in Aviation (HBBA)
ENER/C2/2012/ 420-1
Final Report
Alexander Zschocke
Deutsche Lufthansa AG
Sebastian Scheuermann
Jens Ortner
Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut
für Werk- und Betriebsstoffe
Contents 2
3.4 ATJ-SPK.................................................................................................................34
3.4.1 Pathway Description..................................................................................................... 34
3.4.2 Approval Status ............................................................................................................ 35
3.4.3 Representation in HBBA Study ..................................................................................... 36
3.8 HDO-SK.................................................................................................................40
3.8.1 Pathway Description..................................................................................................... 40
3.8.2 Approval Status ............................................................................................................ 41
3.8.3 Representation in HBBA Study ..................................................................................... 41
4.2 Results..................................................................................................................45
4.2.1 Blends of SIP Fuel with Jet A-1 ..................................................................................... 45
Density .......................................................................................................................... 46
Distillation ..................................................................................................................... 47
Flash Point .................................................................................................................... 49
Freezing Point ............................................................................................................... 50
Existent Gum ................................................................................................................ 50
Lubricity ........................................................................................................................ 51
Viscosity ........................................................................................................................ 52
Thermal Stability and Corrosion ................................................................................... 53
Smoke Point .................................................................................................................. 54
Heat of Combustion...................................................................................................... 55
4.2.2 Blends of HEFA with Jet A-1 ......................................................................................... 56
Density .......................................................................................................................... 56
Distillation ..................................................................................................................... 57
Flash Point .................................................................................................................... 58
Freezing Point ............................................................................................................... 59
Lubricity ........................................................................................................................ 61
Smoke Point .................................................................................................................. 62
4.2.3 Blends of CTL with Jet A-1 ............................................................................................ 63
Density .......................................................................................................................... 64
Lubricity ........................................................................................................................ 65
Freezing Point ............................................................................................................... 66
Thermal Stability........................................................................................................... 66
Contents 5
6.2 Results..................................................................................................................85
6.2.1 Nitrile-Butadiene-Rubber (NBR) ................................................................................... 85
Storage of NBR in Fossil and Synthetic Fuels ............................................................... 85
Storage of NBR in Synthetic Fuels Enriched With Aromatic Compounds .................... 90
6.2.2 Fluorocarbon Rubber.................................................................................................... 92
Storage of Fluorocarbon Rubber in Fossil and Synthetic Fuels .................................... 92
Contents 6
6.3 Elastomer Properties after Subsequent Storage in Fossil and Synthetic Fuel ..........95
9.6 Annex 6: Properties of the Conventional Kerosene used for SIP Fuel Emissions Test
........................................................................................................................... 155
9.7 Annex 7: Properties of Blend with 10% SIP Fuel Used for Emissions Test .............. 156
9.8 Annex 8: Properties of Blend with 20% SIP Fuel Used for Emissions Test .............. 158
9.9 Annex 9: Hamburg Weather Data of SIP Fuel Emission Test ................................. 160
9.10 Annex 10: Timing of Individual Segments of the SIP Fuel Emission Test ................ 162
9.11 Annex 11: Results of SIP Fuel Emission Test ......................................................... 163
CO Emissions............................................................................................................... 163
NOx emissions ............................................................................................................ 163
Total Mass of Particle Emissions ................................................................................ 163
Total Surface of Particle Emissions ............................................................................. 164
Number of Particles .................................................................................................... 164
Average Particle Diameter.......................................................................................... 164
1 - Introduction and overview 8
and its blending with conventional kerosene. According to these specifications, the
maximum amount of bio-synthetic kerosene that can be mixed with conventional kerosene
is currently restricted by two factors:
The requirement that the content of bio-synthetic kerosene does not exceed the
maximum percentage permitted by ASTM D7566.
The requirement that the blend has to meet the same parameters as conventional
ASTM D1655 kerosene, plus some additional ones
The first requirement is an arbitrary one, based solely on caution. It is the explicit intention
of ASTM to eventually relax this restriction. The second requirement however is based on
technical considerations – every specification parameter of ASTM D1655 is there for a
reason, and this reason will not go away with the introduction of biofuels. Even when the
formal maximum limit for synthetic kerosene will be removed by ASTM, the maximum bio
kerosene content possible will be limited by the ability of the bio kerosene blend to meet
the ASTM D1655 parameters.
However, as ASTM D1655 specifies minimum or/and maximum values for fuel parameters
rather than defined values, conventional kerosene properties cover a rather broad range.
The maximum possible blend ratio for bio kerosene therefore does not only depend on the
bio kerosene, but also on the conventional kerosene. This is because conventional kerosene
that is comfortably within specification limits can be used to compensate unfavourable
properties of neat bio kerosene, and still produce an on-spec blend.
For this study, therefore, a total of five different conventional kerosene samples, covering a
broad range of properties, were used for blending with bio kerosene. The range and
distribution of properties observable for conventional kerosene, and details of the
conventional kerosene used in this study are described in chapter 2 and annex 9.1.
For the biofuels to be analysed in this study, the original intention had been to primarily use
three different samples of HEFA bio kerosene, and in addition investigate only a limited
number of other kinds of bio kerosene blends, as it was assumed that only HEFA would be
available in sufficient volume to permit an extensive blending programme. However, as the
project progressed it became evident that development of alternative fuels was progressing
faster than originally assumed, and samples for most of the relevant production processes
were actually available. At the same time evidence showed that different HEFA samples
would be very similar to each other, such that analysing three different samples would
merely produce three sets of basically the same results. It was therefore agreed with DG
Energy to modify the scope of the study such that only one HEFA sample was used, and
instead samples of bio kerosene from a variety of pathways were included. A description of
the bio kerosene used in this study, including their production pathways, is given in chapter
3 and annex 9.2.
As one of the tasks of the study also was to give an overview of biofuels in aviation, chapter
3 in addition gives a technical description of the production pathways and the certification
status for all bio kerosene production pathways either already certified or undergoing ASTM
certification, including these pathways for which no samples could be obtained for inclusion
in the analytical part of the study.
The latest information on production pathways reflected in the interim report published in
February 2015 was that provided at the San Diego ASTM meeting in early December 2014.
For the final report, new information was added where appropriate, but no systematic
1 - Introduction and overview 10
update was undertaken. Except for FT- and HEFA-kerosene the description of the production
pathways is based on the information provided by the manufacturer, either for certification
purposes or in personal communication, as no other sources were available.
To be precise, there are two alternative ways of measuring aromatics content, ASTM D1319 and ASTM D6379.
If the first is used, minimum aromatics content of the blend is 8% and maximum aromatics content is 25%.
If the second is used, the respective figures are 8.4% and 26.5%.
1 - Introduction and overview 11
1.6 Conclusions
The conclusions of this study are presented in chapter 8. Section 8.1 explores the results of
the study by fuel properties, discussing which properties are expected to be critical for
future blend ratios of bio kerosene, but also discussing properties which are not likely to be
critical for blending but where the relationship between the blend ratio and the property
was considered worth pointing out. The latter are not relevant for blending bio kerosene,
but are potentially of interest for others. Section 8.2 explores the same results by fuel type,
discussing which role the individual kinds of bio kerosene are likely to play in future blending
One particularly critical property is aromatics content. It is critical not only because several
bio kerosene production pathways result in fuel that is virtually aromatics-free, but also
because the role of aromatics is a two-faced one, with aromatics being currently necessary
to preserve the tightness of fuel systems but on the other hand being undesirable from a
fuel burn and emissions point of view. This specific role of aromatics is discussed in section
2 - Conventional Kerosene 13
2 Conventional Kerosene
The primary task of the HBBA Study is to analyse how various samples of conventional
kerosene, covering the range of kerosene properties, blend with different bio kerosene. The
first task of the HBBA Study therefore was to establish the relevant range of properties of
conventional kerosene, and to identify sources for supply of suitable samples.
EI/JIG Standard 1530: Quality assurance requirements for the manufacture, storage and distribution of
aviation fuels to airports, 1 edition October 2013, p.16/17
2013 PQIS Report, p. 10, Table 2-2
2 - Conventional Kerosene 14
specification.4 Statistics in the PQIS Report give data on minimum, maximum, mean and
weighted mean for all properties covered in the report, both for the total of all purchases,
and differentiated by region. Even more useful, the PQIS Report contains histograms on the
distribution of the individual properties (only for the total of all purchases). For users wishing
to make a more detailed analysis, DLA offers to provide the raw data, with refinery
identification removed, on a disk.
It needs to be emphasized that the PQIS Report is a report on the fuel purchased by the US
government, and is not intended as a representative survey of kerosene properties in the US
or worldwide. The bulk of DLA purchases take place in the US, where the kerosene used by
civil aviation is Jet A, which has a higher freezing point than JP8 (-40°C vs. -47°C for Jet A-1).
If the PQIS Report is used as a proxy for US kerosene properties generally, allowance for
sampling bias must be made, as not every refinery producing aviation kerosene also
produces JP8. For example, of all JP8 batches for which data is included in the 2013 PQIS
Report, only 7 originated from US East Coast refineries, but more than 50 times as much
(361) from US Midwest refineries.5 All the same, 2013 DLA purchases of JP8 and Jet A-1 were
some four million tons, consisting of 1,287 batches6, which by sheer volume make the PQIS
Report a very valuable data base.
From a European point of view, the biggest weakness of the PQIS report is that by its nature
it focusses on the US. Of the batches covered in the report, only 97 (89 Jet A-1 and 8 JP8)
originated from Europe. Moreover, sampling bias must be suspected for these, as DLA
purchases are likely to favour those refineries with access to the NATO pipeline network.
2013 PQIS Report, p. 39 and 101. There are small differences, e.g. in maximum permissible sulfur mercaptane
content, but these are minor.
2013 PQIS report, p. 40 / 41
Calculated from 2013 PQIS report, pages 48 and 105
The Quality of Aviation Fuel Available in the United Kingdom, Annual Survey 2008, p. 7
Ibid., p.6
The Quality of Aviation Fuel Available in the United Kingdom, Annual surveys 2009 to 2013
2 - Conventional Kerosene 15
CRC report No. 647, p.6
Ibid., p. 86 - 99
Ibid., p.7
For more detail on the background, see chapter 3.4 of Deutsche Lufthansa AG: Abschlussbericht zu dem
Vorhaben Projekt burnFAIR, Arbeitspakete 1.1 bis 1.4, Frankfurt am Main, June 2014
2 - Conventional Kerosene 16
Analysis of the certificates was by manually entering data on sulphur content, aromatics
content, smoke point, density, freezing point, viscosity at minus 20°C and specific energy in
MJ/kg into an Excel spreadsheet. As a rule, for every certificate a new data set was
generated; however, several supplies to one and the same airport from the same kerosene
batch (and hence with an identical RCQ or CoA) were only counted once. For supplies of
different airports from the same production batch, two data sets were generated for airport
specific analysis; however these double entries were removed for the overall analysis. In
total, some 2.400 data sets were entered, of which some 400 were double entries.
Density, freezing point, viscosity at minus 20°C and specific energy in MJ/kg were selected
because they were assumed to be relevant for blending purposes. Sulphur content,
aromatics content and smoke point were selected for analysis due to their importance for
emissions, as emissions measurement was the original focus of the Lufthansa analysis, with
aromatics being relevant for both blending and emissions.
At a later stage of the study distillation curve data (initial boiling point, 10% recovery, 50%
recovery, 90% recovery, and end point) were also evaluated. For reasons of simplicity,
separate data sets not linked to the other data were created for the distillation curve
information. For the distillation curve data, no removal of double entries was performed.
Due to the labour intensiveness of the manual data entry process the analysis was only
finished in January 2013. Key results were published in the June 2014 final burnFAIR
2.3.1 Density
According to the 2013 PQIS Report, the minimum observed density for JP8 in 2013 was
783.4 kg/m³, and the maximum was 833.6 kg/m³.16 This closely agrees with the Lufthansa
results for Germany, where the minimum density was 786.9 kg/m³, and the maximum was
834.2 kg/m³. The distribution is also similar (Figure 1).
The density range in the UK Survey was narrower, with a minimum density of 786.7 and a
maximum density of 824.2 kg/m³.17 Density distribution (not shown here) is slightly
different, with only 38.3% of all batches having a density of 800 kg/m³ or less. 18
The World Fuel Sampling program deliberately went for a diversity of samples; hence one
could have expected that the density range for the fuels covered in this report would be
particularly large. This is true in that the study included some materials that were not jet
fuels at all (neat CTL, Stoddard solvent), for which densities were indeed very low. However,
See Deutsche Lufthansa AG June 2014, chapter 3.5
2013 PQIS Report, p.39
The Quality of Aviation Fuel Available in the United Kingdom, Annual Survey 2008, p. 16
Ibid, p.29
2 - Conventional Kerosene 17
if only Jet A-1 and JP-8 fuels are considered, the range is smaller than that found in the other
studies, with a minimum density of 788.7 kg/m³ for a kerosene sample from China, and a
maximum of 820.6 kg/m³ for a sample from Canada.19
≤ 790 >790 >800 >810 >820 >830
to 800 to 810 to 820 to 830
Figure 1: Distribution of density in kg/m³ in 2013 PQIS Report and in Lufthansa study
The density range given in the PQIS Report for Jet A-1 purchases is fairly narrow, ranging
from a minimum of 784.7 kg/m³ to a maximum 809.4 kg/m³.20 This narrow range is however
not surprising, as it is based on data from only 107 batches21, and small samples are not a
good estimator of extreme values.
CRC report No. 647, p.86
2013 PQIS Report, p.101
2013 PQIS Report, p.100
2013 PQIS Report, p.39
2 - Conventional Kerosene 18
probably be explained by the fact that the US refinery system is primarily geared towards
producing Jet A, which has a higher freezing point than Jet A-1.
45% PQIS
40% Germany
≤ -65 >-65 >-60 >-55 >-50 >-49 >-48
to -60 to -55 to 50 to -49 to -48 to -47
The Quality of Aviation Fuel Available in the United Kingdom, Annual Survey 2008, p. 16
Ibid, p.10
CRC report No. 647, p.86
2013 PQIS Report, p.101
2013 PQIS Report, p.39
2 - Conventional Kerosene 19
≤ 3.4 >3.4 >3.9 >4.4 >4.9 >5.4 >5.9 >6.4
to 3.9 to 4.4 to 4.9 to 5.4 to 5.9 to 6.4
Figure 3: Distribution of viscosity at -20°C in cSt in 2013 PQIS Report and in Lufthansa
Again, the range in the UK Survey was smaller, with a minimum value of 2.719 cSt and a
maximum value of 5.65 cSt.28 Distribution of viscosity at -20°C (not shown) is intermediate
between the PQIS and the Lufthansa study data.29
The corresponding range in the World Fuel Sampling report, again counting only Jet A-1 and
JP8 fuels is from 2.8 cSt for an Australian Jet A-1 to 6.0 cSt for an US JP8.30 The range is again
somewhat smaller than that found in the far larger PQIS and Lufthansa study samples.
The viscosity range given in the PQIS Report for Jet A-1 purchases is fairly narrow, ranging
from a lowest value of 2.758 cSt to a highest value of 4.318 cSt.31 Again, small sample size is
likely to be the main reason for the narrowness of the range.
The Quality of Aviation Fuel Available in the United Kingdom, Annual Survey 2008, p. 16
Ibid., p.31
CRC report No. 647, p.90
2013 PQIS Report, p.101
2013 PQIS Report, p.39
2 - Conventional Kerosene 20
≤ 42,9 >42,9 >43,0 >43,1 >43,2 >43,3 >43,4 >43,5 > 43,6
to 43,0 to 43,1 to 43,2 to 43,3 to 43,4 to 43,5 to 43,6
The Quality of Aviation Fuel Available in the United Kingdom, Annual Survey 2008, p. 16
Ibid., p.31
CRC report No. 647, p.91
2013 PQIS Report, p.101
2013 PQIS Report, p.39
2 - Conventional Kerosene 21
≤ 100 >100 >500 >1000 >1500 >2000 >2500
to 500 to 1000 to 1500 to 2000 to 2500 to 3000
Figure 5: Distribution of sulphur content in ppm in 2013 PQIS Report and in Lufthansa
The range in the UK Survey this time was as large as that in the PQIS report, ranging from the
lowest possible value, 0 ppm, to the permitted maximum of 3,000 ppm. 38 Distribution of
sulphur content is similar to that in the PQIS report.39
The corresponding range in the World Fuel Sampling report, again counting only Jet A-1 and
JP8 fuels is from 7 ppm for an Australian Jet A-1 produced from shale oil to 2,453 ppm for a
Canadian Jet A-1.40 The range is yet again somewhat smaller than that found in the far larger
PQIS and Lufthansa study samples.
The property range given in the PQIS Report for Jet A-1 purchases is this times almost as
broad as for JP8, ranging from 5 ppm to 3,000 ppm.41
The Quality of Aviation Fuel Available in the United Kingdom, Annual Survey 2008, p. 16
Ibid., p.21
CRC report No. 647, p.89
2013 PQIS Report, p.101
2013 PQIS Report, p.39
2 - Conventional Kerosene 22
The property distributions (Figure 6) are essentially similar. The predominance of the modal
values “>16 to 18” and “>18 to 20” in Germany is probably due to the fact that many of the
certificates evaluated in Germany were CoAs originating in the pipeline or tank system. As
such certificates reflect rebatching, and hence combinations of different batches, this
creates an averaging tendency, and hence a stronger concentration at modal values.
In view of the current requirement of a minimum aromatics content of 8% for bio kerosene
blends it is of interest that to note that 15 of the German batches had an aromatics content
of below 8%, conventional kerosene not being required to meet the 8% minimum. These
were all produced by one refinery over a course of two months, and were delivered directly
from the refinery to two airports, where this refinery was in one case the only and in the
other case the major supplier. No adverse issues relating to the low aromatics content were
observed at these airports over the course of the two months delivery of low aromatics fuel.
