Design of A Mission Data Storage and Retrieval System For NASA Dryden Flight Research Center

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Design of a Mission Data Storage and

Retrieval System for NASA Dryden Flight
Research Center

Jessica Lux
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Edwards, California

Bob Downing and Jack Sheldon

Arcata Associates, Inc.
Edwards, California

December 2007
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Design of a Mission Data Storage and

Retrieval System for NASA Dryden Flight
Research Center

Jessica Lux
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Edwards, California

Bob Downing and Jack Sheldon

Arcata Associates, Inc.
Edwards, California

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Dryden Flight Research Center

Edwards, California 93523-0273

December 2007
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The Western Aeronautical Test Range (WATR) at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
(DFRC) employs the WATR Integrated Next Generation System (WINGS) for the processing and
display of aeronautical flight data. This report discusses the post-mission segment of the WINGS
architecture. A team designed and implemented a system for the near- and long-term storage and
distribution of mission data for flight projects at DFRC, providing the user with intelligent access
to data. Discussed are the legacy system, an industry survey, system operational concept, high-
level system features, and initial design efforts.


.cmp4 compressed 4 file format

.csv comma-separated value file format
CIMS Calibration Information Management System
COTS commercial off-the-shelf
DAF Data Analysis Facility
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DOD Department of Defense
FDAS Flight Data Access System
GUI Graphical User Interface
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory
.mat MATLAB file format
MCC Mission Control Center
NAS Network Attached Storage
TIE test information engineer
TRAPS Telemetry/Radar Acquisition and Processing System
WATR Western Aeronautical Test Range
WINGS WATR Integrated Next Generation System


The NASA Dryden Flight Research Center (Edwards, California), known as DFRC or Dryden,
is the primary Center for atmospheric flight research and operations. It is critical in carrying out the
Agency’s missions of space exploration, space operations, scientific discovery, and aeronautical
research and development. The mission of the NASA Dryden Western Aeronautical Test Range
(WATR) is to support atmospheric flight operations, low-Earth orbiting missions, and dynamic
aeronautical testing undertaken by Dryden and other customers. This is achieved by providing a
comprehensive set of resources for Mission Control Center (MCC) monitoring of test activities
and airborne flight systems and by providing real-time data acquisition and data reduction with
effective communication to flight and ground crews.

In 2000, WATR engineering launched the WATR Integrated Next Generation System
(WINGS) to provide flight test data acquisition, processing, display, distribution, and archiving
with a modular and extensible architecture (ref. 1). The technical approach for WINGS is based
upon an open, distributed architecture consisting of standards-based functional components.


The WINGS design process calls for the definition of a set of high-level system goals, followed
by global system characteristics to meet those goals, and a long-term phasing plan to implement the
development. The WINGS architecture is based on iterative and incremental releases to maximize
resource allocation, mitigate risk (releases are derived from an established baseline), and provide
flexibility to accommodate flight-project-specific versions of WINGS.

As described in reference 1, WINGS characteristics include:

1. Uniform components within the system architecture. These include:

a. Single platform [Intel (Santa Clara, California)]
b. Single operating system [Microsoft (Redmond, Washington) Windows]
c. Single development environment (Microsoft Visual Studio)
2. Use of the web as an access tool throughout all mission segments.
3. Use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components where appropriate.

The WINGS concept consists of three primary states: premission, mission and postmission. In
the premission state, the configuration of the vehicle instrumentation calibrations, vehicle-specific
calculated functions, display pages, and display workstations is defined. The mission state consists
of setup of the Telemetry/Radar Acquisition and Processing System (TRAPS) and MCC, execution
of the flight-test mission, and immediate system cleanup and shut down. In the postmission state,
processed data files, the complete set of instrumentation parameters and calibrations, and history
logs are migrated from TRAPS subsystems to a permanent data storage and retrieval system.

Early WINGS development efforts focused on the premission and mission states of the WINGS
architecture. A WATR engineering team was chartered in mid-2005 to develop the postmission
state of the system, which is the focus of this report. The goal of the WINGS postmission team was
to define a system for the near- and long-term storage and distribution of mission data, providing
the user intelligent access to data of interest.


