Aysha VES Interpretation Fi
Aysha VES Interpretation Fi
Aysha VES Interpretation Fi
July , 2017
1. GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION ............................................................................................ 3
1.1. General......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) .......................................................................................... 3
1.2.1. Methodology........................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2. Field procedure and Instrumentations ............................................................................... 4
1.2.3. Instrumentation ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.4. Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 6
2. Result Interpretation ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Stacked plan maps of sliced depth sections ........................................................................... 7
2.2. Pseudo Depth section ................................................................................................................ 9
2.3. Geo-electric section .................................................................................................................. 11
2.4. Pseudo Depth along line -2 ..................................................................................................... 12
2.5. Geo-electric section .................................................................................................................. 13
4. Annex -1 interpreted VES curves with possible lithology ..................................................... 17
VES 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 17
4.4.2. VES 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 18
4.4.3. VES 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 19
4.4.4. VES 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 20
VES 5 .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Annex:2 Raw Data of Aysha ................................................................................................................ 23
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Schlumberger array electrode configuration; A & B are Current electrodes and M & N
are Potential electrodes ................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2: VES Locations Map of Aysha Dawale............................................................................ 6
Figure 3: Stacked plot of sliced resistivity plan maps at various depth levels, successively
Larger current electrode separations around Aysha Dawale................................................ 9
Figure 4----: Apparent resistivity pseudo-section along line ................................................ 10
Figure 5 ---: Geo-electric-section constructed along line ....................................................... 12
Figure 6----: Apparent resistivity pseudo-section along line ................................................ 13
Figure 7--: Geo-electric-section constructed along line ......................................................... 14
1.1. General
The application of geophysical methods in hydrogeological problems is based on the
fact that groundwater conditions at a location are mainly described through
characterizing the existence and distribution of permeable layers (like sand, gravel,
fractured rock) and impermeable or low-permeable layers (like clay, till, solid rock) in
the subsurface.
To achieve a geophysical image of these underground structures, sufficient contrast of
physical properties is required. Density, electrical conductivity, dielectric constant, and
magnetic susceptibility (to some extent) are the most relevant petro-physical properties
used as diagnostic parameters in geophysical exploration for groundwater. The
influence of porosity, water saturation, and clay content on these petro-physical
properties is the key factor.
Owing to their intrinsic correlation to the aforementioned physical properties of
subsurface rocks, the geophysical methods chosen for this particular of project were
Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES).
1.2. Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES)
1.2.1. Methodology
Geo-electrical methods are applied to map the resistivity structure of the ground under
the point of measurements. Rock resistivity is of special interest for hydro-geological
purposes. It allows discriminating between soft-rock, sandy aquifers and clayey
material; between hard rock porous/fractured aquifers and low-permeable clay stones
and marlstones; and between water-bearing fractured rock and its solid host rock.
Under favorable circumstances, the interface between fresh water and salt water.
Vertical electrical soundings are applied to a horizontally or approximately
horizontally-layered earth. Geological targets may be, for e.g., sedimentary rocks of
different lithologies, layered aquifers of different properties, sedimentary rocks
overlying igneous rocks, or the weathering zone of igneous rocks. In the most favorable
case, the number of layers, their thicknesses and resistivities are the outcome of a VES
The basic idea of resolving the vertical resistivity layering is to stepwise increase the
current-injecting electrodes spacing, which leads to an increasing penetration of the
current lines and in this way to an increasing influence of the deep-seated layers on the
apparent resistivity.
The step-wise measured apparent resistivities are plotted against the current electrode
spacing on a log/log scale and interpolated to a continuous apparent resistivity
measurements with increased current electrode spacing leading to increased
penetration depths of the injected current. Results are compiled in the sounding curve.
This plot is called a sounding curve that is the base of all data inversion to obtain the
resistivity/depth structure of the ground. In general, linear electrode configurations are
used for resistivity measurements. Common configurations are the Schlumberger,
Wenner, and Dipole-Dipole spreads. Because of practical and methodical advantages,
vertical electrical soundings mostly use the symmetrical Schlumberger configuration
where the voltage electrodes are closely spaced and fixed to the center of the array and
the current electrodes move outwards.
data on the field and studying the tendency of the curves was used to decide on the
adequacy of the current electrode spacing and monitoring the data quality.
Figure 1 Schlumberger array electrode configuration; A & B are Current electrodes and M & N
are Potential electrodes
1.2.3. Instrumentation
The instrument used for the survey is state of the art German-made Lippmann 4 Point Light
10W earth resistivity meter. The high resolution GARMIN 60C GPS was used for position
location of important landmark and VES points.
The current survey was conducted along the selected lines at an average interval of 850m
between each sounding points in the study area.
