Pilotage Pre-Planning Guide: Part 4 - Mooring and Unmooring

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Pilotage pre-

planning guide

Your Time, Your Safety – Our Commitment

Pilotage pre-planning guide
Part 4 - Mooring and Unmooring

2nd edition 2020

Text and layout: DanPilot

Book cover: trykteam svendborg as
Pilotage pre-planning guide from DanPilot

Part 4 - Mooring and Unmooring

Your Time, Your Safety – Our Commitment

Table of Contents

Foreword  7
About Danpilot 9
1. Preface 11
1.1 Other guides  12

2. Danpilot’s recommendations for Danish ports/terminals  13

3. Danpilot’s recommendations for companies
carrying out mooring work  15
4. Pilot’s task and considerations
in connection with mooring tasks  17
4.1 On arrival  17
4.2 After completion of pre-mooring  18
4.3 Master/pilot exchange (mooring/unmooring)  18
4.4 Danpilot General Recommendations on mooring  19
4.5 Risk assessment mooring – unmooring  19
4.6 Prior to departure - Pilot should:  20
4.7 Danpilot’s recommendations for linesmen  20

5. Mooring in general  21
5.1 Types and designs of port areas  21
5.2 Types and designs of quays  23
5.3 Tanker terminals  25
5.3.1 Safety of moorings - Tankers  25
5.4 Types and design of fenders/bollards/hooks/winches on quays  26
5.4.1 Fender type  26
5.4.2 Example of fenders  29
5.4.3 Example of ships bollard, Bits and rollers.  29
5.5 Forces impacting the ship; wind, current and passing ships. 31
5.5.1 Example showing calculation of wind impact  33
5.5.2 Example showing the link between underkeel clearance
and forces impacting the ship  36
5.5.3 General terms in connection with mooring  37
5.6 Lines and wire / forces and elasticity  39
5.6.1 Different mooring materials  39
5.6.2 The elasticity of mooring materials 40
5.6.3 A detailed description of the characteristics of the mooring types41
5.6.4 Abilities of the mooring materials  42
5.7 Ideal mooring  44
5.7.1 Agreement of mooring-plan  45
5.8 Modern mooring methods  45
5.9 Determination of the number of mooring lines  46
5.9.1 SOLAS determination of terms  47
5.9.2 DNV’s guideline on the subject  49
5.9.3 Calculation of the EN number 49
5.9.4 Example of calculation for a panmax  49

6. Communication  55
7. Safety and safety recommendations.  57
7.1 Lines breaking  59
7.2 Heavy lifts  59
7.3 Heaving lines and things that may “fall down”  60
7.4 Examples of objects that may cause accidents  61
7.4.1 Examples of mooring objects that often cause accidents
- seen from ashore  61
7.4.2 Examples of mooring objects that often cause accidents
- seen from the ship  62
7.5 10 Rules of thumb for the crew on board the vessel (Seahealth) 63

8. ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security) – Danish ports 65

9. References, best practices, incidents – cases etc.  67
1. International guidelines and best practice  67
2. Legislation – Danish  68
3. Safety and mooring  69
4. Reports on accidents and incidents  70
5. Guidelines  71
6. Practical guidelines  72
7. Mooring equipment (Shore side)  73

Foreword by our Chief Pilot

Dear Reader

Firstly, I wish to thank you for selecting DanPilot as your service provider, we are
honored by the confidence vested in us.

By working with DanPilot for your transit pilotage through Danish waters, I wish
to assure you that you are in the most capable hands at all times, and that the Pilot
boarding your vessel is a highly skilled and experienced master mariner, with an
in-depth knowledge of the areas you will be navigating together.

Danish waters can be tricky to navigate, and are subject to intense traffic, crossing
ferries, low and variable draughts and strong currents. This is why the IMO official-
ly recommends making use of a Pilot when navigating through Great Belt for any
vessel with a draft of 11.0 m or more, or through Sound for tankers with a draft of
7.0 m or more. Fortunately, many vessels make use of a Pilot even with less draft
than the IMO Recommendation, in order to ensure themselves and their cargo a
safe and smooth transit through the Danish waters.

When boarding, the Pilot will bring along a “PPU” – Portable Pilot Unit – which is
a state-of-the-art navigation solution, ensuring that your vessel will navigate
through the optimal routing during transit. All our pilotages (more than 20.000 per
year) are stored, and the data is used for further education of our Pilots and optimi-
zation of the routings through Danish waters.


To ensure that we are capable of meeting the ever rising demands, DanPilot are
continuously investing in upgrading of our fully-owned fleet of pilot boats, and the
coming years from 2017-2019 will see delivery of a large number of new pilot boats,
designed with the purpose of delivering maximum performance year round, re-
gardless of weather and location.

As a Not For Profit organization, owned fully by the Danish State, our mission is
to safeguard the environment, and all vessels and crews passing through Danish

Being the only pilotage provider in Denmark having obtained ISO 9001 certifi-
cation for quality, DanPilot is your guarantee for the highest level of professional
services, and strict adherence to regulations regarding training, certification and
resting hours – all with the sole purpose of giving our customers the optimal safety.

It is my hope that you will be fully satisfied with the services rendered onboard your
vessel by our Pilot, and I invite any comments at any time as well as any suggestions
on how DanPilot can continue to improve our services towards you – our customer.
Please feel free to contact me anytime.

Thanking you again for choosing DanPilot, and I remain,

Yours Sincerely

Brian Schmidt Nielsen

Chief Pilot, DanPilot


About DanPilot

Established more than 450 years ago, pilotage is an ancient profession in Danish
waters. In the beginning, many small providers were present in the market, which
were later merged to 3 separate companies.

In 2006, the remaining 3 companies were merged into one; DanPilot, and in June
2013 DanPilot assumed the responsibilities of the Danish State Pilotage Service as
directed by the Act on DanPilot (Parliament Act no. 600 of 12 June 2013), DanPi-
lot is an independent state-owned company, responsible for pilotage in all Danish
waters and ports.

With the primary mission of safeguarding the environment, and ensuring safe pas-
sage for all vessels operating in Danish waters, DanPilot conducts more than 20.000
pilotages each year and is highly regarded by our customers for our expertise and

Currently serving more than 60 ports and transit pilotage through all Danish straits
and waters, DanPilot is a dedicated full service provider, capable of delivering Pilot
anywhere in Denmark on a short notice and at a competitive cost.

Our 170+ highly skilled and experienced marine Pilots are all master mariners with
extensive experience from the international merchant fleet, backed with a solid
knowledge of the local waters and ports, delivering the optimal safety and efficient


operation of your vessel. Our Pilots are continuously subjected to extensive training
and knowledge sharing to ensure that we are always up-to-date on the latest infor-
mation. In addition, we operate our own fleet of capable pilot vessels, making cer-
tain that we can deliver a Pilot anywhere at any time, regardless of weather and sea.

Always available 24/7/365, we are always at the ready to assist your vessel, whether
for port pilotage or transit pilotage.

