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Functional Hazard Assessment for the eVTOL

Aircraft Supporting Urban Air Mobility (UAM)
Applications: Exploratory Demonstrations

Kim Wasson
Federated Safety, LLC, Crozet, Virginia

Natasha Neogi, Mallory Graydon, Jeffrey Maddalon, andPaul Miner

NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia

G. Frank McCormick
Certification Services, Inc., Eastsound, Washingston

April 2022
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Functional Hazard Assessment for the eVTOL

Aircraft Supporting Urban Air Mobility (UAM)
Applications: Exploratory Demonstrations

Kim Wasson
Federated Safety, LLC, Crozet, Virginia

Natasha Neogi, Mallory Graydon, Jeffrey Maddalon, and Paul Miner

NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia

G. Frank McCormick
Certification Services, Inc., Eastsound, Washingston

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Langley Research Center

Hampton, Virginia 23681-2199

April 2022
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration

Langley Research Center

Hampton, Virginia 23681-2199

February 2022
Abstract.......................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Dependability ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Regulatory Challenges .......................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 3
2 Regulatory Environment ...................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Candidate Certification Pathways ......................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 On the Part 23 Rewrite ................................................................................................ 6
2.1.2 Target Safety Levels ................................................................................................... 7
2.1.3 Hazard Assessment Basis ........................................................................................... 7
3 Reference System and Scenarios ......................................................................................... 7
3.1 Environment Features ........................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Aircraft Features ................................................................................................................. 10
3.3 Operational Scenario ........................................................................................................... 11
3.3.1 Phase 1: Lift to Hover (Takeoff) ............................................................................... 11
3.3.2 Phase 2: Transition to Forward Flight ...................................................................... 12
3.3.3 Phase 3: Climb to Enroute ........................................................................................ 12
3.3.4 Phase 4: Enroute ....................................................................................................... 12
3.3.5 Phase 5: Avoidance ................................................................................................... 12
3.3.6 Phase 6: Approach .................................................................................................... 12
3.3.7 Phase 7: Transition to Hover..................................................................................... 12
3.3.8 Phase 8: Set Down (Land) ........................................................................................ 12
3.4 High-level Safety Considerations ....................................................................................... 12
4 FHA Demonstration............................................................................................................ 12
4.1 FHA Process ....................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.1 Standard Practice ...................................................................................................... 13
4.1.2 Narration for this Application ................................................................................... 15
4.2 Selected Discussions ........................................................................................................... 22
4.2.1 Navigate Function ..................................................................................................... 23
4.2.2 Communicate Function ............................................................................................. 26
4.2.3 Transport Function .................................................................................................... 29

4.2.4 Aviate Function ......................................................................................................... 31
4.3 When Are We Done? .......................................................................................................... 36
4.4 Takeaways........................................................................................................................... 37
5 FHA in the Greater Development and Certification Process ......................................... 40
5.1 Relation to Other Safety Processes and to System Development ....................................... 40
5.2 Relation to Software Development ..................................................................................... 41
5.3 Relation to Certification in the Large ................................................................................. 41
6 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 42
7 References ............................................................................................................................ 43
8 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. 44
9 Appendix .............................................................................................................................. 44
9.1 Living Function Decomposition Table ............................................................................... 45
9.2 Living FHA Table ............................................................................................................... 47

AC advisory circular
AI artificial intelligence
ASTM ASTM International
ATC air traffic control
ATM/UTM air traffic management / unmanned traffic management
DAL design assurance level
DEP distributed electric propulsion
DEP distributed electric propulsion
eVTOL electric vertical takeoff and landing
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FHA function hazard assessment
FMEA failure modes and effects analysis
FTA fault tree analysis
GA general aviation
IFR instrument flight rules
M&S modeling and simulation
ML machine learning
MTA mission task analysis
NMAC near midair collision
OEM original equipment manufacturer
SAE SAE International
SDO standards development organization
SOTIF Safety of the Intended Functionality
SSA system safety assessment
SSA System Safety Assessment
SVO Simplified Vehicle Operations
TOLA take-off and landing area
UAM Urban Air Mobility
UAS unmanned aircraft systems
UID universal identifier
V&V verification and validation
VFR visual flight rules

VTOL vertical takeoff and landing

The active development community surrounding electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL)
aircraft has demonstrated potential to bring new technological capabilities to market, encouraging
visions of widespread and diverse Urban Air Mobility (UAM) applications. New capabilities
always come with safety considerations, some familiar and others less so. OEMs who intend to
obtain FAA type certification for their eVTOL designs must plan for and execute sufficient safety
engineering processes to demonstrate that credible hazards associated with these eVTOL designs
are adequately mitigated. This work provides an orientation for eVTOL stakeholders, especially
new entrants and those in hybrid roles, to the safety and regulatory context for assuring eVTOL
aircraft for UAM applications. We further present selections of functional hazard assessment
(FHA) performed on a reference eVTOL concept, with process and decision narration. The
exercise allows exploration of several safety considerations specific to eVTOL systems and
demonstrates the FHA process together with negotiation of some of its options and variations.

1 Introduction
Technological advances in power, propulsion, autonomy, and noise management in air vehicles
capable of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) have encouraged a diversity of new ideas for how
such systems can be used. The impending availability of VTOL aircraft running on hybrid or all-
electric power, with distributed propulsion configurations, and with the eventual likelihood of
autonomous navigation and control, opens avenues for a number of commercial, medical, and
humanitarian applications, especially in dense urban environments. Urban Air Mobility (UAM)
refers to the set of capabilities that allow safe and efficient transport of passengers and cargo by
air in these urban environments. These capabilities comprise vehicle technologies, airspace
management, and infrastructural support, together with their regulatory and social contexts.
Potential UAM applications include medical transport (patients, staff, organs), courier services,
search and rescue, and many others. The application receiving the most industry attention at
present, due to promising business cases as well as the backing and visibility generated by
companies like Uber, is on-demand personal air mobility, with air taxi as a focal example. The
very active personal air mobility development community is represented by at least 200 urban
VTOL aircraft concepts in design and demonstrator stages, by as many companies, covering the
continuum of size and experience [25]. Boeing, Bell, and Airbus are all here, as are many startups
with just a handful of staff, and everything in between. Each is bringing novel technical solutions
to engineering problems, many of which will find homes in the multiple niches that will likely
open in these markets.

1.1 Dependability
However, while these novel technical solutions are necessary to obtain access to this airspace and
operate in service to these new applications, they are not sufficient. All functional capability in
any system comes with a set of dependability objectives that must be met in order for the functional
capability to be relevant. If a system can perform a desirable function, but only with unacceptable
levels of safety or security or reliability, for example, then the system is not deployable.
FAA certification of the aircraft design is a main gate to prevent insufficiently dependable aircraft
from reaching deployment. As stated in [9], “The legal purpose of avionics certification is to
document a regulatory judgment that a device meets all applicable regulatory requirements and

can be manufactured properly.” Type design and additional certifications sit on foundations of
criteria and assurance designed to maintain acceptable levels of risk to the flying public, as well
as to third parties incidentally affected by these operations.
For this work we focus on safety. A main component of achieving certification is demonstration
that all of the safety requirements of the design are known, understood, and satisfied. This is
conventionally done via a rigorous system safety assessment process (SSA) that is well-
documented in the aerospace community and outlined later in this report.
Demonstrating that the safety requirements for these systems are known, understood, and satisfied
is a significant challenge due to the novelty and complexity of the systems and their target
environments. A number of ongoing community discussions center on safety issues that have new
sources, new severities, or otherwise new profiles relative to familiar instances. Some will be
explored in this report. Rigorous SSA provides a methodical approach to establishing the safety
demonstration, as well as a common conceptual model to support OEM engagement with the

1.2 Regulatory Challenges

The UAM community faces a number of challenges to commercial electric vertical takeoff and
landing (eVTOL) aircraft deployment that set it apart from aviation development practice of the
last few decades.
First, many OEMs and individual practitioners in this community are new entrants, as this
application space draws on expertise from a variety of sources, and its compelling complex
problems attract outside interest and talent. Many of these stakeholders also fill hybrid roles,
performing several functions within a busy organization, and learning one or more of these roles
on the job. OEMs actively developing aircraft concepts in this space range from large, mature
organizations with established safety practice, to small, new manufacturers with promising
technical expertise but minimal exposure to aviation safety practice or to the aerospace regulatory
environment. Those with less exposure will have learning curves to navigate as they determine
ways to identify and satisfy safety requirements consistent with certification expectations.
Second, the regulatory environment itself is also in transition. In the last few years several changes
have occurred that provide updated guidance and specific allowances relevant to the increasing
diversity of type designs and development methods. While these changes generally increase
flexibility for OEMs in showing compliance, they also create another learning curve, both for
OEMs and the regulators enforcing them. These challenges will be further discussed in section 2.
That said, while some surrounding regulation is in transition, most is stable. Importantly, the safety
assessment practice that supports it is also stable and will remain a foundation to safety
demonstration regardless of changes to criteria and standards.
Earl Lawrence is Executive Director of the Aircraft Certification Service at FAA. At a recent
symposium on the challenges to eVTOL aircraft certification, he offered the following:
We really don’t care about your business case or how much money you are going
to make. We look to make sure all the safety risks are mitigated. When you come
to us start with safety. That’s our focus, that’s what all our regulations are built
around. If you always come in with safety, you will keep moving forward.

One of the best ways to bolster a safety case is to liberally adopt industry standards, Lawrence
counseled, citing the “huge benefit” derived from the use of industry consensus standards [17].
That is, despite the ongoing transitions in regulatory frameworks, coupled with the diversity and
pace of technical development in this area, the best strategy for OEMs seeking type certification
is (1) to focus on safety, and (2) to address safety via established best practice.
In this work, we will overview the regulatory backdrop to eVTOL type certification and
demonstrate execution of the process that anchors accepted safety assessment practice in
aerospace, functional hazard assessment (FHA). We will perform example FHA activities on
elements of a reference system concept consistent with features and operations of many eVTOL
aircraft in development and narrate this execution. The examples chosen will allow exploration of
some safety considerations specific to eVTOL aircraft, and the FHA narration will provide
execution guidance not available in applicable standards.

1.3 Scope
This work defines a reference eVTOL concept and a number of operational scenarios consistent
with systems in development in the community and their intended applications. Considerations of
the certification basis for this aircraft are also addressed. These entities are defined in enough detail
to enable the execution of high-level FHA activities for exploration and demonstration purposes.
This work focuses on safety hazards of the aircraft design, with some attention to operation. Other
significant considerations for UAM, such as infrastructure and traffic management, are only
addressed here as they arise in connection with aircraft design hazards under discussion.

1.4 Purpose
The purpose of this work is to orient UAM stakeholders, especially new entrants and those in
hybrid roles, to the safety and regulatory context and responsibilities for eVTOL aircraft safety
assurance. Toward this purpose, we conduct the following activities:
1. We introduce FHA and execute selections for a reference eVTOL aircraft, providing
demonstration and guidance in the application of this SSA anchor.
2. We examine several high-level eVTOL aircraft hazards in some detail to spotlight safety
challenges specific to these target systems in their target environments.
We do this from a system-safety perspective using a hypothetical reference system, to provide a
concrete set of examples supporting community orientation and discussion.

2 Regulatory Environment
It is possible that “a new avionics device might be brilliantly conceived and flawlessly designed
yet ineligible for certification” [9]. This quote highlights the notion that building a system and
demonstrating its readiness for certification are two different things. Subtler is the consideration
that a brilliant conception and flawless build are only brilliant and flawless with reference to a set
of criteria. An OEM can build an eVTOL aircraft that brilliantly and flawlessly accomplishes a
particular function, but certification will require the following:
1. The OEM can back up that achievement with appropriate substantiation accessible to a
third party.

2. The risks of undesired system behavior have also been identified and mitigated with
appropriate and accessible substantiation.
That is, demonstrated functional achievement is necessary but not sufficient for certification.
There is a popular notion in the UAM community that the technology to enable desired capabilities
is already here and that the immaturity of regulations is creating a bottleneck to progress [12]. The
situation is quite a bit more complicated than this. There have been great advances in distributed
electric propulsion (DEP), energy density of batteries, autonomous control, and other eVTOL-
enabling technologies. However,
1. vehicle design is only one part of a complex problem; infrastructure such as vertiports and
energy grid considerations and air traffic management in new and complex airspaces need
also to be developed, each requiring significant systems design and development in
addition to regulatory involvement; and
2. advances in functionality require complementary advances in assuring the safety of that
new functionality, itself to be deployed in complex new environments. These safety
criteria, standards, and methods of compliance are also developing. This supports, though
is distinct from, regulation. Regulation will look to and assess these advances in order to
stabilize regulatory expectations, but the safety analyses and their design ramifications are
technical problems largely in immature states of solution.
Further, regardless of level of uncertainty in the development context, “[o]n any new project, it is
unwise to presume that all regulatory requirements are known” [9]. That is, any new system
development, even for something familiar and well-understood, contains surprises. For these
eVTOL systems, there will be many, against an also-moving backdrop. Currently available
certification pathways for eVTOL aircraft are developing, are not standardized, and are best
described on a case-by-case basis. Starting points are described in section 2.1
The implication is that OEMs should plan to work with their regulators, early and often, to establish
the certification basis and compliance expectations for their type design and all of its component
systems: “applicants are encouraged to start a dialogue with certification authorities as early in the
process as possible to reach a common understanding of means of achieving compliance […] This
is especially important as new technology is applied to avionics and as new personnel enter the
field” [24]. As a part of this, the OEM must demonstrate to the regulator early that it is capable
and prepared to properly identify and realize the safety objectives for the system. The OEM must
work with the regulator to agree on the plan, and then the OEM must track and fulfill the plan
(with periodic regulator oversight). As a prerequisite to eVTOL aircraft certification, the OEM
must ultimately substantiate the assertion, to FAA’s satisfaction, that the system is adequately safe.

2.1 Candidate Certification Pathways

At the time of this writing, there is much active discussion on possible certification pathways for
commercial eVTOL aircraft in the U.S., and no eVTOL design has yet set a precedent [23]. This
significantly complicates the OEMs’ task of drafting a certification basis to propose to the FAA
and to guide system development.
As aircraft, eVTOL vehicles will be subject to the 14 CFR Part 21 baseline regulations for type
and airworthiness certification and other approvals for aircraft [2]. This is where the certainty ends.
In accordance with the size and weight of these aircraft, Part 23 airworthiness standards for small

