Performance Task Assessment 2
Performance Task Assessment 2
Performance Task Assessment 2
Purpose: This performance task assessment is a summative assessment for 9-10 grade band
students. The purpose of this assessment will be to adhere to the National Arts Standards that
measure students’ ability to select and perform music at a high level. Analysis, synthesis, and
evaluation will be assessed. During this assessment, the teacher will monitor students’ ability to
select quality wind band repertoire, work to develop and perfect the repertoire throughout the
course of the week, and give a musical performance to their parents/guardians and relatives on
the final day. The results of this assessment will allow the teacher to evaluate the classes’
understanding of the process that goes into selecting quality repertoire and performing a piece of
music at a high level with proper technique. This assessment will take place near the end of the
semester to conclude our unit: Preparing for Performance.
I can evaluate the notes, rhythms, and dynamics PR.5 Day 3 and 4
in a piece of music and perform them correctly
on my instrument.
The unit: Preparing for Performance is an effective way to end our semester together
because the information learned during this unit will play a key role in establishing a
foundational understanding for the rest of your time as a high school musician. It’s important for
you to go through the process of selecting your own piece, analyzing it, refining it, and then
performing it. Not only are these important skills to have for the rest of your career as a high
school musician, but they can also be beneficial for those of you who decide to continue playing
after you graduate.
You will be assessed on your ability to prepare a performance through demonstrating
skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. This performance task assessment will last five
days, with the performance taking place on the fifth and final day. You will begin by selecting a
piece of music as a class. Then, as a class you will analyze and characterize your selected piece.
Next, you will analyze your own individual part with the help of your classmates, classifying
each section of the music into sections where you either have the melody, countermelody, or the
You will also distinguish the difference between proper playing posture and poor playing
posture and then be able to perform it correctly on your instrument. Next, you will evaluate the
notes, rhythms, and dynamics in your individual part with the help of your classmates and
perform them correctly on your instrument. On the fourth day, we will work on intonation as a
class. You will assess whether or not you are playing with correct intonation on your
instruments. Finally, we will perform our selected piece for your family and friends on the fifth
and final day. Please refer to the R.A.F.T. guide below:
This formative/summative assessment does last five days, but do not worry! Each day is
clearly spelled out for you and you all are going to do great. Good luck and have fun making
music with your classmates!
● What makes a piece of music “good”? (20 minutes)
● Selecting a piece (30 minutes)
● Distribute individual parts (10 minutes)
● What makes a piece of music “good”? worksheet
● Selecting a piece worksheet
● Pencil and eraser
Completion Description
_______________ orksheet
I completed the Selecting a piece w
and demonstrated an ability to characterize
features of quality repertoire and I voted in
the selection of the piece.
Hour ________
There are thousands of pieces of music composed each and every year, but how do we select
which ones we are going to play? Throughout this unit, we’ve talked about several features that
make wind ensemble pieces high quality. To review, we’re going to share a few of these features
as a class. Be sure to list as many as you can in the space provided below!
We’ve also talked extensively throughout this unit about various musical terminology relating to
style, tempo, and dynamics. On your own, write down a few examples of musical styles, tempo
markings, and dynamics in the proper space provided below.
List at least 3 examples of musical styles that you might find marked in a piece of music.
List at least 3 examples of tempo markings that you might find marked in a piece of music.
List at least 3 examples of dynamics that you might find marked in a piece of music.
Hour ________
Selecting a Piece
Now that we have talked about some of the features of quality repertoire as a class, it’s time to
select a piece for you to perform together on the final day of the assessment. Below is a list of 5
different wind ensemble pieces. Because we will only have 5 days to prepare for the
performance, all of these pieces are on the easier side. I am going to play recordings of each
piece for you to sit quietly and listen. On your own, characterize at least one “feature of quality
repertoire” that you hear and write it down in the space provided next to the title of each piece.
As a class, we will vote on which piece we will perform on our final day. Write in your vote in
the blank provided below.
Completion Description
_______________ orksheet
I completed the Proper Posture w
and demonstrated an ability to distinguish the
difference between proper playing posture
and poor playing posture.
