Kingspan Flooring System UK
Kingspan Flooring System UK
Kingspan Flooring System UK
(27.9) Rn7 M2
Third Issue May 2018
Flooring System
Low Energy –
Low Carbon Buildings
Introduction Design Service
The Problem
When constructing a floor in new build situations or replacing The Kingspan Flooring System comprises
a floor in existing buildings there may be a requirement for 2 elements: Kingspan panels and Kingspan
both low U–values and the thinnest possible floor build–up. flex infill strips. It comes with a supporting
For new–build applications, there are increasing regulatory design service which ensures the ratio of Kingspan
requirements and economic reasons to improve energy panels to Kingspan flex
efficiency. One of the more efficient approaches is to improve for each project is maximised. The panel layout will be
the thermal performance of the building fabric whilst keeping designed quickly and effectively, ready for client approval.
the overall construction as thin as possible. There are already Each layout will illustrate the size, number and location of the
high performance insulation products available that will fulfil Kingspan panels. It will also illustrate the size,
some of these requirements, however in certain areas, for number and location of any Kingspan flex
example where the design requirements are such, a new, strips required.
thinner, product is needed. Examples of a typical design layout can be seen in Figures
In refurbishment there is arguably a greater need to keep 1 & 2.
floor build–ups as thin as possible. With space at a premium, For more details please contact the Kingspan Insulation
there may be little room for installing new floor insulation. Technical Service Department (see rear cover).
Greater thicknesses of floor insulation will necessitate the
removal of a greater depth of material and may mean ground
floor door lintels, radiators and skirting boards etc, all need to
be raised. This could add to the cost and time of installing a Kingspan
replacement concrete floor.
The Solution
The Kingspan Flooring System has been
developed to help solve these problems. The Kingspan
Flooring System is an optimum performance
next generation insulation solution from Kingspan Insulation.
It comprises of rigid vacuum insulation panels with a
microporous core which is evacuated, encased and sealed
in a thin, gas–tight envelope, giving outstanding thermal
conductivity, and providing the thinnest possible solution
to insulation problems. The vacuum insulation panels are
accompanied by rigid thermoset insulation infill panels which
can be used where the remaining dimension to infill is below Figure 1: A typical terraced property with a solid concrete ground
based floor
300 mm or can be cut to fit around problem areas such as
penetrations or load bearing walls.
Figure 2: A typical property with a beam and dense block ground floor
Typical Constructions and U–values
Cavity Board
Assessing the Competency of Persons to Undertake U–value Kingspan
and Condensation Risk Calculations, using the method detailed
in BS / I.S. EN ISO 13370: 2017 (Thermal performance of Top surface of
beam and block
buildings. Heat transfer via the ground. Calculation methods) floor grouted
and using the conventions set out in BR 443 (Conventions for
U–value calculations). They are valid for the constructions shown overlap min.
150 / 225*** mm
in the details immediately above each table. from bottom of
wall insulation to
top of insulation
Unlike roofs, walls and intermediate floors, U–value calculations upstand
for ground floors cannot be calculated with reference to
the construction detail alone. Heat loss from ground floors Protection layer**
depends upon the ratio of the exposed floor perimeter to the 100 mm deep dense Separation Damp proof flex
block infill* layer membrane
total floor area, the thickness of any basement wall and the
depth of any basement. Figure 3
Floor dimensions should be measured between the finished
internal surfaces of the external walls. Non–usable heated U–values (W/m2.K) for Various Thicknesses of
space such as ducts and stairwells should be included when the Kingspan Flooring System and
Floor Perimeter / Area Ratios
determining the area of the floor. Unheated spaces outside
Insulant Perimeter / Area (m–1)
of the insulated fabric, such as attached garages or porches,
should be excluded when determining the area of the floor, (mm) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
but the length of the wall between the heated building and 20 0.22 0.25 0.27
0.28 0.29 0.30
the unheated space should be included when determining 25 0.20 0.22 0.23
0.24 0.25 0.26
the perimeter. The floor dimensions of semi–detached, 30 0.18 0.20 0.21
0.22 0.22 0.23
40 0.15 0.16 0.17
0.18 0.18 0.18
terraced or other joined premises / dwellings can be taken 50 0.13 0.14 0.15
0.15 0.15 0.16
either as those of the premises / dwelling itself or those of 60 0.12 0.12 0.13
0.13 0.13 0.13
the whole building. Where extensions to existing buildings are 30 + 40**** 0.10 0.11 0.11
0.12 0.12 0.12
40 + 40 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11
under consideration, the floor dimensions should be taken as
* Calculations assume dense block infill of λ–value (1.13 W/m.K).
those of the extension. ** Refer to sitework.