Table 1 VES Locations
1.2.4. Objectives
The main objectives of the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) resistivity surveys are:
To determine different lithological and/or hydrogeological units according to
their resistivity contrasts
To determine degree of weathering and fracturing of the water bearing materials,
depth and thickness of saturated zones, and thickness of the overburden or
confining layers
To identify the geologic structures and weak zones that serve as a storage
areas or conduits for groundwater movement,
To determine the depth to the bottom confining crystalline basement rocks/
aquiclude whenever possible
2. Result Interpretation
2.1. Stacked plan maps of sliced depth sections
The geo-electrical survey comprises of five Vertical Electrical Sounding points with a
maximum current electrode separation 750m. The general variation in electrical
resistivity of the subsurface is presented in the form of sliced pseudo-depth section is
presented in figure below. The sounding points are almost evenly distributed so it is
believed to give a good representation of the ground overall.
The measured field data have been plotted along each profile line to get pseudo sections
using the apparent resistivity (ρa) and pseudo depth (AB/2) values and depict the
overall resistivity picture on a vertical section. Moreover the plan view of resistivity
variations across the area, pseudo-depth slices, for instance, AB/2= (1.5, 9, 45, 100,330
and 500 m), are presented. The choice of such spacing depends on the variability
between them and to show the lateral variations of resistivity at different pseudo depth.
The knowledge on the lateral distribution of the electrical resistivity at the subsurface
shades additional light towards a complete understanding of the geological framework
of the area under investigation. Sliced depth sections, when presented in the form of
stacked plots, provide sufficient visualization of the overall picture of subsurface
electrical parameters and their variation in both lateral and vertical directions.
Figure 3: Stacked plot of sliced resistivity plan maps at various depth levels, successively Larger
current electrode separations around Aysha Dawale
This pseudo depth section data is compromised from the three VES point data. The
pseudo depth section shows an extensive low resistivity subsurface over the vast portion
of the section, and the deepest region beneath each layer where low resistivity responses
were recorded.
According to this pseudo depth section, there is a lateral variation in resistivity in the
section with the prominent low resistivity exists under the five VES and the pseudo
section shows an extensive low resistivity subsurface over the portion of the section. The
vast region under all the section shows extensive coverage of low resistivity zone. The
resistivity ranges (0-100 .m) of this low resistivity region are indicative of potential water
saturation. Therefore VES-4, VES-5, and VES-3 show low resistivity that ranges averagely
less than 100 .m. The maximum value of the measured apparent resistivity does not
exceed 180 .m.
resistive unit is deep which is seen as a channel fill flow. From these phenomena, it is
inferred that there was a tectonic disturbance of faulting during the East African
Rifting with strike perpendicular to the survey line and formed Graben and Horst on
the pre-existing geologic formation
VES-1, VES-5, and VES-2 show low resistivity that ranges averagely less than 150 .m. The
maximum value of the measured apparent resistivity does not exceed 240 .m.
The third geo-electric layer is marked by high resistivity response under VES-5 and
interoperated as massive rocks. The resistivity values of the bottom layer under each
VES also show a possible water saturated horizon.
The resistivity response of different subsurface layers provides a means of assess their
suitability to host adequate amount and potable groundwater. The substratum which
underlies the abovementioned vast conductive layer is characterized by variable
resistivity under all VES at the deepest depth.
The apparent resistivity pseudo-depth sections and the true resistivity geo-electric
sections show the presence of shallow as well as deeper low resistivity horizons which
are potential zones of groundwater saturation. The low resistivity and large thickness of
these horizons is an indicator of high groundwater potential in the study area.
From the result of the electrical resistivity surveys, it is also seen that the area is highly
affected by tectonic forces that have resulted in major fracturing and faulting of the rock
units at varying depths. These faults and fractures are believed to control the flow
of groundwater. The fractures and weak zones are the major controls for the flow of
ground water over the area.
The geological structures (fractures, faults and contacts) play a great role in
the movement and occurrence of the groundwater in the study area. The highly to
moderately weathered and fractured rocks contribute more for the recharge and
movement of the groundwater through the fault s and wake zones.
Based on geological situation observed during field work and this VES data, therefore,
the well depth to be drilled at this specific site should be up to a maximum depth of
250m to exploit the required yields but under VES -3 the maximum depth is 370m to get
the required yield. Therefore, the final decision shall be made by the site hydro
geologist based on actual observation while drilling. Therefore from the interoperated
geo-electric result and from its VES curves all the VES shows portable groundwater
under each profiles.
Layer (Ohm-m) Thickness Depth (m) Expected Lithology
1 25.5 0.9 0.9 Top soil
Layer (Ohm-m) Thickness Depth (m) Expected Lithology
1 518.5 0.8 0.8 Top soil
Layer (Ohm-m) Thickness Depth (m) Expected Lithology
1 7.2 1.1 1.1 Top silty clay soil
Layer (Ohm-m) Thickness Depth (m) Expected Lithology
1 280.2 1 1 Top silty clay soil
Layer (Ohm-m) Thickness Depth (m) Expected Lithology
1 57.4 1 1 top silty clay soil