Us6819027 PDF
Us6819027 PDF
Us6819027 PDF
US 6,819,027 B2
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U.S. Patent Nov. 16, 2004 Sheet 2 of 7 US 6,819,027 B2
NO (h)
FG. 2
U.S. Patent Nov. 16, 2004 Sheet 3 of 7 US 6,819,027 B2
PWM2 — — —
FIG. 3
Determined Desired Output Current
Sweep Output FREQ Profile Q Preset
PWM & determine Peak Load Current
10 steps G 1 OOHz
Sweep Output FREQ 10 steps G 10Hz 404
Centered around freq of peak load
Current found in previous sweep &
determine NeW Peak LOad Current
42 FIG. 4
U.S. Patent US 6,819,027 B2
U.S. Patent US 6,819,027 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 16, 2004 Sheet 6 of 7 US 6,819,027 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 16, 2004 Sheet 7 of 7 US 6,819,027 B2
FIG. 8
US 6,819,027 B2
1 2
METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR Accordingly, in one embodiment, the present invention
CONTROLLING ULTRASONIC provides an ultrasonic System including: a transducer
TRANSDUCER coupled to a Secondary of a transformer; and a control loop
coupled between the transducer and a primary of the
transformer, wherein the control loop includes a current
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Sense circuit coupled to the transformer and configured to
The present invention relates in general to ultrasonic detect load current; a loop controller coupled to the current
Systems, and in particular to methods and circuitry for Sense circuit and configured to dynamically Set a loop
driving an ultraSonic transducer. reference frequency in response to the Sensed load current;
Ultrasound technology is utilized in a variety of applica
1O a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) coupled to the con
troller and configured to generate an output signal oscillating
tions from machining and cleaning of jewelry crystals to at the reference frequency; and a pulse-width modulator
performing Surgical operations involving for example clear coupled to the VCO and configured to control an amount of
ing obstructed blood vessels, to disrupting or lysing cells in current in the primary of the transformer.
order to release the inracellular contents (e.g., nucleic acid). 15 In another embodiment, the present invention provides a
The basic concept of ultraSonic Systems involves the con driver circuit for an ultrasonic transducer, wherein the driver
version of high frequency electric energy into ultrasonic circuit includes: a current Sense circuit coupled to detect a
frequency mechanical vibrations using transducer elements. transducer load current; a controller coupled to the current
Such Systems typically include a driver circuit that generates Sense circuit and configured to Set a reference frequency
electrical Signals which excite a piezoelectric transducer corresponding to peak resonance frequency; a Voltage
assembly. A transmission element Such as a probe connects controlled oscillator (VCO) coupled to the controller and
to the transducer assembly and is used to deliver mechanical configured to generate an output signal oscillating at the
energy to the target. reference frequency; and a pulse width modulator coupled to
For a given user-defined parameter (e.g., amplitude level) the VCO and configured to modulate an output current of the
there is a resonance frequency at which the driver circuit 25 driver circuit. The pulse width modulator includes a first
operates most efficiently. The driver circuit is thus designed Switch and a Second Switch whose operation is controlled by
to operate at resonance frequency for a particular applica pulse width modulated Signals generated in response to the
tion. In many applications, however, due to changes in the VCO output signal.
environmental conditions the optimal resonance frequency In yet another embodiment, the present invention pro
drifts as the mechanical energy is being delivered. Such vides a method for driving an ultraSonic transducer, wherein
varying environmental conditions may include, for example, the method includes (a) Sweeping a frequency range of the
changes in temperature or the consistency of the target itself. output to locate a peak load current; (b) defining a reference
The challenge, therefore, is to design an ultrasonic System frequency as the frequency corresponding to the peak cur
that adapts to Such environmental variations Such that the rent; (c) adjusting an oscillation frequency of an oscillator to
driver circuit operates at its optimal resonance frequency at 35
the reference frequency; (d) controlling output transistor
all times.
