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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,662,930 B2

Yester (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 16, 2003

(54) APRON WEIGH FEEDER 3,934,712 A 1/1976 Jende

3,944.050 A 3/1976 Richard
(75) Inventor: Martin A. Yester, Allison Park, PA 3,955,637 A 5/1976 Del Rosso ................... 177/52
(US) 4,126,196 A 11/1978 Hyer et al.
4.420,051. A 12/1983 Furuta et al. ................. 177/25
(73) Assignee: Metso Minerals Industries Inc., 4,463,816. A 8/1984 MacFarlane
Pittsburgh, PA (US) 4,491,279 A 1/1985 Long et al.
4,689.857 A :
9/1987 Pinto
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 3. A A. Wilhead - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 198/844
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,024,047 A 6/1991 Leverett ...................... 53/5O2
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 5,285,019 A 2/1994 Kempf et al.
5,294,756 A 3/1994 Lauber et al.
(21) Appl. No.: 10/202,859 5,696,354 A * 12/1997 Linville, Jr. et al. ........ 177/119
5,796,051 A * 8/1998 Chiari et al................... 177/17
(22) Filed: Jul. 25, 2002 5,814,772 A * 9/1998 Nishimura et al. ......... 177/145
5,873,452. A 2/1999 Nolan
(65) Prior Publication Data 5,927.924. A * 7/1999 Kemmer et al. .............. 41.4/21
6,273,665 B1 * 8/2001 Homer, III ....... ... 41.4/21
US 2003/0034237 A1 Feb. 20, 2003 6,341,930 B1 * 1/2002 Homer, III ................... 41.4/21
Related U.S. Application Data 6,437.255 B1 8/2002 Ludescher .................. 177/119
(60) Provisional application No. 60/309,134, filed on Jul. 31, * cited by examiner
2001. Primary Examiner Douglas Hess
(51) Int. Cl. ................................................ G01G 11/00 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Webb Ziesenheim Logsdon
(52) U.S. Cl. .................... 1981502.1; 198/817; 198/820; Orkin & Hanson, P.C.
198/959; 41.4/21; 177/52; 177/119 (57) ABSTRACT
(58) Field of Search ................................. 198/817, 820,
198/502.1, 502.3, 959; 414/21; 177/52, An apron weigh feeder for use in the heavy bulk materials
53, 119 industry includes a feeder frame, a head drive shaft, a pair
of tail traction wheels, and a plurality of carry and return
(56) References Cited rollers. A pair of drive Sprockets is mounted on the head
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS drive shaft. The tail traction wheels are aligned with the
drive Sprockets, respectively. A pair of endless crawler
1537,444 A 5/1925 Herzog chains is reeved about the drive Sprockets and tail traction
1647,704 A 11/1927 Lea wheels, respectively. A plurality of flights is fixed to the
1,790,568 A 1/1931 Arnold crawler chains to define a carrying Surface of the apron
1959,873 A 5/1934 Merrick weigh feeder. The carry rollerS Support the crawler chains
2,182,408 A 12/1939 Phillips et al. and carrying Surface. The carry rollers are Supported rotat
2,285,765 A 6/1942 Carswell
2,635,867 A 4/1953 Fogwell et al. ably by a plurality of carry roller Support frames, which are
2.830,803 A * 4/1958 Doyle ........................ 177/110 mounted on the feeder frame. The weigh scale assembly is
2.882,036 A 4/1959 Lyons Substituted in place of at least one of the carry roller Support
2.954,113 A 9/1960 Hubbard et al. frames.
3,338,382 A 8/1967 Fogg
3,478,830 A 11/1969 Levesque et al. 20 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet 1 of 6 US 6,662.930 B2

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U.S. Patent Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet 6 of 6 US 6,662.930 B2
US 6,662,930 B2
1 2
APRON WEIGH FEEDER It is well-known in the art to include a load cell assembly
or weighing System with belt conveyors. For example, U.S.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED Pat. Nos. 4,463,816 to McFarlane; 3,478,830 to Levesque et
APPLICATION al.; and 2,882,036 to Lyons are generally directed to belt
This application claims the benefit of Provisional Patent conveyor weighing Systems in which a load cell is located
Application Serial No. 60/309,134, filed Jul. 31, 2001 and below the belt conveyor for weighing the material received
entitled, "Apron Weigh Feeder', the disclosure of which is on the surface of the belt conveyor. Specific belt scales for
incorporated herein in its entirety. weighing material moving on a belt conveyor Supported by
an idler assembly are known from U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,294,756
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION to Lauber et al. and 5,285,019 to Kempf et al. The belt
1. Field of the Invention conveyor Scale arrangements known from Lauber et al. and
The present invention relates to an apron feeder for use in Kempf et al. generally disclose the use of a load Scale
the bulk materials industry and, more particularly, an apron located below an idler Support of the belt conveyor. A typical
feeder incorporating an integral weighing device. weighing arrangement 10 for a belt conveyor is shown in
2. Description of the Prior Art 15 FIG. 1. The disclosures of each of the foregoing listed
patents are incorporated herein by reference.
