Eresa Ejan: Teresa - Bejan@politics - - Uk

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Associate Professor of Political Theory
University of Oxford

Associate Professor of Political Theory (with tenure, May 2019), Department of
Politics and International Relations
Tutorial Fellow in Politics, Oriel College


Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto-Mississauga
Assistant Professor, Graduate Department of Political Science, University of Toronto
Mellon Research Fellow, Society of Fellows in the Humanities
Lecturer, Department of Political Science

YALE UNIVERSITY, Ph.D. with Distinction, Department of Political Science 2013
Dissertation: Mere Civility: Toleration and its Limits in Early Modern England and
Committee: Bryan Garsten (Chair), Karuna Mantena, Steven Smith, James Q. Whitman
Winner of the 2015 APSA Leo Strauss Award in Political Philosophy
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, M.Phil., Political Thought and Intellectual History 2007
Dissertation: The Political Thought of John Milton’s Of Education
UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, B.A. with Honors, Fundamentals: Issues and Texts 2006
University Scholar (2002-2006), Phi Beta Kappa (2005)

1. Mere Civility: Disagreement and the Limits of Toleration (Harvard University Press,
2017; paperback edition 2019)
• Scholarly Reviews and symposia published in Political Theory, Review of
Politics, Perspectives on Politics, Political Studies Review, Political Science
Reviewer, American Historical Review, Early American Literature, Journal of
Public Deliberation, Studies in Christian Ethics, Society for Contemporary
Thought in the Islamicate World Review, and The Immanent Frame.
• Popular Reviews in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Review of Books,
Choice, The Hedgehog Review, The Claremont Review of Books, Literary Review
of Canada, First Things, The Wanderer, Medium, Law and Liberty, and Public
• Subject of Oxford Journal in Law and Religion special issue, edited by John
Adenitire (QMUL).
• Named a New Statesman and Church Times Best Book of 2018

2. First Among Equals: The Practice and Theory of Early Modern Equality, book
manuscript in progress. Under contract with Harvard University Press.
3. John Locke: Four Letters on Toleration, 2 vols., for The Clarendon Edition of the
Works of John Locke. Under contract with Oxford University Press.

1. “The Historical Rawls,” Special Forum for Modern Intellectual History, co-edited
with Sophie Smith and Annette Zimmermann (forthcoming 2021).
2. Untitled edited volume on historical interpretations of John Locke, co-edited with
Felix Waldmann, in preparation for Oxford University Press.


1. “Rawls’s Teaching and the ‘Tradition’ of Political Philosophy,” Modern Intellectual
History (forthcoming).
2. “Forum Introduction: The Historical Rawls,” with Sophie Smith and Annette
Zimmermann, Modern Intellectual History (forthcoming).
3. “Free Expression or Equal Speech?” Social Philosophy & Policy (forthcoming).
4. “In Search of an Established Church,” Roger Williams University Law Review
5. “Civility: An Interview with Teresa M. Bejan” in Women of Ideas, edited by Suki
Finn (Oxford University Press, forthcoming).
6. “What’s the Use? Rainer Forst on the History of Toleration,” in Toleration, Power,
and the Right to Justification: Rainer Forst in Dialogue, ed. David Owen
(Manchester University Press, 2020).
7. “Two Concepts of Freedom (of Speech),” Proceedings of the American Philosophical
Society 163 (2019), 95-107,
8. “Reconsidering Tolerance: Insights from Political Theory and Three Experiments,”
co-authored with Calvert W. Jones. British Journal of Political Science (online first
November 2019),
9. “‘Since all the World is Mad, Why should not I be so?’ Equality, Hierarchy, and
Ambition in the Thought of Mary Astell.” Political Theory (online first May 2019),
10. “First Impressions: Hobbes on Religion, Education, and the Metaphor of Imprinting,”
invited chapter for Hobbes on Politics and Religion, edited by Robin Douglass and
Laurens van Apeldoorn (Oxford University Press, 2018).
11. “John Locke on Toleration, (In)civility, and the Quest for Concord,” History of
Political Thought 37 (2016), 556-587.
12. “Difference without Disagreement: Re-thinking Hobbes on ‘Independency’ and
Toleration,” Review of Politics 78 (2016), 1-25.

