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High Achievers

_____________ has a very positive attitude towards all aspect of her school
work and sets a good example with her behaviour. She has shown a
different level of maturity among her friends as she is very critical and
thoughtful. Socially, she has always appeared to be a caring and jolly
student that many of her friends enjoy her company. Academically, she
barely faces difficulties as she is mostly able to understand the lessons
and do her work well. All in all, it is clear that she has performed very well
up to this point. Carry on, _____________!

_____________ demonstrates commitment toward successfully completing

learning activities. Great dedication to achieve more in academic
matter helps her to enhance her capacities. Socially, she shows
empathy and interacts respectfully with adults and peers. It is great to
have a student like her in class. Keep up the good work, _____________.

_____________has a good self-management. In class, she has been doing

a very good job staying on task and focused on her work. Socially, she
has no significant problems as she gets along well with her friends.
Academically, she is doing well in her work as she is relatively attentive
and actively participates in class discussions. Her effort is reflected in her
high grades in most subjects. Overall, she has shown good performance
and I believe that she will continuously improve herself. Keep up the
good work, _____________!

_____________has good relationship skills. Because of this, he has gained

the respect of his peers. He is a good role model to many of the students
in the class. He is respectful and caring. Nonetheless, he may benefit
from sharing his ideas and thoughts in class discussions. By doing this, he
may be able to gain a better sense of self-worth in the future.
___________ is capable of accomplishing ___________ deals with his teachers with
tasks with minimal supervision from her utmost respect. He is very attentive during
teachers. She is able to gain satisfactory discussions and follows instructions
results and maintain good relationships accordingly. He has improved his
with her classmates. However, she needs involvement in class discussion as he has
to work on her time management. She become more active in sharing his ideas.
usually needs extra time to finish her task He also has a better control of his emotions
because she has a little sense of urgency. and now looks more gracious when he is
She also needs to strengthen her self- being corrected by his teachers. His
control and refrain from chatting with handwriting has also improved but
friends during class discussions. This way, reminders are still needed for him to
she can focus on understanding the recheck the accuracy and neatness of his
lessons. If she learns to share her ideas written works. With his diligence and
without hesitation, she will definitely perseverance, ___________ will definitely
achieve more favourable results. develop his potentials to the fullest.

___________ continues to help her friends

unselfishly. She is always pleasant and has ___________ has significantly improved his
been gracious in accepting suggestions social skills. He is now mindful of his words
and corrections from her teachers. and actions when playing with friends.
Although she is able to accomplish her He has also improved his involvement in
tasks in school, she needs to have more class discussion as he has become more
drills to improve her proficiency in active in sharing his ideas. Although he is
academic subjects specifically in spelling still frisky, he is now more aware of his
and reading comprehension skills. She priorities. He is encouraged to be more
needs to assert herself and should believe patient in dealing with difficult tasks as he
in her own abilities. Even though she tries tends to give up easily. It will also be
to participate in class, she still needs to better if he listens to the instructions
express her ideas in a clear and confident before accomplishing his tasks to avoid
manner. With her openness and unnecessary mistakes and to improve the
perseverance, it is possible for quality of his work. ___________ needs use
___________to achieve better goals in the his time constructively to be able to
next semester. develop his potentials.
___________ is a goal-oriented student who ___________ engages in activities that
has shown a steady progress in her involve illustrations. He expresses himself
academic performance. She always better in drawing and he is capable of
comes to class prepared. Reliable, she producing meaningful images. It has been
has been fulfilling her duties and observed that he is trying to have a better
responsibilities as the Class Leader. She is control of his emotions. He may fail at
always confident in expressing her ideas, times, but he still acknowledges the
especially during performance tasks. Her authority of his teachers over him. He is
classmates look up to her not only for her very much aware of the areas that he
outstanding academic performance but needs to improve on, and he definitely
also for her commendable behaviour. She needs support from school and home to
patiently waits for her turn and fulfils her succeed in his efforts. Being unable to
tasks even without supervision from her focus on the lesson or activity for a
teachers. If ___________continues to have sustained period of time, he needs
a good sense of responsibility, she will constant reminders from his teachers.
continue to get favourable results in the Hopefully, ___________ will be more patient
next semester. and improve himself in the next semester.