Switches by pulse width modulated Signals generated in
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION response to the OScillator output to adjust transducer current;
and (e) periodically repeating steps (a) through (d) to
The present invention provides methods and apparatus for dynamically adjust the reference frequency that controls the
implementing an ultraSonic System that dynamically detects 40 transducer current.
and maintains peak operational resonance frequency. In one The following detailed description and the accompanying
embodiment, the invention dynamically Sweeps the output drawings provide a better understanding of the nature and
frequency range to locate the peak load current. The reso advantages of the present invention.
nance frequency corresponding to the peak load current is
used as a reference frequency in a control loop Such as a 45 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
phase-locked loop (PLL). The control loop includes a FIG. 1 is a simplified block diagram of a driver circuit for
voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) that is controlled by a an ultrasonic System according to one embodiment of the
loop controller Such as a microprocessor and operates to invention;
lock onto the dynamically Sensed reference frequency. In FIG. 2 is a flow diagram illustrating the method of
response to the VCO output, a pulse-width modulator 50
operating an ultraSonic System according to one embodiment
(PWM) circuit drives a pair of Switches that adjust trans of the invention;
ducer current to maintain the circuit locked on the resonance
frequency at a Substantially constant current. By combining FIG. 3 shows waveforms that illustrate the operation of
the frequency Sweeping feature that locates the peak load the pulse-width modulated Signals,
current and the resonance frequency, with the microproces 55 FIG. 4 is a flow diagram illustrating an exemplary algo
Sor controlled pulse width modulated current Switches, the rithm used by the ultrasonic driver of the present invention
invention provides for an ultrasonic System that maintains a to detect the peak load current;
Substantially constant displacement of the transmission ele FIG. 5 shows an exemplary implementation for a current
ment with maximum efficiency. The invention further pro Sense circuit used in the driver circuit of the present inven
vides an algorithm that allows the user to specify parameters 60 tion;
Such as amplitude level of the driver, and then performs a FIG. 6 shows an exemplary implementation for a Voltage
multi-step frequency Sweep to drive the transducer in one of controlled oscillator used in the driver circuit of the present
Several modes including constant current drive, constant invention;
Voltage drive and constant power drive. In various specific FIG. 7 shows an exemplary implementation for pulse
embodiments, the invention provides additional features 65 width modulated Switches that control the amount of current
Such as optional circuit alarm and VCO linearity compen being delivered to the transducer according to the present
sation. invention; and
US 6,819,027 B2
3 4
FIG. 8 is a croSS Sectional view of an apparatus including ing granularity to locate the peak current with a high degree
an ultraSonic transducer according to the present invention of precision. The flow diagram of FIG. 4 depicts an alter
that is used for disrupting cells or viruses. native embodiment of the present invention which employs
an exemplary multi-step Sweeping technique. According to
INVENTION this alternative embodiment, after determining the desired
output current (step 400), the process includes an initial
Referring to FIG. 1, there is shown a simplified block broad Sweep (step 402) of the output frequency profile
diagram of a driver circuit 100 for an ultrasonic transducer involving, for example, ten 100 Hz frequency Steps to locate
according to one embodiment of the invention. Driver the approximate position fl of the peak current. This is
circuit 100 includes a current sense block 102 that is followed by a second medium sweep (step 404) involving,
magnetically coupled to the load. Current sense block 102 for example, ten 10 Hz frequency StepS centered around fl,
detects the load current and generates an analog signal five Steps to the left and five Steps to the right. A more
representative of the amplitude of the load current. The accurate location f2 for the peak current is obtained by the
analog current Sense signal is converted to a digital Signal by Second Sweep. A final narrow Sweep is then performed (Step
an analog-to-digital converter or ADC 104. The output of 15 406) using, for example, ten 1 Hz steps centered around f2.