Due to the above, we are confident in our vision to be the most reliable pilot service
in Europe, and to promise to you that


We look forward to serve you.

Figure 1. Danish maritime zones

Source: The European Maritime Spatial Planning Platform


1. Preface

With this guide, Danpilot wants to discuss various aspects of mooring operations
seen from the perspective of the ship as well as the person ashore and in relation
to the pilot's tasks during mooring, which include communication with external
operators - in other words, all aspects of the mooring operation, the ship/quay/
terminal, crew on board and mooring personnel ashore as a complete co-operation
in connection with a mooring operation on arrival or departure from a given quay/

Despite improvement in material and training as well as technological progress,

there are still many accidents in connection with mooring of ships, both on board
and ashore. P and I clubs, insurance companies etc. describe this fact and it is
therefore essential that pilot services/the pilots make an effort to be active within
prevention of accidents during mooring operations.

The guide is primarily for internal use for port pilots, but it may also be used extern­
ally as inspiration for other interested parties. The guide should also be regarded
as a guideline for the way in which we deal with the subject of ”mooring” during
pilotage operations, i.e. advice and recommendations for the master and crew and
communication with mooring personnel on the quay/terminal.

The guide does not cover the entire subject of mooring since there are already a
multitude of guides and material on the subject. Reference is made to all these


guides and regulations in the last section of this guide. OCIMF (Oil Companies
International Marine Forum), P and I clubs, IMO and others have published com-
prehensive material on mooring. However, it should be mentioned that mooring
operations are rarely seen as a combined operation where the ship/persons ashore
carry out a joint task.

Quote from Foreword MEG4 Fourth Edition 2018, Steve Clinch MNM (MEG;Mooring
Equipment guidelines, OCIMF)
“Each year many seafarers and terminals operators are injured, or worse, when
mooring lines fail under tension. In the ten years between 2007 and 2016 the Ma-
rine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) received 37 such reports. In five years
between 2009 and 2014, another major maritime nation recorded more than 90
accidents in its ports involving broken mooring lines, with two lives lost. That these
statistics are reported by just two of the many maritime authorities around the
world suggest a much larger problem, which has been reflected by recent extensive
discussions within the industry and at the International MRITIME Organization

Other guides

In addition to this guide, Danpilot has also prepared other guides, and reference
is made to pre-planning guide I - Transit, and pre-planning guide II- Ports, which
include a description of best practice for BRM, good communication and other
mooring-related information.

The overall purpose of Danpilot's guide is 1) to establish a more uniform approach

to the subjects and 2) to reduce the occurrence of damage/injury/accidents and
dangerous situations. When we analyse damage to for example the ship/quay,
which is fortunately a one-in-a-thousand occurrence compared to the number
of operations, there are often many elements that may result in damage.
These may be more or less hidden, but it is important to keep an eye on the many
rather vague elements that may be a contributing factor to damage at a later time.
Pre planning I - TransitI
pre planning II - HarbourII


2. Danpilot’s recommendations
for Danish ports/terminals

Danpilot’s 12 recommendations for Danish ports/terminals.

1) Danpilot’s recommendation for ports and terminals is to establish requirements

to be fulfilled by subsuppliers such as companies involved in the mooring of
ships. Danpilot’s recommendation is that persons carrying out mooring work
must, as a minimum, fulfil the requirements described in Ship/port interface
Guidelines on minimum training and education for mooring personnel -
FAL.6/Circ.11/Rev.1 -20 April 2016

2) Danpilot's recommendation for ports and terminals is also to prepare a matrix

for the minimum number of linesmen required by the individual port call (based
on the size of the ship). Several terminals have such a well-functioning and safe

3) Danpilot's recommendation for ports and terminals is also that mooring on

arrival and departure must not be carried out by the ship's crew but must be
carried out by persons ashore so as to avoid dangerous situations where crew
members have to ’jump’ onto the quay.

4) Danpilot's recommendation that the port/terminal always ensures that access

routes to/from the mooring areas are cleared and clean and safely lit.


5) All mooring bollards and hooks/winches must bear clear indication of SWL and
be in a good state of maintenance and fully functional.

6) Fendering on the quays must be designed to withstand the forces by which the
types of ships that come alongside the quay impact the quay structure and by
which the ship is exposed from current/wind etc.

7) The port must state the maximum permitted speed by which the ship must come
alongside the quay with indication of ship size etc.

8) Berth length must be designed for the type of ship to come alongside/depart
from the quay and, where required, maximum limitations must be stated.

9) The water depths at the quays and basin must be taken regularly and the official
water depths in the nautical chart must be correct and must be used as a basis for
calculation of max. draught on arrival/departure.

10) Danpilot's recommendation for ports/terminals to notify Danpilot well ahead of

time of all relevant information on the port/terminal of importance for a pilotage
operation to/from a port and mooring of a ship to/from a port.

11) Danpilot's recommendation for Danish ports/terminals not to place mobile

cranes or other equipment that may be “hit” at the positions to which the ships
have to manoeuvre.

12) Danpilot's recommendation for Danish ports/terminals to install equipment for

measuring weather conditions such as wind/force/direction and a current me-
ter when this is relevant. Equipment should be accessible electronically with the
possibility of extracting data.


3. Danpilot’s recommendations for companies

carrying out mooring work

1) Danpilot’s recommendations for companies carrying out mooring operations are

that all employees participating in mooring operations ashore and from mooring
boat must be trained in working with mooring of ships and that there must be a
training guide, training course and procedure description within this work area.

2) Danpilot’s recommendation that all personal safety equipment for mooring per-
sonnel must always be in order during the operations.

3) Danpilot’s recommendation that mooring personnel must at least fulfil IMO/

FAL.6/Circ.11/Rev.1 20 April 2016 Ship/port interface guidelines on minimum
training and education for mooring personnel.

4) Danpilot’s recommendation to mooring personnel/company to always report to

the master/pilot if anything extraordinary is observed before, during and after a
mooring operation.

5) Danpilot’s recommendation that it must always be possible to communicate with

the team of linesmen through VHF.



4. Pilot’s task and considerations in connection

with mooring tasks

During the mooring operation on departure or arrival, the pilot will often act as a
liaison between the ship’s master/bridge team and the people on the quay.
It is therefore important that the pilot creates good communication between the
ship's crew and the people on the quay. As in all other situations involving bridge
team, an effort must be made to ensure that communication is based on the theory
of ’closed loop communication’ in order to minimise sources of error and
misunderstanding of a given notification/order.

4.1 On arrival
Before coming alongside a quay/terminal, the pilot must review any rules and
practices that apply when coming alongside the specific quay/terminal with the
ship's master/bridge team. In Denmark, the ports are obliged to prepare rules
applicable to the port. In addition to the mandatory rules, most major ports also
have other information on the port and the quays.


4.2 After completion of pre-mooring

On board many vessels, it is common practice for the number of turns on the
working drum to be adjusted after berthing. When berthing in areas subjected to
currents, it is crucial that the moorings are adjusted individually to avoid vessel
drifting from the berthing position. The pilot will advise special requirements for
mooring line rat guards, fire wires etc. Likewise, the pilot will advise the bridge team
of weather conditions, change in currents, tide and standby tugs (where applicable).

