Coiled Tubing Interventions

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Coiled T ubing Int er v ent ions

- CT I
Dis cip line: Production and Completions Engineering
L evel: Foundation
Durat io n: 5 days
Ins t ruct o r( s ) : Diego Londono

Coiled T ubing is one of the most common technologies used for well intervention on a
daily basis throughout the oil industry during drilling, completion, and mainly production
phases of oil and gas wells around the world. T his course covers the surface and
pressure control equipment, the bottomhole assembly components, the details of the
different types of interventions performed with Coiled T ubing and how to deal with fatigue
and corrosion. Participants will also learn to calculate the string operating limits and the
volumes and rates during nitrogen interventions.T he final part presents an extensive
coverage of emergency responses and contingencies to deal with in a wide variety of
scenarios. A generous amount of time is spent in practical exercises, and technical
concepts are enhanced with pictures, videos and numerous real field cases and
problems. Participants will gain the knowledge to actively and efficiently participate in
Coiled T ubing intervention's planning, design, and/or execution.

Des ig ned Fo r:
Drilling and completion engineers, production engineers, surface/subsurface
engineers, operations engineers and service company managers, field engineers,
supervisors and operators and those professionals willing to expand their knowledge in
coiled tubing and nitrogen interventions planning, design and/or execution.

Y o u Will L earn:
How to:

Plan, design, manage and execute Coiled T ubing interventions

Improve the overall operational performance during Coiled T ubing interventions
Select or recommend Coiled T ubing equipment for given field conditions and
Select the proper pressure control equipment for any particular well condition
Calculate the appropriate size of accumulators for a Coiled T ubing unit
Select the most commonly used downhole tools and explain their function
Calculate and define Coiled T ubing string limits
Recognize, prevent, and manage corrosive and sour conditions and their impact
Work safely with liquid nitrogen
Calculate nitrogen volumes required for a given application
T ake appropriate actions during emergency responses and contingencies

Co urs e Co nt ent :
Surface equipment
Pressure control equipment
Bottomhole assembly components
Pumping operations
Mechanical operations
CT drilling operations
Coiled tubing strings
Operational limits
Life estimation (fatigue)
String management
Emergency responses and contingencies

Ins t ruct o rs :

MR. DIEGO LONDONO is a Petroleum Engineer with 19+ years of experience in rigless
well interventions acquired while working with major Services and E&P companies in
different locations around the world. His comprehensive professional experience
includes coiled tubing interventions, stimulation operations, slick/braided line and
electric line interventions, hydraulic fracturing and production testing. Mr. Londono
started his career working for Halliburton for 7.5 years as a Stimulation and Coiled
T ubing Field Engineer. He then worked 3 years for BP as Well Interventions Engineer
(Company Man) in rigless well interventions. He joined ENI, and spent 3 years working in
the giant Kashagan offshore project in the Caspian Sea as Coiled T ubing/Well
Intervention Engineer. T hen, he worked for 4.5 years as a Senior Well Interventions
Engineer consultant for BP/Equion Energia in Colombia. For the last two years he has
been working/consulting for operator and services companies in the Middle East (UAE
and Saudi Arabia). Mr. Londono has been a Well Interventions instructor for the past 6
years, and has also been an IWCF Well Interventions certified instructor in the past.

In-Ho us e Co urs e P res ent at io ns

All courses are available for in-house presentation to individual organizations. In-house
courses may be structured the same as the public versions or tailored to meet your
requirements. Special courses on virtually any petroleum-related subject can be
arranged specifically for in-house presentation. For further information, contact our In-
House T raining Coordinator at one of the numbers listed below.
T elephone 1- 832 426 1234
Facsimile 1- 832 426 1244

P ub lic Co urs e P res ent at io ns

How to contact PetroSkills:
1-800-821-5933 toll-free in North America or
T elephone 1-918-828-2500
Facsimile 1-918-828-2580
Address P.O. Box 35448, T ulsa, Oklahoma 74153-0448, U.S.A

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