13. “Evangelical Toleration,” The Journal of Politics 77 (2015), 1103-1114.
14. “‘When the Word of the Lord Runs Freely’: Roger Williams and Evangelical
Toleration,” invited chapter for The Lively Experiment: The Story of Religious
Toleration in America, from Roger Williams to the Present, edited by Christopher
Beneke and Christopher Grenda (Rowman and Littlefield, 2015).
15. “The Difficult Work of Liberal Civility,” co-authored with Bryan Garsten, invited
chapter for Civility, Legality, and the Limits of Justice, edited by Austin Sarat
(Cambridge University Press, 2014).
16. “‘The Bond of Civility’: Roger Williams on Toleration and its Limits,” History of
European Ideas 37 (2011), 409-420.
17. “Teaching the Leviathan: Thomas Hobbes on Education,” Oxford Review of
Education 36:5 (2010), 607-626.
• Reprinted in the collection, Ideas of Education: Political and Philosophical
Perspectives from Plato to the Nineteenth Century, edited by C. Brooke and E.
Frazer (Routledge, 2013).
• Reprinted in the Norton Critical Edition of Hobbes’s Leviathan (2nd edition), ed.
D.C. Johnston (Norton, 2020).


1. “The 1612 Project,” Liberty Matters (May 2020),
2. “The Troubling Ambiguity of Peace,” review of Murad Idris’s War for Peace, in The
Journal of Politics, Religion, and Ideology 21 (2020): 124-126.
3. “What Quakers Can Teach Us about the Politics of Pronouns,” The New York Times
(16 Nov. 2019),
4. “Liberalism’s Parish: On Cecile Laborde’s Liberalism’s Religion,” Syndicate
Theology (Oct. 2019),
5. “Reply to my Critics,” Review Symposium on Mere Civility, Political Science
Reviewer 42 (2018), 533-539.
6. “Review Essay: Recent Works on Toleration,” The Review of Politics 80 (2018), 701-
7. “A Reply to my Readers,” Review Symposium on Mere Civility, Review of Politics
80 (2018), 528-532.
8. “Critical Dialogue: Teresa M. Bejan and Andrew R. Murphy,” Perspectives on
Politics 16 (2018), 487-491.
9. “The Two Clashing Meanings of Free Speech,” The Atlantic (2 Dec. 2017).

• Translated and reprinted as ‘“Free Speech” et la liberte d’expression,’ in Books
no. 100 (Sep 2019).
• Reprinted in The Norton Reader (15th edition), eds. M. Goldthwaite et al.
(Norton, 2020).
10. “Of Moderns and Masters,” review of Steven B. Smith’s Modernity and its
Discontents: Making and Unmaking the Bourgeois from Machiavelli to Bellow in
Review of Politics 79 (2017), 7-9.
11. “The Past in the Present,” post on The Immanent Frame, Sep 2017.
12. “You don’t have to be nice to political opponents. But you do have to talk to them,”
The Washington Post (8 March 2017).
13. “Mere Civility: An Introduction” and “Mere Civility: A Reply,” posts on The
Immanent Frame,, Jan/Feb 2017.
14. Review Forum on Saba Mahmood’s Religious Freedom in a Secular Age: A Minority
Report, in The Journal of Politics, Religion, and Ideology (2016), 1-3.
15. “Review of J. Judd Owen’s Making Religion Safe for Democracy,” Review of Politics
78 (2016), 469-472.
16. “Review of John Coffey’s Exodus and Liberation,” Politics and Religion (2014), 1-3.
17. “Quentin Skinner: the Art of Theory interview” (2011),

1. “What Was the Point of Equality?”
2. “Hobbes and Hats”


1. APT Early Career Prize for the greatest overall contribution to research and teaching
in political thought, Britain & Ireland Association for Political Thought, 2020.
2. Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Constitutional and Political Theory, McGill
University, 2020-21.
3. Shortlisted for Elaine and David Spitz Prize, International Conference for the Study of
Political Thought, 2019.
4. Visiting Senior Fellow, Department of Government, LSE, summer 2018.
5. Leverhulme Research Fellowship (49,992 GBP) for teaching buyout and research on
Acknowledging Equality during the 2018 calendar year.
6. John Fell Fund Small Award (3,062.18 GBP) to support “Historical Rawls”
conference, 2016-2017.

