001 NAPS UFSAR Chapter 1
001 NAPS UFSAR Chapter 1
001 NAPS UFSAR Chapter 1
Chapter 1
The FSAR was submitted in support of the application of the Virginia Electric and Power
Company (Vepco), Richmond, Virginia, for the Class 103 facility operating licenses, special
nuclear materials licenses, by-product materials licenses, and source materials license required for
the operation of Vepco’s North Anna Power Station Units 1 and 2. The application was submitted
as a combined application for all licenses required for the operation of North Anna Units 1 and 2
as permitted by 10 CFR 50.31.
The North Anna Units 1 and 2 PSAR was filed with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
(AEC) on March 21, 1969, and Docket Nos. 50-338 (Unit 1) and 50-339 (Unit 2) were assigned.
On February 19, 1971, Construction Permits CPPR-77 and CPPR-78 were issued for North Anna
Units 1 and 2, respectively.
North Anna Units 1 and 2 are located on a site on the southern shore of Lake Anna in
Louisa County, approximately 40 miles north-northwest of Richmond. Lake Anna was created by
impounding excess waters of the North Anna River and was developed by Vepco. Water from
Lake Anna is used as a cooling medium for surface condensers and other heat exchanger
equipment at the North Anna Power Station.
North Anna Units 1 and 2 each includes a three-coolant-loop pressurized light water reactor
nuclear steam supply system and turbine generator furnished by Westinghouse Electric
Corporation. The balance of the plant was designed and constructed by Vepco with the assistance
of its agent, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation.
The nuclear steam supply system is similar in design concept to several such systems
licensed by the AEC, including Vepco’s Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2. The containments,
which house the major nuclear steam supply system components of each unit, are steel-lined,
reinforced-concrete structures that use dry, subatmospheric operation concepts. The containments
are similar in design concept to those employed in several projects reviewed by the AEC,
including Vepco’s Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2.
Each reactor unit was originally designed for a licensed core power output of 2775 MWt
(this corresponds to a nuclear steam supply system rating of 2785 MWt). This core power would
result in a gross electrical output of approximately 947 MWe and a net electrical output of
approximately 907 MWe with a circulating water temperature of 75°F, and a net electrical output
of approximately 898 MWe with a circulating water temperature of 88°F. Each reactor was
originally expected to be capable of achieving an ultimate core power level of 2900 MWt (this
corresponds to a nuclear steam supply system rating of 2910 MWt). This core power would result
in a gross electrical output of approximately 984 MWe and a net electrical output of
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.1-2
approximately 944 MWe with a circulating water temperature of 75°F, and a net electrical output
of approximately 934 MWe with a circulating water temperature of 88°F. Although the license
application is for 2775 MWt (core power), all safety systems, including the containment and
engineered safety features, were designed for operation at the expected ultimate power level.
Fuel was loaded in Unit 1 in December 1977, with commercial operation commencing in
June 1978. Fuel was loaded in Unit 2 in April 1980, with commercial operation commencing in
December 1980. In 1986, both units were uprated to a core power output of 2893 MWt (NSSS
Rating of 2905 MWt) with an expected gross electrical output of 982 MWe.
The following sections of this FSAR provide additional information on the design,
construction, and operation of North Anna Units 1 and 2. These sections were prepared in
accordance with guidelines supplied by the AEC’s Standard Format and Content of Safety
Analysis Report for Nuclear Power Plants issued in February 1972.
Note: As required by the Renewed Operating Licenses for North Anna Units 1 and 2, issued
March 20, 2003, various systems, structures, and components discussed within this Updated
FSAR are subject to aging management. The programs and activities necessary to manage the
aging of these systems, structures, and components are discussed in Chapter 18.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.2-1
1.2.1 General
Each unit at North Anna incorporates a closed-cycle pressurized-water nuclear steam
supply system, a turbine generator, and the necessary auxiliaries. A radioactive waste disposal
system, a fuel handling system, and all auxiliaries, structures, and other onsite facilities required
for a complete and operable nuclear power station are also provided.
1.2.2 Structures
The major structures are the reactor containment; auxiliary building; fuel building; turbine
building, which includes the main control room. The site arrangement, the plot plan, and the
general arrangement of equipment within these structures are shown on the drawings listed in the
following tabulation:
Item Drawing
Site plan Figure 1.2-1 and Reference Drawing 1
Plot plan Figure 1.2-2 and Reference Drawing 2
Containment structure and containment Reference Drawings 3 through 9
auxiliary structures
Auxiliary building Reference Drawings 10 through 16
Fuel building Reference Drawings 17 and 18
Control area Figure 1.2-3 and Reference Drawing 19
Service building Reference Drawings 20 through 22
Turbine building Reference Drawings 23 through 30
Service water pump house Reference Drawings 31 and 32
Main circulating pump structure Reference Drawings 33 and 34
Service water valve house Reference Drawings 35 and 36
Service water tie-in vault Reference Drawing 37
Station black-out building Reference Drawings 38 and 39
(LOCA) described in Section 15.4, the containment peak pressure will be reduced to
subatmospheric by the use of redundant spray cooling systems, thereby positively terminating
outleakage to the environment.
The general seismic criteria used in the design of the structures and equipment in the station
are described in Section 3.7. The operating-basis earthquake results in horizontal ground
acceleration of 0.06g for structures on rock and 0.09g for structures on soil. The design-basis
earthquake results in horizontal ground accelerations of 0.12g for structures on rock and 0.18g for
structures on soil. Damping at these accelerations is generally assumed at 2% and 5%
respectively, for major concrete structures. Vertical acceleration is assumed at two-thirds of the
horizontal acceleration and is considered to act simultaneously with the horizontal acceleration.
The steam flow of the nuclear steam supply system based on 0% makeup is as follows:
Steam flow from nuclear steam supply system 12.77 x 106 lbm/hr
The nuclear steam supply system consists of a reactor and closed reactor coolant loops
connected in parallel to the reactor vessel, each loop containing a reactor coolant pump and a
steam generator. The nuclear steam supply system also contains an electrically heated pressurizer
and certain auxiliary systems.
High-pressure water circulates through the reactor core to remove the heat generated by the
fission process. The heated water exits from the reactor vessel and passes via the coolant loop
piping to the steam generators. Here it gives up its heat to the feedwater to generate steam for the
turbine generator. The cycle is completed when the water is pumped back to the reactor vessel.
The entire reactor coolant system is composed of leaktight and controlled-leakage components to
ensure that the reactor coolant is confined to the system or its auxiliaries.
The core is of the multiregion type. Fuel assemblies within a typical batch are mechanically
identical, although the fuel enrichment is typically not the same in all the assemblies. Small
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.2-3
differences may also exist between different batches of fuel, as new design features are
incorporated into reload fuel assemblies.
In the initial core loading, three fuel enrichments were used. Fuel assemblies with the
highest enrichments were placed in the core periphery, or outer region, and the two groups of
lower-enrichment fuel assemblies were arranged in a selected pattern in the central region. In
subsequent refuelings, approximately one-third of the fuel is discharged and fresh fuel is loaded
into the core. The remaining fuel is arranged in the core in such a manner as to achieve optimum
power distribution. Details on fuel loading for the first and subsequent cycles appear in
Rod cluster control assemblies consisting of cylindrical absorber rods are used for reactor
control. The absorber rods move within guide tubes in certain fuel assemblies. The absorber rods
are attached to a spider connector to form a rod cluster control assembly (RCCA). The spider of
the RCCA is attached to a drive shaft, which is raised and lowered by a drive mechanism mounted
on the reactor vessel head. The downward trip of the rod cluster control assemblies is by gravity.
The reactor coolant pumps are Westinghouse vertical, single-stage, centrifugal pumps of the
shaft-seal type. The power supply systems for the pumps are designed so that coolant flow
adequate to cool the reactor core under all required conditions is maintained.
The steam generators are Westinghouse vertical U-tube units that contain Inconel tubes.
Integral moisture separators reduce the moisture content of the steam to 0.25% or less.
The reactor coolant piping and all of the pressure-containing and heat transfer surfaces in
contact with reactor coolant are stainless steel or stainless steel clad, or are made of an equivalent
corrosion-resistant material. The steam generator tubes and fuel tubes are Inconel and Zircaloy,
respectively. The reactor core internals, including the control-rod drive shafts, are primarily
stainless steel.
An electrically heated pressurizer connected to one reactor coolant loop maintains reactor
coolant system pressure during normal operation, limits pressure variations during load transients,
and keeps the system pressure within design limits during abnormal conditions.
Auxiliary system components are provided to charge the reactor coolant system and add
makeup water, purify reactor coolant water, provide chemicals for corrosion inhibition and
reactivity control, cool system components, remove decay heat when the reactor is shut down, and
provide for emergency safety injection.
concentration during core lifetime to compensate for such effects as fuel consumption and the
accumulation of fission products that tend to slow the nuclear chain reaction.
The control system allows the plant to accept step-load increases of 10% and ramp-load
increases of 5% per minute over the load range of 15% to 100% of full power. Equal step- and
ramp-load reductions are possible over the range of 100% to 15% of full power.
The supervision of both the nuclear and turbine-generator plants is accomplished from the
main control room.
Liquid wastes are collected and processed through the Ion Exchange Filtration System
(IEFS) and/or the demineralizers in the waste disposal building. Continuous radiation monitoring
is provided for treated liquid waste before its release to the circulating water discharge tunnel.
Liquid waste is analyzed and monitored to ensure that discharge concentrations are maintained as
low as practicable and well within the limits of applicable regulations.
Spent resins are placed into approved containers, dewatered, and shipped from the site for
ultimate disposal at an authorized location.
Gaseous wastes are diluted, filtered, and discharged to the environment with a yearly
average activity level as low as practicable.
The fuel handling system is divided into two pool regions: the refueling cavity, which is
flooded for refueling; and the spent-fuel pit, which is external to the reactor containment and is
always accessible to plant personnel. The two pools are connected by the fuel transfer system,
which transports the fuel from the refueling cavity to the transfer canal.
