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High-Temperature Tensile and Creep Data For Inconel 600

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Nuclear Engineering and Design 148 (1994)351-363
and Design

High-temperature tensile and creep data for Inconel 600,

304 stainless steel and SA106B carbon steel
S.A. Chavez, G.E. Korth, D.M. Harper
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, PO Box 1625, Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3840, USA

T.J. Walker
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Accident Evaluation Branch, NL / N 344, Washington, DC 20555, USA
(Received 1 November 1993)


We report results from high temperature tensile and creep tests performed on Inconel 600, 304 stainless steel and
SA106B carbon steel, materials used to construct components which penetrate the lower heads of reactor vessels.
Testing temperatures for the Inconel and stainless and carbon steels exceeded 1360 K, 1350 K and 1040 K,
respectively. These data are applicable, but not limited, to severe accident analysis.

1. Introduction lower head vessel penetration materials. Penetra-

tions targeted by this study include instrument
Commercial power reactor pressure vessels of- tubes (Inconel 600 or 304 stainless), control rod
ten contain penetrations such as instrument tubes, guide tubes (304 stainless) and drain lines
control rod guide tubes and, in the case of boiling (SA106B). With the data supplied in this paper,
water reactors (BWRs), drain line nozzles. Dur- structural analyses, both simplified analytical so-
ing a severe accident, molten material may relo- lutions and detailed finite element calculations,
cate onto the lower head, possibly entering pene- can be made in much higher temperature regimes
trations and causing failure in either the penetra- than previously possible.
tion or the vessel. As part of the US Nuclear
Regulatory Commission Lower Head Failure
Analysis Program [Rempe, 1993], we obtained 2. Test setup and procedures
high temperature tensile and creep data for ves-
sel steel and penetration materials, so that their We performed high temperature tensile and
failure times could be analyzed and compared for creep tests on Inconel 600, 304 stainless steel,
severe accidents. The vessel steel (SA533B1) tests and SA106B carbon steel using ASTM testing
are described elsewhere in this issue [Thinnes, standards [ASTM a'b'c, 1983] and the same test
1994]. Here, we present and discuss results from setup described in a paper on vessel testing,
high temperature tensile and creep testing of published in this issue [Thinnes, 1994]. Tensile

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SSDI 0029-5493(94)00650-N
352 S.A. Chat,ez et al./Nuclear Engineering and Design 148 (1994) 351-363

Table 1
Maximum tensile and creep test temperatures in published data and in this study
Maximum temperature in published data (K) Maximum temperature in this study (K)
Inconel 600
Yield strength (Sy) 1255 [International Nickel Company, Inc., 1969] 1373
Ultimate strength (S u) 1255 [International Nickel Company, Inc., 1969] 1373
Stress-strain curves none found 1373
Creep rupture data 1366 [International Nickel Company, Inc., 1969] 1366
Creep strain history none found 1366
304 Stainless steel
Yield strength (Sy) 923 [Smith, 1969] 1373
Ultimate strength (S u) 1000 [Smith, 1969] 1373
Stress-strain curves 977 [Diercks, 1974] 1373
Creep rupture data 1144 [Smith, 1969] 1350
Creep strain history 1089 [Swindeman, 1975] 1350
SAIO6B Carbon steel
Yield strength (Sy) 811 [Simmons, 1955] 1150
Ultimate strength (S u) 811 [Simmons, 1955] 1150
Stress-strain curves none found 1150
Creep rupture data 811 [Simmons, 1955] 1050
Creep strain history none found 1050

tests were conducted in air. Creep tests were tively large deformation behavior and was not
conducted in an argon purge environment, utiliz- sensitive enough to accurately measure elastic
ing large-range extensomers installed inside the modulus. For this reason, we used published val-
environmental chamber. ues of elastic moduli and their extrapolations to
Table 1 lists data for penetration materials high temperatures to construct the elastic por-
found in published reports, with maximum test tions of the stress-strain curves. Tensile data
temperatures, and our data, with maximum tem- include both true and engineering ultimate
peratures. Note that, in creep testing, stress, as strength, since true ultimate strength is used in
well as the temperature, determine material re- finite element analysis whereas engineering ulti-
sponse. For example, although our maximum test mate strength is used in mechanics of materials
temperature for creep rupture of Inconel 600 is analysis. Because strains are small, the difference
the same as that published, the published testing between true and ultimate yield is negligible. We
was performed at much lower stresses than our reference percentage elongations and area reduc-
tests. Typical creep rupture times for published tions to the initial state.
data are over 100 h; whereas in our tests, rupture Reduced creep data include plots and tables of
occurred after the order of 10 h, the time frame creep strain history and creep rupture data. In
of interest in severe accidents. the creep strain history plots, we estimated mini-
m u m creep rate by a linear regression on the
secondary phase of the creep curve. We used the
3. Data reduction intersection of the creep curve and a line parallel
to the minimum creep rate line, with 0.2% strain
We present tensile data primarily in the form offset, to estimate the onset of tertiary creep.
of stress-strain curves, with specific points of Figure 1 shows a typical creep curve with mini-
interest (eg. yield and ultimate strengths) in ta- m u m creep rate and 0.2% offset lines. At the
bles and plots. For all tensile tests discussed here, high temperatures used in this investigation, pri-
strain m e a s u r e m e n t was intended to capture rela- mary creep for all these materials is almost non-
S.A. Chauez et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 148 (1994) 351-363 353