7. Balzan Skinner Fellowship in Modern Intellectual History, CRASSH, University of
Cambridge. Support for one term teaching buyout, lecture and colloquium, 2016.
8. Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, Lent Term, 2016.
9. Leo Strauss Award for the best dissertation in Political Philosophy, awarded by the
American Political Science Association, 2015.
10. Connaught New Researcher Award ($10,000), University of Toronto, 2015.
11. Mellon Research Fellowship, Society of Fellows in the Humanities, Columbia
University, 2013-2014.
12. Leylan Fellowship, for exceptional work in the Humanities, Yale University, 2012-
13. Falk Fellowship, for the study of American Politics, Yale University, 2010-2012.
14. Fox Fellowship, for research at Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge,
1. Panelist, “Mary Astell,” In Our Time, BBC Radio 4 (Nov. 2020)
2. Podcast Interview, Mindscape (Sep. 2020)
3. Panelist, “The Thinker’s Edition: Politics and Risk,” The Monocle Weekly (July 2020)
4. Panelist, “Start the Week,” BBC Radio 4 (March 2020).
5. “Can’t We All Just Disagree?” Australia Broadcast Corporation: Religion & Ethics
(Aug. 2019).
6. “Mary, Quite Contrary,” DPIR Inspires Magazine (July 2019),
7. Podcast Interview, “Half Hour of Heterodoxy,” Heterodox Academy (May 2019).
8. Interview for Timothy Garton Ash’s Free Speech Debate (Dec 2018).
9. “Is Civility a Sham?” TED Talk (Nov. 2018), with over 1.6 million views.
10. “Teresa Bejan,” Podcast Interview with Ulrich Baer, Think About It! (Nov. 2018).
11. Radio Interview for Information Morning and Maritime Noon, CBC New Brunswick,
September 2018.
12. “Expert Opinion: Teresa Bejan,” Interview with Jacob Mchangama for Clear and
Present Danger: A History of Free Speech podcast (Aug 2018).

13. “Civility,” Interview with Nigel Warburton for Philosophy Bites podcast (Aug 2018).
14. “Teresa Bejan,” Interview with The Sacred podcast (Aug 2018).
15. “Religion in Early America” and “Civility and Tone Policing,” Two-part Interview
for The Political Philosophy Podcast (Aug 2018).
16. “Polite Oppression,” Radio Interview for On the Media, WNYC/NPR (June 2018).
17. “Mere Civility,” Interview with Law & Liberty podcast (April 2018).
18. “Wars of Words,” Oxford DPIR Inspires magazine (June 2017).
19. “Tolerating Intolerance,” Television Interview for The Open Mind, PBS (May 2017).
20. Interview with The Virginia Review of Politics (April 2017). Undergraduate journal at
21. “Off the Cuff” Interview with Oberlin Review (April 2017). Undergraduate
newspaper at Oberlin College.
22. “The Disagreeableness of Disagreement,” Interview with Runnymede Society podcast
(April 2017).
23. “Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?” Radio interview for Interchange, Indiana WHFB
radio (21 March 2017).
24. Interview on “Steele & Ungar: Rational Radio,” SiriusXM POTUS radio (17 March
25. Interview, The Moncrieff Show, NewsTalk Radio Ireland (23 January 2017).


1. Invited Speaker, Yale Political Theory Workshop (June 2020).
2. Invited Speaker, Colloquium in Legal, Political, and Social Philosophy, NYU (Sep
2020, rescheduled)
3. Invited Speaker, Johns Hopkins University Intellectual History Seminar, Baltimore,
MD (Fall 2020, rescheduled).

4. Invited Speaker, Notre Dame Political Theory Seminar, South Bend, IN (Fall 2020,
5. Invited speaker, “Symposium: Is this a Christian Nation?,” Roger Williams
University, Bristol, RI (September 2020).
6. Invited Speaker, Political Theory Seminar, University of Milan (June 2020,
7. Public lecture, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond (Feb.
8. Invited speaker, Humanities Center, Virginia Commonwealth University (Feb. 2020).
9. Keynote Speaker, Harvard Graduate Conference in Political Theory, Cambridge,
Mass. (Oct. 2019).

10. Invited Speaker, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT (Oct 2019).

11. Plenary Speaker, “Public Law in Times of Change,” International Society of Public
Law (ICON-S) annual meeting, Santiago, Chile (July 2019).

12. Keynote Lecture, Conference on “Civility and Incivility in Early Modern Britain,”
University of Oxford (June 2019).

13. Keynote Lecture, 10th Scottish Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, St Andrew’s
(May 2019).

14. Invited Speaker, “Tolerance and Religious Freedom in the Early Modern and
Contemporary Worlds,” CRASSH, University of Cambridge (March 2019).