4.3 Master/pilot exchange (mooring/unmooring)

When carefully prepared, a mooring plan is an essential tool in the successful
discussion of mooring works. The moorings of a ship must resist the forces due to
some, or possibly all, of the following factors:

• Wind
• Current
• Tides
• Surges from passing ships
• Waves/swell
• Ice
• Changes in draft, trim or list.

Checklist of information to be discussed between master and pilot:

• Are the moorings rope or wire?
• Are all moorings on winches?
• Tension?
• Which manifold, hatch, port etc. is to be used for the cargo operations?
• Sequence
• Number of moorings simultaneously
• Timing
• Mooring line for throwing or mooring boat? (possibly messenger)
• Is the combination of loose moorings on winches permitted?
• Possible tension gauging ashore
• Problems with fenders on the quayside
– Pilot to advise nature of quayside fendering


4.4 Danpilot General Recommendations on mooring

Moorings should be set symmetrically around the midship section of the vessel.
The total number of spring and breast lines should be even, to ensure symmetry.
Breast-lines must be set perpendicular to the longitudinal centreline to the extent
possible, and as far fore and aft as possible.
Spring lines must be set parallel to the longitudinal centreline to the extent possible.
When making use of forehands on wire-type moorings, same type and size of
forehands must be used on all moorings bearing load in the same direction.
All moorings bearing load in the same direction should to the extent possible be
of the same length, as elasticity is dependent on the length of the mooring, among
other factors.
All moorings must be tight while vessel is alongside – slack moorings may result in
vessel movement and build-up of inertia, which will in turn affect the SWL of the
It is recommended that all moorings used for mooring of a vessel are of the same
material and construction.
When alongside in ports where the moored vessel may be passed by other moving
vessels, please note that suction from passing vessels may occur.

4.5 Risk assessment mooring – unmooring

Mooring is a high-risk task, which should be conducted in a calm and controlled
manner. Prior to commencement of mooring, the master and the pilot should agree
on the procedures to be employed to ensure a smooth and safe operation. Please
refer to Seahealth Denmark (2013), Mooring – Do it safely, a guide to prevent acci-
dents while mooring.III
To the extent possible, mooring operations must be conducted in accordance with
the guidelines set forth in “Mooring Equipment Guidelines, OCIMF Understanding
mooring incident
Adapted from UK P&I Club’s Loss Prevention Bulletin January 2009:
Statistical evidence shows that in 53 per cent of all cases of personal injuries arising
from mooring incidents, ropes (wire or fibre) have parted under load and personnel
within ’snap-back zones’ have been hit. In 42 per cent of cases, ropes/wires have not
parted, but injuries have resulted from ropes jumping/slipping off drum ends or
bitts, or personnel being caught or ’dragged’ by ropes, fixtures coming off mountings
and from other causes.


4.6 Prior to departure - Pilot should:

Agree with master the order in which the moorings should be cast off. Ensure ade-
quate contact between Master and crew as well as mooring team ashore and termi-
nal staff (where applicable).
Ensure contact to mooring team as well as mooring boat (where applicable). Inform
mooring team of the order in which the moorings should be cast off. Ensure
mooring team does not let go of any moorings until explicit instructions are given
by the bridge of the vessel, even for moorings which are slack. Carefully monitor the
tension on the remaining moorings when shortening the moorings when vessel is
subjected to adverse currents and/or wind. Ensure that the moorings are shortened
to allow the use of the vessel’s propeller and thrusters (where available) when vessel
is subjected to adverse currents and/or wind. This is of utmost importance. Ensure
that adequate personnel are on standby ashore to manually release any automatic
hooks in the event of equipment failure.

4.7 Danpilot’s recommendations for linesmen

At DanPilot, we recommend that mooring personnel/linesmen are always hired for
arrival and departure, regardless of the size of the vessel. Failure to meet this recom-
mendation will result in the pilot issuing a DPR (Deviation From Pilotage Recom-
mendation) to be signed by the master, certifying the decision to proceed against
our recommendation. Further, DanPilot recommends that all mooring personnel/
linesmen (and companies) should work according to the ”Guidelines on minimum
training and education for mooring personnel” as issued by IMO


5. Mooring in general

5.1 Types and designs of port areas

The design of port areas with respect to the tonnages calling on the individual port
is of great importance for the safety and quality of the tasks. The ports in Denmark
and also in other countries are often visited by ships with greater tonnages than
what the port was actually built/intended for, which makes it even more vital that
everyone involved in the arrival/departure of a ship knows exactly what to do and
how to do it correctly.

The mooring operation depends greatly on the location of the port and its exposure
to weather forces. Here are a few examples of port set-ups. Ports facing the open sea
are particularly exposed. Quays located so that other ships pass by moored ships are
also exposed to any suction from these passing ships.


Figure 1 - Different types of port designs


5.2 Types and designs of quays

The types of quay are also very important, and their advantages and disadvantages
should be known to masters/pilots/tugs/linesmen.
The current conditions in relation to the below examples of quays are markedly
different, and it may be seen that the open structure and semi-closed structure are
impacted by current in a very different way than the closed structure.

The following information should be available to ports and terminals via web access:
Wind direction
Wind force
Water level

A current meter should also be available at ports where the current affects mano-
euvring and mooring

(Wind direction) (Wind speed) (Water level) (Temperature)

Figure 2 – Wind direction – Wind force – Water level - Temperature


Figure 3 – Different types of quays


5.3 Tanker terminals

Reference is made to International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals. It is
comprehensive material on the safety of these terminals. In general, it may be said
about oil terminals that they are described in detail with respect to mooring, ship
sizes, fendering and SWL on hooks and winches. Furthermore, there are also
drawings of mooring set-up for the respective ship sizes at a given quay. As a main
rule, terminals require all persons with access to the terminal to attend a safety
course specific for the Terminal.

5.3.1 Safety of moorings - Tankers

Any excessive movement, or the breaking adrift from the berth, of a tanker owing
to inadequate moorings could cause severe damage to the jetty installations and
the vessel. For all tankers above 16,000 tonnes deadweight intended for general
worldwide trading, the mooring restraint available on board the ship as permanent
equipment should satisfy the following conditions:

60 knots wind from any direction simultaneously with either:

3 knots current from directly ahead or astern (0 deg or 180 deg), or
2 knots current at 10 deg or 170 deg, or
0.75 knots current from the direction of maximum beam current loading.

The above criteria are intended to cover conditions that could readily be encounte-
red on worldwide trade, but they cannot possibly cater for the most extreme combi-
nation of environmental conditions at every terminal. At exposed terminals, or
those where for some reason the criteria are likely to be exceeded, the ship’s
mooring restraint should be supplemented with appropriate shore-based equip-
Although responsibility for the adequate mooring of a tanker rests with the master,
the terminal has an interest in ensuring that vessels are securely and safely moored.
Cargo hoses or arms should not be connected until both the terminal representative
and the master are satisfied that the ship is safely moored.