40% PQIS
35% Germany
≤8 >8 >10 >12 >14 >16 >18 >20 >22 >24
to 10 to 12 to 14 to 16 to 18 to 20 to 22 to 24
The Quality of Aviation Fuel Available in the United Kingdom, Annual Survey 2008, p. 16
Ibid., p.20
CRC report No. 647, p.89
2 - Conventional Kerosene 23
the extreme values. In either case, the range is yet again somewhat smaller than that found
in the far larger PQIS and Lufthansa study samples.
The property range given in the PQIS Report for Jet A-1 purchases is fairly narrow, ranging
from 15.0% to 24.4%.46 Again, small sample size is likely to be the main reason for the
narrowness of the range.
2013 PQIS Report, p.101
2013 PQIS Report, p.39
The Quality of Aviation Fuel Available in the United Kingdom, Annual Survey 2008, p. 16
Ibid., p.33
CRC report No. 647, p.6
2013 PQIS Report, p.101
2 - Conventional Kerosene 24
19 or lower >19 >21 >23 >25 >27 >29
to 21 to 23 to 25 to 27 to 29 to 30
The complete properties of the conventional kerosene samples are given in annex 9.1. Table
1 (below) compares, for the properties discussed in section 2.3, the minimum and maximum
values for the five samples analysed, with the corresponding minima and maxima of the
World Fuel Sampling report. As can be seen, for most parameters the five samples analysed
in the HBBA Study cover a similar property range as the 39 JP8 and Jet A-1 fuels in the World
Fuel Sampling report, which themselves had been deliberately selected to cover a wide
range of properties. The five samples of the HBBA Study also cover the main different
production processes, with one sample being Merox-treated, two samples consisting solely
of lightly hydroprocessed components, one sample containing primarily lightly hydropro-
cessed components combined with both severely hydroprocessed and non-hydroprocessed
components, and one example containing primarily severely hydroprocessed components.
Table 1: World Fuel Sampling Program and HBBA Study sample minima and maxima
The main areas where World Fuel Sampling report property extremes were not covered by
the HBBA Study fuels are sulphur content and viscosity at -20°C. In the case of sulphur, the
Lufthansa study found no RFC from a German refinery for kerosene with sulphur content
above 1,100 ppm. All certificates showing higher sulphur content were CoAs, and probably
included fuel from imported batches. Identification of the producing refineries was not
possible on the basis of the available documentation.
However, sulphur content of the conventional kerosene is not likely to be a limiting factor
for blending bio kerosene. If the sulphur content of the conventional kerosene is very high,
blending with bio kerosene will merely reduce this content to the levels more usually
observed. If on the other hand the sulphur content is very low, blending with bio kerosene
will reduce this content even further, but one observation from the Lufthansa study is that
several German airports are already now exclusively supplied with kerosene with very low
sulphur content, without this having any known adverse effects whatsoever. Not including
conventional kerosene with very high sulphur content is therefore not likely to have a
material effect on results.
In the case of viscosity at -20°C, the HBBA Study samples clearly do not cover the whole
range of observable parameter variation. Also, unlike sulphur content, viscosity is potentially
a limiting factor for blending, since some bio kerosene has poor viscosity as a neat fuel. This
is even truer now that issue ASTM D7566 since 2014 requires the blend not only to meet the
ASTM D1655 minimum of 8 cSt at -20°C, but also to additionally have a maximum 12 cSt
2 - Conventional Kerosene 26
at -40°C.52 However, as both Figure 3 and the World Fuel Sampling report53 show, high
viscosity at -20°C is basically a US phenomenon, probably as a result of typically producing
Jet A rather than Jet A-1. In the US, therefore, viscosity can be expected to be a major
constraint. Indeed, several of the US fuels analysed in the World Fuel Sampling Program,
plus one Canadian, already had viscosity above 12 cSt at -40°C even as neat fuels, which
would have completely ruled out their use for blending bio kerosene. No values above 12 cSt
at 0°C were found in the World Fuel Sampling Program for any location outside North
With regard to blending in North America, the results of the HBBA Study must therefore be
considered not to completely cover the constraints resulting from viscosity. This, however,
was accepted for the HBBA Study as its focus is on Europe. Judging by Figure 4, typical
European viscosity ranges are well covered by the fuels analysed in the HBBA Study.
ASTM D7566, issue 14a, table 1, part 2
CRC report No. 647, p.90
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 27
3.1 Fischer-Tropsch-Kerosene
Low temperature FT using a cobalt catalyst produces paraffinic waxes, high temperature FT using iron
catalyst produces olefins.
For details see chapter 7.3 of Deutsche Lufthansa AG: Abschlussbericht zu dem Vorhaben Projekt burnFAIR,
Arbeitspakete 1.1 bis 1.4, Frankfurt am Main, June 2014
Weissermel, K., Arpe H.-J., Industrielle Organische Chemie, fünfte Auflage, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 1998, p.16
“Conditioning“ of the gas means removal of particulates, adjustment of the relationship between H2 and CO
and removal of water and CO2, see Deutsche Lufthansa June 2014, p. 149
Weissermel/Arpe, ibid.
Zennaro, Roberto: Fischer-Tropsch Process Economics, p.155; in: Peter M. Maitlis and Arno de Klerk (eds.):
Greener Fischer-Tropsch Processes for Fuels and Feedstocks, Weinheim 2013
Wikipedia entry “Choren industries”, http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choren_Industries, researched 16.9.2014
“GreenSky project prepares to land in Thurrock”; British airways press release, 16. April 2014
Solena Group, Inc: “BioEnergy platforms: A vision for the future”, p.6
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 28
above.64 This project has been terminated65 due to the October 2015 bankruptcy of Solena66,
but a similar approach is now planned by Fulcrum Inc. with various airlines67.
“GreenSky project …”, op. cit.
Meghan Sapp: British Airways drops Solena project after failure to raise funds to build plant, 27.11.2015
Center for Biological Diversity: United Nations Urged to wirhdraw Misleading Biofuels Report, 7.4.2016
Jim Lane: United Airlines invests $30M in Fulcrum BioEnergy; inks $1.5B+ in aviation biofuels contracts; in:
Biofuels Digest 30.6.2015
Source: Deutsche Lufthansa June 2014, p. 147; translation into English by DBFZ
C.A. Moses, G. Wilson, Piet Roeds: Evaluation of Sasol synthetic kerosene for suitability as jet fuel; San
Antonio / Sasolburg, December 2003, p. 7
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 29
The FT fuels described above do not contain aromatic compounds. However, a certain
percentage of aromatics is required in jet fuel to ensure seal swell and tightness of valves.
This is one of the reasons why the fuel may only be used as a blend with conventional
kerosene, with a maximum blend ratio of 50%. The specification also states that the blend
must have a minimum aromatics content of 8%.70
In 2003, Sasol submitted to DEF STAN research on a fully synthetic kerosene produced from
the streams of its Secunda refinery, using a blend of several refinery streams, including some
containing aromatics.71 Approval for this fuel was given under DEF STAN 91-91 Issue 672, and
extended in DEF STAN 91-91 Issue 7 to permit the inclusion of a further refinery stream.73
This approval is specific to Sasol and to product from the Secunda refinery. 74 The original
reason for Sasol’s approval request was to have a second refinery option in case of product
shortages.75 However, although some fuel was produced according to the specification, and
supplied to flights from Johannesburg76, a change in refinery economics resulted in this
production process no longer being economically viable, and Sasol is no longer actively
pursuing further certification work of this pathway.
Instead, Sasol pursued approval of a semi-synthetic fuel called IPK/A which is partly
synthesised via the Fischer-Tropsch process and partly from the naphtha cut produced from
the coal-tar-product of coal gasification.77 Although this product would in principle
constitute a fully synthetic kerosene, approval was for the moment only sought for its use as
a 50% blend, as ASTM is currently reluctant to approve fully synthetic fuels. This approval
has been granted by ASTM in November 2015.78
ASTM 7566, issue 14a, Table 1 Part 2. This requirement already existed in the 1999 approval, see Moses,
Wilson, Roeds, p.7.
Moses, Wilson, Roeds, entire report
Clifford A. Moses: Evaluation of FT Kerosenes Containing Synthesized Aromatics as Blending Streams to make
Semi-Synthetic Jet Fuel, New Braunfels March 2013, p. 1
Ibid, p.49; DEF STAN 91-91 issue 7, section D.4.3
DEF STAN 91-91 issue 7, D.4.3.4
Moses, Wilson, Roeds, p.10
Moses March 2013, p.2
Clifford A. Moses: Evaluation of Synthesized Aromatics Co-Produced with Iso-Paraffinic Kerosene for the
Production of Semi-Synthetic Jet Fuel, New Braunfels July 2013
ASTM D7566 15c
See section 5.2 of Deutsche Lufthansa June 2014
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 30
company Rentech80, but this was dropped in 2013 when Rentech changed its focus away
from biofuels81, so no product is available for this pathway.
3.2 HEFA-Kerosene
Clifford A. Moses March 2013, p. 3 and 44
“Rentech to close product demonstration unit”, Biomass Magazine, 1. March 2013
For details see chapter 7.2 of Deutsche Lufthansa AG June 2014
Source: Ibid., p. 142; translation into English by DBFZ
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 31
refiners to increasingly source waste materials. In 2013, waste and residues already
accounted for some 52% of the feedstock used by HEFA market leader Neste Oil,84 and the
corresponding figure for the third quarter of 2016 was 79%.85 The production process itself is
the same for all feedstock, although pre-treatment has to be different.
“Neste Oil produced enough renewable fuel from waste and residues last year to power over 1 million cars” ,
Neste press release 4.2.2014
Neste Corporation Interim Report January – September 2016, p.10
ASTM D7566, issue 14a, paragraph 6.1.2
http://swiftfuels.com/fuel/renewable-jet-fuel, researched 18. September 2014; personal communication
“Boeing Sees Opportunity to Use “Green Diesel” as Significant New Source of Sustainable Jet Fuel”, Boeing
press release, 14. January 2014
Boeing presentation at 5. March 2014 SAFUG meeting, p. 10/11
“Boeing Conducts World's First Flight with 'Green Diesel' as Aviation Biofuel”, Boeing press release, 3.
December 2014
James D. Kinder: High Freeze Point HEFA Approval, presentation at ASTM D02 Committee week – San Diego,
9 December 2014
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 32
of two million tons.92 Certification of HEFA as a production pathway for aviation kerosene
was primarily supported by UOP, using rented production capacity at Pasadena, Texas for
the production of small batches. The largest HEFA kerosene batch so far have been the 800
tons produced by Neste in 2011 for the Lufthansa burnFAIR in service evaluation, using the
Neste facilities at Porvoo93 , and the similarly sized batch produced by Neste in 2015 for into-
hydrant deliveries at Oslo airport. Some smaller facilities have also been or are producing
limited quantities of HEFA kerosene for aviation purposes, particularly the Dynamic Fuels
refinery at Geismar, Louisiana, used by SkyNRG to procure fuel for KLM. 94 However, no
facilities routinely producing HEFA bio kerosene at large scale currently exist.
A recent development has been the start of deliveries of HEFA kerosene to United Airlines at
Los Angeles airport. These deliveries are by AltAir Paramount, from a refinery converted to
the production of HEFA products, and take place on the basis of a multi-year supply contract
between United Airlines and AltAir.95 No data on actual volumes have yet been released, but
this operation may be the closest to a routine production of HEFA bio kerosene at large scale
currently existing.
It had originally been intended to analyse and compare several batches of HEFA kerosene,
using fuel produced from different feedstock and by two different producers (UOP and
Neste). However, Neste did not produce any HEFA kerosene during the time the lab analyses
were conducted, and UOP ended its kerosene production in Pasadena when the HBBA Study
was at an early stage. The AltAir operation, on the other hand, only started regular pro-
duction in 2016, by which time the research was already finished. Therefore only a single
batch of 320 gallons of HEFA kerosene produced by UOP could be sourced for the purposes
of the HBBA Study. The later comparison of the analysis results of the UOP fuel with analysis
results from the Neste HEFA blend used in the Lufthansa burnFAIR study however indicated
that both HEFA fuels are very similar. It is therefore likely that the inclusion of several
different HEFA fuels would not have gained much additional insight.
The fuel purchased from UOP had been produced from a blend of inedible corn oil and used
cooking oil, and was part of the final batch produced by UOP at the Pasadena facility. It was
delivered via container to a site in Utzedel, Germany, in August 2013. In Utzedel, about 150
litres of the HEFA kerosene were filled into a separate barrel and sent to the WIWeB lab in
Erding, where the fuel was analysed. During this analysis it was discovered that the fuel had
been contaminated by pollen, dirt and water, which also was found in the original container
in Utzedel. However, this contamination could be removed and did not adversely affect the
lab analysis.
No attempt has been made to reflect the Boeing approach, and include blends of HEFA road
bio diesel and aviation kerosene. This is due to the proposal first being made when the HBBA
Study already was well advanced, and the suggested changes to the specification only being
clarified when work on the study was essentially finished. However, possible blend ratios
For details see chapter 2 of Deutsche Lufthansa AG June 2014
“KLM plans drive-down of jet biofuel price premium as it starts regular series of biofuel transatlantic flights”,
GreenAir online 18. March 2013
United Airlines Makes History with Launch of Regularly Scheduled Flights Using Sustainable Biofuel; United
Airlines press release 11. March 2016
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 33
with this approach are anyway expected to be fairly low, and thus outside the focus of this
study. The test flight conducted by Boeing used a 15% bio blend ratio.96
“Boeing Conducts World's First Flight with 'Green Diesel' as Aviation Biofuel”, op. cit.
Total, Amyris, USAFRL: Evaluation of Synthesized Iso-Paraffins produced from Hydroprocessed Fermented
Sugars (SIP Fuels), February 2014, p. 15 – 21; personal communication
http://www.amyris.com/Company/151/BusinessStrategy,, called up 15.8.2014
ASTM D7566 14a, paragraph 6.1.3
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 34
of the analysis were shared with Total / Amyris, and were included in the research report
that was the basis for ASTM approval.
Subcommittee J on Aviation Fuels: Evaluation of Bio-Derived Alcohol to Jet Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosenes,
Version 4, 12. March 2014, P.21
Swedish Biofuels communication
Subcommittee J on Aviation Fuels 12. March 2012, p. 20/21
“LanzaTech and Baosteel’s 100,000 gallon/year waste-gas-to-ethanol pre-commercial facility exceeds
productivity expectations and hits major milestones in advance of commercialization”, LanzaTech press
release 3. December 2012
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 35
Off gases Alcohol Alcohols Oligomerisation Paraffins
synthesis C2 – C5 Hydrogenation SPK
Municipal Fractionation
solid waste
Source: Swedish Biofuels
Swedish Biofuels communication
Subcommittee J on Aviation Fuels 12. March 2012, p. 23
Ibid, whole report
Swedish Biofuels communication
“Alcohol To Jet Synthesized Paraffinic Kerosene (AT-SPK) Task Force Report – D02.J6”, presentation at ASTM
D02 Committee week – San Diego, 9 December 2014, slides 8/9; oral presentations at meeting
ASTM D7566 -16
111 th
Wright. Michael: ATJ-SPK Annex Options, presentation at ASTM D02 Committee week – San Diego, 9
December 2014
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 36
Alcohols Paraffins
Off gases Alcohol Oligomerisation
C2 – C5 Aromatics
synthesis SKA
Municipal Fractionation
solid waste
This schematic refers to the Swedish Biofuels production process. Information on the Byogy
production process is available on their website, but is extremely limited. 114 However, their
process follows the same structure as described above.115
A competing approach was proposed by the US company Terrabon/Logos. However,
available information on that companies’ production process is largely limited to the
conversion of biomass to alcohols, whereas the conversion step to Jet Fuel is vaguely
Swedish Biofuels communication
Source: Swedish Biofuels
http://www.byogy.com/technology/index.html, researched 18.9.2014
Byogy communication
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 37
3.6 CH kerosene
Hartmut Pflaum: Qualitätssicherung und Nachhaltigkeit bei der Bereitstellung von Biokraftstoffen für die
Luftfahrt – Schlussbericht Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Juni 2014, p.17
Ibid., p.18
Edward N. Coppola: Evaluation of Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) Synthetic Kerosene
containing Aromatics (SKA) Readijet Renewable Jet Fuel, June 2014, p.1
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 38
Jet), and it is assumed that this appellation will prevail. However, it would have involved
considerable work to replace “CH” with “CHJ” throughout the Final Report, hence the old
nomenclature has been retained.
Despite the use of the HEFA-SKA appellation, the process is technically different from the
HEFA process described in 3.2.