15. Invited RGCS Lecture, Research Group on Constitutional Studies, McGill University
(March 2019).

16. Invited Speaker, Groupe de Recherche Interuniversitaire en Philosophie Politique de

Montréal, McGill University (March 2019).

17. Invited Speaker, “Civility and Tolerance,” Duke University (March 2019).

18. Invited Speaker, “Polarization and Civil Disagreement,” Arizona State University
(Feb. 2019).

19. Invited Speaker, “Inequality, Religion, and Society: John Rawls and After”
Conference, Harvard University (Jan. 2019).


20. ‘Parity and the Point of Equality,’ Stanford Political Theory Seminar (Dec. 2018).

21. ‘Hobbes and Hats,’ Stanford History of Political Thought Seminar (Dec. 2018).

22. Plenary Speaker, ‘Toleration and the Law’ Conference, Morrell Centre for Toleration,
University of York (Sep. 2018).

23. Invited Speaker, ‘Negative Sociability in Early Modern Britain’ Workshop,

University of Cambridge (Sep. 2018).

24. “Two Cheers for Mere Civility,” Invited lecture, St. Thomas University, New
Brunswick, Canada (Sep. 2018).

25. Invited Speaker, Roger Williams University, Providence, RI (Sep. 2018).

26. Invited speaker, Symposium on Cecile Laborde’s Liberalism’s Religion, University of

Oxford (May 2018).

27. Invited speaker, Research Colloquium of Political Theory, Goethe Universitaet-

Frankfurt (May 2018).

28. Invited Speaker on ‘Free Speech and Democracy,’ The American Philosophical
Society annual Meeting (April 2018).

29. Invited speaker, Center for Ethics, Policy, and Public Affairs (CEPPA), University of
St Andrews (April 2018).

30. Invited speaker, Institute for Intellectual History, St Andrews (April 2018).

31. Invited speaker, Provost’s Forum on Speech, Freedom, and Civility, Duke University
(March 2018).
32. Invited speaker, Political Theory Workshop, University of Exeter (Nov. 2017)

33. Invited speaker, Centre for Intellectual History, University of Sussex (Nov. 2017)

34. Invited speaker, KJuris Legal Philosophy Workshop, King’s College London (Nov.

35. “William Prynne, Polemical and Pure,” guest sermon, Oriel College (Oct. 2017)

36. Roundtable discussion on Mere Civility with Onora O’Neill, Chandran Kukathas,
Tom Poole and others, LSE legal theory seminar (Oct. 2017)

37. Invited speaker, Conference on “Free Speech and Civil Discourse,” Kenyon College,
Kenyon, Ohio (Sep. 2017).

38. “Liberty of Conscience, Freedom of Speech,” invited lecture to The Academy,

Institute of Ideas, Wyboston, UK (July 2017)

39. Workshop on Kinch Hoekstra, Thomas Hobbes and the Politics of Philosophy (OUP)
King’s College, Cambridge (July 2017).

40. “Acknowledging Equality (or, Hobbes and Hats)”
• Political Philosophy Colloquium, Princeton University (April 2017)
• Political Theory Workshop, University of Virginia (March 2017)
• Political Philosophy Seminar, London School of Economics (Jan. 2017)

41. “Mere Civility?”

• Political Theory Seminar, University of Sheffield (May 2017)
• Invited lecture, Oberlin College (April 2017)
• Lilly School of Philanthropy, University of Indiana (March 2017)

42. Invited speaker, “Moderation and Civility” roundtable with Aurelian Craiutiu, Jeffrey
Isaac, and Allen Wood, Indiana University at Bloomington (March 2017)

43. Invited speaker, “Cultures of Offense: Offense-taking in the Modern University”

roundtable discussion with Stefan Collini and Nick Cohen, University College
London (March 2017)
44. “Acknowledging Equality (or Hobbes and Hats)”
• Legal and Political Theory Seminar, University College London (Oct. 2016)
• Political Theory Research Seminar, All Soul’s College, Oxford (June 2016)
• Harvard Political Theory Workshop, Harvard University (March 2016)

45. “Acknowledging Equality” (the 7th Annual Balzan-Skinner Lecture in Modern

Intellectual History), Lecture and Colloquium featuring Martin Dzelzainis, Justin
Champion, Jon Parkin, and Ross Carroll, CRASSH, University of Cambridge (April

46. “For the Want Whereof this Nation Perishes’: John Milton on Education”
• Invited talk, Medieval-Renaissance Studies Cluster, Keble College (Oct. 2016)
• Invited lecture, Oriel College, University of Oxford (June 2016)

47. “Mere Civility,” Seminar in Constitutional Thought, Rothermere American Institute,

University of Oxford (May 2016)

48. Roundtable on Thomas Poole, Reason of State (CUP) with David Wootton and
Chandran Kukathas, LSE legal theory workshop (Nov. 2015).