Spent fuel is removed from the reactor vessel by a manipulator crane and placed in the fuel
transfer system. In the spent-fuel pit, the fuel is removed from the transfer system and placed into
storage racks. After a suitable decay period, spent fuel can be moved from storage in the spent
fuel pool and loaded into casks for storage at the North Anna Independent Spent Fuel Storage
Installation (ISFSI), or loaded into casks for shipment off the site.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.2-5
The station service system for each unit consists of auxiliary transformers, 4160V and 480V
switchgear and buses, 480V motor control centers, 120V ac vital buses, and 125V dc batteries and
equipment. Non-safety-related buses are powered from the main generator via three station
service transformers, while the emergency buses are powered from the switchyard via three
reserve station service transformers.
Emergency power is supplied from two separate and similar emergency diesel-driven
generators per unit. Each diesel-driven generator is capable of supplying necessary power for the
postaccident containment depressurization subsystems, as well as charging pumps and low-head
safety injection pumps, to ensure the operation of minimum safeguards for the design-basis
Each unit is independent in terms of its engineered safety features. The systems to be
provided for each unit are summarized below:
1. The steel-lined concrete containment structure provides a reliable barrier against the
uncontrolled escape of fission products due to accidents, and permits subatmospheric
operation by limiting air inleakage. The structure and all penetrations, including access
openings and ventilation ducts, are of proven design.
2. The safety injection system injects borated water into the reactor coolant loops to cool the
core by the operation of on-line accumulators, and by high- or low-head pumps subsequent to
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3. The containment quench and recirculation spray systems can provide a spray of cool, basic,
borated water to the containment atmosphere.
Following the assumed design-basis accident, the containment pressure would be reduced
rapidly to subatmospheric pressure by these systems, thereby positively terminating leakage
to the atmosphere. The subsequent long-term maintenance of subatmospheric conditions
would be accomplished by the recirculation spray and containment atmosphere cleanup
ventilation and air conditioning system serving the main control room is designed to provide
uninterrupted service during all conditions, including accident conditions. The ventilation air
areas of possible radioactive contamination are discharged through a monitored ventilation
vent and can be routed through filters.
8. The fire protection system furnishes water and other extinguishing agents with the capability
of extinguishing any single or probable combination of simultaneous fires that might occur at
the station. The system consists of a water system, low- and high-pressure carbon dioxide
systems, a Halon 1301 system, and a foam system.
9. The circulating water system provides water for cooling the main condensers and can provide
water to the bearing cooling water system. The water is pumped from the North Anna
Reservoir created by damming the North Anna River. The water discharges to the Waste Heat
Treatment Facility.
10. The compressed air system supplies station service and instrument air. Dryers are provided
for the instrument air compressors. Separate, redundant supplies of instrument air are
provided in each of the containment structures.
Other auxiliary systems include the domestic water system, communications system,
primary plant gas supply system, and auxiliary steam system.
Transfer pump
Portable centrifuge
Auxiliary building
Fuel building
Service building
Decontamination facility
Office building
Fuel-oil system
The list of Station Drawings below is provided for information only. The referenced drawings are
not part of the UFSAR. This is not intended to be a complete listing of all Station Drawings
referenced from this section of the UFSAR. The contents of Station Drawings are controlled by
station procedure.
Figure 1.2-1
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.2-14
Figure 1.2-2
Figure 1.2-3
Revision 45—09/30/09
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Intentionally Blank
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.3-1
The comparison tables which follow reflect the designs at the time of the original FSAR
submittal, unless otherwise noted.
Table 1.3-1 presents a comparison of the design of the nuclear steam supply system for
the North Anna Power Station with those for the Surry Power Station and the Beaver Valley
Nuclear Station Unit 1.
Table 1.3-2 presents a summary of the design and operational data on the engineered
safety features for North Anna Units 1 and 2 together with comparable data derived from the
FSARs for Surry Units 1 and 2 and Beaver Valley Unit 1. The Surry Units 1 and 2 (Docket
Nos. 50-280 and 50-281) and Beaver Valley Unit 1 (Docket Nos. 50-334) FSARs were selected
because these units are closely related technically to the North Anna units and serve as
examples of Stone & Webster facilities that received operating licenses before the North Anna
The North Anna Power Station units are also generally comparable with the PWRs of the
Pacific Gas and Electric Company and the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation, and with
the Sequoyah units.
Table 1.3-3 is a summary of the design and operational data on the subatmospheric
containment for North Anna Units 1 and 2, together with comparable data derived from the
FSARs for Surry Units 1 and 2 and Beaver Valley Unit 1. These references were selected
because all of these units use the Stone & Webster subatmospheric containment design. Surry
Units 1 and 2 received operating licenses before the North Anna units.
Table 1.3-7 provides a comparison of the emergency diesel generator and steam generator
auxiliary feedwater pump start signals.
Data for North Anna Units 1 and 2 are compared with similar data for Surry Units 1
and 2 and Beaver Valley Unit 1. The latter units were chosen because they are similar to North
Anna Units 1 and 2 and because each had undergone an AEC licensing review.
Table 1.3-11 provides a comparison of electrical parameters for North Anna Units 1
and 2 with similar data from Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2, and Maine Yankee Power
Station. These units were chosen for the comparison because they have electrical systems
similar in design to North Anna Units 1 and 2.
In addition, Surry and Maine Yankee were selected because they received operating
licenses before the North Anna units.
Surry Units 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-280 and 50-281) and Beaver Valley Unit 1 (Docket
No. 50-334) were selected for this comparison because these units are technically similar to
those of the North Anna Power Station. The Surry and Beaver Valley units are examples of
Stone & Webster facilities that had received operating licenses before the North Anna units.
Table 1.3-13 presents a summary of the major design data on various nuclear plant
systems for North Anna Units 1 and 2, Surry Units 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-280 and 50-281),
and Beaver Valley Unit 1 (Docket No. 50-334).
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.3-3
The Surry and Beaver Valley units were chosen for comparison because they are closely
related technically to the North Anna units and had received operating licenses before the North
Anna units.
The significant changes that were made in station design between the submittal of the
PSAR and the submittal of the original FSAR are listed below:
1. Technological advances permitted increasing the ultimate core rating to 2900 MWt with a
minimum of changes in plant design. With this increase in ultimate core rating, the
guaranteed core rating was increased to 2775 MWt. In 1986, both units were uprated to a
core power of 2893 MWt. This power corresponds to the maximum calculated turbine
rating, defined in Section 15.1.
2. All systems and components were designed and evaluated at the increased design power
level of 2900 MWt. To accommodate the increase in design power level to 2900 MWt, the
following changes were made to components and systems:
a. The containment (Section 3.8.2) was increased in height by 5 feet to ensure that the
peak pressure reached during a postulated LOCA at the increased design power level
would be within acceptable limits.
b. The refueling water storage tank (Section 6.2.2) was increased in size from the usable
volume of 350,000 gallons to 450,000 gallons to provide the additional heat removal
capacity required by the increase in energy release during a postulated LOCA.
c. Various components in the steam and power conversion system (Chapter 10) were
increased in capacity to accommodate the increased design steam flow.
d. The reactor coolant pump (Section 5.5) motor horsepower was increased from 6000 to
7000 to accommodate the design reactor coolant flow, which was increased from
100.7 x 106 to 105.1 x 106 lb/hr commensurate with the increase in power level.
e. The centrifugal charging pump motor horsepower was changed from 600 to 900 in
order to provide a greater flow during the injection flow operation of the emergency
core cooling system.
3. The quality assurance program during design and construction was modified to conform to
the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B (Chapter 17).
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.3-4
4. The service water reservoir (Section 3.8.4) was increased in size to provide a 30-day
supply of water to conform to Regulatory Guide 1.27.
6. The design of nuclear piping systems was changed to generally meet the requirements of
ANSI B31.7, the Code for Nuclear Power Piping (see Section 3.2.2), to ensure that the
quality of these piping systems is in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a (PSAR Section 3.2
and Chapters 5, 6, 9, and 11).
7. A vent condenser was added to the low-capacity steam generator blowdown system tank to
further reduce the potential release of radioactive effluents to the atmosphere.
8. The emergency core cooling system was revised to meet the AEC’s interim criteria. The
injection paths were altered to provide cold-leg injection with cold- or hot-leg
recirculation. This change was made in order to counteract potential steam binding above
the core and the subsequent bypass of safety injection flow around the upper plenum and
out through a broken hot leg (see Section 6.3).
9. The online testing capability for final actuator devices was added to conform to Regulatory
Guide 1.22 (PSAR Chapter 7).
10. The normal source of water for the service water system (Section 9.2.1) was changed from
the North Anna Reservoir (Lake Anna) to the service water reservoir so that no transfer
from one source of cooling water to the other is required to meet the single-failure
11. Reactor protection systems and engineered safety features actuation circuits were changed
from a relay to a solid-state logic system. This change was made to provide a simpler and
faster method of performing online testing; to reduce the amount of fuel wiring required;
to provide a more compact system that requires less space and is easier to maintain; to
achieve a standardized and more flexible system; and to provide a system requiring less
power to operate and less (electrical) heat removal (see Sections 7.2 and 7.3).
12. A safety injection permissive block was replaced with a reactor trip permissive block in
the safety injection reset logic. This change was made in order to prevent a safety injection
signal, if one occurred several hours after an accident, from realigning the emergency core
cooling system from recirculation to injection (Section 7.3).
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.3-5
13. The B4C control rods were changed to Ag-In-Cd control rods. This change was made to
minimize tritium releases from the control rods to the primary coolant (see Section 4.2.3).
14. Pellet density and fuel-rod pressure were changed to reflect the evolution of the design as
core performance and safety requirements were met. The initial backfill pressure of the
helium in the fuel was increased to offset densification effects. The pellet densities were
changed from a variation by fuel-rod region to a constant density for all regions. This
change was made because operating experience has shown that fuel pellet swelling is not a
strong function of burnup, as previously believed, so that a uniform core pellet density can
be employed (see Section 4.3).
15. The burnable poison loading pattern was changed to reflect more detailed design
calculations (see Section 4.3).
16. The reactor vessel top and bottom head penetration and the control-rod drive mechanism
were redesigned to meet the requirements of Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (see PSAR Section 5.4).
17. Removable insulation on the closure and lower reactor vessel heads was added to provide
access to those areas for inspection purposes (see Section 5.4).