The production pathway of CH fuel consists of three major steps. It starts with Catalytic
Hydrothermolysis, where triglyceride oils, other esters or fatty acids are converted into n-
and iso-alkanes, cycloalkanes and aromatic compounds.119 In the next step, the material is
mildly hydrotreated to saturate residual olefins and remove residual oxygenates, preserving
aromatics and cycloparaffins120. In the final step the output stream is distilled and
fractionated into the final products of which kerosene is one.121
Feedstock for the CH process is similar to that for HEFA, i.e. oils and fats. A variety of edible
and non-edible materials have been successfully tested by ARA, with the current focus on oil
from Brassica Carinata, a non-edible oil.122
CH kerosene is a fully synthetic kerosene, including synthetic aromatics. According to ARA,
aromatic content can be controlled to between 10% and 20% by controlling processing
Ibid., p.4
Ibid, p.6; Red, Chuck: ReadiDiesel ReadiJet next Generation alternative Fuels, presentation, June 2012, p.3
Red, Chuck, ibid.
http://www.ara.com/fuels/Feedstocks-evaluated-CH-process.html, , researched 28. August 2014
Personal communication
http://www.ara.com/fuels/CH-Technology-Status.html, researched 28. August 2014; personal
http://www.ara.com/fuels/Readi-Jet-Diesel-Specs.html, researched 28. August 2014
http://www.ara.com/fuels/CH-Technology-Status.html, researched 28. August 2014
Edward N. Coppola: Evaluation of Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) Synthetic Kerosene
containing Aromatics (SKA) Readijet Renewable Jet Fuel, December 2014
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 39
Edwards, Tim/ Trewella, Jeff/Sanchez, Vicente/Leisenring, Roger jr.: Evaluation of Hydroprocessed
Depolymerized Cellulosic Jet (HDCJ) Fuels and Blends; April 2014, p.8-10
Ibid, p. 8
Ibid, p. 10/11
Ibid, p. 9-13
Ibid, p. 15
Ibid, p. 6/7
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 40
Almost all fuel so far used for ASTM certification has been produced by KiOR in their 10
bbl/day demo facility in Pasedena, Texas.134 Lab tests have been performed on a blend of
70% conventional kerosene and 30% HDCJ, with specification testing, fit-for-purpose testing
and materials compatibility testing all passed.135 In addition, engine and APU rig tests have
been successfully performed on various blends of KiOR HDCJ, conventional jet kerosene and
FT kerosene.136 No further tests are currently planned.
A research report on the testing performed on HDCJ fuels has been drawn up and
distributed to the OEMs in July 2014.137 Incorporation of OEM feedback into the report was
begun,138 but the process was then slowed down by the financial problems of KiOR, which in
November 2014 filed for bankruptcy.139
3.8 HDO-SK
Ibid, p. 71
Ibid, chapter 2
Ibid., chapter 3 and appendices 6 and 7
Ibid, whole report
Personal communication
Biofuelsdigest.com: KiOR seeks Chapter 11 reorganisation after asset bid received, Meldung vom 11.11.2014
E4tech (UK) Ltd.: Sustainable Aviation Fuels - Potential for the UK industry, July 2014, p.8
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 41
The production pathway of HDO-SK fuel consists of four major steps. In the first step, plant-
derived oxygenated compounds are hydrodeoxygenated, resulting in intermediate products
like alcohols, ketones and other oxygenates with limited reactivity. This is a thermochemical
process using metal catalyst. In the next step the resulting intermediate products are
dehydrated, oligomerised and hydrogenated to produce a mixture of normal paraffins, iso-
paraffins, cycloparaffins and aromatics. This is a single catalytic step during which several
types of reactions occur. The resulting components are all hydrocarbon types also found in
fuel derived from fossil sources. The final two steps are essentially the same as in
conventional refining, with the material being first hydrotreated, and then distilled into the
final products of which HDO-SK is one.141
Feedstock for the production of HDO-SK fuel can be a broad variety of both cellulosic
material (like wood or straw) and commercial sugars.142 Actual production so far has
essentially been from corn syrup.143
Dally, Brice / Ginestra, Cynthia / Edwards, Tim / Heminghaus, Gregory: Evaluation of Hydrodexygenated
Synthesized Kerosene (HDO-SK) and Blends, March 2014, p. 11-14; Pflaum, p. 18/19
Dally/Ginestra/Edwards/Heminghaus, p.11
Ibid, p. 15
Ibid, p. 16-20
Ibid, p. 32
Ibid, p.65
Ibid, p. 15
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 42
Dally, Brice / Ginestra, Cynthia / Heminghaus, Gregory: Evaluation of Hydrodexygenated Synthesized
Aromatic Kerosene (HDO-SKA) and Blends, May 2014, p. 11-14
Ibid, p.11
Ibid, p. 17-19
Ibid, p. 24
Ibid, p.15
Ibid, p.66
3 - Bio Kerosene Production Pathways 43
Ibid, p. 17
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 44
Total Sulphur
For jet fuels and blends DIN EN ISO 14596 (for contents > 10 ppm) and for neat synthetic
fuels DIN EN 20884 (for contents < 10 ppm) were applied. However, these methods are
technically equivalent to those specified in ASTM D1655 and D7566.
Flash Point
For flash points up to 75 °C IP 170 was used instead of ASTM D56. Values obtained from IP
170 correspond well to those from ASTM D56. However, because of the exceptionally high
flash point of neat Farnesane, ASTM D93 has been employed for this fuel, since this method
is suitable for samples with flash points > 75 °C.
Microseparometer (MSEP)
This test is typically only performed at place of manufacture and has therefore not been
included in the study.
Yet, to assess the fuel blend´s behaviour towards water, water reaction according to ASTM
D1094 has been determined instead, which can be used as an alternative test for MSEP.
Electrical Conductivity
According to ASTM D1655 and D7566 electrical conductivity only needs to be determined at
points of use. Values for electrical conductivity strongly depend on handling of the fuel.
Therefore, measurements performed in the laboratory have no validity with regard to the
actual electrical conductivity in practice (e.g. in storage tanks or fuel distribution systems at
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 45
point of use). Therefore, determination of electrical conductivity has not been performed in
this study.
Additive Content
Information on additive content of the Jet A-1 fuels has been provided by the manufacturers
in the respective certificates. Synthetic fuels are free of additives; additive contents of
blends could therefore be calculated rather than measured in this study.
Hydrocarbon Composition
Determination of hydrocarbon composition according to ASTM D2425 or ASTM D5291 has
not been conducted. However, the samples were analysed by gas chromatography and mass
spectrometry to be able to correlate certain properties with composition. The respective
results are discussed in the appropriate sections.
Viscosity at -40°C
This requirement was only added in version 14a of ASTM D7566, which was published in
June 2014, when the bulk of the analytical work had already been performed. It could
therefore not be included in this study.
4.2 Results
This chapter will summarize the findings to point out trends and critical changes in
properties that result upon incorporation of high amounts of synthetic into fossil fuels.
ASTM D7566 – 11a, sections A 1.6.1 and A2.6.1
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 46
Figure 12: Gas-chromatograms of Farnesane (top) and a typical Jet A-1 fuel (bottom)
Measurements show that there exists a precise linear relationship between density and
Farnesane content of the blend (Figure 13). The density of Farnesane blends can therefore
readily be calculated from the values of the neat blend components and the blend ratio.
Unlike neat Fischer-Tropsch or HEFA kerosene, whose specified density range is 730 – 770
kg/m³, neat farnesane has a density of 773.1 kg/m³ and therewith slightly below the lower
limit for blends (775 kg/m³). Except in the case of an extremely low density fossil jet fuel,
density is no constraint for the maximum blend ratio. For the investigated fuels, blends with
Farnesane content up to ca. 90 vol% meet the specification requirement for density.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 47
Figure 13: Density of fuel 100, Farnesane and blends with 10, 20, 35 and 50 vol%
The distillation curves of the Farnesane blends with fuels 100 and 117 are shown in Figure
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 48
Figure 14: Distillation curves of Jet A-1 and blends with 10, 20, 35 and 50 vol%
Farnesane. Top: blend with fuel 100, bottom: blend with fuel 117
The distillation curves of fuel 100 as well as those of fuel 117 blends are shifted to higher
temperatures upon increasing the amount of Farnesane in the blend. Neat Farnesane has a
boiling point of 247 °C157 which lies close to the final boiling point of the Jet A-1 fuels. Thus,
Determined according to ASTM D1120
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 49
its incorporation into the fuel lowers the vapour pressure of the blend which is reflected by
the increase in boiling temperature. This effect is most pronounced in the 50 vol% recovered
region but has also a considerable influence on the beginning (cf. initial boiling point and 10
vol% recovered) and the end of the distillation (cf. 90 vol% recovered).
However, the criteria for distillation as defined in ASTM D1655 and ASTM D7566 are met for
all blend ratios.
Flash Point
Due to the high boiling point of Farnesane, its blends with Jet A-1 exhibit higher flash points
compared to neat Jet A-1 because the vapour pressure of the mixture decreases. This
observation agrees nicely with the shift of the entire boiling curves to higher temperatures.
Figure 15 shows the respective graphs for fuel 100 and fuel 117 which qualitatively show
good resemblance.
It is noteworthy that incorporation of 10 to 50 vol% Farnesane into Jet A-1 only marginally
increases the flash point, although Farnesane itself exhibits a comparatively high flash point
of 107 °C. This is because the flash point of the mixture primarily depends on the presence of
volatile compounds in the jet fuel which – even though diluted – still are present in the
blends. The slight increase in flash point upon adding high boiling Farnesane is due to the
overall lowering of the mixture’s vapour pressure.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 50
Figure 15: Flash Points of Farnesane and blends with fuel 100 (top) and fuel 117
Freezing Point
The freezing point of Farnesane (< -100 °C) is far below the upper limit for both jet fuel and
blends (-47 °C). Therefore, any specification compliant fossil kerosene blended with
farnesane will meet the requirements of ASTM 7566 regardless of blend ratio. Nevertheless,
the respective measurements have been conducted and reveal a widely linear relationship
between freezing point and blend ratio.
Existent Gum
The existent gum value for the neat Farnesane sample was repeatedly determined as ca. 10
mg/100 ml and exceeds the limit for blends and neat synthetic fuel (7 mg/100 ml).
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 51
FTIR-spectroscopic analysis of the residue obtained from neat Farnesane reveals that it
mainly consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons along with silicone compounds. The latter finding
has been confirmed by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), where significant
amounts of the element silicon have been detected. It needs to be mentioned that
combustion of silicones leads to the formation of silicon dioxide, which is undesirable.
However, the source of this contamination is unknown, and may have been accidentally
introduced during transport.
The respective values for fuel 100 and fuel 117 are below the detection limit of the method
(1 mg/100 ml). The dependency of gum content and blend ratio is – as expected – linear. All
measured values of the blends up to 50 vol% lie considerably below the upper limit of 7
mg/100 ml.
Blending Jet A-1 fuels 100 and 117 with Farnesane improves lubricity. For both fuels a
significant effect can already be observed by incorporation of 10 vol% Farnesane (Figure 16).
Further increase of Farnesane content additionally improves lubricity, yet this effect is less
Given the high gum value of neat Farnesane and the contamination by silicone compounds
(see above), the question is whether the improvement of lubricity is due to the presence of
these compounds. Therefore, the residue from existent gum determination has been
dissolved in jet fuel 100 and 117, respectively and lubricity has been determined again. The
concentration of the residue in the fuel was the same as in the 50 vol% Farnesane blends. It
turns out, that these mixtures exhibit lubricity values comparable to those of the 50 vol%
blends. Thus it cannot be ruled out that the effect is at least partly due to presence of the
On the other hand, to test the influence of pure long-chain hydrocarbons such as Farnesane
on lubricity, n-hexadecane (p.a. quality) has been chosen as a model compound. The
lubricity of a 50 vol% blend of n-hexadecane with jet fuel 117 has been determined and in
this case, a significant improvement was observed as well. From these results it can be
inferred, that pure Farnesane can very well improve lubricity. It is therefore not possible to
conclusively attribute the improvement of lubricity to either contaminant or 2,6,10-
trimethyldodecane. However, the potential effect of minor impurities must not be
underestimated, since lubricity is surface related and substances present in small amounts
might exert substantial influence.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 52
Figure 16: Lubricity expressed as wear scar diameter for fuel 100 (top)
and fuel 117 (bottom), neat Farnesane and respective blends.
The kinematic viscosity158 of neat Farnesane is about 14 mm²/s which is high compared to
the limit for fuel blends (8 mm²/s). The maximum amount of Farnesane in the blend is
therefore limited. The respective measurements (Figure 17) show, according to the
Grunberg-Nissan equation, a logarithmic correlation between viscosity and blend ratio. Thus,
Measurement has been performed according to ASTM D445, although for such high viscosity values, the
method does not provide precise results.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 53
at high blend ratios regarding Farnesane, increase in viscosity is more pronounced than at
low ratios. Nevertheless, 50 vol% blends of both fuels 100 and 117 meet the requirements
according to ASTM D7566.
Figure 17: Viscosity of fuel blends containing Farnesane and fuel 100 (top)
and Farnesane and fuel 117 (bottom) as well as for the neat blend
Smoke Point
The smoke point of neat Farnesane is too high to be accurately measured according to ASTM
D1322. In case of blends with either fuel 100 and 117 an increase and therefore an
improvement of smoke point upon increasing the amount of Farnesane in the blend is
observed (Figure 18).
Figure 18: Smoke point of Farnesane blends with fuel 100 (top) and fuel 117 (bottom).
The smoke point of neat Farnesane is too high to be determined according
to ASTM D1322
This finding is plausible if one assumes that aromatic compounds are primarily responsible
for soot formation and addition of Farnesane lowers the amount of aromatics in the blend.
In fact, the shapes of the respective smoke point curves of the blends with fuel 100 and 117
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 55
differ; however, detailed investigations of the underlying effects exceed the scope of this
study. The emissions behaviour of farnesane blends is further explored in chapter 7.
Heat of Combustion
Heat of combustion is calculated from the content of aromatic compounds, the density and
the distillation curve, where the latter is being represented by the mean value of T10, T50
and T90. According to the underlying formula, a decrease in the amount of aromatic
compounds as well as decreasing density tends to raise the heat of combustion. If the
distillation curves are shifted to higher temperatures, heat of combustion raises, too. Since
in case of the blends all these variables change linearly, calculating the heat of combustion
according to ASTM D3338 results in a linear relationship between Farnesane content and
heat of combustion (Figure 19).
Figure 19: Heat of Combustion of Farnesane blends with fuel 100 (top) and fuel 117
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 56
Figure 20: Gas-chromatograms of HVO (top) and a typical fossil Jet A-1 fuel (bottom)
As for the Farnesane blends, measurements show that densities () of the HVO blends
depend linearly on blend ratio. Since of neat HVO (756.7 kg/m³; required: 730 – 770 kg/m³)
lies below the lower limit for jet fuels and blends (775 kg/m³), the maximum blend ratio
regarding HVO content is limited. The HVO contents for which the respective jet fuel
mixtures reach the 775 kg/m³ limit have been calculated and are given in Table 2.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 57
Jet A-1 fuel density () of neat Jet A-1 HVO content for which
[kg/m³] = 775 kg/m³
085 797.5 55 vol%
112 818.6 71 vol%
114 795.0 52 vol%
117 811.7 67 vol%
123 789.0 43 vol%
Table 2: Calculated HVO content for which density of the respective blends with Jet A-1
reach the lower limit of 775 kg/m³
Since the distillation curves of fuel 085 and fuel 112 show the most pronounced deviation
from that of neat HVO, the curves of their respective blends have been chosen for discussion
(Figure 21).
In contrast to the distillation curves of the neat fossil fuels, that of HVO exhibits a relatively
constant slope over the entire vol% recovered range and the end point of distillation is
shifted to higher temperatures. This agrees with the results from gas-chromatographic
analysis which show that HVO contains more high boiling compounds than a typical Jet A-1
With increasing HVO content, the curve of the respective blend more and more resembles
that of neat HVO. Since the measurements show that the curves of the blends lie between
those of the neat blend components, one can assume that as long as the blend components
themselves fulfil the requirements according to ASTM D1655 and ASTM D7566, the blends
do as well regardless of the blend ratio.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 58
Figure 21: Distillation curves of neat HVO, fuel 085 and respective blends with 50 – 90
vol% HVO (top) and neat HVO, fuel 112 and respective blends with 50 – 90
vol% HVO (bottom)
Flash Point
For discussion of flash point, HVO blends of fuels 085 and 112 have been chosen. HVO
exhibits a flash point of 42.0 °C which lies close to that of fuel 085 (40.5 °C). Fuel 112 has the
highest flash point among the fossil fuels chosen for this study (53.0 °C). The flash points of
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 59
the respective HVO-blends lie within the interval between the flash points of the neat blend
components and can therefore be estimated from these latter values (Figure 22).
Figure 22: Flash points of neat HVO, fuel 085 and respective blends with 50 – 90 vol%
HVO (top) and neat HVO, fuel 112 and respective blends with 50 – 90 vol%
HVO (bottom)
Freezing Point
The dependency of freezing point on blend ratio will be discussed using two examples where
(i) freezing points of the jet fuel and HVO only slightly differ and (ii) freezing points of the jet
fuel and HVO differ significantly (Figure 23).
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 60
Figure 23: Freezing points of neat HVO, fuel 123 and respective blends with 10 – 90
vol% HVO (top) and neat HVO, fuel 112 and respective blends with 10 – 90
vol% HVO (bottom)
Upon blending fuel 123 (freezing point: -61.9 °C) with HVO (freezing point: -54.4 °C), an
initial lowering of the freezing point to a minimum of -64.5 °C (HVO content: 30 vol%) was
observed, although HVO exhibits a higher freezing point than the jet fuel. The resulting curve
remotely resembles the phase diagram of an eutectic mixture. Nevertheless, comparing the
observed behaviour to that of an eutectic mixture is doubtful because the investigated
blends are complex multicomponent systems and, furthermore, because of the definition of
the freezing point for aviation fuels. It is determined by cooling the fuel until the appearance
of hydrocarbon crystals followed by heating the sample. The temperature at which the last
crystal disappears is defined as the freezing point of the aviation fuel. This differs from the
physical definition of the freezing point which is the temperature of phase transition
between liquid and solid.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 61
The freezing point of fuel 112 (-89.4 °C) is far below that of HVO. Because of this pronounced
difference, the initially observed effect of depression of the freezing point for the blends
cannot be observed. Yet, the slope of the resulting freezing point vs. blend ratio curve shows
a deviance in the 20 - 50 vol% HVO interval.