49. “Liberal Toleration: from Concordia to Tolerantia”

• Invited talk, Symposium on Toleration with Chandran Kukathas, John
McCormick, Samuel Fleischacker and others, Neubauer Collegium, University of
Chicago (Nov. 2015)
• History of Political Thought Seminar, University of Oxford (Oct. 2015)

50. “Mirrors for Citizens: The Political Thought of John Milton’s Of Education,” History
of Political Ideas Seminar, Institute for Historical Research (Oct. 2015)

51. “Wars of Words: Civility and Toleration in Early Modern Political Thought,” invited
Lecture, Department of Political Science, University of California at Davis (May

52. “Evangelical Toleration,” Ethics at Noon workshop, Centre for Ethics, University of
Toronto (Feb. 2015)

53. “Difference without Disagreement: Re-thinking the Tolerant Hobbes,” Political

Theory Workshop, Georgetown University (Jan. 2015)

54. “‘If It Be Without Contention’: Hobbes on Difference without Disagreement,”

Political Thought and Intellectual History Seminar, University of Cambridge (Feb.

55. “Toleration, Difference, Disagreement,” invited talk for “Religious Toleration in the
Modern World,” Goettingen Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and
Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbuettel, Germany (Jan. 2014)

56. “Mere Civility: Tolerating Disagreement in Early Modern England and America,”
Invited Lecture, Society of Fellows, Columbia University (Nov. 2013)

57. “The Difficult Work of Liberal Civility,” invited talk co-authored with Bryan Garsten,
invited paper for “Civility, Legality, and the Limits of Justice” conference at the
University of Alabama School of Law (Sep. 2013)

58. “Persecution of the Tongue: Roger Williams and John Locke on Toleration and Free
Expression,” Political Theory Workshop, Yale University (Oct. 2012)

1. Speaker and co-organizer (with R. Katz, JHU), “Free Speech: How much is too
much?,” European Consortium for Politics Research Annual Meeting, Toulouse,
France (April 2020).

2. Discussant, Roundtable on Ross Carroll’s Uncivil Mirth, Association for Political

Theory of Britain and Ireland Meeting, Oxford, UK (Jan 2020).


3. Discussant, “Democratic Toleration and its Discontents” and “Hobbes and Literary
Form,” APSA annual meeting, Boston, MA (Aug/Sep 2018).

4. Speaker, A Celebration of Alan Ryan, New College, Oxford (March 2018)


5. Conference on “Public Life and Religious Diversity,” Department of Politics and

International Relations, University of Oxford (Sep 2017).
• Organized and led conference workshop on “Lockean Toleration”

6. “Author meets Critics” Roundtable on Teresa Bejan’s Mere Civility, American

Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Aug/Sep 2017).

7. Manuscript workshop on Kinch Hoekstra’s Thomas Hobbes and the Politics of

Philosophy (OUP), King’s College, Cambridge (July 2017).

8. “Author Meets Critics” Roundtable on Teresa Bejan’s Mere Civility, Canadian

Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON (June 2017)

9. Conference on “The Historical Rawls,” Department of Politics and International

Relations, University of Oxford (May 2017)
• Co-organized with Sophie Smith
• Gave opening remarks on “Rawls and the History of Political Thought”

10. “Hobbes against Hate Speech,” invited paper for seminar on “Political Pluralism and
Religious Conflict,” University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK (May 2017).

11. “Divided We…?” Invited paper for conference on “E Pluribus Unum: Is America Still
a Country?”, St Vincent College, Latrobe, PA (April 2017).

12. “John Milton on Education,” paper presented at Oxford Seminar in Early Modern
Philosophy annual meeting, Mansfield College, University of Oxford (March 2017).

