Nanofluids For Enhanced Economics and Safety of Nuclear Reactors

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Prof. Jacopo Buongiorno*, Dr. Lin-wen Hu**

*Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
**Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

University Park Hotel at MIT, Cambridge, MA

November 29, 2007
Intro to nanofluids
Nanofluid heat transfer (state
of the art)
Promising nuclear applications
Research gaps
• Nanofluids are engineered colloids = base fluid
(water or any other liquid) + nanoparticles
• Nanoparticle materials: oxides (Al2O3, ZrO2,
SiO2, Fe3O4), stable metals (Au, Cu), carbon
(diamond, PyC, fullerene), polymers (teflon),
• Particle size is small (1-100 nm)
High surface to
volume ratio Low mass Low inertia

Higher energy High colloidal

and mass stability (no Little erosion
transfer rates sedimentation)
State of the art
Nanofluid heat transfer enhancement
1) Thermal conductivity enhancement
2) Convective heat transfer enhancement (up to +40%)
3) Critical Heat Flux enhancement
Ref*/Group Nanofluid(s) Heater type Max CHF
1/U-Texas Al2O3 in water, 0.001-0.025 g/L Cu plate 200%
2/Lockheed SiO2 (15-50 nm) in water, 0.5 v% NiCr wire 60%
3/UC-Santa Barbara Al2O3 (38 nm) in water, 0.037 g/L Ti layer on glass 67%
4/ Pohang Univ. TiO2 (27-85 nm) in water, 0.01-3 v% Cu plate 50%
5/U-Texas Al2O3 (70-260 nm) and ZnO in water Cu plate 200%
Al2O3 in ethylene glycol
6/KAIST Al2O3 (10-100 nm) in water, 0.5-4 v% Stainless steel 50%
7/Pohang Univ. TiO2 (85 nm) in water, 10-5-10-1 v% l wire
NiCr 200%
8/U-Florida SiO2, CeO2, Al2O3 (10-20 nm) in water, 0.5 v% NiCr wire 170%
9/U-Missouri Au (4 nm) in water Cu plate 175%
10/MIT SiO2 (20-40 nm), ZrO2 (110-250 nm), Al2O3 Stainless steel 80%
(110-210 nm) in water, 0.001-0.1 v% wire

1) and 2) are highly controversial + not really useful in

nuclear. 3) can be beneficial in nuclear systems.
Nanofluid Critical Heat Flux

DI water (0.5 MW/m 2) DI water (1 MW/m2)

Water-based nanofluid with

ZrO2 particles
Nanofluid (0.5 MW/m2) Nanofluid (1 MW/m2)

•Very significant pool boiling CHF enhancement observed at low

nanoparticle concentrations with various nanoparticle materials
(ZrO2, Al2O3, SiO2, diamond)
•CHF enhancement confirmed for the first time also in flow boiling
(MIT paper, J. Heat Transfer, Apr 2008, in press)
Why Does CHF Increase?
Al Al
•Thermophysical properties do not change at low concentration

EDS: 0.01v% Al2O3

SEM Picture of SS316 Wire SEM Picture of SS316 Wire

After Boiling of DI Water After Boiling of 0.01v% Al2O3 Nanofluid

•Nanoparticles deposit on surface upon nanofluid boiling

Why Does CHF Increase?

75° 73°

Pure water on surface boiled Nanofluid on surface boiled

in pure water in clean water


Pure water on surface boiled Nanofluid on surface boiled

in nanofluid in nanofluid
Surface wettability increases dramatically ⇒ CHF enhancement
Nuclear Applications of Nanofluids

1) PWR main coolant

2) Safety systems for LWRs
3) Management of severe accidents
(in-vessel retention)
PWR Main Coolant - Neutronics
Simulations of 17×17 PWR FA with CASMO
1.392 2.0
BOL multiplication factor

Boron equivalent (ppm)

1.388 1.5
1.386 Al2O3
ZrO2 1.0
1.382 C Alumina
1.380 0.5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Nanoparticle fraction (%vol.)
Nanoparticle loading (% vol.)