ADC 104 is supplied to a controller or microprocessor 106. The final Sweep yields a highly precise location f3 for the
Microprocessor 106 uses the digital signal to determine the peak current. The resonance frequency f3 is then used to Set
peak resonance frequency and sends a digital Signal corre the driver frequency (step 408), after which the transducer
sponding to the resonance frequency to a digital-to-analog current I(h) is measured (step 410). In this embodiment, the
converter DAC 108. DAC 108 converts this signal into an final narrow Sweep (step 406) is repeated periodically as
analog Voltage signal that controls the OScillation frequency long as I(h) remains within the target range. When I(h) falls
of a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)110. The output of outside of the target range, the PWM Signals are adjusted
VCO 110 connects to a pulse-width modulator (PWM) based on the differential (Step 412), and a new frequency
control circuit 112 that generates pulse signals PWM1 and Sweep (step 414) is performed with the adjusted PWM
PWM2 at the desired frequency. Signals PWM1 and PWM2 25 Signals before the loop is repeated. The new Sweep at Step
drive Switches S1 and S2 that in turn control the amount of 414 can be performed in, e.g., 20 steps at 20 Hz centered
current being delivered to the transducer. around f to determine a new and more accurate resonance
The operation of the driver circuit according to one frequency. Note that the final narrow sweep (step 406) can
exemplary embodiment of the invention will be described in be repeated as many times as necessary to keep the circuit
connection with the broad and simplified flow diagram of locked on to the resonance frequency at the desired target
FIG. 2. In a typical application, the user Specifies an ampli current at all time. For example, in one embodiment, the
tude level and a time duration for the operation of the final Sweep is repeated every few milliseconds.
ultrasonic device. Software stored in microprocessor 106 In a specific embodiment, the present invention provides
translates the amplitude level into a desired current level I(h) an algorithm that enables the user to drive the circuit in three
for the transduce. Referring to FIG. 2, at step 200 the 35 different modes. The first mode is the constant current drive
microprocessor determines the desired transducer current described above. In this mode, once the circuit locks onto the
level I(h) based on user specified amplitude level. This is resonance frequency, a Software routine checks the digital
followed by a frequency profile Sweep (step 202) to locate current reading to determine if it matches the user's Speci
the peak load current (step 204). Current sense block 102 fications within a preset range. If the current reading falls
detects the peak current and Supplies this information to 40 outside the preset range, the controller initiates another
microprocessor 106 via ADC 104. Microprocessor 106 uses frequency Sweep of, for example, 20 Steps at 20 HZ per Step,
this information to determine the peak resonance frequency. and adjusts the PWM signals accordingly. It will then check
This resonance frequency is used as the control loop refer the digital current reading once again to determine if it
ence frequency (step 206). Microprocessor 106 adjusts the matches the user's Specification. In this manner, the System
frequency of operation of VCO 110 via DAC 108 such that 45 maintains lock on the Specified current and deviates only
it locks to the reference frequency (step 208). PWM control within a narrow preset range. Using the process described
circuit 112 then receives the output of VCO 110 and gen above in connection with FIG. 4, both the lock on resonance
erates signals PWM1 and PWM2 (step 210). PWM control frequency and the lock on constant current level can be
circuit 112 divides the VCO output signal into two alternat Simultaneously and continuously monitored.
ing non-overlapping Signals by taking one signal from the 50 A Second mode of operation allows for a constant Voltage
rising edge of the VCO output and a Second Signal from the drive. In this mode, the circuit drives the transducer at a
falling edge of the VCO output. fixed Voltage Set by a constant pulse width modulation. The
FIG. 3 shows signal waveforms for PWM1 and PWM2 microprocessor sets the PWM to the user's specification and
that are generated from a VCO output Signal having an performs the multi-step frequency profile Sweep to lock on
exemplary frequency of 36 kHz. Signals PWM1 and PWM2 55 to the resonance frequency. The constant Voltage drive mode
control Switches S1 and S2 that in turn control the amount fixes the PWM to a given value and therefore allows the
of current being pulled from transformer 114 which has a current to drift up or down.
