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Specification of Operating System

AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Document Title Specification of Operating

Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 034

Document Status Final

Part of AUTOSAR Standard Classic Platform
Part of Standard Release 4.3.1

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2017-12-08 4.3.1 AUTOSAR  minor corrections / clarifications /
editorial changes; For details please
refer to the ChangeDocumentation
2016-11-30 4.3.0 AUTOSAR  Added new API for peripheral
 Added new API for interrupt
 Minor updates/clarification of
 Editorial changes
2015-07-31 4.2.2 AUTOSAR  Allow calls to ControlIdle from all
 Minor updates/clarification of
 Editorial changes
2014-10-31 4.2.1 AUTOSAR  Add support for AsilQmProtection
 Minor updates/clarification of
 Editorial changes
2014-03-31 4.1.3 AUTOSAR  Changed multiplicity of attributes in
 Minor updates/clarification of
 Editorial changes

1 of 255 Document ID 034: AUTOSAR_SWS_OS

- AUTOSAR confidential -
Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2013-10-31 4.1.2 AUTOSAR  Clarification on
 Update of table 2
 Corrected multiplicity of
 Minor updates/clarification of
 Editorial changes
 Removed chapter(s) on change
2013-03-15 4.1.1 AUTOSAR  Add support for ECU degradation
 Changed service interface
description to a formal format
 Several minor changes and
2011-12-22 4.0.3 AUTOSAR  Included MultiCore support from
former “Specification of Multi-Core
OS Architecture”
2010-09-30 3.1.5 AUTOSAR  Clarification in 7.8.1 (meaning of "do
nothing") and ("OSEK
 Minor changes as typos and
2010-02-02 3.1.4 AUTOSAR  Extension of services (Chapter 12)
 States in OS- Applications
 Active termination of other OS-
Applications in possible (Chapter8)
 Legal disclaimer revised
 Chapter 10.4 revised
2009-02-04 3.1.2 AUTOSAR  Changes in OS configuration:
 removed "OsAppModeId" Parameter
from OsAppModeContainer
 added optional references from
OsAppModeContainer to OsAlarm,
OsTask and OsScheduleTable
2008-08-13 3.1.1 AUTOSAR  Legal Disclaimer revised

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- AUTOSAR confidential -
Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2008-02-01 3.0.2 AUTOSAR  Added “OsScheduleTableDuration”
parameter to configuration
specification chapter
2007-12-21 3.0.1 AUTOSAR  Changed methods for timing
 Moved configuration from OIL to
 Clarrified description for
synchronization and schedule tables
 Document meta information
 Small layout adaptations made
2007-01-24 2.1.15 AUTOSAR  Added support for
(SWFRT) incl. 2 new APIs
 Added API to start a schedule table
 Misc. Corrections, Clarification and
further explanations
 Legal disclaimer revised
 Release Notes added
 “Advice for users” revised
 “Revision Information” added
2006-05-16 2.0 AUTOSAR  Document structure adapted to
common Release 2.0 SWS
 Major changes in chapter 10
 Structure of document changed
 Other changes see chapter 14
2005-05-31 1.0 AUTOSAR  Initial Release

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- AUTOSAR confidential -
Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1


This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained
in it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for the purpose of information only. AUTOSAR
and the companies that have contributed to it shall not be liable for any use of the

The material contained in this work is protected by copyright and other types of
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This work may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any form or by
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work may be utilized or reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission
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The work has been developed for automotive applications only. It has neither been
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The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.

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- AUTOSAR confidential -
Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Table of Content
1 Introduction and functional overview ................................................................. 11

2 Acronyms and abbreviations ............................................................................. 12

2.1 Glossary of Terms ...................................................................................... 12
3 Related documentation...................................................................................... 17
3.1 Input documents ......................................................................................... 17
3.2 Related standards and norms .................................................................... 18
3.2.1 ISO 17356 ........................................................................................... 18
3.3 Company Reports, Academic Work, etc. .................................................... 18
3.4 Related specification .................................................................................. 18
4 Constraints and assumptions ............................................................................ 19
4.1 Existing Standards ..................................................................................... 19
4.2 Terminology ............................................................................................... 19
4.3 Interaction with the RTE ............................................................................. 19
4.4 Operating System Abstraction Layer (OSAL) ............................................. 20
4.5 Multi-Core Hardware assumptions ............................................................. 20
4.5.1 CPU Core features .............................................................................. 20
4.5.2 Memory features ................................................................................. 21
4.5.3 Multi-Core Limitations ......................................................................... 21
4.6 Limitations .................................................................................................. 22
4.6.1 Hardware............................................................................................. 22
4.6.2 Programming Language ...................................................................... 22
4.6.3 Miscellaneous ..................................................................................... 23
4.7 Applicability to car domains ........................................................................ 23
5 Dependencies to other modules ........................................................................ 24
5.1 File structure .............................................................................................. 24
5.1.1 Code file structure ............................................................................... 24
5.1.2 Header file structure ............................................................................ 24
6 Requirements Traceability ................................................................................. 26

7 Functional specification ..................................................................................... 36

7.1 Core OS ..................................................................................................... 36
7.1.1 Background & Rationale ..................................................................... 36
7.1.2 Requirements ...................................................................................... 36
7.2 Software Free Running Timer .................................................................... 39
7.3 Schedule Tables......................................................................................... 40
7.3.1 Background & Rationale ..................................................................... 40
7.3.2 Requirements ...................................................................................... 40
7.4 Schedule Table Synchronization ................................................................ 47
7.4.1 Background & Rationale ..................................................................... 47
7.4.2 Requirements ...................................................................................... 49
7.5 Stack Monitoring Facilities .......................................................................... 56
7.5.1 Background & Rationale ..................................................................... 56
7.5.2 Requirements ...................................................................................... 56
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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

7.6 OS-Application ........................................................................................... 57

7.6.1 Background & Rationale ..................................................................... 57
7.6.2 Requirements ...................................................................................... 59
7.7 Protection Facilities .................................................................................... 61
7.7.1 Memory Protection .............................................................................. 61
7.7.2 Timing Protection ................................................................................ 64
7.7.3 Service Protection ............................................................................... 70
7.7.4 Protecting the Hardware used by the OS ............................................ 76
7.7.5 Providing »Trusted Functions«............................................................ 77
7.8 Protection Error Handling ........................................................................... 78
7.8.1 Background & Rationale ..................................................................... 78
7.8.2 Requirements ...................................................................................... 79
7.9 Operating System for Multi-Core ................................................................ 81
7.9.1 Background & Rationale ..................................................................... 82
7.9.2 Scheduling .......................................................................................... 82
7.9.3 Locatable entities (LE) ........................................................................ 83
7.9.4 Multi-Core start-up concept ................................................................. 84
7.9.5 Cores under control of the AUTOSAR OS .......................................... 86
7.9.6 Cores which are not controlled by the AUTOSAR OS ......................... 87
7.9.7 Multi-Core shutdown concept .............................................................. 88
7.9.8 OS service functionality (overview) ..................................................... 89
7.9.9 GetTaskID ........................................................................................... 91
7.9.10 Interrupt disabling................................................................................ 91
7.9.11 TASK activation................................................................................... 92
7.9.12 TASK Chaining.................................................................................... 92
7.9.13 EVENT setting..................................................................................... 93
7.9.14 Activating additional cores .................................................................. 93
7.9.15 Start of the OS .................................................................................... 93
7.9.16 TASK termination ................................................................................ 94
7.9.17 Termination of OS-Applications........................................................... 95
7.9.18 Shutdown of the OS ............................................................................ 95
7.9.19 Waiting for EVENTs ............................................................................ 96
7.9.20 Calling trusted functions ...................................................................... 96
7.9.21 Invoking reschedule ............................................................................ 97
7.9.22 RESOURCE occupation ..................................................................... 97
7.9.23 The CoreID.......................................................................................... 97
7.9.24 COUNTERs, background & rationale .................................................. 98
7.9.25 Multi-Core restrictions on COUNTERs ................................................ 99
7.9.26 Synchronization of COUNTERs ........................................................ 100
7.9.27 ALARMs ............................................................................................ 100
7.9.28 Schedule tables................................................................................. 101
7.9.29 The spinlock mechanism ................................................................... 102
7.9.30 Offline checks.................................................................................... 105
7.9.31 Auto start Objects.............................................................................. 106
7.10 Inter-OS-Application Communicator (IOC) ............................................... 106
7.10.1 Background & Rationale ................................................................... 106
7.10.2 IOC - General purpose ...................................................................... 107
7.10.3 IOC functionality ................................................................................ 108
7.10.4 IOC interface ..................................................................................... 109
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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

7.10.5 IOC internal structure ........................................................................ 110

7.10.6 IOC configuration and generation ..................................................... 110
7.10.7 IOC integration examples .................................................................. 111
7.10.8 Future extensions.............................................................................. 114
7.11 System Scalability .................................................................................... 114
7.11.1 Background & Rationale ................................................................... 114
7.11.2 Requirements .................................................................................... 116
7.12 Hook Functions ........................................................................................ 117
7.12.1 Background & Rationale ................................................................... 117
7.12.2 Requirements .................................................................................... 117
7.13 Hardware peripheral access ..................................................................... 118
7.13.1 Background & Rationale ................................................................... 118
7.13.2 Requirements .................................................................................... 119
7.14 Interrupt source API ................................................................................. 119
7.14.1 Background & Rationale ................................................................... 119
7.14.2 Requirements .................................................................................... 120
7.15 Error classification .................................................................................... 120
8 API specification .............................................................................................. 122
8.1 Constants ................................................................................................. 122
8.1.1 Error codes of type StatusType ......................................................... 122
8.2 Macros ..................................................................................................... 122
8.3 Type definitions ........................................................................................ 122
8.3.1 ApplicationType (for OS-Applications) .............................................. 123
8.3.2 ApplicationStateType ........................................................................ 123
8.3.3 ApplicationStateRefType ................................................................... 123
8.3.4 TrustedFunctionIndexType................................................................ 123
8.3.5 TrustedFunctionParameterRefType .................................................. 123
8.3.6 AccessType....................................................................................... 124
8.3.7 ObjectAccessType ............................................................................ 124
8.3.8 ObjectTypeType ................................................................................ 124
8.3.9 MemoryStartAddressType................................................................. 124
8.3.10 MemorySizeType .............................................................................. 125
8.3.11 ISRType ............................................................................................ 125
8.3.12 ScheduleTableType .......................................................................... 125
8.3.13 ScheduleTableStatusType ................................................................ 125
8.3.14 ScheduleTableStatusRefType........................................................... 126
8.3.15 ProtectionReturnType ....................................................................... 126
8.3.16 RestartType....................................................................................... 126
8.3.17 PhysicalTimeType ............................................................................. 126
8.3.18 CoreIdType ....................................................................................... 127
8.3.19 SpinlockIdType.................................................................................. 127
8.3.20 TryToGetSpinlockType ..................................................................... 127
8.3.21 IdleModeType ................................................................................... 127
8.3.22 AreaIdType........................................................................................ 127
8.4 Function definitions .................................................................................. 128
8.4.1 GetApplicationID ............................................................................... 128
8.4.2 GetCurrentApplicationID ................................................................... 128
8.4.3 GetISRID ........................................................................................... 129
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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

8.4.4 CallTrustedFunction .......................................................................... 130

8.4.5 CheckISRMemoryAccess ................................................................. 132
8.4.6 CheckTaskMemoryAccess ................................................................ 133
8.4.7 CheckObjectAccess .......................................................................... 133
8.4.8 CheckObjectOwnership .................................................................... 134
8.4.9 StartScheduleTableRel ..................................................................... 135
8.4.10 StartScheduleTableAbs .................................................................... 136
8.4.11 StopScheduleTable ........................................................................... 137
8.4.12 NextScheduleTable ........................................................................... 138
8.4.13 StartScheduleTableSynchron............................................................ 140
8.4.14 SyncScheduleTable .......................................................................... 141
8.4.15 SetScheduleTableAsync ................................................................... 142
8.4.16 GetScheduleTableStatus .................................................................. 143
8.4.17 IncrementCounter ............................................................................. 144
8.4.18 GetCounterValue .............................................................................. 145
8.4.19 GetElapsedValue .............................................................................. 146
8.4.20 TerminateApplication ........................................................................ 147
8.4.21 AllowAccess ...................................................................................... 149
8.4.22 GetApplicationState .......................................................................... 149
8.4.23 GetNumberOfActivatedCores............................................................ 150
8.4.24 GetCoreID ......................................................................................... 151
8.4.25 StartCore ........................................................................................... 151
8.4.26 StartNonAutosarCore ........................................................................ 152
8.4.27 GetSpinlock ....................................................................................... 153
8.4.28 ReleaseSpinlock ............................................................................... 154
8.4.29 TryToGetSpinlock ............................................................................. 155
8.4.30 ShutdownAllCores ............................................................................. 157
8.4.31 ControlIdle ......................................................................................... 157
8.4.32 ReadPeripheralX ............................................................................... 158
8.4.33 WritePeripheralX ............................................................................... 159
8.4.34 ModifyPeripheralX ............................................................................. 161
8.4.35 EnableInterruptSource ...................................................................... 163
8.4.36 DisableInterruptSource ..................................................................... 163
8.4.37 ClearPendingInterrupt ....................................................................... 164
8.5 IOC ........................................................................................................... 164
8.5.1 Imported types .................................................................................. 164
8.5.2 Type definitions ................................................................................. 164
8.5.3 Constants .......................................................................................... 164
8.5.4 Function definitions ........................................................................... 166
8.6 Expected Interfaces.................................................................................. 177
8.6.1 Mandatory Interfaces ........................................................................ 177
8.6.2 Optional Interfaces ............................................................................ 177
8.7 Hook functions.......................................................................................... 179
8.7.1 Protection Hook................................................................................. 179
8.7.2 Application specific StartupHook ....................................................... 180
8.7.3 Application specific ErrorHook .......................................................... 180
8.7.4 Application specific ShutdownHook .................................................. 181
8.8 Service Interfaces..................................................................................... 181
8.8.1 Port interface of Os ........................................................................... 181
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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

8.8.2 Client-Server-Interfaces .................................................................... 182

9 Sequence diagrams......................................................................................... 185
9.1 Sequence chart for calling trusted functions............................................. 185
9.2 Sequence chart for usage of ErrorHook ................................................... 186
9.3 Sequence chart for ProtectionHook.......................................................... 187
9.4 Sequence chart for StartupHook .............................................................. 188
9.5 Sequence chart for ShutdownHook .......................................................... 189
9.6 Sequence diagrams of Sender Receiver communication over the IOC .... 189
9.6.1 LastIsBest communication ................................................................ 189
9.6.2 Queued communication without pull callback.................................... 190
9.6.3 Queued communication with pull callback ........................................ 192
10 Configuration Specification .......................................................................... 193
10.1 How to read this chapter .......................................................................... 193
10.1.1 Rules for paramters........................................................................... 193
10.2 Containers and configuration parameters ................................................ 193
10.2.1 Os ..................................................................................................... 193
10.2.2 OsAlarmSetEvent.............................................................................. 194
10.2.3 OsAlarm ............................................................................................ 195
10.2.4 OsAlarmAction .................................................................................. 196
10.2.5 OsAlarmActivateTask ........................................................................ 196
10.2.6 OsAlarmAutostart .............................................................................. 197
10.2.7 OsAlarmCallback .............................................................................. 198
10.2.8 OsAlarmIncrementCounter................................................................ 199
10.2.9 OsApplication .................................................................................... 199
10.2.10 OsApplicationHooks ...................................................................... 203
10.2.11 OsApplicationTrustedFunction....................................................... 204
10.2.12 OsAppMode................................................................................... 205
10.2.13 OsCounter ..................................................................................... 205
10.2.14 OsEvent ......................................................................................... 208
10.2.15 OsDriver ........................................................................................ 208
10.2.16 OsHooks ........................................................................................ 209
10.2.17 OsIsr .............................................................................................. 211
10.2.18 OsIsrResourceLock ....................................................................... 212
10.2.19 OsIsrTimingProtection ................................................................... 213
10.2.20 OsOS ............................................................................................. 215
10.2.21 OsPeripheralArea .......................................................................... 217
10.2.22 OsResource................................................................................... 218
10.2.23 OsScheduleTable .......................................................................... 220
10.2.24 OsScheduleTableAutostart ............................................................ 221
10.2.25 OsScheduleTableEventSetting ...................................................... 222
10.2.26 OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint ........................................................ 223
10.2.27 OsScheduleTableTaskActivation ................................................... 224
10.2.28 OsScheduleTblAdjustableExpPoint ............................................... 224
10.2.29 OsScheduleTableSync .................................................................. 225
10.2.30 OsSpinlock .................................................................................... 226
10.2.31 OsTask .......................................................................................... 227
10.2.32 OsTaskAutostart ............................................................................ 230
10.2.33 OsTaskResourceLock ................................................................... 230
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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

10.2.34 OsTaskTimingProtection ............................................................... 231

10.2.35 OsTimeConstant............................................................................ 233
10.3 Containers and configuration parameter extensions of the IOC ............... 233
10.3.1 OsIoc ................................................................................................. 233
10.3.2 OsIocCommunication ........................................................................ 234
10.3.3 OsIocSenderProperties ..................................................................... 235
10.3.4 OsIocReceiverProperties .................................................................. 237
10.3.5 OsIocDataProperties ......................................................................... 238
10.4 Published Information............................................................................... 240
11 Generation of the OS ................................................................................... 241
11.1 Read in configuration ............................................................................... 241
11.2 Consistency check ................................................................................... 241
11.3 Generating operating system ................................................................... 243
12 Application Notes ......................................................................................... 244
12.1 Hooks ....................................................................................................... 244
12.2 Providing Trusted Functions ..................................................................... 244
12.3 Software Components and OS-Applications ............................................ 246
12.4 Global Time Synchronization ................................................................... 247
12.5 Working with FlexRay............................................................................... 247
12.6 Migration from OIL to XML ....................................................................... 248
12.7 Migrating RES_SCHEDULER in AUTOSAR OS ...................................... 249
12.8 Debug support .......................................................................................... 249
12.9 Integration hints for peripheral protection ................................................. 250
12.10 Termination of OSApplications ............................................................. 251
13 AUTOSAR Service implemented by the OS ................................................ 253
13.1 Scope of this Chapter ............................................................................... 253
13.1.1 Package ............................................................................................ 253
13.2 Overview .................................................................................................. 253
13.3 Specification of the Ports and Port Interfaces .......................................... 253
14 Outlook on Memory Protection Configuration .............................................. 254
14.1 Configuration Approach ............................................................................ 254
15 Not applicable requirements ........................................................................ 255

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

1 Introduction and functional overview

This document describes the essential requirements on the AUTOSAR Operating
System to satisfy the top-level requirements presented in the AUTOSAR SRS [2].

In general, operating systems can be split up in different groups according to their

characteristics, e.g. statically configured vs. dynamically managed. To classify the
AUTOSAR OS, here are the basic features: the OS

 is configured and scaled statically

 is amenable to reasoning of real-time performance
 provides a priority-based scheduling policy
 provides protective functions (memory, timing etc.) at run-time
 is hostable on low-end controllers and without external resources

This feature set defines the type of OS commonly used in the current generation of
automotive ECUs, with the exception of Telematic/Infotainment systems. It is
assumed that Telematic/Infotainment systems will continue to use proprietary Oss
under the AUTOSAR framework (e.g. Windows CE, VxWorks, QNX, etc.). In the case
where AUTOSAR components are needed to run on these proprietary Oss, the
interfaces defined in this document should be provided as an Operating System
Abstraction Layer (OSAL).

This document uses the industry standard [15] (ISO 17356-3) as the basis for the
AUTOSAR OS. The reader should be familiar with this standard before reading this

This document describes extensions to, and restrictions of [15].

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

2 Acronyms and abbreviations

Abbreviation Description
API Application Programming Interface
BSW Basic Software
BSWMD Basic Software Module Description
CDD Complex Driver
COM Communication
ECC Extended Conformance Class
ECU Electronic Control Unit
HW Hardware
ID Identifier
IOC Inter OS-Application communicator
ISR Interrupt Service Routine
LE A locatable entity is a distinct piece of software that has the same effect regardless of
which core it is located.
MC Multi-Core
MCU Microcontroller Unit
ME Mutual exclusion
MPU Memory Protection Unit
NMI Mutual exclusion
OIL OSEK Implementation Language
OS Operating System
OSEK/VDX Offene Systeme und deren Schnittstellen für die Elektronik im Kraftfahrzeug
RTE Run-Time Environment
RTOS Real Time Operating System
SC Single-Core
SLA Software Layered Architecture
SW Software
SWC Software Component
SWFRT Software FreeRunningTimer

2.1 Glossary of Terms

Term: Definition
Access Right An indication that an object (e.g. Task, ISR, hook function) of an OS-Application
has the permission of access or manipulation with respect to memory, OS
services or (set of) OS objects.
Cardinality The number of items in a set.
Counter An operating system object that registers a count in ticks. There are two types of
Hardware Counter A counter that is advanced by hardware (e.g. timer).
The count value is maintained by the peripheral “in
Software Counter A counter which is incremented by making the
IncrementCounter() API call (see
SWS_Os_00399). The count value is maintained by
the operating system “in software”.
Deadline The time at which a Task/Category 2 ISR must reach a certain point during its
execution defined by system design relative to the stimulus that triggered
activation. See Figure 2.1
Delay The number of ticks between two adjacent expiry points on a schedule table.
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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

A pair of expiry points X and Y are said to be adjacent when:

 There is no expiry point Z such that X.Offset < Z.Offset < Y.Offset. In this
case the Delay = Y.Offset-X.Offset
 X and Y are the Final Expiry Point and the Initial Expiry Point
respectively. In this case Delay = (Duration-X.Offset)+Y.Offset
When used in the text, Delay is a relative number of ticks measured from a
specified expiry point. For example: X.Delay is the delay from X to the next expiry
Deviation The minimum number of ticks between the current position on an explicitly
synchronized schedule table and the value of the synchronization count modulo
the duration of the schedule table.
Duration The number of ticks from a notional zero at which a schedule table wraps.
Execution Time Tasks:
The net time a task spends in the RUNNING state without entering the
SUSPENDED or WAITING state excluding all preemptions due to ISRs
which preempt the task. An extended task executing the WaitEvent()
API call to wait on an event which is already set notionally enters the
WAITING state. For multiple activated basic tasks the net time is per
activation of a task.

The net time from the first to the last instruction of the user provided
Category 2 interrupt handler excluding all preemptions due to higher
priority ISRs executing in preference.

Execution time includes the time spent in the error, pretask and posttask hooks
and the time spent making OS service calls.
Execution Budget Maximum permitted execution time for a Task/ISR.
Expiry Point The offset on a Schedule Table, measured from zero, at which the OS activates
tasks and/or sets events.
Initial Expiry Point The expiry point with the smallest offset
Final Expiry Point The expiry point with the largest offset
Hook Function A Hook function is implemented by the user and invoked by the operating system
in the case of certain incidents. In order to react to these on system or application
level, there are two kinds of hook functions
Application-specific Hook functions within the scope of an individual OS-
System-specific Hook functions within the scope of the complete
system (in general provided by the integrator).
Initial Offset The smallest expiry point offset on a schedule table. This can be zero.
Interarrival Time Basic Tasks
The time between successively entering the READY state from the
SUSPENDED state. Activation of a task always represents a new arrival.
This applies in the case of multiple activations, even if an existing
instance of the task is in the RUNNING or READY state.

Extended Tasks:
The time between successively entering the READY state from the
SUSPENDED or WAITING states. Setting an event for a task in the
WAITING state represents a new arrival if the task is waiting on the
event. Waiting for an event in the RUNNING state which is already set
represents a new arrival.

The time between successive occurrences of an interrupt.
See Figure 2.1.

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Interrupt Lock Time The time for which a Task/ISR executes with Category 1 interrupts
disabled/suspended and/or Category 2 interrupts disabled/suspended .
Interrupt Source The switch which enables a specific interrupt source in the hardware.
Interrupt Vector Conceptually, the interrupt vector table contains the mapping from hardware
Table interrupt requests to (software) interrupt service routines. The real content of the
Interrupt Vector Table is very hardware specific, e.g. it can contain the start
addresses of the interrupt service routines.
Final Delay The difference between the Final Expiry Point offset and the duration on a
schedule table in ticks. This value defines the delay from the Final Expiry Point to
the logical end of the schedule table for single-shot and “nexted” schedule tables.
Forced OS- The operating system frees all system objects, e.g. forcibly terminates Tasks,
Application disables interrupts, etc., which are associated to the OS-Application. OS-
Termination Application and internal variables are potentially left in an undefined state.
Forced The OS terminates the Task/Category 2 ISR and does ”unlock” its held
Termination resources. For details see SWS_Os_00108 and SWS_Os_00109.
Linker File File containing linking settings for the linker. The syntax of the linker file depends
on the specific linker and, consequently, definitions are stored “linker-specific” in
the linker file.
Lock Budget Maximum permitted Interrupt Lock Time or Resource Lock Time.
Master core A master core is a core from which the AUTOSAR system is bootstrapped.
Memory Protection A Memory Protection Unit (MPU) enables memory partitioning with individual
Unit protection attributes. This is distinct from a Memory Management Unit (MMU)
that provides a mapping between virtual addresses and physical memory
locations at runtime.
Note that some devices may realise the functionality of an MPU in an MMU.
Mode Describes the permissions available on a processor.
Privileged In general, in »privileged mode« unrestricted access is
available to memory as well as the underlying hardware.
Non-privileged In »non-privileged mode« access is restricted.
Modulus The number of ticks required to complete a full wrap of an OSEK counter. This is
equal to OsCounterMaxAllowedValue +1 ticks of the counter.
OS-Application A collection of OS objects
Trusted An OS-Application that may be executed in privileged mode and
may have unrestricted access to the API and hardware
resources. Only trusted applications can provide trusted
Non-trusted An OS-Application that is executed in non-privileged mode has
restricted access to the API and hardware resources.
OS object Object that belongs to a single OS-Application: Task, ISR, Alarm, Event,
Schedule Table, Resource, Trusted Function, Counter, Applicaton-specific hook.
OS Service OS services are the API of the operating system.
Protection Error Systematic error in the software of an OS-Application.
Memory access A protection error caused by access to an address in a
violation manner for which no access right exists.
Timing fault A protection error that violates the timing protection.
Illegal service A protection error that violates the service protection, e.g.
unauthorized call to OS service.
Hardware exception division by zero, illegal instruction etc.
Resource Lock The time an OSEK resource is held by a Task/ISR (excluding the preemptions of
Time the Task/ISR by higher prior Tasks/ISRs).
Response Time The time between a Task/ISR being made ready to execute and generating a
specified response. The time includes all preemptions. See Figure 2.1
Restart an OS- An OS-Application can be restarted after self-termination or being forcibly
Application terminated because of a protection error. When an OS-Application is restarted,
the OS activates the configured OsRestartTask.

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Scalability Class The features of the OS (e.g. Memory Protection or Timing Protection), described
by this document, can be grouped together to customize the operating system to
the needs of the application. There are 4 defined groups of features which are
named scalability classes. For details see Chapter 7.11
Schedule Table Encapsulation of a statically defined set of expiry points.
Section Part of an object file in which instructions or data are combined to form a unit
(contiguous address space in memory allocated for data or code). A section in an
object file (object file format) has a name and a size.
From the linker perspective, two different sides can be distinguished:
Input section memory section in an input object file of the linker.
Output section memory section in an output object file of the linker.
Set (of OS objects) This document uses the term set, indicating a collection of the same type of OS
objects, in the strict mathematical sense, i.e.:
- a set contains zero or more OS objects (this means a set can be empty)
- the OS objects in the set are unique (this means there cannot be duplicate OS
objects in the set)
Spinlock A spinlock is a locking mechanism where the TASK waits in a loop ("spins")
repeatedly checking for a shared variable to become a certain value.
The value indicates whether the lock is free or not. In Multi-Core systems the
comparison and changing of the variable typically requires an atomic operation.
As the TASK remains active but is not doing anything useful, a spinlock is a busy
waiting mechanism
Spinlock variable A spinlock variable is a shared variable used by a spinlock to indicate whether a
spinlock is free or occupied.
Symbol Address label that can be imported/used by software modules and resolved by
the linker. The precise syntax of the labels is linker-specific. Here, these address
labels are used to identify the start and end of memory sections.
Start symbol Tags the start of a memory section
End symbol Tags the end of a memory section
Synchronization of Synchronization with a synchronization counter is achieved, if the expiry points of
schedule tables the schedule table are processed within an absolute deviation from the
with a synchronization counter that is smaller than or equal to a precision threshold.
Synchronization The “Synchronization Counter”, distinct from an OS counter object, is an external
Counter counter, external to the OS, against which expiry points of a schedule table are
Task A Task is the object which executes (user) code and which is managed by the
OS. E.g. the OS switches between different Tasks (“schedules”). There are 2
types of Tasks; for more details see [15].
Basic Task A Task which can not block by itself. This means that it can not
wait for (OS) event(s).
Extended Task A Task which can block by itself and wait for (OS) event(s).
Time Frame The minmum inter-arrival time for a Task/ISR.
Trusted Function A service provided by a trusted OS-Application that can be used by other OS-
Applications (trusted or non-trusted).
Worst case The longest possible execution time.
execution time
Write access Storing a value in a register or memory location. All memory accesses that have
the consequence of writing (e.g. reads that have the side effect of writing to a
memory location) are treated as write accesses.

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LOW’s Inter-arrival time

LOW’s Deadline

LOW’s Response Time

High High High

Low Low Low Low

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Task HIGH and Task Task LOW activated

Task LOW terminates
LOW activated again

LOW’s Execution Time

Figure 2.1: Definition of Timing Terminology

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3 Related documentation

3.1 Input documents

[1] Layered Software Architecture

[2] Requirements on Operating System


[3] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules


[4] Specification of the Virtual Functional Bus


[5] Requirements on Software FreeRunningTimer


[6] Specification of GPT Driver


[7] Specification of Standard Types


[8] Specification of Memory Mapping


[9] Specification of RTE


[10] Specification of ECU Configuration


[11] Basic Software Module Description Template


[12] List of Basic Software Modules


[13] Specification of RTE


[14] General Specification of Basic Software Modules


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3.2 Related standards and norms

3.2.1 ISO 17356

The ISO 17356 (“Road vehicles -- Open interface for embedded automotive
applications”) is a standard which was previously published by the OSEK/VDX

[15] ISO 17356-3: 2005: Road vehicles -- Open interface for embedded automotive
applications -- Part 3: OSEK/VDX Operating System (OS)

[16] ISO 17356-6:2006: Road vehicles -- Open interface for embedded automotive
applications -- Part 6: OSEK/VDX Implementation Language (OIL)

3.3 Company Reports, Academic Work, etc.

[17] Extensions of OSEK OS for Protected Applications
OSEK Support Project DC058_02
DaimlerChrysler AG

3.4 Related specification

AUTOSAR provides a General Specification on Basic Software modules [14] (SWS
BSW General), which is also valid for Operating System.

Thus, the specification SWS BSW General shall be considered as additional and
required specification for Operating System.

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4 Constraints and assumptions

4.1 Existing Standards

This document makes the following assumptions about the referenced related
standards and norms:

 [15] provides a sufficiently flexible scheduling policy to schedule AUTOSAR

 [15] is a mature specification and implementations are used in millions of ECUs
 [15] does not provide sufficient support for isolating multi-source software
components at runtime.
 [15] does not provide sufficient runtime support for demonstrating the absence of
some classes of fault propagation in a safety-case.

4.2 Terminology
The specification uses the following operators when requirements specify multiple

NOT : negation of a single term e.g. NOT Weekend

AND : conjunction of two terms e.g. Weekend AND Saturday
OR : disjunction of two terms e.g. Monday OR Tuesday

A requirement comprising multiple terms is evaluated left to right.

The precedence rules are:

Highest Precedence NOT
Lowest Precedence AND OR

The expression NOT X AND Y means (NOT X) AND (Y)

Where operators of the same precedence are used in the same sentence, commas
are used to disambiguate. The expression X AND Y, OR Z means (X AND Y) OR Z.

4.3 Interaction with the RTE

The configuration of an AUTOSAR system [4] maps the »runnables« of a »software
component« to (one or more) tasks that are scheduled by the operating system. All
runnables in a task share the same protection boundary. In AUTOSAR, a software
component must not include an interrupt handler. A software component is therefore
implemented as runnables executing within the body of a task, or set of tasks, only.

Runnables get access to hardware-sourced data through the AUTOSAR RTE. The
RTE provides the runtime interface between runnables and the basic software

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modules. The basic software modules also comprise a number of tasks and ISRs
that are scheduled by the operating system.

It is assumed that the software component templates and the description of the basic
software modules provide sufficient information about the required runtime behavior
to be able to specify the attributes of tasks required to configure the OS.

4.4 Operating System Abstraction Layer (OSAL)

Systems that do not use the OS defined in AUTOSAR can provide a platform for the
execution of AUTOSAR software components using an Operating System
Abstraction Layer. The interface to the OSAL is exactly that defined for the

4.5 Multi-Core Hardware assumptions

There are currently several existing and suggested HW-architectures1 for Multi-Core
microprocessors. There is considerable variation in the features offered by these
architectures. Therefore this section attempts to capture a common set of
architectural features required for Multi-Core.
Hardware assumptions shall remain assumptions and shall not become official
Autosar requirements.
4.5.1 CPU Core features

1. More than one core on the same piece of silicon.

2. The HW offers a method that can be used by the SW to identify a core.

3. The hardware supports atomic read and atomic write operations for a fixed
word length depending on the hardware.

4. The hardware supports some atomic Test-And-Set functionality or similar

functionalities that can be used to built a critical section shared between cores.
Additional atomic operations may exist.

5. The cores may have the same instruction set; at least a common basic
instruction set is available on all cores. Core specific add-ons may exist but
they are not taken into account.

6. The cores have the same data representation. For example, the same size of
integer, same byte and bit order, etc.

7. If per-core caches exist, AUTOSAR requires support for RAM - cache

coherency in HW or in SW. In software means that the cache-controller can be

In this context “architecture” encompasses: the connections between cores and memory, and to peripherals and how interrupts
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programmed by the SW in a way that it invalidates cache lines or excludes

certain memory regions from caching.

8. In case of an exception (such as an illegal memory reference or divide by

zero) the exception occurs on the core that introduced the exception.

9. For notification purposes, it is possible to trigger an interrupt/trap on any core.

4.5.2 Memory features

Shared RAM is available to all cores; at least all cores can share a substantial
part of the memory.

Flash shall be shared between all cores at least. However, performance can
be improved if Flash/RAM can be partitioned so that there are separate pathways
from cores to Flash.

A single address space is assumed, at least in the shared parts of the memory
address space.

The AUTOSAR Multi-Core architecture shall be capable to run on systems

that do and do not support memory protection. If memory protection exists, all cores
are covered by a hardware based memory protection.

4.5.3 Multi-Core Limitations

 In AUTOSAR R4.0, it is not supported to activate additional cores under

control of AUTOSAR after the Operating System was started.
 The scheduling algorithm does not assign TASKs dynamically to cores.
 The AUTOSAR OS RESOURCE algorithm is not supported across cores.
RESOURCES can be used locally, between TASKs that are bound to the
same core but not between TASKs/ISRs which are bound to different cores.

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4.6 Limitations
4.6.1 Hardware

The core AUTOSAR operating system assumes free access to hardware resources,
which are managed by the OS itself. This includes, but is not limited to, the following

 interrupt control registers

 processor status words
 stack pointer(s)

Specific (extended) features of the core operating system extend the requirements
on hardware resource. The following list outlines the features that have requirements
on the hardware. Systems that do not use these OS features do not have these
hardware requirements.

 Memory Protection: A hardware memory protection unit is required. All memory

accesses that have the consequence of writing (e.g. reads that have the side
effect of writing to a memory location) shall be treated as writes.

 Time Protection: Timer Hardware for monitoring execution times and arrival rates.

 »Privileged« and »non-privileged« modes on the MCU: to protect the OS against

internal corruption caused by writes to OS controlled registers. This mode must
not allow OS-Applications to circumvent protection (e.g. write registers which
govern memory protection, write to processor status word etc.). The privileged
mode must be under full control of the protected OS which uses the mode
internally and to transfer control back and forth from a non-trusted OS-Application
to a trusted OS-Application. The microprocessor must support a controlled means
which moves a processor into this privileged mode.

 Local/Global Time Synchronization: A global time source is needed.

In general hardware failures in the processor are not detected by the operating
system. In the event of hardware failure, correct operation of the OS cannot be

The resources managed by a specific OS implementation have to be defined within

the appropriate configuration file of the OS.

4.6.2 Programming Language

The API of the operating system is defined as C function calls or macros. If other
languages are used they must adapt to the C interface.

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4.6.3 Miscellaneous

The operating system does not provide services for dynamic memory management.

4.7 Applicability to car domains

The operating system has the same design constraints regarding size and scalability
under which [15] was designed. The immediate domain of applicability is therefore
currently body, chassis and power train ECUs. However, there is no reason that the
OS cannot be used to implement ECUs for infotainment applications.

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5 Dependencies to other modules

There are no forced dependencies on other modules, however:

o It is assumed that the operating system may use timer units directly to drive
o If the user needs to drive scheduling directly from global time, then a global
time interrupt is required.
o If the user needs to synchronize the processing of a schedule table to a global
time, the operating system needs to be told the global time using the
SyncScheduleTable() service.
o The IOC described in this document provides communication between OS-
Applications. The IOC generation is based on configuration information which
is generated by the RTE generator. On the other hand the RTE uses functions
generated by the IOC to transmit data.

5.1 File structure

5.1.1 Code file structure

The code file structure of the Operating system module is not fixed, besides the
requirements in the General SRS.

5.1.2 Header file structure


Rte_Type.h Std_Types.h Os_Cfg.h Os_MemM




Figure 5:1: Header File Structure for the OS

The figure above contains the defined AUTOSAR header file hierarchy of the
Operating System module.

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The IOC generator generates an additional header file Ioc.h. Users of the Ioc.h shall
include the Ioc.h file. If an implementation of the IOC requires additional header files,
it is free to include them. The header files are self-contained, that means they will
include all other header files, which they require.

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6 Requirements Traceability
This chapter contains references to requirements of other AUTOSAR documents.

Requirement Description Satisfied by

SRS_BSW_00003 All software modules shall SWS_Os_00767
provide version and
identification information
SRS_BSW_00006 The source code of software SWS_Os_00767
modules above the µC
Abstraction Layer (MCAL)
shall not be processor and
compiler dependent.
SRS_BSW_00007 All Basic SW Modules written SWS_Os_00767
in C language shall conform to
the MISRA C 2012 Standard.
SRS_BSW_00009 All Basic SW Modules shall be SWS_Os_00767
documented according to a
common standard.
SRS_BSW_00010 The memory consumption of SWS_Os_00767
all Basic SW Modules shall be
documented for a defined
configuration for all supported
SRS_BSW_00161 The AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_Os_00767
shall provide a microcontroller
abstraction layer which
provides a standardized
interface to higher software
SRS_BSW_00162 The AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_Os_00767
shall provide a hardware
abstraction layer
SRS_BSW_00168 SW components shall be SWS_Os_00767
tested by a function defined in
a common API in the Basis-
SRS_BSW_00170 The AUTOSAR SW SWS_Os_00767
Components shall provide
information about their
dependency from faults, signal
qualities, driver demands
SRS_BSW_00172 The scheduling strategy that is SWS_Os_00767
built inside the Basic Software
Modules shall be compatible
with the strategy used in the
SRS_BSW_00301 All AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_Os_00767
Modules shall only import the
necessary information
SRS_BSW_00302 All AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_Os_00767

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Modules shall only export

information needed by other
SRS_BSW_00305 Data types naming convention SWS_Os_00767
SRS_BSW_00306 AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_Os_00767
Modules shall be compiler and
platform independent
SRS_BSW_00307 Global variables naming SWS_Os_00767
SRS_BSW_00308 AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_Os_00767
Modules shall not define global
data in their header files, but in
the C file
SRS_BSW_00309 All AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_Os_00767
Modules shall indicate all
global data with read-only
purposes by explicitly
assigning the const keyword
SRS_BSW_00310 API naming convention SWS_Os_00767
SRS_BSW_00312 Shared code shall be reentrant SWS_Os_00767
SRS_BSW_00314 All internal driver modules SWS_Os_00767
shall separate the interrupt
frame definition from the
service routine
SRS_BSW_00318 Each AUTOSAR Basic SWS_Os_00767
Software Module file shall
provide version numbers in the
header file
SRS_BSW_00321 The version numbers of SWS_Os_00767
AUTOSAR Basic Software
Modules shall be enumerated
according specific rules
SRS_BSW_00325 The runtime of interrupt SWS_Os_00767
service routines and functions
that are running in interrupt
context shall be kept short
SRS_BSW_00327 Error values naming SWS_Os_00767
SRS_BSW_00328 All AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_Os_00767
Modules shall avoid the
duplication of code
SRS_BSW_00330 It shall be allowed to use SWS_Os_00767
macros instead of functions
where source code is used
and runtime is critical
SRS_BSW_00333 For each callback function it SWS_Os_00767
shall be specified if it is called
from interrupt context or not
SRS_BSW_00334 All Basic Software Modules SWS_Os_00767
shall provide an XML file that

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contains the meta data

SRS_BSW_00335 Status values naming SWS_Os_00767
SRS_BSW_00337 Classification of development SWS_Os_00767
SRS_BSW_00339 Reporting of production SWS_Os_00767
relevant error status
SRS_BSW_00342 It shall be possible to create an SWS_Os_00767
modules provided as source
code and modules provided as
object code, even mixed
SRS_BSW_00344 BSW Modules shall support SWS_Os_00767
link-time configuration
SRS_BSW_00347 A Naming seperation of SWS_Os_00767
different instances of BSW
drivers shall be in place
SRS_BSW_00350 All AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_Os_00767
Modules shall allow the
enabling/disabling of detection
and reporting of development
SRS_BSW_00351 Encapsulation of compiler SWS_Os_00815
specific methods to map
SRS_BSW_00357 For success/failure of an API SWS_Os_00767
call a standard return type
shall be defined
SRS_BSW_00358 The return type of init() SWS_Os_00767
functions implemented by
AUTOSAR Basic Software
Modules shall be void
SRS_BSW_00361 All mappings of not SWS_Os_00767
standardized keywords of
compiler specific scope shall
be placed and organized in a
compiler specific type and
keyword header
SRS_BSW_00369 All AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_Os_00767
Modules shall not return
specific development error
codes via the API
SRS_BSW_00373 The main processing function SWS_Os_00767
of each AUTOSAR Basic
Software Module shall be
named according the defined
SRS_BSW_00374 All Basic Software Modules SWS_Os_00767
shall provide a readable
module vendor identification
SRS_BSW_00375 Basic Software Modules shall SWS_Os_00767
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report wake-up reasons

SRS_BSW_00377 A Basic Software Module can SWS_Os_00767
return a module specific types
SRS_BSW_00378 AUTOSAR shall provide a SWS_Os_00767
boolean type
SRS_BSW_00379 All software modules shall SWS_Os_00767
provide a module identifier in
the header file and in the
module XML description file.
SRS_BSW_00381 The pre-compile time SWS_Os_00767
parameters shall be placed
into a separate configuration
header file
SRS_BSW_00383 The Basic Software Module SWS_Os_00767
specifications shall specify
which other configuration files
from other modules they use at
least in the description
SRS_BSW_00384 The Basic Software Module SWS_Os_00767
specifications shall specify at
least in the description which
other modules they require
SRS_BSW_00385 List possible error notifications SWS_Os_00767
SRS_BSW_00386 The BSW shall specify the SWS_Os_00767
configuration for detecting an
SRS_BSW_00401 Documentation of multiple SWS_Os_00767
instances of configuration
parameters shall be available
SRS_BSW_00404 BSW Modules shall support SWS_Os_00767
post-build configuration
SRS_BSW_00405 BSW Modules shall support SWS_Os_00767
multiple configuration sets
SRS_BSW_00406 A static status variable SWS_Os_00767
denoting if a BSW module is
initialized shall be initialized
with value 0 before any APIs of
the BSW module is called
SRS_BSW_00407 Each BSW module shall SWS_Os_00767
provide a function to read out
the version information of a
dedicated module
SRS_BSW_00409 All production code error ID SWS_Os_00767
symbols are defined by the
Dem module and shall be
retrieved by the other BSW
modules from Dem
SRS_BSW_00410 Compiler switches shall have SWS_Os_00767
defined values
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SRS_BSW_00411 All AUTOSAR Basic Software SWS_Os_00767

Modules shall apply a naming
rule for enabling/disabling the
existence of the API
SRS_BSW_00412 References to c-configuration SWS_Os_00767
parameters shall be placed
into a separate h-file
SRS_BSW_00413 An index-based accessing of SWS_Os_00767
the instances of BSW modules
shall be done
SRS_BSW_00414 Init functions shall have a SWS_Os_00767
pointer to a configuration
structure as single parameter
SRS_BSW_00415 Interfaces which are provided SWS_Os_00767
exclusively for one module
shall be separated into a
dedicated header file
SRS_BSW_00417 Software which is not part of SWS_Os_00767
the SW-C shall report error
events only after the DEM is
fully operational.
SRS_BSW_00419 If a pre-compile time SWS_Os_00767
configuration parameter is
implemented as "const" it
should be placed into a
separate c-file
SRS_BSW_00422 Pre-de-bouncing of error SWS_Os_00767
status information is done
within the DEM
SRS_BSW_00423 BSW modules with AUTOSAR SWS_Os_00767
interfaces shall be describable
with the means of the SW-C
SRS_BSW_00437 Memory mapping shall provide SWS_Os_00767
the possibility to define RAM
segments which are not to be
initialized during startup
SRS_BSW_00439 Enable BSW modules to SWS_Os_00767
handle interrupts
SRS_BSW_00440 The callback function SWS_Os_00767
invocation by the BSW module
shall follow the signature
provided by RTE to invoke
servers via Rte_Call API
SRS_BSW_00441 Naming convention for type, SWS_Os_00767
macro and function
SRS_Frt_00020 The configuration and SWS_Os_00374
initialization shall be performed
by the module providing the
SWFRT functionality (OS) if
the GPT Timer is not used .

