أسئلة علم اللغة التطبيقي للميد
أسئلة علم اللغة التطبيقي للميد
أسئلة علم اللغة التطبيقي للميد
Linguistics the academic discipline concerned with the study of language in general
One particularly influential type of idealization is that used in the generative linguistics
introduced by Noam Chomsky from the late 1950s onward.
What is the proper subject matter of linguistics in Chomsky view?
In his view, the proper subject matter of linguistics should be the representation of language
in the mind (Competence) rather than the way in which people actually use language in
everyday life (Performance)
Chomsky’s claim is that this internal is essentially biological rather than social.
Competence Performance
the representation of language in the mind the way in which people actually use
language in everyday life
1-Its purpose is to engage with decision 1- Its purpose is to describe and explaini
3- the academic discipline concerned with 3- the academic discipline concerned with
the relation of knowledge about language to the study of language in general.
decision-making in the real world.
Teaching children their own national language is synonymous with eliminating such
The issue of what counts as correct is much more complex, discuss that.
1- A child with regional accent pronounces ‘’I brought it’’ with ah sound as ‘’I brart it’’
2- Child from USA moved to Britain say ‘’I’ve gotten it’’ instead of ‘’I’ve got it”
3- Child from USA moved to Britain writes ‘’color’’ instead of ‘’colour’’
4- Children put ‘’RU’’ instead of ‘’ are you’’, they give words different fashionable senses,
which the adults disapprove.
Dialect standard
Which language should be used in the class? Or What are the two views about
teaching standard form of language? Or two contradictory ways for teaching
standard? Should the teacher eliminate these dialects and national variety?
1- on the one hand, it can be seen as conferring an unfair advantage upon those children
who already speak a variety close to it, while at the same time denying the worth of other
dialects and damaging the heritage of those children who speak them.
2- on the other hand, given that the standard exists, has prestige and power and provides a
gateway to written knowledge, it can be argued that teaching it helps to give an equal
chance to all.
What are the two facts about teaching natural language? The school's approach to
teaching the national language?
1- The first fact is that any language is subject to enormous variation, There are differences
between individuals, social groups, generations, and nations, and language is used
differently in speech and writing and informal and formal situation.
2- The second fact is that many people are intolerant of this variation. They struggle for a
single standard way of using the language and care very deeply about achieving this norm.
Description prescription
- The standard is neither superior nor more stable than any other variety.
The way in which linguistic describe the language? Give example about the facts that
linguistics point to justify their view about the standard?
1- If there was never any deviation from the norm then languages would never change.
2- If a single standard was absolute and unassailable then regional standards would never
gain independence.
3- Dialects have their own consistent rules.
Applied linguistics problems in the world in which language is implicated.
How speakers of different languages can communicate with each other?
1- They can set of speakers to learn the other’s language.
2- They can employ a translator.
The native speaker's attitudes to their own language. discuss that
They feel that outsiders cannot identify with it as they do. to them remains familiar and
intrinsic, to others it remains foreign and something apart.
The academic beliefs:
Linguistics regard all languages as equal and arbitrary systems capable of fulfilling the same
functions. Some languages are popularly regarded as being less complex than others.
# Latin is widely believed to be more logical.
# German more efficient.
# French is more romantic.
How to separate between languages? Or what counts as a separate language? Or
Linguistics investigates languages in their:
1- in terms of their history 2- formal similarities. 3- boundaries
What do boundaries between languages mean?
A matter of mutual comprehensibility.
How the boundary between languages is a matter of mutual comprehensibility?
1- people who are said to speak the same language cannot understand each other, e.x The
dialect of Sicily makes little sense in Venice they are both described as ‘Italian’, Cantonese
and Putonghua mutually incomprehensible when speak are both referred as ‘Chinese’.
2- pairs of languages that are mutually comprehensible but are regarded as different, e.x
a. Speakers of Russian can guess the meaning of Ukrainian.
b. Italians may work for basic transactions in a Spanish-speaking country.
c. Readers of Japanese can make some headway with Chinese.
The ways in which language can be compared. Or where they can find the language?
Or How can we identified the largest languages?
1- Number of speakers.
2- geographical distribution
Smaller languages: Confined to restricted areas and specific ethnic groups, and are often
# Half of the world’s languages are likely to disappear in the twenty-first century.
The reason for the Direct method. Or the history of this approach.
1- There was continuing mass immigration, by speakers of many different languages into the
2- There was growing international trade and tourism and an increase in both vocational and
recreational language learning
Discuss the Direct method.
1- There was continuing mass immigration, by speakers of many different languages into the
2- There was growing international trade and tourism and an increase in both vocational and
recreational language learning
3- The student did not necessarily share the same first language
4- It is simply impossible for the instruction to proceed though first-language explanation and
5- The students needed spoken as well as written language, and they needed it fast.
Direct method in which the students’ own language were banished and everything was to
be done through the language under instruction.
How was success measured in the direct method?
1- The direct method established a concept of language learning very different from that
implicit in grammar-translation.
2- Success was to be measured instead by the degree to which the learner’s language
proficiency approximated that native speaker.
3- This led to further changes in both popular and applied linguistics ideas about how a
language might be learned.
The early method had been a revolution, but not a complete one, discuss that.
1- Many of the characteristics of grammar-translation had survived, e.g. there was still
explanation and grading of grammar rules, and the language was divided into discrete areas
such as vocabulary or pronunciation practice.
2- Teachers had to do much as they had done before, but without recourse to either
first-language explanation or translation.
3- In practice, grammar rules had to be worked out by students from example, because an
explanation would demand language beyond the level of the rule being explained.
4- The meaning of new vocabulary had to be either guessable from context, or perhaps
illustrated or mimed.
Natural approach definition The idea was that learning would take place without
explanation or grading, and without correction of errors, but simply by exposure to
‘meaningful input’
The only principal for natural approach:
The approach was culturally insensitive: it was developed in the USA and then exported as
globally relevant without regard to differing educational traditions or language-learning
the emphasis was on formal practice the emphasis become quite different, which
‘’grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation’’ focus on effective communication