Voltage input Vin at its center tap. The Secondary of trans The third mode of operation is constant power driver. The
former 114 drives the resonating crystal 116. The transducer voltage applied to the load is a function of PWM that is
current I(h) is periodically detected (step 212) and compared 60 controlled by the microprocessor. In this mode, the micro
against the target value. If the measured current drifts processor adjusts the current Such that the product of Voltage
outside a preset range around the target value, the PWM acroSS the load and the current is kept constant.
Signals are adjusted by repeating StepS 202 to 210. Thus, the A Specific implementation of the ultrasonic driver circuit
System remains locked at resonance frequency on the Speci according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention will
fied current and deviates only within the Specified range. 65 be described in connection with FIGS. 5–7. Referring to
The frequency profile Sweep, according to one embodi FIG. 5, there is shown one embodiment of the current sense
ment of the invention, occurs in multiple Steps with increas block 102. A current transformer 502 magnetically couples
US 6,819,027 B2
S 6
the current Sense circuit to the transducer (not shown in FIG. cations. For example, in the fields of molecular biology and
4). A sense resistor R166 connects across the terminals of biomedical diagnostics, it is often necessary to extract
current transformer 502 Such that the signal developing nucleic acid from cells or viruses. Once released from the
acroSS resistor R166 represents the magnitude of the trans cells, the nucleic acid may be used for genetic analysis Such
ducer current I(h). This signal goes through a filter 504 and as Sequencing, pathogen identification and quantification,
then a DC rectifier 506. Filter 504 is a low pass filter that is and the like. The extraction of nucleic acids from cells or
designed to amplify the Signal and remove additional har Viruses is generally performed by physical or chemical
monics. In the exemplary embodiment shown filter 504 is methods. While known methods for disrupting cells or
implemented by a fourth order active low pass (butterworth) Viruses have had Some measure of Success, most Suffer from
filter. Rectifier 506 is a full-wave rectifier that converts the certain drawbacks and disadvantages including those
signal into a DC value HORN CUR that is then sent to the involving ultraSonic agitation. Typical problems with exist
analog-to-digital converter (ADC 104 in FIG. 1). An alarm ing ultraSonic lysis of cells include non-uniform distribution
circuit 508 can be optionally added to protect the circuit of ultraSonic energy, slow lysing process, physical damage
against accidental power Surge or other related failures. over time to Sample container, non-portability of the System,
Alarm circuit 508 includes a comparator 510 that compares 15 etc.
the transducer current HORN CUR to a preset threshold or In another embodiment, the present invention employs the
reference signal REF. If the transducer current HORN
CUR exceeds the threshold value, alarm circuit 508 gener ultraSonic System of the present invention to provide an
ates a fault alarm Signal that is Supplied to the micropro improved apparatus and method for disrupting cells or
cessor. The microprocessor in turn shots off the PWM Viruses to release the nucleic acid therefrom. The invention,
circuitry to prevent any damage to the circuit board or the according to this embodiment, provides for rapid, non
resonating crystal. invasive lysis of cells or viruses held in a container by
FIG. 6 is a partial Schematic of an exemplary implemen applying a vibrating Surface of a transducer device to a wall
tation for the Voltage-controlled Oscillator of the present of the container without melting, cracking, or otherwise
invention. There a number of different known implementa damaging the wall of the container. FIG. 8 shows a croSS
tions for a VCO. In this embodiment, a 74HCT4046 chip 25 Sectional view of an apparatus including an ultraSonic trans
600 is used which has a frequency range determined by a ducer 36 and horn 38 that is used for lysing cells or viruses.