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SRS_Frt_00022 It shall be possible to state SWS_Os_00370

which HW Timer is used
SRS_Frt_00025 Access methods to time SWS_Os_00383, SWS_Os_00392
information shall be provided
for different users.
SRS_Frt_00030 The read - out value shall start SWS_Os_00384
with Zero
SRS_Frt_00031 The SWFRT shall increment SWS_Os_00384
SRS_Frt_00032 Wrap around shall work SWS_Os_00767
without software interaction.
SRS_Frt_00033 There shall be a function to SWS_Os_00377
achieve an atomic read the of
the timer's value.
SRS_Frt_00034 The module shall provide SWS_Os_00382
functionality to calculate the
ticks elapsed between a
previously stored value
(passed as a parameter) and
the current timer value.
SRS_Frt_00047 The SWFRT shall provide a SWS_Os_00393
"user" dependent API (function
/ macro) to convert ticks to
SRS_Os_00097 The OS shall provide an API SWS_Os_00001
that is backward compatible to
the API of OSEK OS
SRS_Os_00098 The Operating System shall SWS_Os_00002, SWS_Os_00007
provide statically configurable
schedule tables based on time
tables as an optional service
SRS_Os_00099 The Operating System shall SWS_Os_00191
provide a mechanism which
allows switching between
different schedule tables
SRS_Os_11000 The OS may offer support to SWS_Os_00026
protect the memory sections of
an OS-Application against
read accesses by all other OS-
SRS_Os_11001 The OS shall provide partitions SWS_Os_00056
which allow for fault isolation
and fault recovery capabilities
SRS_Os_11002 The operating system shall SWS_Os_00013, SWS_Os_00199,
provide the ability to SWS_Os_00201, SWS_Os_00206,
synchronize the processing of SWS_Os_00227
schedule tables with a global
system time base
SRS_Os_11003 The operating system shall be SWS_Os_00067, SWS_Os_00068
able to monitor stack usage
and check for a stack overflow

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on a per executable object

SRS_Os_11005 The operating system shall SWS_Os_00195, SWS_Os_00207,
prevent an OS-Application SWS_Os_00208, SWS_Os_00795,
from modifying the memory of SWS_Os_00806, SWS_Os_00807,
other OS-Applications SWS_Os_91010, SWS_Os_91011,
SWS_Os_91012, SWS_Os_91013,
SWS_Os_91014, SWS_Os_91015,
SWS_Os_91016, SWS_Os_91017,
SRS_Os_11006 The operating system shall SWS_Os_00086, SWS_Os_00087,
allow tasks and ISRs within an SWS_Os_00196
OS-Application to exchange
SRS_Os_11007 The operating system shall SWS_Os_00081
allow OS-Applications to
execute shared code
SRS_Os_11008 The OS shall not allow a timing SWS_Os_00028, SWS_Os_00033,
fault in any OS-Application to SWS_Os_00037, SWS_Os_00048,
propagate SWS_Os_00064, SWS_Os_00089,
SWS_Os_00465, SWS_Os_00469,
SWS_Os_00470, SWS_Os_00471,
SWS_Os_00472, SWS_Os_00473,
SRS_Os_11009 The operating system shall SWS_Os_00051, SWS_Os_00052,
prevent the corruption of the SWS_Os_00069, SWS_Os_00070,
OS by any call of a system SWS_Os_00088, SWS_Os_00092,
service SWS_Os_00093
SRS_Os_11010 The operating system shall SWS_Os_00056
prevent an OS-Application
modifying OS objects that are
not owned by that OS-
SRS_Os_11011 The OS shall protect itself SWS_Os_00096, SWS_Os_00245,
against OS-Applications SWS_Os_00808, SWS_Os_00809,
attempting to modify control SWS_Os_00810, SWS_Os_00811,
registers directly which are SWS_Os_00812, SWS_Os_00813,
managed by the OS SWS_Os_00814, SWS_Os_91019,
SWS_Os_91020, SWS_Os_91021
SRS_Os_11012 The OS shall provide SWS_Os_00240, SWS_Os_00241
scalability for its protection
SRS_Os_11013 The OS shall be capable of SWS_Os_00033, SWS_Os_00037,
notifying the occurrence of a SWS_Os_00044, SWS_Os_00051,
protection error at runtime SWS_Os_00056, SWS_Os_00064,
SWS_Os_00068, SWS_Os_00070,
SWS_Os_00088, SWS_Os_00093,
SWS_Os_00210, SWS_Os_00246
SRS_Os_11014 In case of a protection error, SWS_Os_00033, SWS_Os_00037,
the OS shall provide an action SWS_Os_00106, SWS_Os_00107,
for recovery on OS-, OS- SWS_Os_00108, SWS_Os_00109,
Application and task/ISR-level SWS_Os_00110, SWS_Os_00243,

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Specification of Operating System
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SRS_Os_11016 The OS implementation shall SWS_Os_00240, SWS_Os_00241

offer scalability which is
configurable by a generation
SRS_Os_11018 The OS shall provide interrupt SWS_Os_00299
mask functions
SRS_Os_11019 The AUTOSAR OS generation SWS_Os_00336
tool shall create the interrupt
vector table
SRS_Os_11020 The OS shall provide a SWS_Os_00286
standard interface to tick a
software counter
SRS_Os_11021 The OS shall provide a SWS_Os_00301
mechanism to cascade
multiple software counters
from a single hardware
SRS_Os_80001 The OS shall be able to SWS_Os_00568, SWS_Os_00569,
manage multiple closely SWS_Os_00579, SWS_Os_00583,
coupled CPU Cores SWS_Os_00596, SWS_Os_00600,
SWS_Os_00606, SWS_Os_00616,
SWS_Os_00626, SWS_Os_00627,
SWS_Os_00628, SWS_Os_00672,
SWS_Os_00673, SWS_Os_00674,
SRS_Os_80003 The multi core extension shall SWS_Os_00570, SWS_Os_00571,
provide the same degree of SWS_Os_00573
predictability as the single core
SRS_Os_80005 OsApplications and as a result SWS_Os_00570, SWS_Os_00571,
TASKS and OsISRs shall be SWS_Os_00572, SWS_Os_00573,
assigned statically to cores SWS_Os_00667
SRS_Os_80006 Initialization/Start-up of the SWS_Os_00572, SWS_Os_00574,
system shall be synchronized SWS_Os_00575, SWS_Os_00576,
SWS_Os_00577, SWS_Os_00578,
SWS_Os_00579, SWS_Os_00580,
SWS_Os_00581, SWS_Os_00582,
SWS_Os_00584, SWS_Os_00585,
SWS_Os_00607, SWS_Os_00608,
SWS_Os_00609, SWS_Os_00610,
SWS_Os_00625, SWS_Os_00668,
SWS_Os_00669, SWS_Os_00670,
SWS_Os_00676, SWS_Os_00677,
SWS_Os_00678, SWS_Os_00679,
SWS_Os_00680, SWS_Os_00681,
SWS_Os_00682, SWS_Os_00683,
SWS_Os_00684, SWS_Os_00685
SRS_Os_80007 Shutdown procedure shall be SWS_Os_00586, SWS_Os_00587,
triggered by any core SWS_Os_00588, SWS_Os_00616,
SWS_Os_00617, SWS_Os_00621,
SWS_Os_00713, SWS_Os_00714,
SWS_Os_00715, SWS_Os_00716
SRS_Os_80008 It shall be a common OS SWS_Os_00567, SWS_Os_00582
configuration across multiple

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Specification of Operating System
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SRS_Os_80011 The number of cores that the SWS_Os_00583
operating system manages
shall be configurable offline
SRS_Os_80013 The behaviour of services shall SWS_Os_00569, SWS_Os_00589,
be identical to single core SWS_Os_00590, SWS_Os_00591,
systems SWS_Os_00592, SWS_Os_00593,
SWS_Os_00594, SWS_Os_00595,
SWS_Os_00607, SWS_Os_00618,
SWS_Os_00619, SWS_Os_00623,
SWS_Os_00629, SWS_Os_00630,
SWS_Os_00631, SWS_Os_00635,
SWS_Os_00636, SWS_Os_00637,
SWS_Os_00638, SWS_Os_00639,
SWS_Os_00640, SWS_Os_00643,
SWS_Os_00645, SWS_Os_00646,
SWS_Os_00647, SWS_Os_00663,
SWS_Os_00664, SWS_Os_00665
SRS_Os_80015 The MC extensions shall SWS_Os_00596, SWS_Os_00598,
provide a mechanism to SWS_Os_00599, SWS_Os_00600
activate tasks on different
SRS_Os_80016 Event mechanism shall work SWS_Os_00602, SWS_Os_00604,
across cores SWS_Os_00605
SRS_Os_80018 A method to synchronize tasks SWS_Os_00632, SWS_Os_00633,
on more than one core shall be SWS_Os_00634, SWS_Os_00641,
provided SWS_Os_00642, SWS_Os_00644,
SWS_Os_00648, SWS_Os_00649,
SWS_Os_00650, SWS_Os_00652,
SWS_Os_00653, SWS_Os_00654,
SWS_Os_00655, SWS_Os_00656,
SWS_Os_00657, SWS_Os_00658,
SWS_Os_00659, SWS_Os_00660,
SRS_Os_80020 A data exchange mechanism SWS_Os_00611, SWS_Os_00671,
shall be provided SWS_Os_00718, SWS_Os_00719,
SWS_Os_00720, SWS_Os_00721,
SWS_Os_00722, SWS_Os_00723,
SWS_Os_00724, SWS_Os_00725,
SWS_Os_00726, SWS_Os_00727,
SWS_Os_00728, SWS_Os_00729,
SWS_Os_00730, SWS_Os_00731,
SWS_Os_00732, SWS_Os_00733,
SWS_Os_00734, SWS_Os_00735,
SWS_Os_00736, SWS_Os_00737,
SWS_Os_00738, SWS_Os_00739,
SWS_Os_00740, SWS_Os_00741,
SWS_Os_00742, SWS_Os_00743,
SWS_Os_00744, SWS_Os_00745,
SWS_Os_00746, SWS_Os_00747,
SWS_Os_00748, SWS_Os_00749,
SWS_Os_00750, SWS_Os_00751,
SWS_Os_00752, SWS_Os_00753,
SWS_Os_00754, SWS_Os_00755,
SWS_Os_00756, SWS_Os_00757,

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

SWS_Os_00758, SWS_Os_00759,
SWS_Os_00760, SWS_Os_00761,
SWS_Os_00803, SWS_Os_00805
SRS_Os_80021 The MC extension of the SWS_Os_00612, SWS_Os_00613,
AUTOSAR environment shall SWS_Os_00614, SWS_Os_00615,
support a mutual exclusion SWS_Os_00620, SWS_Os_00622,
mechanism between cores SWS_Os_00624, SWS_Os_00648,
that shall not cause deadlocks SWS_Os_00649, SWS_Os_00650,
SWS_Os_00651, SWS_Os_00652,
SWS_Os_00653, SWS_Os_00654,
SWS_Os_00655, SWS_Os_00656,
SWS_Os_00657, SWS_Os_00658,
SWS_Os_00659, SWS_Os_00660,
SWS_Os_00661, SWS_Os_00666,
SWS_Os_00686, SWS_Os_00687,
SWS_Os_00688, SWS_Os_00689,
SWS_Os_00690, SWS_Os_00691,
SWS_Os_00692, SWS_Os_00693,
SWS_Os_00694, SWS_Os_00695,
SWS_Os_00696, SWS_Os_00697,
SWS_Os_00698, SWS_Os_00699,
SWS_Os_00700, SWS_Os_00701,
SWS_Os_00703, SWS_Os_00704,
SWS_Os_00705, SWS_Os_00706,
SWS_Os_00707, SWS_Os_00708,
SWS_Os_00709, SWS_Os_00710,
SWS_Os_00711, SWS_Os_00712,
SWS_Os_00792, SWS_Os_00801
SRS_Os_80023 The OS shall execute an SWS_Os_00770, SWS_Os_00771,
operation which can be SWS_Os_00802
selected at runtime, in case no
task is going to be scheduled
on a specific core
SRS_Os_80026 It shall be possible to start any SWS_Os_00574, SWS_Os_00575,
of the cores in a multi core SWS_Os_00576, SWS_Os_00577,
system SWS_Os_00584, SWS_Os_00585,
SWS_Os_00676, SWS_Os_00677,
SWS_Os_00678, SWS_Os_00679,
SWS_Os_00680, SWS_Os_00681,
SWS_Os_00682, SWS_Os_00683,
SWS_Os_00684, SWS_Os_00685
SRS_Os_80027 It shall be possible to initialize SWS_Os_00574, SWS_Os_00575,
any of the cores in a multi core SWS_Os_00576, SWS_Os_00577,
system SWS_Os_00584, SWS_Os_00585,
SWS_Os_00676, SWS_Os_00677,
SWS_Os_00678, SWS_Os_00679,
SWS_Os_00680, SWS_Os_00681,
SWS_Os_00682, SWS_Os_00683,
SWS_Os_00684, SWS_Os_00685

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

7 Functional specification

7.1 Core OS
7.1.1 Background & Rationale

The OSEK/VDX Operating System [15] is widely used in the automotive industry and
has been proven in use in all classes of ECUs found in modern vehicles. The
concepts that OSEK OS has introduced are widely understood and the automotive
industry has many years of collective experience in engineering OSEK OS based

OSEK OS is an event-triggered operating system. This provides high flexibility in the

design and maintenance of AUTOSAR based systems. Event triggering gives
freedom for the selection of the events to drive scheduling at runtime, for example
angular rotation, local time source, global time source, error occurrence etc.

For these reasons the core functionality of the AUTOSAR OS shall be based upon
the OSEK OS. In particular OSEK OS provides the following features to support
concepts in AUTOSAR:

fixed priority-based scheduling

facilities for handling interrupts
only interrupts with higher priority than tasks
some protection against incorrect use of OS services
a startup interface through StartOS() and the StartupHook()
a shutdown interface through ShutdownOS() and the ShutdownHook()

OSEK OS provides many features in addition to these. Readers should consult the
specification [15] for details.

Basing AUTOSAR OS on OSEK OS means that legacy applications will be backward

compatible – i.e. applications written for OSEK OS will run on AUTOSAR OS.
However, some of the features introduced by AUTOSAR OS require restrictions on
the use of existing OSEK OS features or extend existing OSEK OS features.

7.1.2 Requirements

[SWS_Os_00001] ⌈The Operating System module shall provide an API that is

backward compatible with the OSEK OS API [15]. ⌋ (SRS_Os_00097) Restrictions on OSEK OS

It is too inefficient to achieve timing and memory protection for alarm callbacks. They
are therefore not allowed in specific scalability classes (SWS_Os_00242)

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

[SWS_Os_00242] ⌈The Operating System module shall only allow Alarm Callbacks
in Scalability Class 1. ⌋ ( )

OSEK OS is required to provide functionality to handle inter-task (internal)

communication according to the OSEK COM specification when internal
communication only is required in the system. In AUTOSAR, internal communication
is provided by the AUTOSAR RTE or by AUTOSAR COM at least one of which will
be present for all AUTOSAR ECUs.

AUTOSAR OS, when used in an AUTOSAR system, therefore does not need to
support internal communication.

An OSEK OS must implement internal communication if the symbol

LOCALMESSAGESONLY is defined. AUTOSAR OS can deprecate the need to
implement OSEK COM functionality and maintain compatibility with OSEK suite of
specifications by ensuring that AUTOSAR OS always exists in an environment where

OSEK OS has one special resource called RES_SCHEDULER. This resource has 2
specific aspects:
1. It is always present in the system, even if it is not configured. This means that
the RES_SCHEDULER is always known by the OS.
2. It has always the highest Task priority. This means a Task which allocates this
resource can not be preempted by other Tasks.
Since special cases are always hard to handle (e.g. in this case with respect to timing
protection) AUTOSAR OS handles RES_SCHEDULER as any other resource. This
means that the RES_SCHEDULER is not automatically created. However, a
configuration attribute allows that a resource in AUTOSAR OS can optionally be
assigned the priority of the highest priority task in the system.

For backwards compatibility with OSEK OS systems, see Chapter 12.7 on how to
configure a standard resource called RES_SCHEDULER in a way that make it
compatible with the resource of the same name which is declared automatically in

In OSEK OS users must declare Operating System objects with specific macros (e.g.
DeclareTask(), …) An AUTOSAR OS implementation shall not depend on such
declarations and shall (for backwards compatibility) supply macros without
functionality. Undefined Behaviour in OSEK OS

There are a number of cases where the behaviour of OSEK OS is undefined. These
cases represent a barrier to portability. AUTOSAR OS tightens the OSEK OS
specification by defining the required behaviour.

[SWS_Os_00304] ⌈If in a call to SetRelAlarm() the parameter “increment” is set to

zero, the service shall return E_OS_VALUE in standard and extended status . ⌋ ( )
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[SWS_Os_00424] ⌈The first call to StartOS() (for starting the Operating System)
shall not return. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00425] ⌈If ShutdownOS() is called and ShutdownHook() returns then

the Operating System module shall disable all interrupts and enter an endless loop. ⌋
() Extensions to OSEK OS

[SWS_Os_00299] ⌈The Operating System module shall provide the services

DisableAllInterrupts(), EnableAllInterrupts(), SuspendAllInterrupts(),
ResumeAllInterrupts() prior to calling StartOS() and after calling
ShutdownOS().⌋ (SRS_Os_11018)

It is assumed that the static variables of the functions mentioned in SWS_Os_00299

are initialized.

[SWS_Os_00301] ⌈The Operating System module shall provide the ability to

increment a software counter as an alternative action on alarm expiry. ⌋

The Operating System module provides API service IncrementCounter() (see

SWS_Os_00399) to increment a software counter.

[SWS_Os_00476] ⌈The Operating System module shall allow to automatically start

preconfigured absolute alarms during the start of the Operating System. ⌋ ( )

SWS_Os_00476 is an extension to OSEK OS which allows this only for relative


[SWS_Os_00566] ⌈The Operating System API shall check in extended mode all
pointer arguments for a NULL pointer and return E_OS_PARAM_POINTER in extended
status if such an argument is NULL. ⌋ ( )

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

7.2 Software Free Running Timer

Due to the fact that the number of timers is often very limited, some functionality and
configuration is added to extend the reuse of timers. E.g. this allows timer
measurements. For more details see also [5] (SWFRT).

[SWS_Os_00374] ⌈The Operating System module shall handle all the initialization
and configuration of timers used directly by the Operating System module and not
handled by the GPT driver. ⌋ (SRS_Frt_00020)

The Operating System module provides API service GetCounterValue() (see

SWS_Os_00383) to read the current count value of a counter (returning either the
hardware timer ticks if counter is driven by hardware or the software ticks when user
drives counter).

The Operating System module provides API service GetElapsedValue() (see

SWS_Os_00392) to get the number of ticks between the current tick value and a
previously read tick value.

[SWS_Os_00384] ⌈The Operating System module shall adjust the read out values of
hardware timers (which drive counters) in such that the lowest value is zero and
consecutive reads return an increasing count value until the timer wraps at its
modulus. ⌋ (SRS_Frt_00030, SRS_Frt_00031)

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

7.3 Schedule Tables

7.3.1 Background & Rationale

It is possible to implement a statically defined task activation mechanism using an

OSEK counter and a series of auto started alarms. In the simple case, this can be
achieved by specifying that the alarms are not modified once started. Run-time
modifications can only be made if relative synchronization between alarms can be
guaranteed. This typically means modifying the alarms while associated counter tick
interrupts are disabled.

Schedule Tables address the synchronization issue by providing an encapsulation of

a statically defined set of expiry points. Each expiry point defines:

 one or more actions that must occur when it is processed where an action is
the activation of a task or the setting of an event.
 An offset in ticks from the start of the schedule table

Each schedule table has a duration in ticks. The duration is measured from zero and
defines the modulus of the schedule table.

At runtime, the Operating System module will iterate over the schedule table,
processing each expiry point in turn. The iteration is driven by an OSEK counter. It
therefore follows that the properties of the counter have an impact on what is
possible to configure on the schedule table.

7.3.2 Requirements Structure of a Schedule Table

Initial Expiry Final Expiry
Point Point

Expiry Point 1 Expiry Point 2 Expiry Point 3 Expiry Point 4 Expiry Point 5

Task Activations Task Activations Task Activations Task Activations Task Activations
TaskA <none> TaskA TaskA TaskB
TaskB TaskE TaskE TaskF

Event Settings Event Settings Event Settings Event Settings Event Settings
EventP:TaskC EventP:TaskC <none> EventQ:TaskC EventP:TaskC
EventP:TaskD EventP:TaskD EventQ:TaskE

Offset Offset Offset Offset Offset

4 ticks 12 ticks 20 ticks 32 ticks 40 ticks


Delay=8 Delay=8 Delay=12 Delay=8


0 4 12 20 32 40 0

Schedule Table Duration = 50 ticks

Figure 7.1: Anatomy of a Schedule Table

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[SWS_Os_00401] ⌈A schedule table shall have at least one expiry point. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00402] ⌈An expiry point shall contain a (possibly empty) set of tasks to
activate. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00403] ⌈An expiry point shall contain a (possibly empty) set of events to
set. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00404] ⌈An expiry point shall contain an offset in ticks from the start of
the schedule table. ⌋ ( ) Constraints on Expiry Points

There is no use case for an empty expiry point, so each one must define at least one

[SWS_Os_00407] ⌈An expiry point shall activate at least one task OR set at least
one event. ⌋ ( )

The OS needs to know the order in which expiry points are processed. It is therefore
necessary to ensure that the expiry points on a schedule table can be totally ordered.
This is guaranteed by forcing each expiry point on a schedule table to have a unique

[SWS_Os_00442] : ⌈Each expiry point on a given schedule table shall have a unique
offset. ⌋ ( )

Iteration over expiry points on a schedule table is driven by an OSEK counter. The
characteristics of the counter – OsCounterMinCycle and
OsCounterMaxAllowedValue – place constraints on expiry point offsets.

[SWS_Os_00443] ⌈The Initial Offset shall be zero OR in the range

OsCounterMinCycle .. OsCounterMaxAllowedValue of the underlying counter. ⌋

Simlarly, constraints apply to the delays between of adjacent expiry points and the
delay to the logical end of the schedule table.

[SWS_Os_00408] ⌈The delay between adjacent expiry points shall be in the range
OsCounterMinCycle .. OsCounterMaxAllowedValue of the underlying counter. ⌋

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1 Processing Schedule Tables

[SWS_Os_00002] ⌈The Operating System module shall process each expiry point
on a schedule table from the Initial Expiry Point to the Final Expiry Point in order of
increasing offset. ⌋ (SRS_Os_00098)

[SWS_Os_00007] ⌈The Operating System module shall permit multiple schedule

tables to be processed concurrently. ⌋ (SRS_Os_00098)

[SWS_Os_00409] ⌈A schedule table of the Operating System module shall be driven

by exactly one counter. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00410] ⌈The Operating System module shall be able to process at least

one schedule table per counter at any given time. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00411] ⌈The Operating System module shall make use of ticks so that
one tick on the counter corresponds to one tick on the schedule table. ⌋ ( )

It is possible to activate a task and set (one or more unique) events for the same task
at the same expiry point. The ordering of task activations and event settings
performed from the expiry point could lead to different implementations exhibiting
different behaviour (for example, activating a suspended task and then setting and
event on the task would succeed but if the ordering was reversed then the event
setting would fail). To prevent such non-determinism, it is necessary to enforce a
strict ordering of actions on the expiry point.

[SWS_Os_00412] ⌈The Operating System module shall process all task activations
on an expiry point first and then set events. ⌋ ( )

A schedule table always has a defined state and the following figure illustrates the
different states (for a non-synchronized schedule table) and the transitions between

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1



OR schedule table ends

„previous“ schedule table ends


Figure 7.2: States of a schedule table

If a schedule table is not active – this means that is not processed by the Operating
System – the state is SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED. After starting a schedule tables
enters the SCHEDULETABLE_RUNNING state where the OS processes the expiry points.
If the service to switch a schedule table is called a schedule table enters the the
SCHEDULETABLE_NEXT state and waits until the “current” schedule table ends. Repeated Schedule Table Processing

A schedule table may or may not repeat after the final expiry point is processed. This
allows two types of behaviour:

1. single-shot – the schedule table processes each expiry point in sequence and
then stops at the end. This is useful for triggering a phased sequence of
actions in response to some trigger

2. repeating – the schedule table processes each expiry point in turn, After
processing the final expiry point, it loops back to the initial expirt point. This is
useful for building applications that perform repeated processing or system
which need to synchronise processing to a driver source.

A repeating schedule table means that each expiry point is repeated at a period
equal to the schedule table duration.

[SWS_Os_00413] ⌈The schedule table shall be configurable as either single-shot or

repeating. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00009] ⌈If the schedule table is single-shot, the Operating System

module shall stop the processing of the schedule table Final Delay ticks after the
Final Expiry Point is processed. ⌋ ( )
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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

[SWS_Os_00427] ⌈If the schedule table is single-shot, the Operating System

module shall allow a Final Delay between 0 .. OsCounterMaxAllowedValue of the
underlying counter. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00444] ⌈For periodic schedule tables the value of Final Delay shall be in
the range OsCounterMinCycle .. OsCounterMaxAllowedValue of the underlying
counter. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00194] ⌈After processing the Final Expiry Point, and if the schedule table
is repeating, the Operating System shall process the next Initial Expiry Point, after
Final Delay plus Initial Offset ticks have elapsed. ⌋ ( ) Controlling Schedule Table Processing

The application is responsible for starting and stopping the processing of a schedule

The Operating System module provides the service StartScheduleTableAbs()

(see SWS_Os_00358) to start the processing of a schedule table at an absolute
value “Start” on the underlying counter. (The Initial Expiry Point has to be processed
when the value of the underlying counter equals Start + InitialOffset).

The Operating System module provides the service StartScheduleTableRel()

(see SWS_Os_00347) to start the processing of a schedule table at “Offset” relative
to the “Now” value on the underlying counter (The Initial Expiry Point shall be
processed when the value of the underlying counter equals Now + Offset +

The figure below illustrates the two different methods for a schedule table driven by a
counter with a modulus of 65536 (i.e. an OsCounterMaxAllowedValue = 65535).

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EP1 EP2 EP3 Schedule Table Tbl

Initial Offset = 2
Final Delay = 2
Duration = 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
65530 65532 65534
65531 65533 65535 OS Counter

Process Initial Expiry Point when the Counter = 2 + Initial Offset = 2



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
65530 65532 65534
65531 65533 65535 OS Counter

Process Initial Expiry Point when the Counter = Now + 2 + Initial Offset = 1

Figure 7.3: Starting a Schedule Table at an Absolute and a Relative Count

The Operating System module provides the service StopScheduleTable() (see

SWS_Os_00006) to cancel the processing of a schedule table immediately at any
point while the schedule table is running.

[SWS_Os_00428] ⌈If schedule table processing has been cancelled before reaching
the Final Expiry Point and is subsequently restarted then
SWS_Os_00358/SWS_Os_00347 means that the re-start occurs from the start of the
schedule table. ⌋ ( )

The Operating System module provides the service NextScheduleTable() (see

SWS_Os_00191) to switch the processing from one schedule table to another
schedule table.
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[SWS_Os_00414] ⌈When a schedule table switch is requested, the OS shall

continue to process expiry points on the current schedule table. After the Final Expiry
Point there will be a delay equivalent to Final Delay ticks before processing the
switched-to schedule table. The initial expiry point will be processed after initial
offset. ⌋ ( )

The Operating System module provides the service GetScheduleTableStatus()

(see SWS_Os_00227) to query the state of a schedule table.

Schedule tables can be configured (see chapter 10) to start automatically during start
of the Operating System module (like Tasks and Alarms in OSEK OS). OSEK OS
defines a specific order: Autostart of Tasks is performed before autostart of alarms.
AUTOSAR OS extends this with schedule tables.

[SWS_Os_00510] ⌈The Operating System module shall perform the autostart of

schedule tables during startup after the autostart of Tasks and Alarms. ⌋ ( )

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7.4 Schedule Table Synchronization

7.4.1 Background & Rationale

The absolute time at which the Initial Expiry Point on a schedule table is processed is
under user control. However, if the schedule table repeats then it is not guaranteed
that the absolute count value at which the initial expiry point was first processed is
the same count value at which it is subsequently processed. This is because the
duration of the schedule table need not be equal to the counter modulus.

In many cases it may be important that schedule table expiry points are processed at
specific absolute values of the underlying counter. This is called synchronization.
Typical use-cases include:

 Synchronization of expiry points to degrees of angular rotation for motor


 Synchronizing the computation to a global (network) time base. Note that in

AUTOSAR, the Operating System does not provide a global (network) time
source because

1. a global time may not be needed in many cases

2. other AUTOSAR modules, most notably FlexRay, provide this
independently to the Operating System
3. if the Operating System is required to synchronize to multiple global
(network) time sources (for example when building a gateway between two
time-triggered networks) the Operating System cannot be the source of a
unique global time.

AUTOSAR OS provides support for synchronization in two ways:

1. implicit synchronization – the counter driving the schedule table is the counter
with which synchronization is required. This is typically how synchronization
with time-triggered networking technologies (e.g. FlexRay, TTP) is achieved –
the underlying hardware manages network time synchronization and simply
presents time as an output/compare timer interface to the Operating System.
The following figure shows the possible states for schedule tables with implicit

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„previous“ ScheduleTable ends


Figure 7.4: States of an implicit synchronized schedule table

2. explicit synchronization – the schedule table is driven by an Operating System

counter which is not the counter with which synchronization is required. The
Operating System provides additional functionality to keep schedule table
processing driven by the Operating System counter synchronized with the
synchronization counter. This is typically how synchronization with periodically
broadcast global times works. The next figure shows the states of such
schedule tables.

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„previous“ ScheduleTable ends



SyncScheduleTable() SetScheduleTableAsync() OR


Figure 7.5: States of an explicit synchronized schedule table (not all conditions for transitions
are shown in the picture)

7.4.2 Requirements

[SWS_Os_00013] ⌈The Operating System module shall provide the ability to

synchronize the processing of schedule table to known counter values. ⌋
(SRS_Os_11002) Implicit Synchronization

The Operating System module does not need to provide any additional support for
implicit synchronization of schedule tables. However, it is necessary to constrain
configuration and runtime control of the schedule table so that ticks on the configured
schedule table can be aligned with ticks on the counter. This requires the range of
the schedule table to be identical to the range of the counter (the equality of tick
resolution of each is guaranteed by the requirements on the schedule table / counter

[SWS_Os_00429] ⌈A schedule table of the Operating System module that is

implicitly synchronized shall have a Duration equal to OsCounterMaxAllowedValue
+ 1 of its associated OSEK OS counter. ⌋ ( )

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To synchronize the processing of the schedule table it must be started at a known

counter value. The implication of this is that a schedule table requiring implicit
synchronization must only be started at an absolute counter value and cannot be
started at a relative count value.

[SWS_Os_00430] ⌈The Operating System module shall prevent a schedule table

that is implicitly synchronized from being started at a relative count value. ⌋ ( )

When the schedule table is started at an absolute counter value each expiry point will
be processed when the counter equals the value specified in the service call plus
expiry point’s offset. The common use-case is to ensure that the offsets specified in
the schedule table configuration correspond to absolute values of the underlying
counter. This is achieved trivially using StartScheduleTableAbs(Tbl,0) as shown



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
OS Counter

Process Initial Expiry Point when the Counter = 0 + Initial Offset = 2

Figure 7.6: Example for implicit synchronized schedule table Explicit Synchonization

An explicitly synchronized schedule table requires additional support from the

Operating System module. The schedule table is driven by an Operating System
module’s counter as normal (termed the “drive counter”) but processing needs to be
synchronized with a different counter (termed the “synchronization counter”) which is
not an Operating System module’s counter object.

The following constraints must be enforced between the schedule table, the
Operating System module’s counter and the synchronization counter:


[SWS_Os_00431] ⌈A schedule table that is explicitly synchronized shall have

a duration no greater than modulus of the drive counter. ⌋ ( )

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[SWS_Os_00462] ⌈A schedule table that is explicitly synchronized shall have

a duration equal to the modulus of the synchronization counter. ⌋ ( )


[SWS_Os_00463] ⌈The synchronization counter shall have the same

resolution as the drive counter associated with the schedule table. This means
that a tick on the schedule table has the same duration as a tick on the
synchronization counter. ⌋ ( )

Note that it is in the responsibility of the Operating System module user to verify that
Constraints 2 and 3 are satisfied by their system.

The function of explicit synchronization is for the Operating System module to keep
processing each expiry point at absolute value of the synchronization counter equal
to the expiry point’s offset. This means that explicit synchronization always assumes
that the notional zero of the schedule table has to be synchronized with absolute
value zero on the synchronization counter.

To achieve this, the Operating System module must be told the value of the
synchronization counter by the user. As the modulus of the synchronization counter
and the schedule table are identical, the Operating System module can use this
information to calculate drift. The Operating System module then automatically
adjusts the delay between specially configured expiry points, retarding them or
advancing them as appropriate, to ensure that synchronization is maintained. Startup

There are two options for starting an explicitly synchronized schedule table:

Asynchronous start: Start the schedule table at an arbitrary value of the

synchronization counter.
Synchronous start: Start the schedule table at absolute value zero of the
synchronization counter only after a synchronization count has been provided. This
may mean waiting for first synchronization indefinitely.

Asynchronous start is provided by the existing absolute and relative schedule table
start services. Both of these services set the point at which the initial expiry point is
processed with respect to the driver counter not the synchronization counter. This
allows the schedule table to start running before the value of the synchronization
counter is known.

Synchronous start requires an additional service that starts the schedule table only
after the Operating System module is told the value of the synchronization counter.

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The Operating System module provides the service

StartScheduleTableSynchron() (see SWS_Os_00201) to start an explicitly
synchronized schedule table synchronously. The Initial Expiry Point will be processed
after (Duration – Value) + Initial Offset ticks of the driver counter have elapsed where
Value is the absolute value of the synchronization counter provided to the schedule

[SWS_Os_00435] ⌈If an explicitly synchronized schedule table was started

synchronously, then the Operating System module shall guarantee that it has state
“waiting” when the call of service StartScheduleTableSynchron() returns. ⌋ ( ) Providing a Synchronization Count

The Operating System module must be told the value of the synchronization counter.
Since the schedule table duration is equal to the modulus of the synchronization
counter, the Operating System module can use this to determine the drift between
the current count value on the schedule table time and the synchronization count and
decide whether (or not) any action to achieve synchronization is required.

The Operating System module provides the service SyncScheduleTable() (see

SWS_Os_00199) to provide the schedule table with a synchronization count and
start synchronization. Specifying Synchronization Bounds

A schedule table defaults to denying adjustment at all expiry points. Adjustment is

allowed only when explicitly configured. The range of adjustment that the Operating
System module can make at an adjustable expiry point is controlled by specifying:

 OsScheduleTableMaxShorten : the maximum value that can be subtracted

from the expiry offset
 OsScheduleTableMaxLengthen: the maximum value that can be added to the
expiry point offset

The following figure illustrates the behaviour depending on

OsScheduleTableMaxShorten and OsScheduleTableMaxLengthen:

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Figure 7.7: Adjustment of Exipry Points

[SWS_Os_00415] ⌈An
expiry point shall permit the configuration of a
OsScheduleTableMaxShorten that defines the maximum number of ticks that can
be subtracted from expiry point offset. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00416] ⌈An expiry point shall permit the configuration of a

OsScheduleTableMaxLengthen that defines the maximum number of ticks that can
be added to expiry point offset. ⌋ ( )

When performing synchrioniszation it is important that the expiry points on the

schedule table are processed according to the total ordering defined by their offsets.
This means that the range of permitted values for OsScheduleTableMaxShorten
and OsScheduleTableMaxLengthen must ensure that the next expiry point is not
retarded into the past or advanced beyond more than one iteration of the schedule
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[SWS_Os_00436] ⌈The value of (Offset – OsScheduleTableMaxShorten ) of an

expiry point shall be greater than (Offset + OsCounterMinCycle) of the pervious
expiry point. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00559] ⌈The value of OsScheduleTableMaxLengthen shall be smaller

than the duration of the schedule table. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00437] ⌈The value of (OsScheduleTableMaxLengthen +

delay_from_previous_EP) of an expiry point shall be less than the
OsCounterMaxAllowedValue of the underlying counter. ⌋ ( )

Explicitly synchronized schedule tables allow the tolerance of some drift between the
schedule table value and the synchronization counter value. This tolerance can be
zero, indicating that the schedule table is not considered synchronized unless the
values are indentical..

[SWS_Os_00438] ⌈A schedule table shall define a precision bound with a value in

the range 0 to duration. ⌋ ( ) Performing Synchronization

The Operating System module uses the synchronization count to support

(re-)synchronization of a schedule table at each expiry point by calculating an
adjustment to the delay to the next expiry point. This provides faster re-
synchronization of the schedule table than doing the action on the final expiry point.

[SWS_Os_00206] ⌈When a new synchronization count is provided, the Operating

System module shall calculate the current deviation between the explicitly
synchronized scheduled table and the synchronization count. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11002)

It is meaningless to try and synchronise an explicitly synchronized schedule table

before a synchronization count is provided.

[SWS_Os_00417] ⌈The Operating System module shall start to synchronise an

explicitly synchronized schedule table after a synchronization count is provided AND
shall continue to adjust expiry points until synchronized. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00418] ⌈The Operating System module shall set the state of an explicitly
synchronized schedule table to “running and synchronous” if the deviation is less
than or equal to the configured OsScheduleTblExplicitPrecision threshold. ⌋ ( )
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[SWS_Os_00419] ⌈The Operating System module shall set the state of an explicitly
synchronized schedule table to “running” if the deviation is greater than the
configured OsScheduleTblExplicitPrecision threshold. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00420] ⌈IF the deviation is non-zero AND the next expiry point is
adjustable AND the table is behind the sync counter
(TableTicksAheadOfSyncCounter <= TableTicksBehindOfSyncCounter) THEN the
OS shall set the next EP to expire delay - min(MaxShorten, Deviation) ticks from the
current expiry. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00421] ⌈IF the deviation is non-zero AND the next expiry point is
adjustable AND the table is ahead of the sync counter
(TableTicksAheadOfSyncCounter > TableTicksBehindOfSyncCounter) THEN the OS
shall set the next EP to expire delay + min(MaxLengthen, Deviation) ticks from the
current expiry. ⌋ ( )

Figure 7.8: shows explicit synchronization of a schedule table. It assumes the

 EP1-3 have OsScheduleTableMaxLengthen=2
 EP1-3 have OsScheduleTableMaxShorten =1

Figure 7.8: Explict Schedule Table Synchronization

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The Operating System module provides the service SetScheduleTableAsync()

(see SWS_Os_00422) to cancel synchronization being performed at adjustable
expiry points on a schedule table.

The Operating System module provides the service GetScheduleTableStatus()

(see SWS_Os_00227) to query the state of a schedule table also with respect to

7.5 Stack Monitoring Facilities

7.5.1 Background & Rationale

On processors that do not provide any memory protection hardware it may still be
necessary to provide a “best effort with available resources” scheme for detectable
classes of memory faults. Stack monitoring will identify where a task or ISR has
exceeded a specified stack usage at context switch time. This may mean that there is
considerable time between the system being in error and that fault being detected.
Similarly, the error may have been cleared at the point the fault is notified (the stack
may be less than the specified size when the context switch occurs).

It is not usually sufficient to simply monitor the entire stack space for the system
because it is not necessarily the Task/ISR that was executing that used more than
stack space than required – it could be a lower priority object that was pre-empted.

Significant debugging time can be saved by letting the Operating System correctly
identify the Task/Category 2 ISR in error.

Note that for systems using a MPU and scalability class 3 or 4 a stack overflow may
cause a memory exception before the stack monitoring is able to detect the fault.

7.5.2 Requirements

[SWS_Os_00067] ⌈The Operating System module shall provide a stack monitoring

which detects possible stack faults of Task(s)/Category 2 ISR(s). ⌋ (SRS_Os_11003)

[SWS_Os_00068] ⌈If a stack fault is detected by stack monitoring AND no

ProtectionHook() is configured, the Operating System module shall call the
ShutdownOS() service with the status E_OS_STACKFAULT. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11003,

[SWS_Os_00396] ⌈If a stack fault is detected by stack monitoring AND a

ProtectionHook() is configured the Operating System module shall call the
ProtectionHook() with the status E_OS_STACKFAULT. ⌋ ( )

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7.6 OS-Application
7.6.1 Background & Rationale

An AUTOSAR OS must be capable of supporting a collection of Operating System

objects (Tasks, ISRs, Alarms, Schedule tables, Counters) that form a cohesive
functional unit. This collection of objects is termed an OS-Application.

