MSS SP-110-2010

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MSS SP-110-2010

Ball Valves
Threaded, Socket-Welding,
Solder Joint,
Grooved and Flared Ends

Standard Practice
Developed and Approved by the
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the
Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
127 Park Street, NE
Vienna, Virginia 22180
Phone: (703) 281-6613
Fax: (703) 281-6671
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This MSS Standard Practice was developed under the consensus of the MSS Technical Committee 401 and the
MSS Coordinating Committee. The content of this Standard Practice is the result of the efforts of competent and
concerned volunteers to provide an effective, clear, and non-exclusive specification that will benefit the industry
as a whole. This MSS Standard Practice is intended as a basis for common practice by the manufacturer, the
user, and the general public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in itself preclude the
manufacture, sale, or use of products not conforming to the Standard Practice. Mandatory conformance is
established only by reference in a code, specification, sales contract, or public law, as applicable.

"Other standards documents referred to herein are identified by the date of issue that was
applicable to this Standard Practice at the date of issue of this Standard Practice. See Annex
A. This Standard Practice shall remain silent on the applicability of those other standards of
prior or subsequent dates of issue even though applicable provisions may not have changed.
References contained herein which are bibliographic in nature are noted as ‘supplemental’ in
the text.”

Unless otherwise specifically noted in this MSS SP, any standard referred to herein is identified by the date of
issue that was applicable to the referenced standard(s) at the date of issue of this MSS Standard Practice (See
Annex A).

In this Standard Practice all notes, annexes, tables, and figures are construed to be essential to the understanding
of the message of the standard, and are considered part of the text unless noted as "supplemental". All
appendices, if included, that appear in this document are construed as "supplemental". Supplemental information
does not include mandatory requirements for this Standard Practice.

U.S. customary units in this Standard Practice are the standard; metric (SI) units are for reference

Substantive changes in this 2010 edition are “flagged” by parallel bars as

shown on the margins of this paragraph. The specific detail of the change
may be determined by comparing the material flagged with that in the
previous edition.

Non-toleranced dimensions in this Standard Practice are nominal, and, unless otherwise specified,
shall be considered “for reference only”.

Any part of this Standard Practice may be quoted. Credit lines should read `Extracted from MSS SP-110-
2010 with permission of the publisher, the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and
Fittings Industry, Inc.'. Reproduction prohibited under copyright convention unless written permission is
granted by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.

Originally Approved: May 1992

Copyright ©, 1992, 1996, 2010 by

Manufacturers Standardization Society
of the
Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
Printed in U.S.A.

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1 SCOPE. ............................................................................................................................................... 1
2 PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE RATINGS. ....................................................................................... 1
3 MATERIALS. ..................................................................................................................................... 2
4 DESIGN. ............................................................................................................................................. 2
5 DIMENSIONS .................................................................................................................................... 3
6 MARKING .......................................................................................................................................... 4
7 TESTING ............................................................................................................................................ 4


1 Port Sizes for Ball Valves ..................................................................................................................... 6

2 Shell Test Duration (Visual Test Methods) .......................................................................................... 7
3 Seat Test Duration ................................................................................................................................ 7


1 Examples of Valve Types ..................................................................................................................... 8

2 Typical Nomenclature for Ball Valve Parts .......................................................................................... 9


A Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates ....................................................................................... 10

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1.1 General 1.3 Description of Valve Types and Parts

1.1.1 This Standard Practice covers round 1.3.1 Examples of some valve types are shown in
opening, full, regular and reduced port metal Figure 1. When variations of these basic types are
ball valves. used, they shall be named by the manufacturer.

1.1.2 End connections covered herein are 1.3.2 The names of basic valve parts are given in
threaded, socket-welding, solder joint, grooved Figure 2.
and flared end in nominal pipe sizes ¼ through
4 inch. Note: The valve sketches shown in Figures 1 and
2 are for the purpose of illustration and
1.1.3 These valves are intended for on-off nomenclature only and do not represent or endorse
operation and should be used for modulating or any manufacturer's product.
throttling service only when recommended by

1.1.4 This Standard Practice covers ball valves of 2.1 Basis of Ratings
the following materials:
The pressure-temperature ratings for assembled
Carbon Steel valves shall be determined by the material of the
Alloy Steels body, seats, stem seals, end connections or any
Stainless Steels other component or type of construction that
Gray Cast Iron would be restrictive. Manufacturers should be
Ductile Iron consulted for exact ratings applicable for a
Malleable Iron particular material or type. Pressure-temperature
Copper Alloy ratings of steel valves, shall not exceed those
specified in ASME B16.34, where applicable.
1.2 References
2.2 Solder End Ratings
1.2.1 Standards and specifications adopted by
reference in this Standard Practice and names and Ratings of solder-end connections shall not exceed
addresses of the sponsoring organizations are the limitations of ASME B16.18. It shall be the
shown in Annex A. It is not considered practical responsibility of the user to select a solder
to refer to a specific edition of each of the composition that is compatible with the service
standards and specifications in the individual conditions.
references. Instead, the specific edition references
are included in Annex A. A product made in 2.3 Cold Working Pressure (CWP)
conformance with the edition reference applicable
during the time of manufacture, and in all other The cold working pressure rating of the valve
respects conforming to this Standard Practice, will shell and components is the maximum allowable
be considered to be in conformance even though non-shock pressure at 100ºF. The maximum
the edition reference may be changed in a working pressure at any other temperature shall
subsequent revision of this Standard Practice. not exceed this rated pressure.

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