*** 150 mm applies to the UK and 225 mm to the Republic of Ireland.
If the P/A ratio lies between two of the numbers shown in the **** Where multiple layers of insulation of different thicknesses are used, the thickest layer
tables that follow, for a safe estimate, please use the P/A ratio should be installed as the outermost layer in the construction.
NB Refer to local distributor or Kingspan Insulation price list for current stock and non–stock
shown that is the next highest i.e. for 0.57 use 0.6. sizes.
NB The figures quoted are for guidance only. A detailed U–value calculation should be NB For the purposes of these calculations, the bridging effect Kingspan
completed for each individual project. flex has been taken to be 15%. This figure is a starting point, for accurate calculations a
NB For the purposes of these calculations, using the method as detailed in BS / I.S. EN design will be required and the bridging effect may change the U–values achieved.
ISO 13370: 2007, the soil has been assumed to be gravel or sand, the wall insulation is
assumed to overlap the floor insulation by minimum 150 / 225* mm for a concrete floor
and 200 mm for a timber floor, and the standard of workmanship has been assumed
good and therefore the correction factor for air gaps has been ignored.
NB For the purposes of these calculations, the bridging effect of the Kingspan
flex has been taken to be 15%. This figure is a starting point, for accurate calculations a
design will be required and the bridging effect may change the U–values achieved.
NB If your construction is different from those specified and / or to gain a comprehensive
U–value calculation for your project please consult the Kingspan Insulation Technical
Service Department for assistance (see rear cover).
* 150 mm applies to the UK and 225 mm to the Republic of Ireland.
Typical Constructions and U–values
Concrete slab
Insulation Insulation
overlap min. overlap min.
150 / 225** mm 150 / 225** mm
from bottom from bottom of
of wall wall insulation
insulation to to top of floor
top of insulation insulation
Kingspan control layer
flex Hardcore Concrete slab Damp proof
Protection layer* Separation Damp proof membrane
layer membrane
Figure 4 Figure 5
U–values (W/m2.K) for Various Thicknesses of U–values (W/m2.K) for Various Thicknesses of the Kingspan
the Kingspan Flooring System and Flooring System (with an 18 mm Tongue and
Floor Perimeter / Area Ratios Grooved Chipboard Overlay) and Floor Perimeter / Area Ratios
Insulant Perimeter / Area (m–1) Insulant Perimeter / Area (m–1)
Thickness Thickness
(mm) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (mm) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
20 0.19 0.22 0.24
0.26 0.27 0.28 20 0.18 0.22 0.24
0.25 0.27 0.28
25 0.17 0.20 0.22
0.23 0.24 0.25 25 0.17 0.19 0.21
0.22 0.23 0.24
30 0.15 0.18 0.19
0.21 0.21 0.22 30 0.15 0.17 0.19
0.20 0.21 0.22
40 0.13 0.15 0.16
0.17 0.18 0.18 40 0.13 0.15 0.16
0.17 0.17 0.18
50 0.12 0.13 0.14
0.14 0.15 0.15 50 0.11 0.13 0.14
0.14 0.15 0.15
60 0.10 0.11 0.12
0.13 0.13 0.13 60 0.10 0.11 0.12
0.12 0.13 0.13
30 + 40*** 0.09 0.10 0.11
0.11 0.11 0.12 30 + 40*** 0.09 0.10 0.11
0.11 0.11 0.12
40 + 40 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 40 + 40 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
* Refer to sitework. * Refer to sitework.
** 150 mm applies to the UK and 225 mm to the Republic of Ireland. ** 150 mm applies to the UK and 225 mm to the Republic of Ireland.
*** Where multiple layers of insulation of different thicknesses are used, the thickest layer *** Where multiple layers of insulation of different thicknesses are used, the thickest layer
should be installed as the outermost layer in the construction. should be installed as the outermost layer in the construction.
NB Refer to local distributor or Kingspan Insulation price list for current stock and non–stock NB Refer to local distributor or Kingspan Insulation price list for current stock and non–stock
sizes. sizes.