The Operating System module is responsible for scheduling the available processing
resource between the OS-Applications that share the processor. If OS-Application(s)
are used, all Tasks, ISRs, Counters, Alarms and Schedule tables must belong to an
OS-Application. All objects which belong to the same OS-Application have access to
each other. The right to access objects from other OS-Applications may be granted
during configuration. An event is accessible if the task for which the event can be set
is accessible. Access means that these Operating System objects are allowed as
parameters to API services.

There are two classes of OS-Application:

(1) Trusted OS-Applications are allowed to run with monitoring or protection

features disabled at runtime. They may have unrestricted access to memory,
the Operating System module’s API, and need not have their timing behaviour
enforced at runtime. They are allowed to run in privileged mode when
supported by the processor. The Operating System module assumes that
trusted OS-Applications (and trusted functions) do not cause an memory
related protection fault. If such a fault happens the system stability is likely
gone and a shutdown may be the only option.

(2) Non-Trusted OS-Applications are not allowed to run with monitoring or

protection features disabled at runtime. They have restricted access to
memory, restricted access to the Operating System module’s API and have
their timing behaviour enforced at runtime. They are not allowed to run in
privileged mode when supported by the processor.

It is assumed that the Operating System module itself is trusted.

There are services offered by the AUTOSAR OS which give the caller information
about the access rights and the membership of objects. These services are intended
to be used in case of an inter-OS-Application call for checking access rights and

Note that Resource obejcts do not belong to any OS-Application, but access to them
must be explicitely granted. (The same principle applies to spinlocks in Multi-Core

The running OS-Application is defined as the OS-Application to which the currently

running Task or ISR belongs. In case of a hook routine the Task or ISR which caused
the call of the hook routine defines the running OS-Application.
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class OS-Application Model

OS-Application Hook
Shutdow nHook_<Appl>
#itsSchedule 1 0..1

* 1
#itsStartupHook Hook
1 0..1

#itsAlarm Hook
* ErrorHook_<Appl>
1 0..1

#itsCounter 1 #itsTask - EVENTs (of the TASK)
- One optional restart TASK
* 1 *


1 *

«realize» «realize»
An OS-Application may acces OS
+itsProvidedServices objects of other OS-Application (e.g.
trusted non-trusted starting an Alarm or setting an Event
TRUSTED_FUNCTION OS-Application OS-Application to anothers OS-Application Task) if
their configuration allows this.
0..* 1
constraints constraints
{privileged mode} {non-privileged mode}

Figure 7.9: UML-model of OS-Application

OS-Applications have a state which defines the scope of accessability of its

Operating System objects from other OS-Applications. Each OS-Application is
always in one of the following states:
 Active and accessible (APPLICATION_ACCESSIBLE): Operating System objects
may be accessed from other OS-Applications. This is the default state at startup.
 Currently in restart phase (APPLICATION_RESTART). Operating System objects
can not be accessed from other OS-Applications. State is valid until the OS-
Application calls AllowAccess().
 Terminated and not accessible (APPLICATION_TERMINATED): Operating
System objects can not be accessed from other OS-Applications. State will not

The following figure shows the states and the possible transitions:

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After StartOS and

before StartupHooks() ProtectionHook without RESTART
TerminateApplication without


ProtectionHook with RESTART
TerminateApplication with


Figure 7.13: States of OS-Applications

7.6.2 Requirements

[SWS_Os_00445] ⌈The Operating System module shall support OS-Applications

which are a configurable selection of Trusted Functions, Tasks, ISRs, Alarms,
Schedule tables, Counters, hooks (for startup, error and shutdown). ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00446] ⌈The Operating System module shall support the notion of trusted
and non-trusted OS-Applications. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00464] ⌈Trusted OS-Applications may offer services (“trusted services”)

to other (even non-trusted) OS-Applications. ⌋ ( )

The Operating System module provides the services GetApplicationID() and

GetCurrentApplicationID() (see SWS_Os_00016) to determine the configured
resp. currently executing OS-Application (a unique identifier shall be allocated to
each application).

The Operating System module provides the service CheckObjectOwnership() (see

SWS_Os_00017) to determine to which OS-Application a given Task, ISR, Counter,
Alarm or Schedule Table belongs.

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The Operating System module provides the service CheckObjectAccess() (see

SWS_Os_00256) to determine which OS-Applications are allowed to use the IDs of a
Task, Resource, Counter, Alarm or Schedule Table in API calls.

The Operating System module provides the service TerminateApplication() (see

SWS_Os_00258) to terminate the OS-Application to which the calling Task/Category
2 ISR/application specific error hook belongs. (This is an OS-Application level variant
of the TerminateTask() service)

The Operating System provides the service TerminateApplication() (see

SWS_Os_00258) to terminate another OS-Application AND calls to this service shall
be ignored if the caller does not belong to a trusted OS-Application.

[SWS_Os_00447] ⌈If the Operating System module terminates an OS-Application,

then it shall:
terminate all running, ready and waiting Tasks/ISRs of the OS-Application
disable all interrupts of the OS-Application AND
stop all active alarms of the OS-Applications AND
stop all schedule tables of the OS-Application. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00448] ⌈The Operating System module shall prevent access of OS-

Applications, trusted or non-trusted, to objects not belonging to this OS-Application,
except access rights for such objects are explicitly granted by configuration. ⌋ ( )

The Operating System provides the service GetApplicationState() (see

SWS_Os_00499) to request the current state of an OS-Application.

[SWS_Os_00500] ⌈The Operating System module shall set the state of all OS-
Applications after the call of StartOS() and before any StartupHook is called to

The Operating System module provides the service AllowAccess() (see

SWS_Os_00501) to set the own state of an OS-Application from

[SWS_Os_00502] ⌈If an OS-Application is terminated (e.g. through a service call or

via protection hook) and no restart is requested, then the Operating System module
shall set the state of this OS-Application to APPLICATION_TERMINATED. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00503] ⌈If an OS-Application is terminated (e.g. through a service call or

via protection hook) and a restart is requested, then the Operating System module
shall set the state of this OS-Application to APPLICATION_RESTARTING. ⌋ ( )

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[SWS_Os_00504] ⌈The Operating System module shall deny access to Operating

System objects from other OS-Applications to an OS-Application which is not in state

[SWS_Os_00509] ⌈If a service call is made on an Operating System object that is

owned by another OS-Application without state APPLICATION_ACCESSIBLE, then the
Operating System module shall return E_OS_ACCESS. ⌋ ( )

An example for SWS_Os_00509 is a call to ActivateTask() for a task in an OS-

Application that is restarting.

7.7 Protection Facilities

Protection is only possible for Operating System managed objects. This means that:

 It is not possible to provide protection during runtime of Category 1 ISRs,

because the operating system is not aware of any Category 1 ISRs being
invoked. Therefore, if any protection is required, Category 1 ISRs have to be
avoided. If Category 1 interrupts AND OS-Applications are used together then
all Category 1 ISR must belong to a trusted OS-Application.

 It is not possible to provide protection between functions called from the body
of the same Task/Category 2 ISR.

7.7.1 Memory Protection Background & Rationale

Memory protection will only be possible on processors that provide hardware support
for memory protection.

The memory protection scheme is based on the (data, code and stack) sections of
the executable program.

Stack: An OS-Application comprises a number of Tasks and ISRs. The stack for
these objects, by definition, belongs only to the owner object and there is therefore
no need to share stack data between objects, even if those objects belong to the
same OS-Application.
Memory protection for the stacks of Tasks and ISRs is useful mainly for two reasons:
(1) Provide a more immediate detection of stack overflow and
underflow for the Task or ISR than can be achieved with stack
(2) Provide protection between constituent parts of and OS-Application,
for example to satisfy some safety constraints.
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Specification of Operating System
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Data: OS-Applications can have private data sections and Tasks/ISRs can have
private data sections. OS-Application’s private data sections are shared by all
Tasks/ISRs belonging to that OS-Application.

Code: Code sections are either private to an OS-Application or can be shared

between all OS-Applications (to use shared libraries). In the case where code
protection is not used, executing incorrect code will eventually result in a memory,
timing or service violation. Requirements

Data Sections and Stack

[SWS_Os_00198] ⌈The Operating System module shall prevent write access to its
own data sections and its own stack from non-trusted OS-Applications. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00795] ⌈The OS shall offer the possibility to restrict write access of

trusted OS-Applications in the same way as it is done for non-trusted OS-
Applications.” ⌋(SRS_Os_11005)

This can be configured with the OsTrustedApplicationWithProtection.

Private data of an OS-Application

[SWS_Os_00026] ⌈The Operating System module may prevent read access to an

OS-Application’s data section attempted by other non-trusted OS-Applications. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00086] ⌈The Operating System module shall permit an OS-Application

read and write access to that OS-Application’s own private data sections. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00207] ⌈The Operating System module shall prevent write access to the
OS-Application’s private data sections from other non-trusted OS-Applications. ⌋

Private Stack of Task/ISR

[SWS_Os_00196] ⌈The Operating System module shall permit a Task/Category 2

ISR read and write access to that Task’s/Category 2 ISR’s own private stack. ⌋
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[SWS_Os_00208] ⌈The Operating System module may prevent write access to the
private stack of Tasks/Category 2 ISRs of a non-trusted application from all other
Tasks/ISRs in the same OS-Application. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11005)

[SWS_Os_00355] ⌈The Operating System module shall prevent write access to all
private stacks of Tasks/Category 2 ISRs of an OS-Application from other non-trusted
OS-Applications. ⌋ ( )

Private data of a Task/ISR

[SWS_Os_00087] ⌈The Operating System module shall permit a Task/Category 2

ISR read and write access to that Task’s/Category 2 ISR’s own private data sections.
⌋ (SRS_Os_11006)

[SWS_Os_00195] ⌈The Operating System module may prevent write access to the
private data sections of a Task/Category 2 ISR of a non-trusted application from all
other Tasks/ISRs in the same OS-Application. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11005)

[SWS_Os_00356] ⌈The Operating System module shall prevent write access to all
private data sections of a Task/Category 2 ISR of an OS-Application from other non-
trusted OS-Applications. ⌋ ( )

Code Sections

[SWS_Os_00027] ⌈The Operating System module may provide an OS-Application

the ability to protect its code sections against executing by non-trusted OS-
Applications. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00081] ⌈The Operating System module shall provide the ability to provide
shared library code in sections that are executable by all OS-Applications. ⌋


[SWS_Os_00209] ⌈If OsTrustedApplicationWithProtection == FALSE

then the Operating System module shall permit trusted OS-Applications read and write
access to peripherals. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00083] ⌈The Operating System module shall allow non-trusted OS-

Applications to write to their assigned peripherals only (incl. reads that have the side
effect of writing to a memory location). ⌋ ( )

Memory Access Violation

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[SWS_Os_00044] ⌈If a memory access violation is detected, the Operating System

module shall call the Protection Hook with status code E_OS_PROTECTION_MEMORY. ⌋

7.7.2 Timing Protection Background & Rationale

A timing fault in a real-time system occurs when a task or interrupt misses its
deadline at runtime.

AUTOSAR OS does not offer deadline monitoring for timing protection. Deadline
monitoring is insufficient to correctly identify the Task/ISR causing a timing fault in an
AUTOSAR system. When a deadline is violated this may be due to a timing fault
introduced by an unrelated Task/ISR that interferes/blocks for too long. The fault in
this case lies with the unrelated Task/ISR and this will propagate through the system
until a Task/ISR misses its deadline. The Task/ISR that misses a deadline is
therefore not necessarily the Task/ISR that has failed at runtime, it is simply the
earliest point that a timing fault is detected.

If action is taken based on a missed deadline identified with deadline monitoring this
would potentially use false evidence of error to terminate a correct OS-Application in
favour of allowing an incorrect OS-Application to continue running. The problem is
best illustrated by example. Consider a system with the following configuration:

TaskID Priority Execution Time Deadline (=Period)

A High 1 5
B Medium 3 10
C Low 5 15

Assuming that all tasks are ready to run at time zero, the following execution trace
would be expected and all tasks would meet their respective deadlines.

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Figure 7.10: Example execution trace

Now consider the case when tasks A and B behave incorrectly. The figure below
shows both task A and task B executing for longer than specified and task B arriving
2 ticks earlier than specified. Both tasks A and B meet their deadlines. Task C
however, behaves correctly but it fails to meet its deadline because of the incorrect
execution of Tasks A and B. This is fault propagation – a fault in an unrelated part of
the system is causing a correctly functioning part of the system to fail.

Task A executes for too long

Task A meets its deadline

Task B executes for too long

Task B meets its deadline

A A A Task C has executed within specification.

Task C misses its deadline 4 ticks into its
execution with 1 tick of execution

Task B arrives too early (at 8 rather than at 10)

Task B executes as expected otherwise
Task B meets its deadline C C C

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Figure 7.11: Insufficiency of Deadline Monitoring

Whether a task or ISR meets its deadline in a fixed priority preemptive operating
system like AUTOSAR OS is determined by the following factors:

the execution time of Task/ISRs in the system

the blocking time that Task/ISRs suffers from lower priority Tasks/ISRs locking
shared resources or disabling interrupts
the interarrival rate of Task/ISRs in the system

For safe and accurate timing protection it is necessary for the operating system to
control these factors at runtime to ensure that Tasks/ISRs can meet their respective

AUTOSAR OS prevents timing errors from (1) by using execution time protection to
guarantee a statically configured upper bound, called the Execution Budget, on the
execution time of:
Category 2 ISRs
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AUTOSAR OS prevents timing errors from (2) by using locking time protection to
guarantee a statically configured upper bound, called the Lock Budget, on the time
Resources are held by Tasks/Category 2 ISRs
OS interrupts are suspended by Tasks/Category 2 ISRs
ALL interrupts are suspended/disabled by Tasks/Category 2 ISRs

AUTOSAR OS prevents timing errors from (3) by using inter-arrival time protection to
guarantee a statically configured lower bound, called the Time Frame, on the time
 A task being permitted to transition into the READY state due to:
o Activation (the transition from the SUSPENDED to the READY state)
o Release (the transition from the WAITING to the READY state)
 A Category 2 ISR arriving
An arrival occurs when the Category 2 ISR is recognized by the OS

Inter-arrival time protection for basic tasks controls the time between successive
activations, irrespective of whether activations are queued or not. In the case of
queued activations, activating a basic task which is in the READY or RUNNING state is
a new activation because it represents the activation of a new instance of the task.
Inter-arrival time protection therefore interacts with queued activation to control the
rate at which the queue is filled.

Inter-arrival time protection for extended tasks controls the time between successive
activations and releases. When a task is in the WAITING state and multiple events are
set with a single call to SetEvent() this represents a single release. When a task
waits for one or more events which are already set this represents a notional
Wait/Release/Start transition and therefore is considered as a new release.

The following figure shows how execution time protection and inter-arrival time
protection interact with the task state transition model for AUTOSAR OS.

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OsTaskExecutionBudget reset

Successful activation of a task already in the RUNNING A task that waits on an event which is already set
state marks the start of a new OsTaskTimeFrame notionally transitions into the WAITING state

OsTaskExecutionBudget reset


OsTaskExecutionBudget started OsTaskExecutionBudget stopped

OsTaskTimeFrame started

Successful activation of a task already in the READY

Activate state marks the start of a new OsTaskTimeFrame

OsTaskTimeFrame started

Figure 7.12: Time protection interaction with the task state transition model

1. Inter-arrival time enforcement on Category 2 ISRs can be used to protect an
ECU from a “babbling idiot” source of interrupts (e.g. a CAN controller taking
an interrupt each time a frame is received from another ECU on the network).
2. Timing protection only applies to Tasks or Category 2 ISRs. There is no
protection for Category 1 ISRs. If timing protection error occurs during a
category 1 ISR, consistency of the Operating System module can not be
guaranteed. Therefore we discourage timing protection in systems with
category 1 interrupts.
3. Timing protection does not apply before the Operating System module is
4. In the case of trusted OS-Applications it is essential that all timing information
is correct, otherwise the system may fail at run-time. For a non-trusted OS-
Application, timing protection can be used to enforce timing boundaries
between executable objects. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00028] ⌈In a non-trusted OS-Application, the Operating System module

shall apply timing protection to every Task/Category 2 ISR of this non-trusted OS-
Application. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11008)

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[SWS_Os_00089] ⌈In a trusted OS-Application, the Operating System module shall

provide the ability to apply timing protection to Tasks/Category 2 ISRs of this OS-
Application. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11008)

[SWS_Os_00397] ⌈If no OS-Application is configured, the Operating System module

shall be able to apply timing protection to Tasks/Category 2 ISRs. ⌋ ( )

Timing Protection: Tasks

[SWS_Os_00064] ⌈If a task’s OsTaskExecutionBudget is reached then the

Operating System module shall call the ProtectionHook() with
E_OS_PROTECTION_TIME. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11008, SRS_Os_11013)

[SWS_Os_00473] ⌈The Operating System module shall reset a task’s

OsTaskExecutionBudget on a transition to the SUSPENDED or WAITING states. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00465] ⌈The Operating System module shall limit the inter-arrival time of
tasks to one per OsTaskTimeFrame. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11008)

[SWS_Os_00469] ⌈The Operating System module shall start an OsTaskTimeFrame

when a task is activated successfully. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11008)

[SWS_Os_00472] ⌈The Operating System module shall start an OsTaskTimeFrame

when a task is released successfully. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11008)

[SWS_Os_00466] ⌈If an attempt is made to activate a task before the end of an

OsTaskTimeFrame then the Operating System module shall not perform the
activation AND shall call the ProtectionHook() with E_OS_PROTECTION_ARRIVAL. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00467] ⌈If an attempt is made to release a task before the end of an

OsTaskTimeFrame then the Operating System module shall not perform the release
AND shall call the ProtectionHook() with E_OS_PROTECTION_ARRIVAL AND the
event shall be set. ⌋ ( )

Timing Protection: ISRs

[SWS_Os_00210] ⌈If a Category 2 ISR’s OsIsrExecutionBudget is reached then the

Operating System module shall call the ProtectionHook() with

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[SWS_Os_00474] ⌈The Operating System module shall reset an ISR’s

OsIsrExecutionBudget when the ISR returns control to the OS or terminates. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00470] ⌈The Operating System module shall limit the inter-arrival time of
Category 2 ISRs to one per OsIsrTimeFrame. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11008)

[SWS_Os_00471] ⌈The Operating System module shall measure the start of an

OsIsrTimeFrame from the point at which it recognises the interrupt (i.e. in the
Operating System interrupt wrapper). ⌋ (SRS_Os_11008)

[SWS_Os_00048] ⌈If Category 2 interrupt occurs before the end of the

OsIsrTimeFrame then the Operating System module shall not execute the user
provided ISR AND shall call the ProtectionHook() with

Timing Protection: Resource Locking and Interrupt Disabling

[SWS_Os_00033] ⌈If a Task/Category 2 ISR holds an OSEK Resource and exceeds

the Os[Task|Isr]ResourceLockBudget, the Operating System module shall call the
ProtectionHook() with E_OS_PROTECTION_LOCKED. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11008, SRS_Os_11013,

[SWS_Os_00037] ⌈If a Task/Category2 ISR disables interrupts (via

Suspend/Disable|All/OS|Interrupts()) and exceeds the configured
Os[Task|Isr][All|OS]InterruptLockBudget, the Operating System module shall call the
ProtectionHook() with E_OS_PROTECTION_LOCKED. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11008,
SRS_Os_11013, SRS_Os_11014) Implementation Notes

Execution time enforcement requires hardware support, e.g. a timing enforcement

interrupt. If an interrupt is used to implement the time enforcement, the priority of this
interrupt has to be high enough to “interrupt” the supervised tasks or ISRs.

Depending on the real hardware support this could mean that DisableAllInterrupts
and SuspendAllInterrupts disable not all interrupts (e.g. all interrupts except of the
interrupt used for timing protection) or that the usage of Category 1 ISRs – which
bypass the Operating System (and also the timing protection) – is limited somehow.

The implementation has to document such implementation specific behaviour (e.g.

the limitations when timing protection is used).

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7.7.3 Service Protection

Background & Rationale

As OS-Applications can interact with the Operating System module through services,
it is essential that the service calls will not corrupt the Operating System module
itself. Service Protection guards against such corruption at runtime.

There are a number of cases to consider with Service Protection: An OS-Application

makes an API call

(1) with an invalid handle or out of range value.

(2) in the wrong context, e.g. calling ActivateTask() in the StartupHook().
(3) or fails to make an API call that results in the OSEK OS being left in an
undefined state, e.g. it terminates without a ReleaseResource() call
(4) that impacts on the behaviour of every other OS-Application in the system,
e.g. ShutdownOS()
(5) to manipulate Operating System objects that belong to another OS-Application
(to which it does not have the necessary permissions), e.g. an OS-Application
tries to execute ActivateTask() on a task it does not own.

The OSEK OS already provides some service protection through the status codes
returned from service calls and this will provide the basis for service protection. This
means that service protection will only apply for the extended status of OSEK OS.

However, OSEK OS does not cover all the cases outlined above. The following
sections describe – besides the mandatory extended status – the additional
protection requirements to be applied in each of these cases. Invalid Object Parameter or Out of Range Value Background & Rationale

The current OSEK OS’ service calls already return E_OS_ID on invalid objects (i.e.
objects not defined in the OIL file) and E_OS_VALUE for out of range values (e.g.
setting an alarm cycle time less than OsCounterMinCycle). Requirements

[SWS_Os_00051] ⌈If an invalid address (address is not writable by this OS-

Application) is passed as an out-parameter to an Operating System service, the
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Operating System module shall return the status code E_OS_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS. ⌋

(SRS_Os_11009, SRS_Os_11013) Service Calls Made from Wrong Context Background & Rationale

The current OSEK OS defines the valid calling context for service calls (see [15]),
however protects against only a small set of these invalid calls, e.g. calling
TerminateTask() from a Category 2 ISR.

Protection Hook
Shutdown Hook

Alarm Callback
PostTask Hook
PreTask Hook

Startup Hook
Error Hook
Cat1 ISR

Cat2 ISR

ActivateTask  
TerminateTask  C
ChainTask  C
Schedule  C
GetTaskID      
GetTaskState     
DisableAllInterrupts          
EnableAllInterrupts          
SuspendAllInterrupts          
ResumeAllInterrupts          
SuspendOSInterrupts          
ResumeOSInterrupts          
GetResource  
ReleaseResource  
SetEvent  
ClearEvent  C
GetEvent     
WaitEvent  C
GetAlarmBase     
GetAlarm     
SetRelAlarm  
SetAbsAlarm  
CancelAlarm  
GetActiveApplicationMode       
ShutdownOS    
GetApplicationID        
GetISRID    
CallTrustedFunction  
CheckISRMemoryAccess    
CheckTaskMemoryAccess    
CheckObjectAccess    
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Protection Hook
Shutdown Hook

Alarm Callback
PostTask Hook
PreTask Hook

Startup Hook
Error Hook
Cat1 ISR

Cat2 ISR
CheckObjectOwnership    
StartScheduleTableRel  
StartScheduleTableAbs  
StopScheduleTable  
NextScheduleTable  
StartScheduleTableSynchron  
SyncScheduleTable  
GetScheduleTableStatus  
SetScheduleTableAsync  
IncrementCounter  
GetCounterValue  
GetElapsedValue  
TerminateApplication   
AllowAccess  
GetApplicationState        
ControlIdle  
GetCurrentApplicationID        
ReadPeripheral8  
ReadPeripheral16  
ReadPeripheral32  
WritePeripheral8  
WritePeripheral16  
WritePeripheral32  
ModifyPeripheral8  
ModifyPeripheral16  
ModifyPeripheral32  
DisableInterruptSource  
EnableInterruptSource  
ClearPendingInterrupt  

Tab. 1: Allowed Calling Context for OS Service Calls

In the table above “C” indicates that validity is only “Checked in Extended status by
E_OS_CALLEVEL” . Requirements

[SWS_Os_00088] ⌈If an OS-Application makes a service call from the wrong context
AND is currently not inside a Category 1 ISR the Operating System module shall not

Only in case of self termination.
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perform the requested action (the service call shall have no effect), and return
E_OS_CALLEVEL or the “invalid value” of the service. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11009, SRS_Os_11013) Services with Undefined Behaviour Background & Rationale

There are a number of situations where the behaviour of OSEK OS is undefined in

extended status. This is unacceptable when protection is required as it would allow
the Operating System module to be corrupted through its own service calls. The
implementation of service protection for the Operating System module must therefore
describe and implement a behaviour that does not jeopardise the integrity of the
system or of any OS-Application which did not cause the specific error. Requirements

Tasks ends without calling a TerminateTask() or ChainTask()

[SWS_Os_00052] ⌈If a task returns from its entry function without making a
TerminateTask() or ChainTask() call, the Operating System module shall
terminate the task (and call the PostTaskHook() if configured). ⌋ (SRS_Os_11009)

[SWS_Os_00069] ⌈If a task returns from its entry function without making a
TerminateTask() or ChainTask() call AND the error hook is configured, the
Operating System module shall call the ErrorHook() (this is done regardless of
whether the task causes other errors, e.g. E_OS_RESOURCE) with status
E_OS_MISSINGEND before the task leaves the RUNNING state. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11009)

[SWS_Os_00070] ⌈If a task returns from the entry function without making a
TerminateTask() or ChainTask() call and still holds OSEK Resources, the
Operating System module shall release them. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11009, SRS_Os_11013)

[SWS_Os_00239] ⌈If a task returns from the entry function without making a
TerminateTask() or ChainTask() call and interrupts are still disabled, the
Operating System module shall enable them. ⌋ ( )

Category 2 ISR ends with locked interrupts or allocated resources

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[SWS_Os_00368] ⌈If a Category 2 ISR calls DisableAllInterupts() /

SuspendAllInterrupts() / SuspendOSInterrupts() and ends (returns) without
calling the corresponding EnableAllInterrupts() / ResumeAllInterrupts() /
ResumeOSInterrupts(), the Operating System module shall perform the missing
service and shall call the ErrorHook() (if configured) with the status

[SWS_Os_00369] ⌈If a Category 2 ISR calls GetResource() and ends (returns)

without calling the corresponding ReleaseResource(), the Operating System
module shall perform the ReleaseResource() call and shall call the ErrorHook() (if
configured) with the status E_OS_RESOURCE (see [12], section 13.1). ⌋ ( )

PostTaskHook called during ShutdownOS()

[SWS_Os_00071] ⌈If the PostTaskHook() is configured, the Operating System

module shall not call the hook if ShutdownOS() is called. ⌋ ( )

Tasks/ISRs calls EnableAllInterrupts/ResumeAllInterrupts/ResumeOSInterrupts

without a corresponding disable

[SWS_Os_00092] ⌈If EnableAllInterrupts() / ResumeAllInterrupts() /

ResumeOSInterrupts() are called and no corresponding DisableAllInterupts()
/ SuspendAllInterrupts() / SuspendOSInterrupts() was done before, the
Operating System module shall not perform this Operating System service. ⌋

Tasks/ISRs calling OS services when

DisableAllInterupts/SuspendAllInterrupts/SuspendOSInterrupts called

[SWS_Os_00093] ⌈If interrupts are disabled/suspended by a Task/ISR/Hook and the

Task/ISR/Hook calls any Operating System service (excluding the interrupt services)
then the Operating System module shall ignore the service AND shall return
E_OS_DISABLEDINT if the service returns a StatusType value. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11009,
SRS_Os_11013) Service Restrictions for Non-Trusted OS-Applications Background & Rationale

The Operating System service calls available are restricted according to the calling
context (see Section In a protected system, additional constraints need to
be placed to prevent non-trusted OS-Applications executing API calls that can have a
global effect on the system. Each level of restriction is a proper subset of the
previous level as shown in the figure below.

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Figure 7.13: API Restrictions

There are two defined integrity levels:

1. Trusted
2. Non-Trusted

that correspond exactly with trusted and non-trusted OS-Applications. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00054] ⌈The Operating System module shall ignore calls to

ShutdownOS() from non-trusted OS-Applications. ⌋ ( ) Service Calls on Objects in Different OS-Applications Background

Section stated that E_OS_ID is returned by OSEK OS service calls when the
object is invalid. Under the protection scheme a service call can be invalid because
the caller does not have valid permissions for the object (a new meaning for multi-
OS-Application systems).
This is a similar case to an object not being accessible in OSEK OS (for example,
when a task tries to get a resource which exists in the system but has not been
configured as used by the task).

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[SWS_Os_00056] ⌈If an OS-object identifier is the parameter of an Operating

System module’s system service, and no sufficient access rights have been assigned
to this OS-object at configuration time (Parameter Os[...]AccessingApplication)
to the calling Task/Category 2 ISR, the Operating System module’s system service
shall return E_OS_ACCESS. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11001, SRS_Os_11010, SRS_Os_11013)

[SWS_Os_00449] ⌈CheckTaskMemoryAccess and CheckIsrMemoryAccess check

the memory access. Memory access checking is possible for all OS-Applications and
from all OS-Applications and does not need granted rights. ⌋ ( )

SWS_Os_00449 is an exception to SWS_Os_00056.

[SWS_Os_00450] ⌈CheckObjectAccess checks the access rights for Operating

System objects. Checking object access is possible for all OS-Applications and from
all OS-Applications and does not need granted rights. ⌋ ( )

SWS_Os_00450 is an exception to SWS_Os_00056.

7.7.4 Protecting the Hardware used by the OS Background & Rationale

Where a processor supports privileged and non-privileged mode it is usually the case
that certain registers, and the instructions to modify those registers, are inaccessible
outside the privileged mode.

On such hardware, executing the Operating System module in privileged mode and
Tasks/ISRs in non-privileged mode protects the registers fundamental to Operating
System module operation from inadvertent corruption by the objects executing in
non-privileged mode. The Operating System module’s services will need to execute
in privileged mode as they will need to modify the registers that are protected outside
this mode.

The Operating System module can use the control registers of the MPU, timer
unit(s), interrupt controller, etc. and therefore it is necessary to protect those registers
against non-trusted OS-Applications. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00058] ⌈If supported by hardware, the Operating System module shall

execute non-trusted OS-Applications in non-privileged mode. ⌋ ( )

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[SWS_Os_00096] ⌈As far as supported by hardware, the Operating System module

shall not allow non-trusted OS-Applications to access control registers managed by
the Operating System module. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11011)

[SWS_Os_00245] ⌈If an instruction exception occurs (e.g. division by zero) the

Operating System module shall call the protection hook with
E_OS_PROTECTION_EXCEPTION. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11011) Implementation Notes

When the Operating System module is running non-trusted OS-Applications, the

Operating System module’s treatment of interrupt entry and hook routines must be
carefully managed.

Interrupt handling: Where the MCU supports different modes (as discussed in this
section) ISRs will require the Operating System module to do extra work in the ISR()
wrapper. ISRs will typically be entered in privileged mode. If the handler is part of a
non-trusted OS-Application then the ISR() wrapper must make sure that a switch to
non-privileged mode occurs before the handler executes.

7.7.5 Providing »Trusted Functions« Background & Rationale

An OS-Application can invoke a Trusted Function provided by (another) trusted OS-

Application. That can require a switch from non-privileged to privileged mode. This is
typically achieved by these operations:

Each trusted OS-Application may export services which are callable from other
During configuration these trusted services must be configured to be called
from a non-trusted OS-Application.
The call from the non-trusted OS-Application to the trusted service is using a
mechanism (e.g. trap/software interrupt) provided by the Operating System. The
service is passed as an identifier that is used to determine, in the trusted
environment, if the service can be called.
The Operating System offers services to check if a memory region is
write/read/execute accessible from an OS-Application. It also returns information if
the memory region is part of the stack space.

The Operating System software specification does not provide support for »non-
trusted services«.

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1 Requirements

[SWS_Os_00451] ⌈The Operating System module shall allow exporting services

from trusted OS-Applications. ⌋ ( )

The Operating System module provides the service CallTrustedFunction() (see

SWS_Os_00097) to call a trusted function from a (trusted or non-trusted) OS-

[SWS_Os_00100] ⌈If CallTrustedFunction() is called and the called trusted

function is not configured the Operating System module shall call the ErrorHook with

The Operating System module provides the services CheckISRMemoryAccess() and

CheckTaskMemoryAccess() (see SWS_Os_00512 and SWS_Os_00513) for OS-
Applications to check if a memory region is write/read/execute accessible from a
Task/Category 2 ISR and also return information if the memory region is part of the
stack space.

7.8 Protection Error Handling

7.8.1 Background & Rationale

The Operating System can detect protection errors based on statically configured
information on what the constituent parts of an OS-Application can do at runtime.
See Section 7.7.

Unlike monitoring, protection facilities will trap the erroneous state at the point the
error occurs, resulting in the shortest possible time between transition into an
erroneous state and detection of the fault. The different kinds of protection errors are
described in the glossary. If a protection error occurs before the Operating System
module is started the behaviour is not defined. If a protection error happens during
shutdown, e.g. in the application-specific shutdown hook, an endless loop between
the shutdown service and the protection hook may occur.

In the case of a protection error, the Operating System module calls a user provided
Protection Hook for the notification of protection errors at runtime. The Protection
Hook runs in the context of the Operating System module and must therefore be
trusted code.

The Operating System module itself needs only to detect an error and provide the
ability to act. The Protection Hook can select one out of four options the Operating
System module provides, which will be performed after returning from the Protection
Hook, depending on the return value of the Protection Hook. The options are:

1. do nothing
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2. forcibly terminate the faulty Task/Category 2 ISR

3. forcibly terminate all tasks and ISRs in the faulty OS-Application
a. without restart of the OS-Application
b. with restart of the OS-Application
4. shutdown the Operating System module.

Requirements SWS_Os_00243 and SWS_Os_00244 define the order of the default

reaction if no faulty Task/Category 2 ISR or OS-Application can be found, e.g. in the
system specific hook routines. Also OS-Applications are only mandatory in Scalability
Classes 3 and 4, therefore in other Scalability Classes OS-Applications need not be

Note that forcibly terminating interrupts is handled differently in “forcibly terminate the
faulty ISR” and “forcibly terminate the OS-Application”. If a faulty ISR is forcibly
terminated, the current invocation of the ISR is terminated. A subsequent invocation
is allowed. If the OS-Application is forcibly terminated, then the interrupt source is
also disabled, preventing subsequent interrupts.

Notes regarding the return value PRO_IGNORE

The meaning of "do nothing" (PRO_IGNORE) means that the error reaction is
ignored. The PRO_IGNORE is only allowed in specific situations (currently: arrival rate
errors). After the error is detected (e.g. as specified in SWS_Os_00466 or
SWS_Os_00467) the protection hook is called. If the hook returns with PRO_IGNORE
the OS does continue its normal operation. If a service call was the root cause of the
violation (e.g. an ActivateTask()) and protection hook returns PRO_IGNORE the
service call shall continue its operation (e.g. to activate a Task) and return E_OK (if
successful and possible).

Example 1: A task calls ActivateTask(B) and causes a arrival rate violation. The
activation is not performed (SWS_Os_00466) and protection hook is called. When
returning PRO_IGNORE the OS continues and the ActivateTask() service
activates B and returns E_OK.

Example 2: A task A calls SetEvent() for task B (which currently waits for the
event). The OS detects (SWS_Os_00467) an arrival rate violation and performs a
call of the protection hook. When the call returns with PRO_IGNORE, the SetEvent()
service continues and sets the event. Task B changes to READY state and a
rescheduling might happen. The SetEvent() service call will return E_OK to task A.

7.8.2 Requirements

[SWS_Os_00211] ⌈The Operating System module shall execute the

ProtectionHook() with the same permissions as the Operating System module. ⌋ (

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[SWS_Os_00107] ⌈If no ProtectionHook() is configured and a protection error

occurs, the Operating System module shall call ShutdownOS().⌋ (SRS_Os_11014)

[SWS_Os_00106] ⌈If the ProtectionHook() returns PRO_IGNORE and was called

with E_OS_PROTECTION_ARRIVAL the Operating System module shall return control
to the user application. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11014)

[SWS_Os_00553] ⌈If the ProtectionHook() returns PRO_TERMINATETASKISR the

Operating System module shall forcibly terminate the faulty Task/Category 2 ISR. ⌋ (

[SWS_Os_00554] ⌈If the ProtectionHook() returns PRO_TERMINATEAPPL the

Operating System module shall forcibly terminate the faulty OS-Application. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00555] ⌈If the ProtectionHook() returns PRO_TERMINATEAPPL_RESTART

the Operating System module shall forcibly terminate the faulty OS-Application and
afterwards restart the OS-Application. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00556] ⌈If the ProtectionHook() returns PRO_SHUTDOWN the Operating

System module shall call the ShutdownOS().⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00506] ⌈If the ProtectionHook() is called with

E_OS_PROTECTION_ARRIVAL the only valid return values are PRO_IGNORE or
PRO_SHUTDOWN 3. Returning other values will result in a call to ShutdownOS().⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00475] ⌈If the ProtectionHook() returns PRO_IGNORE and the

ProtectionHook() was not called with E_OS_PROTECTION_ARRIVAL then the
Operating System module shall call ShutdownOS().⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00243] ⌈If the ProtectionHook() returns PRO_TERMINATETASKISR and

no Task or ISR can be associated with the error, the running OS-Application is
forcibly terminated by the Operating System module. If even no OS-Application can
be assigned, ShutdownOS() is called. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11014)

[SWS_Os_00244] ⌈If the ProtectionHook() returns PRO_TERMINATEAPPL or

PRO_TERMINATEAPPL_RESTART and no OS-Application can be assigned,
ShutdownOS() is called. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11014)

[SWS_Os_00557] ⌈If the ProtectionHook() returns PRO_TERMINATEAPPL_RESTART

and no OsRestartTask was configured for the faulty OS-Application, ShutdownOS()
is called. ⌋ ( )

The reason for this case is that the Task which is supervised is not necessary active (and can not be e.g. terminated) and it
can be that the caller of the activation is the real problem.
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[SWS_Os_00108] ⌈If the Operating System module forcibly terminates a task, it

terminates the task, releases all allocated OSEK resources and calls
EnableAllInterrupts()/ ResumeOSInterrupts() / ResumeAllInterrupts() if
the Task called DisableAllInterrupts() / SuspendOSInterrupts() /
SuspendAllInterrupts() before without the corresponding
EnableAllInterrupts()/ ResumeOSInterrupts() / ResumeAllInterrupts() call.
⌋ (SRS_Os_11014)

[SWS_Os_00109] ⌈If the Operating System module forcibly terminates an interrupt

service routine, it clears the interrupt request, aborts the interrupt service routine
(The interrupt source stays in the current state.) and releases all OSEK resources the
interrupt service routine has allocated and calls EnableAllInterrupts() /
ResumeOSInterrupts() / ResumeAllInterrupts() if the interrupt called
DisableAllInterrupts() / SuspendOSInterrupts() /
SuspendAllInterrupts() before without the corresponding
EnableAllInterrupts()/ ResumeOSInterrupts() / ResumeAllInterrupts() call.
⌋ (SRS_Os_11014)

[SWS_Os_00110] ⌈If the Operating System module shall forcibly terminates an OS-
Application, it:shall
o forcibly terminate all Tasks/ISRs of the OS-Application AND
o cancel all alarms of the OS-Application AND
o stop schedule tables of the OS-Application AND
o disable interrupt sources of Category 2 ISRs belonging to the OS-Application⌋

[SWS_Os_00111] ⌈When the Operating System module restarts an OS-Application,

it shall activate the configured OsRestartTask. ⌋ ( )

7.9 Operating System for Multi-Core

This chapter specifies some extensions that allow to use an AUTOSAR system on
Multi-Core micro-processors. It describes the main philosophy as well as additional
extensions to the existing OS functionality regarding Multi-Core. The following
chapter contains a specification of a new mechanism within the OS called IOC (Inter
OS-Application Communicator) that supports the communication between OS-
Applications located on the same or on different cores

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7.9.1 Background & Rationale

The existing AUTOSAR-OS is based on the OSEK/VDX Operating system which is

widely used in the automotive industry. The AUTOSAR Multi-Core OS is derived from
the existing AUTOSAR OS.
The Multi-Core OS in AUTOSAR is not a virtual ECU concept, instead it shall be
understood as an OS that shares the same configuration and most of the code, but
operates on different data structures for each core.
To reduce the memory footprint all cores should use the same code base.
Sometimes it can be beneficial to spend some more ROM/Flash, e.g. to use a local
ROM, and "double" parts of the code to get faster ROM/Flash access. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00567] ⌈The generated part of the OS is derived from a single

configuration that contains the relevant information for all cores. This implies, that IDs
(e.g. TASKID, RESOURCEID, …) are unique across cores. Every ID shall refer
exactly to one entity independent from the core on which the entity is accessed. This
applies also to objects that cannot be shared between cores. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80008)
7.9.2 Scheduling

The priority of the TASKs drives the scheduling. Since multiple cores run truly
parallel, several TASKs can execute at the same time.

Figure 2: Priorities are assigned to TASKS. The cores schedule independently from each other.
The TASKS T2, T3 and T5 are executed in true parallelism. TASKs with the same priority on the
same core will be executed in order of activation; TASKs with the same priority on different
cores may not be executed in the order of activation, since the cores schedule independent
from each other.
The OS can be entered on each core in parallel. This optimizes scalability towards
multiple cores. The cores schedule independently. This implies that the schedule on
one core does not consider the scheduling on the other cores4. A low priority TASK
on one core may run in parallel with a high priority TASK on another core.

This also applies to TASKs with the same priority, bound to different cores. It also means that non-preemptive tasks cannot be
preempted on the core they are running, but tasks on other cores can run in parallel.
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TASKs and ISRs cannot dynamically change cores by means of the scheduling
algorithm. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00568] ⌈Implementations shall be able to independently execute a TASK

or an ISR on each started AUTOSAR OS core in parallel. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80001)

[SWS_Os_00569] ⌈The scheduling strategy as defined in AUTOSAR OS shall apply

for each individual core in a Multi-Core system, for the TASKs and ISR assigned to
the core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80001, SRS_Os_80013)
7.9.3 Locatable entities (LE)

A locatable entity is an entity that has to be located entirely on one core. The
assignment of LEs to cores is defined at configuration time

In this release of the AUTOSAR standard OS-Applications shall be the LEs. Because
every TASK has to run on some core, the usage of OS-Applications becomes
obligatory in AUTOSAR R4.0 for Multi-Core systems. BSW modules are not allowed
to ignore OS-Applications, even if they do not use any protection mechanisms. This
is independent from the SC class.

As is stated in the AUTOSAR Specification of the Operating System, if OS-

Applications are used, all Tasks, ISR etc. must belong to an OS-Application. This
implies, that no AUTOSAR software exists outside of an OS-Application in Multi-Core

On single-core systems OS-Applications are available only for SC3 and SC4
because the mechanism is used to support memory protection and implies the usage
of extended mode. In Multi-core systems OS-Applications are always available
independend of memory protection and on SC1 standard mode shall be possible. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00570] ⌈All TASKs that are assigned to the same OS-Application shall
execute on the same core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80003, SRS_Os_80005)

[SWS_Os_00571] ⌈All ISRs that are assigned to the same OS-Application shall
execute on the same core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80003, SRS_Os_80005)

[SWS_Os_00572] ⌈ISR balancing (if supported by the HW) shall be switched off at
boot time by the OS. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80005, SRS_Os_80006)

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[SWS_Os_00764] ⌈The OS module shall support OS-Applications in case of Multi-

Core also for SC1 and SC2. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00763] ⌈In an SC1 system standard mode shall be possible. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00573] ⌈The binding of OS-Applications to cores shall be configured

within the OS-Application container. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80003, SRS_Os_80005)

A new configuration item: OsApplicationCoreRef within the OS-Application

container shall be used to define the core to which the OS-Application is bound. The
OS generator will map the configuration parameter “CORE” to a certain core, so that
all OS-Applications with the same configuration parameter reside on the same core.
7.9.4 Multi-Core start-up concept

The way cores are started depends heavily on the hardware. Typically the hardware
only starts one core, referred as the master core, while the other cores (slaves)
remain in halt state until they are activated by the software.