airplanes have relevance to the discussion, but do not address all factors. Because many of these
systems have rotors in addition to wings or do not have wings, the Part 27 airworthiness standards
for rotorcraft also have relevance and also do not address all factors. Other parts similarly have
potential application.
Further, Part 21 separates regular (Part 21.17(a)) from special class (Part 21.17(b)) aircraft. A
regular aircraft classified as a particular type must meet all of the requirements for the type, plus
any special conditions derived through the negotiation between FAA and the OEM. Special
conditions are line-item additions to the certification basis to account for a system’s divergence
from available regulation. A special class aircraft, on the other hand, is one that does not conform
satisfactorily to any single type definition, and its certification basis is constructed by parts through
custom assignment of applicable criteria drawn from relevant types, for example, from Part 23 for
small airplanes and from Part 27 for rotorcraft. A certification basis for a special class aircraft is
sometimes viewed as entirely a complex special condition.
While it might seem straightforward to assume that a certification basis in accordance with Part
21.17(b) (special class) makes the most sense because it can cover in a customized way every new
configuration, the issue is more complicated. The industry and the public benefit from the
deliberate development of well-thought-out regulations with the big picture in mind. If every new
aircraft concept gets a completely idiosyncratic certification basis, the means of normalizing
expectations for performance and substantiation suffer, and therefore so do the build and
evaluation processes. This serves nobody.
Rather, the community is currently in the thick of discussions about what it would mean for an
eVTOL aircraft to be classified as
 a Part 23 normal category airplane under Part 21.17(a), with or without special conditions
(the latter is difficult to imagine here);
 a Part 27 normal category rotorcraft, with or without special conditions (again, the latter is
difficult to imagine here);
 a special class aircraft under Part 21.17(b); or
 any of a number of other less prominent but still possible options.
In addition, the community is discussing
 which criteria and methods of compliance from Parts 23, 27, and others apply in what ways
to the configurations in development;
 what kinds of special conditions would make sense for these purposes as extensions to
Parts 23 or 27;
 which new considerations are not yet covered at all and require entirely new regulation;
 how many pathways we need, and how few can reasonably fulfill the objectives; and
 how all of these issues and their potential resolutions in the U.S. interact with the same
discussions being had in Europe and elsewhere.
The certification pathway(s) for eVTOL aircraft will not stabilize immediately. There appears to
be consensus across the FAA and industry right now that the first several eVTOL designs to be
type certified will be case-by-case undertakings from which we will learn and gain experience to
help make the necessary decisions to normalize the process. Against this backdrop, several factors
impact the tasks of identifying the safety requirements for these systems and demonstrating their
satisfaction. Some of these are elaborated below.
2.1.1 On the Part 23 Rewrite
14 CFR Part 23 recently underwent a significant rewrite that completed in 2017 [3]. The rewrite
shifts compliance requirements for airworthiness standards for small airplanes toward
performance-based assessment, focusing more on desired properties to be shown and less on
prescribed process. This came partially in response to both the explosion of features and
technologies in development and to the multiplication of development methods. Performance-
based assessment relieves both the OEM and the regulator from attempting to manage all of that
diversity prescriptively, and instead puts the focus on how the resulting system behaves. For
aircraft subject to Part 23 criteria, to include most eVTOL aircraft in some way, this update
provides some demonstration relief to OEMs with regard to process requirements, and this relief
can be significant where certain conventionally-required processes have become incongruent to
current needs over time. Makers must still justify claims of performance and safety, but methods
of justification are more flexible [14].
With this flexibility comes a new burden: OEMs must now evaluate and decide among options for
showing compliance, and new options do not arrive fully formed. With the Part 23 rewrite, the
FAA is allowing industry some space to develop new means of substantiating performance claims.
The FAA is also expecting industry to step up with innovation here, proposing and maturing
criteria and means of compliance that are sound and convincing and that can begin to populate
new certification toolboxes. Several standards development organizations (SDOs) are working on
foundations to establish options for acceptable means and methods to meet performance-based
requirements (e.g., ASTM, SAE).1 Safety is a primary topic in these discussions, from
substantiation of safety requirements to the assurance levels warranted by different development
choices, to which methods are eligible for certification credit toward achieving target assurance
levels. For eVTOL aircraft, these discussions further include rationale for the applicability or
inapplicability of performance and safety criteria, whether new or sourced from existing standards,
as well as new means of substantiation.
In all versions of the most likely certification pathways in consideration for eVTOL aircraft, 21
CFR Part 23 is expected to be directly applicable in whole or in part, including the system safety
compliance requirements. While the rewrite offers the potential for flexibility in substantiation
data, Part 23 compliance still rests on a foundation of practice for system development, software
development, hardware development, and safety. FAA advisory circulars recognize particular
standards for each of these areas as acceptable means of compliance. For safety, AC 23.1309.1E
[22] provides guidance and also recognizes SAE ARP4761, Guidelines and Methods for
Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and Equipment [10].
In other words, a safety requirement provoked by mitigation of a hazard might now be verifiable
through potentially new means. However, it is still strongly recommended that identification of
the hazard and design of the mitigation in accordance with target assurance levels are accomplished
via conventional system safety assessment practice.

More generally there is ongoing work supporting the effective realization of performance-based assessment at
various levels, for example, the FAA’s Overarching Properties project [1] and increasing activity in structured
argument and assurance cases.
2.1.2 Target Safety Levels
In determining whether hazards have been adequately mitigated, the achieved levels of mitigation
must be compared to target safety levels defined in accordance with the certification basis
established for the aircraft. These target safety levels then map to required design assurance levels
(DALs) for system functions and components, that are satisfied through development evidence. At
the time of this writing, the target safety levels in discussion for eVTOL aircraft are evolving and
derive from a risk-based classification framework in development by FAA. This framework takes
into account considerations like the kinetic energy of the aircraft configuration, the passenger
capacity, and other contributors to risk estimation. Because these aircraft have significantly lower
mass and passenger capacity than conventional airliners, it is possible we will see some
certification bases in the U.S. with target safety levels slightly relaxed from those of commercial
airliners. This would affect the required substantiation data, but not the structure of the safety
assessment process.
In parallel, EASA has recently released a document entitled Special Condition for Small-Category
Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) Aircraft (SC-VTOL-01) that specifies the current
European regulatory requirements for eVTOL designs [19]. In the environments characteristic of
air taxi operations, SC-VTOL-01 expects a target level of safety for these aircraft in line with that
of commercial airliners. Reasons for and impacts of this difference are beyond the scope of this
work, other than to note that this channel also relies foundationally on a rigorous SSA process.

2.1.3 Hazard Assessment Basis

Section 2.1.1 introduced the Part 23 compliance foundations, including specific recognition by
advisory circulars of acceptable means of compliance. The industry standards SAE ARP4754A
[11] for systems, SAE ARP4761 [10] for safety, RTCA DO-178C [18] for software, and RTCA
DO-254 [5] for hardware work together with specific interfaces and shared information to create
a combined process that, implemented with fidelity, establishes a strong foundation toward
certifiability. While the FAA states in each associated advisory circular that these standards do not
represent the only acceptable means, the FAA expectation is that an OEM that intends to deviate
from this framework will coordinate this intention with the FAA early in the certification program
and obtain acceptance of the alternate plan.
The hazard assessment demonstration documented in the remaining sections is presented within
the context of these development and safety process standards, recognizing that ultimate
performance requirements and means of compliance (in fact most of the certification basis) will
remain in development for the foreseeable future, modulo case-by case evaluations for the first
applicants. Early applicants will contribute to precedent. Submissions that successfully
demonstrate hazard identification and mitigation for the novel technologies in question and the
novel methods supporting their development will help shape follow-on expectations.

3 Reference System and Scenarios

The aircraft FHA begins from an aircraft function list. The function list for this demonstration
FHA is derived from the reference system and scenarios described in this section. The FHA
reference scenario presented here extends an intra-metro air shuttle mission scenario that has arisen

in community discussion to describe an intermediate state of UAM maturity.2 This intermediate
maturity scenario provides piloted air metro services between high-density ground and air
transport hubs; in the mature state, these missions are envisioned to be autonomous. In the air
shuttle mission scenario, air vehicles of multiple types serve users who require transport between
these hubs and who embark and disembark at designated UAMports and/or take-off and landing
areas (TOLAs). Air shuttles fly predefined routes, allowing significant use of strategic conflict
management, for example flight planning and procedural separation. Tactical conflict management
is additionally employed to address remaining encounters. Both VFR and IFR operations are
supported. Air shuttles may be yielded right of way due to limited maneuverability.
The air shuttle scenario further considers how users will locate UAM ports, acquire tickets,
progress through security, and be assessed along with their luggage in support of weight and
balance calculations for the flight. As we are focused here on aircraft system hazards, these
considerations are out of scope for current purposes. The FHA reference scenario specified below
is confined to the period from when the vehicle initiates transit under its own power to when it
comes to rest, ceasing this control. Pre- and post-flight commercial and related activities are
therefore also out of scope for this FHA demonstration activity.
Likewise, since the model FHA is focused on the aircraft system and functions, other systems and
functions such as those of the Air Traffic Management system and vertiport infrastructure are
beyond current scope, though dependencies between the aircraft and these systems will be
referenced later in the discussion.
Performance requirements of the aircraft, levied to enable integration with these and other systems,
remain in scope insofar as they become part of the aircraft specification.
Figure 1 illustrates the aircraft system boundary relative to these other systems with which it
interacts. The shaded area is the focus for this analysis, in the context of these other systems.

While these informal scenario descriptions frequently anchor stakeholder discussions, they do not yet appear to be
publicly documented. As NASA’s UAM Grand Challenge program proceeds, scenarios will be refined, and,
eventually, made public. For our purposes, the current informal inputs are sufficient.
Social and Regulatory Systems/Environment

ATM/UTM Aircraft Infrastructure

System System Systems

Figure 1: Interacting System Boundaries

For purposes of FHA, note also that the aircraft system design includes all users. Passengers and
any pilot(s) or operator(s) are first-person parties to various aircraft functions and therefore also
factor into the specifications and mitigations of associated hazards.
The reference scenario defined below further specifies some aspects of a model environment,
aircraft, and user interaction (both pilots and passengers) with the vehicle system, in order to allow
the identification of functions upon which to conduct the demonstration hazard assessment. We
present one of many possible design concepts, and the design space represented currently within
the air taxi community is quite large. Some of the prominent design dimensions include the
 Control. Piloted and autonomous concepts are both represented, as well as combinations
 Propulsion. Fully-electric and hybrid-electric-combustion concepts are both represented.
 Lift mechanism. Wing-borne and vertical-lift concepts are both represented, as well as
combinations that transition between the two.
 Configuration. Fixed and tilt-rotor/-wing concepts are both represented.
Each of these dimensions provokes specific questions in the SSA and hazard assessment. Aircraft
concepts that transition from vertical to forward flight and back are particularly interesting in this
regard and create new challenges for hazard mitigation that we will discuss later in this work.
We have specified a concept within this space, consistent with the intermediate maturity stage
scenario described above. Where some alternative design choices are likely to be salient, we will
narrate additional safety considerations within the demonstration. The remainder of section 3
outlines the system concept upon which we will base our assessment.

3.1 Environment Features

The operating environment for this reference scenario mirrors that of the eVTOL concepts in active
development for UAM. In particular, we consider operations characterized by the following:

 A service area focused on a large modern city, with features including an urban
metropolitan landscape, a variety of building heights including high-rises, a major airport
hub, and active road and/or building construction including large equipment and cranes.
 Shared airspace with other manned and unmanned air traffic, VTOL and otherwise, and
some standard of ATM/UTM in place.3
 A weather continuum spanning northern U.S. winters and southern U.S. summers, with
representative temperature ranges, precipitation rates, and wind profiles.
 Infrastructure sufficient to address battery charging, dispatch, passenger management, and
other associated needs, which can include TOLAs of various levels of sophistication from
cleared fields to purpose-built vertiports.4

The development of requisite energy and transportation infrastructure, together with the
development of traffic management policy and systems addressing deployment of these systems
in these airspaces, can be seen as two additional pillars supporting the goals of UAM. These are
as critical to the mission as the aircraft themselves, and though they are not the focus of this
exercise, some important dependencies will be noted in the discussion.

3.2 Aircraft Features

The aircraft for this reference scenario represents features common to many of the design concepts
in active development in the eVTOL space. Since there are over 200 active concepts as of this
writing, and many dimensions in which they vary, no single specification can represent them all.
The design used for this activity is based on feature choices that are both well-represented in the
active design space and provide opportunities for discussion of hazards arising from some of the
differences between these and traditional aircraft.
The aircraft for this reference scenario is characterized by the following:
 Distributed electric propulsion (DEP) realized by 6–8 independently controllable
motor/rotor pairs.
 Vertical takeoff and landing capability combined with wing-borne forward flight, enabled
by a combination of rotors and wings which may be fixed or tilting.
 Piloted control with possible limited autonomous capability, representing the intermediate
stage of UAM capability maturity.5

The development of ATM/UTM support for heterogenous aircraft operations in dense urban environments is, like
other components of UAM, developing. While the specification of the eventual systems is as yet unknown, the
requirements and hazards of these traffic management solutions are in active analysis in parallel with development of
the aircraft systems themselves.
The development of urban infrastructure sufficient to support UAM operations is, like other components of UAM,
developing. While the specifications for power provision, dispatch, passenger management, and other features of
TOLAs and vertiports are as yet unknown, the requirements and hazards of these entities are in active analysis in
parallel with development of the aircraft systems themselves.
Though the mature state for most of the concepts in active development includes significant autonomous capability,
technology development and public acceptance drivers indicate an intermediate state where these systems will be
controlled by onboard pilots or operators.
 Design/configuration for passenger transit, up to five persons, one of which will be the
pilot6; this implies, for example, requirements for HVAC support, seating, passenger
restraints, ingress/egress, etc.
 Commuter distance flight ranges within and across metropolitan areas, up to 50 nm and
FL100; this implies, for example, no requirement for cabin pressurization, but an analog to
conventional fuel reserve requirements is in active discussion in the community.
 Position reporting and communications appropriate to support ATM/UTM in a form to be
 Navigation appropriate to support precision route-following within the reduced separation
minima likely to characterize the target urban environments.
 Sensing appropriate to support encounter/conflict detection.
 Transponding appropriate to support cooperative conflict management.

3.3 Operational Scenario

We next define a hypothetical operational scenario bounded by vehicle power engagement and
disengagement broken into eight flight phases.7 In this scenario, all phases are executed under pilot
control, since this is a piloted scenario representing an intermediate-maturity UAM capability.
There are options for decomposition of the scenario into flight phases. This decomposition was
chosen in order to
1. maintain consistency with the takeoff/climb/enroute/approach/land decomposition
commonly used for conventional aircraft; and
2. distinguish additional flight phases of potential salience resulting from relative differences
in associated risk profiles.
This latter objective derives from direction in SAE ARP4761: “The FHA should identify the
failure conditions for each phase of flight when the failure effects and classifications vary from
one flight phase to another” [10]. This results in a decomposition with an additional phase change
for each of the transitions in lift mechanism for this aircraft, since the risk profile changes at these
transitions. In addition, we have for this demonstration identified “avoidance” as an explicit phase,
for purposes of forcing specific analytic attention there during the FHA activity, on the premise
that the denser airspace environment and novel encounter scenarios suggest potential changes to
the risk profile during avoidance activities.8 The eight flight phases are as follows:
1. Lift to Hover (Takeoff). The aircraft departs vertically from the pad at the origin
TOLA and attains altitude appropriate to transition.

Concepts in active development tend toward two to five passengers for this air metro scenario, resulting from a
tradeoff sweet spot in balancing market drivers with size, weight, and power needs and the associated noise
implications. Specifically, any market for larger capacity aircraft is dampened by the undesired technical side effects
of the increased aircraft size.
In the baseline scenario specification, these event boundaries refer to engagement and disengagement as intended
behavior. Unintended power engagement that occurs prior to block-off is beyond the scope of the scenario. Unintended
power disengagement that occurs prior to block-on is within scope and is addressed within the FHA as resulting from
a functional failure, creating a hazard of loss of power.
Because FHA is iterative, such provisional decisions may be reversed upon availability of analytic results that favor
an alternate organization. Given this flexibility, it is recommended to choose to provide for (vs. not provide for) such
potentially relevant considerations and reevaluate as results warrant.
2. Transition to Forward Flight. The aircraft transitions from reliance on a vertical lift
mechanism(s) to reliance on a forward flight lift mechanism(s). Note: this transition
might or might not involve a reconfiguration, such as rotor tilt, depending on the
concept design.
3. Climb to Enroute. The aircraft continues gaining altitude until reaching the target
altitude for enroute flight.
4. Enroute. The aircraft flies its course at target altitude.
5. Avoidance. The aircraft maneuvers to deconflict with a detected collision hazard. Note:
conflict detection can rely on some degree of autonomy, depending on the concept. In
this demonstration, the onboard pilot still has the responsibility to see and avoid in
accordance with 14 CFR 91.113 [4].
6. Approach. The aircraft decreases altitude until reaching the target altitude for
7. Transition to Hover. The aircraft transitions from reliance on a forward flight lift
mechanism(s) to reliance on a vertical lift mechanism(s). Note: this transition might or
might not involve a reconfiguration, such as rotor tilt, depending on the concept design.
8. Set Down (Land). The aircraft descends through remaining altitude vertically and
lands on the pad at the destination TOLA.

3.4 High-level Safety Considerations

This reference aircraft in this reference environment shares high-level safety considerations
common to all passenger-carrying aircraft. In particular, throughout execution of intended
functionality, associated risks to persons (both on- and off-board), property, and the environment
must all be adequately managed. Traditionally, these needs raise questions regarding the ability to
reliably fly the aircraft, and the ability to reliably avoid collisions.
These universal considerations will factor in our analysis from the beginning and be joined by
considerations specific to this aircraft and how it can achieve (or fail to achieve) these basic
performance requirements.
How we identify, break down, and prepare to address these and other safety needs, is the focus of
the next section.

4 FHA Demonstration
FHA is a process to focus performer attention systematically on system and operational conditions
that could prove hazardous, and to define associated safety requirements for the system. It is, in
effect, structured brainstorming, its effectiveness boosted by ensuring the representation of domain
expertise, cross-functional thinking, and raw imagination in the team conducting it.
FHA is the origin process for system safety assessment: it identifies hazards and sets safety
objectives for the system. The later, comprehensive system safety assessment (SSA) will then
show that the implemented system meets the safety objectives established by the FHA [10]. This
makes FHA critical to the eventual safety argument for the delivered system; it is impossible to
say the hazards have been adequately mitigated unless the hazards are first identified and assessed.
This section documents how we executed FHA for selected considerations of our aircraft design
with reference to its intended operational environment. With this exercise we intend to demonstrate
the process for new entrants, with attention to approach and decision considerations not provided
in the standards. In addition, we present examples that illuminate specific features and challenges
of the UAM application domain.
Type certification for any aircraft requires demonstration that hazards for the type design in
question have been adequately assessed and mitigated. Since there is significant novelty here in
both the designs and the environment, the hazard list will be unique, and the mitigations will
include new and different means, relative to more conventional applications. The FHA establishes
the profiles of the hazards to be mitigated and the bases for their mitigation.
Since FHA and SSA are critical to the acceptability of the delivered system, the development plan
for any type design should provide for dedicated resources and personnel for these activities.
Someone within the organization must own the safety process, manage its execution, ensure its
validation, and sign it off. The new entrant OEM is advised to resource this process appropriately
and early.