18. The rod withdrawal stop from the rod drop signal and the automatic turbine load cutback
initiated by rod drop were replaced by the power range neutron flux rate trips. The positive
neutron flux rate trip ensures that the criteria appropriate for an ANS Condition IV event
are met even for rod ejections from partial power. The negative neutron flux rate trip will
ensure that the DNBR remains above 1.30 for all multiple rod drop accidents (see
Section 7.2).
19. The recirculation spray casing cooling subsystem was added to increase the available net
positive suction head for the outside recirculation spray pumps. The available net positive
suction head for the inside recirculation spray pumps was increased by diverting water
from the quench spray system header to the inside recirculation spray pump suction (see
Section 6.2).
The following information is HISTORICAL and is not intended or expected to be updated for the life of the plant.
Table 1.3-1
Chapter Title,
Chapter System/Component Sectiona Significant Similarities Significant Differences
Revision 45—09/30/09
4.0 Reactor
Fuel Section 4.2.1 Similar to Beaver Valley Unit 1. North Anna units have 17 x 17 fuel
assemblies. Surry units have 15 x 15 fuel
Reactor vessel Section 4.2.2 Similar to Beaver Valley Unit 1 None.
internals and Surry Units 1 and 2.
Reactivity control Section 4.2.3 Similar to Beaver Valley Unit 1 None.
systems and Surry Units 1 and 2.
Nuclear design Section 4.3 Similar to Beaver Valley Unit 1 None.
and Surry Units 1 and 2.
Thermal-hydraulic Section 4.4 Similar to Beaver Valley Unit 1 Surry has a core thermal output of
design and Surry Units 1 and 2. 2441 MW. Small variations in
thermal-hydraulic and heat transfer
5.0 Reactor coolant Sections 5.1, 5.2
Reactor vessel Section 5.4 Similar to Beaver Valley Unit 1 No significant differences.
and Surry Units 1 and 2.
Reactor coolant Section 5.5.1 Similar to Beaver Valley Unit 1 The pump motors for North Anna Units 1
pumps and Surry Units 1 and 2. and 2 are 7000 hp; those for Surry and
Beaver Valley Unit 1 are 6000 hp.
5.0 The Beaver Valley and North Surry Units 1 and 2 pumps are supported by
(continued) Anna units have pump casings hangers to four feet welded to each pump
that employ three integrally cast casing.
feet and are supported by
box-frame structures.
Steam generators Section 5.5.2 Similar to Beaver Valley Unit 1 No significant differences.
and Surry Units 1 and 2.
Piping Section 5.5.3 Similar to Beaver Valley Unit 1. Surry Units 1 and 2 employ wrought
The piping and fittings are cast; seamless pipe. The cast 90-degree elbows
and the 90-degree elbows are have longitudinal submerged arc welds.
cast with longitudinal
electroslag welds.
Residual heat Section 5.5.4 Similar to Beaver Valley Unit 1 No significant differences.
removal system and Surry Units 1 and 2.
Pressurizer Section 5.5.5 Similar to Beaver Valley Unit 1 The head material for North Anna is
and Surry Units 1 and 2. fabricated plate; that for Beaver Valley and
5.0 Loop stop valves Section 5.5.7 Similar to Beaver Valley Unit 1 Darling Valve manufactured the valves for
(continued) and Surry Units 1 and 2. Surry Units 1 and 2.
Westinghouse manufactures the
valves for Beaver Valley Unit 1
and the North Anna units.
6.0 Engineered safety
Emergency core Section 6.3 Similar to Beaver Valley and North Anna’s low-head safety injection
cooling system Surry. pumps and high-head safety
injection/charging pumps have a higher
maximum flow rate than those at Beaver
Valley and Surry. Surry locks power off of
the accumulator isolation valve; North
Anna and Beaver Valley provide “S” signal.
7.0 Instrumentation and
Reactor trip system Section 7.2 Similar to Beaver Valley and Surry has relay logic; North Anna and
Surry. Beaver Valley have solid state.
Engineered safety Section 7.3 North Anna, Surry, and Beaver No significant differences.
features systems Valley all have extended
engineered safety features
7.0 System required for Section 7.4 Similar to Beaver Valley and No significant differences
(continued) safe shutdown Surry.
Safety-related Section 7.5 Similar to Beaver Valley and No significant differences
display Surry.
Other safety systems Section 7.6 Similar to Beaver Valley and Surry locks power off one residual heat
Surry. removal isolation valve and interlocks the
other; administrative control of closure.
Control systems Section 7.7 Similar to Beaver Valley and North Anna and Surry have a 50% load
Surry. rejection capability without reactor trip;
Beaver Valley has a 95% capability.
Surry has turbine runback and rod
withdrawal block on rod drop; North Anna
and Beaver Valley do not.
9.0 Auxiliary systems
Fuel handling Section 9.1.4 Similar to Beaver Valley and The Beaver Valley system is sized to store
system Surry. spent fuel from only one unit, while the
Surry and North Anna systems are sized to
handle fuel for two units.
9.0 Chemical and Section 9.3.4 Similar to Surry. The Beaver Valley differs from the North
(continued) volume control Anna chemical and volume control systems
system as follows:
Boric acid system uses 4% boric acid
instead of 12%.
System has no deborating demineralizers.
The system serves one reactor unit and does
not have equipment shared between units as
do North Anna and Surry.
The system does not contain a letdown
14.0 Initial tests and North Anna is the same as North Anna and Beaver Valley are
inspections Beaver Valley. organized to reflect AEC guideline. Surry
precedes issuance of the guide.
15.0 Accident analysis Similar to Beaver Valley and The spectrum for small reactor coolant
Surry (Chapter 14). system break sizes for North Anna includes
the 0.35 ft2 and 0.5 ft2 break sizes, while
Beaver Valley and Surry do not.
Surry differs from North Anna and
Beaver Valley in that:
Surry does not analyze for an accidental
depressurization of the reactor coolant
Surry does not analyze for an
inadvertent loading of fuel assembly
into an improper position.
North Anna and Beaver Valley contain
analyses of both split and guillotine
break modes for break sizes of 0.6 x DE
and larger.
a. The values presented in this table are the original values provided to the NRC for comparison prior to
initial licensing. These values may vary from the current design values for the installed equipment.
The actual design values for the installed equipment can be found in other sections of the UFSARs for
North Anna and Surry.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.3-14
a. The values presented in this table are the original values provided to the NRC for comparison prior to
initial licensing. These values may vary from the current design values for the installed equipment.
The actual design values for the installed equipment can be found in other sections of the UFSARs for
North Anna and Surry.
b. The UA values for North Anna and Surry are the original values provided to the NRC. However, if the
UA values are calculated using data from the original heat exchanger data sheets of NAS-160 and
NUS-85, the resultant UA values for North Anna and Surry are 3.79 x 106 Btu/hr-°F and
3.8 x 106 Btu/hr-°F, respectively.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.3-15
a. NA = not applicable.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.3-17
start signals
Safety injection actuation Safety injection actuation Safety injection actuation
Containment high-high Emergency-bus supply
pressure signal breakers tripped
Steam generator auxiliary All steam generator All steam generator All steam generator feedwater pumps
feedwater pump feedwater pumps tripped feedwater pumps tripped tripped
(motor-driven) auto start
2/3 low-low-level trip, any 2/3 low-low-level trip, any 2/3 low-low-level trip, any steam
steam generator a steam generator a generator a
Safety injection actuation Safety injection actuation Safety injection actuation
Undervoltage reserve station Undervoltage-reserve station service
service power power
a. Coincident with reactor coolant loop hot-leg stop valve open or reactor coolant loop cold-leg stop valve open.
The following information is HISTORICAL and is not intended or expected to be updated for the life of the plant.
Table 1.3-7 (continued)
Component Surry Units 1 & 2 Beaver Valley Unit 1 North Anna Units 1 & 2
Steam generator auxiliary 2/3 undervoltage on each Undervoltage on steam 2/3 undervoltage on station service
Revision 45—09/30/09
a. Coincident with reactor coolant loop hot-leg stop valve open or reactor coolant loop cold-leg stop valve open.
b. These are the Unit 1 turbine-driven pump auto start signals at the time Unit 1 Operating License was issued. Before issuance of Unit 2 Operating
License, the auto starts for the Unit 1 and Unit 2 turbine-driven pumps were changed to be the same as the auto starts for the motor-driven pumps.
c. A 1997 review of this table found this entry to be inaccurate. Surry’s auto start should read, “2/3 undervoltage on station service busses.” This table
represents historical information as provided to the NRC during license application and will not be updated.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.3-21
a. North Anna Unit 1 and Surry Unit 1 are shown; North Anna Unit 2 is similar.
Note: This table is HISTORICAL and is not intended or expected to be updated for
the life of the plant. However, for informational accuracy, it is noted that North
Anna revised the number of blowdown sample monitors to 3 (one per steam
generator) prior to initial startup.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.3-22
a. North Anna Unit 1 and Surry Unit 1 are shown; North Anna Unit 2 is similar.
a. North Anna Unit 1 and Surry Unit 1 are shown; North Anna Unit 2 is similar.
The following information is HISTORICAL and is not intended or expected to be updated for the life of the plant.
Table 1.3-11
Parameter North Anna Units 1 & 2 Surry Units 1 & 2 Maine Yankee
Transmission System (Section 8.1.1)
Revision 45—09/30/09
AC Vital-Bus System
Distribution cabinets 8 4 4
Inverters 8 - 2 at 20 kVA 4 at 10 kVA 4 at 10 kVA
and 6 at 15 kVA
The following information is HISTORICAL and is not intended or expected to be updated for the life of the plant.
Table 1.3-11
Parameter North Anna Units 1 & 2 Surry Units 1 & 2 Maine Yankee
125-V DC System (Section 8.3.2)
Unit batteries (125V) 8 - 4 at 900 A-h, 2 at 800 A-h, 4 at 1500 A-h 4 - 2 at 1800 A-h
Revision 45—09/30/09
1.4.1 Introduction
Virginia Electric and Power Company has contracted with Westinghouse Electric
Corporation for the purchase of (1) the nuclear steam supply system for each nuclear unit,
including its turbine generator, and (2) uranium dioxide and its fabrication into fuel for each
reactor. The balance of plant was designed and constructed by Vepco with architectural,
engineering, and construction services from Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation.