40 . . . , . , - - , - - , - - - , The LMP facilitates interpolation of creep failure

Stress: 36.1 MPa
Rupture time:
11.5 h
76.4 % /
to stresses and temperatures not tested [Kraus,
Reduction in area:
Minimum creep rate:
67,6 %
1.312 % / h
1990]. We optimized the LMP fit using the con-
stant in this parameter (often set to a value of
20). Creep rupture data are presented using the
Larson-Miller parameter, as well as in plots and
10 tables.

0 , , . ,
2 4 6 8 10 12
40 . • . , . . . . , . . . .
4. Test results
Stress: 55.6 MPa
Rupture time: 3.0 h
Elongation: 68.3 %
,'-'- 30 Reduction in a r a l : 79.4 % Some anomalies exist in this high temperature
~ Minimum creep rate: 4.528 %/11 /
data, as we point out in the text. In two of the
~ 20 tests we noted some problems with temperature
g control. Test specimens had four thermocouples
O 10
attached (two in the middle and one on each end)
so any deviation was easily detected. None the
less, since other tensile and creep data in these
1 2 very high temperature regimes are not available,
40 - . - , - - • , - • -
Stress: 71.1 MPa
Rupture time: 1.2 h
EIongabon: 67.2 % /

Reduction in area:
Minimum creep rate:
87,7 %
17.07 %/h / 1000 . . . . , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . , . . ,
297 K
2 Timetot~i~c~p:
0 1 0.3h 0

750 8oo K


- - 9(]0 K
0 . . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' '

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 ==

Time (h)
F i g . 1. Typical strain history for creep testing (Incone1600 1050 K

creep strain vs. time at 1144 K ) .

0 . . . . . . ' ' ' . . . . ' . . . . = . . . . . . . . .

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
existent, secondary creep is only a small portion ( o ) True strain

of the total strain-time curve, and tertiary creep

dominates. Since creep strain histories are often
used in finite element calculations, we present
the data mathematically fitted to a third order
equation, including the correlation coefficient R O.
1100 K

for each fit (R = 1.0 is a perfect fit). 15o f

P. - - 1150K

• =A +Bt + Ct 2 +Dt 3 (1) f f

~ 100
where • is the true creep strain, t is time (hours) # - - 1200 K

and A, B, C, D are constants. We use the fits 50


instead of reproducing our plots because we feel - - 1373 K

the fits offer more accurate data than the analyst

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
could digitize from plots. ( b ) True strain
Creep rupture data were evaluated using the F i g . 2. Stress-strain curves for Inconel 600 at various temper-
Larson-Miller parameter (LMP) [Larson, 1952]. atures - - I N E L tensile test results.
354 S.A. Chauez et al. /Nuclear Engineering and Design 148 (1994) 351-363

400 1000 ....

f ~ - - ~ _ True
350 ~ o

300 800f E.g,o-..o ....

¢g 200 \ N
o~ 400
"o 150
>- 1O0
~3 200
so "~
0 , , , i , , , L , , , , , , , , , , , i , , , 0
200 400 600 800
1000 1200 1400 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Temperature (K) Temperature (K)

Fig. 3. Inconel 600 yield strength - - INEL tensile test results. Fig. 4. Inconel 600 ultimate strength, true and engineering - -
INEL tensile test results.

we feel these preliminary results are valuable, tional Nickel Company, Inc., 1969]; our data are
particularly for severe accident analysis. The dif- very consistent with the published data.
ficulty in obtaining data at these temperatures
should not be underestimated. 4.2. lnconel 600 creep tests