4.1 FHA Process

FHA discharges its obligations to SSA through an iterative, stepwise process designed to uncover
cause-and-effect relationships and prioritize them for response. The analyst performing an FHA
considers functions at the most appropriate level and “identifies failure conditions and the
associated classifications while considering both loss of functions and malfunctions” [10]. FHA
provides for the identification of functions, the independent consideration of each function and its
possible failure conditions, identification of potential consequences, and the assignment of
associated severity. Functional failures are considered at both the aircraft level and at the level of
supporting systems, individually and sometimes in combination [10]. For this effort, we focus on
individual failures at the aircraft level.

4.1.1 Standard Practice

FHA is used across safety-critical applications from multiple industries, as well as in both the
commercial and defense sectors. Two safety standards in active use that include FHA are the civil
standard SAE ARP4761, Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment Process
on Civil Airborne Systems and Equipment [10], and the defense standard MIL-STD-882E, the
Department of Defense Standard Practice for System Safety [21]. The FAA’s AC 23.1309-1E
offers some elaboration on how to comply to SAE ARP4761 and includes some high-level
example hazards presented in a representative table format [22]. With some variations, the FHA
guidance provided in these and other documents is foundationally consistent. While referencing
consensus standards for concreteness, we will focus our presentation on the foundations common
across recognized best practice. That is, it is ultimately most important to surface and sort the
relevant cause-and-effect relationships sufficiently to enable appropriate management. With this
in mind, we will also point out some process variations and options and how they might be
Consistent with established practice, we first identify and decompose the aircraft-level functions.
This is accomplished via the following process:
1. Begin with an expected core function list. This is a high-level function list that
enumerates and organizes the core functions of any aircraft. Some generic lists are
available in the literature, standards, and other regulatory documents [10, 16, 22]. Others
are proprietary to aircraft manufacturers. For this demonstration, we began with the

function list provided in SAE ARP4761 [10] together with the additional organization and
analysis provided by Hayhurst et al. [16].
2. Customize this core function list using inputs specific to the system in development.
These inputs can usually be sourced from early conceptual documents for the system, and
should include, but are not limited to
a. aircraft objectives and customer requirements, for example, passenger-carrying
capacity, range, etc.;
b. initial design decisions, for example, take-off geometry, engine type (combustion
vs. electric), etc.; and
c. results of targeted discovery activities such as mission task analysis (MTA),
intended to support early requirements and function identification.

We will elaborate on function identification and decomposition in section 4.1.2.

Then, given the function list as customized to the aircraft in development, we conduct the
systematic functional failure analysis. This begins as a top-down process outlined by the following

1. For each function at the target level of abstraction, consider how the function can fail.
The rigor of this step can be modulated with further prompts, for example, there can be a
malfunction, a delay of function, absent function, and potentially other variations. The
effects in each of these scenarios can be considered.
2. For each functional failure, define the resulting failure condition(s), or hazardous
state(s), if any. Terminology here varies across the community. In either case, we are
referring to a state (the hazard) that results from an event (the functional failure).
3. For each identified hazard, consider possible consequences. These are the undesired
possible outcomes should the hazard be activated. These consequences might be actual
losses or might be additional hazardous states.
4. For identified consequences, assign severity classifications. This is usually done in
accordance with an applicable convention associated with the regulatory pathway.
5. For those hazards posing risk above a threshold (as defined elsewhere in the program’s
system safety process), propose mitigations. Mitigations are design changes that manage
the risk exposure presented by a hazard, and they become new safety requirements as they
are selected and stabilized.

While the process begins top-down, it will surface additional information that will generate
feedback loops and iteration. For example, some hazards will cause consequences that will imply
the existence of additional functions not yet captured in the top-down phase. We provide examples
of this and other process flow considerations in later sections. On Limitations of Standards

We noted that standards and other available guidance are largely foundationally consistent but do
show some variation. In addition, while they describe an assessment process, these sources
generally do not provide realistic examples of conceptual options and decisions that must be
negotiated by the FHA team during execution of the analysis.

A number of such considerations appear in actual application, and we address some of them
explicitly in this work, such as the following:
 Need for a fault model. Standards are good at prescribing high-level steps, and less good
at conveying a mental model from which the steps can be derived. We anchor the hazard
assessment in a system states-and-events model that supports identification and relation of
the failures, hazards, and consequences in causal chains and nets.
 Terminology. Sources vary in their uses of terms for similar and overlapping concepts.
We source and define our terms, and address variation and selection where applicable.
 Table organization. We discuss some of the options for what classes of data to track in
the table and how we made our decisions.
 Type hygiene. Instances of data captured into the table should follow rules of mutual
consistency and applicability in order to support valid analysis. We introduce the notion of
type hygiene and how we apply it here.
The first item in particular provides guidance when faced with a common hazard assessment
pitfall. As analysis proceeds, it will sometimes be the case that a failure appears to produce many
hazards. This might be true, or it might require additional examination in order to identify further
dependencies among the identified hazards. Some will result only indirectly from the initial failure,
realized upon a second or later failure of a different function. Part of the value of using a fault
model with FHA is in providing the framework to separate and trace these layered states and events
and their dependencies. This separation and tracing enables more direct treatment of individual
hazard profiles and surfacing of additional information about the associated functions. We will
return to this discussion later in the execution narration.

4.1.2 Narration for this Application

This section describes the workflow by which we executed the FHA together with the conceptual
drivers at each step. We begin by establishing a core function list and then conducting a functional
decomposition in order to have a starting point for the identification of hazards. We then assess
those hazards for potential consequences and associated severity, and then speculate mitigations
in accordance with severity and the hazard sources. Once we have this initial top-down draft, we
speculate storylines oriented on particular hazards for discussion. Through these storylines, we
surface and collect additional considerations, including functions missed in the initial
decomposition. Insights and observations from the exercise are elaborated as they occur and
generalized to takeaways later in section 4.4.
The narration of this FHA exercise includes details of the actual process as executed by this team,
including decision bases, false starts, and dead ends. This is intentional; FHA is a structured but
informal process and much of the noise of its execution is unaddressed by the standards. Its value
is in what it surfaces, but it does not surface anything until the analysis team finds traction with a
conceptual organization. We explored several paths into and within the analysis in order to find
and maintain traction. Some of these will be discussed later in this report. One takeaway is that
there is not a single right way to perform the various conceptual sorting tasks inherent to FHA.
The goal is to force out relevant considerations and follow them through for implications.
Notably, some OEMs and other development organizations maintain proprietary baseline function
and hazard lists derived and refined over previous developments. To get to this point, an
organization must have sufficient experience, both with successful applications as well as with

challenges that led to lessons, to warrant codification in a more permanent reference artifact. These
artifacts provide a more advanced starting point for an FHA but must still be customized to the
new application. Further, this customization becomes significant if the new application is very
different from previous ones.
The current exercise does not begin from such a reference artifact. Rather, this exercise begins
from first principles, applying the FHA method to an entirely new system and starting from a blank
sheet of paper. We do this to demonstrate for new entrants the process of getting started, and to
overview the kinds of considerations that are raised, the decisions that must be made, and their
implications. This kind of amplification is not provided in the standards, and where sometimes
exercised in academic system safety curricula, it is there generally divorced from the particular
challenges of novel systems in evolving regulatory environments. This work demonstrates FHA
from first principles on a timely eVTOL concept in the current context of many new entrants and
significant regulatory uncertainty.
The remainder of this section describes the application of FHA, foundationally consistent with
SAE ARP4761, to the reference eVTOL aircraft described in section 3.
For the orientation purposes of this demonstration, we focus on the aircraft-level hazard
assessment. Hazard assessment for supporting systems would proceed once requirements and
design decisions for that level had reached suitable definition.
We further address single functional failures, as well as examples of cascading failures and their
relation to hazards. Examination of multiple simultaneous failures is beyond the scope of this
work, though it must also be completed for production efforts in accordance with standard safety
practice. Function List

The aviation community (including the FAA) generally recognizes Aviate, Navigate, and
Communicate as the top-level primary functions of any aircraft, with Aviate as the highest priority
[7]. This is independent of aircraft type, mission, and other variables such as level of autonomy.
For example, whether pilot- or software-controlled, the first priority is to fly the plane, and to do
nothing else unless the aircraft is in controlled flight. While under positive control, the other top-
level functions are to navigate the aircraft to its destination, and to communicate with bodies such
as Air Traffic Control (ATC) in accordance with regulation such that airspace management can be
maintained. Most aircraft function lists will include Aviate, Navigate, and Communicate at the top.
To this set, we add Transport as this is the primary motivating function for our reference eVTOL
aircraft. The eVTOL aircraft described in section 3 exists to transport people and/or cargo
commuter distances within an urban environment.
Other top-level functions may be considered in accordance with intended missions and
capabilities. For example, one documented application of FHA to unmanned aircraft systems
(UAS) includes Mitigate, on the premise that the unmanned systems under consideration will
perform many monitoring, deconfliction, and other activities traditionally under the responsibility
of an onboard pilot [16]. In order to channel focused analytic attention to these activities, Mitigate

was identified as a top-level function for that effort.9 As autonomy enters and takes over more
responsibility for control of eVTOL aircraft for UAM, safety engineers should also take into
account such considerations. For this effort, and accordance with the presence of an onboard pilot
in our reference scenario, we have classed this set of airspace integration functions under Aviate.
Another potential top-level function we discarded, but which might be appropriate for other
analyses, is a cross-cutting Manage Systems function, on the premise that there are many activities
that can be batched and addressed for their commonalities this way. In the current case, we found
the decomposition more straightforward if we included instances of such potential classes where
they arose rather than batching them. For example, there are sub-functions involving various sorts
of monitoring under both Aviate and Navigate.
Thus, for the current effort, we stabilized to the following four top-level functions:
 Aviate
 Navigate
 Communicate
 Transport
It is of note that the sources and decisions described above are typical but only make up a small
subset of the inputs and negotiation that resulted in our core function list. More accurately, six
team members from a range of technical and regulatory backgrounds considered over twenty
source documents in order to propose candidate functions and negotiated over several meetings to
arrive at these four. While it is reasonable to assume an experienced team working on a more
conventional aircraft might take a more direct path, it is strongly recommended that programs
involving new entrants and/or novel configurations start from the beginning. It is through this
exploration and negotiation that the foundation of the mental model is established. Function Decomposition

We then decomposed these four functions through at least two levels (some further depending on
the function and saliency of abstraction). In general, we trialed decomposition choices and levels
of abstraction using reference sources as applicable, in combination with several areas of domain
expertise represented in our team and negotiated consensus. We proceeded far enough to arrive at
a minimum of two levels of decomposition for several interesting paths while ensuring a selection
of examples across the main functions for narration purposes.
Note that there are many possible decompositions, and many of them are useful.10 The idea here
is that we are not looking for a single objectively-correct decomposition because it does not exist;
there is not one ring to rule them all.11 Rather, we are looking for decomposition strategies that
allow us to identify and force out features of relevance. Consider a simple example of colored
shapes. Since the entities have both shape and color, they can be grouped in at least these two
dimensions; we can sort the squares separately from the circles or the red ones separately from the
blue ones. However, what we’re doing next with these colored shapes determines which sort is

The Mitigate function identified for that effort is not to be confused with the SSA task of mitigating hazards. For
that effort, the Mitigate function was subject to its own hazards that still required mitigation.
This is not to be confused with George Box’s famous estimation regarding models (“All models are wrong, but
some are useful”), though it is of a similar flavor in terms of identifying the value of a tool or method.
Unlike in, say, Middle Earth.
more appropriate. If the objective is to put them through some filter in which the holes are round,
the squares won’t go, regardless of color. We want to sort by shape here, even though color might
be useful in a different context.
With function decomposition, we have many possible options as well as levels of abstraction to
contend with. It is quite easy to inject too much foreknowledge and/or domain-specific knowledge
into a round of high-level decomposition simply because it is available to capture, but it is not
always, or even usually, the right path. A useful rule of thumb is to ask what is the very next thing,
and only the next thing, that would be helpful to know here, as opposed to asking what are all of
the things we know (though many of these can and should be captured to a buffer during the
process for consideration downstream).
Further, because FHA is iterative, the decomposition organization will evolve as choices and their
relative value surface. At this point, the focus is a top-down breakout of high-level functions,
sourced from sensible inputs, oriented toward what will happen next with this information, and
refined by available expertise. It will change. The object is to establish a starting point.
Returning to the colored shapes example, it might further be the case that both the shape and color
dimensions are relevant, but the dimensions have an ordered priority. For example, we need to
find the squares first, but of the squares, our stakeholder then wants the blue ones. In a
decomposition model, this means we can break out by shape, and then further break out by color.
Any set to be decomposed (colored shapes, system functions) is a multi-dimensional space, and
many of these dimensions could be simultaneously relevant for a given need, but order can matter.
So, in decomposing system functions in preparation for hazard assessment, if we decide one
dimension was not the most important at a given level, it still might arise as relevant at a lower
level. If we pushed it on our side stack for later reconsideration, all the better.
Our Level 1 decomposition is presented graphically in figure 2.
For ease of management, our decomposition was stored in its own table during generation, separate
from the FHA table. The high-level function decomposition table is provided in the appendix to
this document.
These functions and sub-functions, as well as the Level 2 and any additional decompositions we
executed, were then entered into the FHA table and assigned numeric identifiers consistent with
their decomposition paths and levels of abstraction. Selections will be presented in section 4.2 later
in this report.

Aviate Navigate Communicate Transport

Control Plan path Internally Persons


Control Estimate
ground position and Externally Cargo
movement orientation

Monitor path

Figure 2: First Level Function Decomposition for Reference eVTOL aircraft Hazard Identification and Analysis

From the draft decomposition, we initiated the hazard identification. At the outset, we ran into
several options and challenges that had to be reconciled in order to proceed. These included coping
with diversity and information limitations in available guidance, such as the following:
1. Terminology. Disagreements such as failure condition vs. hazard, overloaded terms, and
conflation of concepts make it difficult for practitioners to apply an approach consistently
within and across applications, and therefore difficult also to aggregate results.
2. Type hygiene. Example tables in some reference sources were populated inconsistently
with regard to the type of data expected or allowed by column; this lack of rigor
complicates and potentially invalidates assessment.
3. Format variations. FHA table structures (data containers) differed somewhat across
sources; this makes it difficult for practitioners to determine exactly which data is most
important to collect.
Further, the mental model underlying the prescription contained in the standards and other
guidance was not obvious. To orient the demonstration to a set of foundational objectives, we cast
the intuitive FHA goals as shown in figure 3. This gave us a reference anchor to aid in decision-
making about elements of process, to support resolution to some of the above challenges.

No function, Consequences and
malfunction, delay of their severities
function, etc.

What are How bad How can we

How can What states
the they fail? result? could that improve the
functions? be? situation?

