Breakout of Encircled Forces: Purpose

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4-12  |  Army Field Manual I Warfighting Tactics - Part 1 The Fundamentals

Breakout of encircled forces

4-31. Purpose. The purpose of the breakout of encircled forces is to allow a force to break
through an enemy encirclement, in order to link up with the main force (or main body).
A breakout leads to an encircled force taking offensive action to link up with an in-place
force. The breakout attempts to surprise the encircling enemy, so there is considerable
advantage in attempting to breakout at the earliest opportunity, before the encirclement
solidifies. The breakout operation may be supported by other forces attempting to fix the
encircling enemy.

4-32. Principles. The principles for a breakout of encircled forces are:

a. Unity of command. It is critical for the encircled force to establish a clear controlling
headquarters and commander.

b. Security. The perimeter must be secured to prevent enemy disruption. Effective OPSEC
will protect the intent.

c. Surprise. A breakout will most likely be successful if it is conducted swiftly after the
initial encirclement. A resourced deception plan is essential.

d. Concentration of force. Combat power must be focused at the point of the breakout
to secure a rapid penetration and then to secure the breach.

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