Consulting services also were received from NUS Corporation and Dames & Moore, Inc. NUS
Corporation assisted Vepco in areas of site meteorology and climatology and radiation dose
assessment; Dames & Moore, Inc., assisted Vepco in areas of site geology, hydrology, and
The contractors involved in the day-to-day design and construction of North Anna
Units 1 and 2 were Westinghouse and Stone & Webster. Each of these parties, by contract, was
assigned responsibility for the design of certain systems, structures, and components. The
assignment of responsibility for major structures, systems, and components is shown in
Table 3.2-1. Chapter 17 describes the quality assurance programs that were used to ensure that
these responsibilities were carried out in accordance with applicable codes, rules, and
Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation is a Massachusetts corporation with its main
office in Boston, Massachusetts. The home office staff of engineers, designers, construction
specialists, and clerical personnel during the North Anna project numbered 4000.
Before the advent of commercial nuclear power, Stone & Webster was engaged in the
engineering, design, and construction of hydroelectric and fossil-fueled power plants and
chemical process plants. During the past 25 years, Stone & Webster has engineered, designed,
and/or constructed 176 hydroelectric and fossil-fueled power plants for a total electric power
output of about 33,000,000 kW.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.4-2
Stone & Webster has been actively engaged in nuclear engineering and the construction
of nuclear plants since 1954. They have participated in the design and/or construction of the
Shippingport atomic power plant, the Army Package Power Reactor, the Yankee-Rowe nuclear
power station, the Carolinas-Virginia nuclear station, the Haddam Neck plant of the
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company, Surry Units 1 and 2 of Vepco, the Nine Mile
Point power station of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, the Maine Yankee atomic
power station, Beaver Valley Unit 1 of the Duquesne Light Company et al., and the James A.
FitzPatrick nuclear power station of the Power Authority of the State of New York et al., all of
which are operating or have operated successfully.
In addition to North Anna Units 1 and 2, they have under design or construction at this
time the Greene County nuclear power station of the Power Authority of the State of New York,
North Anna Units 3 and 4 of Vepco, the Shoreham nuclear power station and Jamesport Units 1
and 2 of the Long Island Lighting Company, the Beaver Valley power station of the Duquesne
Light Company et al., Millstone Unit 3 and Montague Units 1 and 2 of the Northeast Utilities
Service Company, Nine Mile Point Unit 2 of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, River
Bend Unit 1 of the Gulf States Utilities Company, and Sundesert Units 1 and 2 of the San
Diego Gas and Electric Company.
The experience of the Westinghouse Electric Corporation in nuclear plants for the
electrical utility industry is demonstrated by the PWR plants that it has designed, developed,
and manufactured. Table 1.4-1 lists all Westinghouse PWR plants, including plants under
construction or on order at the time of the original FSAR submitted for the North Anna units.
1. Shippingport
Shippingport was the world’s first large central station nuclear power plant. The reactor
plant was designed by the Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, which is operated by
Westinghouse under AEC contract. Shippingport’s pressurized water reactor has produced
steam for the Duquesne Light Company’s turbine-generator plant since December 1957.
2. Yankee-Rowe
Singled out by the AEC as a “nuclear success story,” Yankee went online in
November 1960. Owned and operated by the Yankee Atomic Electric Company, Yankee
has progressed from an initial rating of 120 MWe to its present 176 MWe. Westinghouse
supplied the nuclear steam supply system and the turbine generator.
3. Enrico Fermi
The Enrico Fermi nuclear plant was one of the first Westinghouse-designed plants to
incorporate the chemical shim control of reactivity. Chemical shim has since become a
standard feature of Westinghouse PWR control. Enrico Fermi achieved initial criticality in
June 1964 and began power operation in October 1964. The plant is rated at 256 MWe.
4. Ardennes
The Ardennes plant is unique in that the Westinghouse pressurized water reactor and its
auxiliaries are housed in man-made caverns. Ardennes, a Franco-Belgian undertaking
owned and operated by the Societe d’Energie Nucleaire Franco-Belge des Ardennes
(SENA), is located in France near the France-Belgium border. Ardennes achieved initial
criticality in October 1966 and began power operation in 1967.
5. San Onofre
San Onofre employs the Westinghouse-developed rod cluster control that has become a
standard feature of the Westinghouse pressurized water reactor. Owned by the Southern
California Edison Company and the San Diego Gas and Electric Company, the 430-MWe
plant is located near San Clemente. Westinghouse supplied the nuclear steam supply
system and the turbine generator. Initial criticality was achieved in June 1967, and power
operation began in January 1968.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.4-4
6. Connecticut Yankee
Owned and operated by the Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company, this plant went
critical in mid-1967 and attained full power operation in December 1967. Like San
Onofre, the plant employs rod cluster control in conjunction with chemical shim control.
Westinghouse supplied the nuclear steam supply system and the turbine generator. In
March 1969, Connecticut Yankee received AEC approval to uprate the plant from its
initial rating of 462 MWe to 567 MWe.
7. Jose Cabrera
The Jose Cabrera station is located near Zorita, Spain. The 153-MWe plant employs rod
cluster control, chemical shim control, and a Zircaloy-clad core. Construction began in
mid-1965, and power operation began in 1968. Jose Cabrera is owned and operated by
Union Electrica Madrilena, a Spanish utility.
8. Beznau 1
Beznau 1, Switzerland’s first commercial nuclear power plant, achieved initial criticality
on June 30, 1969, and supplied power to the system on July 17, 1969. The 350-MWe plant
was designed and constructed by the Westinghouse-Brown Boveri Consortium for the
owner/operator utility, Nordostschweizerische Kraftwerke A.G. The plant started
producing power less than 4 years after the award of the plant contract.
The Robert Emmett Ginna Plant, owned and operated by Rochester Gas and Electric
Corporation, is located on the south shore of Lake Ontario. Westinghouse supplied the
420-MWe plant on a turnkey basis. Construction began in April 1966, and initial criticality
was achieved on November 9, 1969—just 42 months after the start of construction. Power
was supplied to the system on December 2, 1969.
10. Mihama 1
Mihama 1, a 2-loop, 320-MWe unit, is owned and operated by the Kansai Electric Power
Company. Mihama 1 marks the beginning of a line of Westinghouse pressurized water
reactors supplying the generation needs of the Far East. Westinghouse International
Company was the prime contractor for Unit 1, supplying the nuclear steam supply system
engineering, nuclear fuel, and some major system components. The plant required only
44 months from the start of site construction to first power production in August 1970.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.4-5
11. H. B. Robinson 2
This plant is a 3-loop, 700-MWe unit that was built on a turnkey basis for the Carolina
Power & Light Company. The plant is located at a site near Hartsville, South Carolina, on
a man-made cooling lake. The construction permit was granted in April 1967. The plant
achieved criticality and first power to system in October 1970.
Point Beach 1 is a 454-MWe Westinghouse PWR unit built on a turnkey basis for the
Wisconsin Michigan Power Company and the Wisconsin Electric Power Company. The
plant is located near Two Creeks, Wisconsin, 90 miles north of Milwaukee on Lake
Michigan. This is the first of two units at the station that will share many facilities and
auxiliary systems. The construction permit for Unit 1 was granted in July 1967, and initial
criticality and first power to system were achieved in November 1970.
13. Surry 1
This plant is a 3-loop, 823-MWe PWR unit built for Vepco. The plant is located in Surry
County, Virginia, on a point of land called Gravel Neck, which juts into the James River.
This is the first unit of a twin-unit station. Westinghouse supplied the nuclear steam supply
system and the turbine generator. The construction permit for Unit 1 was granted on
June 26, 1968, and the unit achieved initial criticality on July 1, 1972.
Westinghouse, in its effort to plan for the future, has developed a broad range of facilities
to satisfy the needs of the nuclear industry. The facilities are as follows:
The Columbia Plant is capable of performing all the operations necessary to manufacture
finished nuclear fuel assemblies. These operations include the conversion of uranium
hexafluoride to uranium dioxide powder, the fabrication of fuel assembly grids, complete
pellet loading, and the final fabrication of assemblies. The plant, located at Columbia,
South Carolina, began full production in early 1970. The Columbia plant is the largest
commercial nuclear fuel fabrication facility in the world.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.4-6
2. Tampa Division
The Tampa Division plant is the world’s most modern heat transfer equipment production
facility. The plant has 236,000 ft2 of working space with 2 manufacturing aisles for the
production of steam generators and pressurizers. Transportation facilities include four
railroad spurs and a complete barge slip and dock facility for water shipment to all parts of
the world. The Tampa plant made its first steam generator and pressurizer shipment in
September 1969.
3. Pensacola Division
The Pensacola Division plant, located on Escambia Bay on the northwest coast of Florida,
is a 140,000-ft2 manufacturing plant committed to the production of precision reactor
vessel internals. Contributing to the precision manufacturing capability is an
environmental control system that minimizes annual temperature variations throughout the
shop area. Transportation facilities for the plant include a railroad spur that permits
loading and unloading inside the shop, as well as access to barge-loading facilities on
Escambia Bay. Pensacola shipped its first package of reactor internals in July 1970.
The Specialty Metals facility is located in Blairsville, Pennsylvania. Several essential parts
of PWR components are manufactured at Blairsville, including the Inconel tubing for
steam generators and the Zircaloy seamless tubing for nuclear fuel cladding. At
Blairsville, complete quality control facilities are used for the analysis and evaluation of
all specialty metal products used in Westinghouse nuclear systems.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.4-7
1.4.4 Consultants
Dames & Moore is a nationwide consulting firm in the field of soil mechanics and
building foundations. The firm has developed recognized competence in the areas of geology
and geophysical problems in the nuclear industry. The firm was retained to provide consulting
services for the North Anna project in the areas of geology, hydrology, and seismology. Dames
& Moore has provided similar services for numerous nuclear projects, including Vepco’s Surry
Power Station.
Turkey Point 3 Florida Power and Light Company Florida 1972 721 3
Indian Point 2 Consolidated Edison Company of New York New York 1972 873 4
H. B. Robinson 2 Carolina Power and Light Company South Carolina 1970 700 3
Point Beach 1 Wisconsin Michigan Power Company Wisconsin 1970 454 2
Wisconsin Electric Power Company
Mihama 1 Kansai Electric Power Company Japan 1970 320 2
The following information is HISTORICAL and is not intended or expected to be updated for the life of the plant.