In case of the blends with the other fossil fuels (085, 114, 117), depression of the freezing
point at a certain blend ratio can be observed as well. As the examples in Figure 23 show,
the effect is all the more pronounced, the more similar the freezing points of fossil fuel and
HVO are.
With a wear scar diameter (wsd) of 0.906 mm neat HVO exceeds the upper limit of 0.85 mm
for Jet A-1 and blends. To discuss the influence of HVO on lubricity, blends with Jet A-1
samples 112 and 123 have been chosen. Fuel 112 offers the best lubricity among the fuels
used in this study (wsd = 0.645 mm), fuel 123 the worst (wsd = 0.751 mm). Figure 24 shows
the dependence of lubricity on blend ratio. In the case of fuel 112 an expected worsening in
lubricity by increasing the amount of HVO is observable. Yet, from the data no exact
correlation between HVO content and lubricity can be drawn. For HVO-blends with fuel 123
lubricity vs. blend ratio shows no clear trend as well. Yet, the possible worsening of lubricity
upon increasing the amount of HVO seems to be compensated by the fossil fuel, even for
high HVO contents. As already mentioned, this observation could be explained by lubricity
being a surface related effect, which is strongly influenced by the presence of minor
Lubricity curves of HVO-blends with the other fossil fuels qualitatively resemble those shown
in Figure 24.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 62
Figure 24: Lubricity expressed as wear scar diameter for neat HVO, fuel 112 and
respective blends with 50 – 90 vol% HVO (top) and neat HVO, fuel 123 and
respective blends with 50 – 90 vol% HVO (bottom)
Smoke Point
The smoke point of neat HVO exceeds the upper detection limit of the method. This is not
surprising, since HVO lacks aromatic compounds which significantly contribute to soot
formation. Therefore, incorporation of HVO into Jet A-1 in general leads to a non-linear
improvement of the smoke point as exemplified in Figure 25.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 63
Figure 25: Smoke points for neat fuel 112 and respective blends with HVO. The value
for the 80 vol% blend exceeds the upper detection limit of the method and
therefore lacks accuracy. Hence, values for 90 vol% blend and neat HVO
have not been determined.
Figure 26: Gas-chromatograms of CTL (top) and a typical fossil Jet A-1 fuel (bottom)
Like Farnesane- and HVO-blends, those with CTL display a linear relationship between blend
ratio and density. Hence, parameters which describe concentrations, e.g. aromatic and
sulphur content, are expected to show linear dependence on blend ratio as well which has
been verified by sporadic measurements.
Since the density of neat CTL (761.2 kg/m³) falls below the lower limit for blends (775
kg/m³), the maximum content of CTL in the mixtures is limited and depends on the initial
density of the fossil fuel. For the Jet A-1 fuels employed in this study the limit varies between
ca. 50 and ca. 75 vol% CTL. Table 3 shows the maximum content of CTL, for which the
respective blends reach the lower limit for density of 775 kg/m³.
Jet A-1 fuel density () of neat Jet A-1 CTL content for which
[kg/m³] = 775 kg/m³
085 797.5 62 vol%
112 818.6 76 vol%
114 795.0 59 vol%
117 811.7 73 vol%
123 789.0 50 vol%
Table 3: Calculated CTL content for which density of the respective blends with Jet A-
1 reach the lower limit of 775 kg/m³
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 65
In line with the previous results on lubricity of fossil / synthetic fuel blends, no unitary trend
with respect to blend ratio can be observed. Yet, all blends meet the requirement for
lubricity. Two examples of CTL blends were chosen to visualize this finding (Figure 27).
Figure 27: Lubricity expressed as wear scar diameter for neat CTL, fuel 114 and
respective blends with 50 – 90 vol% CTL (top) and neat CTL, fuel 123 and
respective blends with 50 – 90 vol% HVO (bottom)
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 66
Freezing Point
The freezing point curves of CTL blends with fossil fuels 114 and 117 are shown in Figure 28.
Given that the chemical composition of CTL is quite similar to that of HVO, the question
arises, whether a comparable depression of freezing point at a certain blend ratio occurs
here as well.
Unlike HVO, the freezing point of CTL lies significantly below that of the fossil fuel.
Therefore, due to the steep progression of the freezing point curves and the relatively rough
10 vol% increment, minor deviations in freezing point are hard to observe. At most, in the
case of fuel 117 a slight irregularity in curve progression (10 – 40 vol% interval) can be
spotted. However, these observations surely have no meaning for practical applications.
Given that the freezing point of the neat CTL lies well below the upper limit for jet fuel, it can
be assumed that any blends of specification compliant fossil kerosene with CTL will meet the
requirements of ASTM 7566 regardless of the blend ratio.
Thermal Stability
It turns out that neat CTL does not meet the specification limits regarding thermal stability
with a pressure drop of 280.0 mm Hg (max. 25 mm Hg acc. to ASTM D7566). As requested by
ASTM D7566 thermal stability for neat CTL was determined at 325 °C. However, all blends
with CTL comfortably meet the specified requirements regarding thermal stability which
might be due to the fact that thermal stability for blends is determined at 260 °C, in
accordance with ASTM D7566.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 67
Figure 28: Freezing points of neat CTL, fuel 114 and respective blends with 10 – 90
vol% CTL (top) and neat CTL, fuel 117 and respective blends with 10 – 90
vol% HVO (bottom)
Smoke Point
Since CTL lacks aromatic compounds it has a high smoke point and therefore incorporation
of CTL into fossil fuel leads to improvement of smoke point.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 68
The parameter T50-T10 describes the slope of the distillation curve in the low temperature
region and is limited to a minimum of 15 °C. Since T50–T10 of the neat CTL (8.0 °C) is far
below the lower limit (15 °C) this parameter becomes critical if the synthetic fuel exhibits a
flat distillation curve itself. Figure 29 shows the T50-T10 values as a function of the blend
Figure 29: T50–T10 of neat CTL, fuel 114 and respective blends with 10 – 90 vol% CTL
(top) and neat CTL, fuel 123 and respective blends with 10 – 90 vol% CTL
In the case of fuel 114 (Figure 29, top) the limit is reached at approximately 50 vol%
synthetic fuel, whereas fuel 123 hardly allows incorporation of CTL at all. The maximum
blend ratio can roughly be estimated from T50-T10 values of the neat blend components
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 69
assuming linear dependency of T50-T10 on blend ratio, although in reality the dependency is
not strictly linear.
Figure 30: Gas-chromatograms of CH kerosene (top) and a typical fossil Jet A-1 fuel
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 70
The density of ReadiJet (805.2 kg/m³) is close to that of the fossil fuel (818.6 kg/m³) and the
dependence of density on blend ratio is - as expected - strictly linear. Parameters describing
contents can therefore be calculated which has been verified in respective measurements.
The 50 vol% recovery points of the CH kerosene (200.2°C) and of the conventional kerosene
112 (200.1°C) are nearly identical, so that the 50 vol% recovery points for all blends are as
well (Figure 31). For initial boiling point, 10 vol% and 90 vol% recovery points and final
boiling point, values for the blends depend linearly on blend ratio. As the CH kerosene’s
distillation curve has a sufficient slope, the T50-T10 and T90-T10 limits are never an issue,
and T50-T10 and T90-T10 of the fossil fuel are actually improved upon blending with CH
Figure 31: Distillation curves of neat CH kerosene, fuel 112 and respective blends
with 25, 50, 70 and 90 vol% CH kerosene
Freezing Point
As discussed, the freezing point of pure ReadiJet (-41.3 °C) exceeds the upper limit for Jet A-
1 (-47 °C). It needs to be emphasized that this batch of CH kerosene has been produced to
meet the Jet A standard. However, the process is also capable of producing fuel that meets
the freezing point requirement for Jet A-1, and such fuel was sourced later for the emissions
tests described in section 7.2.
The freezing point curve - here for blends with a Jet A-1 featuring a very low freezing point -
(Figure 32) shows an irregularity in the 50 vol%-region, where the freezing point is close to
the value of the 35 vol% blend. This finding agrees with similar observations for other
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 71
synthetic fuel blends. However, depression of freezing point is favourable, since it is only
limited to an upper value.
Figure 32: Freezing points of neat CH kerosene, fuel 112 and respective blends with 10
– 90 vol% CH kerosene
For all examined blends, lubricity values are better than the lubricity values of either the
neat CH kerosene or the neat fossil kerosene (Figure 33). This is a favourable outcome, but
confirms previous observations for other blends that lubricity is hard to predict from the
values of the neat blend components and needs to be determined experimentally.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 72
Figure 33: Lubricity expressed as wear scar diameter for neat CH kerosene, fuel 112
and respective blends
Figure 34: Gas-chromatograms of ATJ-SPK (top) and a typical fossil Jet A-1 fuel
For fossil fuel blends with ATJ-SPK, dependency of density on blend ratio is again strictly
linear and therefore other parameters describing contents can readily be calculated from
initial values of the blend components. Since density of ATJ-SPK (757.1 kg/m³) falls below the
lower limit (775 kg/m³), the maximum blend ratio regarding ATJ-SPK is limited; for the fuels
included in the study, the limits range from ca. 40 vol% to ca. 70 vol%.
The ATJ-SPK fuel has a remarkably flat distillation curve (T50-T10 = 2.9 °C) as compared to
that of a fossil fuel, which is far below the lower limit for blends (15 °C). Upon increasing the
amount of ATJ-SPK in the blend, the shapes of the respective blends´ distillation curves
converge to that of neat ATJ-SPK (Figure 35). Therefore the maximum ATJ-SPK content is
limited and can be very low, if the fossil fuel features a flat distillation curve as well. For four
of the fossil fuels included in the study, the maximum blend ratio ranges between 10 – 40
vol% ATJ-SPK. Yet, in the case of fuel 123, blending with ATJ-SPK is not allowed at all, since
T50-T10 of this fossil fuel (15.1 °C) is already very close to the limit for blends. However, it
should be noted that for neat fossil fuels T50-T10 is not specified.
As will be discussed in the conclusions (chapter 8), the question can be raised how useful the
T50-T10 and T90-T10 limits actually are. However, as long as the requirement exists it will be
a major limiting factor for blending ATJ-SPK.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 74
Figure 35: Distillation curves of ATJ-SPK, fossil fuel 114 and their blends with 50 – 90
vol% ATJ-SPK
The dependence of lubricity on ATJ-SPK content will be discussed using two examples (Figure
36) which illustrate the different characteristics found for lubricity curves. On the one hand,
a roughly linear dependency of lubricity on ATJ-SPK content can be found (Figure 36, top), on
the other hand, lubricity behaves completely unpredictable (Figure 36, bottom). This again
confirms previous observations which point out that special attention on this parameter has
to be paid in practice. Yet, for ATJ-SPK blends of all fossil fuels included in the study, values
for lubricity lie within the interval defined by the neat blend components.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 75
Figure 36: Lubricity expressed as wear scar diameter for neat ATJ-SPK, fuel 112 and
respective blends with 50 – 90 vol% ATJ-SPK (top) and neat ATJ-SPK, fuel
114 and respective blends with 50 – 90 vol% ATJ-SPK (bottom)
were selected. Fuel 114 is the fuel with the highest gradient of the distillation curve, and fuel
085 is the one with the lowest. For fuel 085 only a single blend at 50 vol% was analysed to
investigate the shape of the resulting distillation curve, whereas the main analysis focused
on blends with fuel 114.
Gas chromatograms of ATJ-SKA and a typical fossil Jet A-1 fuel are superimposed in Figure
37. ATJ-SKA contains n-alkanes and iso-alkanes, in which those with boiling points close to
that of n-undecane (C11H24) occur in comparatively high amounts; minor amounts of
cycloalkanes can be found as well. The sample has an aromatic content of 15.8 vol%, while
the spectrum of aromatic compounds is more limited than in the CH kerosene sample
(4.2.4). The aromatics consist mainly of alkyl benzenes, indanes and
tetrahydronaphthalenes. The content of naphthalenes (0.080 vol%) is low.
Figure 37: Gas-chromatograms of ATJ-SKA kerosene (top) and a typical fossil Jet A-1
fuel (bottom)
Distillation curves of ATJ-SKA blends with fossil fuel 114 are shown in Figure 38.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 77
Figure 38: Distillation curves of ATJ-SKA, fossil fuel 114 and their blends
with 25, 50, 70, 90 vol% ATJ-SKA
Distillation start and end points of ATJ-SKA lie close to those of the fossil fuel. However, in
the 10 to 90 vol% interval, the gradient of the ATJ’s curve is low, followed by a late steep
increase in the 90 to 100 vol% interval. Regarding the T50-T10 values, maximum blend ratio
is therefore limited to approximately 70 vol%. T90-T10 is an issue as well, although here, the
limit for blend ratio lies between 80 and 90 vol% synthetic fuel so that T50-T10 is the more
critical parameter.
The distillations curves of neat ATJ SPK (Figure 35) as well as neat ATJ-SKA are both rather
flat at the start of the distillation, so that T50-T10 constitutes a limiting factor in either case.
Yet, T90-T10 is only limiting for ATJ-SKA because of the late rise of the curve’s gradient.
For blends with fuel 085, which has a flat distillation curve itself, distillation curve gradients
are more of a constraint. Here, both the T50-T10 and the T90-T10 for the 50 vol% blend are
barely above the specification minimum, hence blend ratios above 50 vol% can be expected
to be largely off-spec.
For ATJ-SKA with distillation curves similar to the sample provided, T50-T10 and T90-T10 will
severely limit maximum blend ratios. However, the manufacturer has since provided
documentation showing that it is also possible to produce this fuel with a steeper distillation
curve gradient.
Lubricity of the neat ATJ-SKA (wsd = 0.606 mm) is already quite good (Figure 39) and in fact
better than that of the fossil fuel 114 (0.728 mm). In this case, lubricity of all blends lies
within the interval of values for the neat blend components. However, improvement of
lubricity upon incorporation of ATJ-SKA becomes evident only at high blend ratios regarding
ATJ-SKA. At low blend ratios, the positive influence on lubricity is weak.
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 78
Figure 39: Lubricity expressed as wear scar diameter for neat ATJ-SKA, fuel 114 and
respective blends
4.3 Summary
The summary concentrates on parameters which have proven to be of special interest with
respect to the evaluation of alternative fuel blends.
For all blends density linearly depends on blend ratio and no anomalies for instance due to
volume contraction are observed. Thus, fuel properties describing contents can be
calculated from the respective values of the neat blend components.
Upon comparing the major groups of chemical components found in conventional fuels,
density increases in the order alkanes < cycloalkanes < aromatics. Therefore, fuels consisting
only of n- and iso- alkanes have low densities. For example HEFA (HEFA = 756.7 kg/m³)
blends become off-spec at blend ratios between 43 vol% and 71 vol% HEFA. CTL has a
slightly higher density of 761.2 kg/m³ and here maximum CTL contents between 62 and 76
vol% are possible. In the case of SIP fuel (Farnesane), which consists only of a single iso-
alkane compound, namely 2,6,10-trimethyl dodecane, density is however quite high
(Farnesane = 773.1 kg/m³) and only slightly below the lower limit for synthetic fuel blends (775
kg/m³). Hence, regarding the density restriction, blends with maximum SIP contents of > 80
vol% are possible. Densities of CH kerosene and ATJ-SKA are 805.2 kg/m³ and 785.9 kg/m³,
respectively, and above the lower limit for blends. Here, the density constraint is not an
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 79
Aromatic content
This value can be calculated from the value of the neat blend components and the blend
ratio. For synthetic fuels, which contain no aromatics, their maximum content in blends
range from 42 vol% for the conventional fuel with the lowest aromatic content (fuel 114) to
63 vol% for the one with the highest (fuel 085). CH kerosene and ATJ-SKA have aromatic
contents of 19.7 and 15.8 vol%, respectively which means that the 8 vol% aromatics
restriction does not limit maximum blend ratios.
Lubricity of a blend in general is hard to predict from the values of the neat blend
components since there is no correlation with blend ratio. However, in blends the
component with the better lubricity usually positively influences this parameter. SIP fuel, for
example, has a very good lubricity (wsd = 0.562 mm) and its incorporation into fossil fuel
leads to a significant improvement.
For lubricity it is also possible that the respective values for blends lie outside the interval
defined by the neat blend components but in such a way that lubricity improves; a
significant worsening has not been observed. In the case of CH-kerosene (wsd = 0.570 mm)
and fuel 112 (wsd = 0.645 mm), this was most evident: Blends throughout exhibited a better
lubricity (wsd values ranging from 0.560 mm to 0.506 mm) than either of the neat fuels.
Freezing Point
Freezing point was shown to be never an issue, if the values for the neat blend components
meet the specification. Yet, an anomaly was evident, namely a depression of the freezing
point for most of the synthetic fuel blends at certain blend ratios. This effect is the more
pronounced, the more similar freezing points of the blend components are. In the case of
fuel 123 (-61.9 °C) and HEFA (-54.4 °C) freezing point drops to approximately -65 °C. Only in
the case of blends with SIP fuel (Farnesane), this effect was not detectable. However, since
freezing point improves, the observed anomaly is not valued as critical.
Smoke point
The smoke point primarily depends on the presence of aromatic compounds in the fuels.
Therefore, blends with aromatic free synthetic fuels show an improved smoke point. For the
4 - Properties of Blends of Alternative Fuels with Jet A-1 80
synthetic fuels which contain aromatics, CH kerosene and ATJ-SKA, smoke points are 22.5
and 23.0 mm and thereby above the minimum value according to ASTM D7566 (18 mm). If
this is the case for the neat blend components, smoke point is not a limiting parameter for
Flash point
Flash point is dominated by the presence of volatile fuel components. In blends this property
strongly depends on the blend component with the lower flash point. Only at high contents
of the blend component with the higher flash point, that of the blend significantly rises. For
all blends investigated here, flash point was not an issue.