There is a foundational philosophy at Dryden that all flight telemetry data is stored forever
and that users have direct, online access to data. Flight research data is currently stored in the
Flight Data Access System (FDAS) in the Data Analysis Facility (DAF) (ref. 2). The FDAS is
an archive of time history telemetry data, that is, data showing the values of various parameters
(signals) as functions of time. The system stores synchronous and pseudosynchronous data only,
at sample rates typically ranging between 1 and 8000 Hz. The system was deployed at DFRC in
1993 (ref. 3) and has undergone several hardware and system data access software upgrades in the
ensuing decade and a half.

The FDAS is hosted on a Unix (The Open Group, San Francisco, California) platform with
data access software written in Fortran. The database stores flight time-history data in a Dryden in-
house binary format called “compressed 4,” or .cmp4. The legacy of Dryden in-house data formats
and data access language is described in reference 4. Researchers utilize a command line interface
to navigate FDAS by project, flight, parameters (signals), time segment, and data output rate. Data
can be exported at-rate, skewed, interpolated, over-sampled, or decimated. Data export formats
include uncompressed binary, compressed binary, ASCII, and a quick-view list format. The two
binary data formats are native to Dryden, although research partners have also written tools to read
and write Dryden binary formats (namely .cmp4 format).

Calculated functions are employed in FDAS to replicate the processing algorithms performed
in the real-time WINGS data processing for the MCC. Historically, a test information engineer
(TIE) at DFRC has been responsible for configuring the real-time processing algorithms for a
flight project and ensuring that the calculated functions in the FDAS system produced the same
results. With the initial deployment of the WINGS system, however, the real-time calculations were
captured in the flight data archive, so that the duplication of algorithms via calculated functions
was no longer necessary.

The scripting language used to extract data from FDAS allows users to perform batch
operations on multiple flights for a specific project. There is no graphical data display capability
native to FDAS. If a user desires quick-look flight data for an entire mission, he or she must write
a script to extract low sample-rate data to a local machine and then plot that data in an outside tool
such as MATLAB® (The MathWorks, Natick, Massachusetts) for visualization purposes.

A sample of the FDAS command line interface appears in figure 1. The “getfdas” prompts
are shown in bold text and user text inputs are shown in plain text. The data requested in figure 1
is for project B-52, tail number 008 (project b528), flight #959 (flt0959). The user is requesting
data for two parameters named tf2mr and tf2ml, writing the output to a file named b52data.cmp4,
and specifying a 15-minute window for which data is desired. The user has specified that the data
should be written at a rate of 40.01 Hz.

Figure 1. FDAS command line interface.


One of the early tasks the team undertook was an investigation of existing flight test data
storage solutions for applicability, possibility of reuse, and to glean any lessons learned from other
range engineering efforts. In late 2005 and early 2006, the WATR engineering team held formal
site visits to ask questions and view data storage solutions in the flight test community. Inquiries
were made about high-level systems architecture, the types of data managed, the quantity of data
stored and exported, user access, system security, and technologies and standards employed.

Several features of other post-mission systems were marked for incorporation in the WINGS
post-mission operational concept. At the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena,
California, there is an on-line electronic parameter database with numerous characteristic fields,
a query function, and configuration version change history. One Department of Defense (DOD)
program developed software with a graphical data export feature that allows users to point-and-
click on a stripchart to export a data segment. If this feature were incorporated at DFRC, the
workload for quick-look visualization described for the legacy system would be reduced.

All nine ranges and flight test programs consulted acknowledged that the management of
all project-related documents (not just time-history data) must be addressed. Currently, data for
a single project are distributed among diverse systems and locations, with no master index to all
information relevant to a specific flight test. This is a broad-reaching information management
problem, and efforts are underway in the DOD and with DOD contractors to address it (refs. 5,
6), but no standard industry solution exists. Some efforts are so far reaching that they will not be
practically implemented for years. The WATR team acknowledges that an iterative and incremental

solution is necessary, so that capabilities can be added to the WINGS Post-Mission system based
on priority and benefit to users.

Many flight test ranges and programs do not provide online access to all telemetry data,
because of data storage limitations. These programs employ a formal data request process in which
a technician delivers a small subset of data to users based on a work order. There is a history at
DFRC of providing access to all time-history data in a centralized database (FDAS) with direct
user access, and it is essential that any future post-mission system maintain this feature.