Table 1.4-1 (continued)
Scheduled Nominal
Commercial MWe Number of
Plant Operator Utility Location Operation Net Loops
Revision 45—09/30/09
Salem 1 Public Service Electric and Gas Company New Jersey 1973 1050 4
Surry 1 Virginia Electric and Power Company Virginia 1972 823 3
Surry 2 Virginia Electric and Power Company Virginia 1973 823 3
Diablo Canyon 1 Pacific Gas and Electric Company California 1973 1090 4
Point Beach 2 Wisconsin Michigan Power Company Wisconsin 1972 454 2
Wisconsin Electric Power Company
Turkey Point 4 Florida Power and Light Company Florida 1972 721 3
Prairie Island 1 Northern States Power Company Minnesota 1972 527 2
Zion 1 Commonwealth Edison Company Illinois 1972 1050 4
Kewaunee Wisconsin Public Service Corporation Wisconsin 1972 527 2
Wisconsin Power and Light Company
Madison Gas and Electric Company
Indian Point 3 Consolidated Edison Company of New York New York 1973 965 4
Salem 2 Public Service Electric and Gas Company New Jersey 1973 1050 4
Prairie Island 2 Northern States Power Company Minnesota 1974 527 2
Zion 2 Commonwealth Edison Company Illinois 1973 1050 4
Donald C. Cook 1 Indiana and Michigan Electric Company Michigan 1973 1100 4
The following information is HISTORICAL and is not intended or expected to be updated for the life of the plant.
Table 1.4-1 (continued)
Scheduled Nominal
Commercial MWe Number of
Plant Operator Utility Location Operation Net Loops
Revision 45—09/30/09
Donald C. Cook 2 Indiana and Michigan Electric Company Michigan 1974 1100 4
North Anna 1 Virginia Electric and Power Company Virginia 1974 875 3
Beaver Valley 1 Duquesne Light Company Pennsylvania 1973 847 3
Pennsylvania Power Company
Ohio Edison Company
Mihama 2 Kansai Electric Power Company Japan 1972 500 2
Beznau 2 Nordostschweizerische Kraftwerke AG (NOK) Switzerland 1972 350 2
Sequoyah 1 Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee 1973 1124 4
Sequoyah 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee 1974 1124 4
Diablo Canyon 2 Pacific Gas and Electric Company California 1974 1110 4
Ringhals Swedish State Power Board Sweden 1974 809 3
North Anna 2 Virginia Electric and Power Company Virginia 1975 875 3
Aguirre Puerto Rico Water Resources Authority Puerto Rico 1976 600 2
Watts Bar 1 Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee 1976 1140 4
Watts Bar 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee 1977 1140 4
Ohi 1 Kansai Electric Power Company Japan 1976 1125 4
Joseph M. Farley 2 Alabama Power Company Alabama 1977 829 3
Virgil C. Summer 1 South Carolina Electric and Gas Company South Carolina 1977 918 3
Ohi 2 Kansai Electric Power Company Japan 1976 1125 4
Commonwealth Commonwealth Edison Company Illinois 1978 1100 4
Edison Unit 10
Commonwealth Commonwealth Edison Company Illinois 1979 1100 4
Edison Unit 11
Shearon Harris 1 Carolina Power and Light Company North Carolina 1977 918 3
Shearon Harris 2 Carolina Power and Light Company North Carolina 1978 918 3
Shearon Harris 3 Carolina Power and Light Company North Carolina 1979 918 3
Shearon Harris 4 Carolina Power and Light Company North Carolina 1980 918 3
Angra dos Reis Central Electrica de Furnas Brazil 1976 600 2
The following information is HISTORICAL and is not intended or expected to be updated for the life of the plant.
Table 1.4-1 (continued)
Scheduled Nominal
Commercial MWe Number of
Plant Operator Utility Location Operation Net Loops
Revision 45—09/30/09
For each safety-related program then in progress, the program is first introduced, followed,
where appropriate, by background information. This is followed by a description of the program
that gives the program objectives and presents pertinent recent results. Finally, a backup position
may be given for those generally experimental rather than analytical programs that had not yet
reached a stage where it was reasonably certain that the results confirm the expectation. The
backup position is one that might be used if the results are unfavorable; it is not necessarily the
only course that might be taken.
The term “research and development,” as used in this report, is the same as that used by the
NRC in Section 50.2 of its regulations:
The technical information generated by these research and development programs will
demonstrate the safety of the design and more sharply define the margins of conservatism, and it
may lead to design improvements.
Included in the overall research and development effort are the programs described below.
These programs are applicable to the 17 x 17 fuel assembly.
The design of the reactor uses a 17 x 17 array of fuel rods and thimbles in a fuel assembly.
This array is conceptually similar to but geometrically different from the 15 x 15 array used in
previous designs. The 17 x 17 design is considered to be a relatively small extrapolation of the
15 x 15 design. Comprehensive testing has been planned, however, to verify that the
extrapolation is sufficiently conservative. A preliminary evaluation of the data obtained at the
time of the original FSAR submittal for the North Anna units did not reveal any anomalies.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-2
1. The only internals that change as a result of the design change from the 15 x 15 to the
17 x 17 fuel assembly are the guide tube and the control-rod drive line.
2. The guide tube is rigidly attached at the upper core support plate only. The upper core plate
serves only to align the guide tubes. Because of this type of support arrangement, the guide
tube makes a minimal contribution to the vibration response of the core barrel and other
3. The effective flow area of the guide tube for the 17 x 17 fuel assembly is essentially the
same as that for the 15 x 15 array and therefore there are no significant differences in the
flow distribution in the upper plenum.
4. The differences in mass and spring rate between the 15 x 15 and 17 x 17 fuel assemblies are
very small (approximately 3%). This ensures that the effects of the fuel on the vibration
response of the reactor internals will remain essentially unchanged. The preoperational hot
functional flow testing presented in Chapter 14 is considered the most conservative test
condition, since higher flow rates exist.
More adequate and meaningful tests to verify the change from the 15 x 15 to the 17 x 17
array would be to test the new guide tube and fuel assembly designs individually in a special test
facility, such as the loop test facilities at the Westinghouse Forest Hills site. This type of program
was in fact conducted and is discussed below.
Some of the verification work described herein was conducted using 17 x 17 assemblies of
a 7-grid design, whereas the selected 17 x 17 assembly design has 8 grids. Tabulated below are
those 17 x 17 tests that used a 7-grid geometry and the effect of adding an eighth grid.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-3
The above tabulation shows (1) that additional design changes are not required (e.g., no
new fuel assembly hold-down spring is needed) as a result of the addition of a grid, and (2) that
7-grid test information can be used to assess the adequacy of the 8-grid design. Additional testing
to specifically investigate the 8-grid assembly is not required.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-4
The 17 x 17 RCC spider is conceptually similar to but geometrically different from the
15 x 15 spider. The 17 x 17 spider supports 24 rodlets (the 15 x 15 design supports 20) with no
vane supporting more than two rodlets (same as the 15 x 15 design). The RCC spider tests
verified the structural adequacy of the design.
The spider vane-to-hub joint was tested for structural adequacy by (1) a vertical static-load
test to failure and (2) a vertical fatigue test to approximately 3 million steps. The static-load test
was performed by applying tensile and compressive loads to the spider. The load was applied
parallel to the spider hub and reacted between the spider hub and fingers. The spider fingers
shared the load equally. The number of cycles for the fatigue test was determined from the
expected number of steps a control-rod drive mechanism would experience during 20 years in a
load-follow reactor (1.5 x 106 steps). The test met the recommended cyclic test requirements of
the ASME Code, Section III, Appendix II, Paragraph 1520.
The spring pack within the spider hub was tested to determine the spring load deflection
characteristic as a function of the loading cycles seen by the spring. The test was terminated after
1000 cycles compared to a 400-cycle (rod drop) design value. The test loads were equal to or
greater than that predicted to result in a yielding of the spring material. These loads were in
excess of the design values. The test acceptance criterion was for the spring to retain adequate
preload after the repeated cycling.
The spider tests have been completed. A vertical static-load test approximately seven times
the design dynamic load did not result in spider vane-to-hub joint failure. A spider was tested to
2.8 x 10 6 steps without failure. The spider loading was 110% of the design value for
1.8 x 106 cycles and 220% of the design loading for 1 x 106 cycles. The design load is 3600 lb
compression and 1800 lb tension. The spring test resulted in negligible preload loss.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-5
The 17 x 17 grid is conceptually similar but geometrically different from the 15 x 15 grid.
The purpose of the grid tests was to verify the structural adequacy of the grid design.
Load deflection tests have been made on the grid spring and dimple. The grid spring radial
(normal) stiffness and grid dimple radial and tangential stiffnesses were obtained. This
information was used to verify that the fuel-rod clad wear evaluation has been based on
conservative values of these parameters. The fuel-rod evaluation is conservative, as shown by the
flow test results presented in Reference 3.
The grid-buckling strength has been determined from tests. The grid test specimens had
short sections of fuel tubing inserted in the cell in place of fuel rods. These tests were used to
verify that grid buckling during a postulated seismic occurrence does not interfere with
control-rod insertion.
The grid-buckling strength is defined as the maximum load that can be applied without
failure. In the case of static tests, the applied load, which is deflection controlled, results in an
elastic buckling failure, since no permanent deformation is experienced on removing the load.
The static test established the lower limit for grid failure.
The grid dynamic buckling strength is similarly defined as the maximum load resulting
from an impact that can be applied without failure; however, some localized permanent
deformation occurs before the maximum load is attained.
The grids were tested under both static and dynamic loads. The loads were applied
uniformly to the face of the outside strap, transmitted directly through the grid, and reacted at the
grid face opposite the input. A description of the grid impact test is given in Reference 2. A
description of the analytical use of the test parameters is also given in Reference 2.
The grid tests were conducted in the Westinghouse Forest Hills Engineering Mechanics
Laboratory (see Section
The grid tests have been completed. Test results are in agreement with pretest design
values. The test results, along with fuel assembly structural test results, were factored into the
seismic analysis (Reference 2).