5.4 Types and design of fenders/bollards/hooks/winches on quays

5.4.1 Fender types

Cylindrical fenders
Arch fenders
Cell fenders
Cone fenders
Hydro-pneumatic fenders
Foam elastomer fenders
D fenders
Square fenders
Wing fenders
Keyhole fenders
Solid rubber fender
Floating rubber fender

Energy to the fenders

The energy of the vessel when contacting the pier can be calculated with the follow-
ing equation, and is proportional to the square of the speed of contact.
E= * * C
E Contact energy (ton-m)
W (displacement (tons) x Transverse additional mass *) coefficient (1.0 – 2.0)
g Acceleration due to gravity (m/sec²)
V Berthing Velocity (m/sec)
C Energy diminution coefficient due to turning etc.

*) As a vessel makes contact with the berth and its movement is suddenly stopped
by the fenders, the mass of water moving with the vessel adds to the energy posses-
sed by the vessel This is called “Mass Factor” and the weight of the water is generally
called “Additional Weight”


Figure 4 – Showing the deflection of different fender types

Basic parameters of berth fenders are as follows:

1) reaction force as a function of deflection
2) energy absorption as a function of deflection
3) admissible deflection.

There are additional parameters:

1) fenders hardness
2) fender – ship hull area contact
3) ender dimensions (length, breadth, depth)
4) method of fixing to the berth.


Figure 5 – different types of fenders and their energy absorption ability. Source: PIANC
Different types of energy absorbing elastic deformation rubber unit. Source: PIANC


5.4.2 Examples of fenders

Single Cone Dual Cone Cylindrical

5.4.3 Examples of ships bollard, Bits and rollers

Roller Chocks Panama chocks Roller Fairleads


Hooks and winches ashore

Mooring points

Common bollard ashore


T head
Stag horn
Sing le Bitt
Double Bitt
Sing le Bitt 360°

5.5 Forces impacting the ship; wind, current and passing ships
The forces impacting the ship are wind and current and places where ships are
alongside the quay and are passed by other ships at “small” distances. These also
impact moored ships.
The wind impact depends on the wind force and the wind direction in relation
to the total surface of the ship. This is called the ship's total wind area. Below are
some theoretical and static examples. The current impact also depends on force and
direction in relation to the ship/quay. Furthermore, the relationship between the
water depth and the ship’s actual draught is also a significant factor – the smaller the
distance, the greater the force.

Figure 6 – Forces impacting the ship


The table below (figure 7) includes some ’rough’ guidelines for impact caused by
wind (60 knots and current 3 knots ahead or 0,75 knots abeam).

Transverse Forces (ts) Longitudinal Forces (ts)

Summer dwt   Wind (ts) Current (ts) Wind (ts) Current (ts)
18.000 Loaded 33 16 17 6
  Ballast 84 9 21 4
30.000 Loaded 50 42 23 16
  Ballast 112 21 26 9
70.000 Loaded 67 78 25 30
  Ballast 168 21 34 18
150.000 Loaded 98 107 34 42
  Ballast 213 29 46 23
300.000 Loaded 156 171 51 67
  Ballast 336 48 72 25
LNG Carrier 125.000 cbm 396 76 78 30
Wind 60 knots
Current 3 knots ahead or 0,75 kt abeam

Figure 7 – Impact caused by wind


The wind is stronger at altitude than on the surface of the water

and increases logarithmically.

Figure 8 – Velocity of the wind as a function of the altitude and the relief

Of course, ports that are surrounded by buildings etc. have some protection with
respect to wind impact – this correlation may be seen above in figure 8.

5.5.1 Example showing calculation of wind impact

The example is a ship lying still in the water with the wind coming right abeam.
The ship has a total wind area of 6,000 m² and the wind speed is 15.4 m/sec.
The total impact due to wind is 108 tons pressure (highlighted in Figure 9). In
theory, this means that it would require 2 tugs of 54 tons each to prevent sideways
movement of the ship. However, it also means that, for ships moored under the
same conditions, the mooring lines would have to be able to withstand a total force
of 108 tons.


Wind area in sq m
1000 2000 4000 5000 6000 8000 9000 10000 12000 13000 14000 16000
2,06 0,3 0,6 1,3 1,6 1,9 2,6 2,9 3,2 3,8 4,2 4,5 5,1
5,14 2 4 8 10 12 16 18 20 24 26 28 32
8,23 5,1 10,2 20,5 25,6 30,7 41 46,1 51,2 61,4 66,6 71,7 81

10,3 8 16 32 40 48 64 72 80 96 104 112 128

13,4 13,5 27 54,1 67,6 81,1 108 122 135 162 176 189 216
15,4 18 36 72 90 108 144 162 180 216 234 252 288
18,5 25,9 51,8 104 130 156 207 233 259 311 337 363 415
20.6 32 64 128 160 192 256 288 320 384 416 448 512

Figure 9 – Examples of wind impact on a given wind area on a ship

Influence of Wind (Calculation)

KWind = k * A * V²
K = Wind force in tonnes
k = Constant depending on the ship and direction of the wind
A = Windage area in sq.meters
V = Relative velocity of the wind in m/sec
Average k
k= 0,52 * 10-4 for a beam wind and
k= 0,39 * 10-4 for a longitudinal wind
Example of % rising of wind effect from 8 m/sec to 11 m/sec
8² = 64 and 11²= 121 = 89% increasing

Movement of the ship when the ship is

along the quay, the moorings must
withstand / keep the ship’s possible
movements. As you know, the ship can
move in 6 directions.


Figure 10 – Example of calculation of wind impact


5.5.2 Example showing the link between underkeel clearance

and forces impacting the ship
The below illustration clearly shows the increased forces affecting the ship when the
underkeel clearance (UKC) decreases:

Figure 11 – Example of UKC’s affect on the forces impacting the ship


5.5.3 General terms in connection with mooring

Some general terms on a ship that are important in connection with mooring

Figure 12 – Illustrative explanation of general terms


Figure 12a – Illustrative explanation of general term for a tanker mooring set-up

Mooring Equipment Guidelines (see video)IV


5.6 Lines and wire / forces and elasticity

5.6.1 Different mooring materials
Figure 13 shows the minimum breaking load for different mooring types and other
characteristics of the individual type of mooring material.

Characteristics og each kind of synthetic line, compared to steel wire with the same

HMPE Polyamide
High Modulus Polyethylene, Dynema, Nylon
Spectra 30% as strong as steel wire
Similar to steel for strength and stretch Does not float, stretches more readily
Light, floats on water than other fibres
Melting point 150°C Melting point 215-250°C

Aramid Polypropylene
Kevlar 60% as strong as polyester
75% as strong as steel wire Floats, reasonably durable and cheap
Heavier than HMPE and does not float Melting point 165°C
Melting point 425°C

Dacron, Terylene
30% as strong as steel wire
Heavier than HMPE and does not
float but is flexible and durable
Melting point 250°C

30% as strong as steel wire
Light, floats on water
Melting point 170°C Figure 13 – Different mooring materials compared to
steelwires – Source: Seahealth, Denmark


Wire and rope tail

(mooring tail) Wire with tail rope

5.6.2 The elasticity of mooring materials

Fig. 14 shows the elasticity (elongation) of the same mooring types as a function of
minimum breaking load.