In contrast to such a master-slave system other boot concepts with cores that start
independently from each other are conceivable. However it is possible to emulate
master-slave behavior on such systems by software.

The AUTOSAR Multi-Core OS specification requires a system with master-slave

start-up behavior, either supported directly by the hardware or emulated in software.
The master core is defined to be the core that requires no software activation,
whereas a slave core requires activation by software.

In Multi-Core configurations, each slave core that is used by AUTOSAR must be

activated before StartOS is entered on the core. Depending on the hardware, it may
be possible to only activate a subset of the available cores from the master. The
slave cores might activate additional cores before calling StartOS. All cores that
belong to the AUTOSAR system have to be activated by the designated AUTOSAR
API function. Additionally, the StartOS function has to be called on all these cores.

If a core is activated it executes some HW and compiler specific operations, before

the "main" function is called. In case the same "main" function is executed on
each core, the cores have to be differentiated by their specific core Id within the

void main ()
StatusType rv;
switch (GetCoreID())
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StartCore(OS_CORE_ID_0, &rv);
case OS_CORE_ID_0:
StartCore(OS_CORE_ID_1, &rv);

StartOS synchronizes all cores twice. The first synchronization point is located
before the StartupHooks are executed, the second after the OS-Application specific
StartupHooks have finished and before the scheduler is started. The exact point
where the second synchronization occurs depends on the implementation, but it shall
be before the scheduling is started. This release of the AUTOSAR specification does
not support timeouts during the synchronization phase. Cores that are activated with
StartCore but do not call StartOS may cause the system to hang. It is in the
responsibility of the integrator to avoid such behavior.

As shown in Figure 3, the StartUpHook is called on every core right after the first
synchronization. However, there is only one StartUpHook in the system. If, for
example, core-individual functionality must be executed during StartupHook the
GetCoreID function can be used to discriminate the individual cores. After the global
StartUpHook has finished each core performs the StartUpHooks of its OS-
Applications . Since OS-Applications are bound to cores the OS-Application specific
StartUpHooks are executed only on the core to which the corresponding OS-
Application is bound.

Figure 3: This figure shows an example of an initialization process with 4 cores.

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1 Requirements

[SWS_Os_00574] ⌈The master core shall be able to activate cores. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006,

SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

[SWS_Os_00575] ⌈Any slave core shall be able to activate cores. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006,

SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

[SWS_Os_00576] ⌈It shall be allowed to use only a subset of the cores available on
a µC for the AUTOSAR system. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

[SWS_Os_00577] ⌈The cores shall boot in master-slave mode. If this is not

supported by the hardware, it shall be that the cores boot in parallel and emulate the
behavior of a master-slave system. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

[SWS_Os_00578] ⌈In case of an emulation a slave core (CoreS), which is controlled

by the AUTOSAR OS (AUTOSAR core), shall not enter the main function before
another core has activated the slave core by means of StartCore(CoreS). ⌋

[SWS_Os_00579] ⌈All cores that belong to the AUTOSAR system shall be

synchronized within the StartOS function before the scheduling is started and after
the global StartupHook is called. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80001, SRS_Os_80006)

[SWS_Os_00580] ⌈All cores that belong to the AUTOSAR system shall be

synchronized within the StartOS before the global StartupHook is called. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00581] ⌈The global StartupHook shall be called on all cores

immediately after the first synchronisation point. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006)

[SWS_Os_00582] ⌈The OS-Application-specific StartupHooks shall be called after

the global StartupHook but only on the cores to which the OS-Application is bound.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80008)
7.9.5 Cores under control of the AUTOSAR OS

The AUTOSAR OS controls several cores as stated above. It need not control all
cores of a µC, however. The maximum number of controlled cores shall be
configured within the “OsOS” section of the configuration.

The AUTOSAR OS API provides a StartCore function to start the cores under its
control. The StartCore function takes a scalar value parameter of type
CoreIdType, specifying the core that shall be started. StartCore can be called

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more than once on the master core and also on slave cores. Each core can only be
started once, however. For example:

StartusType rv1, rv2;

StartCore(OS_CORE_ID_1, &rv1);
StartCore(OS_CORE_ID_2, &rv2);

if (rv1 != E_OK) || (rv2 != E_OK)



The StartOS function shall be called on all cores that have been activated by
StartCore. It is not allowed to call StartCore from a core that has already called

Cores that belong to the AUTOSAR system shall be started by the designated
AUTOSAR OS API service StartCore. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00583] ⌈The number of cores that can be controlled by the AUTOSAR

OS shall be configured offline.
A new configuration item (OsNumberOfCores) within the “OsOS” container is used
to specify the maximum number of cores that are controlled by the AUTOSAR OS. If
no value for (OsNumberOfCores) has been specified the number of cores shall be
one. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80001, SRS_Os_80011)
7.9.6 Cores which are not controlled by the AUTOSAR OS

The function StartNonAutosarCore can be used both before and after StartOS.
It is provided to activate cores that are controlled by another OS or no OS at all,
AUTOSAR functions shall not be called on these cores, otherwise the behavior is
unspecified. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00584] ⌈The AUTOSAR OS shall provide a function called

StartNonAutosarCore that can be used to start cores, which are not controlled by
the AUTOSAR OS. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

[SWS_Os_00585] ⌈It shall be possible to activate cores that are not controlled by the
AUTOSAR OS before and after calling StartOS. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80026,
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7.9.7 Multi-Core shutdown concept

AUTOSAR supports two shutdown concepts, the synchronized shutdown and the
individual shutdown concept. While the synchronized shutdown is triggered by the
new API function ShutdownAllCores(), the individual shutdown is invoked by the
existing API function ShutdownOS(). Synchronized shutdown concept

If a TASK with the proper rights calls “ShutdownAllCores”, a signal is sent to all
other cores to induce the shutdown procedure. Once the shutdown procedure has
started on a core, interrupts and TASKs are not further processed, and no scheduling
will take place, therefore it makes no sense to activate any TASK, however no error
will be generated. It is in the responsibility of the application developer/system
integrator to make sure that any preparations for shutdown on application and basic
software level are completed before calling “ShutdownAllCores”. (e.g. by means of
the ECU state manager).

During the shutdown procedure every core executes its OS-Application specific
ShutdownHook functions, followed by a synchronization point. After all cores have
reached the synchronization point the global ShutdownHook function is executed by
all cores in parallel.

Figure 4: Example of a shutdown procedure.

[SWS_Os_00586] ⌈During the shutdown, the OS-Application specific

ShutdownHook shall be called on the core on which the corresponding OS-
Application is bound. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80007)

[SWS_Os_00587] ⌈Before calling the global ShutdownHook, all cores shall be

synchronized. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80007)

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[SWS_Os_00588] ⌈The global ShutdownHook shall be called on all cores. ⌋

(SRS_Os_80007) Individual shutdown concept

If a TASK calls ShutdownOS the OS will be shut down on the core on which
ShutdownOS has been called. Every core shall be able to invoke ShutdownOS.
Similar to StartOS this function will shutdown the individual core. To shutdown the
whole ECU ShutdownOS has to be called on every core. The function will not return.
Individual shutdown is not supported in AUTOSAR R4.x (AUTOSAR mode
management will not use it). Shutdown in case of fatal internal errors

In multicore systems it can happen that a fatal internal OS error is detected only on
one core. In such cases a local shutdown of that core does not make sense.

[SWS_Os_00762] ⌈In cases where the OS detects a fatal internal error all cores
shall be shut down. ⌋ ( )

7.9.8 OS service functionality (overview)

Within this chapter we describe which existing single core AUTOSAR OS

functionality has been extended. The following table gives an overview of all standard
OS API functions. The column “Multi-Core support” contains one of the following
 Extended: The function that has been extended substantially to support
special Multi-Core functionality.
 Adapted: the function required some minor changes but basically remains
 Unchanged: the behavior of the function has not changed.
 New: the function is a new AUTOSAR OS API-function.

Service Multi-Core support Annotation

ActivateTask Extended Cross core use shall be
AllowAccess Unchanged Works only on the same core
CallTrustedFunction Adapted Function must be bound to the
same core
CancelAlarm Extended Cross core use shall be
ChainTask Extended Cross core use shall be
CheckISRMemoryAccess Unchanged
CheckObjectAccess Unchanged
CheckObjectOwnership Unchanged
CheckTASKMemoryAccess Unchanged
ClearEvent Unchanged
ControlIdle Unchanged Is allowed to be called from
any core
DisableAllInterrupts Unchanged Works only on the same core

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EnableAllInterrupts Unchanged Works only on the same core

GetActiveApplicationMode Unchanged
GetAlarm Extended Cross core use shall be
GetAlarmBase Extended Cross core use shall be
GetApplicationID Unchanged
GetApplicationState Extended Cross core use shall be
GetCoreID New ID of the current core
GetCounterValue Adapted Cross core is not allowed.
GetElapsedValue Adapted Cross core is not allowed.
GetEvent Unchanged
GetISRID Unchanged
GetNumberOfActivatedCores New Number of cores activated
during startup.
GetResource Adapted Nestable with spinlocks
GetScheduleTableStatus Extended Cross core use shall be
GetSpinlock New Occupy a spinlock
GetTaskID Unchanged Works only on the same core
GetTaskState Extended Cross core use shall be
IncrementCounter Adapted Cross core is not allowed.
NextScheduleTable Unchanged
ReleaseResource Adapted Nestable with spinlocks
ReleaseSpinlock New Release a spinlock
ResumeAllInterrupts Unchanged Works only on the same core
ResumeOSInterrupts Unchanged Works only on the same core
Schedule Adapted Check for unreleased
SetAbsAlarm Extended Cross core use shall be
SetEvent Extended Cross core use shall be
SetRelAlarm Extended Cross core use shall be
SetScheduleTableAsync Unchanged
ShutdownAllCores New Synchronized shutdown.
ShutdownOS Extended Support for MC systems
StartCore New Start additional core
StartOS Extended Support for MC systems
StartNonAutosarCore New Start additional core
StartScheduleTableAbs Extended Cross core use shall be
StartScheduleTableRel Extended Cross core use shall be
StartScheduleTableSynchron Unchanged
StopScheduleTable Extended Cross core use shall be
SuspendAllInterrupts Unchanged Works only on the same core
SuspendOSInterrupts Unchanged Works only on the same core
SyncScheduleTable Unchanged
TerminateApplication Extended Check for unreleased
spinlocks. Cross core use
shall be supported.
TerminateTask Adapted Check for unreleased
TryToGetSpinlock New Try to occupy a spinlock
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WaitEvent Adapted Check for unreleased

Tab. 2: gives an overview of changes to the OS Service Calles

Protection Hook
Shutdown Hook

Alarm Callback
PostTask Hook
PreTask Hook

Startup Hook
Error Hook
Cat1 ISR

Cat2 ISR

GetNumberOfActivatedCores  
GetCoreID          
StartNonAutosarCore 
GetSpinlock  
ReleaseSpinlock  
TryToGetSpinlock  
ShutdownAllCores    
Tab. 3: Allowed Calling Context for OS Service Calls

[SWS_Os_00589] ⌈All functions that are not allowed to operate cross core shall
return E_OS_CORE in extended status if called with parameters that require a cross
core operation. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)
7.9.9 GetTaskID

GetTaskID can be called both from TASK and ISR2 level. When called from an
interrupt routine, on Single-Core systems, GetTaskID returns either the interrupted
TASK or indicates that no TASK is running. On Multi-Core systems it

1. indicates that no TASK is running on the core or,

2. returns the ID of the interrupted TASK on the core.
7.9.10 Interrupt disabling

Note: All types of interrupts can only be disabled on the local core. This implies that
the interrupt flags on other cores remain in their current state. Scheduling continues
on the other cores. Running ISRs on other cores continue executing. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00590] ⌈The OS service “DisableAllInterrupts” shall only affect

the core on which it is called. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

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[SWS_Os_00591] ⌈The OS service “EnableAllInterrupts” shall only affect the

core on which it is called. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00592] ⌈The OS service “SuspendAllInterrupts” shall only affect

the core on which it is called. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00593] ⌈The OS service “ResumeAllInterrupts” shall only affect

the core on which it is called. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00594] ⌈The OS service “SuspendOSInterrupts” shall only affect the

core on which it is called. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00595] ⌈The OS service “ResumeOSInterrupts” shall only affect the

core on which it is called. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)
7.9.11 TASK activation

TASK activation shall be extended to work across cores. This document will not
specify any implementation details. This functions timing behavior can be slower
when working across cores. If a TASK has to be activated on another core, a
scheduling decision is necessary on that core. If the core has not been started an
error is generated. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00596] ⌈It shall be possible to activate a TASK that is part of an OS-

Application located on another core, as long as the assigned access rights allow it. ⌋
(SRS_Os_80001, SRS_Os_80015)

[SWS_Os_00598] ⌈The call of ActivateTask across cores shall behave

synchronously, i.e. a call returns after the task has been activated or an error has
been detected. It shall not be possible to continue execution on the calling core
before ActivateTask is accomplished on the remote core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80015)

[SWS_Os_00599] ⌈In case of an error when calling ActivateTask across cores,

the error handler shall be called on the core on which ActivateTask was originally
called. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80015)
7.9.12 TASK Chaining

TASK chaining shall be extended to work across cores. This document will not
specify any implementation details. This function’s timing behavior can be slower
when working across cores. If a TASK has to be activated on another core, a
scheduling decision is necessary on that core. If the core has not been activated, an
error is generated.
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[SWS_Os_00600] ⌈It shall be possible to chain a TASK that is part of an OS-

Application located on another core, as long as the assigned access rights allow it. ⌋
(SRS_Os_80001, SRS_Os_80015)

7.9.13 EVENT setting

SetEvent shall be extended to work across cores. This document will not specify
any implementation details. This function’s timing behavior can be slower when
working across cores. If the core has not been activated, an error is generated. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00602] ⌈It shall be possible to set an EVENT that is part of an OS-

Application located on another core, as long as the assigned access rights allow it. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00604] ⌈The call of SetEvent across cores shall behave synchronously,

i.e. a call returns after the Event has been set or an error has been detected. It shall
not be possible to continue execution on the calling core before SetEvent is
accomplished on the remote core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80016)

[SWS_Os_00605] ⌈In case of an error when calling SetEvent across cores, the
error handler shall be called on the core on which SetEvent was originally called. ⌋

7.9.14 Activating additional cores

The mechanism by which additional cores can be activated as described in section

7.9.15 Start of the OS

It is necessary to extend the functionality of StartOS. This is because StartOS is

called once on each core. The user provides the so called application mode5 to the
Operating System through the call parameter of StartOS(AppMode).The
application mode defines which of the configured (startup) objects (Tasks, Alarms,
ScheduleTables) the OS automatically starts.

On a Multi-Core system all cores shall run in the same application mode. If StartOS
is called with the Appmode DONOTCARE, the AppMode of the other cores is used. At
least one core has to define an AppMode other than DONOTCARE.

This is the application mode of the Operating System and shall not be confused by other application modes defined in the
AUTOSAR mode management.
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If the application mode is the same on all cores, StartOS will proceed its
task. More details can be found in chapter 7.9.4. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00606] ⌈The AUTOSAR specification does not support the activation of

AUTOSAR cores after calling StartOS on that core. If StartCore is called after
StartOS it shall return with E_OS_ACCESS in extended status. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80001)

[SWS_Os_00607] ⌈StartOS shall start the OS on the core on which it is called. ⌋

(SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00608] ⌈If more than one core calls StartOS with an AppMode other
than “DONOTCARE”, the AppModes shall be the same. StartOS shall check this at
the first synchronisation point. In case of violation, StartOS shall not start the
scheduling, shall not call any StartupHooks, and shall enter an endless loop on
every core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006)

[SWS_Os_00609] ⌈If StartOS is called with the AppMode “DONOTCARE” the

application mode of the other core(s) (differing from “DONOTCARE”) shall be used. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00610] ⌈At least one core shall define an AppMode other than
“DONOTCARE”. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006)

[SWS_Os_00611] ⌈If the IOC is configured, StartOS shall initialize the data
structures of the IOC. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)
7.9.16 TASK termination

The termination of TASKs requires an additional check: It is not allowed to terminate

a TASK while a spinlock is occupied. If TerminateTask / ChainTask is called with
an occupied spinlock an error is returned. Requirements

If TerminateTask (or ChainTask) is called while the calling TASK holds a

spinlock, the behavior is undefined in standard status.

[SWS_Os_00612] ⌈In extended status TerminateTask / ChainTask shall

return with an error (E_OS_SPINLOCK), which can be evaluated in the application. ⌋

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[SWS_Os_00613] ⌈Spinlocks occupied by TASKS that are terminated in response to

a protection hook shall be automatically released. This applies also to the case in
which an OS-Application is terminated. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)
7.9.17 Termination of OS-Applications

Similar to TASKs an OS-Application cannot be terminated while any of its TASKs

occupy a spinlock. In such cases, the lock is automatically released. To avoid an
avalanche of error handling, no calls to the ErrorHook are made.

It might be possible that TerminateApplication(A) is called in parallel from

different cores. The implementation has to support such a call pattern by executing
the first arriving call of TerminateApplication(A)and ignoring any subsequent
calls until the termination is completed. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00614] ⌈TerminateApplication shall check if any of the TASKs in

theOS-Application have occupied a spinlock. If so, the spinlocks shall be released. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00615] ⌈If TerminateApplication(A) is called in parallel from

different cores, the OsApplication “A” is terminated by the first call, any subsequent
calls will return with 'E_OK' in standard and extended status without doing anything,
until the termination is completed. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)
7.9.18 Shutdown of the OS

Every core shall be able to invoke shutdown by using the ShutdownOS function. By
calling ShutdownOS only the calling core will enter the shutdown procedure.
If the user wants to shutdown all cores (more or less in parallel)
ShutdownAllCores shall be used.

ShutdownOS and ShutdownAllCores will not return.

The OS service ShutdownOS is not used by the AUTOSAR mode management in

AUTOSAR R4.0. The function is offered for users that run the OS on cores without
RTE and without mode management. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00616] ⌈ShutdownOS shall be callable from each core running an

AUTOSAR OS. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80001, SRS_Os_80007)

[SWS_Os_00617] ⌈ShutdownOS shall shutdown the core on which it was called. ⌋


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[SWS_Os_00618] ⌈The OS shall not start TASKs of an OS-Application once the

shutdown procedure has been entered on a particular core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00619] ⌈The AUTOSAR OS function ShutdownOS shall be callable in

parallel on multiple cores. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00620] ⌈ShutdownOS shall release all spinlocks which are occupied by

the calling core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00621] ⌈ShutdownAllCores shall be callable from each core running

an AUTOSAR OS. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80007)
7.9.19 Waiting for EVENTs

The EVENT waiting mechanism must be adapted to the new Multi-Core spinlock

A TASK might be de-scheduled when calling WaitEvent, in which case it would not
be able to release the spinlock. WaitEvent must therefore check if the calling TASK
holds a spinlock. As with RESOURCES, spinlocks cannot be occupied by TASKs in
wait state. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00622] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System WaitEvent API service shall

check if it has been called while the calling TASK has occupied a spinlock. In
extended status an error E_OS_SPINLOCK shall be returned and the TASK shall not
enter the wait state. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)
7.9.20 Calling trusted functions

Functions can be declared as trusted as part of an OS-Application. They can then

only be executed through the CallTrustedFunction API function. Assuming that
the access rights are configured accordingly, a TASK from OS-Application A can call
a trusted function from OS-Application B.

On a Multi-Core system, these trusted function calls from one OS-Application to

another are limited to the same core. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00623] ⌈The OS API function CallTrustedFunction shall return

E_OS_ACCESS in extended status if the target trusted function is part of an OS-
Application on another core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

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7.9.21 Invoking reschedule

The Schedule API service must be adapted to the new Multi-Core spinlock
functionality in the same manner as WaitEvent.

A TASK shall not actively force a de-scheduling while it occupies spinlocks. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00624] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System Schedule API service shall

check if it has been called while the calling TASK has occupied a spinlock. In
extended status an error E_OS_SPINLOCK shall be returned and the scheduler shall
not be called. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)
7.9.22 RESOURCE occupation

The GetResource function allows mutual exclusion between TASKs on the same
core. The OS generator shall check offline that the TASKs are not on different
cores.(see 7.9.30) and the GetResource function will check this requirement online.

The priority ceiling protocol (used by GetResource) temporarily changes the priority
of a TASK. Such an approach fails on Multi-Core systems as the priorities are local to
each core. Therefore the ceiling protocol is not sufficient to protect a critical section
against access from different cores.

[SWS_Os_00801]⌈ If Spinlocks and Resources are locked by a Task/ISR they have

to be unlocked in strict LIFO order. ReleaseResource() shall return E_OS_NOFUNC
if the unlock order is violated. No other functionality shall be performed.⌋ (
7.9.23 The CoreID

Every HW assigns a unique physical Id to a core. The physical core Id is the only
way to distinguish between cores. The physical core Ids of a µC are not necessarily
consecutive and do not necessarily start with zero.

The SW requires a mechanism to identify a core, e.g. to use core specific variables.
Because the physical core Id usually can not be used as a direct array index for core
specific variables, a logical CoreID is necessary to map physical core Ids to array
indexes. In the SW it is not necessary to know the physical core Id, the logical
CoreID is sufficient.

The mapping of OSApplications and other SW objects to cores is specified in the

configuration files. All such mappings shall be HW independent and therefore shall
not be based on the physical core Id but on the logical CoreID.

The function GetCoreID internally maps the physical core Id to the logical CoreID.
The mapping is implementation specific. GetCoreID can be either a C function or a

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[SWS_Os_00625] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System API function GetCoreID shall

be callable before StartOS. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006)

[SWS_Os_00626] ⌈An implementation shall offer a function

GetNumberOfActivatedCores that returns the number of cores running the
AUTOSAR OS. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80001)

[SWS_Os_00627] ⌈An implementation shall define a set of constants

OS_CORE_ID_<No> of the type CoreIdType with <No> a value from 0 to
“OsNumberOfCores -1. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80001)

[SWS_Os_00628] ⌈An implementation shall offer a constant OS_CORE_ID_MASTER

of the type CoreIdType that refers to the master core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80001)
7.9.24 COUNTERs, background & rationale

A COUNTER is represented by a COUNTER value, measured in “ticks”, and some

COUNTER-specific constants.

Similarly to Single-Core situation, each operating system (on each core) offers at
least one COUNTER that is derived from a timer. Therefore, it is possible to define
several COUNTERs which belong to different OS-Applications and either resides on
the same or different cores.

Figure 5: Examples of allowed configurations for COUNTERs, ALARMs, Schedule-tables and


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7.9.25 Multi-Core restrictions on COUNTERs

The AUTOSAR OS can only increment COUNTERSs on the core on which it resides.
A COUNTER which is assigned to an OS-Application X cannot be incremented by an
OS-Application Y if X and Y are assigned to different cores. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00629] ⌈A COUNTER belonging to an OS-Application shall be

incremented by the core on which the OS-Application resides. The COUNTER shall
not be incremented by other cores. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00630] ⌈It shall not be allowed to drive a schedule table from a

COUNTER, which is assigned to a different core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00631] ⌈It shall not be allowed to drive an ALARM from a COUNTER,

which is assigned to a different core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

There are two different reasons for these restrictions:

1. Race conditions can occur when cross-core modification of COUNTER is
allowed (one core waits for a COUNTER to be modified by another core).
2. The core which is incrementing the COUNTER has to check if ALARMs which
are based on the COUNTER have expired. Handling of expired ALARMs is
more complex when different cores manipulate the same ALARMs, because
mutual exclusion becomes necessary.

Figure 6: Example of disallowed configurations for COUNTERs, ALARMs, Schedule-tables and


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7.9.26 Synchronization of COUNTERs

COUNTERs are used to drive ALARMs and schedule tables. To synchronize

ALARMs and schedule tables that reside on different cores, the corresponding
COUNTERs have to be synchronized.

For example, if the hardware supports this, it is possible that corresponding

free running hardware counters on different cores use the same timer (same
counter value maintained by the periperial) and therefor provide the same
timebase on different cores. Software COUNTERs can then get advanced by alarms
attached to these core local corresponding hardware counters, e.g to drive
synchronized schedule tables on different cores.

The quality of the synchronicity depends on the hardware architecture and on the
system configuration. .
7.9.27 ALARMs

The ALARM mechanism of the AUTOSAR Operating System provides services to

activate TASKs, set EVENTs, increment COUNTERs, or call an ALARM-call-back.

As stated above, ALARMS can only be bound to a COUNTER which resides on the
same core. TASKs can be activated and EVENTs can be set with an ALARM action
regardless of the core to which the TASK is bound. The access rights defined by OS-
Applications have to be respected, however. Additionaly it shall be allowed to
manipulate ALARMS when they are bound to other cores. The API-services
SetRelAlarm, SetAbsAlarm, and CancelAlarm can be used to manipulate
parameters of ALARMs on other cores. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00632] ⌈If an ALARM expires, it shall be allowed to activate a TASK on a

different core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80018)

[SWS_Os_00633] ⌈If an ALARM expires, it shall be allowed to set an EVENT on a

different core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80018)

[SWS_Os_00634] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System shall process an ALARM on

the core on which its corresponding OS-Application resides. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80018)

[SWS_Os_00635] ⌈ALARM callbacks shall be executed on the core to which the

ALARM is bound. This is only applicable to SC1 systems, because otherwise Alarm
Callback are not allowed (SWS_Os_00242). ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00636] ⌈SetRelAlarm shall also work on an ALARM that is bound to

another core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

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[SWS_Os_00637] ⌈SetAbsAlarm shall also work on an ALARM that is bound to

another core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00638] ⌈CancelAlarm shall also work on an ALARM that is bound to

another core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00639] ⌈GetAlarmBase shall also work on an ALARM that is bound to

another core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00640] ⌈GetAlarm shall also work on an ALARM that is bound to

another core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)
7.9.28 Schedule tables

Similarly to ALARMs, schedule tables can be used to activate TASKs and set
EVENTs. As with ALARMs, a schedule table can only be bound to a COUNTER
which resides on the same core.

To simplify system startup, it should be possible to start schedule tables on other

cores. The system designer is responsible for the correct handling of schedule
tables. For example, schedule tables can be controlled from one core. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00641] ⌈A schedule table shall be able to activate a TASK bound on a

core other than the one upon which the schedule tables resides. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80018)

[SWS_Os_00642] ⌈A schedule table shall be able to set an EVENT on a core other

than the one upon which the schedule tables resides⌋ (SRS_Os_80018)

[SWS_Os_00643] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System shall process a schedule table

on the core on which its corresponding OS-Application resides. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00644] ⌈The API call “StartScheduleTableAbs” shall be able to start

schedule tables of OS-Applications residing on other cores. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80018)

[SWS_Os_00645] ⌈The API call “StartScheduleTableRel” shall be able to start

schedule tables of OS-Applications residing on other cores. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00646] ⌈The API call “StopScheduleTable” shall be able to stop

schedule tables of OS-Applications residing on other cores. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

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[SWS_Os_00647] ⌈The API service “GetScheduleTableStatus” shall be able to

get the status of a schedule table that is part of an OS-Application residing on a
different core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)
7.9.29 The spinlock mechanism

With the Multi-Core concept, a new mechanism is needed to support mutual

exclusion for TASKS on different cores. This new mechanism shall not be used
between TASKs on the same core because it makes no sense. In such cases the
AUTOSAR Operating System returns an error.

A “SpinlockType”, which is similar to OSEK’s “ResourceType”, shall be used.

Spinlocks are configured offline.

A spinlock is a busy waiting mechanism that polls a (lock) variable until it becomes
available. Typically, this requires an atomic “test and set” functionality, the details of
which are implementation specific.

Once a lock variable is occupied by a TASK/ISR2, other TASKs/ISR2s on other

cores shall be unable to occupy the lock variable. The spinlock mechanism will not
de-schedule these other TASKs while they poll the lock variable. However it might
happen that a TASK/ISR with a higher priority becomes ready while the lock variable
is being polled. In such cases the spinning TASK will be interfered. This is illustrated
in Figure 7.

Figure 7: A deadlock situation caused by interference, the high priority TASK spins indefinitely
because the low priority TASK has occupied the spinlock. In such cases the second
GetSpinlock call will return with an error

A user can protect a TASK against such a situation by, for example, rapping
the spinlock with SuspendAllInterrupts, so that it cannot be interfered by
other TASKS. The OS can do this automatically for the caller see configuration
parameter OsSpinlockLockMethod (on page 102).
A second deadlock situation can be created by nested spinlocks calls, as illustrated
in Figure 8.

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Figure 8: This figure shows a typical deadlock caused by two spinlocks taken in different order
by TASKS on two different cores.

To avoid deadlocks it is not allowed to nest different spinlocks. Optionally if spinlocks

shall be nested, a unique order has to be defined. Spinlocks can only be taken in this
order whereas it is allowed to skip individual spinlocks. Cycles are not allowed within
the defined order. This is illustrated in Figure 9.

Figure 9: This figure shows an example in which two TASKS have access to a set of spinlocks
S1 -- S6. It is allowed to occupy the spinlocks in the predefined order and it is allowed to skip
spinlocks. If multiple spinlocks are occupied at the same time, locking and unlocking has to
occur in strict LIFO order.

The spinlock mechanism is not deadlock free by itself. The order in which spinlocks
from Tasks/ISRs are requested has to be mentioned in the configuration description.
If a task occupies a spinlock, scheduling shall be restricted. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00648] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System shall provide a spinlock

mechanism that works across cores. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80018, SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00649] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System shall provide a GetSpinlock

function which occupies a spinlock. If the spinlock is already occupied,
GetSpinlock shall keep on trying to occupy the spinlock until it succeeds. ⌋
(SRS_Os_80018, SRS_Os_80021)

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[SWS_Os_00650] ⌈GetSpinlock shall be callable from TASK level. ⌋

(SRS_Os_80018, SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00651] ⌈GetSpinlock shall be callable from ISR2 level. ⌋


The behavior of GetSpinlock is undefined if called from a category 1 ISR

[SWS_Os_00652] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System shall provide a

TryToGetSpinlock function which occupies a spinlock. If the spinlock is already
occupied by a TASK, TryToGetSpinlock shall return. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80018,

[SWS_Os_00653] ⌈TryToGetSpinlock shall be callable from TASK level. ⌋

(SRS_Os_80018, SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00654] ⌈ TryToGetSpinlock shall be callable from ISR2 level. ⌋

(SRS_Os_80018, SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00655] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System shall provide a

ReleaseSpinlock function which releases an occupied spinlock. If the spinlock is
not occupied an error shall be returned. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80018, SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00656] ⌈ReleaseSpinlock shall be callable from TASK level. ⌋

(SRS_Os_80018, SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00657] ⌈ReleaseSpinlock shall be callable from ISR2 level. ⌋

(SRS_Os_80018, SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00658] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System shall generate an error if a

TASK tries to occupy a spinlock that is assigned to a TASK/ISR2 on the same core
(including itself). ⌋ (SRS_Os_80018, SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00659] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System shall generate an error if an

ISR2 tries to occupy a spinlock that is assigned to a TASK/ISR2 on the same core. ⌋
(SRS_Os_80018, SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00660] ⌈A unique order in which multiple spinlocks can be occupied by a

TASK/ISR2 on one core should be configurable in the AUTOSAR Operating System.
This might be realized by the configuration item
(OsSpinlockSuccessor{NEXT_SPINLOCK}) where “NEXT_SPINLOCK” refers to
the consecutive spinlock. (See page 193) ⌋ (SRS_Os_80018, SRS_Os_80021)

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[SWS_Os_00661] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System shall generate an error if a

TASK/ISR2 on a core, where the same or a different TASK/ISR already holds a
spinlock, tries to seize another spinlock that has not been configured as a direct or
indirect successor of the latest acquired spinlock (by means of the
OsSpinlockSuccessor configuration parameter) or if no successor is configured. ⌋
(SRS_Os_80018, SRS_Os_80021)

7.9.30 Offline checks

AUTOSAR RESOURCES cannot be shared between TASKs/ISRs on different cores.

The OS generator has to check if a user tries to assign a RESOURCE to TASKs on
different cores and stop the generation process with an error.

COUNTERS cannot be accessed from OS-Applications on different cores. The OS

generator has to reject configurations that violate this rule.

The linked list of spinlocks must be free of cycles to allow correct nesting of spinlocks
in order to prevent deadlocks.

The OS generator tool must check that an OSApplication does not get assigned to a
non existing core. Additional checks at configuration time, e.g. by an AUTOSAR
description editor are recommended. Requirements

[OS662] The OS generator tool shall return with an error if it detects a

RESOURCE referred to by any TASKs or ISRs assigned to different cores.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00663] ⌈The OS generator tool shall return with an error if an ALARM is

assigned to a COUNTER on a different core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00664] ⌈The OS generator tool shall return with an error if a COUNTER

on a different core shall be incremented as an ALARM action. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00665] ⌈The OS generator tool shall return with an error if a schedule

table is assigned to a COUNTER on a different core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80013)

[SWS_Os_00666] ⌈The OS generator tool shall return with an error if the linked list
of spinlocks is not free of cycles. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00667] ⌈The OS generator tool shall check the assignement of

OsApplications (including the tasks assigned to the OsApplication) to cores and
return an error in case any of these cores does not exist. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80005)
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7.9.31 Auto start Objects

Before scheduling starts the AUTOSAR Operating System6 activates all auto-start
objects that are configured. This mechanism shall work similar on a Multi-Core
system. Before scheduling starts, the Multi-Core OS shall activate all configured
auto-start objects on the respective core. Due to the fact that OS-Applications are
defined as the locatable entity no further configuration container is required. Auto-
start objects are already configured as part of an OS-Application. Requirements

[SWS_Os_00668] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System shall automatically activate all

auto-start TASKs configured for the current AppMode, with respect to the core,
before the initial start of the scheduling. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006)

[SWS_Os_00669] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System shall automatically activate all

auto-start ALARMs configured for the current AppMode, with respect to the core,
before the initial start of the scheduling. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006)

[SWS_Os_00670] ⌈The AUTOSAR Operating System shall automatically activate all

auto-start schedule tables configured for the current AppMode, with respect to the
core, before the initial start of the scheduling. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006)

7.10 Inter-OS-Application Communicator (IOC)

7.10.1 Background & Rationale

IOC stands for Inter OS-Application Communicator.

The "IOC" is responsible for the communication between OS-Applications and in

particular for the communication crossing core or memory protection boundaries. Its
internal functionality is closely connected to the Operating System.

[SWS_Os_00671] ⌈The IOC implementation shall be part of the Operating System

The IOC is a third type of communication, in addition to

Intra OS-Application communication: Always handled within the RTE
Inter ECU communication: Already available via well defined interfaces to the
communication stack (COM) ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

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Memory protection boundaries are a characteristic of OS-Applications and special

communication mechanisms are needed to cross them. Multi-Core systems may also
need additional measures to make communication between cores safe.

All AUTOSAR software, both BSW and software components, must belong to an OS-
Application (s. 7.9.3), but not necessarily to the same one. It is expected that the
BSW will be trusted code, but it shall be defined as one or more OS-Applications.

The IOC provides communication services between OS-Applications and in particular

over core boundaries in Multi-Core systems. Because the cross-core communication
is always an inter-OS-Application communication, the two mechanisms are
combined. An inter OS-Application communication may not necessarily require a
cross core communication, however.

Communication between OS-Applications is expected to be more frequent than inter

ECU communication. This would be the case when existing; closely related Software
Components and their runnable entities are distributed to two or more cores to
increase system performance. Meeting timing constraints is expected to become
more difficult, when runnables which have been designed to run on a single core are
distributed over several cores.

In systems with only one core, the IOC can be omitted completely, if just one OS-
Application is available, or if no OS-Application uses memory protection
7.10.2 IOC - General purpose

The IOC provides communication services which can be accessed by clients which
need to communicate across OS-Application boundaries on the same ECU.
The RTE uses IOC services to communicate across such boundaries. All
communication must be routed through the RTE on sender (or client) and on receiver
(or server) side.

Direct access to IOC services by clients other than the RTE is currently not
supported, but possible, if the client (e.g. a CDD) provides a hand written or
generated IOC Configuration Description as specified and specific callback functions
if necessary. Only sender/receiver communication is supported however by the IOC.

Software Components and/or BSW modules located in the same OS-Application

(and hence on the same core) should not communicate by invoking IOC services.
This would be less efficient than communication via RTE only. However, in case of
IOC supported N:1 communication, if not all of the senders and the receiver are in
the same OS-Application the IOC must be used.

To keep the RTE as hardware independent as possible, all inter OS-Application and
inter core communication mechanisms and implementation variants are
encapsulated in the IOC. The IOC internal functionality is dependent on hardware
architecture properties, in particular on the memory architecture.

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The IOC has to guarantee data consistency in inter OS-Application and inter core
(Multi-Core systems) communication, this means in particular:
- In queued communication the sequential order of communication
operations shall remain unchanged. In the N:1 communication case, the
order of the messages from the different sources is a property of the
- The content of all data sent in one communication operation shall remain
unchanged, i.e. each communication operation shall be treated as atomic
7.10.3 IOC functionality Communication

The IOC provides sender-receiver (signal passing) communication only. The RTE (or
adapted BSW modules in a future release of this specification) translates Client-
Server invocations and response transmissions into Sender-Receiver

1:1, N:1 and N:M (unqueued only) communication are supported by the IOC.

The IOC allows the transfer of one data item per atomic communication operation. A
data item can either be a value for atomic basic data types or a reference for
complex data structures. The data structure must be implemented as a single
memory block, however. This way the data item can be transmitted in one piece. The
IOC does not need to know the internal data structure. The basic memory address
and length (which can be calculated from the type of the data item) is sufficient. The
IOC does, e.g., not support a conversion of endianness between cores.

Transferring more than one data item in one operation is also supported for 1:1
communication only. In this case several types and memory addresses have to be
used by the IOC function. The advantage compared to sequential IOC calls is that
mechanisms to open memory protection boundaries and to notify the receiver have
to be executed just once. Additionally, all data items are guaranteed to be consistent,
because they are transferred in one atomic operation.

The IOC provides both, unqueued (Last-is-Best, data semantics) or queued (First-In-
First-Out, event semantics) communication operations. If present, the IOC internal
queue has a configurable length.

Each atomic communication operation gets specified individually by its own

description block in a Configuration Description with regard to sender, receiver, data
type(s), notification, and queuing.

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AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1 Notification

The IOC optionally notifies the receiver as soon as the transferred data is available
for access on the receiver side, by calling a configured callback function which gets
provided by the user of the communication.

A possible implementation is to trigger an interrupt (Cat. 2) mechanism to invoke the

callback function from the ISR on receiver side, or to use a microcontroller supplied
trap. The callback function shall be efficient and compact, because it is called from
within the ISR.

In certain cases, it might not be necessary to trigger an ISR to notify the receiver.
The IOC generator can then select the appropriate IOC internal notification method
based on the hardware architecture and other constraints. This might be more
efficient than an ISR for communication between OsApplications on the same core.

The notification might be handled completely by the client of the IOC, e.g. when the
RTE calls the IOC send function, and then notifies the receiver side RTE that new
data are available from the IOC. In this case, the IOC is not affected at all by the
details of the notification mechanism.

In case such alternative solutions prove to be more efficient, the IOC internal
notification might get removed in future AUTOSAR releases.
7.10.4 IOC interface

The interface between RTE and IOC shall be similar to the interface between
Software Components and the RTE, i.e. by generating specific interfaces for each
communication operation instead of providing a generic API.

This supports optimization methods (like function inlining or replacing function calls
by macros) much better than standardized interfaces. Most of the optimization can be
performed offline at code generation time instead of consuming valuable real-time

There is a unique set of IOC service APIs (at least to send and receive data) for each
data communication specified in the IOC Configuration Description. Each service API
gets generated and can be identified by a unique Id for each data communication. In
case of N:1 communication, each sender must use its own API.

The same IOC service API and hence the same 1:1 communication can get used by
more than one runnable inside the same SWC both on sender and on receiver side.
However, the IOC functions are not reentrant, because otherwise e.g. spinlock errors
could occur in case the IOC uses spinlocks in Multi-Core systems. The same IOC
API must therefore only be called sequentially. This is no problem, if all runnable
entities are scheduled within the same TASK, otherwise the caller is responsible to
guarantee that the same IOC API is not called again before it returns from a different

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Software Components may access the IOC only via RTE. Only the RTE decides
which communication services to use to support the communication needs of
Software Components.

Direct access to IOC services by BSW modules is not supported, but allowed for
CDDs and other modules, if unavoidable. The clients have to provides a hand written
or generated IOC Configuration Description as specified. In case of notification of the
receiver, a specific callback function has to be specified and provided by the client.
Only sender/receiver communication is supported however by the IOC.
7.10.5 IOC internal structure

This section gives some hints on possible IOC implementation options.

The IOC may enter the privileged mode to cross the protection boundaries between
OS-Applications. The IOC therefore has to be part of the OS. Note that functionality
that is placed in the kernel context might be non-interruptible by TASKs or ISR2. The
functionality can be interrupted by Cat1 ISRs, however.

The IOC send service writes data into a buffer located in a memory area which is
shared with the receiving communication partners (This is one possible
implementation example using shared memory). Depending on the hardware
architecture and other constraints, different implementation options might be
available within the IOC. These options shall be transparent to the client (RTE),

The IOC ensures data consistency, i.e. there is a protection against concurrent
access to the same data from all senders and the receiver for protection against
inconsistent behavior and data corruption. The implementation can be hardware

In systems with shared memory, there can be a specific communication buffer for
each data item in a memory section which is shared between the sending and
receiving OS-Applications.

If an IOC communication with event semantics (queued) is configured the length of

the queue shall be defined.
7.10.6 IOC configuration and generation

Data element specific interfaces between RTE and IOC require extensive code
generation. Instead of generating the IOC together with the RTE, a sequential code
generation process is used, to separate generic RTE code generation and hardware
dependent IOC code generation as much as possible. The following steps shall be

- Step 1: Specify all information about the allocation of Software

Components to OS-Applications and cores in the ECU Configuration
Description file.
- Step 2: Generate the RTE. The RTE generator creates data element
specific IOC services calls and the corresponding IOC Configuration

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Description blocks (XML format) to specify the communication relations for

each data element.
- Step 3: Generate the IOC code, according to the IOC Configuration
Description (Step 2) while considering the hardware description files.
Additionally, generate a header file (Ioc.h) for inclusion in RTE.c to provide
definitions, function prototypes and macros.