Functional Design mitigations in

decomposition These are the hazards accordance with

Figure 3: Intuitive FHA Goals

In this figure, we have consolidated a conceptual map of what we are trying to discover and
accomplish with the FHA process, regardless of who’s conducting it with which tools, expertise,
and other resources.12
On this basis, we then resolved the initial challenges as follows:
1. Terminology. We anchored to consistent terms for salient concepts that support
application of the mental model and sourced those terms from established and applicable
references (terms to be presented with introduction of the table).
2. Type hygiene. We defined and applied consistent rules on the types of information
required to fulfill specific roles in the tables and thus the analysis.
3. Format variations. We distilled a core FHA table format consistent with the foundations
shared by available examples and the mental model and added further detail only where it
served specific discussions for purposes of this demonstration. FHA Table Format Used for this Exercise

FHA guides the collection and analysis of a lot of informal data by humans. To manage this data
during collection and to organize it for further stakeholder consumption (system developers,
project managers, certification engineers, regulators), we require a suitable container. For FHA,
this is conventionally done with a table.
Though the use of tables is conventional here, there does exist variation across examples provided
by standards and other guidance. Some have more or fewer columns, some use different terms for
the same general concepts, and some leave ambiguity regarding the form or type of the data to be
collected in various cells.
For this exercise, we present a baseline set of columns broadly consistent with best practice and
introduce our negotiated terminology below. None of our choices is unconventional; however,

An even simpler model, courtesy of Frank McCormick, puts it this way:
1. How can you hurt people?
2. What are you going to do about it?
3. How do you know when you’re done?
since one challenge for new entrants in implementing established practice is making sense of
inconsistent guidance, we label and clarify the data types and rationale for our table structure here.
The “Function” column directly captures the flattened functional decomposition, its hierarchical
organization translated to a numbering scheme in the “UID” column (universal identifier). In our
exercise, the Aviate function has UID 1.0, and all subfunctions of Aviate take the form 1.X.
The “Flight Phase” column facilitates consideration of each function and sub-function during each
phase of flight. Because some hazards will appear in some phases and not others, or have varying
consequences and severities across flight phases, separating in this way provides the structure to
surface and document all such differences. Each can then be mitigated in accordance with its
accurate profile. The flight phases for this exercise are as presented in section 3.3.
The “Hazard” column captures the descriptions of any immediate system states that are undesirable
following associated functional failures. That is, by considering what states might result from the
malfunction, delay, or absence of a function, we can systematically enumerate hazards that require
mitigation. It can be of further value to consider whether these states are apparent to the operator
or not.13
When considering these combinations, zero to any number of hazards might be identified per
function and captured here. The numbering scheme accommodates unique identification of an
arbitrary number of hazards.
A hazardous state is characterized by potential harm not yet realized. Realization occurs when
something in the environment actively or passively precipitates the loss event. For example, a
software fault might corrupt a critical piece of code in the flight control system. Until that code
runs, the system is in a hazardous state, but no loss event has occurred. Once something in the
environment (and the software control flow) triggers that code to run, it degrades flight control
perhaps causing an unrecoverable loss. In this example, the function is the sub-function of flight
control in consideration, the hazard is the erroneous software state deriving from the fault
(malfunction), and this hazard has potential consequences including degraded flight control. The
consequences are realized in the event the code runs unless adequate mitigations are in place.14
The “Severity” assignment is made here based on the standard classification documented in FAA
AC 23.1309-1E [22]. This AC provides for the categories Catastrophic, Hazardous, Major, Minor,
and No Safety Effect, and the differences between them. Of note for this demonstration, and for
these systems and environments generally, is that familiar hazards that might be assigned one
severity level conventionally are more reasonably assigned a higher severity level here in
accordance with increased uncertainty and the effects of that uncertainty on possible consequences.
For example, hazards that might be classified Major for manned commercial transport systems
flying in the context of standard and universal operating protocols, might more reasonably be
classified Hazardous when immature or lacking protocols impose additional workload on an
operator responding to off-nominal conditions. Increased workload in particular is one factor that
explicitly provokes a higher severity level in accordance with the AC. Since effectively all

In a comprehensive FHA, analysts would in fact consider both cases, as well as any ambiguity between them for a
given scenario, and track differences in implications through the analysis. For reasons of scope and focus, we note
this dimension but do not follow it further through the discussion. The interested reader is invited to research the area
of failure semantics and the related notions of design for clarity of system state.
Even with adequate mitigations, the risk is non-zero, but has been definitionally reduced to an acceptable level.
dimensions of this application space, including infrastructure and air traffic management in
addition to vehicle design are developing simultaneously, and none is mature, there is insufficient
confidence at this stage to assume certain supports such as the ability to rely on universal protocols.
Some conventionally Major hazards are thus declared Hazardous here unless and until sufficient
basis exists to reduce this assignment.
We include for this demonstration a “Mitigations” column. This is not universal. We include it
because it provides a process trigger to systematically seed and iterate potential responses to
hazards in accordance with their causes while the hazard identification discussions are being had.
While the activities of hazard identification and design of mitigations can be serialized, time
separation, and often team separation, carries significant risks of information loss. Since the
process of hazard identification is intrinsically connected to how the hazards arise, causes are
already part of the discussion. And since proper mitigation begins by addressing causes of the
hazards, there is a valuable opportunity here to capture preliminary mitigation information while
it is available.
Given the above, the inclusion of a “Causes” column might also make sense. In fact, we did track
causes during the analysis of the functions and their hazards. The choice to leave it out of the
presentation is one of convention and space limitations. However, while a Causes column does not
generally appear in conventional examples of FHA tables, this does not mean a stakeholder should
ignore the option. For the reasons above, tracking causes during this analysis is worthwhile. It is
also entirely reasonable to track all potentially relevant information during analysis and then, as
we have done, curate the presentation for downstream purposes. Curation can then attend to
stakeholders with particular needs, and to submission requirements, so long as the curation does
not materially change the reasonable inferences allowable from the data, and the data remain
accessible as needed. Further, it provides an interface to cross-validate and enable feedback loops
between the FHA and other safety analyses. Fault trees, for example, provide a related but different
view on some of the data captured during FHA. Fault trees and other safety analyses will briefly
be discussed later in section 5.1.
In general, the structure of the collection container (that is, the working FHA table, as opposed to
the final presentation form) should comfortably support the information capture needs of the team
conducting the analysis. If something seems potentially relevant, especially in exposing the
conceptual relationships addressed by the mental model, the team should establish a way to track
that relevant element. As the analysis proceeds, some restructuring decisions will become
apparent. Then for presentation, the working table structure can be curated for consumption by the
target audience, with attention to that audience’s information needs. Keep in mind that the
audience, especially in the case of the regulator, is likely to have specific properties and data
they’re looking for based on protocol and experience, including the model. It is in an OEM’s best
interest both to anticipate these and to be very prepared to justify any deviations from expected

4.2 Selected Discussions

In this section, we address several specific hazards in detail, with reference to their FHA table
entries. For coverage, we detail one example functional failure within each of the four main system
function hierarchies, and discuss some of the resulting hazards, consequences, and implications.
We also include both less- and more-complex examples, illustrate the cascading nature of hazards
that arise in some circumstances, and the capture of further data about these cascades.
For each function addressed, we further explore an example failure of that function via exercise
within a hypothetical storyline consistent with our reference scenario and mission types. By
placing each functional failure within a storyline and speculating events and states preceding and
succeeding the failure, we can surface additional considerations relevant to the hazard
identification and assessment, and thus to the design of the system to meet overall safety
Note that the examples as detailed here are not comprehensive, nor are they meant to be. They
represent, rather, individual examples threaded through the FHA process for demonstration value.
A complete FHA for a production system would be a significantly larger undertaking, applied to
a more mature system specification, and OEMs new to system safety assessment are advised to
plan and resource such activities accordingly.

4.2.1 Navigate Function

The Navigate function decomposes in this demonstration into several subfunctions relating to path
planning and monitoring. The Planning subfunction further decomposes to subfunctions such as
dynamic replanning. Dynamic planning is used to update paths to navigate around dynamic
obstacles such as other air traffic, construction cranes, and other non-fixed objects in the target
environment that create the possibility of collision. (These dynamic obstacles would be detected
via subfunctions of path monitoring). For this example, we hypothesize a failure of function 2.1.5,
Dynamically Replan, resulting from a hardware, software, or data error. Some considerations of a
failure of this function during approach15 are highlighted in table 1 .
Table 1: Hazard of Insufficient Path Planning

UID Function Flight Hazard Operational Severity Mitigation(s)

Phase Consequence
2 Navigate
2.1 Plan path

2.1.5 Dynamically approach Insufficient Misidentified or Hazardous Waypoint and
replan path plan underspecified destination
waypoints and/or confirmation;
destination conveyed human factors
to operator; increased adjustments to
operator workload; navigation
impacts to situational interface;
awareness HW/SW/data fault
2.2 Estimate
position and
2.3 Monitor path

In doing a comprehensive FHA, the analysis team would consider failures for each function during every flight
phase. We present only one example here for each narrated function. Likewise, the remaining discussion of the hazard
assessment is demonstrative and not intended to be complete. See section 4.3 for more information.
To characterize implications of a failure of dynamic replanning, we consider effects of its
malfunction, delay or complete lack of execution. Any of these can produce the hazardous state of
flying with an insufficient path plan, with consequences including underspecified direction
provided to the operator, increased operator workload to interpret navigation information, and
incomplete situational awareness, that the operator might or might not recognize.
The hazard of flying with an insufficient path plan was declared hazardous in severity based on
the uncertainties described in section In particular, impacts to operator workload or
situational awareness make it difficult to assign a lower rating, in accordance with AC 23.1309-
1E [22].
Mitigations to address operator workload and situational awareness consequences include
procedural support, such as protocols for waypoint confirmation, and adjustments to the human
factors interface to clarify both navigation variables and system state [26]. Mitigations to address
hardware, software, and data faults that contribute to the hazard arising include best practice
approaches in fault management [13]. Consider, for example, a software fault as a source of this
hazard. A latent software fault, upon execution, might create an erroneous data state. The
navigation software then calls this data, for example in creation of an updated path plan. The
updated path is invalid as a result (the Replan function has failed), and, depending on how other
parts of the system are instrumented, this failure might or might not be apparent to the operator.
Notice that this chain of events includes cascading hazards at various system levels. Essentially,
hazards are erroneous system states with potential for harm should a succeeding event externalize
them. The erroneous data is inert until a susceptible function executes with it. This execution event
then generates another erroneous state (invalid path plan) at the next system level. This invalid
path plan might or might not be used. If used, this event extends the chain of potential
consequences, and if not used, it still has potential impacts to operator workload in understanding
and responding to the invalid state (if annunciated).
Mitigations might eventually also come via Simplified Vehicle Operations (SVO), one instance of
which is the EZ-Fly concept [8]. SVO concepts are in development by several organizations to
address multiple challenges of fielding eVTOL aircraft and related vehicles, including the
recognized pilot shortage. These systems aim to lower the knowledge and experience thresholds
required to fly these aircraft to levels sometimes described as similar to driving a car or playing a
video game.
While SVO concepts have some promise to simplify tasks related to navigation, it must be noted
that new functionality always comes with new hazards. While some hazards might be mitigated,
others will not, and still others will arise from the new systems themselves. One such issue is that
the question of emergency procedures and the role of the operator in off-nominal situations is not
yet resolved. In piloted systems, there are standard emergency response protocols on which pilots
are trained. For example, in the event that ATC cannot reach a pilot, every pilot knows what to do
in that situation. In operational concepts oriented around far less training by design, significant
challenges remain in the design and validation of emergency response protocols. The full system
must always be evaluated in the state of its intended deployment. Storyline
We now explore this hazard further via a hypothetical storyline. For this exercise, the aircraft
deviates course due to weather on early approach to land. The Dynamic Replanning function
instructs the pilot to a new landing site. However, the updated instruction is underspecified relative
to the structure of the target landing site; there is more than one landing pad and a plausible
ambiguity regarding landing pad identification. The operator’s workload is increased by the task
of needing to resolve the landing pad ambiguity, and in addition, the operator resolves it incorrectly
relative to the computed plan. The operator lands the aircraft on the wrong pad, impacting and
damaging equipment and the aircraft. Service personnel conducting maintenance on the landing
pad are unharmed, though nearby and otherwise unprotected from the unplanned landing other
than by chance. The operator and passengers are unharmed, though also in part by chance as the
impact was not significant enough to impart excessive force.
Exercising this storyline around a failure of the dynamic replanning function affords us several
insights, such as the following:
 Planning and replanning are critically dependent on data representations, and some of the
entities needing representation in this new environment need new and complete data
specifications. This should provoke an assessment elsewhere in the analysis of evaluation
of software data hazards and related considerations.
 The chance avoidance of harm to persons on the landing pad in this scenario indicates
another hazard; any presence of persons or equipment on a landing pad at any time means
they are subject to harm from a landing aircraft. This hazard would be Catastrophic
because it could result in multiple fatalities. Since persons and equipment do need to be
present at times on landing pads for legitimate reasons, these occasions require further
specification, analysis, and hazard mitigation. A speculated hazard might be failure of
appropriate containment of persons, implying the need for a containment function in the
vertiport specification; see table 2 for elaboration.
Table 2: Failure of Adequate Containment of Persons at Pad

UID Function Flight Hazard Operational Severity Mitigation(s)

Phase Consequence
TBA Contain persons n/a Failure to Injury or death Hazardous or [Speculate based
at vertiport (vertiport contain from landing Catastrophic on how
landing pads vs. persons aircraft containment
aircraft) failed]
Note the UID is yet to be assigned; we have captured this speculated hazard, but it concerns the
vertiport and not the aircraft and so is not recorded in the aircraft FHA; that is, this new requirement
is outside the scope of our design authority for this system. Likewise, the mitigations concern the
vertiport design and so only a placeholder is recorded. The particular dependencies between
aircraft, traffic management, and infrastructure for the UAM capability space are in active
discussion in the community; this kind of information should be shared across cooperating
development and policy organizations when surfaced.
Finally, note that even though no persons were physically harmed in this scenario, there would be
significant costs to the airline in repair of both equipment and infrastructure, in forensic systems
analysis and improvement, and perhaps most critically, in public confidence.

4.2.2 Communicate Function
The Communicate function decomposes in this demonstration to internal and external
communications. External communications concern communications between the aircraft and
ATC, the aircraft and other proximate aircraft, or the aircraft and infrastructure such as dispatchers.
For this example, we hypothesize a failure of communication with ATC during enroute flight
resulting from a hardware or software error. Some considerations for this functional failure are
shown in table 3.
Table 3: Hazard of Loss of External Communications

UID Function Flight Hazard Operational Severity Mitigation(s)

Phase Consequence
3 Communicate
… …
3.2 Communicate Enroute Loss of external Stale Hazardous Data timeouts;
externally communications information; Communicaitons
increased redundancy;
operator procedural guidance
workload; for lost
impacts to communications
situational scenarios;
awareness HW/SW/data fault
To characterize implications of a failure of external communication, we consider effects of its
malfunction, delay, or complete lack of execution. Any of these results in a state of absent external
communications at least temporarily, with consequences including stale information, increased
operator workload, and/or decreased operator situational awareness, recognized or not by the
operator. Keeping in mind our reference aircraft is piloted, these workload and situational
awareness considerations apply to an onboard pilot. For a different aircraft concept, they could
likewise apply to a remote pilot, an onboard or offboard non-pilot operator, or the analogous
properties of an autonomous controller. That is, the definitions of any function and its associated
hazards are always with respect to the particular system as specified. Any “reusable” hazard lists
must always be customized accordingly, and the same property applied to different entities can
have very different implications.
As in the previous example, we declared loss of external communications hazardous for the
reasons previously discussed (see section This is an instance of a familiar hazard (loss of
communications) that has a lower severity rating in environments of higher standardization and
established protocol; loss of communications is traditionally classified as Major if no further
complicating factors are present. For this design in this environment, however, a classification of
Major is not possible, as it rests on assumptions of protocols and practices that do not yet exist.
Absent these protocols, concerns about operator workload and situational awareness compel a
Hazardous severity rating.
Mitigations to address faults in the hardware, software, or data consist of applying best practices
in fault management [13], to include architectural redundancy. Mitigations to address stale
information include data timeouts where applicable, for example, when delivered visually; this
does not work for voice. Mitigations for the operator workload and situational awareness
consequences include development of procedural guidance for lost communications scenarios, that
rest additionally on the kinds of assumptions made possible by maturation of pilot/operator training
and the traffic management system to be deployed in these environments. Since these are not yet
mature for this area, dependent mitigations will be of limited reliability. As the environmental
supports mature, so too will our ability to make and use assumptions in designing mitigations. Storyline
We now explore this hazard further via a hypothetical storyline. For this exercise, we hypothesize
an eVTOL aircraft enroute with commuters to a TOLA. The eVTOL aircraft encounters a GA
aircraft on a collision course, and requests deconfliction support from ATC by voice; this is within
the Communicate Externally function. The pilot and ATC begin negotiating the deconfliction
resolution. External communications are lost during this ATC-supported encounter resolution
process. In this case, the pilot has not received complete resolution direction from ATC, which has
GA trajectory information not available to the pilot. The pilot and ATC therefore have different
situational awareness of the encounter geometry. Unable to recover communications, the pilot
makes a maneuver decision completely appropriate to the information available. However, under
the circumstances, this maneuver exacerbates the conflict, resulting in a near midair collision
Exercising this storyline around a failure of the external communications function affords us
several insights. Our first such insight is that hazards can cascade within system levels and not just
through them. In this case, several states and events transpired at the aircraft level; contrast this to
the state-and-event chain in the prior discussion in which failures in successive nested subsystems
eventually surfaced a failure at the aircraft level.
Our second insight is that, while NMAC is uniformly catastrophic,16 and the hazard of lost external
communications eventually led to an NMAC, this does not render the lost external
communications hazard catastrophic in severity. This is directly tied again to the notion of the
state-event chain. Severity is assigned based on the possible consequences that are one event away.
In this case, several transitions had to occur before the NMAC transpired. In particular, the lost
communications led to a loss of situational awareness on the part of the operator (who had
incomplete trajectory information regarding the GA aircraft). The operator then acted (event) on
the information available to him, leading to a state of lost separation. In this state, the event of
NMAC was made possible. In this accounting, only loss of separation is catastrophic.
Our third insight is that the fact of intervening states and events raises the consideration of
additional functions to capture. That is, each successive hazardous state implies a function that has
failed. In theory, we have captured the functions during the initial top-down decomposition. In
practice, the initial decomposition creates only a structured starting point for the analysis. In this
case, both loss of situational awareness and loss of separation succeed the lost communications.
This implies the existence of functions supporting safety requirements of maintaining situational
awareness and maintaining separation. Though we have not yet considered where these might