Apron feeders are typically used in the mining, cement, In FIG. 1, the contents of a hopper or bin 12 may be
and other bulk materials industries for extracting bulk mate extracted to an apron feeder 14 located below the hopper 12.
rials from bins, hoppers, Silos, Stockpiles, and the like. The To perform a weighing operation, the apron feeder 14
apron feeders are then used to transfer the material to delivers material to a belt conveyor 16 that includes a belt
another location. Some specific uses of apron feeders known conveyor scale 18. The belt conveyor 16, after weighing the
in the art are applications Such as feeding and withdrawing
materials from primary crushers, loading and unloading material, delivers the material to a downstream product
trucks and railcars, removing frozen materials from Storage, conveyor 20 through a crusher 22 or other piece of equip
feeding jaw crushers and belt conveyors, and high abrasion ment. The arrangement shown in FIG. 1 is well-known in the
applications frequently found in reclaim circuits. Two
25 heavy materials industry. The apron feeder 14 is provided
examples of apron conveyors known in the art are found in primarily to absorb the heavy weights associated with the
U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,934,712 to Jende and 1,537,444 to Herzog, extraction of bulk materials from the hopper 12. The weigh
the disclosures are incorporated herein by reference. ing step is performed entirely by the belt conveyor 16.
Apron feeders, particularly “tractor type' apron feeders, U.S. Pat. No. 4,823,440 to Pinto is directed to a web
are often confused with other types of feederS Such as pan or weight control System for weighing fiberS Supplied to a
belt feeders. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that carding machine that incorporates an apron conveyor. The
apron feeders are distinguishable from pan or belt feeders apron conveyor includes a weighing device defined by a
because pan and belt feeders are not capable of being used plunger and a horizontal rod, which bears against the under
in the heavy, bulk materials industry Such as mining. Apron 35
neath portion of the upper run of the apron conveyor. A
feeders are uniquely Suited for feeding large, lumpy, transducer is used for Sensing the load on the apron conveyor
abrasive, and heavy materials. Pan or belt feeders are not and then Sends a weight control Signal to a computer. AS will
Suitable for use with Such materials and are typically limited be appreciated by those skilled in the art, Pinto discloses the
to light duty operations only. Thus, apron feeders are con use of an apron conveyor for light, loose fabrics and is not
sidered in the art to be distinguishable from pan or belt 40
believed to be pertinent to the apron weigh feeder of the
feeders. present invention, which is Specifically directed for use with
Apron feeders come in many different configurations. heavy bulk materials and is a tractor type apron feeder.
However, apron feeders generally share certain characteris In View of the foregoing, an object of the present inven
tics in common. Typically, apron feeders include a feeder tion is to provide an apron feeder capable of extracting and
frame upon which a drive roller is rotatably mounted. A tail 45 weighing heavy bulk materials at the same time with one
roller is located at an opposite end of the feeder frame from piece of equipment.
the drive roller. A plurality of idler rollers is located between SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
the drive roller and tail roller. Apron feeders further typically
include a Series of interconnected metal pans or flights that The above object is accomplished with an apron weigh
are reeved about the drive roller and tail roller and supported 50 feeder in accordance with the present invention. The apron
by the idler rollers between the drive roller and tail roller. weigh feeder of the present invention is intended for use in
Two or three Strands of endleSS conveyor chain are often the heavy, bulk materials industries, Such as the mining and
used to drive the pans and material carried thereon. cement industries, to extract various types of materials from
One known configuration for apron feeders locates the beneath hoppers, Storage bins, Silos, reclaim piles, and the
endless conveyor chain outboard of the flights such that the 55 like. The apron weigh feeder is a tractor type, also referred
conveyor chain does not directly Support the weight of the to as a crawler type, apron feeder and is capable of weighing
material on the flights. This arrangement is known as an extracted material as the material is conveyed from an
outboard chain design. Another configuration known in the extraction end to a discharge end of the apron weigh feeder.