Negligible penalty on reactivity

Negligible change in void reactivity coefficient
PWR Main Coolant - Activation
Nanoparticle Material Dominant radionuclide, Half-life Activity (per unit
Decay coolant volume)
Carbon C-14, β- (no γ) 5,700 yrs 0.001 μCi/cm3
Silica Si-31, β- (γ: 1.3 MeV) 2.6 hrs 0.04 μCi/cm3
Alumina Al-28, β- (γ: 1.8 MeV) 2 min 10 μCi/cm3
Zirconia Zr-95, β- (γ: 0.7 MeV) 64 days 0.2 μCi/cm3
Gold Au-198, β- (γ: 0.4 MeV) 2.7 days 3,000 μCi/cm3
Platinum Pt-197, β- (γ: 0.2 MeV) 18 hrs 6 μCi/cm3
Iridium Ir-194, β- (γ: 0.3 MeV) 19 hrs 2,500 μCi/cm3

• All specific activities calculated for 0.001 vol% nanoparticle

loading, 5×1013 n/cm2s thermal neutron flux.
• Cross sections from BNL website.
• Assumed residence time in core 0.65 s, outside core 16.5 s.
• The target for coolant activity during refueling at Seabrook
Station is <0.1 μCi/cm3.
PWR Main Coolant – Thermal-hydraulics
Target is to increase core power density:
; +20% in existing PWRs
‰ +40% in future PWRs

For uprates in existing PWRs the constraints are:

- Same FA design (17×17) and core size
- No replacement of RPV, SGs, main piping
- Same core outlet temperature

Two limits considered:

1. No fuel melting at 112% overpower
2. MDNBR>1.3 at 112% overpower

MDNBR is the most limiting.

PWR Main Coolant – Thermal-hydraulics (2)
• •
Case # Q (MWth) M (kg/s) Tin (oC) Tout (oC) ΔT (oC)
Reference 3,411 17,700 292.3 324 31.7
1 4,093 (+20%) 21,240 (+20%) 292.3 324 31.7
2 4,093 (+20%) 17,700 286.0 324 38.0 (+20%)
3 4,093 (+20%) 19,470 (+10%) 289.1 324 34.9 (+10%)

• “Reference” is a 4-loop Westinghouse PWR plant

• Main pump replacement probably needed in Cases 1
and 3
• Turbine-generator replacement probably needed in all 3
• Thermal efficiency somewhat lower than “Reference”
(<1%) because of lower steam pressure in the SGs in
all 3 Cases
PWR Main Coolant – Thermal-hydraulics (3)
Subchannel analysis with VIPRE (Fh=1.65, FQ=2.5, +12%
overpower, -5% flow, +2.2°C inlet T, -200 kPa P, W-3 corr.)
Sub- channel / l umped sub-
1 1.8
channel number
2 Rod number 1.6
17 Lumped r od number
7 1.4

18 16 9
8 5 1.0
13 11 2
3 0.8
9 1 4
4 1 0.6
10 3 2 6 0.4
6 7 8 10 0.2
11 12 13 14 15
19 14 0.0
17 12 Reference Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
20 21 16

Depending on uprate approach, up

to +30% CHF gain may be needed
from the nanofluid, to achieve +20%
Safety Systems

Hot Legs

SIS Design of EPR ECCS with
EBS low-pressure nanofluid tank
NIS Cold Legs


•CHF increase alone not sufficient here

•Post-CHF heat transfer is key. Nanoparticles can accelerate
core quenching because:
1) increase wettability and 2) increase axial thermal conduction
Severe Accidents (In-Vessel Retention)


Molten core

Flooded reactor cavity

Concentrated nanofluid is injected in already flooded reactor

cavity, thus creating a dilute nanofluid (verified with CFD)
Severe Accidents (In-Vessel Retention) (2)

Use of a nanofluid results in a stable +40% heat removal

enhancement with the same margin to DNB (CHF)
Severe Accidents (In-Vessel Retention) (3)
Mean particle diameter in alumina nanofluid, as measured
with DLS

Time (hrs) 20%wt 0.01%v 0.001%v

0 37.8 nm n/a n/a
1 n/a 42.6 nm 52.3 nm
6 n/a 32.6 nm 33.4 nm
24 n/a 46.7 nm 46.7 nm

• Nanofluid stays stable for at least 24 hours after dilution

• Stability of nanofluids also successfully tested in γ-radiation
• Nanofluid stable in LiOH and boric acid, but not in STP
Interest in nuclear applications of
1. AREVA (PWR primary system + ECCS)
2. Westinghouse (severe accidents)
3. EPRI (heat transfer enhancement)

