TECASINT 4111 Natural 14
TECASINT 4111 Natural 14
TECASINT 4111 Natural 14
Our information and statements reflect the current state of our knowledge and shall inform about our products and their applications. They do not assure or guarantee chemical
resistance, quality of products and their merchantability in a legally binding way. Our products are not defined for use in medical or dental implants. Existing commercial patents have
to be observed. The corresponding values and information are no minimum or maximum values, but guideline values that can be used primarily for comparison purposes for material
selection. These values are within the normal tolerance range of product properties and do not represent guaranteed property values. Therefore they shall not be used for
specification purposes. Unless otherwise noted, these values were determined by tests at reference dimensions and machined specimen. As the properties depend on the
dimensions of the semi-finished products and the orientation in the component (esp. in reinforced grades), the material may not be used without a separate testing under individual
circumstances. The customer is solely responsible for the quality and suitability of products for the application and has to test usage and processing prior to use. Data sheet values
are subject to periodic review, the most recent update can be found at www.ensingerplastics.com. Technical changes reserved.
Ensinger Sintimid GmbH Tel: +43 7662 88788 0 Date: 2023/11/16 Version: AJ
Ensingerplatz 1, Telefax: +43 (0) 76 62 88788-171
4863 Seewalchen, Austria tecasint@ensingerplastics.com