Figure 14 – Elasticity of mooring materials, Source: Seahealth, Denmark

Above examples is “new” lines and wire


Brand new 100% Retaining Strength
approx 60%

Retaining strength Retaining Strength
approx 85% approx 50%

Retaining Strength
Retaining Strength approx 45%
approx 70%

5.6.3 A detailed description of the characteristics of the mooring types

Synthetic fibres can have different properties:

- The density of the rope will determine if it sinks or stays afloat.
- The elasticity of the rope cannot be too large, but has to be large enough to be able
to compensate for any dynamic forces on the ship.
The different synthetic mooring lines can be narrowed down to the following:

High Module Polyethylene

On a weight basis, the high-grade cables are five times stronger than steel cables and
are also very stiff. They hardly creep and they are fire resistant. Other advantages are
their light weight, easy handling and small backlash. However, these cables have low
heat resistance and the price of HMPE is much higher than steel cables.

Also known as nylon will sink in water and will also absorb water-adding weight to
the rope. This sinking might pose a problem as the rope could get entangled with
a propeller. The absorbed water will reduce the MBF (Minimum Breaking Force,
which is the force required for equipment failure) by 20%. Polyamide mooring lines
also have large elasticity, which may result in a large backlash, which can be
dangerous. The material does have high heat resistance, a low elongation and
excellent strength-to-weight ratio.


The mechanical characteristics resemble that of nylon rope, but it is more resistant
to water. The density of polyester is relatively high, but the absorbing capacity is
higher than that of polyamide lines. This will make it more suitable for absorbing
large force variation. Also, it is very durable in both wet and dry conditions, which
makes it quite expensive.

Steel cables
Steel cables are used where the circumstances allow or demand it, such as mooring
wires for tankers and bulk carriers, towing wires for fishing and tugboats. The cable is
strong, cheap, has little elongation under tension and has a high wear resistance. The
disadvantages of steel cable are that they are heavy and will suffer from corrosion.

5.6.4 Abilities of the mooring materials

This table lists the ability of the mooring material to float or sink in the water.


Polypropylene 0.91 yes
HMPE (Dyneema) 0.98 yes
Fresh Water 1
Salt Water 1.03
Nylon 1.14 no
Polyester 1.38 no
Vectran 1.41 no
Aramids (Technora, Twaron, Kevlar, Nomex) 1.44 no
Zylon 1.54 no
Steel 7.85 no

Figure 15 – Density and floating abilities of mooring materials


As is evident from the drawing below (Figure 16), it is very important to ensure that
the correct number of mooring lines have been used to moor the ship and to be
aware that both the vertical and the horizontal angles of the mooring lines affect the
restraint capacity, i.e. what they are able to withstand.

Figure 16 – Example of the importance of mooring angles

As in figure 16 - vertical and the horizontal angles of the mooring lines affect the
restraint capacity, i.e. what they are able to withstand.

Figure 17 – Example of the link between mooring angle and effeciency


5.7 Ideal mooring

Figure 18 – Effeciency of different lines

This mooring is based on a typical tanker terminal but the maximum angles that are
recommended here may of course also be used for non-tanker terminal (not
tankers). For ordinary quays, it will probably be very difficult to observe the follow-
ing requirements. However, it is recommended that this is used as a good guideline
for non-tanker terminals.

Figure 19 – Ideal angles for different lines


An example of the strength of mooring winch in tons on the different lines at

different vertical and horizontal angles.

5.7.1 Agreement of mooring plan arrangement

Mooring-plan to be agreed
before final approach

Figure 20 – An illustration of a mooring-plan

5.8 Modern mooring methods

Hydraulic berthing
Magnetic mooring
Pneumatic mooring

We are gradually seeing more types of equipment that have replaced mooring lines.
Under references, we have included a random selection of these possibilities. In Da-
nish ports, we have not yet seen any significant progress in this area but only a few
ferry terminals that use such systems.


In Figure 21 below, the ship itself (the barge) has been provided with mooring
equipment to replace the traditional lines/wire).

Figure 21 – Example of modern mooring

Figure 21a – Example of modern mooring. Ferry harbor Spodsbjerg, Denmark

Look under references regarding additional about new approaches technological

approaches to mooring equipment.

5.9 Determination of the number of mooring lines

Equipment number
This ”number” has been used for years for the class as a calculation basis for win-
ches, anchors etc., but as it may be seen, IMO will now use this ”number” as a basis
for calculation of lines/wire in connection with mooring.

Number for anchors and chain cables

The equipment number is given by the formula:
EN = Δ2/3 + 2 BH + 0.1 A


Number of mooring lines

The total number of head, stern and breast lines should be taken as:
n = 8.3·10-4 · A1 + 6

For oil tankers, chemical tankers, bulk carriers and ore carriers the total number of
head, stern and breast lines should be taken as:
n = 8.3·10-4 · A1 + 4

The total number of head, stern and breast lines should be rounded to the nearest
whole number.

The total number of spring lines should be no less than:

two lines where EN < 5,000
four lines where EN ≥ 5,000

As can be seen, the working group does not quite agree with OCIMF's new book
MEG4 on designations, and the final outcome has been postponed to the next
meeting of the IMO on the subject.
There is also news on ”tow” vs. swl – see below. This is a subject that has been
discussed countless times, but the ships continue to moor as they have always done
– although it is incorrect and results in a much smaller indication of swl (now tow).

The below determination of the number of mooring lines is a minimum, and it is

also evident from the below calculation of the number of mooring lines that the
number of lines for example on a panmax is somewhat lower than the number of
lines you would normally use to moor a ship of that size.

5.9.1 SOLAS determination of terms

The following is based on the “Revised SOLAS regulation II-1/3-8 and associated
guidelines (MSC.1/CIRC.1175) and new guidelines for Safe mooring operations for
all ships.
SDC 6/3 25 October 2018


Determination of terms:
Line Design Break Force (LDBF) means the minimum force at which a new, dry,
spliced mooring line will break. This is for all synthetic cordage materials.
Ship Design Minimum Breaking Load (MBLSD) means the minimum breaking
load of new, dry, mooring lines for which shipboard fittings and supporting hull
structures are designed in order to meet mooring restraint requirements.
Working Load Limit (WLL) means the maximum load that a mooring line should
be subjected to in operational service, calculated from the relevant environmental
mooring restraint requirement.]
Towing and mooring arrangements plan means the plan as described in section 5 of
the annex to the Revised guidance on shipboard towing and mooring equipment

Safe towing load (TOW)

TOW used for normal towing operations should not exceed 80% of the design load
as given in 3.3.1 (1), and TOW used for other towing operations should not exceed
[80% of] the design load as given in 3.3.1 (2). For fittings used for both normal and
other towing operations, the greater of the safe towing loads should be used.