Each atomic communication has to be specified in the IOC Configuration Description

in a standardized XML format. There is one description block per communication
operation specifying:
- Unique identifier
- Data type(s)
- Sender properties
- Receiver properties
- Name of callback function on receiver side in case of notification.
- Whether communication is queued or unqueued (last is best)
- In case of queued communication: Length of the queue

For details see Chapter 10.3

For each inter-OS-Application communication, the RTE generator creates one or

more calls to an IOC function to send or receive data, and adds a corresponding
description block to the IOC Configuration Description.

There are possibly multiple sources which contribute to the IOC configuration (e.g.,
RTE, CDD). The main input will come from the RTE generator. Other sources for the
IOC Configuration Description (not supported in this specification revision) might be
BSW module configuration tools or non-AUTOSAR components, which are allowed
to use BSW services.

In ECUs with only one OS-Application, the IOC Configuration Description can be
7.10.7 IOC integration examples

This section describes two typical use cases that show how the IOC can support
communication between OS-Applications. In both examples the OS-Applications are
located on different cores of a Multi-Core system. Example 1 - 1:1 sender/receiver communication without


One Software Component sends data items in "EVENT" semantics (queued) to

another Software Component located on a different core. A runnable entity on the
receiver side is invoked periodically (e.g. by an ALARM) and receives the data via
RTE (see Figure 10).

Because the communication crosses core boundaries, the RTE invokes the IOC to
transfer the data from core 0 to core 1.

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On the sending side, the

Rte_Send_<port>_<item> (..., <data>)

call is mapped to an
IocSend_<Id> (<data>)

Core 0 Core 1

Software Component Software Component

1 2

Rte_Send_... Rte_Send_... Rte_Receive_... Rte_Receive_...

1 2




Part of

ec 2 SW-C
Task 2



OS Function or
Function call
1 2
Buffer Data flow


Figure 10: IOC without notification

In this example, the IocSend service writes the data into a buffer, located in a shared
memory area which can get read by the receiver via the IOC.

On the receiving side, the receiving runnable gets invoked periodically. The
Rte_Receive_<port>_<item> (..., <data>)

call is mapped to an
IocReceive_<Id> (<data>)

call to read data from the IOC internal queue. An additional queue within the RTE is
not necessary for 1:1 communication.

The IOC generator generates all the send and receive functions. The functions might
be defined as macros for optimization purposes.

This kind of port to port communication without notification is suitable for:

- Sender/receiver communication
- Queued or unqueued communication
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- 1:1 communication. Example 2 - N:1 client/server communication with receiver

notification by RTE

One Software Component invokes a service operation that is provided by another

Software Component located on a different core. A runnable entity on the receiver
side is activated to calculate the result (see Figure 11).

The RTE realizes the service on client side by mapping the client/server call to a
sender/receiver communication. Because the communication crosses core
boundaries, the RTE uses the IOC to transfer the data from Core 0 to Core 1.

On the sending side, the

Rte_Call_<port>_<op> (..., <data>)

call is mapped to a
IocSend_<Id> (<data>)

call to transmit the parameters over the IOC to the core hosting the server runnable.

Core 0 Core 1

Software Component Software Component

1 2

Rte_Call_... Rte_Call_... RE(...<data>)

1 2

RTE Task Stack RTE





Part of

2 SW-C

Task 2

Function or
OS macro

Function call
Data flow
1 2

Figure 11: IOC with notification by RTE

After writing the data into the IOC internal queue buffer, the Rte_Call function uses
an OS call to notify the receiver by activating the server TASK on the receiving core.
This TASK is provided by the RTE. This TASK body is responsible for reading the
data from the IOC buffer by calling IocReceive function and for forwarding the data to
the server runnable. Depending on the return value of the IOC function, the
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IocReceive and server runnable calls might be repeated several times to empty the
IOC internal queued buffer (if specified).

The result of the service on Core 1 is transferred back to the client on Core 0 in a
similar way. The communication path of the result is not displayed in Figure 11.

This kind of port to port communication with notification by the RTE is suitable for:
- Sender/receiver communication with notification
- Client/server communication. In this case the RTE has to provide services
to map the server call into 1:1 sender/receiver communication for the
server call and another sender/receiver communication to return the result
to the client
- Queued or unqueued communication
- 1:1 communication, if the receiver does not poll for data periodically (In this
case, the solution in example 1 might have been more suitable)
- N:1 communication.
7.10.8 Future extensions

Some features are not supported by the first release of this specification, but might
get added in a later release:

 In the future, the IOC will handle direct and efficient communication among
BSW modules or between BSW modules and Software Components (via the
RTE) located in different OS applications. Additional support of direct access
from BSW modules to IOC services will be added.
 Other notification options (like activation of a specified TASK on receiver side)
might be added later to the IOC.

7.11 System Scalability

7.11.1 Background & Rationale

In order to customize the operating system to the needs of the user and to take full
advantage of the processor features the operating system can be scaled according to
the following scalability classes

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Described in Section

Scalability Class 1

Scalability Class 2

Scalability Class 3

Scalability Class 4
Feature Hardware requirements
OSEK OS (all 7.1    
conformance classes)
Counter Interface 8.4.17    
SWFRT Interface 8.4.18,    
Schedule Tables 7.3    
Stack Monitoring 7.5    
ProtectionHook 7.8   
Timing Protection 7.7.2   Timer(s) with high priority
Global Time 7.4   Global time source
/Synchronization Support
Memory Protection 7.7.1,   MPU
OS-Applications 7.6, 7.12  
Service Protection 7.7.3  
CallTrustedFunction 7.7.5   (Non-)privileged Modes

Tab. 4: Scalability classes

Scalability Class 1

Scalability Class 2

Scalability Class 3

Scalability Class 4

Minimum number of Schedule 2 8 2 8
Tables supported
Minimum number of OS- 0 0 2 2
Applications supported
Minimum number of software 8 8 8 8
Counters supported

Tab. 5: Minimum requirements of scalability classes

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7.11.2 Requirements

[SWS_Os_00240] ⌈If an implementation of a lower scalability class supports features

of higher classes then the interfaces for the features must comply with this Operating
System software specification. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11012, SRS_Os_11016)

[SWS_Os_00241] ⌈The Operating System module shall support the features

according to the configured scalability class. (See Tab. 4) ⌋ (SRS_Os_11012,

[SWS_Os_00327] ⌈The Operating System module shall always use extended status
in Scalability Class 3 and 4. ⌋ ( )

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7.12 Hook Functions

7.12.1 Background & Rationale

Hook routines as defined in OSEK OS run at the level of the Operating System
module and therefore can only belong to the trusted environment. Furthermore, these
hook routines are global to the system (system-specific) and will probably be
supplied by the ECU integrator.

In AUTOSAR however, each OS-Application may have the need to execute

application specific code e.g. initialize some hardware in its own additional
(application-specific) startup hook. These are called application specific hook
routines. In general the application specific hooks have the same properties as the
hook routines described in the OSEK OS specification. Differences are described

7.12.2 Requirements

[SWS_Os_00439] ⌈The Operating System module shall provide the OSEK error
macros (OSError…()) to all configured error hooks AND there shall be two (like in
OIL) global configuration parameters to switch these macros on or off. ⌋ ( )


[SWS_Os_00060] ⌈If an application-specific startup hook is configured for an OS-

Application <App>, the Operating System module shall call StartupHook_<App> on
startup of the Operating System module. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00226] ⌈The Operating System module shall execute an application-

specific startup hook with the access rights of the associated OS-Application. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00236] ⌈If both a system-specific and one (or more) application specific
startup hook(s) are configured, the Operating System module shall call the system-
specific startup hook before the application-specific startup hook(s). ⌋ ( )


[SWS_Os_00112] ⌈If an application-specific shutdown hook is configured for an OS-

Application <App>, the Operating System module shall call ShutdownHook_<App> on
shutdown of the OS. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00225] ⌈The Operating System module shall execute an application-

specific shutdown hook with the access rights of the associated OS-Application. ⌋ ( )

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[SWS_Os_00237] ⌈If both a system-specific and one (or more) application specific
shutdown hook(s) are configured, the Operating System module shall call the
system-specific shutdown hook after the application-specific shutdown hook(s). ⌋ ( )

Error Hook

[SWS_Os_00246] ⌈When an error occurs AND an application-specific error hook is

configured for the faulty OS-Application <App>, the Operating System module shall
call that application-specific error hook ErrorHook_<App> after the system specific
error hook is called (if configured). ⌋ (SRS_Os_11013)

[SWS_Os_00085] ⌈The Operating System module shall execute an application-

specific error hook with the access rights of the associated OS-Application. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00367] ⌈Operating System module’s services which do not return a

StatusType shall not raise the error hook(s). ⌋ ( )

7.13 Hardware peripheral access

7.13.1 Background & Rationale

On some MCU architectures, there are memory mapped hardware registers

(peripheral area), which are only accessible in specific modes (e.g. in privileged
mode). As long as a Tasks/ISRs is running with full hardware access they can
directly access these registers. If memory protection is used by the Operating
System, Task/ISRs of non-trusted Os-Applications cannot access such registers
directly because this would be recognized as a memory violation by the Operating

To allow access to such registers even from non-trusted applications the Operating
Systems offers the following APIs to read, write and modify registers:

 StatusType ReadPeripheral8 (AreaIdType Area, const uint8

* Address, uint8 * ReadValue)
 StatusType ReadPeripheral16(AreaIdType Area, const uint16
* Address, uint16 * ReadValue)
 StatusType ReadPeripheral32(AreaIdType Area, const uint32
* Address, uint32 * ReadValue)

 StatusType WritePeripheral8 (AreaIdType Area, uint8 *

Address, uint8 WriteValue)
 StatusType WritePeripheral16(AreaIdType Area, uint16 *
Address, uint16 WriteValue)
 StatusType WritePeripheral32(AreaIdType Area, uint32 *
Address, uint32 WriteValue)
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 StatusType ModifyPeripheral8 (AreaIdType Area, uint8 *

Address, uint8 Clearmask, uint8 Setmask)
 StatusType ModifyPeripheral16(AreaIdType Area, uint16 *
Address, uint16 Clearmask, uint16 Setmask)
 StatusType ModifyPeripheral32(AreaIdType Area, uint32 *
Address, uint32 Clearmask, uint32 Setmask)

In order to control the access to the registers the access has to be configured for
each OsApplication. By this the Os can check during run-time if a caller has sufficient

7.13.2 Requirements

[SWS_Os_00806]⌈ Check access to peripheral registers

The Operating System shall only execute access to peripheral registers via APIs
ReadPeripheralX, WritePeripheralX and ModifyPeripheralX if :
1. parameter Address is in range of OsPeripheralAreaStartAddress and
2. parameter Area is valid
3. the caller is configured to have sufficient rights
⌋ (SRS_Os_11005)

[SWS_Os_00807]⌈ Error handling of peripheral access API

If the Operating System detects an error (see [SWS_Os_00806]) while executing a
ReadPeripheralX, WritePeripheralX and ModifyPeripheralX the OS shall return the
appropriate StatusType and call the ErrorHook(). Otherwise E_OK shall be
returned.⌋ (SRS_Os_11005)

7.14 Interrupt source API

7.14.1 Background & Rationale

The Operating System needs to guarantee the scheduling, wherefore it needs to be

the only component which accesses the interrupt controller. Therefore it provides to
other BSW/CDD components the interfaces DisableInterruptSource,
EnableInterruptSource and ClearPendingInterrupt to give access to the interrupt
control registers of category 2 ISRs.

The pair of DisableInterruptSource/EnableInterruptSource may be used for two

different purposes:
1. A specific interrupt should be masked for a short time (potentially to avoid data
consistency problems). A masked request shall be served afterwards, once the
interrupt source gets enabled again.
2. Interrupt requests of a specific source should be ignored for a specific time
(potentially a longer time e.g. while the CAN driver sleeps). After enabling the source,
only new requests should be considered.
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7.14.2 Requirements

[SWS_Os_00808]⌈ The Operating System shall provide for each category 2

interrupt source (OsIsrCategory == CATEGORY_2) the APIs
DisableInterruptSource, EnableInterruptSource and ClearPendingInterrupt.
⌋ (SRS_Os_11011)

DisableInterruptSource/EnableInterruptSource does not support nested calls.

[SWS_Os_00809]⌈ Nested calls of interrupt source control API

The the Operating System shall return E_OS_NOFUNC (in EXTENDED status) in
case DisableInterruptSource is called for an interrupt source which is already
disabled or EnableInterruptSource is called for an interrupt source which is already
enabled. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11011)

[SWS_Os_00810]⌈ Error handling of interrupt source control API

If the Operating System detects an error while executing a DisableInterruptSource,
EnableInterruptSource and ClearPendingInterrupt the OS shall return the appropriate
StatusType and call the ErrorHook(). Otherwise E_OK shall be returned.
⌋ (SRS_Os_11011)

[SWS_Os_00811]⌈ A call of EnableInterruptSource shall enable the requested

interrupt source by modifying the interrupt controller registers. Additionally it shall
clear the interrupt pending flag.⌋ (SRS_Os_11011)

[SWS_Os_00812]⌈ A call of DisableInterruptSource shall disable the requested

interrupt source by modifying the interrupt controller registers.⌋ (SRS_Os_11011)

[SWS_Os_00813]⌈ A call of ClearPendingInterrupt shall clear the interrupt pending

flag by modifying the respective interrupt controller registers.⌋ (SRS_Os_11011)

[SWS_Os_00814]⌈ Clearing of pending interrupts shall be restricted to clearing the

pending flag in the interrupt controller.⌋ (SRS_Os_11011)

Note: This does not necessarily guarantee that the interrupt request is cleared
successfully, i.e. the ISR may still be serviced afterwards. (This may happen due to
racing conditions or as the request needs to be cleared in the requesting hardware
unit also.)

7.15 Error classification

AUTOSAR BSW modules normaly report their errors to Det (development errors) or
Dem (production errors). The OS handles errors differently (see also [15]) and does
not report its errors to Dem/Det. If a reporting of errors to Dem/Det is needed the
user can perform these actions in the ErrorHook().
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The following table contains all error codes which might be reported from the OS
(besides those already defined in [15])

Type or error Related error code Value

Service can not be called. E_OS_SERVICEID Assigned by

An invalid address is given E_OS_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS Assigned by

as a parameter to a service. implementation
Tasks terminates without a E_OS_MISSINGEND Assigned by
TerminateTask() or implementation
ChainTask() call.
A service of the OS is E_OS_DISABLEDINT Assigned by
called inside an interrupt implementation
disable/enable pair.
A stack fault detected via E_OS_STACKFAULT Assigned by
stack monitoring by the OS implementation
A memory access violation E_OS_PROTECTION_MEMORY Assigned by
occurred implementation
A Task exceeds its E_OS_PROTECTION_TIME Assigned by
execution time budget implementation
A Category 2 ISR exceeds
its execution time budget
A Task/Category 2 ISR E_OS_PROTECTION_ARRIVAL Assigned by
arrives before its timeframe implementation
has expired
A Task/Category 2 ISR E_OS_PROTECTION_LOCKED Assigned by
blocks for too long implementation
A trap occurred E_OS_PROTECTION_EXCEPTION Assigned by
Core is not available E_OS_CORE Assigned by

De-scheduling with E_OS_SPINLOCK Assigned by

occupied spinlock implementation

Deadlock situation due to E_OS_INTERFERENCE_DEADLOCK Assigned by

interference implementation

Potential deadlock due to E_OS_NESTING_DEADLOCK Assigned by

wrong nesting implementation

A null pointer was given as E_OS_PARAM_POINTER Assigned by

argument implementation

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8 API specification
This chapter contains the APIs offered by the operating system. Note that not all
services are available in all scalability classes, and that the behavior of some
services is extended for specific scalability classes. For example, API to relatively
start a schedule table has an additional check if the schedule table allows implicit
synchronization. This check is only performed in SC2 and SC4 where
synchronization of schedule tables is supported.

8.1 Constants
8.1.1 Error codes of type StatusType

The following constants are available in a multi-core environment.

[SWS_Os_91007] ⌈
Name: AppModeType
Type: Enumeration
Range: DONOTCARE -- --
Description: AppMode of the core shall be inherited from another core.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_91002] ⌈
Name: TotalNumberOfCores
Type: scalar
Range: 1..65535 -- --
Description: The total number of cores
⌋ ()

Additional constants are in section 7.15 and [15].

8.2 Macros

These macros return a value not equal to zero if the memory is readable / writable /
executable or stack space. The argument of the macros must be of type
AccessType. Typically the return value of the service
Check[Task|ISR]MemoryAccess() is used as argument for these macros.

8.3 Type definitions

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8.3.1 ApplicationType (for OS-Applications)

[SWS_Os_00772] ⌈
Name: ApplicationType
Type: uint32
Description: This data type identifies the OS-Application.
⌋ ()

8.3.2 ApplicationStateType

[SWS_Os_00773] ⌈
Name: ApplicationStateType
Type: scalar
Description: This data type identifies the state of an OS-Application.
⌋ ()

8.3.3 ApplicationStateRefType

[SWS_Os_00774] ⌈
Name: ApplicationStateRefType
Type: pointer
Description: This data type points to location where a ApplicationStateType can be stored.
⌋ ()

8.3.4 TrustedFunctionIndexType

[SWS_Os_00775] ⌈
Name: TrustedFunctionIndexType
Type: scalar
Description: This data type identifies a trusted function.
⌋ ()

8.3.5 TrustedFunctionParameterRefType

[SWS_Os_00776] ⌈
Name: TrustedFunctionParameterRefType
Type: pointer
Description: This data type points to a structure which holds the arguments for a call to a

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trusted function.
⌋ ()

8.3.6 AccessType

[SWS_Os_00777] ⌈
Name: AccessType
Type: integral
Description: This type holds information how a specific memory region can be accessed.
⌋ ()

8.3.7 ObjectAccessType

[SWS_Os_00778] ⌈
Name: ObjectAccessType
Type: --
Range: ACCESS -- --
Description: This data type identifies if an OS-Application has access to an object.
⌋ ()

8.3.8 ObjectTypeType

[SWS_Os_00779] ⌈
Name: ObjectTypeType
Type: --
Range: OBJECT_TASK -- --
Description: This data type identifies an object.
⌋ ()

8.3.9 MemoryStartAddressType

[SWS_Os_00780] ⌈
Name: MemoryStartAddressType
Type: --
Description: This data type is a pointer which is able to point to any location in the MCU
address space.

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⌋ ()

8.3.10 MemorySizeType

[SWS_Os_00781] ⌈
Name: MemorySizeType
Type: --
Description: This data type holds the size (in bytes) of a memory region.
⌋ ()

8.3.11 ISRType

[SWS_Os_00782] ⌈
Name: ISRType
Type: --
Range: INVALID_ISR -- --
Description: This data type identifies an interrupt service routine (ISR).
⌋ ()

8.3.12 ScheduleTableType

[SWS_Os_00783] ⌈
Name: ScheduleTableType
Type: --
Description: This data type identifies a schedule table.
⌋ ()

8.3.13 ScheduleTableStatusType

[SWS_Os_00784] ⌈
Name: ScheduleTableStatusType
Type: --
Description: This type describes the status of a schedule. The status can be one of the following:
o The schedule table is not started (SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED)
o The schedule table will be started after the end of currently running schedule table (schedule
table was used in NextScheduleTable() service) (SCHEDULETABLE_NEXT)
o The schedule table uses explicit synchronization, has been started and is waiting for the global
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o The schedule table is running, but is currently not synchronous to a global time source
o The schedule table is running and is synchronous to a global time source
⌋ ()

8.3.14 ScheduleTableStatusRefType

[SWS_Os_00785] ⌈
Name: ScheduleTableStatusRefType
Type: --
Description: This data type points to a variable of the data type ScheduleTableStatusType.
⌋ ()

8.3.15 ProtectionReturnType

[SWS_Os_00787] ⌈
Name: ProtectionReturnType
Type: --
Range: PRO_IGNORE -- --
Description: This data type identifies a value which controls further actions of the OS on return
from the protection hook.
⌋ ()

8.3.16 RestartType

[SWS_Os_00788] ⌈
Name: RestartType
Type: --
Range: RESTART -- --
Description: This data type defines the use of a Restart Task after terminating an OS-
⌋ ()

8.3.17 PhysicalTimeType

[SWS_Os_00789] ⌈
Name: PhysicalTimeType
Type: --
Description: This data type is used for values returned by the conversion macro (see OS393())
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⌋ ()

8.3.18 CoreIdType

[SWS_Os_00790] ⌈
Name: CoreIdType
Type: scalar
Range: OS_CORE_ID_MASTER -- refers to the master core, may be an
alias for OS_CORE_ID_<x>
OS_CORE_ID_0..OS_CORE_ID_65533 -- refers to logical core 0, core 1 etc.
Description: CoreIdType is a scalar that allows identifying a single core. The CoreIdType
shall represent the logical CoreID
⌋ ()

8.3.19 SpinlockIdType

[SWS_Os_00791] ⌈
Name: SpinlockIdType
Type: scalar
Range: 1..65535 -- 0x01, 0x02, ...: identifies a spinlock instance
INVALID_SPINLOCK -- represents an invalid spinlock instance
Description: SpinlockIdType identifies a spinlock instance and is used by the API functions:
GetSpinlock, ReleaseSpinlock and TryToGetSpinlock.
⌋ ()

8.3.20 TryToGetSpinlockType

[SWS_Os_00792] ⌈
Name: TryToGetSpinlockType
Type: Enumeration
Range: TRYTOGETSPINLOCK_SUCCESS -- Spinlock successfully occupied
TRYTOGETSPINLOCK_NOSUCCESS -- Unable to occupy the spinlock
Description: The TryToGetSpinlockType indicates if the spinlock has been occupied or not.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

8.3.21 IdleModeType

[SWS_Os_00793] ⌈
Name: IdleModeType
Type: scalar
Range: IDLE_NO_HALT -- the core does not perform any specific actions during idle
Description: This data type identifies the idle mode behavior.
⌋ ()

8.3.22 AreaIdType

[SWS_Os_91000] ⌈
Name: AreaIdType
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Type: scalar
Range: 0..65534 -- identifies a peripheral area
Description: AreaIdType identifies a peripheral area and is used by the API functions:
ReadPeripheralX, WritePeripheralX and ModifyPeripheralX
⌋ ()

8.4 Function definitions

The availability of the following services is defined in Tab. 4. The use of these services
may be restricted depending on the context they are called from. See
Tab. 1 for details.

8.4.1 GetApplicationID

[SWS_Os_00016] ⌈
Service name: GetApplicationID
Syntax: ApplicationType GetApplicationID(
Service ID[hex]: 0x00
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
ApplicationType <identifier of running OS-Application> or
Return value:
Description: This service determines the OS-Application (a unique identifier has to be allocated
to each application) where the caller originally belongs to (was configured to).
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00261] ⌈ GetApplicationID() shall return the application

identifier to which the executing Task/ISR/hook was configured.
⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00262] ⌈If no OS-Application is running, GetApplicationID() shall


[SWS_Os_00514] ⌈Availability of GetApplicationID(): Available in Scalability

Classes 3 and 4 and in multi-core systems. ⌋ ( )

8.4.2 GetCurrentApplicationID

[SWS_Os_00797] ⌈
Service name: GetCurrentApplicationID
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Syntax: ApplicationType GetCurrentApplicationID(

Service ID[hex]: 0x27
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
ApplicationType <identifier of the OS-Application> or
Return value:
Description: This service determines the OS-Application where the caller of the service is
currently executing.
Note that if the caller is not within a CallTrustedFunction() call the value is equal to
the result of GetApplicationID().
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00798]⌈ GetCurrentApplicationID() shall return the application

identifier in which the current Task/ISR/hook is executed. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00799] ⌈If no OS-Application is running, GetCurrentApplicationID()

shall return INVALID_OSAPPLICATION. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00800] ⌈Availability of GetCurrentApplicationID(): Available in

Scalability Classes 3 and 4. ⌋ ( )

8.4.3 GetISRID

[SWS_Os_00511] ⌈
Service name: GetISRID
Syntax: ISRType GetISRID(
Service ID[hex]: 0x01
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
ISRType <Identifier of running ISR> or
Return value:
Description: This service returns the identifier of the currently executing ISR.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00263] ⌈If called from category 2 ISR (or Hook routines called inside a
category 2 ISR), GetISRID() shall return the identifier of the currently executing ISR.
⌋ ( )

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[SWS_Os_00264] ⌈If its caller is not a category 2 ISR (or Hook routines called inside
a category 2 ISR), GetISRID() shall return INVALID_ISR. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00515] ⌈Availability of GetISRID(): Available in all Scalability Classes. ⌋


8.4.4 CallTrustedFunction

[SWS_Os_00097] ⌈
Service name: CallTrustedFunction
Syntax: StatusType CallTrustedFunction(
TrustedFunctionIndexType FunctionIndex,
TrustedFunctionParameterRefType FunctionParams
Service ID[hex]: 0x02
Sync/Async: Depends on called function. If called function is synchronous then service is
synchronous. May cause rescheduling.
Reentrancy: Reentrant
FunctionIndex Index of the function to be called.
FunctionParams Pointer to the parameters for the function - specified by the
Parameters (in):
FunctionIndex - to be called. If no parameters are provided, a
NULL pointer has to be passed.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK: No Error
Return value:
E_OS_SERVICEID: No function defined for this index
Description: A (trusted or non-trusted) OS-Application uses this service to call a trusted
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00265] ⌈ If <FunctionIndex> is a defined function index,

CallTrustedFunction() shall call the function <FunctionIndex> out of a list of
implementation specific trusted functions with the protection settings of the OS-
Application which provides the trusted function AND shall return E_OK after
completion. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00312] ⌈Caveats of CallTrustedFunction():

 The called trusted function must conform to the following C prototype: void
(The arguments are the same as the arguments of CallTrustedFunction).
 Normally, a user will not directly call this service, but it will be part of some
standard interface, e.g. a standard I/O interface.
 It is the duty of the called trusted function to check rights of passed
parameters, especially if parameters are interpreted as out parameters.
 It should be noted that the CallTrustedFunction() does not disable timing
protection for the task which called the service. This may lead to timing faults
(calls of the ProtectionHook()) even inside of a trusted OS-Application. It is
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therefore recommended to use CallTrustedFunction() only for stateless

functions (e.g. functions which do not write or do not have internal states) ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00266] ⌈When CallTrustedFunction() calls the function <FunctionIndex>,

that function shall be executed with the same processor mode, memory protection
boundaries and the service protection limitations of the OS-Application to which it
belongs. The notion of "current application" shall remain that of the calling Task or
Category 2 ISR. ⌋ ( )

Reaction to timing protection can be defined to terminate the OSApplication. If a task

is inside CallTrustedFunction() and task rescheduling takes place within the same
OSApplication, the newly running higher priority task may cause timing protection
and terminate the OSApplication, thus indirectly aborting the trusted function. To
avoid this, the scheduling of other Tasks which belong to the same OS-Application
as the caller needs to be restricted, as well as the availability of interrupts of the
same OS-Application.

[SWS_Os_00565] ⌈ When CallTrustedFunction() is called and the caller of

CallTrustedFunction() is supervised with timing protection, the Operating System
shall delay any timing protection errors until the CallTrustedFunction() returns to a
OsApplication with OsTrustedApplicationDelayTimingViolationCall ==
FALSE.⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00564] ⌈ If such a violation is detected inside a nested call sequence of

CallTrustedFunction() of a task, the delay shall last until the return of
CallTrustedFunction() to an OsApplication with
OsTrustedApplicationDelayTimingViolationCall == FALSE.⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00563] ⌈The OperatingSystem shall not schedule any other Tasks which
belong to the same OS-Application as the non-trusted caller of the service. It shall be
done by priority ceiling. Also interrupts of Category 2 which belong to the same OS-
Application shall be disabled during the execution of the service.⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00364] ⌈If CallTrustedFunction() calls the trusted function from a

Category 2 ISR context, that function shall continue to run on the same interrupt
priority and be allowed to call all system services defined for Category 2 ISR (see
table in chapter ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00365] ⌈If CallTrustedFunction() calls the trusted function from a task

context, that function shall continue to run on the same priority and be allowed to call
all system services defined for tasks (see table in chapter ⌋ ( )

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[SWS_Os_00292] ⌈If the function index <FunctionIndex> in a call of

CallTrustedFunction() is undefined, CallTrustedFunction() shall return

[SWS_Os_00516] ⌈Availability of CallTrustedFunction(): Available in Scalability

Classes 3 and 4. ⌋ ( )

8.4.5 CheckISRMemoryAccess

[SWS_Os_00512] ⌈
Service name: CheckISRMemoryAccess
Syntax: AccessType CheckISRMemoryAccess(
MemoryStartAddressType Address,
MemorySizeType Size
Service ID[hex]: 0x03
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
ISRID ISR reference
Parameters (in): Address Start of memory area
Size Size of memory area
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: AccessType Value which contains the access rights to the memory area.
Description: This service checks if a memory region is write/read/execute accessible and also
returns information if the memory region is part of the stack space.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00267] ⌈If the ISR reference <ISRID> in a call of

CheckISRMemoryAccess() is valid, CheckISRMemoryAccess() shall return the
access rights of the ISR on the specified memory area. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00313] ⌈If an access right (e.g. “read”) is not valid for the whole memory
area specified in a call of CheckISRMemoryAccess(), CheckISRMemoryAccess()
shall yield no access regarding this right. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00268] ⌈If the ISR reference <ISRID> is not valid,

CheckISRMemoryAccess() shall yield no access rights. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00517] ⌈Availability of CheckISRMemoryAccess(): Available in Scalability

Classes 3 and 4. ⌋ ( )

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8.4.6 CheckTaskMemoryAccess

[SWS_Os_00513] ⌈
Service name: CheckTaskMemoryAccess
Syntax: AccessType CheckTaskMemoryAccess(
TaskType TaskID,
MemoryStartAddressType Address,
MemorySizeType Size
Service ID[hex]: 0x04
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
TaskID Task reference
Parameters (in): Address Start of memory area
Size Size of memory area
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: AccessType Value which contains the access rights to the memory area.
Description: This service checks if a memory region is write/read/execute accessible and also
returns information if the memory region is part of the stack space.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00269] ⌈If the Task reference <TaskID> in a call of

CheckTaskMemoryAccess() is valid, CheckTaskMemoryAccess() shall return
the access rights of the task on the specified memory area. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00314] ⌈If an access right (e.g. “read”) is not valid for the whole memory
area specified in a call of CheckTaskMemoryAccess(),
CheckTaskMemoryAccess() shall yield no access regarding this right. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00270] ⌈If the Task reference <TaskID> in a call of

CheckTaskMemoryAccess() is not valid, CheckTaskMemoryAccess() shall
yield no access rights. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00518] ⌈Availability of CheckTaskMemoryAccess(): Available in

Scalability Classes 3 and 4⌋ ( )

8.4.7 CheckObjectAccess

[SWS_Os_00256] ⌈
Service name: CheckObjectAccess
Syntax: ObjectAccessType CheckObjectAccess(
ApplicationType ApplID,
ObjectTypeType ObjectType,
void ...
Service ID[hex]: 0x05
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Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
ApplID OS-Application identifier
Parameters (in): ObjectType Type of the following parameter
... The object to be examined
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
ObjectAccessType ACCESS if the ApplID has access to the object
Return value:
NO_ACCESS otherwise
Description: This service determines if the OS-Applications, given by ApplID, is allowed to use
the IDs of a Task, Resource, Counter, Alarm or Schedule Table in API calls.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00271] ⌈If the OS-Application <ApplID> in a call of

CheckObjectAccess() has access to the queried object,
CheckObjectAccess() shall return ACCESS. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00272] ⌈If the OS-Application <ApplID> in a call of

CheckObjectAccess() has no access to the queried object,
CheckObjectAccess() shall return NO_ACCESS. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00423] ⌈If in a call of CheckObjectAccess() the object to be examined

is not a valid object OR <ApplID> is invalid OR <ObjectType> is invalid THEN
CheckObjectAccess() shall return NO_ACCESS. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00519] ⌈Availability of CheckObjectAccess(): Available in Scalability

Classes 3 and 4. ⌋ ( )

8.4.8 CheckObjectOwnership

[SWS_Os_00017] ⌈
Service name: CheckObjectOwnership
Syntax: ApplicationType CheckObjectOwnership(
ObjectTypeType ObjectType,
void ...
Service ID[hex]: 0x06
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
ObjectType Type of the following parameter
Parameters (in):
... The object to be examined
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
ApplicationType <OS-Application>: the OS-Application to which the object
Return value: ObjectType belongs or
INVALID_OSAPPLICATION if the object does not exists
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Description: This service determines to which OS-Application a given Task, ISR, Counter,
Alarm or Schedule Table belongs
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00273] ⌈If the object ObjectType specified in a call of

CheckObjectOwnership() exists, CheckObjectOwnership() shall return the
identifier of the OS-Application to which the object belongs. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00274] ⌈If in a call of CheckObjectOwnership() the specified object

ObjectType is invalid OR the argument of the type (the “…”) is invalid OR the object
does not belong to any OS-Application, CheckObjectOwnership() shall return

[SWS_Os_00520] ⌈Availability of CheckObjectOwnership():Available in

Scalability Classes 3 and 4 and in multi-core systems. ⌋ ( )

8.4.9 StartScheduleTableRel

[SWS_Os_00347] ⌈
Service name: StartScheduleTableRel
Syntax: StatusType StartScheduleTableRel(
ScheduleTableType ScheduleTableID,
TickType Offset
Service ID[hex]: 0x07
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
ScheduleTableID Schedule table to be started
Parameters (in): Offset Number of ticks on the counter before the the schedule table
processing is started
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK: No Error
E_OS_ID (only in EXTENDED status): ScheduleTableID not
Return value:
E_OS_VALUE (only in EXTENDED status): Offset is greater
than (OsCounterMaxAllowedValue - InitialOffset) or is equal to 0.
E_OS_STATE: Schedule table was already started.
Description: This service starts the processing of a schedule table at "Offset" relative to the
"Now" value on the underlying counter.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00275] ⌈If the schedule table <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

StartScheduleTableRel() is not valid, StartScheduleTableRel() shall
return E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

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[SWS_Os_00452] ⌈If the schedule table <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

StartScheduleTableRel() is implicitely synchronized
(OsScheduleTblSyncStrategy = IMPLICIT), StartScheduleTableRel()
shall return E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00332] ⌈If <Offset> in a call of StartScheduleTableRel() is zero

StartScheduleTableRel() shall return E_OS_VALUE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00276] ⌈If the offset <Offset>) is greater than

OsCounterMaxAllowedValue of the underlying counter minus the Initial Offset,
StartScheduleTableRel() shall return E_OS_VALUE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00277] ⌈If the schedule table <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

StartScheduleTableRel() is not in the state SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED,
StartScheduleTableRel() shall return E_OS_STATE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00278] ⌈If the input parameters of StartScheduleTableRel() are

valid and the state of schedule table <ScheduleTableID> is
SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED, then StartScheduleTableRel() shall start the
processing of a schedule table <ScheduleTableID>. The Initial Expiry Point shall be
processed after <Offset> + Initial Offset ticks have elapsed on the underlying counter.
The state of <ScheduleTableID> is set to SCHEDULETABLE_RUNNING before the
service returns to the caller. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00521] ⌈Availability of StartScheduleTableRel(): Available in all

Scalability Classes. ⌋ ( )

8.4.10 StartScheduleTableAbs

[SWS_Os_00358] ⌈
Service name: StartScheduleTableAbs
Syntax: StatusType StartScheduleTableAbs(
ScheduleTableType ScheduleTableID,
TickType Start
Service ID[hex]: 0x08
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
ScheduleTableID Schedule table to be started
Parameters (in):
Start Absolute counter tick value at which the schedule table is started
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK: No Error
Return value:
E_OS_ID (only in EXTENDED status): ScheduleTableID not

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E_OS_VALUE (only in EXTENDED status): "Start" is greater
than OsCounterMaxAllowedValue
E_OS_STATE: Schedule table was already started
Description: This service starts the processing of a schedule table at an absolute value "Start"
on the underlying counter.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00348] ⌈If the schedule table <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

StartScheduleTableAbs() is not valid, StartScheduleTableAbs() shall
return E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00349] ⌈If the <Start> in a call of StartScheduleTableAbs() is

greater than the OsCounterMaxAllowedValue of the underlying counter,
StartScheduleTableAbs() shall return E_OS_VALUE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00350] ⌈If the schedule table <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

StartScheduleTableAbs() is not in the state SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED,
StartScheduleTableAbs() shall return E_OS_STATE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00351] ⌈If the input parameters of StartScheduleTableAbs() are

valid and <ScheduleTableID> is in the state SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED,
StartScheduleTableAbs() shall start the processing of schedule table
<ScheduleTableID> when the underlying counter next equals <Start> and shall set
the state of <ScheduleTableID> to
- SCHEDULETABLE_RUNNING (for a non-synchronized / Explicitly synchronized
schedule table) OR
- SCHEDULETABLE_RUNNING_AND_SYNCHRONOUS (for implicitly synchronized schedule
before returning to the user. (The Initial Expiry Point will be processed when the
underlying counter next equals <Start>+Initial Offset). ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00522] ⌈Availability of StartScheduleTableAbs(): Available in all

Scalability Classes. ⌋ ( )

8.4.11 StopScheduleTable

[SWS_Os_00006] ⌈
Service name: StopScheduleTable
Syntax: StatusType StopScheduleTable(
ScheduleTableType ScheduleTableID
Service ID[hex]: 0x09
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): ScheduleTableID Schedule table to be stopped
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Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK: No Error
E_OS_ID (only in EXTENDED status): ScheduleTableID not
Return value:
E_OS_NOFUNC: Schedule table was already stopped
Description: This service cancels the processing of a schedule table immediately at any point
while the schedule table is running.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00279] ⌈If the schedule table identifier <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

StopScheduleTable() is not valid, StopScheduleTable() shall return
E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00280] ⌈If the schedule table with identifier <ScheduleTableID> is in state

SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED when calling StopScheduleTable(),
StopScheduleTable() shall return E_OS_NOFUNC. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00281] ⌈If the input parameters of StopScheduleTable() are valid,

StopScheduleTable()shall set the state of <ScheduleTableID> to
SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED and (stop the schedule table <ScheduleTableID> from
processing any further expiry points and) shall return E_OK. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00523] ⌈Availability of StopScheduleTable(): Available in all

Scalability Classes. ⌋ ( )

8.4.12 NextScheduleTable

[SWS_Os_00191] ⌈
Service name: NextScheduleTable
Syntax: StatusType NextScheduleTable(
ScheduleTableType ScheduleTableID_From,
ScheduleTableType ScheduleTableID_To
Service ID[hex]: 0x0a
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
ScheduleTableID_From Currently processed schedule table
Parameters (in):
ScheduleTableID_To Schedule table that provides its series of expiry points
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK: No error
E_OS_ID (only in EXTENDED status):
Return value: ScheduleTableID_From or ScheduleTableID_To
not valid
E_OS_NOFUNC: ScheduleTableID_From not started

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E_OS_STATE: ScheduleTableID_To is started or next

Description: This service switches the processing from one schedule table to another schedule
⌋ (SRS_Os_00099)
[SWS_Os_00282] ⌈If the input parameter <ScheduleTableID_From> or
<ScheduleTableID_To> in a call of NextScheduleTable() is not valid,
NextScheduleTable() shall return E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00330] ⌈If in a call of NextScheduleTable() schedule table

<ScheduleTableID_To> is driven by different counter than schedule table
<ScheduleTableID_From> then NextScheduleTable() shall return an error
E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00283] ⌈If the schedule table <ScheduleTableID_From> in a call of

NextScheduleTable() is in state SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED OR in state
SCHEDULETABLE_NEXT, NextScheduleTable() shall leave the state of
<ScheduleTable_From> and <ScheduleTable_To> unchanged and return
E_OS_NOFUNC. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00309] ⌈If the schedule table <ScheduleTableID_To> in a call of

NextScheduleTable() is not in state SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED,
NextScheduleTable() shall leave the state of <ScheduleTable_From> and
<ScheduleTable_To> unchanged and return E_OS_STATE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00484] ⌈If OsScheduleTblSyncStrategy of <ScheduleTableID_To>

in a call of NextScheduleTable() is not equal to the
OsScheduleTblSyncStrategy of <ScheduleTableID_From> then
NextScheduleTable() shall return E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00284] ⌈If the input parameters of NextScheduleTable() are valid

then NextScheduleTable() shall start the processing of schedule table
<ScheduleTableID_To> <ScheduleTableID_From>.FinalDelay ticks after the Final
Expiry Point on <ScheduleTableID_From> is processed and shall return E_OK.
NextScheduleTable() shall process the Initial Expiry Point on
<ScheduleTableID_To> at <ScheduleTableID_From>.Final Delay +
<ScheduleTable_To>.Initial Offset ticks after the Final Expiry Point on
<ScheduleTableID_From> is processed . ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00324] ⌈If the input parameters of NextScheduleTable() are valid

AND the <ScheduleTableID_From> already has a “next” schedule table then
NextScheduleTable()shall replace the previous “next” schedule table with
<ScheduleTableID_To> and shall change the old “next” schedule table state to

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[SWS_Os_00505] ⌈If OsScheduleTblSyncStrategy of the schedule tables

<ScheduleTableID_From> and <ScheduleTableID_To> in a call of
NextScheduleTable() is EXPLICIT and the Operating System module already
synchronizes <ScheduleTableID_From>, NextScheduleTable() shall continue
synchonization after the start of processing <ScheduleTableID_To>.⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00453] ⌈If the <ScheduleTableID_From> in a call of

NextScheduleTable() is stopped, NextScheduleTable() shall not start the
“next” schedule table and change its state to SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00524] ⌈Availability of NextScheduleTable(): Available in all

Scalability Classes. ⌋ ( )

8.4.13 StartScheduleTableSynchron

[SWS_Os_00201] ⌈
Service name: StartScheduleTableSynchron
Syntax: StatusType StartScheduleTableSynchron(
ScheduleTableType ScheduleTableID
Service ID[hex]: 0x0b
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): ScheduleTableID Schedule table to be started
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK: No Error
E_OS_ID (only in EXTENDED status): ScheduleTableID not
Return value:
E_OS_STATE: Schedule table was already started
Description: This service starts an explicitly synchronized schedule table synchronously.
⌋ (SRS_Os_11002)

[SWS_Os_00387] ⌈If in a call of StartScheduleTableSynchron() the schedule

table <ScheduleTableID> is not valid OR the schedule table <ScheduleTableID> is
not explicitly synchronized (OsScheduleTblSyncStrategy != EXPLICIT)
StartScheduleTableSynchron() shall return E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00388] ⌈If the schedule table <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

StartScheduleTableSynchron()is not in the state SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED,
StartScheduleTableSynchron() shall return E_OS_STATE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00389] ⌈If <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

StartScheduleTableSynchron() is valid, StartScheduleTableSynchron()
shall set the state of <ScheduleTableID> to SCHEDULETABLE_WAITING and start the
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processing of schedule table <ScheduleTableID> after the synchronization count of

the schedule table is set via SyncScheduleTable(). The Initial Expiry Point shall
be processed when (Duration-SyncValue)+InitialOffset ticks have elapsed on the
synchronization counter where:
Duration is <ScheduleTableID>.OsScheduleTableDuration
SyncValue is the <Value> parameter passed to the SyncScheduleTable()
InitialOffset is the shortest expiry point offset in <ScheduleTableID>⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00525] ⌈Availability of StartScheduleTableSynchron(): Available in

Scalability Classes 2 and 4. ⌋ ( )