The team also concluded that the WINGS Post-Mission system should focus on the efficient
distribution of data in the formats users want, and not on analysis tools. Industry efforts to
incorporate generic analysis tools have not succeeded, and users are most comfortable in their
own, unique environment. Users at DFRC in particular prefer to use the same tools for premission
avionics software development that they use for post-mission analysis. The scope of the WINGS
Post-Mission system involves quick access to the data of interest, and analysis tools are beyond
that scope. A quick-look data viewer is the only quasi-analysis feature that WINGS Post-Mission
should incorporate.


Typically, there are up to a dozen flight test projects on-site at Dryden. These projects are in
different stages of development, but there are usually several active projects conducting flight tests
at any given time. Aircraft missions last several hours, for which telemetry data is typically collected
at 0.5 to 10 Mb/s. The FDAS stores only processed telemetry data, which for an aeronautical
flight test mission is on the order of 50 to 5,000 MB per mission depending on type and length of
the mission. The entire FDAS archive contains every flight mission from the last fifteen years at
DFRC, and the current total archive size is 7 TB.


Through user survey meetings with Dryden research engineers, as well as in discussions with
Dryden management, the team identified the Dryden flight test information management problems.
Currently, mission data is generated in support of flight test at a number of sources. Only partial
amounts of the data generated are archived and available long-term. This renders time-history data
ambiguous in the long-term, because contextual information needed for interpretation of time-
history data is not stored in a centralized, online archive.

In a mission data model, the team identified all data products generated from DFRC,
determined their current archive location, and defined a priority schedule for including each
data product in the WINGS Post-Mission system. The FDAS system already manages telemetry
time-history data, calculated parameters, radar data, and Differential Global Positioning Satellite
(DGPS) information. The WINGS Post-Mission baseline will store these products at a minimum.
Additional high-priority data products to include in the system are the parameter calibration
information, flight test points, mission attributes (including WATR resources used), and additional

telemetry data archives currently distributed on recordable media. Products such as recordings of
video and voice communications, sensor (parameter) location maps, and raw telemetry archives
were assigned a lower priority for inclusion in a later release of the system.

The hierarchy of flight data information products at Dryden is illustrated in figure 2.

Figure 2. NASA Dryden flight data hierarchy.

The end result of the inclusion of these additional data products will be a mission archive
that has long-term value to Dryden, its partners, and future scientists. The WATR will ask that
projects complete an information lifecycle management plan, defining data products and storage
requirements, at the start of new flight test programs at DFRC.

The operational concept for the WINGS Post-Mission system is illustrated in figure 3, which
shows the relationships between WINGS systems and data archives owned by other divisions at
Dryden. All data flows through a central WINGS processing area before being deposited in the
Post-Mission system. The operational concept does not allow for tightly coupled databases, rather,
all information is processed by WINGS and stored in the Post-Mission system. The user is able to
access the Post-Mission system as well as other associated databases via a single web-based access

Figure 3. WINGS post-mission system operational concept.


Features of the WINGS Post-Mission system are high-level client-valued functions that are
easy to brief and discuss with users in general terms. The features of the system can be decomposed
into multiple testable requirements for implementation.

A features list for the WINGS Post-Mission system was developed based on a series of
user roundtables held with every research engineering branch at Dryden, as well as with outside
customers who have flown recent missions at Dryden. Dryden research customers include engineers
in the aerodynamics, flight aviation systems, guidance, navigation and controls (GNC), operations,
propulsion, simulation, static structures, and structural dynamics disciplines. In the roundtable
meetings, users were asked to describe their workflow in the legacy system, what data export
formats are desired, what data other than time-history needs to be stored in the new system, and
what features are desired for the next-generation system.

WINGS Post-Mission system features include:

1. Support all users regardless of their desktop computing platform (Windows, Macintosh,
2. Provide both legacy script and new intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) access.
3. Provide graphical quick-look capability to view low sample rate data for an entire flight

4. Provide search capability on mission and parameter attributes.
5. Allow data extraction to in-house formats (.cmp4) and industry standard formats such
as comma-separated value (.csv) and MATLAB® (.mat). (These are the only requested
formats to date.)
6. Store metadata about parameters (all calibration information available on-demand at
post-mission access point).
7. Store event logging and flight test point card information.
8. Provide custom translators to import external data formats.