5 - Properties of Alternative Fuel Blends after Addition of Aromatic Compounds 81
Table 4: Selected properties for the 70 vol% ATJ-SPK blend with Jet A-1 085 and for
the blend after addition of aromatic compounds to 8 vol%. (red numbers
indicate deviations from specified values, green numbers indicate values
that meet the respective requirement; * calculated from values of the neat
blend components)
M.J. DeWitt, E. Corporan, J. Graham, D. Minus, Energy & Fuels 2008, 22, pp. 2411
5 - Properties of Alternative Fuel Blends after Addition of Aromatic Compounds 82
Table 5: Selected properties for the 70 vol% ATJ-SPK blend with Jet A-1 114 and for
the blend after addition of aromatic compounds to 8 vol%. (red numbers
indicate deviations from specified values, green numbers indicate values
that meet the respective requirement; * calculated from values of the neat
blend components)
Limits Jet A-1 085 with 70 after addition of
lower upper vol% HVO aromatics to 8 vol%
Table 6: Selected properties for the 70 vol% HVO blend with Jet A-1 085 and for the
blend after addition of aromatic compounds to 8 vol%. (red numbers
indicate deviations from specified values, green numbers indicate values
that meet the respective requirement; * calculated from values of the neat
blend components)
Limits Jet A-1 114 with 70 after addition of
lower upper vol% HVO aromatics to 8 vol%
Table 7: Selected properties for the 70 vol% HVO blend with Jet A-1 114 and for the
blend after addition of aromatic compounds to 8 vol%. (red numbers
indicate deviations from specified values, green numbers indicate values
that meet the respective requirement; * calculated from values of the neat
blend components)
5 - Properties of Alternative Fuel Blends after Addition of Aromatic Compounds 83
Table 8: Selected properties for the 70 vol% CTL blend with Jet A-1 085 and for the
blend after addition of aromatic compounds to 8 vol%. (red numbers
indicate deviations from specified values, green numbers indicate values
that meet the respective requirement; * calculated from values of the neat
blend components)
Limits Jet A-1 114 with 70 after addition of
lower upper vol% CTL aromatics to 8 vol%
Table 9: Selected properties for the 70 vol% CTL blend with Jet A-1 114 and for the
blend after addition of aromatic compounds to 8 vol%. (red numbers
indicate deviations from specified values, green numbers indicate values
that meet the respective requirement; * calculated from values of the neat
blend components)
Since the mixture of aromatic compounds has a relatively high density of approximately 910
kg/m³, addition of aromatics to a fuel blend increases density. This is beneficial since the
density of the original blends is low, and actually is below the specification minimum.
However, the amount of aromatics added to the blends is small, therefore density
undergoes only relatively minor changes and solely in the case of CTL/Jet A-1 114 (Table 9)
addition of aromatics increases density to a value above the lower limit.
Distillation, expressed by T50-T10 and T90-T10, is a critical parameter for many blends,
especially at high percentages of synthetic fuel. However, the impact of addition of
aromatics on distillation is negligible.
In most of the tests lubricity was improved upon addition of aromatics, only for the HVO-
blends, worsening of lubricity was observed.
5 - Properties of Alternative Fuel Blends after Addition of Aromatic Compounds 84
6.2 Results
160 M.J. DeWitt, E. Corporan, J. Graham, D. Minus, Energy & Fuels 2008, 22, pp. 2411
6 - Influence of Alternative Fuels on Physical Properties of Elastomers 86
Figure 40: Percentaged mass (top) and volume change (bottom) of NBR samples after
storage in fossil and synthetic fuels (orange dots visualize the fuels’
aromatic contents)
Regarding mass change, a generally known dependency on aromatic content exists in which
an increasing amount of aromatic compounds leads to an increase in mass of NBR after
storage. On the other hand, absence of aromatic compounds in the fuels results in a
negative mass change, due to extraction of additives (e.g. plasticizer and antioxidants).
Minor differences in mass change upon storage in HVO, CTL and ATJ-SPK can be neglected in
6 - Influence of Alternative Fuels on Physical Properties of Elastomers 87
this context. In the case of fuels with aromatic compounds, additives are extracted of course
as well. Yet, the impact of extraction on mass is overcompensated by incorporation of
aromatics into the elastomer. Regarding aromatic-free synthetic fuels, which - in our case -
consist of n-alkanes and iso-alkanes, additives are replaced to a much lower extend by these
compounds as the aromatics would be able to. The reason for this can be found in the
comparatively high polarity of NBR, which causes the more polar fuel compounds (here:
aromatics) to be incorporated in higher amounts than unpolar compounds (here: n-alkanes
and iso-alkanes).
Although measurement of mass change might mislead to the conclusion, that alkanes are
not incorporated into the elastomer at all, gas-chromatographic investigations on extracts of
stored elastomers show that n-alkanes and iso-alkanes are incorporated into the elastomer
as well. This topic has since been researched in more detail by Scheuermann, Förster et al.,
but the results have not yet been published.
Concerning volume change of NBR after storage in fuels, it turns out, that volume increases
with increasing amount of aromatic compounds which correlates with the observed mass
change. As for the aromatic free fuels (HVO, CTL, ATJ-SPK), no change in volume is observed;
the minor change of 2 % in the case of CTL can be neglected in this context. Regarding
practical applications it can be stated, that neat synthetic fuels which lack aromatic
compounds do not promote the swelling of NBR seals.
It should be noted that the aromatic content of fossil fuels may range between 8 vol% and
25 vol% according to ASTM D1655. As shown in Figure 40, such fuels cause a significant
volume change. As far as fossil/synthetic fuel blends are concerned the lower limit of 8 vol%
aromatics (ASTM D7566) guarantees swelling of NBR.
The hardness of original NBR samples and after storage in fossil and synthetic fuels is
illustrated in Figure 41. It becomes obvious that - depending on the fuel - hardness can be
significantly reduced.
6 - Influence of Alternative Fuels on Physical Properties of Elastomers 88
Figure 41: Hardness of an original NBR sample (green) and after storage in fossil and
synthetic fuels (orange dots visualize the fuels’ aromatic contents)
There exists a rough dependency of decrease in hardness and aromatic content, with
decrease being more pronounced, the higher the aromatic content is. Hardness decreases,
because fuel compounds, preferentially aromatics, diffuse into the material and for their
part adopt the role of plasticisers.
Synthetic fuels devoid of aromatic compounds hardly affect hardness, presumably because
n-alkanes and iso-alkanes have a much lower tendency to diffuse into the NBR (cf. mass and
volume change). Remarkably, storage of NBR in ATJ-SPK has no effect on hardness at all,
although the two iso-alkanes ATJ-SPK consists primarily of diffuse into the material (as
proven by gas-chromatography of extracts after storage).
Depending on the fuel the NBR elastomer has been stored in, elongation at break (Figure 42)
can be significantly reduced. In general, fuels containing aromatics cause a more
pronounced reduction of this value than those without aromatics. The latter might even
have no effect at all (cf. ATJ). Yet, a clear trend regarding content of aromatic compounds
and reduction of elongation at break is not obvious.
6 - Influence of Alternative Fuels on Physical Properties of Elastomers 89
Figure 42: Elongation at break of an original NBR sample (green) and after storage in
fossil and synthetic fuels (orange dots visualize the fuels’ aromatic
Tensile strength is the maximum tensile force a material can withstand, before it finally
breaks. For NBR stored in the fuels used in this study, results for tensile strength are
depicted in Figure 43.
6 - Influence of Alternative Fuels on Physical Properties of Elastomers 90
Figure 43: Tensile strength of an original NBR sample (green) and after storage in
fossil and synthetic fuels (orange dots visualize the fuels’ aromatic con-
Just as for elongation at break, storage of NBR in a fuel can reduce tensile strength while it
seems that fuels free of aromatics exert no influence on this parameter. However,
correlating aromatic content with reduction of tensile strength shows no trend. The small
increase in tensile strength after storage of NBR in ATJ-SPK lies within the error of the
method and is therefore negligible.
Figure 44: Mass (top) and volume change (bottom) of NBR samples after storage in
synthetic fuels enriched with aromatic compounds
As expected, volume and mass change depend almost linearly on content of aromatic
compounds of the synthetic fuels. For the fossil fuels, this has already been shown in Figure
40. At an aromatic content of 4 vol%, extraction of additives from the elastomer is
compensated by incorporation of fuel components to an extend that no negative mass
change can be observed any more.
Regarding hardness (Figure 45), neat ATJ-SPK has no influence on NBR (before and after
storage: 73 Shore A; cf. Figure 41). Enrichment of ATJ with aromatic compounds, however,
6 - Influence of Alternative Fuels on Physical Properties of Elastomers 92
leads to a small decrease in hardness to 69 Shore A at 8 vol%. For HVO and CTL, storage in
the neat synthetic fuels already decreases hardness slightly by two units. Yet, in the case of
HVO, no significant effect due to addition of aromatics can be observed and for CTL decrease
in hardness is negligible. It has to be pointed out, that in the 0 – 8 vol% interval, changes in
hardness due to aromatic content are generally small. However, the initial influence of neat
HVO and CTL on hardness is distinct as compared to the value of new NBR.
Figure 45: Hardness of NBR samples after storage in synthetic fuels enriched with
aromatic compounds
Mass and volume do not change; hardness undergoes minor changes by ±1 Shore A,
compared to the new elastomer and variation of aromatic content is not reflected in the
Elongation at break (new elastomer: 185 %) increases by max. 24 % and decreases by max.
12 %. Regarding tensile strength, variations from max. -1.0 N/mm² to max +2.6 N/mm² can
be observed. These results are essentially the same as for storage in neat fossil and synthetic
fuels. Aromatic content does not correlate with the change of properties and overall,
changes lie within the errors of the respective methods.
Figure 46: Hardness of an original fluorosilicone sample (green) and after storage in
fossil and synthetic fuels (orange dots visualize the fuels’ aromatic con-
Elongation at break can be slightly affected upon storage of the elastomer in the fuels (new:
ca. 240 %; after storage: ca. 240 – 200 %). Yet, the observed variations of the respective
median values are close to the range of the individual values.
For tensile strength a slight reduction by max. 1.3 N/mm² compared to the original sample is
observed while fuels with aromatics do not differ from fuels without.
Figure 47: Volume change of fluorosilicone samples after storage in synthetic fuels
enriched with aromatic compounds
Elongation at break and tensile strength decrease slightly upon storage and the level of
decrease is similar to that observed for storage in neat fossil and synthetic fuels. However,
these changes are low and close to the measurement accuracy.
6.4 Summary
Three different types of elastomers (fluorocarbon rubber, fluorosilicone rubber and nitrile-
butadiene rubber) were stored in conventional fuels and neat synthetic fuels as well as in
6 - Influence of Alternative Fuels on Physical Properties of Elastomers 96
synthetic fuels enriched with aromatics (2, 4, 6, 8 vol%). The properties determined were
mass and volume change, hardness, tensile strength and elongation at break.
Among the different types of elastomers, fluorocarbon rubber turned out to be widely inert
towards fuels, either conventional or synthetic, with or without aromatics. The observed
changes in properties are weakly pronounced and discussing these minor variations is
Fluorosilicone rubber shows minor increase in mass and volume upon storage irrelevant of
the type of fuel (with or without aromatics). Hardness decreases upon storage while
decrease is more pronounced if the fuel contains aromatics. Tensile strength is slightly
reduced, irrespective of the fuel type, and changes in elongation at break are weakly
The properties of nitrile-butadiene-rubber (NBR) on the other hand are significantly
influenced by the fuel the elastomer has been stored in. For synthetic fuels free of aromatic
compounds one observes a decrease in mass of NBR samples compared to new elastomers
due to extraction of additives; a change in volume, however, was not observed. The effect
on NBR seals was essentially the same for all aromatic-free fuels, with neglectable
differences between the different fuel types.
One the other hand mass and volume of NBR samples after storage increase if aromatic
compounds are present in the fuel. This increase is more pronounced, the higher the
aromatic content of the fuel is. Hardness of NBR decreases upon storage in fuels containing
aromatics, but no correlation with aromatic content can be drawn. Synthetic fuels devoid of
aromatics hardly affect hardness.
Elongation at break and tensile strength of NBR decrease upon storage in fuels with
aromatics, while fuels without these compounds exert almost no influence regarding these
To simulate an extreme scenario of change in fuel composition, elastomers were first stored
in the conventional fuel with the highest aromatic content and then in an aromatic free
synthetic fuel (HEFA). For NBR it was found that after this twofold storage, the properties of
the elastomer were almost the same as after single storage in the aromatic free synthetic
fuel, i.e. a small decrease in mass and, in this case , also in volume. Yet, compared to the
properties of NBR after storage in conventional fuel, the change in mass and volume is
For fluorocarbon and fluorosilicone there is no difference between the effects of single and
twofold storage on mass and volume change.
7 - Emissions Measurements 97
7 Emissions Measurements
In addition to CO2, aircraft also emit a number of other substances in flight and taxi. The
quantities involved are far smaller than those of CO2 emissions, but all the same the
environmental effects of some of these emissions are considered relevant. In particular the
effect of these emissions on climate due to the formation of more and denser contrails is by
some scientists regarded as considerable161, although there is still a scientific debate on this
The extent of non-CO2 emissions is largely dependent on the engine162, and great progress
has been achieved in recent decades.163 Given this dependence on the engine the fuel is
burned in, it would be very difficult for ASTM to include emissions in a fuel specification.
Accordingly, emissions are not considered part of the ASTM fuel certification process, and
little emissions data is typically presented in the research reports submitted to ASTM.
All the same, some research has been performed, particularly on the effect of fuel on soot
formation164, and of sulphur content on contrail formation165, and it is clear that some fuels
will burn cleaner in a given engine than others. It is therefore of interest to see whether
biofuels will lead to an improvement of the emissions of a given engine. Research on this
subject is however at an early stage166, and for that reason, emissions tests were included in
this study.
The initial planning for the emissions tests was based on the same assumptions as the lab
tests, i.e. that only HEFA would be available in relevant quantities. The original intention
therefore was to perform one set of emissions tests for each of the three HEFA biofuels
which initially were planned to be included. However, as with the lab tests, this plan was
changed when it became evident that tests of several HEFA batches would produce very
little variation in results, and on the other hand availability of fuel from other production
Simon Blakey, Lucas Rye, Christopher William Wilson: Aviation gas turbine alternative fuels: A review, in:
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (2011). P.2866; Ulrike Burkhardt / Bernd Kärcher: Global
radiative forcing from contrail-induced cloudiness, SPIE Newsroom 10.1117/2.1201110.003764, 2011; B.
Kärcher / F.Yu: Role of aircraft soot emissions in contrail formation, in: Geophysical Research Letters vol. 36
(2009). A recent paper by Bernd Kärcher (The importance of contrail ice formation for mitigating the
climate impact of aviation, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1002/2015JD024696) estimates that
radiative forcing due to aviation contrails is almost double that due to all aviation CO2 emissions since the
first powered airplane flight.
See e.g. A. Petzold, M. Gysel, X. Vancassel, H. Puxbaum, S. Vrochticky, E. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger, P.
Mirabel: On the effects of organic matter and sulphur-containing compounds on the CCN activation of
combustion particles, in: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5, 3187-3203, 2005, p. 3188
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: IPCC Special Report on Aviation and the Global Atmosphere,
Cambridge 1999, section; for expected future developments see von der Bank, Ralf, Donnerhack,
Stefan, Rae, Anthony, Cazalens, Michel, Lundblath, Anders, Dietz, Martin: LEMCOTEC – Improving the core-
engine thermal efficiency, ASME TURBO EXPO 2014, June 16-20, Düsseldorf
Chevron Aviation Fuels Technical Review, 2006, p.11-13
U. Schumann/F.Arnold/R. Busen/J. Curtius/B.Kärcher/A.Kiendler/A.Petzold/H.Schlager/Fr. Schröder/K.-
H.Wohlfrom: Influence of fuel sulfur on the composition of aircraft exhaust plumes: The experiments
SULFUR 1-7, in: Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 107
For an overview, see these papers presented at the FORUM-AE Workshop in Madrid, Spain, 21.October
2014: LeClerq, Patrick: Impact of Alternative Aviation Fuels on Combustor Performance and Emissions;
Lobo, Prem: PM Emission Reductions with Alternative Fuels; Penenhoat, O., Burguburu, j:, figure, A.,
Jagueneau, A., Harivel, N.. Vancassel, Xavier, Delhaye, David, Demoment, Pascale, Starck, Laurie: Emission
measurements and combustion modelling in CEAR project; Zarzalis, Nikolas: Comparison of the Emissions of
Jet A-1 and Synthetic Jet Fuels
7 - Emissions Measurements 98
pathways progressed better than assumed, whereas HEFA availability was worse than
expected. It was therefore agreed with DG Energy to conduct the emissions tests with other
kinds of bio kerosene, and a first set of tests was conducted in November 2013, using SIP
kerosene. The results of that test are presented in section 7.1.
However, availability of other bio kerosene in volumes sufficient for engine tests was not
achievable in 2014, hence it became necessary to reschedule this part of the study. As a
result, the interim report only contained information on the emissions tests performed on
SIP kerosene. It was only in early 2016 that sufficient volumes of a second bio kerosene
could be procured, with test rig and testbed engine availability only permitting the actual
tests to be conducted in November 2016. The results from this test are presented in section
Total, Amyris, USAFRL: Evaluation of Synthesized Iso-Paraffins produced from Hydroprocessed Fermented
Sugars (SIP Fuels), February 2014, p. 95 - 98
7 - Emissions Measurements 99
kerosene and the fossil kerosene subsequently blended in the bowser truck. The properties
of the resulting blends are given in annex 9.7 and 9.8.
one power setting to the next had to be performed gradually, as the fuel flow from the
bowser truck had to be manually adjusted for these changes. These periods of power
changes were eliminated from analysis by the DLR team, including only periods of
established power settings. The timing of the individual segments included in the analysis is
given in Table 61 in annex 9.10.