13. “Mere Civility?” invited paper for Association for Political Thought annual
conference, St. Catherine’s College, University of Oxford (Jan. 2017)

14. “Persecution of the Tongue”, invited paper for conference on “Law and Religion,”
University of Leiden/Kellogg College, University of Oxford (Dec. 2016).

15. American Political Science Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (Sep. 2016)

• Gave paper on “Reconsidering Tolerance: Theory and Practice for the 21st
Century,” co-authored with Calvert W. Jones (University of Maryland)
• Invited participant, “Author Meets Critics: Steven B. Smith, Modernity and its

16. “The Anti-Utopian Roger Williams,” invited paper for the Organization of American
Historians Annual Meeting, Providence, RI (April 2016)

17. “Liberal Toleration? Locke and Rawls on Concord,” paper presented at the Southern
Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Juan, PR (Jan. 2016)

18. Roundtable on Thomas Poole’s Reason of State (CUP) with David Wootton and
Chandran Kukathas, LSE legal theory workshop (Nov 2015).

19. “Mirrors for Citizens: The Political Thought of John Milton’s Of Education,”
American Political Science Association annual meeting, San Francisco, CA (Sep

20. “Hobbes Against Hate Speech,” paper presented at European Hobbes Society Annual
Meeting, King’s College, London, UK (April 2015)

21. “Persecution of the Tongue,” paper presented at Social Science History Association
Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON (Oct 2014)

22. “Evangelical Toleration,” paper presented at workshop on “The Toleration of

Tolerations,” Columbia Society of Fellows (April 2014)
• Workshop organizer, participants including Andrew Sabl, Ira Katznelson, and
Stephen Holmes.

23. Invited participant in roundtable discussion of Rainer Forst’s Toleration in Conflict,

Heyman Center for the Humanities, Columbia University (April 2014).

24. “‘If It Be Without Contention’: Hobbes on Difference without Disagreement,” paper

presented at the European Hobbes Society Annual Meeting, King’s College London
(April 2014)

25. “Evangelical Toleration?” Paper presented at the “Spectacle of Toleration,”

conference hosted by Newport Historical Society, Rhode Island (Oct 2013).

26. “Persecution of the Tongue: Toleration and Religious Insult in Early Liberal
Thought,” paper presented at the American Political Science Association annual
meeting, Chicago, IL (Aug 2013)

27. “Locke on Toleration, (In)civility, and the Quest for Concord,” paper accepted for
presentation at American Political Science Association meeting (Aug 2012)

28. “John Locke on Toleration, Comprehension, and Concord,” paper presented at the
Midwest Political Science Association annual meeting (April 2012).

29. Roundtable on Eric Foner’s The Fiery Trial, Yale Center for the Study of
Representative Institutions (Oct 2011).

30. “Freedom and Just Punishment in the Thought of John Locke,” paper presented at the
Midwest Political Science Association annual meeting (April 2011).

31. “Missionary Toleration: Roger Williams on Conversion and Civility,” paper

presented at the New England Political Science Association annual meeting (April
• Winner of Robert C. Wood Prize for best graduate paper in any field


Political Thought: Plato to Rousseau, undergraduate lecture series and tutorials, University
of Oxford (2015-present).
Political Thought: Bentham to Weber, undergraduate lectures, University of Oxford (2017-
Theory of Politics, undergraduate tutorials, University of Oxford (2015-present).
Politics Part A: Introduction to the Theory of Politics, undergraduate lectures and seminar,
University of Oxford (2015-present)
Equality: History and Theory, MPhil seminar, University of Oxford (Winter 2019).
Political Theories from Machiavelli to Burke, MPhil seminar, University of Oxford (Fall
2015, Fall 2017).
The Political and Ethical Thought of Plato and Aristotle, MPhil seminar, University of
Oxford (Fall 2016).
Research Design Seminar, MPhil seminar, University of Oxford (Spring 2016, Spring 2017).
Introduction to Political Theory, undergraduate lecture series, University of Toronto (2014-
Toleration and Its Limits, graduate seminar, University of Toronto (Fall 2014).
Foundations of American Political Thought, undergraduate seminar, Columbia University
(Spring 2014).
Contemporary Civilization, undergraduate core seminar, Columbia University (Fall 2013).
Modern Political Philosophy (as a Teaching Fellow), Yale University (Spring 2012).
Ancient Political Philosophy (as a Teaching Fellow), Yale University (Fall 2011).
Moral Foundations of Politics (as a Teaching Fellow), Yale University (Spring 2010).
Abraham Lincoln at 200 (as a Teaching Fellow), Yale University (Fall 2009).