voltage input at VCOIN from 0 to 5V. VCO chip 600, The apparatus includes a container 18 having a chamber 40
however, has a limited linear frequency range of e.g., 2.7V. for holding a liquid containing the cells or viruses. The
To compensate for this problem, this specific embodiment of chamber 40 has a wall 46 for contacting the vibrating tip 50
the invention includes a linearity compensation circuit 602 of the horn 38. The wall 46 thus provides an interface
that receives the signal FREQ from the microprocessor and between the transducer/horn assembly and the contents of
operates to extend the linear range of the VCO to almost the the chamber 40. In the exemplary embodiment shown in
entire 5V range. Variable resistors R151 and R152 are used FIG. 8, the wall 46 is dome-shaped and convex. In alterna
tune the lower frequency range and the overall frequency tive embodiments, the interface wall 46 may have other
range, respectively. The output of VCO 600, signal VCOUT 35 forms, Such as a flat wall, a wall with Stiffening ribs, or a wall
is applied to PWM control circuit (112 in FIG. 1) to generate comprising a flexible plastic film. The wall 46 is preferably
signals PWM1 and PWM2. In one embodiment, PWM Sufficiently elastic to deflect in response to vibratory move
control circuit 112 is implemented using a programmable ments of the horn tip 50. The transducer 36 is driven by a
logic device. driver circuit 34 as previously described with reference to
FIG. 7 provides a more detailed circuit schematic of an 40 FIG. 1 to operate at the optimum frequency. The vibration of
illustrative implementation of the PWM switches that drive the transducer/horn assembly deflects the wall 46 to generate
the transducer. In this exemplary implementation, each of preSSure waves or pressure pulses in the chamber 40 to effect
the signals PWM1 and PWM2 are first applied to a driver lysis of the cells or viruses in the chamber. Optionally, the
amplifier 702 and 704, respectively. Switches S1 and S2 are chamber 40 may contain beads 66 that are agitated by the
implemented by n-type metal-oxide-Semiconductor filed 45 Sonication of the chamber 40. The beads move violently in
effect transistor (MOSFETs) where drivers 702 and 704 response to the pressure waves or pressure pulses in the
drive the gate terminals of S1 and S2, respectively. MOS chamber 40 to rupture the cells or viruses. The chamber 40
FET S1 has one current-conducting (drain) terminal con may also optionally include a filter 48 for trapping cellular
nected to a first node 706 of the primary of a dual trans debris as the lysate is forced to flow out the outlet port 44 of
former 712, and its second current-conducting (Source) 50 the container 18. The transducer/horn assembly may be
terminal connected to ground. MOSFETS2 has one current coupled to the container 18 using any Suitable holding
conducting (drain) terminal connected to a second node 706 mechanism, and in particularly preferred embodiments, the
of the primary of dual transformer 712, and its second transducer/horn assembly is biased against the interface wall
current-conducting (Source) terminal connected to ground. 46 using an elastic body (e.g., one or more springs or
AS thus constructed, the circuit results in a class D push-pull 55 compressed air).
power amplifier. It is to be understood, however, that other Many modifications to the lysis apparatus shown in FIG.
amplifier topologies Such as class C and E can also be 8 are possible. For example, the ultraSonic transducer may
employed for high efficiency. The center tap (node 710) of be directly coupled to the chamber wall 46, so that the horn
the primary of dual transformer 712 is connected to a Voltage 38 is eliminated. In one alternative embodiment, the trans
input having a Voltage of, e.g., 24V. The Secondary of 60 ducer comprises piezoelectric material (e.g., a piezoelectric
transformer 712 connects to the transducer. The voltage Stack made of layers of piezoelectric material) that is
input of the transformer center tap can vary depending on the directly coupled to the chamber wall 46. The piezoelectric
application. To improve the performance of MOSFETs S1 material is driven by the driver circuit 34 causing the
and S2 as Switches, transient Voltage Suppressors and Schot piezoelectric material to vibrate at a Suitable frequency and
tky diodes are added to each one. 65 amplitude to Sonicate the chamber 40 and lyse the cells or
The advantages of the ultraSonic System of the present Viruses therein. In an alternative embodiment, the piezoelec
invention make it particularly well Suited for certain appli tric transducer includes a top layer of material (e.g., sheet
US 6,819,027 B2
7 8
metal or mylar) that is placed in contact with the external 4. The driver circuit of claim 3 further comprising a
surface of the chamber wall 46. The top layer of material current transformer coupled between the current Sense resis
thus couples the piezoelectric material to the wall 46 and tive element and a magnetic coil.