art for apron feeders was introduced in the early 1970's and The apron weigh feeder Simultaneously transports and
is known as a “tractor type' apron feeder. A tractor type 60 weighs heavy bulk materials.
apron feeder utilizes tractor type undercarriage chain and In general, the apron weigh feeder of the present invention
rollers that are used on bulldozers and excavators. In the includes a feeder frame, a head drive shaft, a tail traction
tractor type configuration, one or more conveyor chains are wheel, a plurality of carry rollers, an endless crawler chain,
located under the flights. In recent years, tractor type apron a plurality of flights, and a weigh Scale assembly. The head
feeders, also referred to as crawler apron feeders, have 65 drive shaft is mounted rotatatably on the feeder frame. The
become the preferred design for use in the heavy materials head drive shaft has a drive sprocket mounted thereto. The
industry. tail traction wheel is mounted rotatably on the feeder frame
US 6,662,930 B2
3 4
at an opposite end of the feeder frame from the head drive BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
shaft. The tail traction wheel is aligned with the drive FIG. 1 is a Schematic view of a prior art weighing
Sprocket. The carry rollers are located and aligned between arrangement for weighing heavy bulk materials,
the drive sprocket and tail traction wheel. The carry rollers
are Supported rotatably by a plurality of carry roller Support FIG. 2 is an elevational view of an apron weigh feeder in
frames, respectively. The carry roller Support frames are accordance with the present invention;
each mounted on the feeder frame. The crawler chain is FIG. 3 is a plan view of the apron weigh feeder of FIG.
reeved about the drive sprocket and tail traction wheel. The 2, with flights and crawler chains of the apron feeder
crawler chain in operation of the feeder moves in a chain removed for clarity;
path comprised of an upper rectilinear path and a lower FIG. 4 is a sectional view taken along lines 4-4 in FIG.
rectilinear path connected by two curvilinear paths. The 2,
crawler chain is Supported by the carry rollers while moving
in the upper rectilinear path. The flights are fixed to the FIG. 5 is a sectional view taken along lines 5-5 in FIG.
crawler chain to define a carrying Surface of the feeder. The 2,
weigh Scale assembly is Substituted in place of at least one FIG. 6 is a plan view of a portion of the apron weigh
of the carry roller Support frames. The weigh Scale assembly 15 feeder of FIG. 2 having an integral weigh Scale assembly in
is operable to generate an output signal indicative of the accordance with the present invention;
weight of bulk material passing over the weigh Scale assem FIG. 7 is a sectional view taken along lines 7-7 in FIG.
bly. 6;
The weigh Scale assembly may comprise a Scale Support FIG. 8 is an elevational view showing the portion of the
frame Substituted in place of the at least one carry roller apron weigh feeder having the weigh Scale assembly of FIG.
Support frame and a load cell positioned between the Scale 6;
Support frame and the feeder frame. The load cell is con FIG. 9 is an elevational view of the portion of the apron
figured to generate the output signal indicative of the weight weigh feeder having the weigh Scale assembly of FIG. 6, and
of bulk material passing over the Scale Support frame and 25 further showing an alternative arrangement for the weigh
load cell. The load cell may be operatively connected to a Scale assembly; and
feeder Scale configured to display the output signal as the FIG. 10 is a schematic view of an improved weighing
weight of bulk material. The weigh Scale assembly may arrangement for weighing heavy bulk materials provided by
comprise a pair of load cells positioned between the Scale the apron weigh feeder of the present invention.