The WINGS Post-Mission system is a phased development (as all WINGS releases have
been) and certain features have been allocated to planned upgrades. The architecture of the system
shall allow for future capabilities such as web-based access to research partners outside Dryden, the
storage of descriptions and code for calculated parameters, and storage of the location of sensors
on aircraft. Some researchers expressed a desire for video and audio playback at their desktops
in the post-mission environment, and this has been noted as a planned future development for the


The WINGS Post-Mission system will be first released as a prototype for a small subset of
Dryden research customers, to reduce risk and improve system features before a full-scale launch.
This allows for an initial purchase of smaller, less expensive hardware to meet the needs of a few

As per the WINGS characteristics, COTS components will be leveraged to reduce in-house
engineering work, reduce risk, and take advantage of industry advances. An outside vendor
will be used to provide a COTS mass storage subsystem. This system will provide physical
data management, logical data management, mirroring, backup, and data integrity verification.
Outsourcing the mass storage subsystem will allow the WATR engineering team to focus their
efforts on expertise with the Dryden-unique mission model. The WATR engineering team is
responsible for the overall business model for the system, which includes the architectural design,
web development, database development, and access management.

To date, the WATR has purchased a mass storage subsystem from Exanet, Inc. (Ra’anana,
Israel). This ExaStore clustered Network Attached Storage (NAS) was selected for its scalability,
interoperability with other computing systems, and data management, protection, and recovery
software. The WATR engineering team is developing detailed requirements for the user access
portal and designing the storage database.


The WATR engineering team was chartered to design and implement a system for the near-
and long-term storage and distribution of mission data for flight projects at Dryden, providing
the user intelligent access to data of interest. Initial efforts focused on a survey of other flight
test programs and ranges to determine their mission data storage systems, as well as meetings
with Dryden researchers to discuss the usability of the legacy system and desired features for the
next-generation system. From these investigations, a features set and system operational concept
were developed. The next steps involve the detailed design, development, and deployment of a
system to store mission telemetry data and contextual information about flight missions flown at
the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center.


1. Harris, Jim, and Bob Downing, “WINGS Concept: Present and Future,” Proceedings of
the 39th International Telemetering Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 20–23, 2003,
International Foundation for Telemetering, c1965–2003, Woodland Hills, California, 2003,
pp. 62–69.

2. Moore, Archie L., and Constance D. Harney, “Development of an integrated set of research
facilities for the support of research flight test,” AIAA-1988-2096, Technical Papers of the 4th
AIAA Flight Test Conference, San Diego, California, May 18–20, 1988, American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics, Washington, DC, 1988, pp. 98–111.

3. Maine, R., “User’s Manual for GetFdas and GetData,” unpublished, 1995.

4. Maine, Richard E., Manual for GetData Version 3.1, A FORTRAN Utility Program for Time
History Data, NASA TM-88288, 1987.

5. Garling, James, and David Cahill, “Enterprise Data Management Systems,” Proceedings of
the 39th International Telemetering Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 20–23, 2003,
International Foundation for Telemetering, c1965–2003, Woodland Hills, California, 2003,
pp. 759–766.

6. Crenwelge, Robert, Brian Conway, and Kevin Dillion, “Enterprise Flight Data Management
System (EFDMS) and Storage Infrastructure Technology Discussion,” Proceedings of the 38th
International Telemetering Conference, San Diego, California, October 21, 2002, International
Foundation for Telemetering, c2002, Woodland Hills, California, 2002, pp. 858–865.

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01-12-2007 Technical Memorandum
Design of a Mission Data Storage and Retrieval System for NASA Dryden
Flight Research Center 5b. GRANT NUMBER



Lux, Jessica; Downing, Bob; and Sheldon, Jack



NASA Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC) REPORT NUMBER
P.O. Box 273
Edwards, California 93523-0273 H-2790


National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington, DC 20546-0001!
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Subject Category 62 Availability: NASA CASI (301) 621-0390! Distribution: Standard


Lux, Downing, and Sheldon, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. An electronic version can be found at or
Also presented as ITC 07-1062 at the 43rd Annual International Telemetering Conference (ITC) and Technical Exhibition 2007, Las Vegas, NV, October 22-25, 2007.

The Western Aeronautical Test Range (WATR) at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC) employs the WATR
Integrated Next Generation System (WINGS) for the processing and display of aeronautical flight data. This report discusses the
post-mission segment of the WINGS architecture. A team designed and implemented a system for the near- and long-term storage
and distribution of mission data for flight projects at DFRC, providing the user with intelligent access to data. Discussed are the
legacy system, an industry survey, system operational concept, high-level system features, and initial design efforts.


Databases, Flight test, Mission data, Systems engineering, Telemetry

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