Hour ________
Ensemble Balance
Over the course of this unit, we have talked in class about the concept of playing with proper
balance while in an ensemble. To review these concepts and apply them to our new piece of
music, I am going to play a recording of our piece 3 times in total. While we listen, follow along
in your part and mark in each section where you have either the melody, countermelody, or the
accompaniment. Remember to always use a pencil when marking in your music in case you need
to erase a marking.
After the class has finished listening and everyone has their markings written in, write two
examples is the space below of a group of measures where you have the melody, countermelody,
or the accompaniment. Be sure to write the measure numbers and your instrument as well.
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
Hour ________
Proper Posture
Directions: Throughout our rehearsals this year, I’ve talked about the importance of playing
with proper posture. We’ve also gone over various methods of making sure you are playing with
proper posture. List at least 3 methods in the space provided below. You may reference your
computers or peers for help if needed.
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________
Write a check mark under the pictures where the instrumentalist is playing with proper posture.
Peer Observation:
Meet with your sections (all flutes together, all clarinets together. ect…) Take turns having one
player in each section simply play and hold out a concert Bb on their instrument. It is up to the
rest of the section to provide feedback to the player as to whether or not they are playing with
proper posture. If they are not, it is the job of the observers to correct any mistakes that they may
● Learning the Music worksheet.
● Individual parts for our selected piece
● Pencil and eraser
● Instrument in proper playing condition
Completion Description
Hour ________
Learning the Music
Directions: Today, we begin the process of rehearsing our selected piece on our instruments!
During our rehearsals this year, I have gone through the process of teaching notes, counting
rhythms, and emphasizing dynamics. Today, you will go through this process on your own, in
sections. First, review any tricky notes/fingering that you encounter in the piece. For this, you
may review your fingering charts that I handed out at the beginning of the year. Then, you will
count out and learn any difficult rhythms that you find. Remember our counting system that we
use in class. Finally, you will emphasize the dynamic markings that are in your parts. Use a
pencil to highlight them in whatever way works best for you so that you remember to play them.
Briefly playing through the piece as a section, making sure to review any difficult spots that you
may encounter. I will walk around to help as needed.
Toward the end of your rehearsal, write in a set of measure numbers below that your section
found to be difficult and explain why in complete sentences. Give two examples.
Example: Our section found measures 24-31 to be difficult because of the accidentals.
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
We will have 40 minutes to complete this activity. After the 40 minutes are up, we will meet
as an ensemble in the band room to rehearse the music together and attempt to run
through the piece a few times.
Completion Description
Hour ________
Directions: Throughout this unit, we have discussed in class how to play with proper intonation.
We’ve also talked about how to recognize when your intonation is not correct. In the space
provided below, list the primary item that we as musicians can hear when we are not playing in
Each instrument has certain notes that don’t quite play in tune the way that we went them to.
They require some adjustments in order to be in tune. In the space provided below list the name
of your instrument. Then list 3 “problem notes” on your instrument and describe the
corresponding fingering adjustments. Keep in mind that they are different for each instrument.
Try to complete this on your own, but I will be available for help if needed.
Example: On the alto saxophone, middle C# tends to be quite flat. To fix it, put down the octave
key and the G key to raise the pitch.
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
We will have 30 minutes to complete this activity. After the 30 minutes are up, we will meet
as an ensemble in the band room to rehearse the music together and attempt to run
through the piece for the final time before our performance tomorrow.
● 2:00pm - Get your instruments and music ready, warmup, and head to the stage
● 2:15pm - Performance
● 2:30pm - Self reflections in the band room
Materials needed for the performance:
● Individual parts for our selected piece
● Pencil and eraser
● Instrument in proper playing condition
Self Reflections
Directions: On your own, write down some thoughts about how you think this performance
went. You will be asked to list some things that you thought went well and you will be asked to
list some things that you thought could have gone better. Use complete sentences and be specific.
1. Talk about at least 2 things that you felt went well during the performance. Be specific
and use complete sentences.
2. Talk about at least 2 things that you felt could have gone better. Be specific and use
complete sentences