Gas Cleaning Technology

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Gas Cleaning Technology

Environmental Technologies
Gas Cleaning Technology

High-efficiency Gas Cleaning Systems are vital for the reliable

operation and long campaign life of high temperature hot blast
systems and steam generation facilities, and allow the opera-
tors to meet the relevant pollution control standards.

Thanks to the expertise of Paul Wurth Umwelttechnik GmbH,

the Group’s competence centre for the development of envi-
ronmental protection technologies for the metals industry, we
design and supply the full range of gas cleaning systems, gas
distribution equipment and processes designed to the high-
est levels of cleaning efficiency, safety and reliability as well as
providing the best possible environmental protection.

Salzgitter Flachstahl

We propose individual and flexible concepts, which are perfectly

adapted to the customer’s environmental, economic and
operational requirements:
 EPC (Engineering, procurement & construction) contracts,
on a turn-key basis
 Supply of single equipment items
 Revamping concepts for existing plants
 Concepts allowing a variable plant layout
Stahlwerke Bremen

Dry Dust Separation Technology

In the field of dry dust separation, the Paul Wurth solution can
be based on the following technologies:
 Dustcatcher
 Tangential Cyclone
 Axial Cyclone

The axial cyclone technology, successfully introduced by Paul

Wurth for the dry separation in blast furnace top gas cleaning,
shows how operational and economic aspects can be perfectly
combined. The high separation efficiency of up to 90 % helps
to minimise the operational cost and to optimise the residue
handling downstream of the plants.

Variable design:
 With or without inlet isolation valve
 Wear lining to guarantee long service life
 Dust discharge system

Axial cyclone
Thanks to the Paul Wurth Gritzko® valve,
the dust discharge system offers new
 Very precise control of discharge
flow rate
 Better sealing tightness due to
inflatable seals
 Less wear and longer life due to hard
faced protection

Gritzko® valve

Wet Separation Technology

In the field of wet gas cleaning techniques, the Paul Wurth

Annular Gap Scrubber is the state-of-the-art technology
for blast furnace gas cleaning and top pressure control.
It is designed as a two-stage scrubbing unit in one single
vessel. A demister installed downstream guarantees a
minimal droplet content at the outlet.

Pre-Scrubber stage
 Cooling and pre-cleaning of the gas
 Variable solution against corrosion and dust deposits

AGE-Scrubber stage
 Top pressure control with annular gap elements
 Fine cleaning of gas below 5 mg/m3 i.N.
Annular Gap Scrubber and Demister

Annular Gap Element

 Wear protected surface for long
service life
 Maintenance-free operation due to
improved stuffing box design

Droplet separation
 External swirl-type vertical or
inclined demister
 Free droplet content of clean gas
below 5 g/m3 i.N.

Paul Wurth spray nozzle

Gas Cleaning Technology

Primary Converter Dedusting with Paul Wurth Annular Gap Scrubber

Given the high accuracy of pres-

sure control and the efficiency of gas
cleaning, annular gap elements can
also be implemented for other tasks,
i.e. for primary converter dedusting.

Annular Gap Element for converter dedusting

The high flexibility of the equipment

design helps to fit into existing
structures in the frame of revamping
projects as well as into new plants.

Converter dedusting

Relying on an excellent knowledge of

the process, combined with operational
expertise, the energy consumption can
be decreased with accurate air factor
control and the clean gas dust content
at the flare stack reduced to less than
50 mg/m3 i.N.

Pressure control for converter dedusting

Energy & Cost-saving Technologies

Energy recovery by using top gas recovery tur-

bines (TRT) is the most proven technology for
blast furnace plants. Integrated solutions can
be easily realized and included into the process.

Top gas recovery turbine

For a further increased energy recovery, blast

furnace gas preheating can be added. The energy
output can be increased by 75 % by using excess
gases or exhaust gases from neighbouring plants.

Blast furnace gas pre-heating

If the blast furnace gas cleaning

plant is additionally equipped with
bag filter technology, the energy
output of the TRT is also increased
by approx. 15-20 %. Individual
solutions for high temperature
applications are possible.

Bag filter for dry blast furnace

gas cleaning

Bearing in mind the present and future ecological

challenges and further energy and cost-saving re-
quirements, our efforts in the field of industrial gas
cleaning will focus on combining existing solutions
and new technologies. One of our future projects
will concentrate on the carbon dioxide (CO2) capture
by using scrubber and regeneration technology.

We keep on finding the best solution!

Engineering & Technology worldwide
The Paul Wurth Group is today one of the world leaders in the design and supply of complete
plants, systems and processes as well as specialised mechanical equip ment for
„ the iron & steel industry:
Blast Furnaces & Auxiliary Plants
Coke Making Plants
Agglomeration Plants
Direct Reduction & Recycling Plants
Environmental Protection & Energy-Saving Technologies
„ other industries:
Systems & Equipment for Non-Ferrous Pyrometallurgy, Electrometallurgy & Residue Treatment
Integrated Automated Handling & Storage Solutions
Civil & Environmental Engineering

Feasibility Studies – Conceptual, Basic and Detail Engineering – Project Management – Plant and Components Supply –
Turnkey Projects – Assistance in Plant Assembly and Commissioning – Technology and Operations Consultancy –
After-sales Services

© Copyright 2013 Paul Wurth S.A. – all rights reserved

Non Contractual Data: Paul Wurth believes that the data contained in this folder are correct and accurate, but cannot guarantee same or better performances for any
specific site without a detailed quote. Patents and Patents pending. — Paul Wurth equipment and processes are protected in many countries by patents.
Paul Wurth, the Paul Wurth Logo and Gritzko are trademarks of Paul Wurth S.A. and may be registered in your jurisdiction.

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Paul Wurth Paul Wurth de Chile Ltda Paul Wurth International S.A.
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Paul Wurth ASIA
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