The most severe potential consequence of lost separation is a midair collision (MAC), which can be expected with
unacceptable likelihood to result in loss of the aircraft and all persons onboard. Near-midair collisions (NMACs) are
considered just as severe for assessment purposes, as the difference between MAC and NMAC as they are defined in
terms of airspace volumes is inconsequential to the overall risk exposure. That is, an NMAC is considered a MAC
avoided by luck.
integrate into the decomposition, we know they need to be there, and to be likewise followed
through in the assessment. Their initial captures might appear as in table 4.
Table 4: Additional Functions

UID Function Flight Hazard Operational Severity Mitigation(s)

Phase Consequence
TBA Maintain all Loss of Increased workload, Hazardous TBD in
Situational situational decision error, accordance
Awareness awareness command error, … with causes;
this hazard
arises many
TBA Maintain all Loss of Imposition of Hazardous, Strategic and
Separation separation response actions on Catastrophic tactical conflict
ATC, proximate management
aircraft, NMAC, capabilities,
MAC including
separation and
DAA systems
Maintain Separation can reasonably be integrated within the Aviate decomposition in our
accounting.17 Maintain Situational Awareness, on the other hand, has potentially several homes,
which raises another insight: Some sub-functions cross-cut the decomposition. We first saw this
during the initial decomposition round, when we considered support functions such as a Manage
Systems function, to collect multi-purpose sub-functions like state monitoring and input/output. It
is possible to either pull out cross-cutting functions and assign them top-level status, or to leave
instances where they occur in the decomposition of other functions. What is most important is to
recognize their existence and have a systematic plan for addressing them.
If we consider this particular loss of separation further, we might include this instance of the sub-
function under Navigate, and specifically under Dynamic Replanning, because in this case the
generation of a valid updated path plan (the avoidance maneuver) was compromised. This would
be in contrast to a valid path plan that was incorrectly executed, perhaps due to a flight control
failure, which would indicate an assignment under Aviate. Benefits to this inline organization allow
the consideration of more specific causes in the design of mitigations. Benefits of batching cross-
cutting functions and pulling them up to a higher level include leveraging their commonalities in
designing more general mitigation approaches. As with most tradeoffs, a balance must be struck
in accordance with the applicable needs. That said, an inline organization, at least to start, will
provide a deeper accounting especially when dealing with novelty, as we are here. Abstraction
from these details can then be layered into the process as necessary. True mitigation includes the
follow-through of adequately mitigating all precipitating hazards (and their antecedents, to origin);
any organization that supports this objective can work.

Other options are possible, especially if the top level has been set differently. For example, in decompositions that
include Mitigate at the top, this might be an appropriate parent function for Maintain Separation. Recall that the point
is not to find a single correct organization; this does not exist. The point is to enable the surfacing and analysis of
hazards and their implications. Many possible organizations support this.
Also of note for the Maintain Separation function is that its mitigations include systems associated
with the vehicle design, and also systems that characterize the environment. That is, supports like
procedural separation rely on design of the ATM/UTM system, itself currently evolving for these
environments. There is potential for asymmetry in rules and equipage applicable to these two
aircraft. Together, these can result in highly challenging encounter geometries given reduced
separation minima in these dense environments, with little time to decide and execute resolution
maneuvers, and lack of clarity in making the required decisions. This recalls the discussion of SVO
and its challenges in section 4.2.1; any assumptions about pilot and/or operator and/or autonomous
control of the vehicle must reflect the environmental systems with which this agent interacts.

4.2.3 Transport Function

The Transport function decomposes in this demonstration into transport of persons and transport
of cargo. Transport of persons requires subfunctions including support of passenger ingress and
egress, as well as support of passenger conveyance. Conveyance of passengers relies on such
functions as appropriate cabin HVAC and pressurization, appropriate seating, and passenger
restraints both to protect passengers in the case of in-flight turbulence as well as to maintain the
weight and balance profile of the loaded aircraft during flight. For this example, we hypothesize a
failure of passenger restraints, some considerations of which are highlighted in table 5.
Table 5: Unrestrained Passenger(s) Hazard

UID Function Flight Hazard Operational Severity Mitigation(s)

Phase Consequence
4 Transport
4.1 Transport
persons Restrain enroute Unrestrained Aircraft center of Hazardous Procedural
passengers in passenger(s) gravity out of passenger
flight bounds; reduced management;
flight stability; design to
passenger injury accommodate
balance shifts
4.2 Transport
To characterize implications of a failure of passenger restraints, we consider effects of its
malfunction, delay, or complete lack of execution. This example highlights the observation that
these failure mechanics are a guide to brainstorming, as opposed to applicable for all functions. A
delay in the function of passenger restraints is more difficult to make sense of than a malfunction
(unreliable buckle, inconsistent belt tension) or absence of function (a completely broken seatbelt).
In this case, either a malfunction or lack of function can produce a state of unrestrained passengers
at least temporarily.
Consequences to the aircraft include a shift in the center of gravity, potentially outside of designed
bounds, and associated reduced flight stability. Either of these is at least Hazardous, because they
place the vehicle one event away from a loss of control should the hazard not first be mitigated. It

is of further note that the states of flight instability and out-of-bounds center of gravity are
themselves hazardous states that give rise to additional consequences such as increased operator
workload. These hazards are of Hazardous severity as discussed in sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.
Consequences to an unrestrained passenger include potential injury due either to any forces
involved in the functional failure itself, or to falls or forces generated for example by an unstable
flight path applied when a passenger is unrestrained.
Mitigations to an out-of-bounds center of gravity from this source include procedural passenger
management: instructions to remain seated unless otherwise directed. A new consideration for
these operating scenarios is that flights will not be crewed to the same levels as current convention
provides, if at all, as autonomous control becomes possible. Implementation of passenger
management as a mitigation will require attention beyond what is currently practiced.
Mitigations to flight instability include design of the flight envelope to account for off-nominal
weight and balance profiles as might occur when a large internal shift relative to the vehicle mass
occurs. Derivation of this envelope should take into account the degrees of freedom of
unsupervised passengers (and untethered cargo, since those restraints are likewise subject to
Mitigations addressing the initiating failure include appropriate attention to degradation and design
faults to which the restraint components are subject. Storyline
We now explore this hazard further via a hypothetical storyline. For this exercise, the aircraft is
enroute with passengers from the downtown area of a large metropolitan city to its airport. The
flight has an onboard operator and no other crew. Four passengers (a full flight for this
configuration) are seated and begin with seatbelts fastened. The flight passes a famous landmark
and a passenger releases his belt in order to go across the aisle to point it out through the window.
Note that the failure here is of the passenger management mitigation (which implies associated
function(s)), not the restraint itself; the passenger released the restraint through its proper
mechanical design. A degradation failure of a restraint, on the other hand, might allow a sleeping
passenger to fall out of her seat upon an aircraft bank, and lacerate her head during the fall to the
floor. Note that either failure can cause overlapping sets of hazards and consequences AND the
corollary that identical hazards can come from multiple independent sources.
Continuing with the storyline, the shift (from either source) causes a vehicle imbalance and the
operator’s attention moves appropriately to stabilizing the flight (first, fly the plane). The abrupt
movement of the aircraft jostles another passenger, whose restraint was either malfunctioning or
undone, into the aisle. Now perhaps 10 percent or more of the gross takeoff weight is in off-
nominal position within the flying vehicle. The center of gravity has shifted and the operator is
focused on controlling the aircraft under eroded stability. As remaining passengers react to the
lacerated and stumbling passengers, the small cabin becomes further chaotic, and the unmitigated
hazardous state(s) of the vehicle now predispose it to catastrophic scenarios.
Exercising a storyline around a failure of the passenger restraint function affords us several
insights, such as the following:
 This storyline prompts us to consider refining our decomposition in order to train additional
attention on the mechanical and procedural aspects of passenger restraint. We update the
restraint function to include these as subfunctions and document the update as shown in
Error! Reference source not found., allowing increased focus and traceability. Note the
identical hazards and consequences from different sources and the overlapping but partly
distinct mitigations in accordance with different causes.
 This refinement further demonstrates the notion that FHA is a dynamic technique that, done
appropriately, updates with successive iterations of the system specification and
assessments. Mitigations are responses to hazards, but they contribute design refinements,
which create new functions and requirements, which themselves must be assessed for
potential hazards. In theory, this can continue ad infinitum. In practice, there are stopping
conditions. These will be discussed later in section 4.3
Table 6: Further Decomposition for Passenger Restraint

UID Function Flight Hazard Operational Severity Mitigation(s)

Phase Consequence Apply enroute Unrestrained Aircraft center of Hazardous Management of
mechanical passenger(s) gravity out of design and
restraint bounds; reduced degradation
flight stability; faults in restraint
passenger injury components;
design to
balance shifts Apply enroute Unrestrained Aircraft center of Hazardous Redesign
procedural passenger(s) gravity out of procedural
restraint bounds; reduced passenger
flight stability; management;
passenger injury design to
balance shifts
Finally, as in the Navigate example, this scenario would likely cause repercussions to public
perception and rework to emergency procedures, operator training, and passenger management

4.2.4 Aviate Function

In this demonstration, the Aviate function decomposes into control of flight and ground paths and
control of subsystems. Control of the flight path relies on control of several parameters including
altitude, attitude, and propulsion, while control of subsystems includes powerplant management
and other functions. For this example, we hypothesize a failure of propulsion, some considerations
of which are highlighted in table 7. We further address an important common cause failure for
eVTOL systems through this example.

Table 7: Hazard of Loss of Propulsion

UID Function Flight Hazard Operational Severity Mitigation(s)

Phase Consequence
1 Aviate
1.1 Control flight Control transition Loss of Impacts to Catastrophic Decoupling of
propulsion propulsion aircraft propulsion and
controllability, control;
including loss of architectural
control redundancy;
glide and other
landing options
1.2 Control
1.3 Control
To characterize implications of a failure of propulsion, we consider effects of its malfunction,
delay, or complete absence or unavailability. In this case, the consequences will vary significantly
depending on both the design of the aircraft and the phase of flight during which the failure occurs.
Generally, loss of propulsion will have implications for control of the vehicle, reducing
controllability or removing it altogether.
Under the best of circumstances, a loss of propulsion can be hazardous but recoverable. More
commonly, and uniformly during the transition phase from vertical to forward flight (or the
reverse), this hazard will be catastrophic, as a loss of control from any but a very low altitude will
likely result in fatalities.
Mitigations to loss of propulsion address several points in the causal chain of states and events, as
well as aspects of the differences among eVTOL designs. Some of the causes of propulsion loss
include software, hardware, and data faults, for example a premature motor wearout, or a battery
controller bug. These are to be addressed via best practices in fault management, including, for
example, architectural redundancy. Distributed electric propulsion includes some redundancy by
design, and can enable some retention of control with a subset of motor/rotor loss. Decoupling of
propulsion and control through mechanisms including actuators not necessary for the propulsion
of the vehicle provide another option, allowing another avenue for retained control when
propulsion is lost. Note that such actuators add weight as well as failure modes and potential
hazards; should they be designed as a mitigation, their own function must be flowed back through
the analysis.
Some mitigations target the severity of the consequences once propulsion has already been lost.
These include ways to retain some control in a lost propulsion state, as well as ways to reduce
impact forces in the event of an uncontrolled landing. For example, a wing-borne eVTOL aircraft
in forward flight has some possibility of a controlled glide and landing absent propulsion, assuming

a sufficiently uncluttered glide path and usable landing site. Note carefully that these assumptions
must be validated for the target environment, where buildings, ground vehicles, and other
structures, and more importantly, people, are present in higher density.
Further, a wingless eVTOL aircraft does not have this glide option, and the rotor complement of a
glide, autorotation, will generally not be an available feature for eVTOL designs.18 At the time of
this writing, there is as yet no community consensus on acceptable mitigation to the loss of
propulsion and/or control during the transition phases from vertical to forward flight or back again.
Much discussion thus far has centered on response-type mitigations to limit harm, such as ballistic
parachutes and energy-absorbing materials, but analysis of their effectiveness will be extremely
challenging if tractable at all.19 We revisit this issue later in this section. Storyline
We now explore this loss of propulsion hazard further via a hypothetical storyline. For this
exercise, the aircraft is a hexacopter in transition from vertical to forward flight and loses effective
propulsion due to a Byzantine fault.20 In this case, we hypothesize that the six rotor controllers
must synchronize on certain data values in order to work together correctly, but a synchronization
error arises as a result of data corruption enroute from the master controller to one (or more) of the
rotors. The rotors are then working to different ends, unbalancing their respective outputs and
distorting the overall propulsion profile. In this flight phase, almost any distortion of propulsion
results also in loss of control, since the aircraft is inherently unstable during transition. The
consequence is catastrophic, in that the aircraft and all passengers will likely be lost.
This storyline reinforces recognition that control of propulsion relies on subfunctions related to
computing, commanding, and actuating the intended rotor behavior. We might then capture these
subfunctions in our decomposition and follow them through individually in order to train attention
on their specific considerations. Additional table rows are hypothesized in table 8.
The additional table rows show how a cascade of hazards can be traced through several functional
failures, and a pattern appears in the data. If the Compute sub-function fails, the system enters a
hazardous state of not having a correct result of the Compute function. It is not until the Command
function tries to use this data (an event) that a consequence is realized: no command or the wrong
command is sent. Again, the system enters a hazardous state of no command or an incorrect
command assigned the actuators, which then have undesired effects on propulsion only when they
actuate (incorrectly or fail to actuate at all).

Autorotation and related issues are further discussed in section
Accurate reliability estimation will rely on modeling and simulation (M&S) due to limitations of real-world testing,
and the value of that M&S will rely on modeling a sufficient variety of scenarios at sufficiently high fidelity to provide
useful results. This kind of open-world modeling is proving very difficult for aerospace and automotive applications
alike. Some discussions suggest artificial intelligence and machine learning as possibilities to support generation of
sufficiently broad and detailed models, but this work is both immature and comes with its own set of new challenges,
particularly in verification of AI and ML software and training data, and qualification of associated tools.
A byzantine fault is a fault in a computing system that manifests differently at different system interfaces, making
it difficult to determine whether a component has failed and how.
Table 8: Loss of Propulsion Decomposition

UID Function Flight Hazard Operational Severity Mitigation(s)

Phase Consequence Control transition Loss of Impacts to Catastrophic Decoupling of
propulsion propulsion aircraft propulsion and
controllability, control;
including loss of redundancy;
control glide and other
options Compute transition No result or No command or Hazardous Proper HW
motor/rotor incorrect wrong command and SW fault
commands result available to send management
produced practices Command transition No command No actuation or Hazardous Proper HW
motors/rotors or wrong wrong actuation and SW fault
command management
sent practices Actuate transition No actuation Impacts to Catastrophic Proper HW
motors/rotors or wrong propulsion and SW fault
actuation profile, including management
loss of effective practices
In this example, each of these sub-functions would be engaged in some way via the Byzantine
fault. If we hypothesize that it begins via something like an off-specification voltage in a command
transmission path, then the command function has already failed, and any directly dependent
actuation is also compromised. However, part of coordinating the rotors includes data sharing and
voting to enable synchronization. If one rotor now sends back bad data, and this is not detected,
then the compute function is now also compromised, as it is computing commands from corrupt
information. This insidious property of Byzantine faults can act to corrupt multiple aspects of the
system state from a single source, and simultaneously mask that source.
The identification and repair of faulty components in distributed coordinating systems is a main
objective of research surrounding the Byzantine Generals Problem and the target of mitigations
for this scenario. It is also exceedingly difficult, and it has been recognized that such scenarios are
becoming more common due to both technical and social factors of modern systems and
development environments [15]. The redundancy inherent in distributed electric propulsion
provides some clear benefits to eVTOL systems, but DEP is also subject by design to Byzantine
faults. Redundancy alone cannot confer its benefits unless its risks are also systematically
managed. On Cascades and Common Causes

The loss-of-control hazard is perhaps the most significant for any aircraft in keeping with the
common mandate to first fly the plane. In this storyline, it followed a loss of propulsion in a hazard
cascade but arises also from many other sources.