Tables 3 and 4 summarize creep data obtained

4.1. Inconel 600 tensile tests
for 13 tests run from 1005 to 1366 K. We varied
stresses from approximately 14 to 173 MPa. Times
Results from Inconel 600 tensile tests, for tem- to rupture ranged from 0.5 to 38.5 h, as shown in
peratures up to 1373 K, are plotted in Figs. 2-5 Table 3. Table 4 lists the constants and correla-
and summarized in Table 2. Table 2 lists pub- tion coefficients for a third order fit of strain as a
lished values of elastic moduli [International function of time. The strain versus time data
Nickel Company, Inc., 1969] used to construct the appear very consistent with themselves. Note that
elastic portion of the stress-strain curve. We none of these high temperature curves exhibit
extrapolated elastic moduli from temperatures much, if any, primary creep.
above 1273 K, using a second order polynomial
fit. All other values listed in Table 2 were ob-
tained from our own testing.
Figure 2 shows stress-strain curves for various o INEL
0. Into Alloys
temperatures. Serrated yielding occurs at 600 K
at the higher strains and becomes quite pro- 600

nounced at 800 K. The stress-strain curve at

1150 K shows a slight jump at approximately 0.12 19
strain, due to problems with temperature control. E
None the less, yield and ultimate strength values
obtained for 1150 K appear to be consistent with 200 o

tests at other temperatures, as shown in Figs. 3 o

o ~

and 4. Figure 3 plots temperature dependent W o


yield strength and Fig. 4 plots temperature de- 0 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , L , , ,

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

pendent ultimate strengths, both engineering and Temperature (K)
true. Figure 5 compares our (engineering) ulti- Fig. 5. Inconel 600, ultimate strength - - I N E L and Hunting-
mate strength data to published data [Interna- ton tensile test results.
S.A. Chavez et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 148 (1994) 351-363 355

Table 2
Inconel 600 tensile data a

Temperature E b Proportional Sy True Engineering Uniform Total Area
(K) [International Nickel Company, limit (MPa) S u d Su d elongation elongation reduction
Inc., 1969](GPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (%) (%) (%)
297 213.26 307 374 942 733 30 43 68
600 198.18 314 315 901 689 30 39 61
800 185.05 256 280 789 617 26 39 65
900 177.53 221 266 567 468 16 45 73
1000 169.38 165 237 305 273 4 76 94
1050 165.07 121 187 232 212 6 76 95
1100 160.60 73 132 171 154 6 76 93
1150 155.97 60 98 131 113 5 88 91
1200 151.19 55 74 85 79 7 62 83
1300 141.14 31 45 56 50 3 66 91
1373 133.41 18 21 29 27 7 55 97
a Product information: ~ inch rod, heat no. NX678714, annealed for 1 h at 1143 K, forced-air cooled. Chemistry: 0.060 C, 0.250
Mn, 0.001 S, 0.250 Si, 76.10 Ni, 14.890 Cr, 0.140 Cu, 8.310 Fe.
b Young's modulus.
c Yield stress.
d Ultimate stress.

Figure 6 plots stresses versus logarithmic times Figure 7 plots the Larson-Miller parameter
to rupture for the temperatures tested. Though (LMP) against logarithmic stress (ksi). To pro-
our data tend to have slightly shorter times to duce this plot we calculated the LMP from the
rupture than the published data, such heat-to-heat following equation:
variations are common. Unfortunately, both data
LMP(1000) = T [ 13 + log( t r)] (2)
sets are too small for us to say if the difference is
significant. where T is temperature (°R) and t r is time to

Table 3
Inconel 600 creep data
Temperature Stress Time to Minimum Time to Total Area
(K) (MPa) rupture creep rate tertiary elongation reduction
(h) (% h) creep (h) (%) (%)
1005 173.2 L3 22.034 0.6 64 77
1005 137.8 5.0 5.505 2.2 65 89
1005 93.6 38.5 0.517 10.6 68 84
1144 71.2 1.3 15.311 0.4 59 89
1144 71.1 1.2 17.066 0.3 68 88
1144 55.6 3.0 4.528 0.8 68 79
1144 36.3 13.7 0.970 2.0 50 68
1144 36.1 11.5 1.312 2.9 76 68
1255 44.4 0.5 60.332 0.2 89 89
1255 40.6 1.8 16.407 1.0 56 63
1255 29.5 3.2 9.738 2.2 47 58
1366 22.2 0.8 24.854 0.3 79 96
1366 14.1 5.9 3.987 2.9 58 64
Product information: ½ inch rod, heat no. NX678714, annealed for 1 h at 1143 K, forced-air cooled. Chemistry: 0.060 C, 0.250 Mn,
0.001 S, 0.250 Si, 76.10 Ni, 14.890 Cr, 0.140 Cu, 8.310 Fe.
356 S.A. Chauez et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 148 (1994) 351-363