Figure 22 How to determine the acting point


5.9.2 DNV’s guideline on the subject

DNV – on the subjectV

5.9.3 Calculating the EN number VI

Calculation of EN (video)VII
The Group could not reach an agreement on the requirement for training of
shore-based mooring personnel, i.e. paragraph 3.1.3, and put the text which makes
reference to the FAL VIII circular in square bracketsIX.

Appendix B
Equipment number

The equipment number (EN) should be calculated as follows:

EN = Δ2⁄3 + 2.0ℎB +A/10
Δ= Moulded displacement, in t, to the Summer Load Waterline.
B= Moulded breadth, in m.
h= Effective height, in m, from the Summer Load Waterline to the top of the
uppermost house; for the lowest tier 'h' should be measured at centreli-
ne from the upper deck or from a notional deck line where there is local
discontinuity in the upper deck, see figure below for an example.
a= Distance, in m, from the Summer Load Waterline amidships to the upper
hi = Height, in m, on the centreline of each tier of houses having a breadth
greater than B/4.
A = Side-projected area, in m2, of the hull, superstructures and houses above
the Summer
Load Waterline which are within the equipment length of the ship and also have a
breadth greater than B/4.


1. When calculating h, sheer and trim should be ignored, i.e. h is the sum of free-
board amidships plus the height (at centreline) of each tier of houses having a
breadth greater than B/4.

2. If a house having a breadth greater than B/4 is above a house with a breadth of
B/4 or less, then the wide house should be included but the narrow house ignored.

3. Screens or bulwarks 1.5 m or more in height should be regarded as parts of

houses when determining h and A. The height of the hatch coamings and that of
any deck cargo, such as containers, may be disregarded when determining h and A.
With regard to determining A, when a bulwark is more than 1.5 m high, the area
shown below as A2 should be included in A.

Figure 23 – explanation of different variables

4. The equipment length of the ships is the length between perpendiculars but
should not be less than 96% nor greater than 97% of the extreme length on the
Summer Waterline (measured from the forward end of the waterline).


5.9.4 Example of calculation for a panmax

1. Principal Particulars
Rule length (L) = 216.362*) m : is defined as: Rules Breadth moulded (B) = 32.2 m
Depth moulded (D) = 20.9 m Summer draft moulded (Ts) = 13.8 m Moulded dis-
placement at 13.8 m draft (Δ) = 83,957 T (= 81,909 x 1.025)
*) lpp

2. Calculation of "H"
a = D - Ts = 20.9 - 13.8 = 7.1 m Σhi = 2.9 + 2.8 x 4 = 14.4 m (heights of accommoda-
tion decks) H = a + Σhi = 7.1 + 14.1
H= 21.2 m

3. Calculation of "A"
Main Hull = 216.362 x 7.1 = 1,536.17 sq.m On Upper Deck = 15.2 x 2.9 = 44.08
sq.m On A-Deck = 24.8 x 2.8 = 69.44 sq.m On B-Deck = 15.2 x 2.8 = 42.56 sq.m On
C-Deck = 15.2 x 2.8 = 42.56 sq.m Nav.Deck = 14.8 x 2.8 = 41.44 sq.m Engine casing
(upper) = 8.4 x 2.9 = 24.36 sq.m Engine casing (B) = 7.2 x 3.9 = 28.08 sq.m
Total of "A" = 1,828.69 sq.m

4. Calculation of Equipment Number

Δ^(2/3) = (83,957)^(2/3) = 1,917.4 2 B H = 2 x 32.2 x 21.2 = 1,365.3 0.1 A = 0.1 x
1,828.69 = 182.9
Equipment Number EN = Δ^(2/3) + 2 B H + 0.1 A = 1,917.4 + 1,365.3 + 182.9
EN = 3.465,6

1. Principal Particulars


2. Calculation of "H"
a = D – Ts
= 20,9 – 13,8
= 7,1m

H = a + hi
= 20,9 – 13,8

3. Calculation of "A"



4. Calculation of Equipment Number

Equipment Number lies between 3.400 and 3.599

Equipment letter: P




6. Communication

Closed loop

Communication Closed Sender issues a message

recipient repeats the message
sender confirms


Figure 24 – Illustration showing closed lood communication

Why would we like the communication between the ship and persons ashore to take
place according to the above model?

When orders are given on the bridge of a ship between the bridge team and the
pilot, it always takes place by means of this method - this minimises misunderstand­
ing of orders. During manoeuvring, many persons have to be kept informed and it
is therefore important to keep the communication as short and clear as possible and
to clearly indicate if something has not been understood properly.


Here is a list of the persons with whom the pilot communicates during operations.

Use Imo Standard Marine Communication phrasesX. Source: Navigator



7. Safety and safety recommendations

We often focus on the things that go wrong and analyse them. We also have a
chapter on subjects that often cause accidents so we are in no way an exception.
We would, however, like to promote the more recent approach to the subject of
safety - looking at the many times when things go well and why, and to learn from it.
Fortunately, at most ports, the persons involved in mooring operations know what
they are doing and things therefore usually go well. However, we cannot omit to
mention that sometimes episodes occur that are regarded as near misses, for
example linesmen standing too close to weight-bearing lines/wire. We therefore
recommend that snap-back zones are taken seriously and that the persons in
question keep an appropriate distance from weight-bearing lines/wire, wait and
agree when it is “safe” to start an operation at a mooring site. IMO International
ship and port facility security code ans SOLAS Amendments of 12 december 2002

As described in chapter 6, good communication contributes to creating a good and

safe mooring operation. An example of a good and safe arrival/departure from the

The pilot notifies the mooring personnel as early as possible of the plan for the
coming arrival at a given quay. The number of mooring lines that are expected to
be used and the order and types of lines/wire on the ship. It is also agreed/notified


whether a heaving line or messenger will be used, and it is agreed whether a line
boat will be used. Depending on the line types, it is agreed whether one or two
lines can be fed at a time. Everything is repeated and confirmed, see Chapter 6. The
linesmen notify the pilot/ship if they observe anything in the quay area that may
interfere with the mooring. The mooring operation should proceed at a calm pace
both on board and ashore, especially during the winter half of the year where it may
be slippery on the ship and ashore The ship’s final position at the quay must often
be relatively exact (especially tankers loading/unloading via hard arm - Chiksan),
and the linesmen (on terminals, it is often the terminal staff who assign the position
and, in some ports, the port’s port assistants) inform the pilot/ship of the distance
in metres from the position until the ship is correctly positioned in relation to the
designated berth.