Loss of control through any other cause would also be catastrophic here, as in either case, neither
vertical nor forward flight can be recovered from the control loss in transition. Since identical
hazards with identical consequences can have multiple sources, however, mitigations must
adequately address all of the ways that a hazard can come to pass. It is useful to exercise storylines
in part because they reveal these causal chains and cascades. It is further useful to realize these
causal chains are more properly thought of as paths through causal nets, where any hazard might
have multiple antecedents and consequents in the state-event map.
This mental model also clarifies that since a single hazard can have multiple consequents, then
there are distinct hazards that can arise from common causes. Continuing with the propulsion and
control examples, loss of each of these functions can be precipitated simultaneously by a loss of
power. That is, a failure of the powerplant subfunction (under “Control Subsystems” in our
decomposition) during the transition phase of flight will cause loss of both power and control. Any
version of this scenario is catastrophic. This consideration is outlined in table 9.
Table 9: Loss of Power

UID Function Flight Hazard Operational Severity Mitigation(s)

Phase Consequence
1.3.1 Control transition Partial or Impacts to Catastrophic Power source
powerplant complete loss aircraft redundancy
of power controllability,
including loss of
control; impacts
to propulsion,
including loss of
Possible mitigations to a loss of power include compensatory redundancy in the form of hybrid
(electric plus combustion) power and/or battery backup that provides enough energy for a
controlled landing. These options of course add weight, change configuration geometry, and
contribute other considerations that must be followed through in the analysis. At the time of this
writing, hybrid power is expected to be leveraged for some intermediate concepts, but not expected
to be a viable long-term solution due to the configuration inefficiency imposed by architectural
dissimilarity. Battery technology is expected to continue to improve, but the necessary tradeoffs
and new hazards imposed by battery redundancy still require significant evaluation. On New Challenges with Old Hazards

Mitigations to the loss of propulsion, control, or power in the transitions between vertical and
forward flight are among the most critical for the entire safety assessment for a passenger-carrying
eVTOL aircraft and have complex dependencies among them.
As noted earlier, if in forward flight and under the best of circumstances, a wing-borne eVTOL
aircraft has the possibility of a controlled glide to land absent power and propulsion. This option
is not available if the aircraft is wingless. The analogous rotorcraft feature, autorotation, uses
inertial energy stored in the main rotor of a traditional helicopter to allow a controlled landing in
the case of lost power and/or propulsion. However, autorotation relies on a sufficiently high ratio
of rotor disc size to aircraft weight to contribute enough energy to allow control of the vehicle.
eVTOL aircraft have multiple but smaller rotors; the combined disc areas are generally insufficient

to support the required ratio, and some electric configurations cannot store inertial energy in any
case (the rotors simply stop turning when power is lost). Absent autorotation, community
discussion on new lost power and propulsion mitigations is active. The inherent redundancy of
DEP does allow some retained control if a critical subset of rotors is still functioning; one concept
has demonstrated retained control on an 18-rotor eVTOL aircraft with 4 rotors non-operational
[6]. Recall, however, that this benefit is only achievable if the attendant hazards are adequately
At the current stage of technology maturity, the community does not yet have an answer to
sufficient mitigation of lost power and/or propulsion and/or control of an eVTOL aircraft in an
urban environment, especially during a transition phase. The difficulty of translating conventional
mitigation means into the constraints of this new application have led to valuable discussions that
consider options beyond the conventional. One ongoing discussion is centered on crashworthiness
and aims to mitigate the harm possible once a loss of one of these critical functions has occurred.
It offers ballistic parachutes, energy-absorbing materials, reverse jets/thrusters, and variations of
airbags in order to reduce impact forces associated with a falling aircraft.
These discussions should continue and will produce novel partial solutions, but they will not solve
the problem. At a minimum, each adds its own set of potential hazards and other considerations
that must be followed through; one can only add so much weight or complexity or other property
to the design before it fails to meet other requirements. In addition, while these responses can
reduce potential harm to passengers, they do not address risk to third parties and property in the
crash path, nor the wider effects to public perception and business interests of using parachutes
and other recovery systems as a primary line of defense.
This is in general because recovery systems should not be used as a primary line of defense. Best
practice instructs rather that faults (and thereby the hazards they cause) be managed in proactive
priority, first through avoidance, then by elimination of those that could not be avoided, then by
tolerance only of those that could not be eliminated, and finally by forecasting, in order to most
strategically cope with undesired effects known to be coming [13]. Concepts that focus on
crashworthiness over hazard mitigation, and especially positions that argue for certification credit
for recovery systems absent the intended means of meeting target assurance levels, fundamentally
violate this principle. They mitigate the accident, while abdicating attention to mitigation of the
hazard that allowed it.
The FAA will ask hard questions about the assessment and mitigation of these hazards. The
successful OEM will have executed and substantiated a safety assessment that is thorough and
compelling, convincingly identifying and mitigating all credible hazards of the design
configuration in its intended environment. This includes proactive fault management, as well as
the consideration of harm to third parties. Crashworthiness as a primary response does not fulfill
these properties.

4.3 When Are We Done?

The exercise above is not a complete FHA. Rather, it demonstrates identification, capture, and
analysis of FHA data via selected examples. A production FHA will involve significantly more
data and several rounds of revision and stabilization. This raises the questions of how much data
and how many rounds are needed. The pragmatic answer is that there must be enough to

substantiate, to the FAA’s satisfaction, the assertion that all credible hazards have been identified
and adequately mitigated.
In practical terms, this is not simply a question of volume, but of coverage and depth. Achieving
adequate coverage requires (1) considering each function, in each flight phase, through enough
decomposition levels and (2) collecting all credible hazards—potentially numerous—for any given
function, together with potential variance in severity and other profile factors by flight phase.
Should the causes of the hazards vary, so will the mitigations. The cascades of hazards, and the
intersecting state-and-event chains we have discussed in fact create a web vs. a tree, and all relevant
paths must be traced and addressed. Further, the process used by the OEM must be adequately
documented such that the FAA can make sense of the data and the decisions that led to it. Finally,
the mitigations must be validated and the final assessment (with mitigations applied) must
demonstrate that overall target levels of safety are achieved.
There are some process indicators to help identify progress short of the final goal. Multiple
feedback loops will be active early in the FHA process and begin to settle as the analysis stabilizes.
For example, exercising the initial decomposition through storylines will generate rearrangements
and new functions as long as there is new space to explore. This might settle as items are captured,
only to reactivate as follow-through on those new items guides exploration of further
considerations. At some point though, new items stop appearing.
This does not finalize the decomposition or the hazard identification and management. The process
of designing and validating mitigations can continue to feed back into the hazard characterizations.
For example, a planned mitigation might not pan out in testing, and require redesign, and/or a
reconsideration of the cause of the hazard. And importantly, the history of safety-critical systems
failures makes clear that hazards can and do continue to be identified during deployed operations.
This is of course what we are trying to prevent, but when we fail, our next best steps are to use the
new information both to update the assessments and mitigations for the current system, as well as
feed the lessons forward into new systems.
Thus, in theory, we are never done.

4.4 Takeaways
Some observations made during execution of this exercise bear repeating for their value to
stakeholders new to system safety assessment or to its application under new uncertainties. These
observations are collected here:
1. The composition of certification bases for eVTOL aircraft, and some of the means of
compliance to those bases, are immature and developing at the time of this writing.
However, these uncertainties make no impact to the relevance and applicability of
foundational system safety assessment principles and practice. In fact, the recognized
uncertainties in the development and regulatory environments for eVTOL aircraft
call for disciplined leveraging of established safety practice to best support
identification of, and response to, new hazards and new profiles for familiar hazards.
2. There is not a single right way to organize a functional decomposition for an FHA.
Different lenses will net different insights. We are searching for decompositions that offer
traction: those that seem to allow placement of all concerns in places that make sense to
the analysis team as a whole (and beyond), and for which the decomposition strategies are

relevant to the search for hazards. Thus, a decomposition that only makes sense to one
person is probably not viable, and non-trivial workshopping to trial and discuss options is
to be expected. Similarly, decomposition steps might be accomplished in many ways, only
some of which are useful; whether we choose to sort objects by shape or color depends on
what we’re doing with them next. In any case, the primary goal of the decomposition
activity is to establish a starting point for the hazard assessment. Be sensible in its
generation, and also know that it will change.
3. Because we bring in prior knowledge and want to find ways to use what we know, it can
be easy to overcomplicate the artifacts and the workflow. For example, we might have
a preconceived decomposition for a function based on expertise or some other reference.
However, it might be more information than is appropriate at a given point in the exercise,
and can therefore distract from rather than advance a line of questioning. Further, it might
not be the right decomposition for the circumstances, depending on the decomposition
steps it uses. Similarly, the numbers of columns in the table, the number of core functions
at the top of the tree, and other early decisions should all tend toward the more focused and
essential end of the spectrum. We can add features as warranted, but ensure they are
warranted. Otherwise, they only serve to bog down the process and muddy the product.
4. Conversely, we need to be very careful collecting data into that essential framework.
Type hygiene is attention to ensuring consistency in the types and relations of data
represented in the artifacts. Since a hazard is a state, all descriptions in the hazard column
should describe states. Likewise, teasing apart the state-and-event chains requires careful
attention to the differences between states and events. Otherwise we cannot properly
characterize cascading hazards. This is a topic not well-addressed in the standards or the
literature, but good type hygiene is critical to the ability to make subsequent decisions
based on the data. Additionally, it helps analysis teams to partition the work; different
performers with different practices for collection cannot integrate their parts into a coherent
5. Familiar hazards might behave differently in new environments. Conventional severity
assignments for common high-level hazards are based on long-standing protocols and
practices that allow assumptions about performance and behavior of aircraft, traffic
management, and humans acting within associated control loops. If we can’t make the same
mitigating assumptions that we can make in other environments, then we can’t, for
example, justify the same severity rankings. We identified some hazards that are
traditionally classified as Major, but for which that ranking was not possible under the
current circumstances of the target environment. These familiar hazards were classified
here as Hazardous in part because of the effects they implied to operator workload and
other factors.
6. More generally, ALL familiar concepts must be assessed for how they might behave
differently under new circumstances. For example, proprietary hazard lists that have
been developed over time through abstraction from experience are necessarily generic and
must be customized for the target system. Customization for the specified target system
can be significant. The trend from human to autonomous decision-making and control, for
instance, raises hard questions about the meanings and roles of concepts like situational

7. Identical hazards can come from multiple sources, and individual hazards can give
rise to multiple consequences. Part of FHA is uncovering the state-and-event chains that
lead to particular hazards and continue on to cause undesirable consequences. In doing this,
we find there are often many ways to end up in an undesirable state. This has some
implications for our practice: (1) we need to surface as many realistic causes as possible,
because any we miss leave unaddressed risk; and (2) mitigations will sometimes be plural
and varied for a single hazard, because good mitigation strategies start with the hazard
sources. Further, since multiple consequences can arise, multiple profiles for the hazard are
possible, and each must be characterized appropriately to allow for adequate management.
8. New technologies and environments can also mean entirely new hazards, and/or new
ways of mitigating familiar ones. Autorotation as a mitigation for loss of power, for
example, does not hold special status here, despite being a fundamental safety requirement
for all single-engine helicopters and some other VTOL aircraft. Rather, the focus is on what
hazard is being mitigated and whether the mitigations together are adequate to support the
target levels of safety. If alternative mitigations to power loss both adequately address the
hazard and do not compromise other areas of the safety assessment, then autorotation
becomes irrelevant to the application. Note the inclusion that other areas of the safety
assessment not be compromised; recall that any new capability, including new mitigations,
brings its own set of safety considerations. Mitigating hazards is itself hazardous and the
new functionality must be flowed through the same assessment. The driving goal, via
whichever set of functionality and dependability attributes are stabilized, is to satisfy the
overall safety argument.
9. FHA of one system can indicate mitigations and/or safety requirements needed in a
different system. We presented examples in which mitigations to eVTOL aircraft hazards
included considerations to be designed into other systems, such as vertiports or the
ATM/UTM system. Surfacing these mitigation options highlights the dependencies
between a system and its environment, including the assumptions we make about these
interactions. It also provides insight to be shared among stakeholders and developers of the
interacting systems, supporting mutual alignment as these concepts evolve.
10. Crashworthiness does not appropriately mitigate hazards that can lead to crashes.
Ballistic parachutes, energy-absorbing materials, and other features have been proposed as
mitigations to hazards that can lead to crashes (loss of propulsion/control/power). In theory,
these features can reduce the likelihood and/or severity of harm to passengers onboard an
eVTOL aircraft in a crash event. However, crashworthiness as a primary response, and
especially as a proposal for certification credit, insufficiently addresses critical factors of
these hazards. Among them, risk to third parties in the crash path is unchanged. In the dense
urban environments of intended operations, these risks are significant. Further,
crashworthiness in fact mitigates the accident but does not address causes of the hazard
that allowed it. Fundamental fault management practices conversely are proactive and still
11. The FHA, and the entire system safety assessment, are living artifacts. The function
decomposition, the hazard identification, the applied mitigations, and the containers that
organize them, are all subject to revision and update as warranted throughout the system
development as well as during its deployment and operation. Ideally, we want to learn most

of what we need to know sooner rather than later, but we also want the requisite flexibility
to integrate impacts and lessons from downstream events. For example, if we learn during
V&V that a particular mitigation will not work sufficiently, we need at least to redesign
the mitigation, but sometimes we need to redesign the system to otherwise remove sources
of the hazard. This can force more significant reassessment and revision to the safety
artifacts. Similarly, should an accident happen in an operational system, we want to know
whether something was missed or mischaracterized in the assessment, and propagate
lessons forward.

5 FHA in the Greater Development and Certification Process

FHA begins early in the development process and continues so long as there is updated information
available to it. It connects to other processes via this shared information, in support of delivering
a system that demonstrably meets its functional and dependability requirements.

5.1 Relation to Other Safety Processes and to System Development

FHA is the first step in system safety assessment per SAE ARP4761. This standard provides
guidelines for further steps in the process, as well as methods for conducting various supporting
assessments such as fault tree analysis (FTA) and failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA).
Different assessment methods answer different questions about the faults and failures to which a
system is subject. For example, while FHA asks what hazards can arise given a set of functions,
and characterizes those hazards to support design of mitigations, FTA asks how a given hazard
can arise, in terms of events and combinations thereof. FMEA, in contrast, begins from a
component failure and asks what consequences are possible as a result [13]. Notice FMEA and
FHA both ask about consequences of failures, but FMEA begins from components (i.e.,
architecture), while FHA begins from functions (i.e., intended behavior). All of these methods and
the others referenced in the standard provide ways to expose and clarify the state-and-event chains
and nets that lead to undesirable events at the system level, so that they can be managed.21 This
underlying mental model connects all of these analyses.
SAE ARP4761 (on safety) is invoked by SAE ARP4754A (on the system development process
more generally). SAE ARP4754A addresses the system development process in support of
certification, covering the planning and development of the system at all of its levels, the allocation
of functionality to subsystems and components, the assignment of DALs, and validation and
verification against requirements. Connections between this process and SSA include aligning the
prioritization and rigor of mitigations to the assigned DALs, and feeding safety implications, such
as new requirements derived from mitigation needs, back into the development process. Analogous
standards exist for defense systems, and for other safety-critical domains such as medical devices
and automotive systems. They have much in common, and some interesting differences, which are
beyond the scope of this work.