1. NRC (severe accidents)
2. DOE (heat transfer enhancement)
Research gaps
1) Demonstration of heat transfer
performance at prototypical reactor
• High-pressure CHF test in bundle geometry for
PWR application
• Low-pressure quench test in bundle geometry for
safety systems (ECCS) application
• Low-pressure CHF test in hemispherical gap for in-
vessel retention application
Research gaps (2)
2) Demonstration of compatibility/stability of
nanofluids with prototypical reactor
chemistry/radiation environments
• Potential issues for PWR application: erosion,
corrosion, clogging, neutron-induced instability
• Potential issues for ECCS and severe accident
application: design of nanofluid delivery systems,
gamma-induced instability, compatibility with boric
acid, LiOH and STP
Nanofluids offer potential for significant
enhancement of the pool and flow boiling critical
heat flux
Potential nuclear applications include PWR
primary system, safety systems (ECCS), severe
accident management (in-vessel retention)
Major research gaps include:
ƒ Demo of heat transfer performance at prototypical
reactor conditions
ƒ Demo of chemical-physical stability at prototypical
reactor conditions
Backup slides
Nanofluid Thermal Conductivity
Measured thermal conductivity of >20 nanofluids with transient hot
wire technique (±2% experimental uncertainty)
Particle Liquid Maker Preparation Loading (wt) Loading (vol) pH Conductivity
EG 0.25
Ag EG MIT No Surfactants/No pH 0.029 - - 0.25
Al2O3 EG MIT No Surfactants/No pH - ~3 8.5 0.28
Au EG Meliorum Surfactants - 1 - 0.25
CuO EG MIT No Surfactants/No pH - ~1 4.15 0.27
SiO2 EG MIT No Surfactants/No pH - 1.6-3.3 - 0.28
ZrO2 EG MIT No Surfactants/No pH - 4 - 0.28
H2O 0.59
Al2O3 H2O SA pH 10 - 4.3 0.63
Al2O3 H2O RPI Surfactants - 2 (0.5) 8.15 (7.05) 0.64 (0.62)
Al2O3 H2O Nyacol pH 20 - 4 0.68
Al2O3 H2O Meliorum pH 10 - 3.9 0.62
Au H2O Meliorum Surfactants - 5 - 0.58
Cu H2O MIT No Surfactants/No pH - - 6.5 0.5
CuO H2O MIT No Surfactants/No pH - <5 7.12 0.59
Diamond H2O UF No Surfactants/No pH - - 6.67 0.62
Diamond H2O MIT No Surfactants/No pH - - 6 0.6
Fe3O4 H2O MIT Polymer Surfactant - 1 8.54 0.56
Pt H2O Meliorum ? 0.0486 - - 0.57
SiO2 H2O Applied Nano pH 10 - 10.17 0.63
SiO2 H2O Polimi ? 34 18.6 7.13 0.63
SiO2 H2O MIT No Surfactants/No pH - - - 0.57
Teflon H2O Polimi No Surfactants/No pH 10.2 5 3.35 0.58
ZnO2 H2O MIT No Surfactants/No pH - 0.4 7.15 0.59
ZrO2 H2O SA pH 10 - 2.7 0.62
ZrO2 H2O MIT No Surfactants/No pH 17 4 5.27 0.62
ZrO2 H2O Applied Nano pH 10 - 4.17 0.59
ZrO2 H2O Nyacol pH 20 - 4.17 0.59

No abnormal thermal conductivity enhancement observed

Nanofluid Convective Heat Transfer
Measured heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop in flow loop
300 50000
Water Water Isothermal
+20% +20%

Measured Viscous Pressure Drop (Pa)

Alumina Zirconia Isothermal
Measured Nusselt Number (hD/k)

Zirconia Alumina Isothermal

40000 Zirconia Heated
Water Heated
Alumina Heated -20%
200 -20%



0 0
0 100 200 300 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Predicted Nusselt Number (hD/k) Predicted Viscous Pressure Drop (Pa)

•Nanofluids seem to follow traditional heat transfer behavior

(provided measured nanofluid properties are used)

•No abnormal enhancement detected so far

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