NB For the purposes of these calculations, the bridging effect Kingspan NB For the purposes of these calculations, the bridging effect Kingspan
flex has been taken to be 15%. This figure is a starting point, for accurate calculations a flex has been taken to be 15%. This figure is a starting point, for accurate calculations a
design will be required and the bridging effect may change the U–values achieved.
design will be required and the bridging effect may change the U–values achieved.
Figure 6: Intermittent Heating Applications – Below the Floor Screed Figure 8: Intermittent Heating Applications – Beam and Block Floor
Heating pipes
Design Considerations
Responsible Sourcing NBS Specifications
Responsible Sourcing Details also available in NBS Plus.
Kingspan produced at Kingspan Insulation’s NBS users should refer to clause(s):
Pembridge manufacturing facility is certified to BES 6001 M10 40, M10 290, M13 40 and M13 260.
(Framework Standard for the Responsible Sourcing of
Construction Products) ‘Very Good’. Design Standards
Consideration should be given to the recommendations of
BS 8102: 2009 (Code of practice for protection of buildings
against water from the ground), BS 8215: 1991 (Code of
practice for design and installation of damp proof courses in
masonry construction), and the information given in Building
NB The above information is correct at the time of writing. Please confirm at the point of need
by contacting Kingspan Insulation’s Technical Service Department (see rear cover), from
Research Establishment Digest 104 (Floor Screeds).
which a copy of Kingspan Insulation’s BES 6001 certificate can be obtained.
Sustainability & Responsibility The Kingspan Flooring System is not
Kingspan Insulation has a long–term commitment to recommended for use in direct contact with subsoil and must
sustainability and responsibility: as a manufacturer and supplier be positioned above the DPM.
of insulation products; as an employer; as a substantial
landholder; and as a key member of its neighbouring Lightning Protection
communities. Building Designers should give consideration to the
A report covering the sustainability and responsibility of requirements of BS / IS EN 62305 : 2011 (Protection against
Kingspan Insulation Ltd’s operations at its Pembridge, lightning).
Herefordshire and Selby, North Yorkshire manufacturing
facilities is available at Protection Layer The Kingspan Flooring System can be
supplied with a bonded protection layer. For further information
Specification Clause please contact the Kingspan Insulation Technical Service
Kingspan panels should be described in Department (see rear cover).
specifications as:–
flaps against the substrate. walls until it is sufficiently above the height of the wall DPC
so that it will connect with or form the DPC.
l Starting at each external corner of the floor proceed to
lay Kingspan across the floor area in a l To comply with NHBC recommendations, preservative
break bond pattern with all panel joints lightly butted (see treated softwood timber battens should be positioned at
Figures 1 & 2). Where runs of Kingspan doorways, access panels and to support partitions.
do not accurately fit the dimension of the floor the use The size of the battens selected should ensure that, when
of Kingspan flex strips is required to installed, the top surface of the insulation panels are flush
make up this difference. Each Kingspan with the top of the battens.
flex strip is to be the same thickness as the Kingspan l A protection layer should be used under the Kingspan
panels. Flooring System. For further information
l A strip of Kingspan flex (minimum 25 mm please contact the Kingspan Insulation Technical Service
thickness) should be placed vertically around the perimeter Department (see rear cover).
of the floor slab in order to reduce cold bridging. The top
l The Kingspan Flooring System panels
of the vertical strip of the Kingspan flex
should always be loose–laid, break bonded where
should be level with the top of the floor screed and the
practical, with all joints lightly butted. All Kingspan
bottom should be level with the bottom of the horizontal
panels are to be installed with the film
floor insulation, and closely butted up to it.
flaps against the substrate.
l A protection layer may be used over the insulation. For
further information please contact the Kingspan Insulation
Technical Service Department (see rear cover).
l Insulation panels (both Kingspan and
any Kingspan flex strips used) should be
overlaid with a separation layer (not less than 125 micron
/ 500 gauge) to prevent the wet screed penetrating the
joints between the boards and to act as a vapour control
layer. Ensure the separation layer has 150 mm overlaps,
taped at the joints, and is turned up 100 mm at the walls.
l Starting at each external corner of the floor proceed to l The Kingspan Flooring System should
lay Kingspan across the floor area not be used in association with solvent–based adhesive
in a break bond pattern with all panel joints lightly systems.
butted. Where runs of Kingspan do l The Kingspan Flooring System should
not accurately fit the dimensions of the floor the use of not be exposed to naked flames or excessive heat.