In this work, we have not addressed failures that are not functional. Failures can and do occur that cannot be
associated to the incorrect execution of a function. For more information, the interested reader is invited to research
Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF).
5.2 Relation to Software Development
This work addresses aircraft-level hazard analysis consistent with SAE ARP4761. From there, an
OEM would then proceed to system-level hazard analysis, and on to sub-systems and lower levels,
including software. Within the development process running in parallel in accordance with SAE
ARP4754A, some system functionality is allocated to software. Once we begin to focus on
software in the development and safety processes, another set of concerns comes into play. Since
so much of the functionality of eVTOL aircraft and other complex, safety-critical systems is
implemented in software, OEMs must prepare accordingly for the software aspects of certification.
Software is fundamentally different from bridges and processors and other concrete physical
systems because it is essentially discrete math. Its failures do not fit a continuous reliability curve
like a brick, transistor or hinge. Because of this, the identification and management of software
faults and hazards imposes additional challenges. RTCA DO-178C, Software Considerations in
Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification is a software design assurance standard covering
the development process and much of the fault management process for airborne software [18].
Many of the system hazards we discussed earlier in this work will have mitigations related to
software assurance; DO-178C or similar software design assurance practices will support
identification and assurance of adequate mitigations.
Some eVTOL concepts and development methods will run into challenges identifying criteria and
means of compliance for some software-supported capabilities. For example, machine-learning-
enabled components cannot generally be verified by conventional means required by DO-178C
such as demonstrating code coverage and traceability. This means, as a result, that any part of the
SSA relying on that software will also face challenges, unless and until the community reaches
consensus on certification requirements for ML and other new methods and techniques. The trend
is toward performance-based standards as discussed in section 2.1. This means we will likely see
proposals that focus on convincing an evaluator that an ML-enabled component possesses a certain
property with a certain level of confidence, in some way that achieves this without need for, e.g.,
traceability. However, at the time of this writing, this consensus is likely several years off, at a

5.3 Relation to Certification in the Large

FHA initializes SSA, and SSA, together with other processes, supports aircraft type certification.
As noted throughout this work, type certification processes are evolving in order to cope with
modern challenges associated with development and assurance demonstration of novel
capabilities. Certification bases for the first several eVTOL type certifications are expected to be
established in case-by-case fashion since eVTOL aircraft do not conform to any single aircraft
type currently specified in federal regulation. These certification bases are likely to include various
special conditions at a minimum, and perhaps be entirely custom-built through pulling applicable
criteria from several types and negotiating additional criteria to fill gaps not addressed at all by
any current type. As such, these certification bases will be idiosyncratic and more complex than
what might be conventionally expected. Experience gained through these initial submissions,
together with criteria and methods of compliance in current development by standards

Production and agreement of standard criteria and methods of compliance for verification of ML-enabled
components and other uses of AI is one objective of the G-34 committee of SAE on Artificial Intelligence in Aviation.
At the time of this writing, the committee has just kicked off and has a 3-year minimum initial timeline.
development organizations, will provide the foundations for the regulatory and development
community to refine and establish a more uniform practice.
Ultimately, the assurance objective is to convince the regulator that the system will predictably
behave as intended and within acceptable rates of failure. Recall the Executive Director of the
FAA Aircraft Certification Service states, “If you always come in with safety, you will keep
moving forward” [17]. Further, the OEM needs to be able to communicate this safety assertion
and its bases in an integrated way that is accessible to the regulator. That is, submission of a large
volume of development data, even if the development data are in fact complete and valid, still
places the burden on the regulator to interpret that volume of data into the story and rationale for
safety. This is more properly the OEM’s responsibility; the OEM must make the case to the
As such, and in response to the many uncertainties of the modern development and assurance
demonstration environment, submission formats, organizations, and presentations for the body of
evidence and inference in support of a certification are also evolving. A model seeing increased
adoption in recent years in several safety-critical industries is a safety or assurance argument, in
which a system is logically argued safe (and/or otherwise assured) for its intended use in its
intended environment, often through a decomposition over system requirements satisfaction and
hazard mitigation, or another set of properties that covers the intended and excluded behavior of
the system. The argument is created and documented explicitly, allowing traceability and audit of
the assertions, inferences, and evidence. Textual, graphical, and tabular formats are all possible.
The basis, organization, and import of the structured argument should be summarized in an
associated report, which can serve as a tool to support communication with the regulator.
The FHA activity demonstrated in this work results in a hazard list that can be input to the
construction of a safety argument, and in the context of which an argument for adequate mitigation
can be evaluated. Assurance argumentation factors centrally in several active community efforts
including the FAA’s Overarching Properties initiative for assuring and certifying complex systems
[1], and UL 4600, a new cross-industry standard for assuring autonomous systems [20].

6 Summary
Novel eVTOL technologies, and their applications in novel environments, challenge existing
foundations and means of aircraft type certification. Many performers in this space are also novel
entrants to the aerospace development and regulatory frameworks that provide us the remarkable
aircraft safety record from which we all benefit. This work offered an overview of those
development and regulatory frameworks, together with an overview of challenges imposed by
eVTOL designs. This work then narrated application of an origin step in established safety
practice, as applied to a reference eVTOL aircraft, for demonstration and guidance purposes.
We first provided an overview of the regulatory environment within which eVTOL aircraft are
emerging and noted some implications for development and certification.
We then hypothesized a reference aircraft design consistent with technologies in development and
their intended applications and conducted an FHA demonstration exercise on elements of this
design to (1) illustrate the process to new entrants and those in hybrid roles, and (2) further explore
some of the design and safety considerations at the forefront of community discussion surrounding
certification and deployment of eVTOL systems.

The demonstration offers example consideration of hazards arising from failures across the
functional decomposition for this system. It further highlights (1) some options and strategies
available in conducting FHA and how to attend to and choose among them with reference to a
particular program, and (2) some hazards of new or different salience with regard to eVTOL
aircraft as compared to more familiar designs.
We then consolidated and reviewed observations from the exercise and related the FHA activities
and outputs to the greater system development and certification process.

7 References
1. C.M. Holloway, “Understanding the Overarching Properties,” National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA), Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, NASA/TM-
2019-220292, 2019.
2. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14 Part 21: Certification Procedures for Products and
Articles, 2019.
3. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14 Part 23: Airworthiness Standards: Normal Category
Airplanes, 2019.
4. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14 Part 91.113: Right of way rules: Except water
operations, 2019.
5. Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electric Hardware, RTCA DO-254, RTCA, Inc.,
Washington, DC, 2000.
6. F. Colucci, “Turning Volts to VTOL,” Vertiflite, pp. 30-33, Jan/Feb 2018.
7. FAA Aviation Safety, “Fly the Aircraft First,” FAA Safety Briefing GA Safety
Enhancement Topic Fact Sheet, July 2018. Accessed Nov. 29, 2019. [Online]. Available:
8. FAA Aviation Safety, “Regulatory Roadblock Reduction,” FAA Safety Briefing GA Safety
Enhancement Topic Fact Sheet, June 2019. Accessed Nov. 20, 2019. [Online]. Available:
9. G.F. McCormick, “Certification of Civil Avionics,” in Digital Avionics Handbook, 3rd ed.,
C.R. Spitzer, U. Ferrell, and T. Ferrell, Eds. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2015, pp. 9-1—9-15.
10. Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne
Systems and Equipment, SAE ARP4761, SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 1996.
11. Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems, SAE ARP 4754 Rev. A, SAE
International, Warrendale, PA, 2010.
12. I. Smith, “Flying Cars and eVTOL Aircraft,” Interview with Scott Drennan, Vice President
of Innovation at Bell Flight, Commercial Drones FM Podcast, Episode 86, March 13,
13. J.C. Knight, Fundamentals of Dependable Computing for Software Engineers. Boca Raton,
FL, USA: CRC Press, 2012.
14. J. Williams, “The Quiet Revolution: What Part 23 Changes Mean for You,” FAA Safety
Briefing, May/June 2019, pp. 8-10. Accessed July 24, 2019. [Online]. Available:
15. K. Driscoll, B. Hall, H. Sivencrona, and P. Zumsteg, “Byzantine Fault Tolerance, From
Theory to Reality,” in Proc. Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 22nd International
Conference, SAFECOMP 2003, Edinburgh, UK, Sept., 2003.

16. K.J. Hayhurst, J.M. Maddalon, P.S. Miner, G.N. Szatkowski, M.L. Ulrey, M.P. Dewalt,
and C.R. Spitzer, “Preliminary Considerations for Classifying Hazards of Unmanned
Aircraft Systems,” National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Langley
Research Center, Hampton, VA, NASA/TM-2007-214539, 2007.
17. M. Huber, “FAA Moving to Smooth Aircraft Certification,” AIN Online, July 23, 2019.
Accessed Aug. 21, 2019. [Online]. Available:
18. Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, RTCA DO-
178C, RTCA, Inc., Washington, DC, 2011.
19. Special Condition: Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft, SC-VTOL-01 Issue 1,
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Cologne, Germany, 2019.
20. Standard for Safety for the Evaluation of Autonomous Products, UL 4600, Underwriters
Laboratories, Inc., Northbrook, IL, 2019.
21. System Safety, MIL-STD-882E, U.S. Department of Defense, Washington, DC, 2012.
22. System Safety Analysis and Assessment for Part 23 Airplanes, AC 23.1309-1E, U.S.
Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, DC, 2011.
23. T. Gunnarson, “Aircraft Type Certification Considerations: Urban Air Mobility,”
presented at the 5th Annual Transformative Vertical Flight Workshop, San Francisco, CA,
Jan. 19, 2018.
24. T.K. Ferrell and U.D. Ferrell, “RTCA DO-178B/EUROCAE ED-12B,” in Digital Avionics
Handbook, 3rd ed., C.R. Spitzer, U. Ferrell, and T. Ferrell, Eds. Boca Raton: CRC Press,
2015, pp. 12-1—12-12.
25. Vertical Flight Society, “Vertical Flight Society Reports More than 200 eVTOL Aircraft
Now in Development,” Press Release, Fairfax, VA, Sept. 6, 2019.
26. N. Leveson, Engineering a Safer World: Systems Thinking Applied to Safety. Cambridge,
MA. USA: MIT Press, 2011.

8 Acknowledgements
This report describes work supported by NASA under award No. 80LARC17C0004, awarded to
the National Institute of Aerospace.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration or the National Institute of Aerospace.
The authors wish to thank the FAA for their input during several discussions over the course of
this work. The authors also thank Ken Goodrich and Michael Patterson at NASA for contributions
to particular hazard and UAM environment discussions.

9 Appendix
Tables referenced or excerpted throughout the document are provided here. Section 9.1 provides
further presentation of the function decomposition, and section 9.2 presents additional detail for
the FHA table as it appears during the analysis process.

9.1 Living Function Decomposition Table
This table holds the working function decomposition. This decomposition is not presented as a
final artifact; rather, it shows this entity as a living source for the FHA, subject to elaboration and
update as the FHA and later activities proceed. Note we include here the candidate fifth core
function that we described in section We show it here to indicate an option we trialed and
considered before discarding.
1 Aviate
1.1 Control flight
1.1.1 Control flight path Control altitude Control attitude Control velocity Control propulsion Manage stability
1.1.2 Control air‐to‐ground transition Control engine start and stop
Control takeoff to hover, hover to land Stow and deploy landing gear Control emergency land Manage stability
1.1.3 Convey system state
1.2 Control ground movement
1.2.1 Control taxi …
1.3 Control subsystems
1.3.1 Control powerplant
1.3.2 Monitor vehicle health Maintain/protect structural integrity Monitor battery health
2 Navigate
2.1 Plan path
2.1.1 Defer to pre‐loaded plan
2.1.2 Avoid known obstacles
2.1.3 Avoid known weather
2.1.4 Choose low‐noise path
2.1.5 Dynamically replan
2.2 Estimate position and orientation …
2.3 Monitor path Detect dynamic obstacles
Detect dynamic weather

3 Communicate
3.1 Communicate internally
3.1.1 Support crew comms with each other
Support via voice
Support via data
3.1.2 Support crew comms with passengers
Support via voice
(Support via data?)
3.2 Communicate externally
3.2.1 Support comms with ATC
Support via voice
Support via data
3.2.2 Support comms with proximate traffic
Support via voice
Support via data
Support comms with others (airline,
3.2.3 vertiports)
Support via voice
Support via data
4 Transport
4.1 Persons
4.1.1 Support passenger ingress/egress
4.1.2 Support passenger conveyance Provide passenger seating Restrain passengers in flight Provide HVAC
4.2 Cargo
4.2.1 Support cargo loading/unloading
4.2.2 Support cargo conveyance Provide cargo hold Provide cargo restraints

digital [Candidate cross‐cutting function
[5] systems eventually discarded]
[5.1] Receive and monitor
Accept pilot input
Accept manual, voice
Monitor aircraft systems
Monitor structures
Monitor digital state
Monitor environment
Monitor obstacles, weather, ATC,
[5.2] Store and compute
Provide data storage appropriate to
decomposed core functions
Provide computing infrastructure
appropriate to decomposed core
[5.3] Produce and provide

Generate commands from pilot input

Provide system state to pilot
Provide environment state to pilot
9.2 Living FHA Table
This table holds the working FHA. This FHA is not presented as a final artifact; rather, it shows
this entity as a living repository for hazard identification and management decisions, subject to
elaboration and update as the FHA and later activities proceed. Note that the examples narrated
within the body of this report, as well as the function decomposition, have been matured further
than the contents of the working table, and themselves represent additional points in a process
path. Conducting the assessment creates feedback loops and running them all to ground builds
confidence in comprehensive assessment.

Color coding:
used in
surfaced in
cascade groups
for further
draft for
no fill latent draft

Flight Operational Severity

UID Function Phase Hazard Consequence Classification Cause(s) Mitigation(s)
1 Aviate
1.1 Control flight
Control flight
1.1.1 path Control altitude
Horizontal control (may
Internal failure of control have limited effect); disable
lift to Collision with other causes runaway ascent as lift (may result in impact hover Uncommanded ascent traffic or structures Hazardous soon controller has effect with terrain).
Flight stays on the No safety Failure to ascend ground effect
Uncommanded Hard landing, impact Minor to Failure of controller or descent with terrain catastrophic propulsion systems Land and troubleshoot
Small deviation from No safety Transient failure of commanded ascent Probably none effect controller
Possible unrecoverable
loss of ability to Internal failure of control
control flight path, causes loss of function as Not sure, probably depends
transition Incomplete/wrong resulting in impact soon as transition‐related on the transition to forward transition with terrain Catastrophic control regime has effect mechanism

Horizontal control (may
have limited effect); disable
Uncommanded ascent Collision with other Hazardous or Failure of controller or lift (may result in impact / descent traffic or structures catastrophic propulsion systems with terrain).
Small deviation from
commanded No safety Transient failure of ascent/descent "Turbulence" effect controller
climb to Failure of controller or enroute Failure to ascend Flight cannot continue Minor propulsion systems Land and troubleshoot
No ability to terminate Undetected failure of Troubleshoot once Failure to descend flight if needed Hazardous controller detected
Horizontal control,
Collision with reconfigure/restart
Uncommanded structures, terrain, or Failure of controller or controller, or land and ascent/descent other traffic Hazardous propulsion systems troubleshoot
Small deviation from
commanded No safety Transient failure of
ascent/descent Probably none effect controller
Failure to Declare emergency,
enroute ascend/descend Unable to change FL Major Failure of controller troubleshoot

Uncommanded Failure of controller or Troubleshoot, land (if

descent Collision with terrain Hazardous propulsion systems possible)
Horizontal control,
Collision with other Failure of controller or reconfigure/restart
Uncommanded ascent traffic or structures Major propulsion systems controller
Small deviation from
commanded No safety Transient failure of
ascent/descent Probably none effect controller
Collision with
structures, terrain, or
Failure to other traffic; increased Failure of controller or
avoidance ascend/descend workload / distraction Hazardous propulsion systems Horizontal control
Collision with
structures, terrain, or
Uncommanded ascent other traffic; increased Failure of controller or
/ descent workload / distraction Hazardous propulsion systems Horizontal control
Small deviation from
commanded No safety Transient failure of
ascent/descent Probably none effect controller

No ability to go around Undetected failure of
descent Failure to ascend if needed Major controller Troubleshoot
Failure of controller or
Failure to descend Cannot land Hazardous propulsion systems Climb and troubleshoot
Collision with
structures, terrain, or
Uncommanded ascent other traffic; increased Hazardous or Failure of controller or Horizontal control (may
/ descent workload / distraction catastrophic propulsion systems have limited effect)
Small deviation from
commanded No safety Transient failure of
ascent/descent Probably none effect controller
Uncommanded ascent Possible unrecoverable
/ descent, failure to loss of ability to Internal failure of control
ascend/descend, control flight path, causes loss of function as Not sure, probably depends
transition incomplete/wrong resulting in impact soon as transition‐related on the transition
to hover transition with terrain Catastrophic control regime has effect mechanism
Small deviation from
commanded No safety Transient failure of
ascent/descent "Turbulence" effect controller
No ability to go around Undetected failure of Land anyway and
set down Failure to ascend if needed Catastrophic controller troubleshoot

Failure of controller or
Failure to descend Cannot land Hazardous propulsion systems Climb and troubleshoot
Horizontal control (may
have limited effect); disable
Collision with other lift (may result in impact
Uncommanded ascent traffic or structures Hazardous Failure of controller with terrain).