Support frame and the feeder frame and located on opposite
longitudinal Sides of the feeder. The Scale Support frame may DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
Support at least two adjacent carry rollers. INVENTION
The apron weigh feeder may further include a plurality of FIGS. 2-5 show the general arrangement for an apron
return rollers mounted rotatably on the feeder frame below weigh feeder 100 in accordance with the present invention.
the carry rollers. The return rollers are preferably fewer in 35 For ease in explaining the present invention, the apron
number than the carry rollers. The sidewalls of the flights feeder 100 may be considered to have an extraction end 102
may be Supported by the return rollers as the crawler chain where material is loaded onto the apron feeder 100 and a
moves along the lower rectilinear path. discharge end 104 where material is discharged from the
The apron weigh feeder may further include a speed apron feeder 100. The convention assigned hereinabove is
Sensor connected to the head drive shaft. The Speed Sensor 40 merely exemplary and may be reversed.
is configured to generate an output Signal indicative of the The apron weigh feeder 100 includes a feeder frame 106
rotational Speed of the head drive shaft. Control means may defined by two substantially parallel support beams 108 and
be operatively connected to the weigh Scale assembly and a crossbeam 110. A head drive shaft 112 is mounted to the
Speed Sensor for receiving the output signals from the weight support beams 108 by bearings, preferably double-row,
Scale assembly and Speed Sensor. The control means may be 45 Self-aligning spherical roller bearings. The head drive shaft
configured to calculate the mass flow rate of bulk material 112 is preferably located at the discharge end 104 of the
carried by the feeder based on the output signals. apron feeder 100. The bearings are preferably designed for
The apron weigh feeder may have an extraction end for approximately one hundred thousand hours of B-10 life. A
receiving bulk material onto the flights and a discharge end pair of drive sprockets 114 is mounted to the head drive shaft
from which bulk material is discharged from the feeder. The 50 112. In particular, the drive sprockets 114 may be bolted to
weigh Scale assembly is preferably located Substantially at a drive hub 115 that is keyed to the head drive shaft 112. The
the discharge end of the apron weigh feeder. drive Sprockets 114 are preferably Spaced uniformly apart on
The apron weigh feeder in accordance with the present the head drive shaft 112. The head drive shaft 112 is driven
invention may have two or more drive Sprockets mounted on by a mechanical or hydraulic drive and motor 116. A speed
the head drive shaft and include two or more tail traction 55 sensor 118 is located at an opposite end of the head drive
wheels aligned with the drive Sprockets, respectively. The shaft 112 from the drive motor 116, which is used to control
plurality of carry rollers may be arranged in Substantially the speed of the apron feeder 100. The speed sensor 118
parallel rolls aligned between respective pairs of drive detects the speed of the head drive shaft 112 in rotations per
Sprockets and tail traction wheels. An endless crawler chain minute (RPM) and will further detect when there is Zero/no
is preferably reeved about each of the respective pairs of 60 speed at the head drive shaft 112. The detected speed is sent
drive Sprockets and tail traction wheels. The Scale Support to a PC/PLC (i.e., control means) and subsequently used to
frame may be configured to Support at least two adjacent vary the speed of the apron feeder 100 to obtain the desired
pairs of carry rollers. The flights may be configured to feed rate in tons per hour or pounds per hour, as discussed
extend transversely acroSS the multiple crawler chains. herein. The drive motor 116 is preferably a variable speed
Further details and advantages of the present invention 65 drive motor, which is also controlled by the speed sensor 118
will become apparent from the following detailed and may include a variable frequency drive (VFD) or
description, read in conjunction with the drawings. hydraulic drive unit.
US 6,662,930 B2
S 6
A pair of tail traction wheels 120 is located at the rectilinear path and a lower rectilinear path connected by
extraction end 102 of the apron feeder 100. The pair of tail curvilinear paths. The flights 140 and crawler chains 132 are
traction wheels 120 is aligned with the drive sprockets 114, Supported by the carry rollerS 122 while moving in the upper
respectively. A plurality of carry rollerS 122 is located rectilinear path. The crawler chains 132 are engaged by the
between the head drive shaft 112 and the tail traction wheels drive sprockets 114 as the crawler chains 132 move about
120. The carry rollers 122, as shown in FIG. 3, are arranged the curvilinear path at the discharge end 104 of the apron
in two parallel rows 124, 126 between the drive sprockets feeder 100. Similarly, the crawler chains 132 are engaged by
114 and tail traction wheels 120. Preferably, the carry rollers the tail traction wheels 120 as the crawler chains 132 move
122 are mounted in pairs on respective carry roller Support about the tail traction wheels 120 in the curvilinear path
frames 128, which are fixed to the Support beams 108 of the located at the extraction end 102 of the apron feeder 100.