8.4.14 SyncScheduleTable

[SWS_Os_00199] ⌈
Service name: SyncScheduleTable
Syntax: StatusType SyncScheduleTable(
ScheduleTableType ScheduleTableID,
TickType Value
Service ID[hex]: 0x0c
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
ScheduleTableID Schedule table to be synchronized
Parameters (in):
Value The current value of the synchronization counter
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK: No errors
E_OS_ID (only in EXTENDED status): The ScheduleTableID
was not valid or schedule
table can not be synchronized (OsScheduleTblSyncStrategy not
set or
Return value: OsScheduleTblSyncStrategy = IMPLICIT)
E_OS_VALUE (only in EXETENDED status): The <Value> is out
of range
E_OS_STATE: The state of schedule table <ScheduleTableID>
is equal to
Description: This service provides the schedule table with a synchronization count and start
⌋ (SRS_Os_11002)

[SWS_Os_00454] ⌈If the <ScheduleTableID> in a call of SyncScheduleTable() is

not valid OR schedule table can not be explicitely synchronized
(OsScheduleTblSyncStrategy is not equal to EXPLICIT)
SyncScheduleTable() shall return E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

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[SWS_Os_00455] ⌈If the <Value> in a call of SyncScheduleTable() is greater or

equal than the OsScheduleTableDuration, SyncScheduleTable() shall return
E_OS_VALUE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00456] ⌈If the state of the schedule table <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

SyncScheduleTable() is equal to SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED or
SCHEDULETABLE_NEXT SyncScheduleTable() shall return E_OS_STATE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00457] ⌈If the parameters in a call of SyncScheduleTable() are valid,

SyncScheduleTable() shall provide the Operating System module with the
current synchronization count for the given schedule table. (It is used to synchronize
the processing of the schedule table to the synchronization counter.) ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00526] ⌈Availability of SyncScheduleTable(): Available in Scalability

Classes 2 and 4. ⌋ ( )

8.4.15 SetScheduleTableAsync

[SWS_Os_00422] ⌈
Service name: SetScheduletableAsync
Syntax: StatusType SetScheduletableAsync(
ScheduleTableType ScheduleTableID
Service ID[hex]: 0x0d
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): ScheduleTableID Schedule table for which status is requested
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK: No Error
Return value:
E_OS_ID (only in EXTENDED status): Invalid ScheduleTableID
Description: This service stops synchronization of a schedule table.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00362] ⌈If SetScheduleTableAsync() is called for a running schedule

table, the Operating System module shall stop further synchronization until a
SyncScheduleTable() call is made. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00323] ⌈If SetScheduleTableAsync() is called for a running schedule

table the Operating System module shall continue to process expiry points on the
schedule table. ⌋ ( )

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[SWS_Os_00458] ⌈If OsScheduleTblSyncStrategy of <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

SetScheduleTableAsync() is not equal to EXPLICIT OR if <ScheduleTableID> is
invalid then SetScheduleTableAsync() shall return E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00483] ⌈If the current state of the <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

SetScheduleTableAsync() equals to SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED,
SetScheduleTableAsync() shall return E_OS_STATE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00300] ⌈If the current state of <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

SCHEDULETABLE_RUNNING) then SetScheduleTableAsync() shall set (or keep in
case of SCHEDULETABLE_RUNNING) the status of <ScheduleTableID> to

[SWS_Os_00527] ⌈Availability of SetScheduleTableAsync(): Available in

Scalability Classes 2 and 4. ⌋ ( )

8.4.16 GetScheduleTableStatus

[SWS_Os_00227] ⌈
Service name: GetScheduleTableStatus
Syntax: StatusType GetScheduleTableStatus(
ScheduleTableType ScheduleTableID,
ScheduleTableStatusRefType ScheduleStatus
Service ID[hex]: 0x0e
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): ScheduleTableID Schedule table for which status is requested
Parameters None
Parameters (out): ScheduleStatus Reference to ScheduleTableStatusType
StatusType E_OK: No Error
Return value:
E_OS_ID (only in EXTENDED status): Invalid ScheduleTableID
Description: This service queries the state of a schedule table (also with respect to
⌋ (SRS_Os_11002)

[SWS_Os_00289] ⌈If the schedule table <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

GetScheduleTableStatus() is NOT started, GetScheduleTableStatus()
shall pass back SCHEDULETABLE_STOPPED via the reference parameter
<ScheduleStatus> AND shall return E_OK. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00353] ⌈If the schedule table <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

GetScheduleTableStatus() was used in a NextScheduleTable() call AND
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waits for the end of the current schedule table, GetScheduleTableStatus() shall
return SCHEDULETABLE_NEXT via the reference parameter <ScheduleStatus> AND
shall return E_OK. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00354] ⌈If the schedule table <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

GetScheduleTableStatus() is configured with explicit synchronization AND
<ScheduleTableID> was started with StartScheduleTableSynchron()AND no
synchronization count was provided to the Operating System,
GetScheduleTableStatus() shall return SCHEDULETABLE_WAITING via the
reference parameter <ScheduleStatus> AND shall return E_OK. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00290] ⌈If the schedule table <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

GetScheduleTableStatus() is started AND synchronous,
GetScheduleTableStatus() shall pass back
<ScheduleStatus> AND shall return E_OK. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00291] ⌈If the schedule table <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

GetScheduleTableStatus() is started AND NOT synchronous (deviation is not
within the precision interval OR the schedule table has been set asynchronous),
GetScheduleTableStatus() shall pass back SCHEDULETABLE_RUNNING via the
reference parameter ScheduleStatus AND shall return E_OK. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00293] ⌈If the identifier <ScheduleTableID> in a call of

GetScheduleTableStatus() is NOT valid, GetScheduleTableStatus() shall
return E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00528] ⌈Availability of GetScheduleTableStatus():Available in all

Scalability Classes. ⌋ ( )

8.4.17 IncrementCounter

[SWS_Os_00399] ⌈
Service name: IncrementCounter
Syntax: StatusType IncrementCounter(
CounterType CounterID
Service ID[hex]: 0x0f
Sync/Async: Synchronous, may cause rescheduling
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): CounterID The Counter to be incremented
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: StatusType E_OK: No errors
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E_OS_ID (only in EXTENDED status): The CounterID was not valid or

counter is implemented in hardware and can not be incremented by
Description: This service increments a software counter.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00285] ⌈If the input parameter <CounterID> in a call of

IncrementCounter() is not valid OR the counter is a hardware counter,
IncrementCounter() shall return E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00286] ⌈If the input parameter of IncrementCounter() is valid,

IncrementCounter() shall increment the counter <CounterID> by one (if any
alarm connected to this counter expires, the given action, e.g. task activation, is
done) and shall return E_OK. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11020)

[SWS_Os_00321] ⌈If in a call of IncrementCounter() an error happens during the

execution of an alarm action, e.g. E_OS_LIMIT caused by a task activation,
IncrementCounter() shall call the error hook(s), but the IncrementCounter()
service itself shall return E_OK. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00529] ⌈Caveats of IncrementCounter(): If called from a task,

rescheduling may take place. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00530] ⌈Availability of IncrementCounter(): Available in all Scalability

Classes. ⌋ ( )

8.4.18 GetCounterValue

[SWS_Os_00383] ⌈
Service name: GetCounterValue
Syntax: StatusType GetCounterValue(
CounterType CounterID,
TickRefType Value
Service ID[hex]: 0x10
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): CounterID The Counter which tick value should be read
Parameters None
Parameters (out): Value Contains the current tick value of the counter
StatusType E_OK: No errors
Return value: E_OS_ID (only in EXTENDED status): The <CounterID> was not
Description: This service reads the current count value of a counter (returning either the
hardware timer ticks if counter is driven by hardware or the software ticks when
user drives counter).
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⌋ (SRS_Frt_00025)

[SWS_Os_00376] ⌈If the input parameter <CounterID> in a call of

GetCounterValue() is not valid, GetCounterValue() shall return E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00377] ⌈If the input parameter <CounterID> in a call of

GetCounterValue() is valid, GetCounterValue() shall return the current tick
value of the counter via <Value> and return E_OK. ⌋ (SRS_Frt_00033)

[SWS_Os_00531] ⌈Caveats of GetCounterValue(): Note that for counters of

OsCounterType = HARDWARE the real timer value (the – possibly adjusted –
hardware value, see SWS_Os_00384) is returned, whereas for counters of
OsCounterType = SOFTWARE the current “software” tick value is returned. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00532] ⌈Availability of GetCounterValue(): Available in all Scalability

Classes. ⌋ ( )

8.4.19 GetElapsedValue

[SWS_Os_00392] ⌈
Service name: GetElapsedValue
Syntax: StatusType GetElapsedValue(
CounterType CounterID,
TickRefType Value,
TickRefType ElapsedValue
Service ID[hex]: 0x11
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): CounterID The Counter to be read
Parameters Value in: the previously read tick value of the counter
(inout): out: the current tick value of the counter
Parameters (out): ElapsedValue The difference to the previous read value
StatusType E_OK: No errors
E_OS_ID (only in EXTENDED status): The CounterID was not
Return value: valid
E_OS_VALUE (only in EXTENDED status): The given Value was
not valid
Description: This service gets the number of ticks between the current tick value and a
previously read tick value.
⌋ (SRS_Frt_00025)

[SWS_Os_00381] ⌈If the input parameter <CounterID> in a call of

GetElapsedValue() is not valid GetElapsedValue() shall return E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

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[SWS_Os_00391] ⌈If the <Value> in a call of GetElapsedValue() is larger than the

max allowed value of the <CounterID>, GetElapsedValue() shall return
E_OS_VALUE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00382] ⌈If the input parameters in a call of GetElapsedValue() are

valid, GetElapsedValue() shall return the number of elapsed ticks since the given
<Value> value via <ElapsedValue> and shall return E_OK. ⌋ (SRS_Frt_00034)

[SWS_Os_00460] ⌈GetElapsedValue() shall return the current tick value of the

counter in the <Value> parameter. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00533] ⌈Caveats of GetElapsedValue():If the timer already passed the

<Value> value a second (or multiple) time, the result returned is wrong. The reason is
that the service can not detect such a relative overflow. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00534] ⌈Availability of GetElapsedValue(): Available in all Scalability

Classes. ⌋ ( )

8.4.20 TerminateApplication

[SWS_Os_00258] ⌈
Service name: TerminateApplication
Syntax: StatusType TerminateApplication(
ApplicationType Application,
RestartType RestartOption
Service ID[hex]: 0x12
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Application The identifier of the OS-Application to be terminated. If the caller
belongs to <Application> the call results in a self termination.
Parameters (in):
RestartOption Either RESTART for doing a restart of the OS-Application or
NO_RESTART if OS-Application shall not be restarted.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK: No errors
E_OS_ID: <Application> was not valid (only in EXTENDED status)
E_OS_VALUE: <RestartOption> was neither RESTART nor
NO_RESTART (only in EXTENDED status)
Return value:
E_OS_ACCESS: The caller does not have the right to terminate
<Application> (only in EXTENDED status)
E_OS_STATE: The state of <Application> does not allow
terminating <Application>
Description: This service terminates the OS-Application to which the calling Task/Category 2
ISR/application specific error hook belongs.
⌋ ()

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[SWS_Os_00493] ⌈If the input parameter <Application> in a call of

TerminateApplication() is not valid TerminateApplication() shall return
E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00459] ⌈If the <RestartOption> in a call of TerminateApplication() is

invalid, TerminateApplication() shall return E_OS_VALUE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00494] ⌈If the input parameter <Application> in a call of

TerminateApplication() is valid AND the caller belongs to a non-trusted OS-
Application AND the caller does not belong to <Application>
TerminateApplication() shall return E_OS_ACCESS. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00507] ⌈If the state of <Application> in a call of

TerminateApplication() is APPLICATION_TERMINATED
TerminateApplication() shall return E_OS_STATE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00508] ⌈If the state of <Application> in a call of

TerminateApplication() is APPLICATION_RESTARTING and the caller does not
belong to the <Application> then TerminateApplication() shall return
E_OS_STATE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00548] ⌈If the state of <Application> in a call of

TerminateApplication() is APPLICATION_RESTARTING AND the caller does
belong to the <Application> AND the <RestartOption> is equal RESTART then
TerminateApplication() shall return E_OS_STATE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00287] ⌈If the parameters in a call of TerminateApplication() are

valid and the above criteria are met TerminateApplication() shall terminate
<Application> (i.e. to kill all tasks, disable the interrupt sources of those ISRs which
belong to the OS-Application and free all other OS resources associated with the
application) AND shall activate the configured OsRestartTask of <Application> if
<RestartOption> equals RESTART. If no OsRestartTask is configured, no restart
shall happen. If the <Application> is restarted, its state is set to
belongs to <Application> TerminateApplication() shall not return, otherwise it
shall return E_OK.⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00535] ⌈Caveats of TerminateApplication():

If no applications are configured the implementation shall make sure that this
service is not available.
Tasks and interrupts that are owned by a trusted application can terminate any
OS-Application. Tasks and interrupts that are owned by a non-trusted application can
only terminate their owning OS-Application. ⌋ ( )
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Note: Although trusted OS-Application can be forcibly terminated by Tasks/Interrupts

of other trusted OS-Applications it is not recommended. This may have further
impacts, e.g. to users who are currently part of such an OS-Application via a
CallTrustedFunction() call.

[SWS_Os_00536] ⌈Availability of TerminateApplication(): Available in

Scalability Classes 3 and 4. ⌋ ( )

8.4.21 AllowAccess

[SWS_Os_00501] ⌈
Service name: AllowAccess
Syntax: StatusType AllowAccess(
Service ID[hex]: 0x13
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK: No errors
Return value: E_OS_STATE:The OS-Application of the caller is in the wrong
Description: This service sets the own state of an OS-Application from
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00497] ⌈If the state of the OS-Application of the caller of

AllowAccess() is not APPLICATION_RESTARTING AllowAccess() shall return
E_OS_STATE. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00498] ⌈If the state of the OS-Application of the caller of

AllowAccess() is APPLICATION_RESTARTING, AllowAccess() shall set the
state to APPLICATION_ACCESSIBLE and allow other OS-Applications to access the
configured objects of the callers OS-Application. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00547] ⌈Availability of AllowAccess(): Available in Scalability Classes 3

and 4. ⌋ ( )

8.4.22 GetApplicationState

[SWS_Os_00499] ⌈
Service name: GetApplicationState
Syntax: StatusType GetApplicationState(
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ApplicationType Application,
ApplicationStateRefType Value
Service ID[hex]: 0x14
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Application The OS-Application from which the state is requested
Parameters None
Parameters (out): Value The current state of the application
StatusType E_OK: No errors
Return value:
E_OS_ID: <Application> is not valid (only in EXTENDED status)
Description: This service returns the current state of an OS-Application.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00495] ⌈If the <Application> in a call of GetApplicationState() is not

valid GetApplicationState() shall return E_OS_ID. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00496] ⌈If the parameters in a call of GetApplicationState() are

valid, GetApplicationState() shall return the state of OS-Application
<Application> in <Value>.⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00537] ⌈Availability of GetApplicationState(): Available in Scalability

Classes 3 and 4. ⌋ ( )

8.4.23 GetNumberOfActivatedCores

[SWS_Os_00672] ⌈
Service name: GetNumberOfActivatedCores
Syntax: uint32 GetNumberOfActivatedCores(
Service ID[hex]: 0x15
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: uint32 Number of cores activated by the StartCore function (see below)
Description: The function returns the number of cores activated by the StartCore function.
This function might be a macro.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80001)

The function GetNumberOfActivatedCores shall be callable from within a TASK

and an ISR cat 2. Otherwise the behavior is unspecified.

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[SWS_Os_00673] ⌈The return value of GetNumberOfActivatedCores shall be

less or equal to the configured value of “OsNumberOfCores”. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80001)

8.4.24 GetCoreID

[SWS_Os_00674] ⌈
Service name: GetCoreID
Syntax: CoreIdType GetCoreID(
Service ID[hex]: 0x16
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: CoreIdType The return value is the unique ID of the core.
Description: The function returns a unique core identifier.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80001)

[SWS_Os_00675] ⌈The function GetCoreID shall return the unique logical CoreID of
the core on which the function is called. The mapping of physical cores to logical
CoreIDs is implementation specific. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80001)

8.4.25 StartCore

[SWS_Os_00676] ⌈
Service name: StartCore
Syntax: void StartCore(
CoreIdType CoreID,
StatusType* Status
Service ID[hex]: 0x17
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): CoreID Core identifier
Parameters None
Status Return value of the function in extended status:
E_OK: No Error
E_OS_ID: Core ID is invalid.
E_OS_ACCESS: The function was called after starting the OS.
Parameters (out):
E_OS_STATE: The Core is already activated.

Return value of the function in standard status

E_OK: No Error
Return value: None
Description: It is not supported to call this function after StartOS(). The function starts the core
specified by the parameter CoreID. The OUT parameter allows the caller to check
whether the operation was successful or not. If a core is started by means of this
function StartOS shall be called on the core.
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⌋ (SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

[SWS_Os_00677] ⌈The function StartCore shall start one core that shall run under
the control of the AUTOSAR OS. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

[SWS_Os_00678] ⌈Calls to the StartCore function after StartOS() shall

return with E_OS_ACCESS and the core shall not be started. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006,
SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

[SWS_Os_00679] ⌈If the parameter CoreIDs refers to a core that was already
started by the function StartCore the related core is ignored and E_OS_STATE
shall be returned. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

[SWS_Os_00680] ⌈If the parameter CoreID refers to a core that was already
started by the function StartNonAutosarCore the related core is ignored and
E_OS_STATE shall be returned. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

[SWS_Os_00681] ⌈There is no call to the ErrorHook() if an error occurs during

StartCore();⌋ (SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

8.4.26 StartNonAutosarCore

[SWS_Os_00682] ⌈
Service name: StartNonAutosarCore
Syntax: void StartNonAutosarCore(
CoreIdType CoreID,
StatusType* Status
Service ID[hex]: 0x18
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): CoreID Core identifier
Parameters None
Status Return value of the function in standard status:
E_OK: No Error
E_OS_ID: Core ID is invalid.
Parameters (out): E_OS_STATE: The Core is already activated.

Return value of the function in extended status

E_OK: No Error
Return value: None
Description: The function starts the core specified by the parameter CoreID. It is allowed to call
this function after StartOS().
The OUT parameter allows the caller to check whether the operation was
successful or not. It is not allowed to call StartOS on cores activated by
StartNonAutosarCore. Otherwise the behaviour is unspecified.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

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[SWS_Os_00683] ⌈The function StartNonAutosarCore shall start a core that is

not controlled by the AUTOSAR OS. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

[SWS_Os_00684] ⌈If the parameter CoreID refers to a core that was already
started by the function StartNonAutosarCore has no effect and sets “Status” to
E_OS_STATE. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

[SWS_Os_00685] ⌈If the parameter CoreID refers to an unknown core the function
StartNonAutosarCore has no effect and sets “Status” to E_OS_ID. ⌋
(SRS_Os_80006, SRS_Os_80026, SRS_Os_80027)

8.4.27 GetSpinlock

[SWS_Os_00686] ⌈
Service name: GetSpinlock
Syntax: StatusType GetSpinlock(
SpinlockIdType SpinlockId
Service ID[hex]: 0x19
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): SpinlockId The value refers to the spinlock instance that shall be locked.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK - In standard and extended status : No Error
E_OS_ID - In extended status: The SpinlockId is invalid
tries to occupy the spinlock while the lock is already occupied by a
TASK on the same core. This would cause a deadlock.
Return value:
E_OS_NESTING_DEADLOCK - In extended status: A TASK tries to
occupy the spinlock while a TASK on the same core is holding a
different spinlock in a way that may cause a deadlock.
E_OS_ACCESS - In extended status: The spinlock cannot be
Description: GetSpinlock tries to occupy a spin-lock variable. If the function returns, either the
lock is successfully taken or an error has occurred. The spinlock mechanism is an
active polling mechanism. The function does not cause a de-scheduling.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00687] ⌈The function GetSpinlock shall occupy a spinlock. If the

spinlock is already occupied the function shall busy wait until the spinlock becomes
available. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00688] ⌈The function GetSpinlock shall return E_OK if no error was

detected. The spinlock is now occupied by the calling TASK/ISR2 on the calling core.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

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[SWS_Os_00689] ⌈The function GetSpinlock shall return E_OS_ID if the

parameter SpinlockID refers to a spinlock that does not exist. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00690] ⌈The function GetSpinlock shall return

E_OS_INTERFERENCE_DEADLOCK if the spinlock referred by the parameter
SpinlockID is already occupied by a TASK/ISR2 on the same core. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00691] ⌈The function GetSpinlock shall return

E_OS_NESTING_DEADLOCK if the sequence by which multiple spinlocks are
occupied at the same time on one core do not comply with the configured order. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00692] ⌈The function GetSpinlock shall return E_OS_ACCESS if the

accessing OS-Application was not listed in the configuration (OsSpinlock). ⌋

[SWS_Os_00693] ⌈It shall be allowed to call the function GetSpinlock while

interrupts are disabled. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00694] ⌈It shall be allowed to call the function GetSpinlock while a

RESOURCE is occupied. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

8.4.28 ReleaseSpinlock

[SWS_Os_00695] ⌈
Service name: ReleaseSpinlock
Syntax: StatusType ReleaseSpinlock(
SpinlockIdType SpinlockId
Service ID[hex]: 0x1a
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): SpinlockId The value refers to the spinlock instance that shall be locked.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK - In standard and extended status: No Error
E_OS_ID - In extended status: The SpinlockId is invalid.
E_OS_STATE - In extended status: The Spinlock is not occupied by
the TASK
Return value:
E_OS_ACCESS - In extended status: The Spinlock cannot be
E_OS_NOFUNC - In extended status: Attempt to release a spinlock
while another spinlock (or resource) has to be released before.
Description: ReleaseSpinlock releases a spinlock variable that was occupied before. Before
terminating a TASK all spinlock variables that have been occupied with
GetSpinlock() shall be released. Before calling WaitEVENT all Spinlocks shall be
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⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00696] ⌈The function ReleaseSpinlock shall release a spinlock that

has been occupied by the same (calling) TASK. If the related GetSpinlock call
used configured locks (ECUC_Os_01038) the function shall also perform the undo of
the used lock.⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00697] ⌈The function ReleaseSpinlock shall return E_OK if no error

was detected. The spinlock is now free and can be occupied by the same or other
TASKs. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00698] ⌈The function ReleaseSpinlock shall return E_OS_ID if the

parameter SpinlockID refers to a spinlock that does not exist. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00699] ⌈The function ReleaseSpinlock shall return E_OS_STATE if the

parameter SpinlockID refers to a spinlock that is not occupied by the calling TASK.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00700] ⌈The function ReleaseSpinlock shall return E_OS_ACCESS if

the TASK has no access to the spinlock referred by the parameter SpinlockID⌋

[SWS_Os_00701] ⌈The function ReleaseSpinlock shall return E_OS_NOFUNC if

the TASK tries to release a spinlock while another spinlock (or resource) has to be
released before. No functionality shall be performed. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

8.4.29 TryToGetSpinlock

[SWS_Os_00703] ⌈
Service name: TryToGetSpinlock
Syntax: StatusType TryToGetSpinlock(
SpinlockIdType SpinlockId,
TryToGetSpinlockType* Success
Service ID[hex]: 0x1b
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): SpinlockId The value refers to the spinlock instance that shall be locked.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): Success Returns if the lock has been occupied or not
StatusType E_OK - In standard and extended status: No Error
E_OS_ID - In extended status: The SpinlockId is invalid.
Return value:
tries to occupy the spinlock while the lock is already occupied by a
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TASK on the same core. This would cause a deadlock.

E_OS_NESTING_DEADLOCK - In extended status: A TASK tries to
occupy a spinlock while holding a different spinlock in a way that may
cause a deadlock.
E_OS_ACCESS - In extended status: The spinlock cannot be
Description: TryToGetSpinlock has the same functionality as GetSpinlock with the difference
that if the spinlock is already occupied by a TASK on a different core the function
sets the OUT parameter "Success" and returns with E_OK.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00704] ⌈The function TryToGetSpinlock shall atomically test the

availability of the spinlock and if available occupy it. The result of success is returned.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00705] ⌈The function TryToGetSpinlock shall set the OUT parameter

“Success” to TRYTOGETSPINLOCK_SUCCESS if the spinlock was successfully
occupied, and TRYTOGETSPINLOCK_NOSUCCESS if not. In both cases E_OK shall
be returned. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00706] ⌈If the function TryToGetSpinlock does not return E_OK, the
OUT parameter "Success" shall be undefined. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00707] ⌈The function TryToGetSpinlock shall return E_OS_ID if the

parameter SpinlockID refers to a spinlock that does not exist. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00708] ⌈The function TryToGetSpinlock shall return

E_OS_INTERFERENCE_DEADLOCK if the spinlock referred by the parameter
SpinlockID is already occupied by a TASK on the same core. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00709] ⌈The function TryToGetSpinlock shall return

E_OS_NESTING_DEADLOCK if a TASK tries to occupy a spinlock while holding a
different spinlock in a way that may cause a deadlock. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00710] ⌈The function TryToGetSpinlock shall return E_OS_ACCESS if

the TASK has no access to the spinlock referred by the parameter SpinlockID⌋

[SWS_Os_00711] ⌈It shall be allowed to call the function TryToGetSpinlock while

interrupts are disabled. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

[SWS_Os_00712] ⌈It shall be allowed to call the function TryToGetSpinlock while

a RESOURCE is occupied. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80021)

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8.4.30 ShutdownAllCores

[SWS_Os_00713] ⌈
Service name: ShutdownAllCores
Syntax: void ShutdownAllCores(
StatusType Error
Service ID[hex]: 0x1c
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Error <Error> needs to be a valid error code supported by the AUTOSAR OS.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: After this service the OS on all AUTOSAR cores is shut down. Allowed at TASK
level and ISR level and also internally by the OS. The function will never return.
The function will force other cores into a shutdown.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80007)

[SWS_Os_00714] ⌈A Synchronized shutdown shall be triggered by the API function

ShutdownAllCores. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80007)

[SWS_Os_00715] ⌈ShutdownAllCores shall not return. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80007)

[SWS_Os_00716] ⌈If ShutdownAllCores is called from non trusted

code the call shall be ignored. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80007)

8.4.31 ControlIdle

[SWS_Os_00769] ⌈
Service name: ControlIdle
Syntax: StatusType ControlIdle(
CoreIdType CoreID,
IdleModeType IdleMode
Service ID[hex]: 0x1d
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
CoreID selects the core which idle mode is set
Parameters (in): IdleMode the mode which shall be performed during idle
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK: No Error
Return value: E_OS_ID (only EXTENDED status): Invalid core and/or invalid
Description: This API allows the caller to select the idle mode action which is performed during
idle time of the OS (e.g. if no Task/ISR is active). It can be used to implement
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energy savings. The real idle modes are hardware dependent and not
standardized. The default idle mode on each core is IDLE_NO_HALT.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00770] ⌈The function ControlIdle shall return E_OK if no error was

detected and the parameters are valid⌋ (SRS_Os_80023)

[SWS_Os_00771] ⌈The function ControlIdle shall return E_OS_ID if the

parameter CoreID or IdleMode is invalid (e.g. refered core does not exist;
idlemode is not known). In single core systems the check of CoreID shall be
omitted.⌋ (SRS_Os_80023)

[SWS_Os_00802]⌈ If the core (given by CoreID) is already in another idle mode

(different to the given IdleMode) the new IdleMode shall become effective the next
time that core enters the idle mode.⌋ (SRS_Os_80023)

8.4.32 ReadPeripheralX

[SWS_Os_91013] ⌈
Service name: ReadPeripheral8
Syntax: StatusType ReadPeripheral8(
AreaIdType Area,
const uint8* Address,
uint8* ReadValue
Service ID[hex]: 0x28
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Area hardware peripheral area reference
Parameters (in):
Address memory address
Parameters None
Parameters (out): ReadValue content of the given memory location (<Address>)
StatusType E_OK No error
E_OS_ID Area id is out of range (EXTENDED status)
E_OS_VALUE Address does not belong to given Area (EXTENDED
Return value:
E_OS_CALLEVEL Wrong call context of the API function (EXTENDED
E_OS_ACCESS The calling task or ISR is not allowed to access the
Description: This service returns the content of a given memory location (<Address>).
⌋ (SRS_Os_11005)

[SWS_Os_91015] ⌈
Service name: ReadPeripheral16
Syntax: StatusType ReadPeripheral16(
AreaIdType Area,
const uint16* Address,
uint16* ReadValue
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Service ID[hex]: 0x29

Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Area hardware peripheral area reference
Parameters (in):
Address memory address
Parameters None
Parameters (out): ReadValue content of the given memory location (<Address>)
StatusType E_OK No error
E_OS_ID Area id is out of range (EXTENDED status)
E_OS_VALUE Address does not belong to given Area (EXTENDED
Return value:
E_OS_CALLEVEL Wrong call context of the API function (EXTENDED
E_OS_ACCESS The calling task or ISR is not allowed to access the
Description: This service returns the content of a given memory location (<Address>).
⌋ (SRS_Os_11005)

[SWS_Os_91014] ⌈
Service name: ReadPeripheral32
Syntax: StatusType ReadPeripheral32(
AreaIdType Area,
const uint32* Address,
uint32* ReadValue
Service ID[hex]: 0x2b
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Area hardware peripheral area reference
Parameters (in):
Address memory address
Parameters None
Parameters (out): ReadValue content of the given memory location (<Address>)
StatusType E_OK No error
E_OS_ID Area id is out of range (EXTENDED status)
E_OS_VALUE Address does not belong to given Area (EXTENDED
Return value:
E_OS_CALLEVEL Wrong call context of the API function (EXTENDED
E_OS_ACCESS The calling task or ISR is not allowed to access the
Description: This service returns the content of a given memory location (<Address>).
⌋ (SRS_Os_11005)

8.4.33 WritePeripheralX

[SWS_Os_91010] ⌈
Service name: WritePeripheral8
Syntax: StatusType WritePeripheral8(
AreaIdType Area,
uint8* Address,
uint8 WriteValue

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Service ID[hex]: 0x2b

Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Area hardware peripheral area reference
Parameters (in):
Address memory address
Parameters None
Parameters (out): WriteValue value to be written at the memory address
StatusType E_OK No error
E_OS_ID Area id is out of range (EXTENDED status)
E_OS_VALUE Address does not belong to given Area (EXTENDED
Return value:
E_OS_CALLEVEL Wrong call context of the API function (EXTENDED
E_OS_ACCESS The calling task or ISR is not allowed to access the
Description: This service writes the <value> to a given memory location (<memory address>).
⌋ (SRS_Os_11005)

[SWS_Os_91012] ⌈
Service name: WritePeripheral16
Syntax: StatusType WritePeripheral16(
AreaIdType Area,
uint16* Address,
uint16 WriteValue
Service ID[hex]: 0x2c
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Area hardware peripheral area reference
Parameters (in):
Address memory address
Parameters None
Parameters (out): WriteValue value to be written at the memory address
StatusType E_OK No error
E_OS_ID Area id is out of range (EXTENDED status)
E_OS_VALUE Address does not belong to given Area (EXTENDED
Return value:
E_OS_CALLEVEL Wrong call context of the API function (EXTENDED
E_OS_ACCESS The calling task or ISR is not allowed to access the
Description: This service writes the <value> to a given memory location (<memory address>).
⌋ (SRS_Os_11005)

[SWS_Os_91011] ⌈
Service name: WritePeripheral32
Syntax: StatusType WritePeripheral32(
AreaIdType Area,
uint32* Address,
uint32 WriteValue
Service ID[hex]: 0x2d
Sync/Async: Synchronous

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Reentrancy: Reentrant
Area hardware peripheral area reference
Parameters (in):
Address memory address
Parameters None
Parameters (out): WriteValue content of the given memory location (<Address>)
StatusType E_OK No error
E_OS_ID Area id is out of range (EXTENDED status)
E_OS_VALUE Address does not belong to given Area (EXTENDED
Return value:
E_OS_CALLEVEL Wrong call context of the API function (EXTENDED
E_OS_ACCESS The calling task or ISR is not allowed to access the
Description: This service writes the <value> to a given memory location (<memory address>).
⌋ (SRS_Os_11005)

8.4.34 ModifyPeripheralX

[SWS_Os_91016] ⌈
Service name: ModifyPeripheral8
Syntax: StatusType ModifyPeripheral8(
AreaIdType Area,
uint8* Address,
uint8 Clearmask,
uint8 Setmask
Service ID[hex]: 0x2e
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Area hardware peripheral area reference
Address memory address
Parameters (in):
Clearmask memory address will be modified by an bit-AND
Setmask memory address will be modified by an bit-OR
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK No error
E_OS_ID Area id is out of range (EXTENDED status)
E_OS_VALUE Address does not belong to given Area
(EXTENDED status)
Return value:
E_OS_CALLEVEL Wrong call context of the API function
(EXTENDED status)
E_OS_ACCESS The calling task or ISR is not allowed to access
the given
Description: This service modifies a given memory location (<memory address>) with the
formula: *<Address> = ((*<Address> & <clearmask>) | <setmask>)
⌋ (SRS_Os_11005)

[SWS_Os_91018] ⌈
Service name: ModifyPeripheral16
Syntax: StatusType ModifyPeripheral16(
AreaIdType Area,
uint16* Address,
uint16 Clearmask,
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uint16 Setmask
Service ID[hex]: 0x2d
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Area hardware peripheral area reference
Address memory address
Parameters (in):
Clearmask memory address will be modified by an bit-AND
Setmask memory address will be modified by an bit-OR
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK No error
E_OS_ID Area id is out of range (EXTENDED status)
E_OS_VALUE Address does not belong to given Area
(EXTENDED status)
Return value:
E_OS_CALLEVEL Wrong call context of the API function
(EXTENDED status)
E_OS_ACCESS The calling task or ISR is not allowed to access
the given
Description: This service modifies a given memory location (<memory address>) with the
formula: *<Address> = ((*<Address> & <clearmask>) | <setmask>)
⌋ (SRS_Os_11005)

[SWS_Os_91017] ⌈
Service name: ModifyPeripheral32
Syntax: StatusType ModifyPeripheral32(
AreaIdType Area,
uint32* Address,
uint32 Clearmask,
uint32 Setmask
Service ID[hex]: 0x2f
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Area hardware peripheral area reference
Address memory address
Parameters (in):
Clearmask memory address will be modified by an bit-AND
Setmask memory address will be modified by an bit-OR
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK No error
E_OS_ID Area id is out of range (EXTENDED status)
E_OS_VALUE Address does not belong to given Area
(EXTENDED status)
Return value:
E_OS_CALLEVEL Wrong call context of the API function
(EXTENDED status)
E_OS_ACCESS The calling task or ISR is not allowed to access
the given
Description: This service modifies a given memory location (<memory address>) with the
formula: *<Address> = ((*<Address> & <clearmask>) | <setmask>)
⌋ (SRS_Os_11005)

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8.4.35 EnableInterruptSource

[SWS_Os_91020] ⌈
Service name: EnableInterruptSource
Syntax: StatusType EnableInterruptSource(
boolean ClearPending
Service ID[hex]: 0x31
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
ISRID The ID of a category 2 ISR.
Parameters (in): ClearPending Defines whether the pending flag shall be cleared (TRUE) or not
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK No error.
E_OS_ID ISRID is not a valid category 2 ISR identifier (EXTENDED
Return value: E_OS_CALLEVEL Wrong call context of the API function
(EXTENDED status)
E_OS_ACCESS The calling application is not the owner of the ISR
passed in ISRID (Service Protection)
Description: Enables the interrupt source by modifying the interrupt controller registers.
Additionally it may clear the interrupt pending flag
⌋ (SRS_Os_11011)

8.4.36 DisableInterruptSource

[SWS_Os_91019] ⌈
Service name: DisableInterruptSource
Syntax: StatusType DisableInterruptSource(
Service ID[hex]: 0x30
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): ISRID The ID of a category 2 ISR.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK No error.
E_OS_ID ISRID is not a valid category 2 ISR identifier (EXTENDED
Return value: E_OS_CALLEVEL Wrong call context of the API function (EXTENDED
E_OS_ACCESS The calling application is not the owner of the ISR
passed in ISRID (Service Protection)
Description: Disables the interrupt source by modifying the interrupt controller registers.
⌋ (SRS_Os_11011)

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8.4.37 ClearPendingInterrupt

[SWS_Os_91021] ⌈
Service name: ClearPendingInterrupt
Syntax: StatusType ClearPendingInterrupt(
Service ID[hex]: 0x32
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): ISRID The ID of a category 2 ISR.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
StatusType E_OK No error.
E_OS_ID ISRID is not a valid category 2 ISR identifier (EXTENDED
Return value: E_OS_CALLEVEL Wrong call context of the API function (EXTENDED
E_OS_ACCESS The calling application is not the owner of the ISR
passed in ISRID (Service Protection)
Description: Clears the interrupt pending flag by modifying the interrupt controller registers.
⌋ (SRS_Os_11011)

8.5 IOC
8.5.1 Imported types

In this chapter all types included from the following files are listed:

Module Imported Type

Std_Types Std_ReturnType

8.5.2 Type definitions

8.5.3 Constants

Name Communic Type Errorname / Annotation

ation Value
IOC_E_OK All, Std_ReturnType RTE_E_OK / 0 No error occurred
IOC_E_NOK All Std_ReturnType RTE_E_NOK / 1 Error occurred. Shall be
SND/RCV used to identify error cases
without error specification.
IOC_E_LIMIT Queued Std_ReturnType RTE_E_LIMIT / In case of “event” (queued)
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SND 130 semantic, the internal buffer

within the IOC
communication service is
full (Case: Receiver slower
than sender). This error
produces additionally an
Overlayed Error on the
receiver side at the next
data reception.
IOC_E_LOST_D Queued Std_ReturnType Overlayed Error In case of “event” (queued)
ATA RCV RTE_E_LOST_DATA semantic, this Overlayed
/ 64 Error indicates that the IOC
service refuses an IocSend
request due to internal
buffer overflow.
IOC_E_NO_DAT Queued Std_ReturnType RTE_E_NO_DATA / In case of “event” (queued)
A RCV 131 semantic, no data is
available for reception.

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8.5.4 Function definitions

[SWS_Os_00805]:⌈ The optional length parameter of the API shall be generated if

the VariableDataPrototype is of type dynamic and no size indicator is used in the
according ApplicationArrayDataType.⌋ (SRS_Os_80020) IocSend/IocWrite

The IocWrite API call is generated for "data" (unqueued) semantics and the
IocSend API call is generated for "events" (queued) semantics.

[SWS_Os_00718] ⌈
Service name: IocSend_<IocId>[_<SenderId>]
Syntax: Std_ReturnType IocSend_<IocId>[_<SenderId>](
<Data> IN,
[uint16 numberOfBytesIN]
Service ID[hex]: 0x1e
Sync/Async: Asynchronous
Reentrancy: This function is generated individually for each sender. The individual function is
not reentrant (if called from different runnable entities that belong to the same
sender), but different functions can be called in parallel.
IN Data value to be sent over a communication identified by the
<IocId>. The parameter will be passed by value for primitive
data elements and by reference for all other types.

Parameters (in): Example:

Std_ReturnType IocSend_RTE_25 (const uint32 UI_Value);
Std_ReturnType IocSend_RTE_42 (const TASKParams3
numberOfBytesIN (optional) number of bytes to be send
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType IOC_E_OK: The data has been passed successfully to the
communication service.

IOC_E_LIMIT: IOC internal communication buffer is full (Case:

Receiver is slower than sender). This error produces an
Return value:
IOC_E_LOST_DATA Overlayed Error on the receiver side at
the next data reception.

IOC_E_LENGTH: The <numberOfBytesIN> exceeds either the

internal buffer or is equal zero, so no data is send.
Description: Performs an "explicit" sender-receiver transmission of data elements with "event"
semantic for a unidirectional 1:1 or N:1 communication between OS-Applications
located on the same or on different cores.

<IocId> is a unique identifier that references a unidirectional 1:1 or N:1


<SenderId> is used only in N:1 communication. Together with <IocId>, it uniquely

identifies the sender. It is separated from <IocId> with an underscore. In case of
1:1 communication, it shall be omitted.

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⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_91003] ⌈
Service name: IocWrite_<IocId>[_<SenderId>]
Syntax: Std_ReturnType IocWrite_<IocId>[_<SenderId>](
<Data> IN,
[uint16 numberOfBytesIN]
Service ID[hex]: 0x1f
Sync/Async: Asynhronous
Reentrancy: This function is generated individually for each sender. The individual function is
not reentrant (if called from different runnable entities that belong to the same
sender), but different functions can be called in parallel.
IN Data value to be sent over a communication identified by the
<IocId>. The parameter will be passed by value for primitive
data elements and by reference for all other types.

Parameters (in): Example:

Std_ReturnType IocWrite_RTE_25 (const uint32 UI_Value);
Std_ReturnType IocWrite_RTE_42 (const TASKParams3
numberOfBytesIN (optional) number of bytes to be send
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType IOC_E_OK: The data has been passed successfully to the
communication service.
Return value:
IOC_E_LENGTH: The <numberOfBytesIN> exceeds either the
internal buffer or is equal zero, so no data is send.
Description: Performs an "explicit" sender-receiver transmission of data elements with "data"
semantic for a unidirectional 1:1 or N:1 communication between OS-Applications
located on the same or on different cores.

<IocId> is a unique identifier that references a unidirectional 1:1 or N:1


<SenderId> is used only in N:1 communication. Together with <IocId>, it uniquely

identifies the sender. It is separated from <IocId> with an underscore. In case of
1:1 communication, it shall be omitted.

<numberOfBytesIN> specifies the size of the data to be transmitted (in bytes).

⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00719] ⌈IocSend/IocWrite is asynchronous in that way it shall not
have to wait for the reception of the data on the receiving side to return from
execution. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00720] ⌈The IocSend/IocWrite function shall not return until the data
given in parameter have been completely physically sent over the communication

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For example in case of communication over shared RAM, an IocSend/IocWrite

shall return when all data have been copied in the target shared RAM. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00721] ⌈In case of “event” (queued) semantic, the IocSend function

shall guarantee the order of delivery. In case of senders from different cores, the
order in which messages are received will be determined by the implementation. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00722] ⌈The IocSend/IocWrite function shall support mechanism to

guarantee data-Integrity during transmission.

The IocSend/IocWrite function shall solve the crossing of the protection

boundaries of OS-Applications. It has to be generated in case of intra-core and inter-
core communication. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00723] ⌈
The IN <Data> parameter of the IocSend/IocWrite function shall be passed
by value for primitive data types, as an pointer to the array base type for arrays and
by reference for all other types. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00724] ⌈
For data passed as an pointer to the array base type or by reference, the
IocSend/IocWrite function shall guarantee upon return that the parameter is safe
for re-use.⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

Returned values:
[SWS_Os_00725] ⌈The IocSend/IocWrite function shall return IOC_E_OK if the
data was passed successfully to the communication service. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00726] ⌈In case of “event” semantic the IocSend function shall return
IOC_E_LIMIT if an IOC internal transmission buffer became full (Case: Receiver is
slower than sender or/and configured internal IOC buffer size is too small).
If this error occurs the IOC internal buffer could not be filled with the parameter. In
that case this error shall produce an IOC_E_LOST_DATA Overlayed Error on the
receiver side at the next data reception (s. SWS_Os_00745). ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

Internal structures:
[SWS_Os_00727] ⌈In case of “event” semantic the IOC shall configure its internal
transmission buffer size with the value of the attribute OsIocBufferLength. ⌋

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1 IocSendGroup/IocWriteGroup

The IocWriteGroup API call is generated for "data" (unqueued) semantics and the
IocSendGroup API call is generated for "events" (queued) semantics.