Uncommanded Failure of controller or Aircraft ability to absorb

descent Hard landing Catastrophic propulsion systems landing energy
Small deviation from Aircraft ability to absorb
commanded descent Possible hard landing Major Transient failure landing energy
Inability to land Reconfigure / retry
normally until problem (possibly after ascending to
Failure to descend is resolved Minor Failure of controller safe altitude)
Control attitude

"Turbulence", possible
lift to Small deviation from contact with pad / Transient failure of hover commanded attitude structure. Major? controller Land and troubleshoot

Contact with pad,

Large deviation from structure. Loss of Failure of controller or Land and troubleshoot (if
commanded attitude stability. Hazardous propulsion systems possible)
Possible unrecoverable
loss of ability to Internal failure of control
control flight path, causes loss of function as Not sure, probably depends
transiition Incomplete/wrong resulting in impact soon as transition‐related on the transition
to forward transition with terrain Catastrophic control regime has effect mechanism

Small deviation from No safety Transient failure of Land or climb then

commanded attitude "Turbulence" effect controller troubleshoot

Large deviation from Collision with other Failure of controller or Land or climb then
commanded attitude traffic or structures Hazardous propulsion systems troubleshoot
Possible unrecoverable
loss of ability to
control flight path,
climb to resulting in impact Failure of controller or Reconfigure/restart
enroute Loss of stability with terrain Catastrophic propulsion systems controller

Small deviation from No safety Transient failure of Continue climb and

commanded attitude "Turbulence" effect controller troubleshoot

Large deviation from Collision with other Failure of controller or Mostly other aircraft
commanded attitude traffic or structures Hazardous propulsion systems avoiding yours
Possible unrecoverable
loss of ability to
control flight path,
resulting in impact Failure of controller or Reconfigure/restart
enroute Loss of stability with terrain Catastrophic propulsion systems controller

Small deviation from No safety Transient failure of

commanded attitude "Turbulence" effect controller Troubleshoot

Large deviation from Collision with other Failure of controller or Mostly other aircraft
commanded attitude traffic or structures Hazardous propulsion systems avoiding yours

Possible unrecoverable
loss of ability to
control flight path,
resulting in impact
with terrain or other Failure of controller or Reconfigure/restart
avoidance Loss of stability aircraft Catastrophic propulsion systems controller

Small deviation from No safety Transient failure of Use vertical control for
commanded attitude "Turbulence" effect controller avoidance; troubleshoot

Large deviation from Collision with other Failure of controller or Mostly other aircraft
commanded attitude traffic or structures Hazardous propulsion systems avoiding yours
Possible unrecoverable
loss of ability to
control flight path,
resulting in impact
with terrain or other Failure of controller or Reconfigure/restart
descent Loss of stability aircraft Catastrophic propulsion systems controller

Small deviation from No safety Transient failure of Abort descent;

commanded attitude "Turbulence" effect controller troubleshoot

Large deviation from Collision with other Failure of controller or Mostly other aircraft
commanded attitude traffic or structures Catastrophic propulsion systems avoiding yours
Possible unrecoverable
loss of ability to Internal failure of control
control flight path, causes loss of function as Not sure, probably depends
transition Incomplete/wrong resulting in impact soon as transition‐related on the transition
to hover transition with terrain Catastrophic control regime has effect mechanism

Small deviation from No safety Transient failure of Land or climb then

commanded attitude "Turbulence" effect controller troubleshoot

Large deviation from Collision with other Hazardous or Failure of controller or Land or climb then
commanded attitude traffic or structures catastrophic propulsion systems troubleshoot

"Turbulence", possible
Small deviation from contact with pad / Transient failure of
set down commanded attitude structure. Minor? controller Land anyway

Contact with pad,
Large deviation from structure. Loss of Failure of controller or
commanded attitude stability. Hazardous propulsion systems Land anyway Control velocity

"Turbulence", possible
lift to Small deviation from contact with pad / Transient failure of hover commanded velocity structure. Major? controller Land anyway

Large deviation from Contact with pad,

commanded velocity structure. Hazardous Failure of controller Land and troubleshoot
Possible unrecoverable
loss of ability to Internal failure of control
control flight path, causes loss of function as Not sure, probably depends
transition Incomplete/wrong resulting in impact soon as transition‐related on the transition
to forward transition with terrain Catastrophic control regime has effect mechanism

Small deviation from No safety Transient failure of Land or climb then

commanded velocity "Turbulence" effect controller troubleshoot

Large deviation from Collision with other Failure of controller or Land or climb then
commanded velocity traffic or structures Hazardous propulsion systems troubleshoot

climb to Small deviation from No safety Transient failure of Continue climb and
enroute commanded velocity "Turbulence" effect controller troubleshoot

Large deviation from Collision with other Failure of controller or Mostly other aircraft
commanded velocity traffic or structures Hazardous propulsion systems avoiding yours

Small deviation from No safety Transient failure of

enroute commanded velocity "Turbulence" effect controller Troubleshoot
Use vertical control for
avoidance; troubleshoot;
Large deviation from Collision with other Failure of controller or other aircraft avoiding
commanded velocity traffic or structures Hazardous propulsion systems yours

Small deviation from No safety Transient failure of Use vertical control for
avoidance commanded velocity "Turbulence" effect controller avoidance; troubleshoot

Large deviation from Collision with other Hazardous or Failure of controller or Mostly other aircraft
commanded velocity traffic or structures catastrophic propulsion systems avoiding yours
Small deviation from No safety Transient failure of
descent commanded velocity "Turbulence" effect controller Climb and troubleshoot

Large deviation from Collision with other Hazardous or Failure of controller or Climb, troubleshoot, other
commanded velocity traffic or structures catastrophic propulsion systems aircraft try to avoid you
Possible unrecoverable
loss of ability to Internal failure of control
control flight path, causes loss of function as Not sure, probably depends
transition Incomplete/wrong resulting in impact soon as transition‐related on the transition
to hover transition with terrain Catastrophic control regime has effect mechanism
Small deviation from No safety Transient failure of Land or climb then
commanded velocity "Turbulence" effect controller troubleshoot

Large deviation from Collision with other Hazardous or Failure of controller or Land or climb then
commanded velocity traffic or structures catastrophic propulsion systems troubleshoot
Small deviation from Transient failure of
set down commanded velocity Hard landing Major? controller Land and troubleshoot

Large deviation from Collision with other Hazardous or Failure of controller or

commanded velocity traffic or structures catastrophic propulsion systems Land and troubleshoot

Large deviation from Hazardous or Failure of controller or

commanded velocity Rollover on landing catastrophic propulsion systems Land and troubleshoot

Control propulsion
Failure to control Contact with pad,
lift to altitude, attitude, or structure, or other Land and troubleshoot (if hover velocity traffic Catastrophic Failure of propulsion possible)
Possible unrecoverable
loss of ability to
control flight path, Loss of power causes
cascade transition Incomplete/wrong resulting in impact insufficient and/or Land and troubleshoot (if
group to forward transition with terrain Catastrophic asymmetric lift possible)

Failure to control two Loss of power causes

or more of altitude, Collision with traffic or insufficient and/or Land and troubleshoot (if
attitude, or velocity terrain Catastrophic asymmetric lift possible)

Collision with nearby
structures, other
traffic, failure to
achieve enough
altitude to transition
climb to back to hover and land Loss of power causes loss Land and troubleshoot (if
enroute Inability to climb at the takeoff point Hazardous of ability to control altitude possible)

Failure to control two Loss of power causes

or more of altitude, Collision with traffic or insufficient and/or Land and troubleshoot (if
attitude, or velocity terrain Catastrophic asymmetric lift possible)

Failure to control two Loss of power causes

or more of altitude, Collision with traffic or insufficient and/or
enroute attitude, or velocity terrain Catastrophic asymmetric lift Troubleshoot

Failure to control two Loss of power causes Troubleshoot, let the other
or more of altitude, Collision with traffic or insufficient and/or aircraft try to avoid you (if
avoidance attitude, or velocity terrain Catastrophic asymmetric lift it's an AC not an obstacle)

Failure to control two Loss of power causes

or more of altitude, Collision with traffic or insufficient and/or Land and troubleshoot (if
descent attitude, or velocity terrain Catastrophic asymmetric lift possible)
Possible unrecoverable
loss of ability to
control flight path, Loss of power causes
cascade transition Incomplete/wrong resulting in impact insufficient and/or Land and troubleshoot (if
group to hover transition with terrain Catastrophic asymmetric lift possible)

Failure to control two Loss of power causes

or more of altitude, Collision with traffic or insufficient and/or Land and troubleshoot (if
attitude, or velocity terrain Catastrophic asymmetric lift possible)

Failure to control two Contact with pad, Loss of power causes

or more of altitude, structure, or other insufficient and/or Land and troubleshoot (if
set down attitude, or velocity traffic Catastrophic asymmetric lift possible)

Decoupling of propulsion
Impacts to aircraft and control; architectural
controllability, redundancy; glide and
Control including loss of other off‐nominal landing propulsion transition Loss of propulsion control Catastrophic HW or SW fault options
Compute No command or wrong
motor/rotor No result or incorrect command available to Proper HW and SW fault commands transition result produced send Hazardous HW or SW fault management practices

Command No command or wrong No actuation or wrong Proper HW and SW fault motors/rotors transition command sent actuation Hazardous HW or SW fault management practices

Impacts to propulsion
Actuate No actuation or wrong profile, including loss Proper HW and SW fault motors/rotors transition actuation of effective propulsion Catastrophic HW or SW fault management practices
Manage stability

Aircraft is massively Contact with pad, Failure of automatic

lift to and unexpectedly out structure, or other system, failure of pre‐flight Land and troubleshoot (if hover of balance or trim traffic, loss of stability Hazardous planning, etc. possible)
Aircraft is Failure of automatic
unexpectedly out of "Turbulence", possible system, failure of pre‐flight
balance or trim to a contact with pad / planning, etc., shifting of Compensate with attitude
moderate degree structure. Minor? cargo or passengers control, troubleshoot
Possible unrecoverable
loss of ability to
control flight path, Failure of automatic
transition Incomplete/wrong resulting in impact system leads to sudden Land and troubleshoot (if
to forward transition with terrain Catastrophic loss of trim on mode shift possible)

Aircraft is massively Contact with pad, Failure of automatic

and unexpectedly out structure, or other system, failure of pre‐flight Land and troubleshoot (if
of balance or trim traffic, loss of stability Hazardous planning, etc. possible)
Aircraft is Failure of automatic
unexpectedly out of "Turbulence", possible system, failure of pre‐flight
balance or trim to a minor passenger planning, etc., shifting of Compensate with attitude
moderate degree injuries Minor cargo or passengers control, troubleshoot

Aircraft is massively Collision with other Failure of automatic
climb to and unexpectedly out traffic or structures, system, failure of pre‐flight
enroute of balance or trim loss of stability Hazardous planning, etc. Troubleshoot
Aircraft is Failure of automatic
unexpectedly out of "Turbulence", possible system, failure of pre‐flight
balance or trim to a minor passenger planning, etc., shifting of Compensate with attitude
moderate degree injuries Minor cargo or passengers control, troubleshoot

Aircraft is massively Collision with other Failure of automatic

and unexpectedly out traffic or structures, system, failure of pre‐flight
enroute of balance or trim loss of stability Hazardous planning, etc. Troubleshoot
Aircraft is Failure of automatic
unexpectedly out of "Turbulence", possible system, failure of pre‐flight
balance or trim to a minor passenger planning, etc., shifting of Compensate with attitude
moderate degree injuries Minor cargo or passengers control, troubleshoot

Aircraft is massively Collision with other Failure of automatic

and unexpectedly out traffic or structures, system, failure of pre‐flight Mostly other aircraft
avoidance of balance or trim loss of stability Hazardous planning, etc. avoiding yours
Aircraft is Failure of automatic
unexpectedly out of "Turbulence", possible system, failure of pre‐flight
balance or trim to a minor passenger planning, etc., shifting of Compensate with attitude
moderate degree injuries Minor cargo or passengers control, troubleshoot

Aircraft is massively Collision with other Failure of automatic

and unexpectedly out traffic or structures, system, failure of pre‐flight
descent of balance or trim loss of stability Hazardous planning, etc. Troubleshoot
Aircraft is Failure of automatic
unexpectedly out of "Turbulence", possible system, failure of pre‐flight
balance or trim to a minor passenger planning, etc., shifting of Compensate with attitude
moderate degree injuries Minor cargo or passengers control, troubleshoot
Possible unrecoverable
loss of ability to
control flight path, Failure of automatic
transition Incomplete/wrong resulting in impact system leads to sudden Land and troubleshoot (if
to hover transition with terrain Catastrophic loss of trim on mode shift possible)

Aircraft is massively Contact with pad, Failure of automatic
and unexpectedly out structure, or other system, failure of pre‐flight Land and troubleshoot (if
of balance or trim traffic, loss of stability Hazardous planning, etc. possible)
Aircraft is Failure of automatic
unexpectedly out of "Turbulence", possible system, failure of pre‐flight
balance or trim to a minor passenger planning, etc., shifting of Compensate with attitude
moderate degree injuries Minor cargo or passengers control, troubleshoot

Aircraft is massively Contact with pad, Failure of automatic

and unexpectedly out structure, or other system, failure of pre‐flight Land and troubleshoot (if
set down of balance or trim traffic, loss of stability Hazardous planning, etc. possible)
Aircraft is Failure of automatic
unexpectedly out of "Turbulence", possible system, failure of pre‐flight
balance or trim to a contact with pad / planning, etc., shifting of Compensate with attitude
moderate degree structure. Minor? cargo or passengers control, troubleshoot
Control ground
1.2 movement
1.3 subsystems
Impacts to aircraft
including loss of
control; impacts to
Control Partial or complete propulsion, including Design or degradation
1.3.1 powerplant transition loss of power loss of propulsion Catastrophic faults in propulsion system Power source redundancy
Monitor vehicle
1.3.2 health

2 Navigate
2.1 Plan path
Defer to pre‐
2.1.1 loaded plan
Avoid known
2.1.2 obstacles
Avoid known
2.1.3 weather
Choose low‐
2.1.4 noise path

2.1.5 replan


re: display of sufficient and
Execute controlled current info to allow SA] Pax containment at
flight onto wrong Failure of dynamic vertiports;
landing pad; possible replanning function Property/object
harm to persons or deriving from, e.g., containment at vertiports;
property in the landing increased cognitive load Positive confirmation
Operator experiencing field [unpack; this is from something like during descent with e.g.,
loss/degradation of not direct weather diversion, novel dispatch re: assigned
[drafting] approach situational awareness consequence] Catastrophic vertiport, glare, etc. landing pad
Misidentified or
waypoints and/or
destination conveyed Waypoint and destination
to operator; increased confirmation; human
operator workload; factors adjustments to nav
impacts to situational interface; HW/SW/data
2.1.5a approach Insufficient path plan awareness Hazardous HW/SW/data fault management
position and
2.2 orientation
2.3 Monitor path
Detect dynamic
2.3.1 obstacles
Detect dynamic
2.3.2 weather
3 Communicate
3.1 internally
Data timeouts; Comms
Stale information; redundancy; procedural
increased operator guidance for lost comms
Communicate Loss of external workload; impacts to scenarios; HW/SW/data
3.2 externally enroute comms situational awareness Hazardous HW/SW/data fault management

4 Transport
4.1 persons
Degraded stability,
degraded handling
qualities, degraded Failure of passenger
Aircraft center of safety margins, restraints, passengers
gravity is out‐of‐ increased pilot move about, disrupting Procedural passenger
[drafting] enroute bounds workload Hazardous vehicle balance management,

Aircraft center of design or degradation Procedural passenger

Restrain gravity out of bounds; faults in belt mechanism; management; design to
passengers in Unrestrained reduced flight stability; pax not adhering to accommodate balance flight enroute passenger(s) passenger injury Hazardous procedural management shifts
Management of design and
degradation faults in
restraint components;
Aircraft center of procedural passenger
Apply gravity out of bounds; design or degradation management; design to
mechanical Unrestrained reduced flight stability; faults in belt mechanism; accommodate balance restraint enroute passenger(s) passenger injury Hazardous tampering shifts
Aircraft center of Redesign procedural
Apply gravity out of bounds; passenger management;
procedural Unrestrained reduced flight stability; pax not adhering to design to accommodate restraint enroute passenger(s) passenger injury Hazardous procedural management balance shifts
4.2 Transport cargo

New/Unhomed Functions

Strategic and tactical

Imposition of response Multiple, e.g., decision conflict management
actions on ATC, error or command error capabilities, including
Maintain proximate traffic, Hazardous, due to loss of situational procedural separation and
separation loss of separation NMAC/MAC Catastrophic awareness DAA systems

Increased operator
Maintain workload; Multiple, e.g. loss of TBD in accordance with
situational Loss of situational decision error; (external) comms; failure causes; this hazard arises
awareness awareness command error Hazardous of dynamic replanning many ways
Contain n/a
persons at (vertiport
vertiport vs. Failure to contain Injury or death from Hazardous or [Speculate based on how
landing pad aircraft) persons landing aircraft catastrophic containment failed]


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