provides the Vibrating Surface for deflecting the wall. A more 5. The driver circuit of claim 3 wherein the low pass filter
detailed description of the various Systems and methods for comprises a fourth order active filter.
lysing of cells or viruses according to the ultraSonic lysis 6. The driver circuit of claim 1 further comprising an
embodiments of the present invention can be found in alarm circuit coupled between the current Sense circuit and
commonly assigned patent applications PCT/US00/14740 the controller, and configured to disable the pulse width
filed May 30, 2000 and published as WO 00/73413 Dec. 7, modulator when the load current reaches a predetermined
2000, and U.S. Ser. No. 09/972,221 filed Oct. 4, 2001 1O
entitled “ Apparatus and Method for Rapid Disruption of 7. The driver circuit of claim 6 wherein the alarm circuit
Cells or Viruses”, both of which patent applications are comprises a comparator having a first input coupled to an
hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. output of the current Sense circuit and a Second input
It is to be understood that the specific embodiments coupled to a reference Signal corresponding to the predeter
described above are for illustrative purposes only, and that mined threshold.
15 8. The driver circuit of claim 1 wherein each of the first
various modifications, alternative implementations and
equivalents are possible. For example, the various functional and Second Switches comprises a field effect transistor.
blocks shown in the block diagram of FIG. 1 could be 9. The driver circuit of claim 8 wherein the pulse width
integrated in different combinations. Some of the function modulator is configured to generate a first pulse width
ality described could be implemented in software or modulated signal PWM1 coupled to a gate terminal of first
hardware, or a modified combination thereof. Furthermore, field effect transistor Switch, and a Second pulse width
Specific numerical values given for frequencies of operation modulated signal PWM2 coupled to a gate terminal of
and Voltage levels are for illustrative purposes only, and Second field effect transistor Switch, wherein the Signals
different applications may require different frequency ranges PWM1 and PWM2 are non-overlapping pulses.
and current and Voltage levels. Similarly, many different 10. The driver circuit of claim 9 wherein the pulse width
variations and equivalents are possible for the Specific 25 modulator generates signal PWM1 at one of a rising or
circuit implementations shown in FIGS. 5–7. For example, falling edge of the output Signal of the VCO, and generates
Switches S1 and S2 may be implemented by different types signal PWM2 at the other one of the rising or falling edge
of transistors including for example, p-type MOSFETs, of the output signal of the VCO.
bipolar junction transistors, and the like. The Scope of the 11. A method for driving an ultrasonic transducer, com
invention should therefore not be limited to the embodi
ments described above, and should instead be determined by prising:
the following claims and their full breadth of equivalents. (a) Sweeping a transducer frequency profile to locate a
What is claimed is: peak load current;
1. A driver circuit for an ultrasonic transducer, compris (b) defining a reference frequency as the frequency cor
responding to the peak current;
a current Sense circuit coupled to detect a transducer load (c) adjusting an oscillation frequency of an oscillator to
current, the reference frequency;
a controller coupled to the current Sense circuit and (d) controlling output transistor Switches by pulse width
configured to perform a frequency Sweep of a driver modulated Signals generated in response to the oscil
output to locate a resonance frequency corresponding lator output to adjust transducer current; and
to peak current; (e) periodically repeating steps (a) through (d) to dynami
a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) coupled to the cally adjust the reference frequency that controls the
controller and configured to generate an output Signal transducer current.
oscillating at the resonance frequency; 12. The method of claim 11 wherein the step of Sweeping
a pulse width modulator coupled to the VCO and config 45 the transducer frequency profile comprises an initial round
ured to modulate an output current of the driver circuit; of multiple frequency Sweeps with increasing granularity.