[SWS_Os_00728] ⌈
Service name: IocSendGroup_<IocId>
Syntax: Std_ReturnType IocSendGroup_<IocId>(
<Data1> IN1,
[uint16 numberOfBytesIN1,]
<Data2> IN2,
[uint16 numberOfBytesIN2,]
Service ID[hex]: 0x20
Sync/Async: Asynchronous
Reentrancy: This function is generated individually for each sender. The individual function is
not reentrant (if called from different runnable entities that belong to the same
sender), but different functions can be called in parallel.
IN1 List of parameters with data values to be sent over a
communication identified by the <IocId>. The parameters will
be passed by value for simple data elements and by reference
for all other types.


Parameters (in): Std_ReturnType IocSendGroup_RTE_G1 (const uint32

UI_Value1, const uint16 Value2, const uint8 Value3, const
uint16 Value4);
numberOfBytesIN1 (optional) number of bytes for parameter IN1 to be send.
IN2 --
numberOfBytesIN2 --
-- --
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType IOC_E_OK: The data has been passed successfully to the
communication service.

IOC_E_LIMIT: IOC internal communication buffer is full (Case:

Receiver is slower than sender). This error produces an
Return value: IOC_E_LOST_DATA Overlayed Error on the receiver side at
the next data reception.

IOC_E_LENGTH: Al least one of the <numberOfBytesIN<x>>

exceeds either the internal buffer or is equal zero, so no data is
Description: Performs an "explicit" sender-receiver transmission of data elements with "event"
semantic for a unidirectional 1:1 communication between OS-Applications located
on the same or on different cores.

This API involves a group of data elements which values are specified in

<IocId> is a unique identifier that references a unidirectional 1:1 communication

involving many data elements.
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The optional parameter <numberOfBytesIN<x>> specifies the size of the data to

be transmitted (in bytes) for parameter <IN<x>>.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_91004] ⌈
Service name: IocWriteGroup_<IocId>
Syntax: Std_ReturnType IocWriteGroup_<IocId>(
<Data1> IN1,
[uint16 numberOfBytesIN1,]
<Data2> IN2,
[uint16 numberOfBytesIN2,]
Service ID[hex]: 0x21
Sync/Async: Asynchronous
Reentrancy: This function is generated individually for each sender. The individual function is
not reentrant (if called from different runnable entities that belong to the same
sender), but different functions can be called in parallel.
IN1 List of parameters with data values to be sent over a
communication identified by the <IocId>. The parameters will
be passed by value for simple data elements and by reference
for all other types.


Parameters (in): Std_ReturnType IocWriteGroup_RTE_G1 (const uint32

UI_Value1, const uint16 Value2, const uint8 Value3, const
uint16 Value4);
numberOfBytesIN1 (optional) number of bytes for parameter IN1 to be send.
IN2 --
numberOfBytesIN2 --
-- --
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType IOC_E_OK: The data has been passed successfully to the
communication service.
Return value:
IOC_E_LENGTH: Al least one of the <numberOfBytesIN<x>>
exceeds either the internal buffer or is equal zero, so no data is
Description: Performs an "explicit" sender-receiver transmission of data elements with "data"
semantic for a unidirectional 1:1 communication between OS-Applications located
on the same or on different cores.

This API involves a group of data elements which values are specified in

<IocId> is a unique identifier that references a unidirectional 1:1 communication

involving many data elements.

The optional parameter <numberOfBytesIN<x>> specifies the size of the data to

be transmitted (in bytes) for parameter <IN<x>>.
⌋ ()

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[SWS_Os_00729] ⌈IocSendGroup/IocWriteGroup is asynchronous in that way
it shall not have to wait for the reception of the data on the receiving side to return
from execution. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00730] ⌈The IocSendGroup/IocWriteGroup function shall not return

until the data given in parameter have been completely physically sent over the
communication medium. For example in case of communication over shared RAM,
an IocSendGroup/IocWriteGroup shall return when all data have been copied
in the target shared RAM. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00731] ⌈In case of “event” semantic, the IocSendGroup function shall

guarantee the order of delivery. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00732] ⌈The IocSendGroup/IocWriteGroup function shall support

mechanisms to guarantee data-Integrity during transmission.

The IocSendGroup/IocWriteGroup function shall solve the crossing of the

protection boundaries of OS-Applications. It has to be generated in case of intra-core
and inter-core communication. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00733] ⌈
The IN <DataN> parameters of the IocSendGroup/IocWriteGroup function shall
be passed by values for primitive data types, as pointer to the array base type for
arrays and by references for all other types.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00734] ⌈
For data passed as an pointer to the array base type or by reference, the
IocSendGroup/IocWriteGroup function shall guarantee upon return that the
parameter is safe for re-use.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

Returned values:
[SWS_Os_00735] ⌈The IocSendGroup/IocWriteGroup function shall return
IOC_E_OK if the data was passed successfully to the communication service. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00736] ⌈In case of “event” semantic the IocSendGroup function shall

return IOC_E_LIMIT if an IOC internal transmission buffer got full (Case: Receiver
is slower than sender or/and configured internal IOC buffer size is too small).
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If this error occurs the IOC Internal buffer could not be filled with the parameter. In
that case this error produces an IOC_E_LOST_DATA Overlayed Error on the
receiver side at the next data reception. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

Internal structures:
[SWS_Os_00737] ⌈In case of “event” semantic the IOC shall configure its internal
transmission buffer size with the value of the attribute OsIocBufferLength. ⌋
(SRS_Os_80020) IocReceive/IocRead

The IocRead API call is generated for "data" and the IocReceive API call is
generated for "events".

[SWS_Os_00738] ⌈
Service name: IocReceive_<IocId>
Syntax: Std_ReturnType IocReceive_<IocId>(
<Data> OUT,
[uint16* numberOfBytesOUT]
Service ID[hex]: 0x22
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: This function is generated individually for each receiver. The individual function is
not reentrant (if called from different runnable entities that belong to the same
receiver), but different functions can be called in parallel.
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
OUT Data reference to be filled with the received data element.
Parameters (out): numberOfBytesOUT (optional) data reference to be filled with the length of the
received data element in bytes.
Std_ReturnType IOC_E_OK: Data was received successfully

IOC_E_NO_DATA: No data is available for reception.

Return value:
IOC_E_LOST_DATA: This Overlayed Error indicates that the
IOC communication service refused an IOCSend request
from sender due to an internal buffer overflow. There is no
error in the data returned in parameter.
Description: Performs an "explicit" sender-receiver reception of data elements with "event"
semantic for a unidirectional communication between OS-Applications located on
the same or on different cores..

<IocId> is a unique identifier that references a unidirectional 1:1 or N:1

⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_91005] ⌈
Service name: IocRead_<IocId>
Syntax: Std_ReturnType IocRead_<IocId>(
<Data> OUT,
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[uint16* numberOfBytesOUT]
Service ID[hex]: 0x23
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: This function is generated individually for each receiver. The individual function is
not reentrant (if called from different runnable entities that belong to the same
receiver), but different functions can be called in parallel.
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
OUT Data reference to be filled with the received data
Parameters (out):
numberOfBytesOUT (optional) data reference to be filled with the length of
the received data element in bytes.
Return value: Std_ReturnType IOC_E_OK: Data was received successfully
Description: Performs an "explicit" sender-receiver reception of data elements with "data"
semantic for a unidirectional communication between OS-Applications located on
the same or on different cores.

<IocId> is a unique identifier that references a unidirectional 1:1 or N:1

⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00739] ⌈A successful call to the IocReceive/IocRead function
indicates that data has been received successfully in the OUT <Data> given in

The IocReceive/IocRead function has to be generated in case of intra-core and

inter-core communication. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00740] ⌈If the OsIocReceiverPullCB attribute is defined with a

callback function name, the IOC shall call this function on the receiving core for each
data transmission. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00741] ⌈In case of “data” semantic the IocRead function shall always be
able to deliver the last available datum. In case of senders from different cores, the
precision of the order might be limited by the hardware and implementation. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00742] ⌈The IocReceive/IocRead function shall guarantee upon

returning from execution that the reference given in parameter is safe for use. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00803]⌈ The OUT <Data> parameter of the IocReceive/IocRead

function shall be passed as an pointer to the array base type for arrays and by
reference for all other types.⌋ ( SRS_Os_80020)

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Returned values:
[SWS_Os_00743] ⌈The IocReceive/IocRead function shall return IOC_E_OK if
the data was received successfully in the OUT <Data> parameter. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00744] ⌈In case of “event” semantic and if no data is available the

function IocReceive shall return IOC_E_NO_DATA. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00745] ⌈In case of “event” semantic an IOC_E_LOST_DATA Overlayed

Error shall be returned by the IocReceive function if the IOC communication
service refused an IocSend request from sender due to an internal buffer overflow.
There is no error in the data returned in parameter. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020) IocReceiveGroup/IocReadGroup

The IocReadGroup API call is generated for "data" and the IocReceiveGroup
API call is generated for "events".

[SWS_Os_00746] ⌈
Service name: IocReceiveGroup_<IocId>
Syntax: Std_ReturnType IocReceiveGroup_<IocId>(
<Data1> OUT1,
[uint16* numberOfBytesOUT1,]
<Data2> OUT2,
[uint16* numberOfBytesOUT2,]
Service ID[hex]: 0x24
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: This function is generated individually for each receiver. The individual function is
not reentrant (if called from different runnable entities that belong to the same
receiver), but different functions can be called in parallel.
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
OUT1 List of data references to be filled with the received data
elements. The specified order of the parameter shall match
to the specified order in the corresponding send function.
numberOfBytesOUT1 (optional) data reference to be filled with the length of the
Parameters (out): received data element (OUT1) in bytes.
OUT2 --
numberOfBytesOUT2 --
-- --
Std_ReturnType IOC_E_OK: Data was received successfully

IOC_E_NO_DATA: No data is available for reception.

Return value:
IOC_E_LOST_DATA: This Overlayed Error indicates that
the IOC communication service refused an IOCSend
request from sender due to an internal buffer overflow.
There is no error in the data returned in parameter.
Description: Performs an "explicit" sender-receiver transmission of data elements with "event"

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semantic for a unidirectional 1:1 communication between OS-Applications located

on the same or on different cores.

This API involves a group of data elements which values are specified in

<IocId> is a unique identifier that references a unidirectional 1:1 communication

involving many data elements.
⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_91006] ⌈
Service name: IocReadGroup_<IocId>
Syntax: Std_ReturnType IocReadGroup_<IocId>(
<Data1> OUT1,
[uint16* numberOfBytesOUT1,]
<Data2> OUT2,
[uint16* numberOfBytesOUT2,]
Service ID[hex]: 0x25
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: This function is generated individually for each receiver. The individual function is
not reentrant (if called from different runnable entities that belong to the same
receiver), but different functions can be called in parallel.
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
OUT1 List of data references to be filled with the received data
elements. The specified order of the parameter shall match
to the specified order in the corresponding send function.
numberOfBytesOUT1 (optional) data reference to be filled with the length of the
Parameters (out): received data element (OUT1) in bytes.
OUT2 --
numberOfBytesOUT2 --
-- --
Return value: Std_ReturnType IOC_E_OK: Data was received successfully
Description: Performs an "explicit" sender-receiver transmission of data elements with a "data"
semantic for a unidirectional 1:1 communication between OS-Applications located
on the same or on different cores.

This API involves a group of data elements which values are specified in

<IocId> is a unique identifier that references a unidirectional 1:1 communication

involving many data elements.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00747] ⌈A successful call to the IocReceiveGroup/IocReadGroup
function indicates that data has been received successfully in the given parameters.

The IocReceiveGroup/IocReadGroup function has to be generated in case of

intra-core and inter-core communication. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

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[SWS_Os_00748] ⌈If the OsIocReceiverPullCB attribute is defined with a

callback function name, the IOC shall call this function on the receiving core for each
data transmission. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00749] ⌈In case of “data” semantic the IocReadGroup function shall
always be able to deliver the last available datum. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00750] ⌈The IocReceiveGroup/IocReadGroup function shall

guarantee upon returning from execution that the references given in parameters are
safe for use. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00804]⌈ The OUT <DataN> parameters of the IocReceiveGroup/

IocReadGroup function shall be passed as pointer to the array base type for arrays
and by references for all other types.⌋ ()

Returned values:
[SWS_Os_00751] ⌈The IocReceiveGroup/IocReadGroup function shall return
IOC_E_OK if the data was received successfully in the list of references given in
parameter. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00752] ⌈In case of “event” semantic and if no data is available the

function IocReceiveGroup shall return IOC_E_NO_DATA. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00753] ⌈In case of “event” semantic an IOC_E_LOST_DATA Overlayed

Error shall be returned by the IocReceiveGroup function if the IOC communication
service refused an IocSendGroup request from sender due to an internal buffer
overflow. There is no error in the data returned in parameter. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020) IocEmptyQueue

[SWS_Os_00754] ⌈
Service name: IocEmptyQueue_<IocId>
Syntax: Std_ReturnType IocEmptyQueue_<IocId>(
Service ID[hex]: 0x26
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType IOC_E_OK: Content of the queue was successfully
Return value:
Description: In case of queued communication identified by the <IocId> in the function name,
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AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

the content of the IOC internal communication queue shall be deleted.

⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00755] ⌈The function IocEmptyQueue_<IocId> shall be present for all
IOC elements with queued semantics. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00756] ⌈The function IocEmptyQueue_<IocId> shall delete all

contents from the associated data queue.

The IocEmptyQueue should be generated in a more efficient way than an iterative

call to an IocReceive function. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

8.6 Expected Interfaces

In this chapter all interfaces required from other modules are listed.
8.6.1 Mandatory Interfaces

There are no mandatory interfaces for the IOC.

8.6.2 Optional Interfaces ReceiverPullCB

[SWS_Os_00757] ⌈
Service name: <ReceiverPullCB>
Syntax: void <ReceiverPullCB>(
Service ID[hex]: --
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: This callback function can be configured for the receiver of a communication. If
configured, IOC calls this callback on the receiving core for each data reception.
<ReceiverPullCB> is the callback function name configured by the receiver in the
OsIocReceiverPullCB attribute to be called on data reception."
⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00758] ⌈The <ReceiverPullCB> function name shall be defined within

a configuration file for each IOC communication in the OsIocReceiverPullCB
attribute. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

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[SWS_Os_00759] ⌈The name of the callback shall be unique over the micro
controller. For this purpose the following example can be considered as orientation
for the IOC user:
Example: Rte_IocReceiveCB_<IocId>⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

[SWS_Os_00760] ⌈The <ReceiverPullCB> function on the receiver side is using

the access rights of the receiving OsApplication. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

Note: This means that such a callback cannot be reused by another OsApplication.

[SWS_Os_00761] ⌈This notification mechanism shall be supported for both queued

and unqueued communication semantic. ⌋ (SRS_Os_80020)

The owner of the <ReceiverPullCB> function shall pay attention that the execution
time of the function shall not last too long. It shall be possible to call this function from

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8.7 Hook functions

Hook functions are called by the operating system if specific conditions are met. They
are provided by the user. Besides the ProtectionHook below, the hooks from [16]
and/or extensions from 7.12 may be called by the OS.

8.7.1 Protection Hook

[SWS_Os_00538] ⌈
Service name: ProtectionHook
Syntax: ProtectionReturnType ProtectionHook(
StatusType Fatalerror
Service ID[hex]: --
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Fatalerror The error which caused the call to the protection hook
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
ProtectionReturnType PRO_IGNORE
The return value defines the action the OS shall take
after the protection hook.
Description: The protection hook is always called if a serious error occurs. E.g. exceeding the
worst case execution time or violating against the memory protection.
⌋ ()

Depending on the return value the Operating System module will either:
 forcibly terminate the Task/Category 2 ISR which causes the problem OR
 forcibly terminate the OS-Application the Task/Category 2 ISR belong
(optional with restart) OR
 shutdown the system OR
 do nothing
(see 7.8.2)

[SWS_Os_00308] ⌈If ProtectionHook() returns an invalid value, the Operating

System module shall take the same action as if no protection hook is configured. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00542] ⌈Availability of ProtectionHook(): Available in Scalability

Classes 2, 3 and 4. ⌋ ( )

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8.7.2 Application specific StartupHook

[SWS_Os_00539] ⌈
Service name: StartupHook_<App>
Syntax: void StartupHook_<App>(
Service ID[hex]: --
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: The application specific startup hook is called during the start of the OS (after the
user has started the OS via StartOS()).
⌋ ()

The application specific StartupHook is always called after the standard

StartupHook() (see SWS_Os_00236) . If more than one OS-Application is configured
which use startup hooks, the order of calls to the startup hooks of the different OS-
Applications is not defined.

[SWS_Os_00543] ⌈Availability of StartupHook_<App>(): Available in Scalability

Classes 3 and 4. ⌋ ( )

8.7.3 Application specific ErrorHook

[SWS_Os_00540] ⌈
Service name: ErrorHook_<App>
Syntax: void ErrorHook_<App>(
StatusType Error
Service ID[hex]: --
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Error The error which caused the call to the error hook
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: The application specific error hook is called whenever a Task or Category 2 ISR
which belongs to the OS-Application causes an error.
⌋ ()

If the general ErrorHook() is configured, the general ErrorHook() is called

before the application specific error hook is called (see SWS_Os_00246).

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[SWS_Os_00544] ⌈Availability of ErrorHook_<App>(): Available in Scalability

Classes 3 and 4. ⌋ ( )

8.7.4 Application specific ShutdownHook

[SWS_Os_00541] ⌈
Service name: ShutdownHook_<App>
Syntax: void ShutdownHook_<App>(
StatusType Fatalerror
Service ID[hex]: --
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Fatalerror The error which caused the action to shut down the operating system.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: The application specific shutdown hook is called whenever the system starts the
shut down of itself.
⌋ ()

If the general ShutdownHook() is configured, the general ShutdownHook() is

called after all application specific shutdown hook(s) are called (see
SWS_Os_00237). If more OS-Applications with an application specific shutdown
hook exist the order of calls to these application specific shutdown hooks is not

[SWS_Os_00545] ⌈Availability of ShutdownHook_<App>(): Available in Scalability

Classes 3 and 4. ⌋ ( )

8.8 Service Interfaces

8.8.1 Port interface of Os

[] ⌈
Name OsService

Kind ProvidedPort Interface OsService_{Counter}

Description --

Type CounterType
Port Defined Argument Value(s)
Value {ecuc(Os/OsCounter)}

Variation --

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⌋ ()

8.8.2 Client-Server-Interfaces Os_Service

[SWS_Os_00560] ⌈
Name OsService_{Counter}

Comment --

IsService true

({ecuc(Os/OsCounter/OsSecondsPerTick)} != NULL)
Counter = {ecuc(Os/OsCounter.SHORT-NAME)}

0 E_OK


Possible Errors 3 E_OS_ID




This service reads the current count value of a counter (returning either the hardware
Comments timer ticks if counter is driven by hardware or the software ticks when user drives

Variation --

Comment Contains the current tick value of the counter

Type TimeInMicrosecondsType
Parameters Value
Variation --

Direction OUT

E_OK Operation successful

The <CounterID> was not valid

Possible The usage of this error value depends on the decision whether
Errors standard (for production)or extended error checking
(development phase) shall be used.
This can be configured by means of the ECUC parameter


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This service gets the number of ticks between the current tick value and a previously
read tick value.

Variation --

in: the previously read tick value of the counter

out: the current tick value of the counter

Type TimeInMicrosecondsType
Variation --

Direction INOUT
Comment The difference to the previous read value

Type TimeInMicrosecondsType
Variation --

Direction OUT

E_OK Operation successful

E_OS_ID The CounterID was not valid
E_OS_VALUE The given Value was not valid
⌋ () Implementation Data Types

[SWS_Os_00794] ⌈
Name TimeInMicrosecondsType

Kind Type

Derived from uint64

Description --

Variation --
⌋ ()

[SWS_Os_00786] ⌈
Name CounterType

Kind Type

Derived from uint32

Description This data type identifies a counter.

Variation --

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⌋ ()

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9 Sequence diagrams

9.1 Sequence chart for calling trusted functions

sd Interactions

calling <trusted providing operating

OS-Appl. function stub> OS-Appl. system

<trusted function stub>

system call
alt Check permission dispatcher

<trusted function>


<Access Information>


<return value>

Figure 9.1: System Call sequence chart

The above sequence describes a call to the CallTrustedFunction service. It starts

with a user who calls a service which requires itself a call to a trusted function. The
service then packs the argument for the trusted function into a structure and calls
CallTrustedFunction with the ID and the pointer as arguments. Afterwards the OS
checks if the access to the requested service is valid. If no access is granted
E_OS_SERVICEID is returned. Otherwise the trusted service itself is called and the
function checks the arguments for access right, etc.

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9.2 Sequence chart for usage of ErrorHook

sd Interactions

OS-Appl. operating
<App> system

condition: <System service> is called outside an Error Hook

AND both the system-/appl,-specific Error Hook are configured

<system service> which returns
a value of type StatusType


[return != E_OK] ErrorHook (<Error>)

ErrorHook_<App> (<Error>)

StatusType value

Figure 9.2: Error Hook sequence chart

The above sequence chart shows the sequence of error hook calls in case a service
does not return with E_OK. Note that in this case the general error hook and the OS-
Application specific error hook are called.

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9.3 Sequence chart for ProtectionHook

sd Interactions

OS-Appl. <App> / Processor operating system

Task / Category 2

break «Exception»

[protection error]


alt return

«forced termination of Task/ISR»

«forced termination of

«forced termination of OS-



Ignore Exception


Figure 9.3: Protection Hook sequence chart

The sequence shows the flow of control if a protection error occurs. Depending on
the return values of the ProtectionHook, either the faulty Task/ISR is forcibly
terminated or the OS-Application is forcibly terminated or the system is shut down. If
the action is to terminate the faulty OS-Application an option is to start afterwards the
restart task, which can do a cleanup, etc.

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9.4 Sequence chart for StartupHook

sd Interactions

OS-Appl. <App> operating system


Initial Startup


[system-/application-specific Startup Hook are configured]



Normal Operation

Figure 9.4: StartupHook sequence chart

The above sequence shows the flow of control during the startup of the OS. Like in
OSEK OS the user calls the StartOS() service to start the OS. During the startup
the startup hooks are called in the above order. The rest of the startup sequence is
identical to the defined behaviour of OSEK OS.

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9.5 Sequence chart for ShutdownHook

The next sequence shows the behaviour in case of a shut down. The flow is the
same as in OSEK OS with the exception that the shut down hooks of the OS-
Applications are called before the general ShutdownHook is called. Note that the
specific shutdown hooks of the application are not allowed to block, they must return
to the caller.

sd Interactions

OS-Appl. <App> operating system

Shutdow n


[system-/application-specific Shutdown Hook are configured]



Terminate Terminate

Figure 9.5: ShutdownHook sequence chart

9.6 Sequence diagrams of Sender Receiver communication over

the IOC
9.6.1 LastIsBest communication

The figure 11 shows a sequence of successful and failure cases in the interaction
between the IOC and the RTE in case of LastIstBest communication (“data”

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sd Ioc LastIsBest

Sender Application «module» «module» «module» Receiver Application

(SND Core) SND Core RTE :Rte Ioc::Ioc RCV Core RTE :Rte (RCV Core)

Rte_Instance, void)
:IOC_E_OK The RTE buffer is copied
:RTE_E_OK into an IOC internal buffer.

The IOC reception buffer is Std_ReturnType)
copied into the buffer of the
receiver application. :RTE_E_OK

Figure 12: IOC - LastIsBest communication

9.6.2 Queued communication without pull callback

The figure 12 shows the interaction between IOC and RTE with a focus on the
congestion control for a queued communication.

The defined communication has no callback functionality for data reception, has an
internal buffer size of 2 data elements, no waitpoints are defined and the implicated
OS-Applications are located on different cores.

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sd Ioc Queued without Callback

Sender Application «module» «module» «module» Receiver Application

(SND Core) SND Core RTE :Rte Ioc::Ioc RCV Core RTE :Rte (RCV Core)

:IOC_E_OK The RTE buffer is copied into
:RTE_E_OK IOC internal buffer.

Compute new buffer



Compute new buffer



Std_ReturnType) The IOC internal queue gets
:IOC_E_LIMIT full, last send request is
:RTE_E_LIMIT rejected.

The first queue entry is delivered to
the receiver application. An
overlayed error is delivered on the :IOC_E_OK and IOC_E_LOST_DATA
receiver side to inform that the
receiver is too slow.


IocReceive_<IocId>(<Data>*, void*)

Figure 13: IOC - Queued communication without callback

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9.6.3 Queued communication with pull callback

The figure 13 shows the interaction between IOC and RTE in case of a queued
communication with an activated callback functionality. The RTE might handle
notification internally and might therefore not provide any callback functions, but a
similar scenario will occur in case of communication between CDDs on different
cores. The receiving CDD will provide the callback function in this case.

The defined communication has no waitpoints and describes a communication

implicating two OS-Applications located on different cores.

sd Ioc Queued with Callback

Sender Application «module» «module» «module» Receiver Application

(SND Core) SND Core RTE :Rte Ioc :Ioc RCV Core RTE :Rte (RCV Core)


Std_ReturnType) Inter core notification (e.g. IRQ)


In case of N:1 communication the RTE stores
incoming data from different senders in an IocReceive_<IocId>(<Data>*,
internal buffer (on same or different cores) Std_ReturnType)

It is recommended to empty the IOC internal
queues within the pull callback function. :IOC_E_NO_DATA



Figure 14: IOC Queued Communication with callback

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10 Configuration Specification
In general, this chapter defines configuration parameters and their clustering into
containers. In order to support the specification Chapter 10.1 describes
fundamentals. It also specifies a template (table) you shall use for the parameter

Chapter 10.2 specifies the structure (containers) and the parameters of the module

Chapter 10.4 specifies published information of the module Os.

10.1 How to read this chapter

For details refer to the chapter 10.1 “Introduction to configuration specification” in

10.1.1 Rules for paramters

Some configuration parameters are configured as floating point values and

sometimes these values must be rounded in order to be used. The following rules
define the rounding of specific parameters:
 Execution times (for the timing protection) are “round down”
 Timeframes are “round down”

10.2 Containers and configuration parameters

The following chapters summarize all configuration parameters and their containers.
Background information about the detailed meaning of the parameters can be found
in chapters 7 and 8.

For better readability OIL names of the 2.1 OS specification are given in curly braces
in the namefield of configuration parameters.

10.2.1 Os

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00396 :

Module Name Os
Module Description Configuration of the Os (Operating System) module.
Post-Build Variant Support false
Supported Config Variants VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
An OsAlarm may be used to asynchronously inform or activate
OsAlarm 0..* a specific task. It is possible to start alarms automatically at
system start-up depending on the application mode.
OsAppMode 1..* OsAppMode is the object used to define ISO 17356-3
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properties for an ISO 17356-3 application mode.

No standard attributes are defined for AppMode.

In a CPU, at least one AppMode object has to be defined.

[source: ISO 17356-6]

An OsAppMode called OSDEFAULTAPPMODE must always

be there for ISO 17356 compatibility.
An AUTOSAR OS must be capable of supporting a collection
of OS objects (tasks, interrupts, alarms, hooks etc.) that form a
cohesive functional unit. This collection of objects is termed an
OsApplication 0..* All objects which belong to the same OS-Application have
access to each other. Access means to allow to use these
objects within API services.

Access by other applications can be granted separately.

Configuration information for the counters that belong to the
OsCounter 0..*
Representation of OS events in the configuration context.
OsEvent 0..*
Adopted from the ISO 17356-6 specification.
OsIoc 0..1 Configuration of the IOC (Inter OS Application Communicator).
The OsIsr container represents an ISO 17356 interrupt service
OsIsr 0..*
OS is the object used to define ISO 17356-3 properties for an
OsOS 1 ISO 17356 application.
Per CPU exactly one OS object has to be defined.
Container to structure the configuration parameters of one
OsPeripheralArea 0..65534 peripheral area. The container short name can be used to
access this area.
An OsResource object is used to co-ordinate the concurrent
access by tasks and ISRs to a shared resource, e.g. the
OsResource 0..*
scheduler, any program sequence, memory or any hardware
An OsScheduleTable addresses the synchronization issue by
OsScheduleTable 0..* providing an encapsulation of a statically defined set of alarms
that cannot be modified at runtime.
An OsSpinlock object is used to co-ordinate concurrent access
OsSpinlock 0..*
by TASKs/ISR2s on different cores to a shared resource.
OsTask 0..* This container represents an ISO 17356 task.

10.2.2 OsAlarmSetEvent

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00016 :

Container Name OsAlarmSetEvent
Description This container specifies the parameters to set an event
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00017 :

Name OsAlarmSetEventRef
Parent Container OsAlarmSetEvent
Description Reference to the event that will be set by that alarm action
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ OsEvent ]
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Post-Build Variant Value false

Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00018 :

Name OsAlarmSetEventTaskRef
Parent Container OsAlarmSetEvent
Description Reference to the task that will be activated by that event
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ OsTask ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.3 OsAlarm

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00003 :

Container Name OsAlarm
An OsAlarm may be used to asynchronously inform or activate a specific
Description task. It is possible to start alarms automatically at system start-up
depending on the application mode.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00004 :

Name OsAlarmAccessingApplication
Parent Container OsAlarm
Description Reference to applications which have an access to this object.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ OsApplication ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00005 :

Name OsAlarmCounterRef
Parent Container OsAlarm
Description Reference to the assigned counter for that alarm
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ OsCounter ]
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Post-Build Variant Value false

Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container defines which type of notification is used when
OsAlarmAction 1
the alarm expires.
If present this container defines if an alarm is started
OsAlarmAutostart 0..1 automatically at system start-up depending on the application

10.2.4 OsAlarmAction

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00006 :

Choice container Name OsAlarmAction
This container defines which type of notification is used when the alarm

Container Choices
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
OsAlarmActivateTask 0..1 This container specifies the parameters to activate a task.
This container specifies the parameters to call a callback OS
OsAlarmCallback 0..1
alarm action.
This container specifies the parameters to increment a
OsAlarmIncrementCounter 0..1
OsAlarmSetEvent 0..1 This container specifies the parameters to set an event

10.2.5 OsAlarmActivateTask

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00007 :

Container Name OsAlarmActivateTask
Description This container specifies the parameters to activate a task.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00008 :

Name OsAlarmActivateTaskRef
Parent Container OsAlarmActivateTask
Description Reference to the task that will be activated by that alarm action
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ OsTask ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

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10.2.6 OsAlarmAutostart

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00009 :

Container Name OsAlarmAutostart
If present this container defines if an alarm is started automatically at
system start-up depending on the application mode.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00010 :

Name OsAlarmAlarmTime
Parent Container OsAlarmAutostart
Description The relative or absolute tick value when the alarm expires for the first time.
Note that for an alarm which is RELATIVE the value must be at bigger than
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00011 :

Name OsAlarmAutostartType
Parent Container OsAlarmAutostart
Description This specifies the type of autostart for the alarm..
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range ABSOLUTE The alarm is started on startup via
RELATIVE The alarm is started on startup via
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00012 :

Name OsAlarmCycleTime
Parent Container OsAlarmAutostart
Description Cycle time of a cyclic alarm in ticks. If the value is 0 than the alarm is not
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default value --

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Post-Build Variant Value false

Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00013 :

Name OsAlarmAppModeRef
Parent Container OsAlarmAutostart
Description Reference to the application modes for which the AUTOSTART shall be
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Reference to [ OsAppMode ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.7 OsAlarmCallback

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00014 :

Container Name OsAlarmCallback
Description This container specifies the parameters to call a callback OS alarm action.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00087 :

Name OsAlarmCallbackName
Parent Container OsAlarmCallback
Description Name of the function that is called when this alarm callback is triggered.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default value --
maxLength --
minLength --
regularExpression --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

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10.2.8 OsAlarmIncrementCounter

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00302 :

Container Name OsAlarmIncrementCounter
Description This container specifies the parameters to increment a counter.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00015 :

Name OsAlarmIncrementCounterRef
Parent Container OsAlarmIncrementCounter
Description Reference to the counter that will be incremented by that alarm action
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ OsCounter ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

10.2.9 OsApplication

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00114 :

Container Name OsApplication
An AUTOSAR OS must be capable of supporting a collection of OS
objects (tasks, interrupts, alarms, hooks etc.) that form a cohesive
functional unit. This collection of objects is termed an OS-Application.
All objects which belong to the same OS-Application have access to each
other. Access means to allow to use these objects within API services.

Access by other applications can be granted separately.

Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00115 :

Name OsTrusted
Parent Container OsApplication
Description Parameter to specify if an OS-Application is trusted or not.
true: OS-Application is trusted
false: OS-Application is not trusted (default)
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 3 and 4.

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00395 :

Name OsTrustedApplicationDelayTimingViolationCall
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Parent Container OsApplication

Description Parameter to specify if a timing violation which occurs within an trusted
OS-Application is raised immediately of if it is delayed until the current task
returns to the calling OS-Application (return of CallTrustedFunction)
true: violation / call to ProtectionHook() is delayed
false: timing violation cause an immediate call to the ProtectionHook().
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value true
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00394 :

Name OsTrustedApplicationWithProtection
Parent Container OsApplication
Description Parameter to specify if a trusted OS-Application is executed with memory
protection or not.
true: OS-Application runs within a protected environment. This means that
write access is limited.
false: OS-Application has full write access (default)
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00231 :

Name OsAppAlarmRef
Parent Container OsApplication
Description Specifies the OsAlarms that belong to the OsApplication.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ OsAlarm ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00234 :

Name OsAppCounterRef
Parent Container OsApplication
Description References the OsCounters that belong to the OsApplication.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ OsCounter ]
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Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00392 :

Name OsAppEcucPartitionRef
Parent Container OsApplication
Description Denotes which "EcucPartition" is implemented by this "OSApplication".
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to [ EcucPartition ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00221 :

Name OsAppIsrRef
Parent Container OsApplication
Description references which OsIsrs belong to the OsApplication
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ OsIsr ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00393 :

Name OsApplicationCoreRef
Parent Container OsApplication
Description Reference to the Core Definition in the Ecuc Module where the CoreId is
defined. This reference is used to describe to which Core the
OsApplication is bound.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to [ EcucCoreDefinition ]
Post-Build Variant
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Post-Build Variant Value false

Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00230 :

Name OsAppScheduleTableRef
Parent Container OsApplication
Description References the OsScheduleTables that belong to the OsApplication.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ OsScheduleTable ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00116 :

Name OsAppTaskRef
Parent Container OsApplication
Description references which OsTasks belong to the OsApplication
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ OsTask ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00120 :

Name OsRestartTask
Parent Container OsApplication
Description Optionally one task of an OS-Application may be defined as Restart Task.
Multiplicity = 1: Restart Task is activated by the Operating System if the
protection hook requests it.

Multiplicity = 0: No task is automatically started after a protection error

Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to [ OsTask ]
Post-Build Variant false
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Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 3 and 4.

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
OsApplicationHooks 1 Container to structure the OS-Application-specific hooks
OsApplicationTrustedFunctio Container to structure the configuration parameters of trusted
n functions

10.2.10 OsApplicationHooks

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00020 :

Container Name OsApplicationHooks
Description Container to structure the OS-Application-specific hooks
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00213 :

Name OsAppErrorHook
Parent Container OsApplicationHooks
Description Select the OS-Application error hook.
true: Hook is called
false: Hook is not called
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 3 and 4.

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00125 :

Name OsAppShutdownHook
Parent Container OsApplicationHooks
Description Select the OS-Application specific shutdown hook for the OS-Application.
true: Hook is called
false: Hook is not called
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
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Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

dependency: Required for scalability class 3 and 4.

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00124 :

Name OsAppStartupHook
Parent Container OsApplicationHooks
Description Select the OS-Application specific startup hook for the OS-Application.
true: Hook is called
false: Hook is not called
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 3 and 4.

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00402 :

Name OsMemoryMappingCodeLocationRef
Parent Container OsApplicationHooks
Description Reference to the memory mapping containing details about the section
where the code is placed.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to [ SW-ADDR-METHOD ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

10.2.11 OsApplicationTrustedFunction

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00021 :

Container Name OsApplicationTrustedFunction
Description Container to structure the configuration parameters of trusted functions
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00254 :

Name OsTrustedFunctionName
Parent Container OsApplicationTrustedFunction
Description Trusted function (as part of a trusted OS-Application) available to other
OS-Applications. This also supersedes the ISO 17356-6 attribute
TRUSTED in APPLICATION because the optionality of this parameter is
describing that already.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default value --
maxLength --
minLength --
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regularExpression --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 3 and 4 and in trusted OS-

No Included Containers

10.2.12 OsAppMode

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00022 :

Container Name OsAppMode
OsAppMode is the object used to define ISO 17356-3 properties for an
ISO 17356-3 application mode.

No standard attributes are defined for AppMode.

Description In a CPU, at least one AppMode object has to be defined.

[source: ISO 17356-6]

An OsAppMode called OSDEFAULTAPPMODE must always be there for

ISO 17356 compatibility.
Configuration Parameters

No Included Containers

10.2.13 OsCounter

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00026 :

Container Name OsCounter
Description Configuration information for the counters that belong to the OsApplication.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00027 :

Name OsCounterMaxAllowedValue
Parent Container OsCounter
Description Maximum possible allowed value of the system counter in ticks.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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SWS Item ECUC_Os_00028 :

Name OsCounterMinCycle
Parent Container OsCounter
Description The MINCYCLE attribute specifies the minimum allowed number of
counter ticks for a cyclic alarm linked to the counter.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00029 :

Name OsCounterTicksPerBase
Parent Container OsCounter
Description The TICKSPERBASE attribute specifies the number of ticks required to
reach a counterspecific unit. The interpretation is implementation-specific.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 4294967295
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00255 :

Name OsCounterType
Parent Container OsCounter
Description This parameter contains the natural type or unit of the counter.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range HARDWARE This counter is driven by some hardware
e.g. a hardware timer unit.
SOFTWARE The counter is driven by some software
which calls the IncrementCounter service.
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00030 :

Name OsSecondsPerTick
Parent Container OsCounter
Description Time of one counter tick in seconds.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
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Range [0 .. INF]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00031 :

Name OsCounterAccessingApplication
Parent Container OsCounter
Description Reference to applications which have an access to this object.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ OsApplication ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This Container contains the information who will drive the
This configuration is only valid if the counter has
OsCounterType set to HARDWARE.

If the container does not exist (multiplicity=0) the timer is

managed by the OS internally (OSINTERNAL).
OsDriver 0..1
If the container exists the OS can use the GPT interface to
manage the timer. The user have to supply the GPT channel.

If the counter is driven by some other (external to the OS)

source (like a TPU for example) this must be described as a
vendor specific extension.
Allows the user to define constants which can be e.g. used to
compare time values with timer tick values.
A time value will be converted to a timer tick value during
OsTimeConstant 0..*
generation and can later on accessed via the OsConstName.
The conversation is done by rounding time values to the
nearest fitting tick value.

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10.2.14 OsEvent

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00033 :

Container Name OsEvent
Representation of OS events in the configuration context. Adopted from
the ISO 17356-6 specification.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00034 :

Name OsEventMask
Parent Container OsEvent
Description If event mask would be set to AUTO in OIL, this parameter should be
omitted here.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.15 OsDriver

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00371 :

Container Name OsDriver
This Container contains the information who will drive the counter.
This configuration is only valid if the counter has OsCounterType set to

If the container does not exist (multiplicity=0) the timer is managed by the
OS internally (OSINTERNAL).
If the container exists the OS can use the GPT interface to manage the
timer. The user have to supply the GPT channel.

If the counter is driven by some other (external to the OS) source (like a
TPU for example) this must be described as a vendor specific extension.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00032 :

Name OsGptChannelRef
Parent Container OsDriver
Description Reference to the GPT channel.
Multiplicity 0..1

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Type Symbolic name reference to [ GptChannelConfiguration ]

Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

10.2.16 OsHooks

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00035 :

Container Name OsHooks
Description Container to structure all hooks belonging to the OS
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00036 :

Name OsErrorHook
Parent Container OsHooks
Description Error hook as defined by ISO 17356
true: Hook is called
false: Hook is not called
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00037 :

Name OsPostTaskHook
Parent Container OsHooks
Description Post-task hook as defined by ISO 17356
true: Hook is called
false: Hook is not called
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00038 :

Name OsPreTaskHook
Parent Container OsHooks
Description Pre-task hook as defined by ISO 17356
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true: Hook is called

false: Hook is not called
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00214 :

Name OsProtectionHook
Parent Container OsHooks
Description Switch to enable/disable the call to the (user supplied) protection hook.
true: Protection hook is called on protection error
false: Protection hook is not called
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 2,3 and 4

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00039 :

Name OsShutdownHook
Parent Container OsHooks
Description Shutdown hook as defined by ISO 17356
true: Hook is called
false: Hook is not called
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00040 :

Name OsStartupHook
Parent Container OsHooks
Description Startup hook as defined by ISO 17356
true: Hook is called
false: Hook is not called
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
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Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00402 :

Name OsMemoryMappingCodeLocationRef
Parent Container OsHooks
Description Reference to the memory mapping containing details about the section
where the code is placed.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to [ SW-ADDR-METHOD ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

10.2.17 OsIsr

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00041 :

Container Name OsIsr
Description The OsIsr container represents an ISO 17356 interrupt service routine.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00042 :

Name OsIsrCategory
Parent Container OsIsr
Description This attribute specifies the category of this ISR.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range CATEGORY_1 Interrupt is of category 1
CATEGORY_2 Interrupt is of category 2
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00043 :

Name OsIsrResourceRef
Parent Container OsIsr
Description This reference defines the resources accessed by this ISR.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ OsResource ]
Post-Build Variant
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Post-Build Variant Value false

Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00402 :

Name OsMemoryMappingCodeLocationRef
Parent Container OsIsr
Description Reference to the memory mapping containing details about the section
where the code is placed.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to [ SW-ADDR-METHOD ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains all parameters which are related to
timing protection
OsIsrTimingProtection 0..1 If the container exists, the timing protection is used for this
interrupt. If the container does not exist, the interrupt is not
supervised regarding timing violations.

10.2.18 OsIsrResourceLock

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00388 :

Container Name OsIsrResourceLock
Description This container contains a list of times the interrupt uses resources.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00389 :

Name OsIsrResourceLockBudget
Parent Container OsIsrResourceLock
Description This parameter contains the maximum time the interrupt is allowed to hold
the given resource (in seconds).
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 2 and 4

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SWS Item ECUC_Os_00390 :

Name OsIsrResourceLockResourceRef
Parent Container OsIsrResourceLock
Description Reference to the resource the locking time is depending on
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ OsResource ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 2 and 4

No Included Containers

10.2.19 OsIsrTimingProtection

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00326 :

Container Name OsIsrTimingProtection
This container contains all parameters which are related to timing
If the container exists, the timing protection is used for this interrupt. If the
container does not exist, the interrupt is not supervised regarding timing
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00229 :

Name OsIsrAllInterruptLockBudget
Parent Container OsIsrTimingProtection
Description This parameter contains the maximum time for which the ISR is allowed to
lock all interrupts (via SuspendAllInterrupts() or DisableAllInterrupts()) (in
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 2 and 4

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00222 :

Name OsIsrExecutionBudget
Parent Container OsIsrTimingProtection
Description The parameter contains the maximum allowed execution time of the

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interrupt (in seconds).

Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 2 and 4

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00387 :

Name OsIsrOsInterruptLockBudget
Parent Container OsIsrTimingProtection
Description This parameter contains the maximum time for which the ISR is allowed to
lock all Category 2 interrupts (via SuspendOSInterrupts()) (in seconds).
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 2 and 4

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00223 :

Name OsIsrTimeFrame
Parent Container OsIsrTimingProtection
Description This parameter contains the minimum inter-arrival time between
successive interrupts (in seconds).
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
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Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 2 and 4

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains a list of times the interrupt uses
OsIsrResourceLock 0..*

10.2.20 OsOS

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00044 :

Container Name OsOS
OS is the object used to define ISO 17356-3 properties for an ISO 17356
Per CPU exactly one OS object has to be defined.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01019 :

Name OsNumberOfCores
Parent Container OsOS
Description Maximum number of cores that are controlled by the OS.
The OS uses the value internally. It depends on the ECU HW.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00259 :

Name OsScalabilityClass
Parent Container OsOS
Description A scalability class for each System Object "OS" has to be selected. In order to
customize the operating system to the needs of the user and to take full advantage
of the processor features the operating system can be scaled according to the
scalability classes.
If the scalability class is omitted this translates to the OIL AUTO mechanism.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range SC1 --
SC2 --
SC3 --
SC4 --

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Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00307 :

Name OsStackMonitoring
Parent Container OsOS
Description Select stack monitoring of Tasks/Category 2 ISRs
true: Stacks are monitored
false: Stacks are not monitored
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00046 :

Name OsStatus
Parent Container OsOS
Description The Status attribute specifies whether a system with standard or extended status
has to be used. Automatic assignment is not supported for this attribute.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00047 :

Name OsUseGetServiceId
Parent Container OsOS
Description As defined by ISO 17356
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00048 :

Name OsUseParameterAccess
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AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Parent Container OsOS

Description As defined by ISO 17356
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00049 :

Name OsUseResScheduler
Parent Container OsOS
Description The OsUseResScheduler attribute defines whether the resource
RES_SCHEDULER is used within the application.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value true
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
OsHooks 1 Container to structure all hooks belonging to the OS

10.2.21 OsPeripheralArea

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00397 :

Container Name OsPeripheralArea
Container to structure the configuration parameters of one peripheral area.
The container short name can be used to access this area.
Post-Build Variant
Multiplicity Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00400 :

Name OsPeripheralAreaEndAddress
Parent Container OsPeripheralArea
Description Last valid address of a peripheral area.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
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Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00398 :

Name OsPeripheralAreaId
Parent Container OsPeripheralArea
Description Id of peripheral area.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00399 :

Name OsPeripheralAreaStartAddress
Parent Container OsPeripheralArea
Description First valid address of a peripheral area.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00401 :

Name OsPeripheralAreaAccessingApplication
Parent Container OsPeripheralArea
Description Reference to application which have access to this object.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ OsApplication ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.22 OsResource

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00252 :

Container Name OsResource
An OsResource object is used to co-ordinate the concurrent access by
Description tasks and ISRs to a shared resource, e.g. the scheduler, any program
sequence, memory or any hardware area.
Configuration Parameters
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SWS Item ECUC_Os_00050 :

Name OsResourceProperty
Parent Container OsResource
Description This specifies the type of the resource.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range INTERNAL The resource is an internal resource.
LINKED The resource is a linked resource (a
second name for a existing resource).
STANDARD The resource is a standard resource.
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00051 :

Name OsResourceAccessingApplication
Parent Container OsResource
Description Reference to applications which have an access to this object.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ OsApplication ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00052 :

Name OsResourceLinkedResourceRef
Parent Container OsResource
Description The link to the resource. Must be valid if OsResourceProperty is LINKED.
If OsResourceProperty is not LINKED the value is ignored.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to [ OsResource ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers
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10.2.23 OsScheduleTable

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00141 :

Container Name OsScheduleTable
An OsScheduleTable addresses the synchronization issue by providing an
Description encapsulation of a statically defined set of alarms that cannot be modified
at runtime.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00053 :

Name OsScheduleTableDuration
Parent Container OsScheduleTable
Description This parameter defines the modulus of the schedule table (in ticks).
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00144 :

Name OsScheduleTableRepeating
Parent Container OsScheduleTable
Description true: first expiry point on the schedule table shall be processed at final
expiry point delay ticks after the final expiry point is processed.
false: the schedule table processing stops when the final expiry point is
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00145 :

Name OsScheduleTableCounterRef
Parent Container OsScheduleTable
Description This parameter contains a reference to the counter which drives the
schedule table.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ OsCounter ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
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SWS Item ECUC_Os_00054 :

Name OsSchTblAccessingApplication
Parent Container OsScheduleTable
Description Reference to applications which have an access to this object.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ OsApplication ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container specifies if and how the schedule table is
started on startup of the Operating System. The options to
OsScheduleTableAutostart 0..1
start a schedule table correspond to the API calls to start
schedule tables during runtime.
The point on a Schedule Table at which the OS activates tasks
OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint 1..*
and/or sets events
This container specifies the synchronization parameters of the
OsScheduleTableSync 0..1
schedule table.

10.2.24 OsScheduleTableAutostart

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00335 :

Container Name OsScheduleTableAutostart
This container specifies if and how the schedule table is started on startup
Description of the Operating System. The options to start a schedule table correspond
to the API calls to start schedule tables during runtime.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00056 :

Name OsScheduleTableAutostartType
Parent Container OsScheduleTableAutostart
Description This specifies the type of the autostart for the schedule table.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range ABSOLUTE The schedule table is started during startup
with the StartScheduleTableAbs() service.
RELATIVE The schedule table is started during startup
with the StartScheduleTableRel() service.
SYNCHRON The schedule table is started during startup
with the StartScheduleTableSynchron()
Post-Build Variant

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Value Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00057 :

Name OsScheduleTableStartValue
Parent Container OsScheduleTableAutostart
Description Absolute autostart tick value when the schedule table starts. Only used if
the OsScheduleTableAutostartType is ABSOLUTE.
Relative offset in ticks when the schedule table starts. Only used if the
OsScheduleTableAutostartType is RELATIVE.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00058 :

Name OsScheduleTableAppModeRef
Parent Container OsScheduleTableAutostart
Description Reference in which application modes the schedule table should be started
during startup
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Reference to [ OsAppMode ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

10.2.25 OsScheduleTableEventSetting

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00059 :

Container Name OsScheduleTableEventSetting
Description Event that is triggered by that schedule table.
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Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00060 :

Name OsScheduleTableSetEventRef
Parent Container OsScheduleTableEventSetting
Description Reference to event that will be set by action
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ OsEvent ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00061 :

Name OsScheduleTableSetEventTaskRef
Parent Container OsScheduleTableEventSetting
Description --
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ OsTask ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.26 OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00143 :

Container Name OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint
The point on a Schedule Table at which the OS activates tasks and/or sets
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00062 :

Name OsScheduleTblExpPointOffset
Parent Container OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint
Description The offset from zero (in ticks) at which the expiry point is to be processed.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
OsScheduleTableEventSetting 0..* Event that is triggered by that schedule table.
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OsScheduleTableTaskActivation 0..* Task that is triggered by that schedule table.

0..1 Adjustable expiry point

10.2.27 OsScheduleTableTaskActivation

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00066 :

Container Name OsScheduleTableTaskActivation
Description Task that is triggered by that schedule table.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00067 :

Name OsScheduleTableActivateTaskRef
Parent Container OsScheduleTableTaskActivation
Description Reference to task that will be activated by action
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ OsTask ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

10.2.28 OsScheduleTblAdjustableExpPoint

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00068 :

Container Name OsScheduleTblAdjustableExpPoint
Description Adjustable expiry point
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00069 :

Name OsScheduleTableMaxLengthen
Parent Container OsScheduleTblAdjustableExpPoint
Description The maximum positive adjustment that can be made to the expiry point
offset (in ticks).
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00070 :

Name OsScheduleTableMaxShorten
Parent Container OsScheduleTblAdjustableExpPoint
Description The maximum negative adjustment that can be made to the expiry point
offset (in ticks).
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Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.29 OsScheduleTableSync

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00063 :

Container Name OsScheduleTableSync
This container specifies the synchronization parameters of the schedule
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00064 :

Name OsScheduleTblExplicitPrecision
Parent Container OsScheduleTableSync
Description This configuration is only valid if the explicit synchronization is used.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00065 :

Name OsScheduleTblSyncStrategy
Parent Container OsScheduleTableSync
Description AUTOSAR OS provides support for synchronization in two ways: explicit and
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range EXPLICIT The schedule table is driven by an OS
counter but processing needs to be
synchronized with a different counter
which is not an OS counter object.
IMPLICIT The counter driving the schedule table is
the counter with which synchronisation is
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NONE No support for synchronisation.
Default value NONE
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: ECU

No Included Containers

10.2.30 OsSpinlock

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00258 :

Container Name OsSpinlock
An OsSpinlock object is used to co-ordinate concurrent access by
TASKs/ISR2s on different cores to a shared resource.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01038 :

Name OsSpinlockLockMethod
Parent Container OsSpinlock
Description Lock method which is used when a spinlock is taken. Note that it is possible that a
user (e.g. a Task) might hold more than one spinlock. In this case the last lock taken
is forced to use at least a lock methode which locks as strong as the current one.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Default value LOCK_NOTHING
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01021 :

Name OsSpinlockAccessingApplication
Parent Container OsSpinlock
Description Reference to OsApplications that have an access to this object.
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Reference to [ OsApplication ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
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Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01022 :

Name OsSpinlockSuccessor
Parent Container OsSpinlock
Description Reference to OsApplications that have an access to this object.
To check whether a spinlock can be occupied (in a nested way) without
any danger of deadlock, a linked list of spinlocks can be defined. A
spinlock can only be occupied in the order of the linked list. It is allowed to
skip a spinlock.

If no linked list is specified, spinlocks cannot be nested.

Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to [ OsSpinlock ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.31 OsTask

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00073 :

Container Name OsTask
Description This container represents an ISO 17356 task.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00074 :

Name OsTaskActivation
Parent Container OsTask
Description This attribute defines the maximum number of queued activation requests
for the task. A value equal to "1" means that at any time only a single
activation is permitted for this task. Note that the value must be a natural
number starting at 1.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 4294967295
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --

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Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00075 :

Name OsTaskPriority
Parent Container OsTask
Description The priority of a task is defined by the value of this attribute. This value has
to be understood as a relative value, i.e. the values show only the relative
ordering of the tasks.
ISO 17356-3 defines the lowest priority as zero (0); larger values
correspond to higher priorities.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00076 :

Name OsTaskSchedule
Parent Container OsTask
Description The OsTaskSchedule attribute defines the preemptability of the task.
If this attribute is set to NON, no internal resources may be assigned to this task.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range FULL Task is preemptable.
NON Task is not preemptable.
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00402 :

Name OsMemoryMappingCodeLocationRef
Parent Container OsTask
Description Reference to the memory mapping containing details about the section
where the code is placed.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to [ SW-ADDR-METHOD ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00077 :

Name OsTaskAccessingApplication
Parent Container OsTask
Description Reference to applications which have an access to this object.
Multiplicity 0..*
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Type Reference to [ OsApplication ]

Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00078 :

Name OsTaskEventRef
Parent Container OsTask
Description This reference defines the list of events the extended task may react on.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ OsEvent ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00079 :

Name OsTaskResourceRef
Parent Container OsTask
Description This reference defines a list of resources accessed by this task.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to [ OsResource ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container determines whether the task is activated during
the system start-up procedure or not for some specific
application modes.
OsTaskAutostart 0..1
If the task shall be activated during the system start-up, this
container is present and holds the references to the application
modes in which the task is auto-started.
OsTaskTimingProtection 0..1 This container contains all parameters regarding timing
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protection of the task.

10.2.32 OsTaskAutostart

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00080 :

Container Name OsTaskAutostart
This container determines whether the task is activated during the system
start-up procedure or not for some specific application modes.
If the task shall be activated during the system start-up, this container is
present and holds the references to the application modes in which the
task is auto-started.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00081 :

Name OsTaskAppModeRef
Parent Container OsTaskAutostart
Description Reference to application modes in which that task is activated on startup of
the OS
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Reference to [ OsAppMode ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency

No Included Containers

10.2.33 OsTaskResourceLock

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00082 :

Container Name OsTaskResourceLock
This container contains the worst case time between getting and releasing
a given resource (in seconds).
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00083 :

Name OsTaskResourceLockBudget
Parent Container OsTaskResourceLock
Description This parameter contains the maximum time the task is allowed to lock the
resource (in seconds)
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
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Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 2 and 4

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00084 :

Name OsTaskResourceLockResourceRef
Parent Container OsTaskResourceLock
Description Reference to the resource used by the task
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ OsResource ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 2 and 4

No Included Containers

10.2.34 OsTaskTimingProtection

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00325 :

Container Name OsTaskTimingProtection
This container contains all parameters regarding timing protection of the
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00085 :

Name OsTaskAllInterruptLockBudget
Parent Container OsTaskTimingProtection
Description This parameter contains the maximum time for which the task is allowed to
lock all interrupts (via SuspendAllInterrupts() or DisableAllInterrupts()) (in
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 2 and 4

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00185 :

Name OsTaskExecutionBudget
Parent Container OsTaskTimingProtection
Description This parameter contains the maximum allowed execution time of the task
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(in seconds).
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 2 and 4

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00086 :

Name OsTaskOsInterruptLockBudget
Parent Container OsTaskTimingProtection
Description This parameter contains the maximum time for which the task is allowed to
lock all Category 2 interrupts (via SuspendOSInterrupts()) (in seconds).
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 2 and 4

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00391 :

Name OsTaskTimeFrame
Parent Container OsTaskTimingProtection
Description The minimum inter-arrival time between activations and/or releases of a
task (in seconds).
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
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Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Only available in scalability class 2 and 4

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the worst case time between getting
OsTaskResourceLock 0..*
and releasing a given resource (in seconds).

10.2.35 OsTimeConstant

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00386 :

Container Name OsTimeConstant
Allows the user to define constants which can be e.g. used to compare
time values with timer tick values.
Description A time value will be converted to a timer tick value during generation and
can later on accessed via the OsConstName. The conversation is done by
rounding time values to the nearest fitting tick value.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_00002 :

Name OsTimeValue
Parent Container OsTimeConstant
Description This parameter contains the value of the constant in seconds.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

10.3 Containers and configuration parameter extensions of the

This section describes the content of the IOC Configuration Description that is
needed for the generation of the IOC API.

10.3.1 OsIoc

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01000 :

Container Name OsIoc
Description Configuration of the IOC (Inter OS Application Communicator).
Configuration Parameters

Included Containers
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Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency

Representation of a 1:1 or N:1 or N:M (unqueued only)
communication between software parts located in different OS-
Applications that are bound to the same or to different cores.
The name shall begin with the name of the sending software
service and be followed by a unique identifier delivered by the
sending software service. In the case of RTE as user attention
shall be paid on the fact that uniqueness for identifier names
OsIocCommunication 0..*
has to be reached over ports, data elements, object instances
and maybe additional identification properties (E.g. Case 1:N
mapping to 1:1).

 <NameSpace>_UniqueID

10.3.2 OsIocCommunication

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01003 :

Container Name OsIocCommunication
Representation of a 1:1 or N:1 or N:M (unqueued only) communication
between software parts located in different OS-Applications that are bound
to the same or to different cores.

The name shall begin with the name of the sending software service and
be followed by a unique identifier delivered by the sending software
service. In the case of RTE as user attention shall be paid on the fact that
uniqueness for identifier names has to be reached over ports, data
elements, object instances and maybe additional identification properties
(E.g. Case 1:N mapping to 1:1).

 <NameSpace>_UniqueID
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01001 :

Name OsIocBufferLength
Parent Container OsIocCommunication
Description This attribute defines the size of the IOC internal queue to be allocated for
a queued communication.
This configuration information shall allow the optimization of the needed
memory for communications requiring buffers within the RTE and within
the IOC.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
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Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
Data properties of the data to be transferred on the IOC
OsIocDataProperties 1..*
communication channel.
Representation of receiver properties for one communication.
For each OsIocCommunication one (1:1) or many receivers
OsIocReceiverProperties 1..*
(N:M) have to be defined. This container should be instantiated
within an OsIocCommunication.
Representation of sender properties for one communication.
For each OsIocCommunication one (1:1) or many senders
(N:1 or N:M) have to be defined. Multiplicity > 1 (N:1 or N:M
OsIocSenderProperties 1..* communication) is only allowed for Multiplicity of
OsIocDataTypeRef = 1.
This container should be instantiated within an

10.3.3 OsIocSenderProperties

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01015 :

Container Name OsIocSenderProperties
Representation of sender properties for one communication. For each
OsIocCommunication one (1:1) or many senders (N:1 or N:M) have to be
defined. Multiplicity > 1 (N:1 or N:M communication) is only allowed for
Multiplicity of OsIocDataTypeRef = 1.

This container should be instantiated within an OsIocCommunication.

Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01036 :

Name OsIocFunctionImplementationKind
Parent Container OsIocSenderProperties
Description This parameter is used to select whether this communication is implemented as a
macro or as a function.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range DO_NOT_CARE It is not defined whether a macro or a
function is used.
FUNCTION Communication is implemented as a
MACRO Communication is implemented as a
Default value DO_NOT_CARE
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
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Value Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01016 :

Name OsIocSenderId
Parent Container OsIocSenderProperties
Description Representation of a sender in a N:1 or N:M communication to distinguish
between senders.
This parameter does not exist in 1:1 communication.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01014 :

Name OsIocSendingOsApplicationRef
Parent Container OsIocSenderProperties
Description This attribute is a reference to the sending OS-Application instance defined
in the configuration file of the OS.
This information shall allows the generator to get additional information
necessary for the code generation like:
 The protection properties of the communicating OS-Applications to
find out which protection boundaries have to be crossed.

 The core identifiers to find out if an intra or an inter core

communication has to be realized

 Interrupt details in case of cross core notification to realize over

Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ OsApplication ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

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10.3.4 OsIocReceiverProperties

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01017 :

Container Name OsIocReceiverProperties
Representation of receiver properties for one communication. For each
OsIocCommunication one (1:1) or many receivers (N:M) have to be
defined. This container should be instantiated within an
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01037 :

Name OsIocFunctionImplementationKind
Parent Container OsIocReceiverProperties
Description This parameter is used to select whether this communication is implemented as a
macro or as a function.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range DO_NOT_CARE It is not defined whether a macro or a
function is used.
FUNCTION Communication is implemented as a
MACRO Communication is implemented as a
Default value DO_NOT_CARE
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01010 :

Name OsIocReceiverPullCB
Parent Container OsIocReceiverProperties
Description This attribute defines the name of a callback function that the IOC shall call
on the receiving core for each data reception.
In case of non existence of this attribute no ReceiverPullCB notification
shall be applied by the IOC. The name of the function shall begin with the
name of the receiving module, followed with a callback name and followed
by the IocId.

Example: void RTE_ReceiverPullCB_RTE25 (void).

If this attribute does not exist, it means that no ReceiverPullCB shall be

called (No notification from IOC is required). If this attribute exists the IOC
shall call the callback function on the receiving core.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default value --
maxLength --
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minLength --
regularExpression --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01012 :

Name OsIocReceivingOsApplicationRef
Parent Container OsIocReceiverProperties
Description This attribute is a reference to the receiving OsApplication instance defined
in the configuration file of the OS.
This information allows for the generator to get additional information
necessary for the code generation like:
 The protection properties of the communicating OsApplications to
find out which protections have to be crossed

 The core identifiers to find out if an intra or an inter core

communication has to be realized

 Interrupt details in case of cross core notification to realize over

Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ OsApplication ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.3.5 OsIocDataProperties

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01023 :

Container Name OsIocDataProperties
Data properties of the data to be transferred on the IOC communication
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01035 :

Name OsIocDataPropertyIndex
Parent Container OsIocDataProperties
Description This parameter is used to define in which order the data is send, e.g.
whether IocSendGroup(A,B) or IocSendGroup(B,A) shall be used.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
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Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01024 :

Name OsIocInitValue
Parent Container OsIocDataProperties
Description Initial Value for the data to be transferred on the IOC communication
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucStringParamDef
Default value --
maxLength --
minLength --
regularExpression --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Os_01005 :

Name OsIocDataTypeRef
Parent Container OsIocDataProperties
Description This is the type of the data to be transferred on the IOC communication
channel. This attribute is necessary to generate the parameter type of the
Ioc functions. Additionally this information should be used to compute the
data size for necessary data copy operations within the Ioc module.
If more than one attribute is defined, the IOC generator should generate an
IocXxxGroup function (Xxx= CHOICE [Send, Receive, Write, Read]).

N:1 or N:M communication (Multiplicity of OsIocSenderProperties > 1) is

only allowed for multiplicity of OsIocDataTypeRef = 1
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to [ IMPLEMENTATION-DATA-TYPE ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers
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10.4 Published Information

For details refer to the chapter 10.3 “Published Information” in SWS_BSWGeneral.

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11 Generation of the OS

reads generates/configures
configuration generator

«binary» «executable»
object linker executable
file program
1 1

1..* 1..*
(input-) (output-)
section UML 1.4 section

Figure 11.1: Generation Activities

11.1 Read in configuration

[SWS_Os_00172] ⌈The generator shall provide the user the ability of reading the
information of a selectable configuration file. ⌋ ( )

11.2 Consistency check

The conistency check can issue warnings or errors. Warnings mean that the
generation is completed successfully, only indicating a not advisable configuration.
Errors mean that the generation is not performed.

[SWS_Os_00173] ⌈The generator shall provide the user the ability of performing a
consistency check of the current configuration. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00050] ⌈If service protection is required and OsStatus is not equal to

EXTENDED (all the associated error handling is provided), the consistency check shall
issue an error. ⌋ ( )

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[SWS_Os_00045] ⌈If timing protection is configured together with OSEK OS

Category 1 interrupts, the consistency check shall issue a warning. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00562] ⌈If timing protection is configured together with Pre- or

PostTaskHook the consistency check shall issue a warning. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00320] ⌈If configured attributes do not match the configured scalability

class (e.g. defining an execution time budget in Tasks or Category 2 ISRs and
selected scalability class is 1) the consistency check shall issue a warning. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00311] ⌈If OsScalabilityClass is SC3 or SC4 AND a Task OR Category

2 ISR OR Counters OR Alarms OR Schedule tables does not belong to exactly one
OS-Application the consistency check shall issue an error. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00361] ⌈If OsScalabilityClass is SC3 or SC4 AND a Category 1 ISR

does not belong to exactly one trusted OS-Application the consistency check shall
issue an error⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00177] ⌈If OsScalabilityClass is SC3 or SC4 AND an interrupt source

that is used by the OS is assigned to an OS-Application, the consistency check shall
issue an error. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00303] ⌈If OsAlarmIncrementCounter is configured as action on alarm

expiry AND the alarm is driven directly or indirectly (a cyclic chain of alarm actions
with OsAlarmIncrementCounter) by that counter, the consistency check shall issue
a warning.. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00328] ⌈If OsStatus is STANDARD and OsScalabilityClass is SC3 or

SC4 the consistency check shall issue an error. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00343] ⌈If OsScalabilityClass is SC3 or SC4 AND a task is referenced

within a schedule table object AND the OS-Application of the schedule table has no
access to the task, the consistency check shall issue an error. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00344] ⌈If OsScalabilityClass is SC3 or SC4 AND a task is referenced

within an alarm object AND the OS-Application of the alarm has no access to the
task, the consistency check shall issue an error. ⌋ ( )

[SWS_Os_00440] ⌈If a schedule table has OsScheduleTblSyncStrategy =

IMPLICIT and the OsCounterMaxAllowedValue+1 of the associated counter is not
equal to the duration of the schedule table then the consitency check shall issue an
error. ⌋ ( )

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[SWS_Os_00461] ⌈If OsScalabilityClass is SC2, SC3 or SC4 AND Alarm

Callbacks are configured the conistency check shall isuue an error. ⌋ ( )

11.3 Generating operating system

[SWS_Os_00179] ⌈If the consistency check of the read-in configuration file has not
run free of errors, the generator shall not generate/configure the operating system. ⌋

[SWS_Os_00336] ⌈The generator shall generate a relocatable memory section

containing the interrupt vector table. ⌋ (SRS_Os_11019)

[SWS_Os_00370] ⌈The generator shall print out information about timers used
internally by the OS during generation (e.g. on console, list file). ⌋ (SRS_Frt_00022)

[SWS_Os_00393] ⌈The generator shall create conversation macros to convert

counter ticks (given as argument) into real time. The format of the macro is
OS_TICKS2<Unit>_<Counter>(ticks) whereas <Unit> is one of NS
(nanoseconds), US (microseconds), MS (milliseconds) or SEC (seconds) and
<Counter> is the name of the counter; E.g. OS_TICKS2MS_MyCounter())⌋

[SWS_Os_00815]⌈ The OS code shall wrap each declaration of Task, ISR and hook
functions with the Memory Mapping Allocation Keywords macros.
1 #define OS_START_SEC_<sadm>
2 #include "Os_MemMap.h"
4 <Task, ISR or hook functions declaration>
6 #define OS_STOP_SEC_<sadm>
7 #include "Os_MemMap.h"
where <sadm> is the shortName of the SwAddrMethod if configured in
OsMemoryMappingCodeLocationRef.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00351)

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12 Application Notes

12.1 Hooks
In OSEK OS, PreTask & PostTask Hooks run at the level of the OS with unrestricted
access rights and therefore must be trusted. It is strongly recommended that these
hook routines are only used during debugging and are not used in a final product.

When an OS-Application is killed the shutdown and startup hooks of the OS-
Application are not called. Cleanup of OS-Application specific data can be done in
the restart task.

All application-specific hook functions (startup, shutdown and error) must return
(blocking or endless loops are not acceptable).

12.2 Providing Trusted Functions

Address checking shall be done before data is accessed. Special care must be taken
if parameters passed by reference point to the stack space of a task or interrupt,
because this address space might no longer belong to the task or interrupt when the
address is used.

The following code fragment shows an example how a trusted function is called and
how the checks should be done.

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struct parameter_struct {type1 name1, type2 name2, StatusType


/* This service is called by the user and uses a trusted function */

StatusType system_service(
type1 parameter1,
type2 parameter2)
/* store parameters in a structure (parameter1 and parameter2) */
struct parameter_struct local_struct;
local_struct.name1 = parameter1;
local_struct.name2 = parameter2;

/* call CallTrustedFunction with appropriate index and

* pointer to structure */
if(CallTrustedFunction(SYSTEM_SERVICE_INDEX, &local_struct) !=

/* The CallTrustedFunction() service switches to the privileged

* mode. Note that the example is only a fragment! */

StatusType CallTrustedFunction(
TrustedFunctionIndexType ix,
TrustedFunctionParameterRefType ref)
/* check for legal service index and return error if necessary */

/* some implementation specific magic happens: the processor is

* set to privileged mode */

/* indirectly call target function based on the index */

(*(system-service_list[ix]))(ix, ref);

/* some implementation specific magic happens: the processor is

* set to non-privileged mode */


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/* This part of the system service is called by

* CallTrustedFunction() */

void TRUSTED_system_service_part2 (TrustedFunctionIndexType a,

parameter_struct *local_struct)
TaskRefType task;
type1 parameter1;
type2 parameter2;

if (GetTaskID(&task) != E_OK)

/* get parameters out of the structure (parameter1 and

* parameter2) */
parameter1 = local_struct.name1;
parameter2 = local_struct.name2;

/* check the parameters if necessary */

/* example is for parameter1 being an address and parameter2
* being a size */
/* example only for system_service called from tasks */
/* error: not callable from ISR */
local_struct.return_value = E_OS_ACCESS;
else if(OSMEMORY_IS_WRITEABLE(CheckTaskMemoryAccess(
/* system_service_part3() is now the function as it
* would be if directly called in a non-protected
* environment */
local_struct.return_value =
/* error handling */
local_struct.return_value = E_OS_ACCESS;

Note: Since the service of CallTrustedFunction() is very generic, it is needed to

define a stub-interface which does the packing and unpacking of the arguments (as
the example show). Depending on the implementation the stub interface may be
(partly) generated by the generation tool.

12.3 Software Components and OS-Applications

Trusted OS-Applications can be permitted access to IO space. As software
components can not be allowed direct access to the hardware, software components

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can not be trusted OS-Applications because this would violate this protection feature.
The configuration process must ensure that this is the case.

The AUTOSAR Virtual Function Bus (VFB) specification places no restrictions on

how runnables from software components are mapped to OS tasks. However, the
protection mechanisms in AUTOSAR OS apply only to OS managed objects. This
means that all runnables in a task:

 Are not protected from each other at runtime

 Share the same protection boundary

If runnables need to be protected they must therefore be allocated to different tasks

and those tasks protected accordingly.

A simple rule can suffice:

“When allocating runnables to tasks, only allocate runnables from the same
software component into the same task.”

If multiple software components from the same application are to reside on the same
processor, then, assuming protection is required between applications (or parts
thereof) on the same processor, this rule could be modified to relax the scope of
protection to the application:

“When allocating runnables to tasks, only allocate runnables from the same
application into the same task.”

If an OS-Application is killed and the restart task is activated it can not assume that
the startup of the OS-Application has finished. Maybe the fault happened in the
application startup hook and no task of the application was started so far.

12.4 Global Time Synchronization

The OS currently assumes that the global time synchronization is done by the user
(unless implicit synchronization is used). This allows maximum flexibility regarding
the time source. For synchronization with e.g. FlexRay some glue code may be
necessary which transfer the information from the time source to the OS.

12.5 Working with FlexRay

Schedule tables in the AUTOSAR OS may be synchronized with a global (network)
time provided by FlexRay in essentially two ways:

1. Using the FlexRay interface’s services for controlling timer interrupts related to
global time to provide a “hardware” counter tick source to drive the processing
of a schedule table (implicit synchronization)
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2. Using the FlexRay interface’s service for accessing the current global time and
passing this into the OS through the SyncScheduleTable() OS service call
This section looks at the second option only.

In FlexRay time is presented as a tuple of a Cycle and a MacrotickOffset within the

cycle. Cycle is an 8-bit value and MacrotickOffset is a 16-bit value.
In AUTOSAR OS a schedule table is associated with an underlying counter that has
a notion of ticks. It is therefore possible to synchronize with either the Cycle or the
tuple of Cycle/MacrotickOffset to give the resolution of synchronization required by
the application.
If Cycle only resolution is required then an OS COUNTER object should be
configured to have a OsCounterMaxAllowedValue equal to the maximum number of
Cycles. If Cycle/MacrotickOffset is required then an OS COUNTER object should be
configured with a OsCounterMaxAllowedValue of the maximum number of Cycles
multiplied by the MacrotickOffset. This provides the OS with a time base against
which a ScheduleTable can be synchronized.

Synchronization between the OS and an external global time source is provided by

telling the OS the global time through the SyncScheduleTable() service call. This call
takes a scalar parameter of TickType so to interface this to FlexRay’s representation
of time a small conversion needs to be done. The following example assumes a
Cycle of 255 with 65535 Macroticks per Cycle. TickType is at least 24-bits wide.

#define OSTIME(x) (TickType)(x);

FrIf_GetGlobalTime(Controller, &Cycle, &Macrotick);
SyncScheduleTable(Tbl, ((OSTIME(Cycle) << 16)+(OSTIME(Macrotick))));

Telling the ScheduleTable that GlobalTime can be done when the application detects
that the FlexRay controller has lost synchronization with the network (by polling the
controller sync status). The following code indicates how this can be used to force an
associated ScheduleTable into the SCHEDULETABLE_RUNNING state from the

Fr_SyncStateType CurrentSyncStatus;
if (FrIf_GetSyncState(Controller, &CurrentSyncStatus) == E_OK) {
if (CurrentSyncStatus == FR_ASYNC ) {
Of course, other actions are possible here, like stopping the ScheduleTable, as best
fits user requirements.

12.6 Migration from OIL to XML

This version of the AUTOSAR OS specification does not directly support the
configuration via OIL. The support for OIL was dropped in favour of XML because
XML is the standard configuration language in AUTOSAR and is essential if
configuration data has to be imported / exported from / to other AUTOSAR modules
or between different tools during development.
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Since OIL and XML are both ASCII formats a tool vendor may offer a possibility to
import (old) OIL files and to store them as (AUTOSAR OS) XML files. Currently all
known vendors support at least the import of existing OIL configurations.

Note that for showing conformance to the OSEK OS specification, each OSEK OS
vendor must support OIL. This means that practically each AUTOSAR OS vendor will
offer some sort of import of OIL configurations – at least to show the OSEK OS


As stated in AUTOSAR OS treats RES_SCHEDULER as a normal resource. If

you have legacy code which is migrated to AUTOSAR OS please take care of the
following aspects:

 In OSEK OS there is no need to configure the RES_SCHEDULER in the OIL file. If

you migrate to AUTOSAR OS the configuration is done in XML and each
resource must be properly configured. The easiest way to do this is to configure a
resource RES_SCHEDULER in XML (OsResource) and allow any Task in your
system to use this resource7.
 Avoid that ISRs are using the RES_SCHEDULER. In OSEK OS this is also not
 Make the RES_SCHEDULER a STANDARD resource (at least not an INTERNAL
resource). The symbol RES_SCHEDULER must be present which is not the case if
the resource is an INTERNAL resource.
 If you are using OS-Applications, the RES_SCHEDULER should belong to a trusted
OS-Application. Tasks of other OS-Applications should be configured to have the
right to access the resource.

12.8 Debug support

For the AUTOSAR OS the following information may be useful for users and should
be considert for debug support (and may be published, e.g. in the BSWMD):

 General information about how to retrieve the current (active) Task or ISR and
their (current) priority and (current) stack.
 For ISRs: Information about the name of interrupts, their mapping to the ISR
identifier, the associated hardware and the used stack(s).
 For Tasks: Information about the name of the Task, its identifier, the task
state, the possible priorities, the event mask (if its an extended task), the OS-
Application to whom the Task belongs (if existant) and the used stack.
 For Resources: Information about the name of the Resource, its mapping to
the identifier, its priority and the current owner (the Task/ISR which currently
holds the Resource)
This work can be done automatically by a configuration tool duirng importing an OIL file
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 For Alarms: Information about the name of the Alarm, its mapping to the
identifier, the counter to whom it belong, the action which is executed on
expiry and the current state (running or stopped). In running state the next
expiry in ticks and the possible cycle time shall be also published.
 For Counters: Information about the name of the Counter, its mapping to the
identifier, its associated alarms and the current counter value.
 For Schdule Tables: Information about the name of the Schedule Table, its
mapping to the identifier, its current state and the next expiry point (if the table
is running).
 For OS-Applications: Information about the name of the OS-Application, its
mapping to the identifier, its current state and the memory sections assigned
to it (if memory protection is used).

User documentation should contain information about the implemeted debug


12.9 Integration hints for peripheral protection

Peripheral protection requires configuration on the core level usually conditioned by a
supervisor access. For this reason the task of the peripheral protection is assigned to
the OS module.

Peripheral protection may be implemented in two ways

- using MPU
- using dedicated peripheral protection units of the target MCU.

When using the memory protection unit, it is reasonable if two or more protected
region descriptors are available for peripheral protection mechanism. The region
descriptors shall be programmed to allow access to those peripherals the current
OS-Application shall work with. The defined regions shall cover all memory mapped
configuration registers for the periphiherals to be protected. The advantage of using
the MPU is that the configuration is the same as for memory protection. One of the
disadvantages of this method is that it could be impossilbe to cover all peripheral
control registers with available MPU region descriptors. The number of such
descriptors is typically low.

Beware that using this method may have implication to the linker file of the project
software configuration.

Second method is using a dedicated register protection schema. This method shall
allow to precisely select peripherals for every OS Application. However the number of
peripherals may make the register protection implementation rather bulky. Therefore
it is advisable to reduce the number of protected peripherals to a reasonable value.

For both methods the configuration shall be placed into custom OS Application
properties. The configuration shall be active when a task (or ISR) of a particular OS
Application is running.

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

12.10 Termination of OSApplications

Inconsistencies may occur when an OsApplication is terminated and restarted,
depending on its state at the termination.
A notification from an asynchronous job started before the termination of
OsApplication can occur after the restart of OsApplication.
An asynchronous memory read or write started before the termination of
OsApplication can occur after restart, and cause data inconsistency.
A requested mode or state to another OsApplication (e.g. from a SW-C to A
BSW) can lead to unsynchronized state machines after an OsApplication restart.

Therefore some measures shall be taken to avoid these inconsistencies and

guaranty a correct behavior.

Integration code shall stop all signals and signalgroups during its OsApplication
restart. This ensures that no late asynchronous notification will occur after the
OsApplication restart. These signals and signalgroups can be then safely restarted if

A SW-C shall cancel jobs on all its memory blocks with a call to NvM_CancelJobs
during the restart of its OsApplication. As the job might have already been started,
the call to NvM_CancelJobs can return an error; in that case, the OsApplication shall
wait until end of the job to continue. After all jobs are ensured to be cancelled, then
all memory blocks shall be reset to their initial value, in order to avoid inconsistency
of data which might have been written before the cancellation.

Any SW-C having responsible for requesting mode or state to BSW mode managers
shall always request a default mode upon a restart of its OsApplication. Thus the
BSW mode manager would not be stuck into a mode previously requested by the
OsApplication before its termination. To support this task, note that RTE offers
mechanisms to handle partition stop and restart wrt. mode machines. For mode
managers an "error mode" to be set by RTE can be identified. For mode user
partition the behaviour can also be selected. Furthermore an interaction to BswM to
trigger an action list in case of partition restart can be initiated. Refer to RTE
specification for details.

As a global hint, in any non-trusted OsApplication, which could be terminated, there

shall always be a restart task which does the following actions:
Cancel all jobs which can result in an asynchronous notification or shared
memory, I/O access.
Reset all shared memory with a default value.
Reset any mode or state residing in another OsApplication and controlled by
this given OsApplication to a default value.

Please note that some of these actions need to be performed even if an

OSApplication is merely terminated and not restarted. For example, it may still be
necessary to stop all signals and signal groups used by the OSApplication.
Otherwise, it may happen that a bus never goes to sleep.
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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Consequently, in such a case it is necessary to activate the restart task to perform

the necessary cleanup even if the OSApplication is only terminated and not restarted.
Calling TerminateApplication(<ownappid>,NO_RESTART) in the restart task will
finally set the OSApplication to APPLICATION_TERMINATED.

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

13 AUTOSAR Service implemented by the OS

13.1 Scope of this Chapter

This chapter is an addition to the specification of the Operating System. Whereas the
other parts of the specification define the behavior and the C-interfaces of the OS
module, this chapter formally specifies the corresponding AUTOSAR Service in
terms of the SWC Template. The interfaces described here will be visible on the VFB
and are used by the RTE generator to create the glue code between the application
software (SWC) and the OS.

13.1.1 Package

The following definitions are interpreted to be in

ARPackage AUTOSAR/Services/Os

13.2 Overview
The AUTOSAR Operating System is normally not used directly by SWCs. Even the
other BSW modules which are below the RTE are using the BSW Scheduler to have
access to OS services. The BSW Scheduler of course uses the OS to implement its
features, e.g. critical sections.

Nevertheless there is one case where it makes sense to allow SWCs access to
services of the OS:
 Timer services
Since the number of timers in an ECU is limited it make sense to share these
units across several SWCs. The functionality of the timer services of the OS
which are offered to the SWCs are:
 A service to get the current value of a – hardware or software – counter
 A service which calculates the time difference between the current timer value
and a given (previouls read) timer value
 Both services will return real time values instead of ticks. This limits the access
to the services to those counters which are counting time. Other counters e.g.
counting errors or angles are not accessible.

13.3 Specification of the Ports and Port Interfaces

The detailed port interface can be found in chapter 8.8.

The notation of possible error codes resulting from server calls follows the approach
in the meta-model. It is a matter of the RTE specification [9], how those error codes
will be passed via the actual API.

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Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

14 Outlook on Memory Protection Configuration

As stated before, memory protection configuration is not standardized yet.
Nevertheless it seems helpful to contribute a recommendation in this chapter, how
the configuration might work.

14.1 Configuration Approach

Both, SW-Components and BSW modules, map code and variables to dedicated,
disjoined memory sections (see meta-class»ObjectFileSection« in chapter 7.3 of
»Software Component Template«, Version 2.0.1, and »module specific sections« in
chapter 8.2 of »Specification of Memory Mapping«, Version 1.0.1).

This essential precondition (avoid an inseparable conglomeration of variables in the

default section) can be used to support configuration of memory protection domains:

1. The generator can save for each OS-Application a (processor-specific)

maximum number of output sections for data in a file (to be used in the linker

2. The generator can uniquely identify the address spaces of the data output
sections with symbols using the naming convention (see »memory allocation
keywords« _STOP_SEC_VAR and _START_SEC_VAR for start and stop
symbols) in the specification mentioned above.

The input data sections in the object files of an OS-Application can then be assigned
to the output sections (with potential tool support). Usually, this is one segment for
global data, and one segment for code.

To archieve portability, the user shall group all variables belonging to a private data
section (Task/ISR or OS-Application) in separate files.

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- AUTOSAR confidential -
Specification of Operating System
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

15 Not applicable requirements

[SWS_Os_00767] ⌈These requirements are not applicable to this specification.⌋
(SRS_BSW_00344, SRS_BSW_00404, SRS_BSW_00405, SRS_BSW_00170, SRS_BSW_00419,
SRS_BSW_00381, SRS_BSW_00412, SRS_BSW_00383, SRS_BSW_00384, SRS_BSW_00375,
SRS_BSW_00406, SRS_BSW_00168, SRS_BSW_00407, SRS_BSW_00423, SRS_BSW_00337,
SRS_BSW_00369, SRS_BSW_00339, SRS_BSW_00422, SRS_BSW_00417, SRS_BSW_00409,
SRS_BSW_00385, SRS_BSW_00386, SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00161, SRS_BSW_00162,
SRS_BSW_00415, SRS_BSW_00325, SRS_BSW_00342, SRS_BSW_00007, SRS_BSW_00413,
SRS_BSW_00347, SRS_BSW_00441, SRS_BSW_00305, SRS_BSW_00307, SRS_BSW_00310,
SRS_BSW_00373, SRS_BSW_00327, SRS_BSW_00335, SRS_BSW_00350, SRS_BSW_00410,
SRS_BSW_00411, SRS_BSW_00314, SRS_BSW_00361, SRS_BSW_00301, SRS_BSW_00302,
SRS_BSW_00328, SRS_BSW_00312, SRS_BSW_00006, SRS_BSW_00439, SRS_BSW_00357,
SRS_BSW_00377, SRS_BSW_00378, SRS_BSW_00306, SRS_BSW_00308, SRS_BSW_00309,
SRS_BSW_00358, SRS_BSW_00414, SRS_BSW_00440, SRS_BSW_00330, SRS_BSW_00009,
SRS_BSW_00401, SRS_BSW_00172, SRS_BSW_00010, SRS_BSW_00333, SRS_BSW_00374,
SRS_BSW_00379, SRS_BSW_00003, SRS_BSW_00318, SRS_BSW_00321, SRS_BSW_00334,

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