Kingspan flex strips is required to make
up this difference (see Figures 1 & 2). Each Kingspan
l Kingspan panels should not be cut
flex strip is to be the same thickness as
or penetrated.
the Kingspan panels.
l The substrate must be clean, dry and level, and free of
l A protection layer should be used over the insulation.
sharp objects or edges.
For further information please contact the Kingspan
Insulation Technical Service Department l Cutting of the Kingspan flex strips should
(see rear cover). be carried out either by using a fine toothed saw, or by
scoring with a sharp knife, snapping the board over a
l Insulation panels (both Kingspan and
straight edge and then cutting the facing on the other side.
any Kingspan flex strips used) should be
overlaid with a separation layer (not less than 125 micron l Ensure accurate trimming of the Kingspan
/ 500 gauge), to act as a slip layer, and a vapour control flex strips to achieve close–butting joints and continuity
layer. Ensure the polythene sheet has 150 mm overlaps, of insulation.
taped at the joints, and is turned up 100 mm at the walls. Availability
l The Kingspan Flooring System can l Please contact Kingspan Insulation for availability of the
be used in conjunction with a number of flooring overlays, Kingspan Flooring System.
such as timber floor boards or gypsum fibre boards.
Packaging and Storage
For more information please contact the Kingspan
l The packaging of the Kingspan Flooring
Insulation Technical Service Department (see rear
System should not be considered adequate for outdoor
cover). Flooring overlays should be installed as per the
protection. The Kingspan Flooring
manufacturer’s instructions.
System should be stored inside a building and raised off
the floor.
Wheeled / Foot Traffic
l Kingspan panels should not be walked on. Health and Safety
A protective foot or crawl board should be used during the l Kingspan Insulation products are chemically inert and safe
installation process. to use.
l A Safety Information Data Sheet for this product is
available from the Kingspan Insulation website or
Please note that the reflective surface on this product is designed to enhance its thermal
performance. As such, it will reflect light as well as heat, including ultraviolet light.
Therefore, if this panel is being installed during very bright or sunny weather, it is advisable to
wear UV protective sunglasses or goggles, and if the skin is exposed for a significant period of
time, to protect the bare skin with a UV block sun cream.
The reflective facing used on this product can be slippery underfoot when wet. Therefore, it is
recommended that any excess material should be contained to avoid a slip hazard.
Product Details
If installed correctly and protected from damage and
penetration, the Kingspan Flooring System
can provide reliable long–term thermal performance over the
lifetime of the building.
Kingspan Insulation
� Tapered Roofing Systems l Manufactured with a blowing agent that has zero Ozone
Depletion Potential (ODP).
� Cavity Closers
� Kingspan KoolDuct® Pre–Insulated Ducting All Products
l Unaffected by air infiltration – a problem that can be
� Kingspan nilvent ® Breathable Membranes
experienced with mineral fibre and which can reduce
� Kingspan TEK® Building System
thermal performance.
l Safe and easy to install.
l If installed correctly, can provide reliable long term thermal
performance over the lifetime of the building.
l Each product achieves the required fire performance for its
intended application.
Contact Details
UK – Tel: +44 (0) 1544 387 383 Kingspan Insulation Ltd. reserves the right to amend product specifications without prior notice.
– Fax: +44 (0) 1544 387 483 Product thicknesses shown in this document should not be taken as being available ex–stock
and reference should be made to the current Kingspan Insulation price–list or advice sought
– email: from Kingspan Insulation’s Customer Service Department (see above left). The information,
technical details and fixing instructions etc. included in this literature are given in good faith
Ireland – Tel: +353 (0) 42 975 4297 and apply to uses described. Recommendations for use should be verified for suitability and
– Fax: +353 (0) 42 975 4296 compliance with actual requirements, specifications and any applicable laws and regulations.
For other applications or conditions of use, Kingspan Insulation offers a Technical Advisory
– email: Service (see above), the advice of which should be sought for uses of Kingspan Insulation
products that are not specifically described herein. Please check that your copy of this literature
is current by contacting the Kingspan Insulation Marketing Department (see left).