Mooring Operations Guidebook Vol 1
Mooring Operations Guidebook Vol 1
Mooring Operations Guidebook Vol 1
Mooring in the context of MEG-4 means mooring to a fixed structure like a berth, jetty, terminal
or another ship.
Once we have the environmental forces, the next step is to design/select the mooring equipment
based on the forces obtained.
Once we have the environmental forces, the next step is to design/select the mooring equipment
based on the forces obtained.
Each mooring equipment is specified by its Safe Working Load (SWL), which is what we need to
OCIMF provides a simple approach to calculating the SWL once environmental forces are
In Part 2, we’ll look into what is Ship’s Design MBL, and also how the mooring pattern for the
vessel can be designed.
Once static equilibrium is achieved, maximum mooring restraint force can be determined and used
in the flowchart below, provided by MEG4, to calculate the ship design Minimum Breaking Load
i.e. Ship design MBL. With the vessel in static equilibrium, the tensions in each mooring line can
be determined. Since there are several components in the mooring pattern that support multiple
mooring lines, the total loading on such component can be used to calculate the Ship design MBL
The steps above are also lined out in OCIF MEG-4, and shown in the figure below.
In Part 3, we will further look into using this Ship design MBL for line selection and to determine
D/d ratio (bend dia/rope dia) of mooring line and other parameters.
As the offshore industry moves towards greater technological advancements, one thing that has
plagued the engineers is the “plug and play” computer programs or software. I am not against any
software as such, and in fact, I am a big fan and power user of Bentley’s MOSES program. What I do
not like is engineers blindly feeding inputs in the software to get outputs without actually
understanding the theory behind engineering problem at hand. Engineers these days spend more time
on mastering the software manual then the actual theory itself. I have been extremely fortunate to be
mentored by some of the best Engineers/Managers/Professors in both industry and academia. As a
passionate Naval Architect, I have always had a deep interest in the interaction of floating/fixed
bodies with sea waves. In an attempt to share my knowledge of offshore installation engineering, I am
going to write a series of articles on various offshore engineering analysis. The target audience is
fellow Naval Architects, Engineers, Project Managers and anyone interested in learning about the
field. As these articles will be targeted for the audience from diverse backgrounds, I will try to keep
things as simple as possible. I will use Bentley’s MOSES as the prime software and get into the
details of inputs and outputs. I recently delivered a training session to a group of structural engineers
on the topic “Mooring Analysis and Design,” and I have chosen the same topic for my first article.
A mooring system comprises a floating body (or collection of bodies) which are connected to the sea
floor (or terminals) by a system of lines that provide restoring forces against external loads. The
General purpose of mooring lines is:
To keep the body in reasonable proximity of some target location (Station Keeping).
To operate in deep water (Drilling Rigs, FPSOs, TLPs, ).
To allow re-location of the units such as pipe laying barges.
To check clearance with other units or pipelines during drilling campaigns or installation
Loading/Unloading operations.
Now that we have looked at the characteristics
of the individual lines, the next step is to study
Waves/ Swell
the characteristics of the whole barge mooring
The maximum loads and excursions obtained from analysis should be within maximum allowable
limits as per guidelines such as APIRP-2SK. The maximum loads should not exceed the “weakest
link” of the Mooring system. I would like to conclude by emphasizing that Mooring analysis and
design is an iterative process dependent on environmental as well as operational constraints.
Engineers should exercise due diligence while analyzing any mooring pattern for the safety of crew
and offshore assets. Feel free to share this article and post comments if any. Until next time, have a
great day.
Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the
author and do not necessarily represent those of TheNavalArch Pte Ltd and its employees
Calculation Steps
When calculating the wind and current forces, the standard physics formula of Force = Pressure x
Area shall be used. In the method by DDS-582, wave forces have not been considered for doing
the calculation.
For wind force, the formula is Fwind = 1/2 x Cwind x ρwind x Vwind2 x Awind, where Cwind is
the coefficient of wind force, ρwind is the density of air, Vwind is the wind speed, and Awind is
the total area of ship and cargo which is exposed to the wind from head or beam direction (the
above-water area)
Similarly, for current force, the formula is Fcurrent = 1/2 x Ccurrent x ρwater x Vcurrent2 x
Aunderwater, where Ccurrent is the coefficient of current force, ρwater is the density of water,
Vcurrent is the current speed, and Aunderwater is the total underwater area of ship which is
exposed to the current from head or beam direction.
The forces need to be calculated for both the directions: head wind and beam wind
Boundary Conditions
We will focus on offshore mooring lines and use
the boundary conditions suited for this application.
We will also assume that the line is non-
stretchable such that the catenary effect is only due
to the weight of the line.
The above equations assume that the line is homogeneous i.e. the line is made of a single
material like all chain or all wire. For composite lines that are combination of different
line types like chain-wire-chain, each segment’s catenary equations have to be solved
maintaining the continuity of the boundary conditions at the joints.
The boundary conditions for a SPM is no different than a simple catenary but a hybrid line
needs to consider additional boundary conditions and have been discussed below.