In the same way as arrival, the pilot/ship/linesmen agree on the order in which the
mooring lines will be cast off. The ’single up principle’ is often used, but in this con-
nection it should be mentioned that if you single up to 1/1 ahead and astern, and
the ship is exposed to forces of wind/current, the remaining lines suddenly have to
withstand great forces involving a risk of breaking unless you have tugs or the ship's
own manoeuvre components to compensate for the brief but significant impact on
the mooring lines.
As the mooring lines become slack and an order has been given to let them go asho-
re the linesmen will advise both ahead and astern when the lines are “free” of the
water and especially astern when the propeller is ready, i.e. no mooring lines in the
water or near the propeller/thrusters.


7.1 – Lines breaking

Snap back zone – simply means the distance that a line/wire that breaks may travel
and hit, for example, people.

Figure 25 – Snap-back zone

7.2 Heavy lifts

It can be a heavy task to pull lines and wire ashore from a ship. Casting off mooring
lines can also be quite a heavy job. We therefore recommend that companies invol-
ved in mooring operations take a sensible approach to this and examine whether
the individual mooring locations require other material for mooring such as winch
or cart with winch etc.
In the last part of this guide, there are references to good advice on heavy lifts.


7.3 Heaving lines and things that may “fall down”

During mooring operations ashore, the risk of objects falling from the ship should
always be taken into account, and even small, relatively light objects may, under
very unfortunate circumstances, have catastrophic consequences. Heaving lines are
often designed in many different ways, and sometimes heavy things are inserted in
the monkey’s fist itself. This may have catastrophic consequences when thrown if a
person is hit. Reference to this subject can be found in the last section.

The below chart shows the height of an object and a given dropped height as a fun-
ction of the weight of the object. When focusing on these two parameters, it may be
seen that even relatively light objects may cause great personal injury.

Figure 26 – Chart showing how light objects can cause injuries

when dropped from a great hight. Source British Tugowners association.


7.4 Examples of objects that may cause accidents

7.4.1 Examples of mooring objects that often cause accidents
- seen from ashore
Manual handling risks due to sending ashore two or more heavy lines together.
Use of weighted monkey's fists.

Inadequate assessment of tidal situation and effect of bow thruster, tug and propel-
ler wash when sending lines away.

Failure to have anchors home and housed

Failure to recognise risk of line boat getting trapped between ship and quay, par-
ticularly with onshore wind or tide.
Ropes being paid out from winch drums getting trapped and heaved back in, in-
stead of paying out.

Lowering too much line too quickly into the water.

Sending heavy lines or wires as first lines ashore, often with vessel still moving
alongside the berth.
Not watching what's happening on the jetty, due to having an inadequate number of
personnel on bow/stern, making assumptions and failing to warn.

Failure to appreciate the risk to shore personnel working within the snap-back zo-
nes on the jetty.

Tensioning or heaving–in ropes on quick-release hooks, and on small dolphins,

without waiting for instructions that shore crew are clear.

Heaving in lines at high speed without warning the shore crew, or while they are
still in an unsafe position.

Not allowing shore crew enough time to get a jammed rope off the bollard before
starting to heave it in.


Failure to give due regard to difficulties in both taking and letting go wire ropes with
fibre tails and Mandel shackles.

Failure to consider safety of both ship and shore mooring crew when:
      a. Unberthing as the number of lines is reduced and risk of failure increases on
remaining lines;
      b. Springing a ship off the berth.

Linesmen berthing/unberthing
Poor overview, crossing line, lines in mess on mooring boat, line thrown without
telling linesmen, strong current, mess on the quay, line caught in fender, bad
lighting, poor communication between pilot & captain & tug, line comes off bollard
– steep angle, line round propeller, several lines on same bollard.

7.4.2 Examples of mooring objects that often cause accidents - seen

from the ship
Use of old, damaged wire
Poor equipment
Poorly designed mooring system
No overview of mooring area
Hazard/tripping risk sites not highlighted

Work processes:
Lack of communication and planning
Poor wire/line handling

Crew qualifications:
Lack of knowledge about the hazards of the job
Unclear instructions
Lack of information
Lack of supervision (supervisor involved elsewhere)
Small, untrained deck crew
Ineffective on-board mooring training, without identifying and understanding
the dangers associated with snap-back zones


Stress and fatigue

Ship’s safety culture:

Procedures not followed
Shortcuts taken
Standing in the wrong places (in the snap-back zone)
Standing/walking on a bight
Walking over a wire
Quick mooring versus safe mooring
No risk assessment process prior to mooring operations
Cluttered mooring area
Cluttered deck

Icy, slippery deck

7.5 10 Rules of thumb for the crew on board the vessel (Seahealth)
Always wear the correct personal protective equipment (PPE), which is an impor-
tant part of proper preparation considering that PPE is the last line of defence.

Always consider whether you are in a snap-back zone and never stand on either an
open line or a closed bight of line.

Keep an eye out for all members of the team. If you think they are in an unsafe posi-
tion, alert them.

All operations need to be carried out calmly without rushing about. Rushing leads
to slips, trips and falls.

Never lose sight of what is going on around you and have an escape route from any
likely danger (that is, avoid being trapped against the bulwark or other obstacle
when a line parts).


Always put an eye onto a bollard or bitts by holding the eye either on its side or by a
messenger line to avoid getting fingers trapped against the bollard if the line sud-
denly snaps tight.

Never heave blindly on a line when no one is watching what is happening at the
other end.

Never try to be heroic by jumping onto a line that is clearly running over the side
and out of control as you are likely to go overboard with it.

Never run more than one line around a fairlead sheave as the lines chafe through
more quickly and the sheave is really only strong enough to take the load of a single
line under tension.

Never use any equipment that is obviously faulty. If you notice damage, then it
should be reported and an alternative arrangement for the mooring line used.
Never let go of a mooring line under heavy load without determining first why the
load is so heavy and then taking the proper precautions if it must be let go.


8. ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security)

– Danish ports

Danish Coastal Authority

The overall responsibility for coordination of the work with securing ports and
implementation of rules rests with the Danish Coastal Authority, which also carries
out supervision and control with respect to compliance with the rulesXI.

The Danish Coastal Authority (Kystdirektoratet) is the official coastal government

agency - a division of the Danish Ministry of the Environment and part of the
Danish Nature Agency. It is as such also adviser for the Danish Minister of the En-


Legal basis for maritime security

IMO International ship and

port facility security code and
SOLAS Amendments of 12
december 2002

EU Regulation 725 EU Directive 2005/65/EC

of 31 March 2004 of 26 October 2005
on enhancing ship and port on enhancing port security
facility security

Regulation on Executive order on port security

port facility security

Approved port facilities in DenmarkXII


9. References, best practices, incidents – cases etc.

1. International guidelines and best practice

2. Legislation – Danish
3. Security and mooring
4. Reports on accidents and incidents
5. Guidelines
6. Practical guidelines
7. Mooring systems

1 International guidelines and best practice

Ship/port interface guidelines on minimum training and educations for mooring
personnel (revised 2016)
• http://www.imo.org/en/OurWork/Facilitation/docs/FAL%20related%20non-

Revised solas regulation II-1/3-8 and associated guidelines (MSC.1/CIRC.1175) and

new guidelines for safe mooring operations for all ships.SDC 6/3 25 October 2018
• https://www.ukchamberofshipping.com/documents/1448/SDC_6-3_-_Safe_