Mid It has been our pleasure to have ____________ in our class. She is one
Semester 1 pleasant and adorable girl to know. ____________ has been doing
good work at times, but it is not consistent yet. At certain times, she
can be very social and tends to spend her time to chat with friends.
Because of that, she leaves her work unfinished. One focus area for
____________ to improve is independently use self-monitoring
strategies that help ensure all assignments are completed with
quality in mind. Overall, ____________ has good potential to achieve
better results with increased effort. Keep it up, ____________.

Semester 1 ____________ is an enthusiastic and cheerful girl and it is a pleasure to

have her around. Her enthusiasm and spirit have always affected the
classroom atmosphere positively. Socially, this student has appeared
to be a pleasant and fun classmate as most of her friends enjoy her
company. Likewise, she almost has no issues academically because
she has always resulted satisfying outcomes. However, she is
suggested to maintain and possibly improve her performance.
Therefore, we encourage her to limit her playtime especially during
the lessons. It will be great if she can also be more careful in terms of
paperwork to result higher outcomes. All in all, this girl has done very
well and will do great in the future. We are so proud of you,

Mid It is great to have a helpful and active student like ____________ in

Semester 2 class. This student has shown a different level of maturity among her
friends as she is very critical and thoughtful. Academically, she barely
faces difficulties as she is mostly able to understand the lessons and
do her work well. Moreover, it is great to see her confidence and
enthusiasm in expressing her ideas or experiences during the class
discussions. Yet, there are several things that she needs to improve.
First of all, she is suggested to learn to stay focused whenever the
teachers deliver the instructions or explanations about certain tasks.
Secondly, it will be great if she can differentiate the right time to play
and to study. Overall, ____________ has done well and we believe that
she will continue to give her best in the future.

Semester 2 ____________ is an enthusiastic pupil in the classroom and it is great

to have her around. In terms of academic performance,
____________ has shown the capability of grasping new concepts
well. Thus, she is mostly able to do the school tasks well and needs
just a little assistance from the teachers. However, in order to
perform better, she needs to check her work before handling them
to the teachers. Keep up the good work, ____________

Mid ____________ is a lovely and hardworking boy in general. When it

Semester 1 comes to social life, he tends to be a pleasant friend to his
classmates. Academically, this boy’s persistence during the lessons
has helped him to achieve relatively satisfying results. Although in
the first few weeks of school ____________ seemed to be a shy
student, as time goes by, his confidence is getting better.
Nonetheless, about his carefulness in doing assignments, I
encourage him to always complete his work, as ____________ tends
to skip some parts of his work. Overall, he has the potential to be a
successful student. Good job, ____________.

Semester 1 ____________ is a kind student and it bring a pleasure to have him

around. Socially, this boy almost has no issues with other
schoolchildren as he mingles well with them all. Academically, he
needs extra effort to catch up with the lessons at school as we believe
that ____________ is a brilliant student. He also needs to pay a close
attention when the teachers explain the material in class so he can
be more independent in finishing his paperwork. I believe that
____________ can perform better this year if he gives his best. I know
you can do it, ____________!

Mid ____________ is a timid, yet lovely student. Academically, this boy is

Semester 2 quite capable of grasping new concepts. However, he is suggested
to be more careful whenever he deals with paperwork so he can
attain higher results. In daily activities, this boy appears to be a calm
student. Therefore, we encourage him to improve his class
participation and self-confidence so he can perform better. Overall,
this boy has a potential to achieve better results.

Semester 2 It is great to have ____________ around as he is a cheerful and

responsible boy. His positive attitudes and pleasant actions have
made his friends feel comfortable whenever he is around. During
the lessons, he has always appeared to be an attentive and
compliant student since he always tries his best in finishing all his
paperwork. In general, ____________ has done well and I believe that
he will continue to give his best in the future. I am so proud of you,

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