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-6
The 17 x 17 fuel assembly tests were performed to determine mechanical strength and
properties. The fuel assembly parameters obtained were as follows: lateral and axial stiffnesses,
impact and internal structural damping coefficients, vibration characteristics, and lateral and axial
impact responses to postulated accident loads. The parameters obtained from the lateral dynamic
tests are used for seismic analysis, while those obtained from the axial tests are incorporated in
the LOCA (blowdown) accident analysis. The remaining tests are primarily to demonstrate that
the assembly has sufficient mechanical strength to avoid damage during shipment, normal
handling, and normal operation.
The fuel assembly is subjected to both lateral and axial loads to obtain the respective static
axial and lateral stiffnesses. The information obtained from these tests is used to establish
parameters primarily for accident analysis, since these conditions appear limiting. The axially
applied loads, which were well in excess of shipment, normal handling, and normal operational
design loads, did not result in permanent deformation or damage to fuel assemblies.
Lateral tests were accomplished with both nozzles fixed in place and forces applied to
various grids. The lateral stiffness was found by incrementally increasing and decreasing the
static load.
The fuel assembly was tested in a vertical position using core pins to simulate reactor
support conditions. An electrodynamic shaker was attached to the center (fourth) grid to provide
excitation. The fuel assembly mode shapes and corresponding natural frequencies were obtained
from displacement transducers. A comparison of analytical and experimental results is given in
Reference 2. Experimental vibration studies of individual fuel rods were also performed. The
rods were tested under simulated fuel assembly support conditions and as assembled in a
prototype fuel assembly. The information obtained from these tests included the fundamental
frequencies and mode shapes. A general test description and a summary of the results are
presented in Reference 3.
The fuel assembly axial stiffness was found by incrementally increasing the static load
(compressive) and then incrementally decreasing the static load.
Lateral impact tests were performed by displacing the center of the assembly with the
nozzles fixed in place. The assembly was released and allowed to impact on lateral restraints at
each of the five center grid locations.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-7
The axial impact response and damping were found by dropping the fuel assembly from
various heights. The axial impact test was performed with the fuel assembly in the upright
The relevant parameters measured during the lateral and axial impact tests were as follows:
A general description of the test procedure, including a description of the use of the
parameters as related to accident analysis, is presented in Reference 2.
There is a general axial test buckling criterion that does not allow the local buckling of
components that could prevent control-rod insertion during an accident. The overall fuel
assembly buckling and local component buckling is checked during the axial static and dynamic
tests. The lateral displacement associated with the overall (beam-type) fuel assembly buckling is
constrained by the reactor internals and therefore does not reduce the ultimate strength of the fuel
assembly. Local component buckling was not experienced during either the static or dynamic
tests for loads well in excess of the design values. The general acceptance criteria were not
These tests were conducted at the Westinghouse Engineering Mechanics Laboratory (see
The fuel assembly structural tests have been completed. The fuel assembly structural test
results are factored into the seismic and blowdown analyses (Reference 2).
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-8
A new guide tube was designed to accommodate the 24-rodlet pattern adopted for the
17 x 17 cores. This guide tube is sufficiently strong to provide increased margins of safety over
present guide tubes. A high degree of interchangeability of parts has been designed into the guide
tube. The main features of the design are full-length enclosures and cylindrical upper guide tubes.
The 17 x 17 rodlet pattern reduced the central area available for driveline passage significantly,
thus necessitating a generally tighter design of the rod guidance elements.
These tests are used as design tools and are not specifically required for the demonstration
of plant safety.
Engineering Prototype Assembly Tests. The purpose of these tests was to demonstrate that
the 17 x 17 fuel assembly and driveline hardware designs perform as predicted. The tests were
run before the required plant functional tests and are used as engineering information tests to
obtain experimental data. A single set of driveline hardware, including control rods, was used in
the tests. The fuel assemblies and driveline were subjected to flow and system conditions
covering those mostly likely to occur in a plant during normal operations or during a pump
overspeed transient.
These tests were used to verify, from an engineering confidence standpoint, the integrated
fuel assembly and rod cluster control performance in several areas. Data obtained included
pressures and pressure drops throughout the system, hydraulic loadings on the fuel assembly and
driveline, control-rod drop time and stall velocity, fuel-rod vibration, and control-rod, driveline,
guide tube, and guide thimble wear during a lifetime of operation. None of this information is
considered to be safety related.
Specifically, two full-size 17 x 17 fuel assemblies (one for each phase of testing) and one
control rod, drive shaft, and control-rod drive mechanism were installed and tested in the
24-inch-diameter by 40-foot-high D-loop at the Westinghouse Test Engineering Laboratory
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-9
Fuel Assembly Life Test (Phase I). The first fuel assembly was subjected to the maximum
expected control-rod travel during one fuel assembly lifetime. The nominal test conditions were a
flow velocity based on the design flow rate, a temperature of 585°F, and a pressure of 2000 psig.
These conditions represent an extreme set of conditions.
Using a fully instrumented 17 x 17 prototype fuel assembly, guide tube, and rod cluster
control drive assembly, the test conducted in the D-loop produced information on the following:
3. Fuel-rod vibration.
4. Control-rod velocity.
Following this, the prototype fuel assembly underwent a complete post-test evaluation, and
the guide tubes and driveline were inspected for any abnormal wear conditions. The purpose of
this test was basically to determine the effect of the 17 x 17 fuel assembly and the control-rod
configuration on Items 1 through 6 in Phase I and Items 1 and 2 in Phases II and III. The effect
on control-rod drop due to a seismic disturbance is evaluated analytically.
The test procedures, conditions, and results for Phase I are described in Reference 3.
Guide Tube and Rod Cluster Control Life Test (Phases II and III). The second fuel
assembly was then installed to continue the test at the same flow and temperature until 3 million
total steps of the driveline were accumulated. For Phases II and III, the testing was run at
temperatures between 250°F and 585°F and at flow rates from 110 to 150% of the design flow
The test included a program of control-rod drops and mechanism stepping that
approximated the driveline duty for the design lifetime of an operating plant. Specifically, in
Phase II, approximately 1,275,000 mechanism steps and approximately 170 control-rod drops
were accumulated. The components were then inspected. Following inspection, the testing was
continued until, at the end of Phase III testing, a total of over 3 x 106 mechanism steps and
approximately 500 control-rod drops were accumulated.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-10
2. Drop time.
These were not safety-related tests; they were used as engineering tools. Final verification
of the fuel assembly and control rod hardware designs was demonstrated during the rod drop tests
performed after the initial loading of the core.
At the completion of the Phase II tests, the test assembly was inspected to determine guide
tube and driveline wear characteristics. This inspection was repeated at the end of the test
(Phase III).
The above testing was conducted in the Westinghouse Test Engineering Laboratory Facility
(see Section 1.5.3).
The D-loop testing has been completed. The results of the testing are given in References 3
and 5.
The effect of the 17 x 17 fuel assembly geometry on the departure from nucleate boiling
(DNB) heat flux has been determined experimentally and has been incorporated into a modified
spacer factor for use with the W-3 correlation. The effect of cold-wall thimble cells in the 17 x 17
geometry has also been quantified.
A similar program was conducted to quantify the DNB performance of the R-type mixing
vane grid as developed for the 15 x 15 fuel assembly design (References 6 & 7). The results of
that program were used to develop a modified spacer factor that quantifies the power capability
associated with the use of the R mixing vane grid as well as the change in power capability due to
the axial spacing of the grids. The modified spacer factor, along with the W-3 correlation with the
cold-wall factor, was shown to be applicable to cold-wall thimble cells in the 15 x 15 geometry
(Reference 7).
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-11
The experimental program consisted of three test series employing rod bundles that are
representative of the 17 x 17 fuel assembly geometry. Two of the tests employed all heated rods,
one test section being 8 feet long and the other being 14 feet long. The third test had one
simulated cold-wall thimble tube. All three tests employed a uniform axial heat flux. The
applicability of DNB data obtained using a uniform heat flux to a nonuniform heat flux has been
well established by the use of an axial flux shape factor. Tong (Reference 8) first developed the
form of the factor. This same form with some minor change in the empirical constants has been
confirmed by Wilson (Reference 9). This method of analysis has proven correct for nonuniform
rod bundle data, as shown by Rosal (Reference 10), Motley (Reference 6), and Wilson
(Reference 9).
The concern over uniform versus nonuniform axial heat flux in long bundles is addressed in
Reference 11, where comparative data on bundles of 0.422-inch-o.d. rods are presented. This
provided a suitable basis for 17 x 17 DNB evaluation for all axial heat fluxes.
The final 17 x 17 fuel assembly design incorporated an additional grid and had a grid
spacing less than 22 inches. An additional test program was conducted to provide data applicable
to the 17 x 17 fuel assembly with 22-inch axial grid spacing (Reference 17). Four geometries
were tested to vary axial heat flux shape (uniform vs. chopped cosine), heated length (8 vs.
14 feet), and cell type (typical vs. thimble coldwall), over a wide range of inlet fluid parameters.
The results demonstrated the applicability of the R grid CHF correlation multiplied by a factor of
0.88 in predicting CHF for uniform and non-uniform axial heat flux. The results also verified the
use of the F-factor for non-uniform data, the heated length effect incorporated into the modified
spacer factor, and the cold wall factor.
These tests were conducted in the high-temperature and high-pressure loop that was
constructed by Westinghouse at the Columbia University Heat Transfer Laboratories. The loop
characteristics of this facility are as follows:
The 17 x 17 DNB tests were performed parametrically for various combinations of inlet
temperature and flow rate by increasing the bundle power incrementally until a DNB occurs.
The original DNB test program is complete and the results are reported in Reference 11.
In the thermal-hydraulic design of a reactor core, the effect of mixing or turbulent energy
transfer within the hot assembly was evaluated using the THINC code. The rate of turbulent
energy transfer is formulated in the THINC analysis in terms of a thermal diffusion coefficient
A program (Reference 4) to determine the proper value of the TDC for the R grid vane, as
used in the 15 x 15 fuel assembly design, has been completed, and the results show that a design
value of 0.038 (for 26-inch spacing) can be used for the TDC. The results also show that the TDC
is independent of Reynold’s number, mass velocity, pressure, and quality over the ranges tested.
