BPVC Viii-3 Crpv-2a
BPVC Viii-3 Crpv-2a
BPVC Viii-3 Crpv-2a
A change in any of the essential variables denoted by an asterisk below requires a new Laminate Procedure Specification
(Manufacturer and Designation)
*Sizing or Finish
(Manufacturer and Designation)
(Type, Manufacturer, and Designation)
*Curing Agent
(Type, Manufacturer, and Designation)
Curing Agent/Resin Ratio
*Manner of Impregnation
(Prepreg., Wet Wind, Postpreg.)
*Percent Fiber by Weight in Composite
[See Note (1)]
*Variables of Winding Process [See Note (2)]
Layer Sequence
[See Note (2)]
(Type, Manufacturer, and Designation)
Material No. 1
Material No. 2
*Inner Liner
[Material, Grade, and Thickness. See Note (1)]
*Liner Size and Configuration
(O.D.) (Length) (Cylindrical, Spherical, Other)
Laminate Strength Method of Measurement
(If other than ASTM D 2290)
Interlaminar Shear Strength
(1) Where a range of values or a tolerance applies, state the applicable range or tolerance.
(2) Use O to indicate full layer of circumferential windings (down and back), include number of passes.
Use o to indicate half layer of circumferential windings (single pass).
FORM CRPV-2A Page of
*Barcol Hardness
(Use a separate sheet to record individual readings and their location [See Note (1)])
Laminate Thickness
(Use a separate sheet to record individual readings and their location [See Note (1)])
*Volumetric Expansion
Mode of Failure
Qualification Vessel Designation Number
Design Report Number
Date , Signed