Emissions measured were:
The obtained data were converted into emission indices per kilogram of fuel burned, to
compensate for dilution. Conversion was performed on the basis of corrected CO 2 emissions
and known fuel properties.
7.1.3 Results
A graphical comparison of CO emissions for the reference kerosene, the 10% SIP kerosene
blend and the 20% SIP kerosene blend is shown in Figure 51. Table 62 in annex 9.11 gives the
numerical values. CO emissions are basically identical for the two SIP kerosene blends and
the reference kerosene. In this graph, SIP kerosene is referred to as farnesane, its original
Reference Kerosene
60 10% Farnesane
20% Farnesane
EI CO [g/kg Fuel]
flight idle
min. idle
take off
Power setting
Reference Kerosene
10% Farnesane
20% Farnesane
EI NOx [g/kg Fuel] 30
flight idle
min. idle
take off
Power setting
60 Reference Kerosene
10% Farnesane
20% Farnesane
EI Mass Soot [mg/kg Fuel]
flight idle
take off
min. idle
Power setting
Figure 53: Particle emissions, total mass
7 - Emissions Measurements 103
Reference Kerosene
10% Farnesane
20% Farnesane
EI Surface [dm2/kg Fuel]
flight idle
min. idle
take off
Power setting
EI # [#/kg Fuel]
flight idle
min. idle
take off
Power setting
32 Reference Kerosene
10% Farnesane
30 20% Farnesane
Geometric mean diameter [nm]
min. idle
flight idle
take off
DLR VT Kapernaum / Wahl
Power setting
Rolls-Royce Alternative Fuels program – Rig Test of Candidate Fuels: Emissions Testing; FAA Report number
DOT/FAA/AEE/2015-06; May 2015
Ibid., p. 10/11
Ibid., p. 5
7 - Emissions Measurements 105
See Lori M. Balster / Steven Zabarnick / Richard C. Striebich / Linda M. Shafer / Zachary J. West: Analysis of
Polar Species in Jet Fuel and Determination of their Role in Autoxidative Deposit Formation; in: Energy &
fuel 2006, 20, 2564-2571, p. 2566. The experience available in-house at Lufthansa also confirmed that such
additives are typically present in jet fuel.
7 - Emissions Measurements 106
kerosene. Each of the four runs was preceded by an engine warm up run at cruise speed
setting, which also served to consume the fuel remaining in the pipes from the previous
60 Reference 2
CH kerosene
GI FI 3000 3800 C2 M/C C4 M/C C4 T/O
Values prior to the start of the individual test runs.
7 - Emissions Measurements 108
GI FI 3000 3800 C2 M/C C4 M/C C4 T/O
Reference 1
250 Reference 2
200 CH kerosene
GI FI 3000 3800 C2 M/C C4 M/C C4 T/O
Reference 2
1.2E+13 CH kerosene
GI FI 3000 RPM 3800 RPM C2 M/C C4 M/C C4 T/O
4E+15 Reference 2
CH kerosene
GI FI 3000 RPM3800 RPM C2 M/C C4 M/C C4 T/O
Reference 1
Reference 2
20 CH kerosene
GI FI 3000 RPM3800 RPM C2 M/C C4 M/C C4 T/O
ASTM D7566 - 15c, section X1.4
Analysis results provided by DLR
7 - Emissions Measurements 110
20.9% is some 34% higher than that of the reference kerosene, yet emissions are only
worsened to an extent that is not significant. All the same, the effect of the aromatics
content clearly dominates.
This result accords well with the results of emission measurements using CH kerosene which
have been published in a recent updated version of the ASTM Research Report for CH
kerosene175, citing tests using an Honeywell 131-9 APU176, a PW615 aero engine177 and a CF-
700-2D-2 static engine178. In all these cases, aromatic content of the CH fuel had been
slightly less than that of the fossil fuel, and emissions from the CH fuel correspondingly also
were slightly lower.
Edward N. Coppola: Renewable Jet Fuel Produced by Catalytic Hydrothermolysis (CH) Readijet, Prepared for
ASTM Subcommittee J, August 2016
Ibid, p. 59 - 62
Ibid, p. 65 - 68
Ibid, p. 68 - 75
Deutsche Lufthansa AG: Abschlussbericht …, op. cit., p. 45-47
Claus Wahl / Manfred Kapernaum / Joris Melkert / Tim Snijders / Joanna Bauldreay / Paul Bogers:
Nanoparticle emissions of a flight Gas Turbine running Jet A-1 and GTL Mixtures, 2013
Ulrike Burkhardt / Bernd Kärcher: Global radiative forcing…, op. cit.
7 - Emissions Measurements 111
Running the engine on neat CH kerosene, which is a fully synthetic bio kerosene and
contained some 20% of aromatics, produced no significantly different emissions than the
reference runs on fossil kerosene. This held true not only for CO and NOx, but also for
particle emissions. CH kerosene emissions were actually higher than for fossil kerosene,
although within the process variability.
These results show that it is indeed the absence of aromatics that is the cause for the
improvement in particle emissions seen for FT, HEFA, SIP and ATJ-SPK kerosene. Conversely,
it also shows that these benefits will be lost if a synthetic kerosene is produced with a high
percentage of aromatics. Given the importance of particle emissions discussed above,
production and blending strategies should be developed so as to keep the aromatics content
at minimum rather than at maximum limits. For fuels like CH kerosene, where aromatics
content is a flexible function in the production process, this will not constrain blending, but
merely determine which percentage to select when producing the fuel. For other fuels, like
HDCJ, this will be a further constraint on blending ratios.
8 - Conclusions 112
8 Conclusions
ASTM D7566 specifies a minimum aromatic content of 8 vol% for bio kerosene blends, yet
four out of the six synthetic kerosene investigated in this study contain virtually no aromatic
compounds. Therefore aromatic content is of particular importance when blending these
If the conventional kerosene has a low aromatic content itself, maximum blend ratio
regarding aromatic free synthetic fuel may be low. For the set of fuels investigated here,
maximum synthetic fuel content ranged from about 42 vol% to 63 vol%.
Aromatic content must therefore be considered a major constraint if blend ratios for
synthetic fuel are to be increased beyond the 50 vol% limit. However, conventional fuels
with low aromatic content do not even allow blending of 50 vol% synthetic fuel. Since
aromatic content depends linearly on blend ratio, it can readily be calculated if the values for
the respective blend components are known.
One possible way around this constraint is to increase the blend’s amount of aromatic
compounds above the 8 vol% level by adding them as a third component. This approach has
been explored in chapter 4.3. However, a high aromatic content of a fuel adversely effects
emissions as discussed in detail in chapter 7.
Density at 15 °C
Density at 15 °C is again a constraining factor especially for aromatic-free fuels, i.e. FT-,
HEFA-, SIP- and ATJ-SPK kerosene. This is partly because aromatic compounds have a fairly
high density, and their absence can result in a decreased density of the respective fuel.
Moreover, the aromatic-free fuels consist almost exclusively of n-alkanes and iso-alkanes
and lack cycloparaffins, which also have a higher density than the n- and iso-paraffins.
The extent to which density at 15 °C is a constraint depends on the properties of both the
conventional kerosene and the bio kerosene. For HEFA, investigated blends become off-spec
at blend ratios between about 40 vol% and 70 vol% HEFA. The maximum blend ratio
resulting from the density constraint is therefore of the same magnitude as that from
aromatics content, and in some cases is the more binding one for HVO blends.
For blends with CTL and ATJ-SPK the situation is similar. SIP fuel, on the other hand, has a
density of 773.1 kg/m³ which is only slightly below the lower limit of conventional kerosene
8 - Conclusions 113
(775 kg/m³), hence density is not a constraint until contents of well above 80 vol% SIP fuel
have been reached, which is way beyond the targeted blend ratio for SIP fuel.
A possible way of solving the density issue is the addition of both cycloparaffins and
aromatics, which is the idea behind the synthetic fuels currently being developed by Shell/
Virent (see sections 3.8 and 3.9). Once such blend stocks have been approved, they should
help to raise the density of the blends to the required values.
See e.g. Edwin Corporan / Tim Edwards / Linda Shafer / Matthew J. DeWitt / Christopher Klingshirn / Steven
Zabarnick / Zachary West / Richard Striebich / John Graham / Jim Klein: Chemical, Thermal Stability, Seal
Swell, and Emissions Studies of Alternative Jet Fuels, in: Energy Fuels 2011, 25, 955-966: page 958, table 2
8 - Conclusions 114
T50-T10 and T90-T10 requirements really are necessary, or whether they can be abandoned
at least for ATJ-SPK. However, as long as these requirements exist they will be major
restricting factors for practical blending for some alternative fuels.
Honeywell communication at San Diego ASTM conference, December 2014
8 - Conclusions 115
In the case of most parameters assessed in this study, their dependence on blend ratio was
found to be linear. Some parameters exhibited non-linear behaviour which nevertheless
could be described using more complex mathematical terms (cf. viscosity). However, in the
case of lubricity, this is not the case and no correlation with blend ratio was found.
The effect that minor concentrations of compounds with high lubricity significantly improve
the lubricity of the whole mixture is well known and is used for example in form of lubricity
improvers in fuels. Lubricity is a surface related effect that only weakly depends on the
concentration of the respective compound in the fuel.
One observation is that if there is a marked difference between the lubricity of the
conventional and the synthetic fuel, the better lubricity usually prevails. In the case of SIP
fuel, which has a markedly good lubricity, blends with 10 vol% SIP fuel already show
significantly improved lubricity. On the other hand neat HEFA fuel has a far too poor lubricity
to meet the specification for aviation kerosene, but even at 90 vol% HEFA the blend is still
comfortably within the specification limits.
A further observation is that in several cases lubricity for a certain blend was determined to
be outside the interval defined by the values of the respective neat conventional and
synthetic fuel. This was most evident in the case of blends of CH kerosene with fuel 112,
where lubricity of the various blends was consistently better than lubricity of either neat
From the point of view of maximizing bio kerosene blend ratios lubricity needs not be
considered a critical factor, particularly given the tendency of the better lubricity to
dominate in the blend. However, the behaviour of this property is difficult to predict.
Freezing Point
Freezing point is the second property where in one case the observed values for a blend lay
outside the interval defined by the neat fuels. This was observed in the case of a HEFA blend
(10 – 50 vol%) with a conventional fuel that featured a freezing point close to that of HEFA.
The depression of freezing point in blends of synthetic and conventional fuels was also found
for most of the other synthetic fuels used in the study, although less pronounced. This effect
is the more obvious, the more similar the freezing points of the neat blend components are.
The same phenomenon has already been observed for CTL blends, and filed as a patent, by
Interestingly enough, the depression was also found in the case of CH fuel, although the
composition of this fuel is close to that of conventional fuels.
Joanna Margaret Bauldreay, Richard John Heins, Johanne Smith: Depressed Freeze Point Kerosene Fuel
Compositions and Methods of Making and Using same, Patent No. US 7,666,294 B2, 23. February 2010
8 - Conclusions 116
Edwards/Trewella/Sanchez/Leisenring, op. cit, p. 6
information provided by Freudenberg
8 - Conclusions 118
in the one and then in other type of fuel. The simulation however only weakly confirms this
statement. The results for mass and volume change were a little stronger than when the
NBR material had been directly immersed in aromatics free fuel, but the differences were
minor and not significant. We can however not rule out that the set-up of the experiment
was not suitable to capture the effects that occur in practical operation.
The effect on NBR seals was essentially the same for all aromatics-free fuels, with fairly little
differences observed among them. On the other hand CH kerosene, which already contains
aromatics, performed similar to conventional kerosene. This confirms that the effect is
indeed largely the result of the presence or absence of aromatics, as was also confirmed by
adding various percentages of aromatics to the aromatics-free fuels, and then measuring the
effects on NBR seals.
Effects of the bio kerosene on fluorocarbon and fluorosilicone material were also
investigated, but here no relevant effect was observed. Use of aromatics-free fuel therefore
does not seem to be an issue for this type of material. To the extent that fluorocarbon and
fluorosilicone materials can also be used in the ambient temperature range, where NBR
materials are used, it would in principle be possible to use fluorocarbon or fluorosilicone to
replace NBR material and hence dispose with the need for aromatics in the fuel. However
this would be uneconomic as fluorocarbon and fluorosilicone material is far more expensive
than NBR material, and at any rate fluorocarbon material has a glass transition temperature
around -20°C187 and hence may have problems at very cold temperatures. It would also
currently be pointless as at the moment almost all kerosene still contains aromatics anyway.
Rolls-Royce Alternative Fuels Program – Rig Test of Candidate Fuels: Elastomer Testing; FAA Report Number
DOT/FAA/AEE/2015-7; May 2015, p. 17
For an overview, see Braun-Unkhoff M., Riedel U., Wahl C., 2016: “About the Emissions of Alternative Jet
Fuels”, CEAS Aeronautical Journal, (), 1-14, doi: 10.1007/s13272-016-0230-3
8 - Conclusions 119
where the aromatic compounds are inevitably introduced by the crude oil, synthetic
kerosene is actually easier to produce without than with aromatic compounds. However, as
discussed in section 6, aromatic compounds are necessary to preserve the tightness of seals
and valves. In the long run it may be possible to move to non-aromatic kerosene by moving
away from NBR materials for seals and valves, but that is not a realistic prospect for the near
For the foreseeable future, therefore, aviation will have to live with the two-faced nature of
aromatic compounds, which are indispensable in the fuel while it is being pumped or stored,
but are a disadvantage when it is being burnt. However, the emergence of synthetic fuels at
least gives the possibility to make a conscious decision on what had previously been an
inevitable effect of the crude oil source, by minimising the aromatics content to what is
compatible with aviation safety.
To identify this minimum aromatics content should therefore be one focus of future
research. The 8% minimum limit introduced by ASTM on a rule of thumb basis should be
empirically verified, and if possible be lowered a result of research. In addition, it seems
sensible to continue the approach pursued by Shell with the HDO fuels (see sections 3.8 and
3.9) of identifying specific aromatic compounds which have the required beneficial effect on
seals but burn fairly clean. Using these two approaches, it should be possible in the future to
come up with a bio kerosene that is fully synthetic, safe to use and contributes to a
reduction of aviation emissions below the current levels.
9 - Annex 120
9 Annex
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.001 <0.001 0.001
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 21.6 18.1 18.1 13.7 16.2 15.1
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 151.2 156.2 170.6 155.6 159.7 154.7
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 167.2 168.8 183.9 169.8 175.3 165.5
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 186.4 189.0 200.2 195.1 198.4 180.6
T50 – T10 [°C] 19.2 20.2 16.3 25.3 23.1 15.1
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 216.3 225.4 226.1 238.9 235.6 219.0
T90 – T10 [°C] 49.1 56.6 42.2 69.1 60.3 53.5
FBP [°C] 243.7 241.7 246.6 258.5 256.1 236.7
Residue [vol%] 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1
Loss [vol%] 0.9 0.9 1.1 0.9 0.9 0.8
Flash point [°C] IP170 40.5 44.5 53.0 44.0 46.0 41.5
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 797.5 795.6 818.6 795.0 811.7 789.0
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -63.0 -57.6 < -80.0 -49.0 -59.8 -61.9
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.739 0.698 0.645 0.728 0.703 0.751
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 3.113 3.335 4.357 3.778 4.059 3.008
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at 260°C D3241
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Net Heat of Combustion [MJ/kg] D3338 43.170 43.275 43.073 43.391 43.174 43.370
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2 h/100°C D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1b
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 21.0 23.5 21.0 26.0 22.5 25.5
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.69 0.13 0.30 1.17 0.41 0.16
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 <0.0003 0.0014 0.0009 0.0015 <0.0003 <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] <0.001 0.0145 0.0048 0.10 < 0.001 < 0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 10: Properties of the six conventional Jet A-1 fuels. Methods are according to
ASTM unless specified otherwise.
The method used for measuring freezing point of lot 085 was ASTM D2368
9 - Annex 121
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.001 <0.001 0.001
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 19.4 16.0 16.1 12.2 14.7 13.6
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 153.5 160.3 172.7 157.4 161.4 157.4
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 166.2 169.6 182.8 171.3 174.4 166.4
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 191.0 193.7 203.5 201.2 202.2 186.3
T50 – T10 [°C] 24.8 24.1 20.7 29.9 27.8 19.9
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 224.9 230.7 229.8 241.0 236.4 226.6
T90 – T10 [°C] 58.7 61.1 47.0 69.7 62.0 60.2
FBP [°C] 244.8 243.2 244.7 256.6 250.4 240.9
Residue [vol%] 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
Loss [vol%] 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Flash point [°C] IP170 42.5 46.0 55.5 46.0 48.0 44.0
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 795.1 793.4 814.1 792.8 807.9 787.1
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -64.0a -58.7 < -80.0 -49.9 -60.9 -63.1
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.606 0.619 0.614 0.647 0.635 0.643
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 3.491 3.739 4.790 4.227 4.477 3.381
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.256 43.354 43.160 43.455 43.245 43.444
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1b
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 22.0 23.0 21.5 25.5 24.0 25.0
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.63 0.13 0.26 1.04 0.37 0.13
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 <0.0003 0.0013 0.0008 0.0014 <0.0003 <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO 0.001 0.0136 0.0048 0.0938 <0.001 <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 12: Properties of the five conventional Jet A-1 fuels blended with 10 vol% SIP
fuel. Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise. aThe
method used for measuring freezing point was ASTM D2368.
9 - Annex 123
Table 13: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 100 blended with 10, 20, 35 and 50 vol% SIP fuel.
Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
9 - Annex 124
Table 14: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 117. blended with 10, 20, 35 and 50 vol% SIP fuel.
Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
The method used for measuring freezing point was ASTM D2368
9 - Annex 125
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 < 0.001 0.001
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 21.6 - 8.5 6.4 - - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 151.2 148.7 149.1 149.0 149.0 148.3 148.9
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 167.2 164.8 165.1 163.8 163.8 163.9 162.9
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 186.4 193.5 195.7 198.4 201.7 205.6 210.3
T50 – T10 [°C] 19.2 28.7 30.6 34.6 37.9 41.7 47.4
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 216.3 257.1 261.7 265.5 267.1 269.4 270.8
T90 – T10 [°C] 49.1 92.3 96.6 101.7 103.3 105.5 107.9
FBP [°C] 243.7 276.3 276.5 277.5 277.2 277.5 277.6
Residue [vol%] 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Loss [vol%] 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1
Flash point [°C] IP170 40.5 42.0 42.0 41.5 42.0 42.0 42.0
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 797.5 777.0 773.1 769.0 765.0 760.9 756.7
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -63.0a -59.6 -59.0 -58.5 -56.9 -55.7 -54.4
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.739 0.741 0.728 0.730 0.760 0.736 0.906
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 3.113 3.812 3.996 4.218 4.373 4.572 4.801
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1b
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0b
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.170 - 43.768 43.863 - - 44.154
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2 1a 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 21.0 34.5 37.5 42.0 45.0 - -
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.69 0.35 0.28 0.21 0.14 0.07 -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 - - <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 15: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 085, neat HVO and blends with 50 - 90 vol% HVO.
Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
The method used for measuring freezing point was ASTM D2368.
Thermal stability for neat HVO was determined at 325 °C.
9 - Annex 126
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 18.1 8.9 - 5.3 - - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 170.6 155.4 154.4 153.1 150.6 149.8 148.9
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 183.9 172.8 171.2 168.8 166.4 165.0 162.9
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 200.2 203.6 205.0 205.9 206.9 208.7 210.3
T50 – T10 [°C] 16.3 30.8 33.8 37.1 40.5 43.7 47.4
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 226.1 256.5 260.8 263.6 267.1 269.3 270.8
T90 – T10 [°C] 42.2 83.7 89.6 94.8 100.7 104.3 107.9
FBP [°C] 246.6 274.2 274.9 276.0 276.6 277.4 277.6
Residue [vol%] 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Loss [vol%] 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1
Flash point [°C] IP170 53.0 47.5 45.5 44.5 43.0 42.5 42.0
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 818.6 787.8 781.6 775.4 769.2 763.0 756.7
Freezing point [°C] D7153 < -80.0 -63.6 -60.3 -58.7 -57.2 -55.8 -54.4
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.645 0.675 0.696 0.719 0.779 0.762 0.906
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 4.357 4.545 4.606 4.662 4.718 4.750 4.801
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1a
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0a
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.073 43.597 - 43.816 - - 44.154
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1b
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 21.0 32.0 36.5 41.0 >45.0 - -
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.30 0.15 0.12 0.09 0.06 - -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 0.0009 0.0005 0.0004 - - - <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO 0.0048 0.0024 0.0021 0.0015 0.0011 <0.001 <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 16: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 112, neat HVO and blends with 50 - 90 vol% HVO.
Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat HVO was determined at 325 °C.
9 - Annex 127
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 13.7 6.8 5.4 - - - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 155.6 150.9 151.9 150.5 150.2 149.4 148.9
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 169.8 165.9 165.6 164.7 164.5 163.9 162.9
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 195.1 199.9 202.1 203.4 205.9 207.9 210.3
T50 – T10 [°C] 25.3 34.0 36.5 38.7 41.4 44.0 47.4
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 238.9 259.3 263.1 265.3 267.6 269.1 270.8
T90 – T10 [°C] 69.1 93.4 97.5 100.6 103.1 105.2 107.9
FBP [°C] 258.5 273.9 275.8 276.2 277.2 277.5 277.6
Residue [vol%] 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Loss [vol%] 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1
Flash point [°C] IP170 44.0 43.5 42.5 42.5 42.5 42.5 42.0
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 795.0 775.9 772.1 768.3 764.4 760.6 756.7
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -49.0 -53.1 -53.7 -54.2 -54.7 -54.8 -54.4
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.728 0.729 0.725 0.725 0.752 0.759 0.906
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 3.778 4.233 4.339 4.443 4.564 4.681 4.801
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1a
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0a
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.391 43.766 43.845 - - - 44.154
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1b
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 26.0 37.5 41.5 - - - -
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 1.17 - 0.47 - 0.23 - -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 0.0015 0.0008 - 0.0005 - - <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO 0.10 0.0538 0.0428 0.0323 0.0216 0.0113 <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 17: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 114, neat HVO and blends with 50 - 90 vol% HVO.
Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat HVO was determined at 325 °C.
9 - Annex 128
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 16.2 8.1 6.4 - - - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 159.7 152.0 151.7 150.8 150.0 149.5 148.9
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 175.3 168.2 167.6 166.5 165.4 163.9 162.9
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 198.4 202.6 203.6 205.2 206.5 208.0 210.3
T50 – T10 [°C] 23.1 34.4 36.0 38.7 41.1 44.1 47.4
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 235.6 258.0 261.7 264.8 267.4 269.0 270.8
T90 – T10 [°C] 60.3 89.8 94.1 98.3 102.0 105.1 107.9
FBP [°C] 256.1 274.9 275.7 276.8 277.1 277.2 277.6
Residue [vol%] 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Loss [vol%] 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.1
Flash point [°C] IP170 46.0 44.0 44.0 43.5 43.0 42.5 42.0
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 881.7 784.3 778.9 773.3 767.9 762.3 756.7
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -59.8 -59.8 -58.9 -57.7 -56.7 -55.6 -54.4
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.703 0.715 0.711 0.700 0.722 0.770 0.906
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 4.059 4.399 4.471 4.551 4.646 4.731 4.801
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1a
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0a
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.174 43.647 43.746 - - - 44.154
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1b 1b
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 22.5 35.0 38.0 42.5 >45.0 - -
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.41 0.21 - 0.12 - - -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 <0.0003 - - - - - <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO <0.001 - - - - - <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 18: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 117, neat HVO and blends with 50 - 90 vol% HVO.
Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat HVO was determined at 325 °C.
9 - Annex 129
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 < 0.001 0.001
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 15.1 7.6 - 4.6 - - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 154.7 151.2 150.5 150.1 149.6 149.0 148.9
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 165.5 164.1 163.9 163.4 163.7 163.0 162.9
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 180.6 190.2 193.3 196.3 200.6 204.6 210.3
T50 – T10 [°C] 15.1 26.1 29.4 32.9 36.9 41.6 47.4
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 219.0 257.2 261.9 265.2 267.9 269.5 270.8
T90 – T10 [°C] 53.5 93.1 98.0 101.8 104.2 106.5 107.9
FBP [°C] 236.7 273.9 275.5 276.1 277.1 277.0 277.6
Residue [vol%] 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Loss [vol%] 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.1
Flash point [°C] IP170 41.5 42.0 42.0 41.5 42.0 42.0 42.0
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 789.0 772.8 769.6 766.4 763.2 760.0 756.7
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -61.9 -62.7 -60.9 -59.1 -57.2 -55.9 -54.4
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.751 0.789 0.807 0.771 0.756 0.781 0.906
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 3.008 3.759 3.942 4.137 4.361 4.585 4.801
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1a
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0a
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.370 43.770 - 43.922 - - 44.154
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 25.5 38.5 41.5 > 45 - - -
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.16 0.07 - 0.05 - - -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 <0.0003 - - - - - <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO <0.001 - - - - - <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 19: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 112, neat HVO and blends with 50 - 90 vol% HVO.
Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat HVO was determined at 325 °C.
Additional freezing points were measured for 10 vol% (-62.9°C), 20 vol% (-63.8°C), 30 vol% (-
64.5 °C) and 40 vol% HVO (-64.3 °C).
9 - Annex 130
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 21.6 11.6 - 7.2 - - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 151.2 155.4 157.9 159.4 160.9 162.1 166.0
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 167.2 168.7 169.2 169.7 170.3 170.8 171.5
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 186.4 182.3 181.8 181.1 180.5 180.0 179.5
T50 – T10 [°C] 19.2 13.6 12.6 11.4 10.2 9.2 8.0
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 216.3 208.8 207.1 205.2 203.0 200.8 198.7
T90 – T10 [°C] 49.1 40.1 37.9 35.5 32.7 30.0 27.2
FBP [°C] 243.7 233.5 231.3 228.2 224.7 220.3 215.2
Residue [vol%] 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Loss [vol%] 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1
Flash point [°C] IP170 40.5 43.0 43.0 43.0 44.0 46.5 46.0
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 797.5 779.3 775.7 772.2 768.4 764.8 761.2
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -63.0a -70.1 -72.5 -75.4 -79.8 <- 80.0 -
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.739 0.752 0.732 0.759 0.769 0.743 0.780
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 3.113 3.349 - - 3.548 - 3.71
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1a
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 280.0b
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.170 43.537 - 43.700 - - -
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 21.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 36.5 39.0 >45.0
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.69 0.34 - 0.22 - - -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 <0.0003 - - - - - <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 20: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 085, neat CTL and blends with 50 - 90 vol% CTL.
Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat CTL was determined at 325 °C
9 - Annex 131
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 18.1 9.5 - 5.9 - - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 170.6 165.3 165.6 165.7 165.4 165.3 166.0
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 183.9 175.8 174.9 173.6 173.0 172.2 171.5
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 200.2 189.1 186.8 184.9 183.0 181.1 179.5
T50 – T10 [°C] 16.3 13.3 11.9 11.3 10.0 8.9 8.0
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 226.1 217.1 214.3 210.5 207.3 202.7 198.7
T90 – T10 [°C] 42.2 41.3 39.4 36.9 34.3 30.5 27.2
FBP [°C] 246.6 238.8 235.6 232.9 228.5 222.0 215.2
Residue [vol%] 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Loss [vol%] 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.0 0.9 1.1
Flash point [°C] IP170 53.0 49.5 48.0 47.5 47.0 46.5 46.0
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 818.6 789.9 784.3 778.5 772.9 767.0 761.2
Freezing point [°C] D7153 <- 80.0 <- 80.0 <- 80.0 <- 80.0 <- 80.0 <- 80.0 -
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.645 0.719 0.746 0.762 0.761 0.752 0.780
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 4.357 4.008 - - 3.837 - 3.710
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1a
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 280.0a
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.073 43.488 - 43.670 - - -
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 21.0 27.5 29.5 33.5 36.5 39.5 >45.0
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.30 0.14 0.11 - - - -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 0.0009 0.0005 0.0004 - - - <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO 0.0048 0.0025 0.0020 0.0017 0.0011 <0.001 <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 21: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 112, neat CTL and blends with 50 - 90 vol% CTL.
Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat CTL was determined at 325 °C
9 - Annex 132
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 13.7 7.3 5.9 - - - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 155.6 158.9 160.6 161.5 162.3 163.9 166.0
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 169.8 170.0 170.4 170.2 170.8 171.1 171.5
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 195.1 185.2 183.9 182.6 181.5 180.4 179.5
T50 – T10 [°C] 25.3 15.2 13.5 12.4 10.7 9.3 8.0
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 238.9 224.5 220.3 214.9 209.4 203.9 198.7
T90 – T10 [°C] 69.1 54.5 49.9 44.7 38.6 32.8 27.2
FBP [°C] 258.5 250.2 247.4 243.6 237.5 227.8 215.2
Residue [vol%] 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Loss [vol%] 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.1
Flash point [°C] IP170 44.0 45.0 45.0 45.5 45.5 45.5 46.0
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 795.0 778.1 774.7 771.3 767.9 764.5 761.2
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -49.0 -56.4 -58.7 -61.3 -65.4 -72.8 -
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.728 0.757 0.761 0.780 0.710 0.741 0.780
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 3.778 3.736 - - 3.710 - 3.710
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1a
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.5 280.0a
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.391 43.664 43.730 - - - -
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 26.0 34.5 36.0 37.5 41.5 >45.0 >45.0
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 1.17 0.58 - 0.36 - - -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 0.0015 0.0008 - 0.0005 - - <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO 0.10 0.0531 0.0429 0.0323 0.0218 0.0110 <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 22: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 114, neat CTL and blends with 50 - 90 vol% CTL.
Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat CTL was determined at 325 °C
9 - Annex 133
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 <0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 16.2 8.4 - 5.3 - - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 159.7 160.9 161.7 162.4 163.0 163.4 166.0
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 175.3 171.9 172.0 171.9 171.5 171.5 171.5
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 198.4 186.8 185.1 183.6 182.1 180.9 179.5
T50 – T10 [°C] 23.1 14.9 13.1 11.7 10.6 9.4 8.0
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 235.6 223.2 219.3 214.9 209.8 204.4 198.7
T90 – T10 [°C] 60.3 51.3 47.3 43.0 38.3 32.9 27.2
FBP [°C] 256.1 247.6 245.0 239.6 236.0 225.5 215.2
Residue [vol%] 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Loss [vol%] 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.1
Flash point [°C] IP170 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 45.5 45.5 46.0
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 811.7 786.4 781.5 776.4 771.4 766.3 761.2
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -59.8 -67.1 -69.2 -71.9 -76.8 <-80.0 -
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.703 0.719 0.703 0.756 0.757 0.776 0.780
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 4.059 3.877 3.830 3.800 3.766 3.740 3.710
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1a
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 280.0a
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.174 43.548 - 43.706 - - -
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 22.5 32.0 35.0 36.5 38.5 41.5 >45.0
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.41 0.20 0.16 - - - -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 <0.0003 - - - - - <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO <0.001 - - - - - <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 23 Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 117, neat CTL and blends with 50 - 90 vol% CTL.
Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat CTL was determined at 325 °C
9 - Annex 134
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 15.1 7.9 - 4.9 - - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 154.7 157.7 159.1 160.1 162.2 162.8 166.0
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 165.5 167.8 168.6 169.3 170.0 170.8 171.5
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 180.6 179.8 179.7 179.7 179.6 179.5 179.5
T50 – T10 [°C] 15.1 12.0 11.1 10.4 9.6 8.7 8.0
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 219.0 209.9 207.5 205.5 203.2 200.8 198.7
T90 – T10 [°C] 53.5 42.1 38.9 36.2 33.2 30.0 27.2
FBP [°C] 236.7 230.2 228.1 225.3 222.0 217.8 215.2
Residue [vol%] 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Loss [vol%] 0.8 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1
Flash point [°C] IP170 41.5 43.5 44.0 44.0 44.5 45.0 46.0
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 789.0 775.0 772.2 769.5 766.7 763.9 761.2
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -61.9 -69.1 -71.1 -74.4 -78.9 <-80.0 -
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.751 0.795 0.773 0.768 0.796 0.802 0.780
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 3.008 3.301 3.414 3.444 3.531 3.614 3.710
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1a
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 280.0a
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.370 43.646 - 43.775 - - -
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1b 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 25.5 34.5 37.5 39.5 43.0 >45.0 >45.0
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.16 0.07 0.06 - - - -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 <0.0003 - - - - - 0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO <0.001 - - - - - <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 24 Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 123, neat CTL and blends with 50 - 90 vol% CTL.
Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat CTL was determined at 325 °C
9 - Annex 135
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 21.6 11.4 - - 4.7 - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 151.2 159.0 162.1 164.3 167.3 170.6 174.6
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 167.2 171.6 172.9 174.1 175.3 176.6 178.0
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 186.4 183.2 182.7 182.3 181.7 181.3 180.9
T50 – T10 [°C] 19.2 11.6 9.8 8.2 6.4 4.7 2.9
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 216.3 219.5 219.0 219.1 219.7 219.6 220.1
T90 – T10 [°C] 49.1 47.9 46.1 45.0 44.4 43.0 42.1
FBP [°C] 243.7 245.7 244.3 245.4 246.5 247.4 249.8
Residue [vol%] 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Loss [vol%] 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9
Flash point [°C] IP170 40.5 43.5 44.5 45.0 46.5 47.0 47.5
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 797.5 777.6 773.4 769.3 765.3 761.2 757.1
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -63.0a -69.1 -71.4 -74.2 -78.2 <-80.0 <-80.0
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.739 0.735 0.763 0.788 0.772 0.793 0.839
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 3.113 3.677 3.848 4.045 4.246 4.497 4.795
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 1 1 2 2 3 2
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1a
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0a
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.170 43.586 - - 43.864 - -
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 21.0 26.5 26.5 26.5 27.0 27.0 27.0
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.69 0.35 - 0.21 - - -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 <0.0003 - - - - - <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO <0.001 - - - - - <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 25: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 085, neat ATJ-SPK and blends with 50 - 90 vol%
ATJ-SPK. Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat ATJ-SPK was determined at 325 °C
9 - Annex 136
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.002
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 18.1 9.4 - 6.2 - - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 170.6 171.3 171.6 172.2 173.1 173.5 174.6
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 183.9 179.7 179.7 179.1 178.6 178.2 178.0
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 200.2 189.5 187.8 185.8 184.3 182.7 180.9
T50 – T10 [°C] 16.3 9.8 8.1 6.7 5.7 4.5 2.9
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 226.1 226.6 226.4 226.3 225.8 223.9 220.1
T90 – T10 [°C] 42.2 46.9 46.7 47.2 47.2 45.7 42.1
FBP [°C] 246.6 244.6 244.6 245.4 245.5 246.2 249.8
Residue [vol%] 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Loss [vol%] 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 0.9
Flash point [°C] IP170 53.0 51.0 50.0 49.5 48.5 48.0 47.5
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 818.6 788.2 782.1 775.9 769.7 763.4 757.1
Freezing point [°C] D7153 <-80.0 <-80.0 <-80.0 <-80.0 <-80.0 <-80.0 <-80.0
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.645 0.720 0.730 0.758 0.756 0.797 0.839
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 4.357 4.460 - 4.554 - - 4.795
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 2
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1a
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0a
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.073 43.672 - 43.727 - - -
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 21.0 25.5 26.5 26.5 27.0 27.0 27.0
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.30 0.14 - 0.09 - - -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 0.0009 0.0005 0.0004 - - - <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO 0.0048 0.0022 0.0019 0.0017 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 26: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 112, neat ATJ-SPK and blends with 50 - 90 vol%
ATJ-SPK. Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat ATJ-SPK was determined at 325 °C
9 - Annex 137
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.001 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.002
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 13.7 7.4 5.9 - - - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 155.6 162.9 164.4 166.5 168.8 171.6 174.6
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 169.8 173.4 174.1 175.1 175.9 177.0 178.0
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 195.1 186.2 184.5 183.8 182.8 181.9 180.9
T50 – T10 [°C] 25.3 12.8 10.4 8.7 6.9 4.9 2.9
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 238.9 234.8 233.7 232.2 229.1 225.8 220.1
T90 – T10 [°C] 69.1 61.4 59.6 57.1 53.2 48.8 42.1
FBP [°C] 258.5 252.0 251.1 249.7 248.2 248.1 249.8
Residue [vol%] 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Loss [vol%] 0.9 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.9
Flash point [°C] IP170 44.0 45.0 45.5 46.5 47.0 47.0 47.5
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 795.0 776.2 772.4 768.6 764.8 760.9 757.1
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -49.0 -55.1 -57.3 -60.2 - - <-80.0
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.728 0.774 0.789 0.784 0.767 0.757 0.839
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 3.778 4.115 - 4.327 - - 4.795
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 2 1 2 2 2 2
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1a
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0a
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.391 43.706 43.777 - - - -
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 26.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 26.5 27.0
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 1.17 0.58 - 0.38 - - -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 0.0015 0.0009 - 0.0005 - - <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO 0.10 0.0541 0.0435 0.0334 0.0220 0.0110 <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 27: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 114, neat ATJ-SPK and blends with 50 - 90 vol%
ATJ-SPK. Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat ATJ-SPK was determined at 325 °C
9 - Annex 138
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 <0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.002
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 16.2 8.8 - 5.9 - - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 159.7 164.9 166.4 168.1 170.3 172.1 174.6
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 175.3 175.2 175.9 176.3 176.8 177.5 178.0
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 198.4 187.4 185.9 184.6 183.2 182.2 180.9
T50 – T10 [°C] 23.1 12.2 10.0 8.3 6.4 4.7 2.9
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 235.6 232.4 231.5 230.0 228.4 224.6 220.1
T90 – T10 [°C] 60.3 57.2 55.6 53.7 51.6 47.1 42.1
FBP [°C] 256.1 250.2 249.4 249.2 248.4 247.8 249.8
Residue [vol%] 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Loss [vol%] 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 0.9
Flash point [°C] IP170 46.0 46.5 46.5 47.5 47.5 48.5 47.5
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 811.7 784.8 779.3 773.7 768.4 762.7 757.1
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -59.8 -66.3 -68.3 -70.8 -75.1 <-80.0 <-80.0
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.703 0.730 0.761 0.799 0.764 0.803 0.839
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 4.059 4.287 4.361 4.443 4.542 4.652 4.795
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 1 1 2 3 3 2
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1a
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.2 0.0 0.0a
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.174 43.579 - 43.758 - - -
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 22.5 25.0 26.5 27.0 27.5 27.0 27.0
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.41 0.21 - 0.13 - - -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 <0.0003 - - - - - <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO <0.001 - - - - - <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 28: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 117, neat ATJ-SPK and blends with 50 - 90 vol%
ATJ-SPK. Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat ATJ-SPK was determined at 325 °C
9 - Annex 139
Property Method 0 vol% 50 vol% 60 vol% 70 vol% 80 vol% 90 vol% 100 vol%
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 15.1 7.9 - 4.9 - - -
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 154.7 161.6 163.0 165.7 168.0 170.9 174.6
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 165.5 170.5 171.9 173.3 174.7 176.4 178.0
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 180.6 180.6 180.8 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9
T50 – T10 [°C] 15.1 10.1 8.9 7.6 6.2 4.5 2.9
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 219.0 220.3 220.2 220.2 219.6 219.7 220.1
T90 – T10 [°C] 53.5 49.8 48.3 46.9 44.9 43.3 42.1
FBP [°C] 236.7 242.5 243.1 245.3 246.0 247.0 249.8
Residue [vol%] 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Loss [vol%] 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.9
Flash point [°C] IP170 41.5 44.5 45.0 46.0 46.0 47.0 47.5
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 789.0 773.1 769.9 766.8 763.6 760.3 757.1
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -61.9 -68.2 -70.1 -72.5 -76.2 <-80.0 <-80.0
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.751 0.805 0.774 0.781 0.787 0.805 0.839
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 3.008 3.626 3.799 3.995 4.219 4.496 4.795
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 2 2 2 3 3 2
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1a
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0a
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.370 43.699 - 43.839 - - -
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1b 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 25.5 26.0 26.0 26.5 27.0 27.0 27.0
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.16 0.07 - 0.05 - - -
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 <0.0003 - - - - - <0.0003
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO <0.001 - - - - - <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 29: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 085, neat ATJ-SPK and blends with 50 - 90 vol%
ATJ-SPK. Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat ATJ-SPK was determined at 325 °C.
9 - Annex 140
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.003 0.005 0.008 0.011 0.013 0.014
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 18.1 18.1 - 19.0 - 19.7
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 170.6 163.5 158.9 156.3 152.5 152.1
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 183.9 180.0 176.8 174.2 172.0 171.4
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 200.2 200.3 200.3 200.4 200.5 200.1
T50 – T10 [°C] 16.3 20.3 23.5 26.2 28.5 28.7
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 226.1 231.0 235.8 239.3 242.4 244.8
T90 – T10 [°C] 42.2 51.0 59.0 65.1 70.4 73.4
FBP [°C] 246.6 251.4 254.6 257.7 258.7 258.5
Residue [vol%] 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.5
Loss [vol%] 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9
Flash point [°C] IP170 53.0 50.0 46.5 44.5 43.0 42.5
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 818.6 815.1 811.9 809.2 806.6 805.2
Freezing point [°C] D7153 <-80.0 -56.6 -49.4 -45.5 -42.6 -41.3
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.645 0.560 0.541 0.535 0.506 0.570
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 4.357 4.238 4.139 4.070 3.999 3.977
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.073 43.111 - 43.166 - 43.202
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 21.0 21.5 22.5 23.0 23.5 22.5
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 0.30 - 0.32 - - 0.35
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 0.0009 0.0007 0.0005 - - -
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO 0.0048 0.0033 0.0022 0.0012 <0.001 <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b
Table 30: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 112, neat CH kerosene and blends with 25 - 90
vol% CH kerosene. Methods are according to ASTM unless specified
9 - Annex 141
Table 31: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 085, neat ATJ-SKA and a blend 50 vol% ATJ-SKA.
Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
9 - Annex 142
Acidity, total [mg KOH/g] D3242 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003
Aromatics [vol%] D1319 13.7 14.1 - 14.6 - 15.8
Distillation [°C] D86
IBP (°C) 155.6 156.4 159.1 160.5 163.4 164.8
10 vol% recovered at T [°C] 169.8 170.7 171.9 173.0 174.2 174.8
50 vol% recovered at T [°C] 195.1 191.8 189.7 188.4 187.2 186.7
T50 – T10 [°C] 25.3 21.1 17.8 15.4 13.0 11.9
90 vol% recovered at T [°C] 238.9 234.1 227.5 219.4 210.2 205.6
T90 – T10 [°C] 69.1 63.4 55.6 46.4 36.0 30.8
FBP [°C] 258.5 259.7 260.7 260.2 256.9 249.6
Residue [vol%] 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1
Loss [vol%] 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1
Flash point [°C] IP170 44.0 45.5 46.0 47.0 48.0 48.5
Density at 15°C [kg/m³] D4052 795.0 792.8 790.5 788.7 786.8 785.9
Freezing point [°C] D7153 -49.0 -52.2 -56.8 -62.5 -74.4 <-80.0
Lubricity [mm] D5001 0.728 0.722 0.694 0.667 0.630 0.606
Viscosity at -20°C [mm²/s] D445 3.778 3.686 3.600 3.525 3.449 3.421
Existent gum [mg/100 mL] D381 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1
Thermal Stability - 2.5 h at
Deposit Rating <1 <1 <1 1 1 <1
Pres. Drop [mm Hg] 0.0 0.0 3.6 280 280 0.0
Net Heat of Combustion
D3338 43.391 43.397 - 43.410 - 43.396
Corrosion Copper Strip. 2
D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1b 1a
Smoke Point [mm] D1322 26.0 23.5 22.0 23.0 23.0 23.0
Naphthalene [vol%] D1840 1.17 - 0.62 - 0.19 0.08
Mercaptane Sulphur [wt.%] D3227 0.0015 0.0012 0.0008 - - -
Sulphur [wt.%] ISO 0.10 0.0795 0.0539 0.0318 0.0105 <0.001
Water Reaction, Appearance 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1
Table 32: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 114, neat ATJ-SKA and blends with 25 - 90 vol%
ATJ-SKA. Methods are according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
9 - Annex 143
Table 33: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 085, its blend with 70 vol% ATJ-SPK and after
addition of aromatics to the blend to reach the 8 vol% margin. Methods are
according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat ATJ-SPK was determined at 325 °C.
9 - Annex 144
Table 34: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 114, its blend with 70 vol% ATJ-SPK and after
addition of aromatics to the blend to reach the 8 vol% margin. Methods are
according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat ATJ-SPK was determined at 325 °C.
9 - Annex 145
Table 35: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 085, its blend with 70 vol% HVO and after addition
of aromatics to the blend to reach the 8 vol% margin. Methods are
according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat HVO was determined at 325 °C.
9 - Annex 146
Table 36: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 114, its blend with 70 vol% HVO and after addition
of aromatics to the blend to reach the 8 vol% margin. Methods are
according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat HVO was determined at 325 °C.
9 - Annex 147
Table 37: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 085, its blend with 70 vol% CTL and after addition
of aromatics to the blend to reach the 8 vol% margin. Methods are
according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat CTL was determined at 325 °C.
9 - Annex 148
Table 38: Properties of Jet A-1 fuel 114, its blend with 70 vol% CTL and after addition
of aromatics to the blend to reach the 8 vol% margin. Methods are
according to ASTM unless specified otherwise.
Thermal stability for neat CTL was determined at 325 °C.
9 - Annex 149
Property 0 vol% range 2 vol% range 4vol% range 6 vol% range range
mass change [%] -2.5 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0
volume change [%] 0 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 1
hardness [Shore A] 71 1 70 2 70 1 70 0 71 1
tensile strength [N/mm²] 10.4 1.9 10.3 2.0 10.0 1.1 8.4 3.6 9.7 0.3
elongation at break [%] 174 31 181 30 181 17 156 54 171 7
Table 41: Properties of NBR samples after storage in HVO and HVO with added
Property 0 vol% range 2 vol% range 4vol% range 6 vol% range range
mass change [%] -1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 4 0
volume change [%] 2 0 3 1 5 1 6 0 8 1
hardness [Shore A] 71 0 69 1 70 1 69 1 69 2
tensile strength [N/mm²] 10.4 1.0 9.0 1.8 8.7 1.1 8.6 0.5 8.3 0.1
elongation at break [%] 181 15 155 28 159 14 156 10 160 10
Table 42 Properties of NBR samples after storage in CTL and CTL with added aromatics
9 - Annex 150
Property 0 vol% range 2 vol% range 4 vol% range 6 vol% range range
mass change [%] -2 0 -1 0 0 0 1 5 3 0
volume change [%] 0 0 1 1 3 0 5 6 7 4
hardness [Shore A] 73 1 71 1 70 1 70 0 69 1
tensile strength [N/mm²] 10.8 1.0 9.6 2.1 10.5 0.6 9.4 0.6 9.1 2.2
elongation at break [%] 183 19 165 22 181 6 167 10 167 39
Table 43: Properties of NBR samples after storage in ATJ-SPK and ATJ-SPK with added
fluorosilicone in HVO
Property 0 vol% range 2 vol% range 4 vol% range 6 vol% range range
mass change [%] 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 3 0
volume change [%] 4 0 5 0 5 1 5 0 5 0
hardness [Shore A] 66 1 65 1 64 2 64 6 65 1
tensile strength [N/mm²] 6.3 0.7 6.4 0.2 5.9 0.6 5.8 0.7 5.9 0.5
elongation at break [%] 235 24 233 13 227 42 216 31 217 21
Table 46: Properties of fluorosilicone samples after storage in HVO and HVO with
added aromatics
9 - Annex 151
fluorosilicone in CTL
Property 0 vol% range 2 vol% range 4 vol% range 6 vol% range range
mass change [%] 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 4 0
volume change [%] 7 1 6 0 6 0 6 0 7 3
hardness [Shore A] 63 1 62 1 63 2 61 1 62 2
tensile strength [N/mm²] 5.9 0.2 6.1 1.2 5.8 0.3 5.6 0.4 6.0 0.4
elongation at break [%] 214 15 225 22 221 19 221 9 226 22
Table 47: Properties of fluorosilicone samples after storage in CTL and CTL with added
fluorosilicone in ATJ-SPK
Property 0 vol% range 2 vol% range 4 vol% range 6 vol% range range
mass change [%] 3 0 3 0 4 0 4 0 4 0
volume change [%] 7 1 7 0 8 0 8 1 8 0
hardness [Shore A] 62 1 64 2 65 2 62 4 63 4
tensile strength [N/mm²] 5.8 0.0 5.7 0.5 5.8 0.8 6.2 0.3 6.0 0.4
elongation at break [%] 223 8 193 41 220 42 226 26 225 19
Table 48: Properties of fluorosilicone samples after storage in ATJ-SPK and ATJ-SPK
with added aromatics
fluorocarbon in HVO
Property 0 vol% range 2 vol% range 4 vol% range 6 vol% range range
mass change [%] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
volume change [%] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
hardness [Shore A] 74 0 74 0 75 0 74 0 74 1
tensile strength [N/mm²] 14.0 2.6 13.8 1.0 14.5 0.2 14.4 1.4 13.8 3.1
elongation at break [%] 197 20 193 10 197 1 208 13 196 31
Table 51: Properties of fluorocarbon samples after storage in HVO and HVO with
added aromatics
fluorocarbon in CTL
Property 0 vol% range 2 vol% range 4vol% range 6 vol% range range
mass change [%] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
volume change [%] 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0
hardness [Shore A] 74 1 74 1 74 1 73 1 73 1
tensile strength [N/mm²] 15.4 1.5 14.9 2.0 12.8 0.9 12.2 4.3 13.8 2.3
elongation at break [%] 203 20 204 20 183 10 178 54 197 25
Table 52: Properties of fluorocarbon samples after storage in CTL and CTL with added
fluorocarbon in ATJ-SPK
Property 0 vol% range 2 vol% range 4 vol% range 6 vol% range range
mass change [%] 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
volume change [%] 1 7 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
hardness [Shore A] 73 2 73 1 74 0 74 0 73 2
tensile strength [N/mm²] 13.8 0.8 14.5 0.6 13.5 2.2 14.6 1.5 12.5 2.0
elongation at break [%] 194 8 197 7 195 28 204 6 182 19
Table 53: Properties of fluorocarbon samples after storage in ATJ-SPK and ATJ-SPK
with added aromatics
9 - Annex 153
Table 57: Properties of the conventional kerosene used for SIP fuel emissions test
9 - Annex 156
9.7 Annex 7: Properties of Blend with 10% SIP Fuel Used for
Emissions Test
9 - Annex 157
Table 58: Properties of blend with 10% SIP fuel used for emissions test
9 - Annex 158
9.8 Annex 8: Properties of Blend with 20% SIP Fuel Used for
Emissions Test
9 - Annex 159
Table 59: Properties of blend with 20% SIP fuel used for emissions test
9 - Annex 160
Table 61: Timing of individual segments of the SIP fuel emission test
9 - Annex 163
CO Emissions
NOx emissions
Number of Particles
CO Emissions
Reference 1 Reference 2 CH kerosene
GI 72.64 74.73 81.52
FI 29.45 27.22 29.96
3000 RPM 2.12 1.11 1.45
3800 RPM 1.30 0.62 0.80
C2 M/C 1.07 0.82 0.93
C4 M/C 1.15 0.91 0.99
C4 T/O 1.26 1.00 1.12
Table 68: CO emissions at the CH fuel emission test
NOx emissions
Reference 1 Reference 2 CH kerosene
GI 2.04 3.34 3.08
FI 3.41 4.55 4.81
3000 RPM 7.79 8.89 9.37
3800 RPM 12.66 14.06 14.65
C2 M/C 17.75 19.61 20.37
C4 M/C 19.13 21.23 21.94
C4 T/O 22.73 25.42 26.05
Table 69: NOx emissions at the CH fuel emission test
Number of Particles
Reference 1 Reference 2 CH kerosene
GI 3.45E+15 4.00E+15 5.35E+15
FI 2.03E+15 2.65E+15 1.15E+15
3000 RPM 5.18E+14 5.94E+14 6.68E+14
3800 RPM 1.13E+15 1.22E+15 1.21E+15
C2 M/C 1.04E+15 1.11E+15 1.02E+15
C4 M/C 1.01E+15 1.06E+15 1.01E+15
C4 T/O 9.64E+14 1.03E+15 9.46E+14
Table 72: Total number of particles at the CH fuel emission test