a first Switch and a Second Switch coupled to the pulse 13. The method of claim 12 wherein the step of Sweeping
width modulator and configured to Switch an amount of the transducer frequency profile comprises:
the output current in response to the VCO output Signal; performing a first broad frequency Sweep using a first
and 50 frequency Step to locate a first approximate peak fre
an analog-to-digital converter coupled between the cur quency f1;
rent Sense circuit and the controller, and configured to performing a Second medium frequency Sweep using a
convert an analog output signal of the current Sense Second frequency Step that is Smaller than the first
circuit into a digital Signal. frequency Step, the Second medium frequency Sweep
2. The driver circuit of claim 1 further comprising a 55 being centered around frequency f1 and yielding a peak
digital-to-analog converter coupled between the controller frequency f2, and
and the VCO, and configured to convert a digital controller performing a third fine frequency Sweep using a third
output signal to an analog Voltage Signal. frequency Step that is Smaller than the Second fre
3. The driver circuit of claim 1 wherein the current sense quency Step, the Second third fine frequency Sweep
circuit comprise: 60 being centered around frequency f2 and yielding a peak
a current Sense resistive element magnetically coupled to frequency f3.
the transducer, 14. The method of claim 11 wherein the step of Sweeping
a low pass filter coupled to the current Sense resistive the transducer frequency profile comprises a mid-operation
element; and Sweep centered around the reference frequency.
a full-wave rectifier coupled to the low pass filter and 65 15. The method of claim 11 wherein the step of control
configured to generate a DC signal representing the ling output transistor Switches comprises generating non
transducer load current. overlapping pulse-width modulated Signals.
US 6,819,027 B2
9 10
16. An ultraSonic System comprising: generate an output Signal oscillating at the resonance fre
an ultraSonic transducer; and quency in response to a control signal from the micropro
a driver circuit coupled to the ultraSonic transducer,
wherein the driver circuit comprises a microprocessor 19. The ultrasonic system of claim 18 wherein the driver
controlled phase-locked loop that is configured to peri circuit further comprises a pulse-width modulator coupled to
odically Sweep a frequency profile of the transducer to the VCO and configured to generate non-overlapping pulse
locate and lock onto a resonance frequency, and to width modulated signals in response to the VCO output
control a current of the transducer by pulse width Signal.
modulated current Switches, Said microprocessor hav 20. The ultrasonic system of claim 16 further comprising
ing Software configured to execute functions including: a container for receiving energy from the transducer, the
(a) Sweeping a transducer frequency profile to locate a container having a chamber for holding a liquid containing
peak load current; cells or viruses to be lysed, and the chamber having a least
(b) defining a reference frequency as the frequency cor one wall providing an interface between the transducer and
the contents of the chamber.
responding to the peak current; 15
(c) adjusting an oscillation frequency of an oscillator to 21. The ultrasonic system of claim 20 wherein the trans
the reference frequency; ducer is directly coupled to the chamber wall.
22. The ultrasonic system of claim 20 wherein the trans
(d) controlling output transistor Switches by pulse width ducer is coupled to the chamber wall via a horn, the horn
modulated Signals generated in response to the oscil having a vibrating tip for deflecting the chamber wall.
lator output to adjust transducer current; and 23. The method of claim 11, wherein the transducer is
(e) periodically repeating steps (a) through (d) to dynami driven to lyse cells or viruses held in a container by coupling
cally adjust the reference frequency that controls the the transducer to a wall of the container and Sonicating the
transducer current. chamber.
17. The ultrasonic system of claim 16 wherein the driver 25
24. The method of claim 23, wherein the transducer is
circuit comprises a current Sensor magnetically coupled to coupled to the wall of the Sample container via a horn.
the transducer and configured to detect transducer current. 25. The method of claim 23 wherein the transducer is
18. The ultrasonic system of claim 17 wherein the driver directly coupled to the Sample container.
circuit further comprises a Voltage-controlled oscillator
(VCO) coupled to the microprocessor and configured to