1000 1,200 E
INEL Inco Alloys
• 1005K o 1005K t
• 1144K o 1144K
• 1255K o 1255K
297 K
• 1366K ~. 1366K 800

100 ----

977 K

1050 K

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0.1 1 10 100 True strain
T i m e to rupture ( h )
F i g . 6. I n c o n e l 600, s t r e s s vs. time to rupture - - INEL and
Huntington creep test results. 1100 K
160 J
1150 K
rupture (hours). English units were used to be 120
consistent with historical data. Note, we found
that a constant of 13 optimizes the fit better than == 8o
20, which Larson and Miller found to be applica-
~ ~ - ~ - 1300 K
ble to many steels [Larson, 1952]. The best linear 40
1373 K
fit for this plot is
LMP = 36.196 - 8.9433 log(tr) (3) 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
True strain
where ~r is stress (ksi). (b)

F i g . 8. Stress-strain curves for 304 stainless steel at various

4.3. 304 Stainless steel tensile tests temperatures - - I N E L tensile test results.

Figure 8 plots stress-strain curves from 304 which was due to temperature control problems.
stainless steel tensile tests, for temperatures up to This anomaly does not appear to affect the yield
1373 K. In Fig. 8, the stress-strain curve at 1150 and ultimate strength values. These values are
K shows a slight jump at approximately 0.20 strain consistent with tests at other temperatures, as

34 o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IMP = 36.196 - 0.9433 log(a)
IMP = "r~13 + Iog(t ,)](10 -a)
~" 32 T - temperature (°R)
t, - time to rupture (h)


.=_ 100
~ 26 .¢_

o Expeflmenmld~a
0 . . . . . . i . . . = . . . i . . . , . . .
100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Stress (ksi) T e m p e r a t u r e (K)

6 0 0 Larson-Miller parameter vs. stress - -

F i g . 7. I n c o n e l F i g . 9. 3 0 4 stainless steel yield strength - - INEL tensile test
INEL creep test results, results.
S.A. Chavez et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 148 (1994) 351-363 357

True n Publisheddata
0 600
=~ 5oo
800 z~
£ 400
600 ¢* & A a
Engineering E ~x
300 o
E •~ 200

200 '~ 100 a o

LU o

D , , , i , , , i , , , i . , , i , , , i , , ,
0 , , , i , , , i , , , i , , , i , , , i , ,

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 200 400 600 800 1 000 1200 1400
Temperature (K) Temperature (K)
Fig. 10. 304 S t a i n l e s s s t e e l u l t i m a t e s t r e n g t h , t r u e a n d e n g i - Fig. 11. 304 S t a i n l e s s steel, u l t i m a t e s t r e n g t h - - INEL and
n e e r i n g - - I N E L tensile t e s t results. p u b l i s h e d tensile test results.

using a second order polynomial fit. All other

values in Table 5 were obtained from our testing.
shown in Figs. 9 and 10, which plot temperature
dependent yield and ultimate strengths, both true 4.4. 304 Stainless steel creep tests
and engineering. Figure 11 compares our ulti-
mate strength (engineering) with published data Tables 6 and 7 summarize creep data obtained
[Simmons, 1952; Simmons, 1965; United States for six tests run from 1089 to 1350 K. Stresses
Steel Corporation, 1967; ASMH, 1967]. The two varied from approximately 8 to 85 MPa; times to
data sets compare very well. rupture ranged from about 1 to 85.3 h. Figure 12
Table 5 summarizes the tensile test results for plots these data and previously published data
304 stainless steel. Here we used published values [Swindeman, 1975]. Our data at 1089 K fit rea-
for the elastic moduli [ASME, 1971] and extrapo- sonably well with the published data and are
lated the data for temperatures above 1048 K consistent with tests at different temperatures.