A test program was conducted to determine the effects of the 17 x 17 fuel assembly
geometry on mixing and to determine an appropriate value for the TDC (Reference 13). A
uniform axial heat flux was used. There was no analytical reason to expect that the mixing
coefficient would be affected by a nonuniform axial heat flux. The THINC computer code
considers the mixing in each increment along the heated length, and within that increment the
heat flux is considered uniform. The tests reported by Cadek (Reference 12) indicate that there is
no difference, within the limits of experimental accuracy, between a test section with a uniform
flux (Pitt) and one with one-half of a cosine flux (Columbia). The heat flux in the test program
for the 17 x 17 fuel assembly geometry was varied between the simulated fuel rods in the test
section to create a thermal gradient in the radial direction (Reference 13). Using different flow
rates and inlet temperatures, the TDC for the 17 x 17 geometry was determined.
These tests were conducted at the Columbia University Heat Transfer Laboratories.
The TDC tests are complete and the results are reported in Reference 13.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-13
Results form the 17 x 17 programs were compared with data from the 15 x 15 assembly
test programs and were used to confirm predictions made by correlations and codes using the
15 x 15 test results (see Reference 16). Introduction
The NRC acceptance criteria for emergency core cooling systems for light water powered
reactors were issued in Section 50.46 of 10 CFR 50 on December 28, 1973. They define the basis
and conservative assumptions to be used in the evaluation of the performance of emergency core
cooling systems. Westinghouse believes that some of the conservatism of the criteria is associated
with the manner in which transient DNB phenomena are treated in the evaluation models.
Transient critical heat flux data presented at the 1972 specialists’ meeting of the Committee on
Reactor Safety Technology indicated that the time to a DNB can be delayed under transient
conditions. To demonstrate the conservatism of the models for evaluating emergency core
cooling systems, Westinghouse initiated a program to experimentally simulate the blowdown
phase of a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA). This testing was part of the Electric Power Research
Institute’s Blowdown Heat Transfer Program, which was started early in 1976. The testing was
completed confirming model conservatism and Westinghouse did not change the LBLOCA
methodology. Objective
The objective of the delayed departure from nucleate boiling (DDNB) test was to determine
the time that a DNB occurs under LOCA conditions. This information would be used to confirm
the existing Westinghouse transient DNB correlation or to develop a new one. The steady-state
DNB data obtained from 15 x 15 and 17 x 17 test programs can be used to ensure that the
geometrical differences between the two fuel arrays can be correctly treated in the transient
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-14 Program
The program was divided into two phases. The Phase I tests started from steady-state
conditions; sufficient power was available to maintain nucleate boiling throughout the bundle.
Controlled ramps of decreasing test section pressure or flow initiated a DNB. Through the
application of a series of controlled conditions, the DNB was studied over a range of qualities and
flows, and at pressures relevant to a PWR blowdown.
Typical parameters used for Phase I testing are shown in Table 1.5-1.
Phase II simulated PWR behavior during a LOCA and thus permitted the definition of the
time delay associated with the onset of a DNB. Tests in this phase cover the large double-ended
guillotine cold-leg break. All tests in Phase II were started after establishment of typical
steady-state operating conditions. The fluid transient was then initiated, and the rod power decay
was programmed in such a manner as to simulate the actual heat input of fuel rods. The test was
terminated when the heater rod temperatures reached a predetermined limit.
Typical parameters used for Phase II testing are shown in Table 1.5-2.
The experimental program was conducted in the J-loop at the Westinghouse Forest Hills
Facility. A full-length 5 x 5 rod bundle simulated one section of a 15 x 15 assembly subjected to
a DNB under LOCA conditions.
The heater rod bundle used in this program consisted of internally heated rods capable of a
maximum power of 18.8 kw/ft, with a total power of 136 kW (for extended periods), over the
12-foot heated length of the rod. Heat is generated internally by means of a varying
cross-sectional resistor that approximates a chopped cosine power distribution. The rods were
adequately instrumented, each having a total of 12 clad thermocouples. Results
The experiments in the DDNB Facility resulted in cladding temperature and fluid
properties measured as a function of time throughout a blowdown range of 0 to 20 seconds.
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Facility modifications and the installation of the initial test bundle have been completed. A
series of shakedown tests in the J-loop have been performed. These tests provided data for
instrumentation calibration and checkout, as well as information regarding facility control and
performance. Initial program tests were performed during the first half of 1975. Under the
sponsorship of the Electric Power Research Institute, testing was reinitiated during 1976 on the
same test bundle. The testing was terminated in November 1976, and a new test bundle was
installed prior to further testing during 1977-1978. A DNB correlation was developed from the
test results and compared to the use of the steady state correlations. Since only a minimal
improvement was noted, the Westinghouse LBLOCA methodology continued to use the steady
state DNB correlations.
The single-rod burst test results were used to quantify the maximum assembly flow
blockage that is assumed in LOCA analyses.
The 15 x 15 fuel assembly rods have already been subjected to single-rod and multi-rod
burst tests under LOCA conditions. The results of these tests indicated that fuel rods burst in a
staggered manner, so that maximum average assembly-wide flow area blockage is 55% during
blowdown and 65% during reflood, based on the characteristics of the PWR rod and the
conservative peak clad temperature predicted for the period of the LOCA transient.
The single-rod burst test program for the 17 x 17 fuel assembly rods involved bursting
specimens at various internal pressures and heating rates in a steam atmosphere.
In addition, tests were run on 15 x 15 fuel assembly rods to ensure the reproducibility of
the 1972 single-rod burst test results. Results of the program are documented in References 14
and 15.
The single-rod burst tests and evaluation have been completed and are reported in
References 14 and 15. Results of the tests show that the 17 x 17 and 15 x 15 clads do not differ
significantly in failure ductility under LOCA conditions. Because of the results and the geometric
scaling, the flow blockage (percentage) as determined in the 15 x 15 multi-rod burst test
simulation can be used for the 17 x 17 fuel geometry.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-16 Introduction
The Test Engineering Laboratory at Forest Hills, Pennsylvania, has long been the major
Westinghouse center for nuclear research and development. The Test Engineering Laboratory is
totally involved with the design and implementation of facilities and programs to prove the
reliability of Westinghouse PWR concepts and components.
The laboratory has full in-house capabilities to design and construct PWR loops for both
hydraulic and heat transfer testing programs. The most vital current project is the analysis of
emergency core cooling systems by means of scale-model tests conducted on three separate
The G-loop, a test vessel that contains a bundle of 480 heater rods, is the largest such test
facility in the world. The G-loop has a steam supply to provide the proper environment during
system blowdown, as well as the capability to test high-pressure and low-pressure emergency
core cooling systems. The G-loop operates at pressures up to 2000 psi and temperatures up to
650°F. It is designed to start operation at 8 seconds after a LOCA and is capable of investigating
the upper-head injection and other spray systems of the current emergency core cooling system.
The J-loop is a test vessel containing an array of 25 heater rods, a broken-loop simulation,
and an unbroken-loop simulation. The loop is designed to operate at 2500 psi and 650°F, and is
capable of simulating the first 20 seconds of a LOCA with primary emphasis on a DDNB.
FLECHT-SET, a test vessel containing an array of 100 heater rods and thimbles, was used
to investigate the reflood phase of the emergency core cooling system, plant system effects being
measured with scaled piping and two scale-model steam generators. The facility is designed to
operate at up to 100 psia.
Five general-purpose hydraulic loops were also involved in the development of improved
water reactor components, as well as the reliability testing of current and prototype PWR
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-17
Historically, the services of the Test Engineering Laboratory have reflected the prevailing
need. At the time of the North Anna FSAR submittal it was needed for the development of data
on emergency core cooling systems and for the verification of many new PWR system
components. Other past needs and accomplishments have included the development of
supercritical heat transfer once-through loops, rod cluster control drive mechanisms, fuel
assemblies, underwater handling tools, and fuel assembly grid designs. Testing at the laboratory
has included air filter tests, water chemistry tests, in-pile tests of fuel rods, single fuel-rod burst
tests, studies of fuel assembly hydraulics, and corrosion tests of Zircaloy and other PWR
components and materials, with and without heat transfer.
The Test Engineering Laboratory is a very flexible installation, one that will continue to
expand and develop as future needs for its services arise. Its staff, too, varies according to
requirements. At the time of the North Anna FSAR submittal, there were more than 100 persons
involved in laboratory projects, including 12 electrical and mechanical engineers, more than
75 highly skilled technicians, and some 30 specialists from other divisions of Westinghouse. The
laboratory had the option of obtaining personnel from other divisions of the corporation,
depending on the need for specific skills, knowledge, and experience.
This section contains a brief description of the major test loops and test equipment at the
Westinghouse Test Engineering Laboratory Facility.
These loops are small, high-pressure, stainless steel facilities used for testing small
components and individual parts of larger components under normal working conditions. A
canned motor pump circulates water in both the A- and B-loops at 150 gpm. Operating
temperatures are obtained from the conversion of the pumping power into heat, as well as from
external heaters. Typical tests run in these loops include (1) full-scale gate and check valve tests,
(2) material corrosion-erosion tests, with variable water chemistry, and (3) tests of corrosion
product release and the transport properties of crud. The following are the characteristics of the
A- and B-loops:
The D-Loop is a flexible test facility used for demonstrating the interplay of reactor
subsystems and evaluating component design concepts. It contains a canned-motor pump, which
produced a 290-foot head at 3000 gpm. All piping (10-inch Schedule 160) in contact with the
primary water is stainless steel. The loop pressure is established and maintained by an air-driven
charging pump operating in conjunction with a gas-loaded backpressure valve. Most of the power
required to establish and maintain loop temperature is derived from the circulating pump
operation, and 75 kW of heat is available from electric strip heaters.
The E-loop is a low-pressure, 6-inch, stainless steel loop, with two circulating pumps.
These pumps may be connected in parallel, giving 2000 gpm at 130-foot head, or in series, giving
1000 gpm at 260-foot head. Flow and vibration studies are conducted with this loop, and,
because of its low pressure, plastic models for visual observation or photography may be used. In
addition, a 4-inch Rockwell water meter in a branch line permits the calibration of flowmeters up
to 800 gpm. The characteristics of the E-loop are as follows:
At 130 ft 2000
At 360 ft 1000
The G-loop is a high-pressure emergency core cooling system test facility designed and
fabricated for 2000 psi and 650°F in accordance with ASME Section I. It consists of a main test
section and vessel, an exhaust system, piping, separators and a muffler, a flash chamber steam
supply system, and high-pressure/low-pressure cooling systems.
