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QP602 EM Mid Term

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PGDM Mid Term Examination, Nov’2020

Batch No. 2018 -20 5th Term
Subject-: Product Management
CodeDM-602 EM
Max Marks: 15 Time: 1.5 Hours

Section A
(2 x 2 = 4 Marks)
Descriptive/ theoretical Type: To attempt two questions
1. What is a Product? What are the various types of product, explain
giving example of each.?
2. What are different levels of market segmentation. Explain them
briefly with examples.
3. Describe various stages of New product development process.
4. Identify and explain the product support services which automobile
manufacturers can offer to remain competitive/for gaining competitive

Section B
(0.5 x 6 = 3 Marks)
Objective type: To attempt Six out of Seven questions.
Choose the correct option:
1. ________________ is screening new-product ideas in order to
spot good ideas and drop poor ones as soon as possible.
I. Idea generation
II. Concept development and testing
III. Idea screening IV. Brainstorming

2. Marketing Services agencies include

a) Media Firm (b) Consulting Firm (c) Research Firm
(d) All of thes
3 A ___________is a detailed version of the idea state in meaningful
Consumer terms.
I. Product idea II. Product image
III. Product concept IV. Product feature.
(1x4 = 4 Marks)
4. All of the following are different ways a firm can obtain Practical/Case-let/Numerical:
new products, except which one? Attempt one question compulsory
a) By acquiring a whole new company Q.1
b) A firm can obtain a new product through patents Read the case and answer the questions given at the end of
c) A firm can obtain a new product by licensing someone else's the case:
new product. Premier Courier Ltd. (PCL) is an innovative overnight delivery
d) A firm can obtain a new product by using the R&D department company that helped change the way companies do business. It
of other firms in the same industry.
was the first company to offer an overnight delivery system, but
5. Original products, product improvements, product
the company markets more than just a delivery service. What
modifications, and new brands that a firm develops through its PCL really sells is on-time reliability. The company markets risk
own research and development efforts are called: reduction and provides the confidence that people shipping
a) new products. b) concept products. packages will be "Absolutely, positively, certain their packages
c) altered products. d) supplemental products. will be there by 10.30 in the morning".
In other words, its customers buy more than just delivery
6. To create successful new products, a company must service they buy a solution to their distribution problems. For
understand consumers, markets, & competitors and: example, a warehouse designed and operated by PCL is part of
a) develop a great advertising campaign. the distribution Centre for a very large computer firm.
b) have a strong Web site to push the product. other organizations, customers can place an order for inventory
c) adopt a push rather than pull promotional concept. as late as midnight, and the marketer, because of PCL's help,
d) develop products that deliver superior value to consume to the can guarantee delivery by the next morning. PCL has positioned
itself as a company with a service that solves its customers'

Section C (a) What is PCL's product?

(2x1 = 2 Marks) (b) What are the tangible and intangible elements of
this service
Short Notes: Two to be answered out of four
1. New Product demand forecasting.
(c) What are the elements of service quality for a
2. Diffusion of innovation cycle. delivery service like.
3. Product deletion
4. Product portfolio model. Section E

Answer any one question (1x2 = 2 Marks)

1. Distinguish between Market Segmentation and Product

2. Describe the bases that you will use in segmenting the market
Section D for the following products: i) Hair dryer ii) Low calorie
iii) sweetener.

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