Table 4
I n c o n e l 6 0 0 c r e e p s t r a i n h i s t o r i e s E = A + Bt + Ct 2 + Dt 3 a n d c o r r e l a t i o n c o e f f i c i e n t R
T e m p e r a t u r e (K) Stress (MPa) A B C D E
1005 173.2 - 8.4655 x 10- 4 2.8250 x 10- i - 2.1582 x 10-1 1.7718 x 10-1 0.9998
1005 137.8 - 1.3158 x 10 - 3 8.1509 x 10 - 2 -2.4430 x 10 2 5.4666 x 10 - 3 0.9993
1005 93.6 -1.3583 x 10 - 3 7.2881 x 10 - 3 -2.3712 x 10 - 4 7.7727 x 10 6 0.9992
1144 71.2 -5.7082 x 10 - 4 2.0633 x 10-1 --1.7292 x 10-1 1.7279 x 10-1 0.9994
1144 71.1 -7.9690 x 10 - 4 2.3511 x 10 - 1 -2.2888 x 10 - 1 2.4769 x 10 1 0.9995
1144 55.6 7.5894 x 10 - 4 5.2874 x 10 - 2 - 1.0698 x 10 - 2 8.6105 × 10 - 3 0.9997
1144 36.3 4.3003 x 10 - 4 8.1811 x 10 - 3 1.0233 x 10 - 3 5.5024 x 10 - s 1.0000
1144 36.1 -3.3106 x 10 - 3 1.6766 x 10 - 2 - 1.1627 x 10 - 3 2.4402 x 10 - 4 0.9995
1255 44.1 8.8688 x 10 - 3 6.4582 x 10 -1 -7.5096 x 10 - I 2.8815 0.9999
1255 40.6 1.4488 × 10 - 3 2.3722 x 10 1 - 1.4631 x 10 - 1 6.9831 x 10 - 2 0.9998
1255 29.5 - 1.9022 x 10 - 4 1.3401 x 10 - I - 3.7604 x 10 - 2 8.6702 x 10 - 3 0.9998
1366 22.2 1.2438 x 10 - 2 3.8489 x 10 -1 -5.8114 x 10 - 1 1.0277 0.9991
1366 14.1 7.0420 x 10 - 4 6.6448 x 10 - 2 - 1.4237 x 10 - 2 2.3935 x 10 - 3 0.9996
358 S.A. Chauez et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 148 (1994) 351-363

Figure 13 plots the Larson-Miller parameter 16. T h e b e s t l i n e a r fit for L M P as a function of

against logarithmic stress. We calculated the LMP log(~r) is
LMP(1000) = T[16 + log(tr) ] (4) L M P = 43.163 - 9.1555 log(o-) (5)
where T is temperature (°R), t r is time to rupture where o- is stress (ksi). Though data are limited,
(hours) and the fit is optimized with a constant of the linear fit is quite good.

Table 5
304 Stainless steel tensile data a
Temperature E b Proportional Sy True Engineering Uniform Total Area
(K) [ASME, 1971] limit (MPa) Su c Su d elongation elongation reduction
(GPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (%) (%) (%)
297 194.77 208 252 1045 642 66 81 80
977 138.17 77 98 372 285 24 54 68
1050 129.81 61 93 245 197 17 64 78
1100 123.83 66 91 177 147 11 74 73
1150 117.64 60 85 136 109 25 71 68
1200 111.24 46 64 82 73 8 52 75
1300 97.83 32 38 54 48 12 73 61
1373 87.51 17 26 33 30 5 50 64
a 1
Product information: ~ inch rod, heat no. 602151, annealed for 1 h at 1323 K, forced-air cooled. Chemistry: 0.06 C, 1.25 Mn,
0.031 P, 0.023 S, 0.610 Si, 8.180 Ni, 18.410 Cr, 0.380 Mo, 0.130 Co, 0.063 N.
b Young's modulus.
c Yield stress.
d Ultimate stress.

Table 6
304 Stainless steel creep data
Temperature Stress Time to Minimum Time to Total Area
(K) (MPa) rupture creep rate tertiary elongation reduction
(h) (% h) creep (h) (%) (%)
1089 85.3 8.0 4.086 4.2 54 57
1200 40.5 5.9 4.174 3.1 46 41
1200 54.6 1.3 23.604 0.6 57 55
1350 8.4 21.8 0.940 12.4 32 25
1350 9.8 17.2 1.560 5.8 41 31
1350 16.9 2.4 11.102 1.1 54 42
Product information: ~1 inch rod, heat no. 602151, annealed for 1 h at 1323 K, forced-air cooled. Chemistry: 0.06 C, 1.25 Mn, 0.031
P, 0.023 S, 0.610 Si, 8.180 Ni, 18.410 Cr, 0.380 Mo, 0.130 Co, 0.063 N.

