ________ grade.
220. If ___________ will put forth in the future the effort he has shown in the past
two reporting periods, he will receive a great deal from his schooling.
221. With __________'s ability to apply herself to each task, she should receive
much satisfaction from her school experiences.
222. _____________ continued to blossom as the year progressed.
223. _______________'s oral reading is very expressive and her oral reporting is
224. Thank you for your interest in _____________'s attitude.
225. Although he has had some difficulty adjusting to our room and various duties,
he usually tries to cooperate.
226. _____________ has had some problems adjusting to our room, as you know
from my reports to you.
227. Many of her difficulties occur on the playground and she then carries a poor
attitude in the classroom.
228. This hurts her academically.
229. She is capable of much better work.
230. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you this year.
231. __________has made nice progress this reporting period.
232. He is maturing nicely and I hope this continues.
233. Although _____________'s growth in social maturity is continuing, it is not
234. She still needs guidance and support from both you and me.
235. Thanks for your cooperation.
236. _____________ is a wonderful girl and I'm happy to have had her in my room.
237. she has made many fine contributions to our class and is an inspiration to her
238. With ____'s friendly, cooperative attitude, she will always be a pleasant
addition to any class.
239. I have enjoyed the association I have had _____________.
240. His friendly, sincere way has made him a very popular member of the ___
241. Regardless of how busy _________ is, he still has time to do something nice
for someone. For this reason, he is one of the best-liked members of my class.
242. I enjoyed having _____________ in my class.
243. She is a sweet and cooperative child.
244. _____________ is a pleasant, conscientious student.
245. He is self-confident and has excellent manners.
246. It has been a pleasure to have him in my class.
247. I enjoyed having _____________ in my room.
248. She assumes responsibility well, excels on the playground and is well liked by
her peers.
249. She's helped to make my year a pleasant one.
250. She is a big help in seeing that our room looks clean and pleasant.
251. She has been most cooperative and only needs strengthening in social studies
skills to bring her up to ____ grade level.
252. ___________ is a fine citizen and takes a keen interest in school.
253. I hope you enjoy your new home!
254. __________ takes a keen interest in all work and is most agreeable and a
willing worker. It has been wonderful having her in my room.
255. Exhibits excellent attitude
256. Possesses good self discipline
257. Respectful of others
258. Works independently on assignments
259. Exhibits creativity
260. Does good work
261. Always cooperative
262. Classroom attitude shows improvement
263. Pleasant student to work with
264. Quality of work has improved
265. Hard worker
266. Participates well in class
267. A pleasure to have around
268. Experiences difficulty following directions-when unsure needs to ask for
269. Needs to actively participate in classroom discussion
270. Needs better study skills
271. Requires incentives
272. Low quiz/test scores
273. Assignments/Homework incomplete/late
274. Needs to pay attention in class
275. Disruptive in class
276. Needs to improve classroom attitude
277. Excessive tardiness
278. Excessive absences
279. Failure to turn in make up work
280. A conference is requested
281. This subject modified/ leveled according to ability
282. Does not work up to his/her ability
283. Student will be retained in current grade next year. Please contact the school to
arrange a conference.
284. Subject has been taught but no grade issued
285. Makes careless errors
286. Difficulty understanding the material
287. Does not know math facts well
288. Interrupts others
289. Gets upset easily
290. Work is not neat
291. Disorganized
292. Needs to proofread work
293. Does not form letters correctly
294. Assignments are not neat
295. Excessive talking
296. Needs to spend time on task
297. Does not put enough time into assignment
298. Needs to improve self discipline
299. Needs to improve respect for others

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