feeder frame 106. The rows 124, 126 of carry rollers 122 are The return rollers 130 support the sidewalls of the flights 140
aligned with the drive sprockets 114 and tail traction wheels as the flights 140 and crawler chains 132 move along the
120. Additional “parallel” rows of drive sprockets 114, tail lower rectilinear path. The flights 140 are preferably formed
traction wheels 120, and carry rollers 122 may be used in the with an overlapping design to provide a tight Seal and
apron feeder 100. Further, only one centrally located drive 15 prevent leakage of material from the apron feeder 100. As
sprocket 114, tail traction wheel 120, and row of carry rollers shown in FIG. 7, discussed hereinafter, the flights 140 may
122 are necessary for the operation of the apron feeder 100. include skirts 142 for restraining material 144. The skirts
Thus, the apron feeder 100 may include more than two rows 142 are preferably not attached to the flights 140 but are
124, 126 of carry rollers 122. designed to clear the flights 140 by approximately 73 inch
The tail traction wheels 120 are preferably “shaftless” tail (12 mm).
traction wheels. The tail traction wheels 120 are preferably Referring to FIGS. 2, 3, and 6–9, the apron feeder 100
rotatably mounted to the first carry roller support frame 128 includes a weigh scale assembly 150 substituted in place of
located at the extraction end 102 of the apron feeder 100. one or more of the carry roller support frames 128. The
Alternatively, the tail traction wheels 120 may be commonly weigh scale assembly 150 may be located anywhere along
mounted on a shaft in a similar manner to the drive Sprockets 25 the feeder frame 106 between the head drive shaft 112 and
114 and head drive shaft 112 discussed previously. the tail traction wheels 120. In FIGS. 2 and 3, the weigh
The carry rollerS 122 are preferably closely spaced along scale assembly 150 is shown located near the discharge end
the longitudinal length of the feeder frame 106 and a typical 104 of the apron feeder 100. The weigh scale assembly 150
spacing for the carry rollerS 122 may be about thirteen to is preferably an integral part of the apron feeder 100, as will
twenty inches depending on the intended application and be appreciated by those skilled in the art. The weigh Scale
duty of the apron feeder 100. A plurality of return rollers 130 assembly 100 is used to measure the weight of material
are rotatably mounted to the feeder frame 106 below the moving on the apron feeder 100 and provide this informa
carry rollers 122. The return rollers 130 may be fewer in tion to an operator of the apron feeder 100. In particular, by
number than the carry rollers 122. The return rollers 130 are combining the measured weight of the material and the
preferably bolted to the webs of the support beams 108 of 35 speed of the apron feeder 100 as measured by the speed
the feeder frame 106. The return rollers 130 are located sensor 118, a continuous indication of the mass flow of the
below the carry roller support frames 128. The return rollers material moving on the apron feeder 100 may be obtained
130 may be aligned vertically below the rows 124, 126 of and displayed, for example, Visually to the operator of the
carry rollers 122. apron feeder 100.
A pair of crawler chains 132 is reeved about the drive 40 Referring specifically to FIGS. 6-9, the weigh scale
sprockets 114 and tail traction wheels 120, respectively. assembly 150 preferably replaces a carry roller support
Teeth 134 of the drive sprockets 114 cooperate with the frame 128 for one of the pairs of carry rollers 122. The
individual links of the crawler chains 132 to drive the weigh Scale assembly 150 includes a Scale Support frame
respective crawler chains 132, as is known in the art. The 152, which replaces the Selected carry roller Support frame
carry rollers 122 and tail traction wheels 120 are each 45 128. The scale support frame 152 supports a pair of carry
preferably formed with a central recess 136 configured to rollerS 122 in a similar manner to the carry roller Support
receive the crawler chains 132 and restrain the lateral frame 128 that it replaces. In particular, the pair of carry
movement of the crawler chains 132 during operation of the rollers 122 is rotatably mounted to a cross beam 158 of the
apron feeder 100. The crawler chains 132 are preferably scale Support frame 152.