ILO port Safety and Health (revised 2016)

• https://www.ilo.org/sector/activities/sectoral-meetings/WCMS_546257/lang--

The European members of the IBLA are also members of the European Boatmen
Association, called EBA.
• http://ibla.info/certifications/

ISGOTT International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals

• http://www.axelzone.ro/storage/ttm/_lessons/tankers/isgott2006.pdf

Mooring – do it safely
• http://www.marinedocs.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Mooring-Do-It-Sa-

Explanation of Ocimg mooring guidelines - Intertanko

• https://www.intertanko.com/News-Desk/Weekly-News/Year-2000/No-292000/

IMO Standard marine communication phrases

• http://www.segeln.co.at/media/pdf/smcp.pdf

2 Legislation – Danish
Heavy lifts
• https://amid.dk/media/1756/d-3-1-loeft-traek-skub20pdf.pdf

Executive order on standard Regulations for the Observance of Good Order in

Danish Commercial Ports
• https://www.retsinformation.dk/forms/r0710.aspx?id=22340

Workplace assessment
• https://arbejdstilsynet.dk/da/arbejdspladsvurdering

Consolidated Act on Ports

• https://www.retsinformation.dk/Forms/R0710.aspx?id=141663


Executive Order on the Performance of Work

• https://www.retsinformation.dk/Forms/R0710.aspx?id=203578

Reporting of industrial accidents

• https://indberet.virk.dk/arbejdsmarkedets-erhvervssikring/arbejdsulykke-easy

3 Safety and mooring

ANGOPI_ Mooring Men
• https://vimeo.com/219581722

Maritime Training: Line Handling Accident Prevention

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GsSMfLYIQg

Port & Harbour Risk Assessment and Safety Management Systems

• https://www.maritimenz.govt.nz/commercial/ports-and-harbours/documents/

The relationships between seafarers and shore‐side personnel: An outline report

based on research undertaken in the period 2012‐2016
• https://orca-mwe.cf.ac.uk/92378/1/The%20relationships%20between%20seafa-

Safety in mooring
• https://www.iadc-dredging.com/ul/cms/terraetaqua/docu-

SIP005 – Guidance on mooring

• https://www.portskillsandsafety.co.uk/sites/default/files/2017-05/SIP005%20

OCIMF – guide-to-purchasing-high-modulus-synthetic-fibre-mooring
• https://www.ocimf.org/media/53251/guide-to-purchasing-high-modu-


4 Reports on accidents and incidents

Safety Alert – Deadly Spring Kills Linesman
• http://maritimeaccident.org/2009/09/safety-alert-deadly-spring-kills-linesman/

Injury during mooring operation

• https://maddenmaritime.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/injury_during_mooring_

Marine Accident report july 2014ATAIR (Denmark)

• http://www.dmaib.com/Ulykkesrapporter/ATAIR%20J%20-%20mooring%20

Mooring boat crushed

• https://marineinsight.com/case-studies/real-life-incident-mooring-boat-crus-

Two Killed After Mooring Line Snaps at Port of Longview

• http://gcaptain.com/two-killed-after-mooring-line-snaps-at-port-of-longview-

Video – Longview
• https://www.fleetmon.com/maritime-news/2018/22881/snapped-mooring-li-

Morraborg – under fortøjning

• https://www.havkom.se/assets/reports/English/RS2014_03e.pdf

Mooring accident
• https://www.nautinst.org/en/forums/mars/mars-2012.cfm/mooring%20Accidents

Nautical Institute – March 2018 – uheld linesmen

• https://www.nautinst.org/en/forums/mars/mars-2018.cfm/MARS201850

Devprayag 24 June 2008

• https://www.maritimenz.govt.nz/commercial/safety/accidents-reporting/acci-


5 Guidelines
Safety folder for mooring
• http://operasjonsmanual.norog.no/selskapspesifikke/equinor/Englis-

Mooring operations – safe working practice

• http://training.hmm.lv/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/MOORING-OPERA-

Docking and Mooring

• http://www.trelleborg.com/en/marine-systems/products--solutions--and--ser-

Forebyg arbejdsulykker
• https://amid.dk/media/3610/kvikguide_ulykker.pdf

Vejledning af havnesikring
• https://www.trafikstyrelsen.dk/~/media/Dokumenter/11%20Havne/Vejled-

Forebyggelse af arbejdsulykker Identificering af risici

• https://www.google.com/search?q=8-3-Vejledning-i-risikoanalyse%2520pdf.pd-

9 gode råd om oplæring, instruktion og tilsyn

• https://amid.dk/media/2978/oplaering-og-instruktion-af-nyansatte.pdf


6 Practical guidelines
Master’s guide – Berthing
• http://www.standard-club.com/media/24148/AMastersGuidetoBerthing2ndedi-

Mooring lines and maintenance

• https://www.steamshipmutual.com/Risk-Alerts/RA07MooringLineCareMain-

Mooring speeds/ships/quay
• https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55bc3028e4b002b451bfd436/t/

Styrker på div. fortøjninger

• https://www.bairstow.com/v/vspfiles/pdf/safety/N7806.pdf


• https://britishtug.com/dangerously-weighted-heaving-lines-a-frequent-and-fre-

Closed-loop communication
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closed-loop_communication

ILO – Safety and health in ports (revised 2016)

• https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_dialogue/---sector/docu-
• https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32017R0352


THE COUNCIL of 15 February 2017 - establishing a framework for the provision of
port services and common rules on the financial transparency of ports
• https://www.trafikstyrelsen.dk/DA/Havne-og-VVM/ordensreglementet.aspx
In accordance with section 15 of the Danish Ports Act, all ports must have rules of
conduct. This applies to commercial ports as well as marinas.


7 Mooring equipment (Shore side)

• https://f.nordiskemedier.dk/2wka8syerne6sdpa.pdf

The ShoreTension
• https://shoretension.com/

Trelleborg Marine Systems

• http://www.trelleborg.com/en/marine-systems

Designing of imoor jetty management system

• http://www.irmome.com/designing-of-imoor-jetty-management-system/

Wärtsilä Encyclopedia of Marine Technology

• https://www.wartsila.com/encyclopedia/term/mooring-equipment

Cavotec – MoorMaster Automated Mooring

• http://www.cavotec.com/en/your-applications/ports-maritime/automated-mooring

MacGregor automated mooring system

• https://www.macgregor.com/Products-solutions/products/port-and-termi-

The ShoreTension
• https://shoretension.com/


I http://www.trykteamepub.dk/epub/DanPilot_Transit_Passage_Plan/
II http://trykteamepub.dk/epub/DanPilot_Habour_Plan/

III www.seahealth.dk/en
VI Revised solas regulation II-1/3-8 and associated guidelines (MSC.1/CIRC.1175)
and new guidelines for safe mooring operations for all ships
SDC 6/3 25 October 2018
VII https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQixvZxvupM


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