The wind coefficients depend upon Once the wind and current drag coefficients
the wind angle of attack are obtained, the standard physical
the type of bow - conventional/cylindrical equations can be used to determine the
loading condition of the vessel - ballasted or applicable forces. Only the forces in
fully loaded longitudinal direction are considered. The
formulas are presented below:
The current coefficients depend upon
the current angle of attack
the ratio of Water Depth to Draft of the vessel
Wind Force Formula
These wave loads are only the longitudinal forces which act on the vessel when the vessel is at
anchor (since the vessel aligns itself along the environment). However, in the case the vessel is
yawing, transverse forces also come into play which can be multiple times higher than longitudinal
forces, and need to be accounted for in the force on anchor. As a thumb rule, for 20 degrees yaw, the
longitudinal force obtained from the surface plot is multiplied by 2; for 40 degrees yaw, the force is
multiplied by 3.
For wind force, the formula is Fwind = 1/2 x Cwind x ρwind x Vwind2 x Awind, where Cwind is the
coefficient of wind force, ρwind is the density of air, Vwind is the wind speed, and Awind is the
total area of ship and cargo which is exposed to the wind from beam direction (the above-water area)
Similarly, for current force, the formula is Fcurrent = 1/2 x Ccurrent x ρwater x Vcurrent2 x
Aunderwater, where Ccurrent is the coefficient of current force, ρwater is the density of water,
Vcurrent is the current speed, and Aunderwater is the total underwater area of ship which is exposed
to the current from beam direction.
The critical items in the calculations for Wind and Current forces are the force coefficients for wind
and current.
These coefficients can be obtained from the coefficient plots provided in DDS-582, and some plots
are presented below:
We can see that the lateral current force is dependent on an additional factor: the underkeel
clearance which is measured as Water Depth to Draft ratio (WD/T).
At the end of this exercise, we’ll have the following with us:
Wind Force – transverse
Current force – transverse
Next exercise is using these forces and calculate the capstan line pull using the environmental
TheNavalArch's Guidebook Series - Mooring Operations Volume 1
TheNavalArch's Guidebook Series - Mooring Operations Volume 1
Once we have the wind and current lateral
forces, we add them up together to give
Capstan Design the total lateral force on the vessel.
Total Lateral Force, FY = FYW + FYC,
FY = total lateral force on the vessel
FYW = lateral wind force on the vessel
FYC = lateral current force on the vessel
PCP = FY/n
Once the line pull is available, the
minimum required Capstan power is
determined as follows:
Intriguing as it sounds, Equipment Number (or Equipment Numeral) throws a plethora of questions
when heard for the first time. Is it something which tells the number of equipment on a ship, or is it
a catalog which assigns specific number to the equipment on a ship?
Cutting to the chase, Equipment Number (abbreviated as EN) is just a non-dimensional parameter
which can be used to select the right sized anchoring and chain cables for a new ship. However, it
is to be noted that these equipment are only meant for harbor mooring, and not for open sea or
rough weather mooring.
Once the EN is known, a set of adequately sized equipment for mooring/anchoring of the vessel
can be selected. Following are some equipment which can be selected based on EN:
How is wind/current force on the vessel Also, we can infer that a ship with higher forces
calculated? Wind and current forces are will need heavier equipment to anchor itself.
drag forces, and they follow the simple drag
equation Thus, we can establish the following relationship
Once we have the EN, what next? How do we It is to be noted here that for the same vessel,
select the right sized equipment from EN? the EN to be used for Towline and Mooring
Once again, Class rules come to assistance. line selection can be higher compared to the
EN used for the rest of the equipment (cables
Class Rules provide standard tables for getting and anchors), since additional profile areas of
the equipment sizes once the EN has been deck cargoes are also included while
calculated. calculating EN for towline/mooring line
Once such table for DNV Rules is shown Exceptions and deviations
below: For fishing vessels with EN up to 720, the
table to be used is separate. For EN above
720, the regular table can be used (as per
DNV rules, Ref [2])
For vessels operating in harbored/restricted
service areas, the EN can be reduced.
Please see DNV Rules (Ref [2]) for more
For each configuration, the mooring design has to be
adequate to restrain the forces which the vessel
experiences. In this article, we will analyse the first
configuration - the Stern on Quay in more detail, and
present a simplified method for calculating the line
loads for a 4-point mooring pattern with the vessel's
Stern on Quay.
The Wave drift force can be calculated from DNV-RP-H103, Sec 7.2.6, taking the reflection coefficient
R as 1. L is ship's length and HS is the significant wave height.
The above simple method can serve as a quick check to help design a simple 4-line mooring pattern
for vessels moored with their Stern on Quay. However, if high accuracy is demanded, or if multiple
cases of environment from different directions are to be investigated, then a full fledged mooring
analysis can also be carried out using standard software like Orcaflex (you may contact us for the
same). For simple cases, the above calculation should suffice. Please do take a moment to explore
our own excel-ased App which performs the above detailed calculation. With simple user interface
and basic inputs, it performs a quick assessment of the line loads and presents a basic mooring plan.
thenavalarch/marine-operations/mo-01-mooring-forces- thenavalarch/marine-operations/motion-response-
calculator-stern-quay-4-point-mooring/ calculator/
thenavalarch/marine-operations/mooring-line-catenary- wpf=tna_products&wpf_cols=3&wpf_page=1&wpf_ca
with-buoy/ t=mooring
thenavalarch/ship-design/fishing-vessel-equipment- thenavalarch/marine-operations/equipment-numeral-as-
number-calculator/ per-iacs/