tractor type chains having hardened links, pins, and bush 50 The weigh scale assembly 150 further includes a pair of
ings. Preferably, the crawler chains 132 are a Sealed type or load cell plates 154 positioned between the scale Support
a Sealed and lubricated track type as are known in the art. frame 152 and the respective longitudinal Support beams
A plurality of pans or flights 140 is fixed to the crawler 108 of the feeder frame 106. The scale support frame 152 is
chains 132 to define a carrying Surface of the apron feeder mounted to the respective Support beams 108 of the feeder
100. The individual flights 140 are fixed to the crawler 55 frame 106 through the load cells 154. The load cells 154
chains 132 with heavy duty high strength bolts 141. The located on each of the Support beams 108 are operatively
flights 140 extend transversely across the apron feeder 100 connected to a pair of feeder scales 156, respectively. The
with respect to the longitudinal axis of the apron feeder 100. load cells 154 are configured to generate respective output
The flights 140 are preferably made of a material resistant to Signals indicative of the weight of the material passing over
high impact loading and abrasive operations Such as auste 60 the load cells 154. The load cells 154 may also be opera
nitic manganese Steel with a stiffened underside for addi tively connected to a single feeder scale 156. The feeder
tional strength. The return rollers 130 are attached to the scales 156 are mounted on the Support beams 108 adjacent
webs of the support beams 108 of the feeder frame 106 so the ends of the scale support frame 152 and display the
as to support the sidewalls of the flights 140 during operation output signals generated by the load cells 154 as the weight
of the apron feeder 100. 65 of the material passing over the Scale Support frame 152.
The flights 140 and crawler chains 132, in operation of the The feeder scales 156 and load cells 154 may be conven
apron feeder 100, move in a path comprised of an upper tional in the art such as a Ramsey IDEA belt scale system
US 6,662,930 B2
7 8
that includes a dual load cell configuration. The weight of I claim:
material as measured by the load cells 154 and displayed by 1. An apron weigh feeder for Simultaneously transporting
the feeder Scales 156 may be provided as input signals to a and weighing heavy bulk materials, comprising:
central control unit 160, Such as a programmable computer a feeder frame;
(PC) or programmable logic controller (PLC), as shown in 5 a head drive shaft mounted rotatably on the feeder frame,
FIG. 3. The PC/PLC 160 may be used to continuously the head drive shaft having a drive Sprocket mounted
monitor the weight of the material measured by the weigh thereto;
scale assembly 150 and the speed of the apron feeder 100 as a tail traction wheel mounted rotatably on the feeder
measured by the Speed Sensor 118 and calculate the mass frame at an opposite end of the feeder frame from the
flow rate of the material moving over the apron feeder 100. head drive shaft, the tail traction wheel aligned with the
For this purpose, the PC/PLC 160 may control the speed of drive Sprocket;
the apron feeder 100 and, hence, mass flow rate of material a plurality of carry rollers located and aligned between the
by Sending a control Signal to the drive motor 116, which is drive Sprocket and tail traction wheel, the carry rollers
preferably a variable speed drive motor as indicated previ Supported rotatably by a plurality of carry roller Support
ously. The speed sensor 118 is also connected to the PC/PLC frames, respectively, the carry roller Support frames
160 to provide the rotational speed (i.e., speed output signal) 15
each mounted on the feeder frame;
of the head drive shaft 112 as a Second input Signal to the an endless crawler chain reeved about the drive Sprocket
PC/PLC 160. Accordingly, the drive motor 116 is also
operatively connected to the PC/PLC 160. and tail traction wheel, the crawler chain in operation
FIG. 9 shows an alternative embodiment for the weigh of the feeder moving in a chain path comprised of an
scale assembly 150. In the arrangement shown in FIG. 9, the upper rectilinear path and a lower rectilinear path
weigh Scale assembly 150 includes a Scale Support frame connected by two curvilinear end paths, and the crawler
152 that supports two adjacent pairs of carry rollers 122. chain Supported by the carry rollers while moving in
Thus, the scale Support frame 152 supports a total of four (4) the upper rectilinear path;
carry rollers 122. The scale Support frame 152 is connected a plurality of flights fixed to the crawler chain to define a
to one or more feeder scales 156 through a pair of load cells 25 carrying Surface of the feeder; and
154 in a similar manner to the weigh scale assembly 150 a weigh Scale assembly Substituted in place of at least one
shown in FIG.8. As will be appreciated by those skilled in of the carry roller Support frames, the weigh Scale
the art, the cross beam 153 of the scale Support frame 152 assembly operable to generate an output signal indica
may be extended horizontally to include additional adjacent tive of the weight of bulk material passing over the
pairs of carry rollerS 122. In addition, the Scale Support weigh Scale assembly.