Table 7
304 Stainless steel creep strain histories E = A + Bt + Ct 2 + Dt 3 and correlation coefficients R
Temperature (K) Stress (MPa) A B C D R
1089 85.3 3.3596 X 10 -3 4.9739 X 10 -2 -5.1706 X 10 -3 6.1212 X 10 -4 0.9999
1200 40.5 2.5929 X 10 -3 6.5447 X 10 .2 - 1.4511X 10 .2 2.2396 X 10 -3 0.9994
1200 54.6 2.5754 X 10 -3 3.2249 X 10 -1 - 2.5247 X 10 - I 1.7861X 10 - I 0.9999
1350 8.4 -5.0694 X 10 -4 1.0979 X 10 -2 -4.1219 X 10 -4 2.1476 × 10 -5 0.9999
1350 9.8 9.1129 X 10 -4 1.5022 X 10 -2 1.3146 X 10 -4 4.7410 × 10 -6 0.9993
1350 16.9 2.2211X 10 -3 1.4431X 10 -1 - 6.5758 X 10 -2 3.2591X 10 -2 0.9998
S.,4. Chavez et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 148 (1994) 351-363 359

~ . w , . 5 0 0 K
• 1089K o g77K 600 ~ ~ . - - - - - - - - - 297 K
• 120OK o 1089K
• 1350K x 1144K ~ i ~ 1 7 0 0 K
100 Q.
I1. 4OO

¢,D ==
200 9OO K

1 00

i i i ~ i i i i i i i i i L i i i
0 , , , i , , , i , , , L , , , L , , ,
10 100 0.00 0.04 0,08 0.12 0.16 0.20
True strain
T i m e t o r u p t u r e (h) (o)

Fig. 12. 304 S t a i n l e s s steel, stress vs. t i m e to r u p t u r e - - I N E L 100

a n d A S M E c r e e p test results.
11.~ K
80 1050 K

4.5. SAIO6B Carbon steel tensile tests Q.

1150 K

Results from SA106B carbon steel tensile tests,

for temperatures up to 1150 K, are plotted in == 40

Figs. 14-17 and summarized in Table 8. We used

published values of elastic modulus [Takeuti, 20

1979] tested between room temperature and 1273

K to construct the stress-strain curves, as listed 0
0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0,20
in Table 8. All other values listed in this table True strain
were obtained from our own testing.
Fig. 14. S t r e s s - s t r a i n c u r v e s for S A 1 0 6 B c a r b o n steel at
Figure 14 shows stress-strain curves for vari-
v a r i o u s t e m p e r a t u r e s - - I N E L tensile test results.
ous temperatures. Curves at 500 and 1100 K show
ultimate strengths higher than those measured at
the next lower temperature which, at first glance, obtained identical results with a duplicate test.
appear to be discrepancies. The 500 K behavior is The material changes from ferrite to austenite in
undoubtedly related to processing history, as we the 1000-1100 K regime, which may partially

44 40O • . . , . . . , , • • ~ . . .

IMP : 43.163 - 9,1555 log(o)

IMP = Tile * Io0 (t ,)1(10 ')
4 2 o -~ (1~)
T - terrlpermlure (°R)
t, - time to rupture (h) 300

~ 38 o 200
~ 36
>" 100

o ~ m ~ l a data

10 100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Stress (ksi) Temperature (K)

Fig. 13. 304 Stainless s t e e l L a r s o n - M i l l e r p a r a m e t e r vs. stress Fig. 15. S A 1 0 6 B C a r b o n steel yield s t r e n g t h - - I N E L tensile
- - I N E L c r e e p test results. test results.
360 S.A. Chauez et aL / Nuclear Engineering and Design 148 (1994) 351-363

700 700

e•-•-•'•,•Tr ue
600 600 o ASTM
.C o

500 500

400 400

E o
300 300

200 200 A
== o

100 100

0 , , , i . , , J , , , i , , , i , . , 0 , , , i , , , i , , , i , , , i , , ,

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Temperature (~ Temperature (K)

Fig. 16. SA106B Carbon steel ultimate strength, true and Fig. 17. SA106B Carbon steel ultimate strength - - INEL and
engineering - - I N E L tensile test results. A S T M tensile test results.

explain the apparent unusual results at 1100 K. which would become inconsequential at high
Figures 15 and 16 plot temperature dependent temperatures.
yield ultimate strengths, true and engineering.
Figure 17 compares our (engineering) ultimate 4.6. SAIO6B Carbon steel creep tests
strength data with previously published data
[Simmons, 1955]. Our data are considerably higher Tables 9 and 10 summarize creep data ob-
than the published data for temperatures less tained for seven tests run from 811 to 1050 K.
than 800 K; however, our high temperature data Stresses varied from approximately 20 to 125
appear to be consistent with the published data if MPa, with times to rupture from less than 1 h to
extrapolated beyond their temperature range. The about 87 h, as plotted in Figure 18. Our data,
lower temperature discrepancy may be due to tested at 124 MPa, 811 K, failed at 85 h. This was
differences in thermal-mechanical processing, within the range of stress values given for a