This loop is basically designed to obtain test data for the analysis of LOCA-related breaks
up to and including double-ended pipe breaks. Tests are initiated at simulated conditions existing
8 seconds after the start of a LOCA. A typical run consists of constant power and pressure,
followed by pressure blowdown, power decay, and emergency core cooling system activation.
The G-loop is capable of performing the following methods of emergency core cooling
system: current, upper-head injection, upper-head injection with current, and other core spray
systems. It may also be used for constant temperature/pressure small-leg break tests
(core-uncovering tests). These tests involve boiling off water at a constant bundle power input
until the rods can no longer be cooled.
The G-loop test bundle consists of 480 electrically heated rods, 16 grid support thimbles,
and 33 spray thimbles, all bounded by an octagonal stainless steel baffle and arranged in a 4-loop,
15 x 15 rod bundle configuration. The loop is controlled (fully automated during transients)
through a PDP-II-DEC-16k computer with a 600-point Computer Products Analog-to-Digital
converter operating at a sweep rate of 40,000 points per second for data acquisition. Figure 1.5-1
is a schematic of the G-loop emergency core cooling system test facility. The G-loop system
components and characteristics are as follows:
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-20
The following information is HISTORICAL and is not intended or expected to be updated for the
life of the plant.
Typical Operating
Rated Conditions Conditions
Pressure Temperature Pressure Temperature
Component Material (psi) (°F) (psi) (°F)
Test vessel Carbon steel 2000 650 1000 545
Downcomer side tank Carbon steel 2000 650 1000 545
In-line mixer Carbon steel 2000 650 1000 545
Mixer-accumulator Stainless steel 2500 650 1800 100
Flash chamber Carbon steel 3000 700 2800 660
Separators 1 and 2 Carbon steel 2000 650 1000 545
Spray accumulators 1 Carbon steel 2000 650 1800 150
and 2
Spray accumulator 3 Stainless steel 2500 650 1800 150
Reflood tank Stainless steel Atmo- 212 Atmo- 150
spheric nspheric
Primary piping Carbon steel 2000 650 1000 545
The following information is HISTORICAL and is not intended or expected to be updated for the
life of the plant.
The H-loop is a versatile hydraulic facility that is capable of supplying 14,000 gpm of water at a
developed head of 600 feet and at temperatures as high as 200°F. This 4-loop system can
simultaneously handle either full-scale prototype test assemblies or one large-scale reactor model. The
major purpose of H-loop is to permit the use of 1/7-scale reactor models and full-scale fuel assemblies
for conducting mixing studies, flow distribution studies, and similar low-temperature/low-pressure
hydraulic tests. The characteristics of H-loop are as follows:
The following information is HISTORICAL and is not intended or expected to be updated for the
life of the plant. J-Loop: Delayed Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DDNB) Heat Transfer Facility
The J-loop is a completely instrumented pressurized-water test facility for verifying DDNB
phenomena during a LOCA and for conducting steady-state heat transfer studies. This test loop is a
full-size, single-loop simulation of a typical 4-loop reactor system; it will accept a full-length 5 x 5
bundle of internally heated “fuel rods.” The J-loop is designed to operate at 2500 psia at 650°F, and at
variable flow rates up to 450 gpm.
During LOCA tests, fluid input to the “reactor vessel” is closely controlled by two
servo-controlled mixers, which inject a two-phase water/steam mixture into the test vessel to simulate
flow from the unbroken loops. Figure 1.5-2 is a schematic of the J-loop test facility. The characteristics
of J-loop are as follows:
The K-loop, the boron thermal regeneration system test facility, is used to study the performance
and to verify the component sizing of both the currently available THERM I and the improved
THERM II boron thermal regeneration systems. The function of this system is to process
boron-containing effluents from the reactor coolant system to yield a high-boron-concentration
fraction, which can be used to borate the reactor coolant system. It also processes a relatively
boron-free fraction, such as that required in load-follow operations, which can be used to dilute the
reactor coolant system. The characteristics of K-loop are as follows:
The following information is HISTORICAL and is not intended or expected to be updated for the
life of the plant.
The FLECHT-SET is a low-pressure facility that is designed to provide experimental data on the
influence of system effects on the emergency core cooling system during the reflood phase of a LOCA.
The facility consists of a once-through system, including an electrically heated test section (“fuel
rods” and housing), an accumulator, steam generator simulators, a pressurizer, catch vessels,
instrumentation, and the piping necessary to simulate the reactor primary coolant loop. Data
acquisition is accomplished through a PDP-II-DEC-16K computer with a 256-point Computer
Products A-D converter, operating at a sweep rate of 1200 points per second. The FLECHT-SET has
the following characteristics:
The single-rod test loop is used for the evaluation of prototype heater rods and for the in-depth
study of existing rods in pressurized-water systems. The test section of the loop is easily replaced to
facilitate the installation of heater rods of varying length and diameter. The single-rod loop is
electrically controlled and operated by one person. Steady-state conditions and blowdown at various
conditions can be simulated in the loop. The main test section can be replaced with a quartz tube, and
the DNB phenomenon can be observed on a single rod with a remotely operated camera. The
characteristics of the single-rod test loop are as follows:
The following information is HISTORICAL and is not intended or expected to be updated for the
life of the plant.
Miscellaneous hydraulic tests on mock-ups of reactor system parts and components are routinely
performed at the test engineering laboratory. Typical of this type of testing are the two discussed below,
which have been completed.
As shown above, a 10 x 10 rod bundle was installed in a plastic housing with a water supply at
the top. A grid collection unit at the bottom of the bundle collected the water as it flowed through the
model and diverted it to the measuring tubes at the base. Knowledge of the flow distribution in the
bundle was obtained in this manner.
This test used one thermocouple to measure the temperature of water from four locations in a
reactor. The purpose of the procedure was to determine whether the indication from the single
thermocouple was representative of the average temperature of the four water supplies. A mock-up of
the mixing chamber was constructed so that hot or cold water—under closely controlled
pressure—could be supplied to any of the four inlets. By running combinations of hot and cold inlets
and making simultaneous recordings of the various temperatures, highly useful information was
The testing engineering laboratory is equipped with autoclaves ranging in size from 0.5 to
100 gallons. These devices are in constant use to determine the effects of various water chemistries on
core components, and to perform corrosion tests. The units have also been used as boilers to provide
steam for miscellaneous development tests, including acoustic leak detection.
Full-scale mechanical and vibration tests of plant and reactor components are performed at the
test engineering laboratory to prove the reliability of equipment design. Vibration testing of reactor
components is also performed in this laboratory, using electronically excited shaker heads. Three sizes
are available (2, 50 and 150 lb) for regular scale model testing at frequencies from 5 to 50 Hz.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-24
The following information is HISTORICAL and is not intended or expected to be updated for the
life of the plant.
Highly skilled technicians are available at the test engineering laboratory to construct complex
control and instrumentation systems. The work, which is initiated with engineering ideas and sketches,
includes the mounting of process controllers, recorders, meters, relay logic, protection circuits,
switches, and indicators.
Point-to-point wiring or printed circuit boards are used, as required. Final “as-built” drawings are
prepared, and an inspection and a thorough electrical checkout are performed before installation.
Surveillance systems are used for the online monitoring of pressure vessels for flaws. Under
development at the test engineering laboratory are electronic components for an acoustic emission
monitoring system for the inservice inspection of operating plant vessels and piping. This system is
designed to detect the initiation and propagation of cracks at welds, stress risers, and other locations.
Vessel flaw growth and rupture data have been obtained through joint programs at the National Reactor
Testing Station in Idaho and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Pipe rupture data have been obtained
from NRC-sponsored tests, and hydrostatic test data have been collected and operational noise and
attenuation characteristics have been measured at various operating Westinghouse plants.
Bench tests are performed in fixtures designed for the particular test using standard test
equipment and techniques.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-25
13. F. E. Motley, A. H. Wenzel, and F. F. Cadek, The Effect of 17 x 17 Fuel Assembly Geometry
on Interchannel Thermal Mixing, WCAP-8298-P-A (Proprietary) and WCAP-8299-A
(Non-proprietary), Westinghouse Nuclear Energy Systems Proprietary, January 1975.
14. 17 x 17 Design Fuel Rod Behavior During Simulated LOCA Conditions, WCAP-8290,
proprietary, and WCAP-8289, non proprietary, 1974.
15. A Temperature Sensitivity Study of Single Rod Burst Tests, WCAP-8290, Addendum 1,
proprietary, and WCAP-8289, Addendum 1, non proprietary, 1975.
16. A. J. Burnett and S. C. Kopelic, Westinghouse ECCS Evaluation Model - October 1975
Version, WCAP-8622, proprietary, and WCAP-8623, non proprietary, 1975.
17. F. E. Motley, A. H. Wenzel and F. F. Cadek, WCAP-8536 (Proprietary) and WCAP-8537
(Non-proprietary), Critical Heat Flux Testing of 17 x 17 Fuel Assembly Geometry with
22-inch Grid Spacing, Westinghouse Nuclear Energy Systems, May 1975.
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-27
Table 1.5-1
Parameters Nominal Value
Initial Steady-State Conditions
Pressure 1750 to 2250 psia
Test section mass velocity 2.3 to 2.5 x 106 lb/hr-ft2
Core inlet temperature 560 to 600°F
Maximum heat flux 306,000 to 531,000 Btu/hr-ft2
Transient Ramp Conditions
Pressure decrease 0 to 350 psia and subcooled
depressurization psi/sec from 2250
Flow decrease, 0 to 100%/sec
Inlet enthalpy Constant
Table 1.5-2
Parameters Nominal Value
Initial Steady-State Conditions
Pressure 2250 psia
Test section mass velocity 2.5 x 106 lb/hr-ft2
Inlet coolant temperature 560°F
Maximum heat flux 531,000 Btu/hr-ft2
Transient Conditions
Simulated break Double-ended cold-leg guillotine
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.5-28
Figure 1.5-1
Figure 1.5-2
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Intentionally Blank
Revision 45—09/30/09 NAPS UFSAR 1.6-1