frame 152 may be extended horizontally to replace adjacent 2. The apron weigh feeder of claim 1, wherein the weigh
carry roller support frames 128 in accordance with the Scale assembly comprises a Scale Support frame Substituted
present invention. in place of the at least one carry roller Support frame and a
FIG. 10 shows an improved weighing arrangement 200 load cell positioned between the Scale Support frame and the
provided by the present invention in comparison to the 35 feeder frame, the load cell configured to generate the output
weighing arrangement 10 shown in FIG., 1. In contrast to Signal indicative of the weight of bulk material passing over
the weighing arrangement 10 shown in FIG. 1, the apron the Scale Support frame and load cell.
feeder 100 of the present invention permits the contents of 3. The apron weigh feeder of claim 2, wherein the load
a hopper, bin, or silo 210 to be deposited directly onto the cell is operatively connected to a feeder Scale configured to
apron feeder 100 and weighed substantially simultaneously. 40 display the output Signal as the weight of bulk material.
The material deposited on the apron feeder 100 is weighed 4. The apron weigh feeder of claim 2, wherein the weigh
by the weigh scale assembly 150 before being discharged to Scale assembly comprises a pair of load cells positioned
another piece of equipment Such as a crusher 212, which between the Scale Support frame and the feeder frame and
outputs the material to a product conveyor 214. The apron located on opposite longitudinal Sides of the feeder.
feeder 100 of the present invention provides the ability to 45 5. The apron weigh feeder of claim 2, wherein the scale
extract and weigh heavy bulk materials in one Step. Because Support frame Supports at least two adjacent carry rollers.
the apron feeder 100 of the present invention is a true tractor 6. The apron weigh feeder of claim 1, further comprising
type or crawler apron feeder, it may be used in the heavy a plurality of return rollers mounted rotatably on the feeder
materials industry. The combined tractor type and apron frame below the carry rollers.
weigh feeder of the present invention enables the desired 50 7. The apron weigh feeder of claim 6, wherein sidewalls
output of the apron feeder 100 to be measured in tons per of the flights are Supported by the return rollers as the
hour, which can be varied by adjusting the depth of the crawler chain moves along the lower rectilinear path.
material on the carrying surface of the apron feeder 100 or 8. The apron weigh feeder of claim 1, further comprising
by varying the speed of the apron feeder 100 through a a speed Sensor connected to the head drive shaft and
variable speed drive System as mentioned previously. In 55 configured to generate an output Signal indicative of the
addition, as shown in FIG. 10, a major benefit of the apron rotational Speed of the head drive shaft, and control means
feeder 100 is that less vertical space is required than the operatively connected to the weigh Scale assembly and
weighing arrangement shown in FIG.1. The requirement for Speed Sensor for receiving the output Signals from the weigh
a “weighing” belt conveyor as used in FIG. 1 is completely Scale assembly and Speed Sensor, the control means config
eliminated by the weighing apron feeder 100 of the present 60 ured to calculate the mass flow rate of bulk material carried
invention. by the feeder based on the output signals.
While preferred embodiments of the present invention 9. The apron weigh feeder of claim 1, wherein the feeder
were described herein, various modifications and alterations includes an extraction end for receiving bulk material onto
of the present invention may be made without departing the flights and a discharge end from which bulk material is
from the Spirit and Scope of the present invention. The Scope 65 discharged from the feeder, and wherein the weigh Scale
of the present invention is defined in the appended claims assembly is located Substantially at the discharge end of the
and equivalents thereto. feeder.
US 6,662,930 B2
10. An apron weigh feeder for Simultaneously transport configured to generate an output Signal indicative of the
ing and weighing heavy bulk materials, comprising: rotational Speed of the head drive shaft, and control means
a feeder frame; operatively connected to the weigh Scale assembly and
a head drive shaft mounted rotatably on the feeder frame, Speed Sensor for receiving the output Signals from the weigh
the head-drive shaft having at least two drive Sprockets Scale assembly and Speed Sensor, the control means config
ured to calculate the mass flow rate of bulk material carried
mounted thereto; by the feeder based on the output signals.
at least two tail traction wheels mounted rotatably on the 18. The apron weigh feeder of claim 10, wherein the
feeder frame at an opposite end of the feeder frame flights extend transversely acroSS the crawler chains.
