Master Programme in Data Science: Enrollment Semester Autumn 2020

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STUDY YEAR 2020/2021

Master Programme in Data

Enrollment semester Autumn

The Board of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Luleå University of Technology 971 87 Luleå, Sweden

Phone: +46 (0)920 49 10 00 • Corporate Identity: 202100-2841
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Syllabus Study year Master Programme in Data Science Autumn 2020 2019-05-21 2 (3)

Programme content and structure

For the master degree in Systems Science with specialization in Data Science (60 Hp) the following courses are
required: compulsory courses (45 Hp) and master thesis (15 Hp).
The courses in semester one give the student important concepts and principles in Data Science, as well as in
depth knowledge in data mining and visualization. The second semester adds more analytics and software
knowledge, whereafter a degree project is performed.
For admission to the degree project course entry requirements specified in the Course Syllabus must be completed.
Information regarding the application- and admission process is given and ensured by the responsible department.
Swedish for beginners is offered to overseas students. The course is not included in the degree, and is read in
addition to the obligatory courses.

60 credits

● Degree of Master of Science (60 credits) - Major; Information Systems Sciences med inriktning mot Data Science

Entry requirements
Successful completion of a basic engineering program or a Bachelor´s degree with a minimum of 180 ECTS in the
areas of systems science, computer science, computer engineering, information systems or equivalent. The degree
shall include courses in programming and databases with a minimum of 7,5 ECTS each, and a individual thesis of at
least 15 ECTS. Documented skills in English language.

The selection is based on 20-285 credits

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Compulsory courses
Courses within major 37.5 credits
Course Course Cr Level Comment

D7043E Advanced Data Mining 7.5 Avancerad nivå

D7044E Business Intelligence 7.5 Avancerad nivå

D7055E Data Visualization 7.5 Avancerad nivå

D7059E Thesis in Data Science 15 Avancerad nivå

Courses in addition to major 22.5 credits

Course Course Cr Level Comment

D7054E Data Science Programming 7.5 Avancerad nivå

D7056E Predictive Analytics 7.5 Avancerad nivå

D7058E Text Mining 7.5 Avancerad nivå

Course offered outside the obligatory courses - not compulsory - For

non Scandinavian students 3 credits
Selective space is 3 credits. It is mandatory to select elective courses up to the given number of credits. The given
number of credits of elective courses listed must be met for degree.

Course Course Cr Level Comment


S0046P Swedish for International Students 1 3 Grundnivå Selectable

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Study schedule
Year of study 1 Enrollment semester Autumn 2020, Is offered in
Study- Course Course Cr Comment
period code

1 D7043E Advanced Data Mining 7.5

1 D7044E Business Intelligence 7.5

1 S0046P Swedish for International Students 1 3 Selectable

2 D7055E Data Visualization 7.5

2 D7058E Text Mining 7.5

3 D7054E Data Science Programming 7.5

3 D7056E Predictive Analytics 7.5

4 D7059E Thesis in Data Science 15 Entry requirements

Printed: 2021-01-18 07:40:41

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