Table 8
SA106B Carbon steel tensile data a
Temperature E b Proportional Sy True Engineering Uniform Total Area
(K) [Takeuti; 1979] limit (MPa) Su d Su d elongation elongation reduction
(GPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (%) (%) (%)
297 204.37 374 355 648 550 16 33 66
500 193.31 227 310 668 600 10 21 47
700 175.00 143 234 524 467 11 31 68
800 166.54 127 203 361 324 8 37 76
900 154.65 76 133 180 169 5 55 81
1000 139.47 42 74 88 83 4 65 89
1050 130.05 41 62 84 74 6 58 59
1100 123.20 41 55 86 75 11 49 52
1150 118.54 25 46 69 60 10 44 45
Product information 6 inch schedule 120 pipe, heat no. A84239, as-received. Chemistry: 0.25 C, 0.94 Mn, 0.014 P, 0.010 S, 0.25 Si,
0.02 Cu, 0.02 Ni, 0.06 Cr, 0.01 Mo.
b Young's modulus.
c Yield stress.
a Ultimate stress.
S.A. Chauez et aL / Nuclear Engineering and Design 148 (1994) 351-363 361

1000 28
• 811K I M p = 3 0 , 8 6 7 - 7 . 6 2 8 2 log(a)
Range of p~bli~ed ~ o IMP = 2"[13+ log {t,)](lO ~ )
data M 811 K ~" 27 a - n~m (ksl)
Ag00K T - temperature (°R)
• 1050K t, - time to rupture (h)
~ 26
~ 2s
~ 24

~ 2a

_9 22
o Experimentaldata °° ~ o °
i , , i , i1,1 i L , i , iiii . . . . . . . I I I i i i i i i i i
10.1 1 10 100 ' ' ' ' '' 10 100
Time to rupture (h) Stress (ksi)

Fig. 18. SA106B Carbon steel stress vs. time to rupture - - Fig. 19. SA106B Carbon steel Larson-Miller parameter vs.
I N E L and ASTM creep test results. stress - - INEL creep test results.

failure time of 85 h in the published data [Sim- where T is temperature (°R), t r is time to rupture
mons, 1955]. (hours) and the fit is optimized with a constant of
Figure 19 plots the Larson-Miller parameter 13. The best linear fit for LMP as a function of
(LMP) against logarithmic stress (ksi). The LMP log(o-) is
was calculated from the following equation: LMP = 30.867 - 7.6282 log(tr) (7)
LMP(1000) = T [ 13 + log( t r)] (6) where o- is stress (ksi).

Table 9
SA106B Carbon steel creep data
Temperature Stress Time to rupture Minimum creep Time to Total Area
(K) (MPa) (h) rate (% h) tertiary creep elongation reduction
(% h) (h) (%) (%)
811 124.6 80.9 0.0876 14.9 41 77
900 49.2 86.6 0.0676 16.5 62 88
900 79.7 7.2 1.629 2.1 55 89
900 103.7 1.7 7.698 0.6 54 85
1050 29.4 9.7 1.309 3.6 38 41
1050 19.8 23.1 0.391 8.6 38 55
1050 53.2 0.8 26.859 0.4 46 47

Product information: 6 inch schedule 120 pipe, heat no. A84239, as-received. Chemistry: 0.25C, 0.94 Mn, 0.014 P, 0.010 S, 0.25 Si,
0.02 Cu, 0.02 Ni, 0.06 Cr, 0.01 Mo.

Table 10
S A 1 0 6 Carbon steel creep data strain histories ~ = A + Bt + 0 2 +Dt 3 and correlation coefficients R
Temperature (K) Stress (MPa) A B C D R
811 124.6 -6.3919 × 10 -3 2.4447 X 10 -3 -5.7771 X 10 -5 8.6704 x 10 -7 0.9968
900 49.2 -2.1123 X 10 -3 1.5486 X 10 -3 -3.3867 x 10 -5 6.6782 X 10 -7 0.9986
900 79.7 - 1.2457 X 10 -3 2.8177 x 10 -2 -6.5690 X 10 -3 1.2253 × 10 -3 0.9992
900 103.7 -3.2349 x 10 _3 1.3387 x 10 - I - 1.3495 × 10 -1 8.9286 x 10 -2 0.9970
1050 19.8 -4.9362 x 10 -3 7.8189 X 10 -3 -7.0932 × 10 -4 3.7336 × 10 -5 0.9967
1050 29.4 -4.4062 x 10 -3 2.2194 X 10 -2 -3.9358 x 10 -3 4.8578 X 10 -4 0.9980
1050 53.2 - 1.0827 X 10 -3 4.6595 x 10 - t -9.4168 X 10 -1 1.1435 0.9985
362 S.A. Chavez et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 148 (1994) 351-363