MPhil/MSc Students in Politics:
Julian Pohl (2015-2016), Jamie Ranger (2016-2017), Russell Bogue (2016-2018),
Machmud Mahmudov (2017-2018), Eleanor Shearer (2017-2019),
Jinxue Chen (2018-2019), Hannah Durbin (2018-2020); Julian Goldmann (2019-

Ph.D. Students:
• Geertje Bol, Oxford (Thesis: “Virtuous Partisanship: Female Political Theorists in
18th-century England”)
• Connor Grubagh, Oxford (Thesis: Liberalism and Religion)
• Pablo Ortuzar, Oxford (Thesis: “Subsidiarity: History, Theory, and Current
• Zak Black, University of Toronto (Thesis: “Minding the Mundane: Rabelais,
Montaigne, and Hobbes”)
• Samuel Bruce, Oxford (Thesis: “Reflection as a Political Virtue”), submitted 2020.
• Russell Bogue, Oxford (Thesis: “Privacy: A Political Approach”), defended
• Ryan Berg, Oxford (Thesis: “Can courage be a liberal virtue?), defended 2018.

Editorial board member, Journal of Politics 2017-2019, reappointed 2020-2022
Editorial board member, Politics and Poetics, 2017-2019
Referee for American Political Science Review (APSR), American Journal of Political
Science (AJPS), Journal of Politics (JOP), Political Studies (PS), Review of Politics
(ROP), History of Political Thought (HPT), Political Studies (PS), Locke
Studies, Hobbes Studies, British Journal of the History of Philosophy, Journal of
Church and State, Law, Culture and the Humanities, Politics, European Journal of
Philosophy, Modern Intellectual History (MIH), University of Manchester Press,
University of Notre Dame Press


Organizer, “The Politics of Egalitarianism” conference, with Samuel Bagg, Nuffield
College, Oxford (winter 2021).
Organizer, workshop on Elizabeth Frazer’s Shakespeare and the Political Way (OUP, 2020),
New College, Oxford (September 2020).
Organizer, one-day workshop in celebration of Alan Ryan, New College, Oxford (March
Organizer, “The Face of Future War: A Conversation between David Patrikarikos and Stathis
Kalyvas,” Oriel College (May 2018).
Convener (with Elizabeth Frazer and Simon Caney), conference on “Public Life and
Religious Diversity,” University of Oxford (Sep 2017)
Convener (with Sophie Smith), conference on “The Historical Rawls,” Department of Politics
and International Relations, University of Oxford (May 2017)
Convener (with Sophie Smith), Oxford Political Thought Seminar (2017-2020)
Convener, Oxford Political Theory Research Seminar (Fall 2016)
Convener, Oxford History of Political Thought Seminar (2016-2017)
Organizer, “The Toleration of Tolerations” workshop, Society of Fellows, Columbia
University (April 2014).
Co-organizer, Roundtable on Rainer Forst’s Toleration in Conflict, Heyman Center for the
Humanities, Columbia University (April 2014).
Co-organizer, “Materiality,” invited lecture series, Columbia Society of Fellows (2014)
Convener, “Toleration and its Limits,” speaker series, Yale University (2012-2013)


Deputy Director of Undergraduate Studies, 2020-.
Political Theory Representative, Graduate Admissions Committee, DPIR, 2020-.
Chair of the Political Theory Panel, Department of Politics and IR, 2019-.
Oxford Political Theory Research Network Coordinator, DPIR, 2019-.
DPIR Undergraduate Studies Committee, 2019-.
DPIR Research Committee, 2019-.
Main Organizing Tutor in Politics, Oriel College, 2015-present.
Senior Member, undergraduate PPE Society, 2018-present.
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) Undergraduate Studies Committee, 2015-2016.
PPE Prelims Panel, 2016-present.
PPE Prelims Examiner, 2015-2017.

Political Theory Graduate Conference Coordinator, 2016-2017.


Elector, Carlyle Lectures in the History of Political Thought, 2016-present.
Assessor, Association for Political Theory Annual Meeting, 2019.
Member of European Hobbes Society, Association for Political Theory, Association for
Political Thought of Britain and Ireland, Conference for the Study of Political
Thought, Political Theory Research Network (Oxford), NOMOS


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