from the head drive shaft, the tail traction wheels 19. The apron weigh feeder of claim 10, wherein the
aligned with the drive Sprockets, respectively; feeder includes an extraction end for receiving bulk material
a plurality of carry rollers arranged in Substantially par onto the flights and a discharge end from which bulk
allel rows aligned between respective pairs of drive material is discharged from the feeder, and wherein the
Sprockets and tail traction wheels, the carry rollers weigh Scale assembly is located Substantially at the dis
Supported rotatably by a plurality of carry roller Support 15 charge end of the feeder.
frames mounted on the feeder frame; 20. An apron weigh feeder for Simultaneously transport
an endless crawler chain reeved about each of the respec ing and weighing heavy bulk materials, comprising:
tive pairs of drive Sprockets and tail traction wheels, the a feeder frame;
crawler chains in operation of the feeder, each moving a head drive shaft rotatably mounted on the feeder frame,
in a chain path comprised of an upper rectilinear path the head drive shaft having at least two drive Sprockets
and a lower rectilinear path connected by two curvi mounted thereto;
linear end paths, and the crawler chains Supported by
the carry rollers while moving in the upper rectilinear at least two tail traction wheels rotatably mounted on the
path; feeder frame at an opposite end of the feeder frame
25 from the head drive shaft, the tail traction wheels
a plurality of flights fixed to the crawler chains to define aligned with the drive Sprockets, respectively;
a carrying Surface of the feeder; and a plurality of carry rollers arranged in Substantially par
a weigh Scale assembly Substituted in place of at least one allel rows aligned between respective pairs of drive
of the carry roller Support frames, the weigh Scale Sprockets and tail traction wheels, the carry rollers
assembly operable to generate an output signal indica Supported rotatably by a plurality of carry roller Support
tive of the weight of bulk material passing over the frames mounted on the feeder frame;
weigh Scale assembly.
11. The apron weigh feeder of claim 10, wherein the an endless crawler chain reeved about each of the respec
weigh Scale assembly comprises a Scale Support frame tive pairs of drive sprockets and tail traction wheels, the
Substituted in place of the at least one carry roller Support crawler chains in operation of the feeder each moving
frame and a load cell positioned between the Scale Support 35 in a chain path comprised of an upper rectilinear path
frame and the feeder frame, the load cell configured to and a lower rectilinear path connected by two curvi
generate the output signal indicative of the weight of bulk linear end paths, and the crawler chains Supported by
material passing over the Scale Support frame and load cell. the carry rollers while moving in the upper rectilinear
12. The apron weigh feeder of claim 11, wherein the load path;
cell is operatively connected to a feeder Scale configured to 40 a plurality of flights extending transversely acroSS and
display the output Signal as the weight of bulk material. fixed to the crawler chains to define a carrying Surface
13. The apron weigh feeder of claim 11, wherein the of the feeder;
weigh Scale assembly comprises a pair of load cells posi a plurality of return rollers rotatably mounted on the
tioned between the Scale Support frame and the feeder frame 45
feeder frame below the carry rollers; and
and located on opposite longitudinal Sides of the feeder. a weigh Scale assembly Substituted in place of at least one
14. The apron weigh feeder of claim 11, wherein the scale of the carry roller Support frames, the weigh Scale
Support frame Supports at least two adjacent pairs of carry assembly comprising a Scale Support frame Substituted
rollers. in place of the at least one carry roller Support frame,
15. The apron weigh feeder of claim 10, further compris 50
a load cell positioned between the Scale Support frame
ing a plurality of return rollerS mounted rotatably on the and the feeder frame, and a feeder Scale operatively
feeder frame below the carry rollers. connected to the load cell, the load cell configured to
16. The apron weigh feeder of claim 15, wherein side generate an output Signal indicative of the weight of
walls of the flights are supported by the return rollers as the bulk material passing over the Scale Support frame for
crawler chains move along their respective lower rectilinear 55
receiving by the feeder Scale, which displays the output
paths. Signal as the weight of bulk material.
17. The apron weigh feeder of claim 10, further compris
ing a speed Sensor connected to the head drive shaft and k k k k k

PATENT NO. : 6,662,930 B2 Page 1 of 1

DATED : December 16, 2003
INVENTOR(S) : Martin A. Yester

It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is
hereby corrected as shown below:

Title page,
Item 56, References Cited, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS, “Richard” should read
-- Kane --.

Signed and Sealed this

Fourth Day of May, 2004

Acting Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

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