5. Summary We performed these tests to assist in extrapolat-

ing property data, where none existed, such that
We performed creep and tensile tests of pene- severe accident conditions could be analyzed.
trations materials: Inconel 600, 304 stainless steel More testing, with repetition, is needed to reduce
and SA106B carbon steel, at temperatures and the range of uncertainty.
stresses exceeding those of previous tests. Inconel
600 tensile data show a rapid loss in ultimate
strength for temperatures above 800 K; creep Acknowledgment
data indicate failure times of less than 10 h for
temperatures greater than 1000 K and stresses This work was supported by the US Nuclear
greater than approximately 130 MPa. The 304 Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Regu-
stainless steel tensile data show good consistency latory Research, under D O E Field Office, Idaho
with published data extrapolated to 1366 K. In contract no. DE-AC07-76ID01570.
this material, ultimate strength remains above
300 MPa until temperatures reach approximately
800 K, where the strength drops rapidly. Creep Nomenclature
data for stainless steel predict failure times less
than 10 h for temperatures greater than 1089 K t time (h)
and stresses greater than 80 MPa. SA106B car- tr time to creep rupture (h)
bon steel, used in drain lines of BWRs, is not A, B, C, D constants
intended for high t e m p e r a t u r e applications; this E elastic modulus (GPa)
material loses ultimate strength rapidly for tem- LMP Larson-Miller parameter
peratures above approximately 600 K. Tensile R correlation coefficient
testing of this material extends the tested temper- T t e m p e r a t u r e (°R)
ature range from 800 K to 1150 K. Creep data Sy yield strength
indicate failure in less than 10 h for temperatures Su ultimate strength
greater than 900 K and stresses greater than e true creep strain
approximately 75 MPa. ~r stress (ksi)

6. Conclusions References

We collected tensile and creep data on Inconel Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook (ASMH), Code 1303
600, 304 stainless steel and SA106B carbon steel (types 304 and 304L), extracts from Carpenter Steel (1962)
and United States Steel (1956), March 1967 Revision.
for use in evaluating failures of reactor vessel
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Section
penetrations, such as instrument tubes, control III, Nuclear Power Plant Components, 1971.
rod guide tubes and the drain nozzle. For the ASTM, Standard Recommended Practice for Elevated Tem-
most part, our data are consistent with published perature Tension Tests of Metallic Materials, ASTM Stan-
data and with reasonable extrapolations of pub- dard E21-79, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol.
03.01, Section 3, Metals Test Methods and Analytical
lished data. Exceptions include Inconel 600 creep
Procedures, 1983.
data, where our failure times tend to be shorter ASTM, Standard Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic
than published data and SA106B tensile tests, Materials, ASTM Standard E8-82, Annual Book of ASTM
where our ultimate strength data are higher at Standards, Vol. 03.01, Section 3, Metals Test Methods and
temperatures below 800 K. However, our high Analytical Procedures, 1983.
ASTM, Standard Practice for Conducting Creep, Creep-Rup-
t e m p e r a t u r e SA106B creep data (above 800 K)
ture, and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials,
appear to be consistent with a reasonable extrap- ASTM Standard E139-83, Annual Book of ASTM Stan-
olation of published data. The data collected dards, Vol. 03.01, Section 3, Metals Test Methods and
here, particularly in the creep tests, are limited. Analytical Procedures, 1983.
S.A. Chavez et al./ Nuclear Engineering and Design 148 (1994) 351-363 363

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F.R. Larson, J. Miller, A Time-Temperature Relationship for Y. Takeuti, Thermal-Stress Problems in Industry. 3: Temper-
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Analysis, N U R E G / C R 5642, EGG-2618, October 1993. G.L. Thinnes et al., High temperature creep and tensile data
W.F. Simmons, H.C. Cross, Elevated-Temperature Properties for pressure vessel steels SA533B1 and SA508-CL2, Nucl.
of Stainless Steels, ASTM STP-124, 1952. Eng. Des. 148(1994)343-350.
W.F. Simmons, H.C. Cross, Elevated-Temperature Properties United States Steel Corporation, Mechanical and Physical
of Carbon Steels, ASTM STP-180, 1955. Properties of Steels for Nuclear Applications, ADUSS
W.F. Simmons, J.A. VanEcho, The Elevated Temperature 92-1625, Section 3, 1967, pp.20, 43.
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