Assignment List English I
Assignment List English I
Assignment List English I
Note: All of the students must prepare a paper map as their portopholio
file in certain color based on their own class agreement. It must be
brought every meeting included mid-test exam.
a. Personal information (Name, Date of
birth, nationality, address, etc)
b. His/her achievement or master piece or
books or articles.
c. Inspiration you get from that person.
E.g: His theory opens my mind about how
simple the accounting is.
d. A motto of your in your future carrier.
E.g: Strong and constant economic
development of this country will be started
from my courage to become an honest and
preceference accountant.
e. All of powerpoint slide must include
pictures, caption, caricature, or photo of
those point a to d.
d.All of the slides are allowed to put words
maximum 4 Words ONLY.
e. Please arrange all of the information in
form of paper NOT POWERPONT COPY .
f. Unsuitable resultof the assignment will
not be scored.
g. Prepare the presentation individually and
do rehersal before the presentation day.
h. Note and Indonesian language during the
presentation is not permitted.
i. The presentation duration is not more
that 10 minutes.
A. Individual Individual Meeting
1. Each students must find a short reading To Class 15
text in selected topic which must be Work
DIFFERENT from one and other along with the
complete reference. Post the text to your FB
forum to avoid similar reading text. The FINAL
time to post into FB forum start from week PROJECT/
1. Please make a clear title for every FINAL EXAM
2. Each student must select different essay
and must be original. The earlier student
who posted the essay to the FB forum will be
officially permitted to own the essay. The
later one must search the new essay.
3. Put a clear and representative series of
pictures about the reading text.
4. Make a list of unfamiliar vocabulary
along with the meaning in Bahasa Indonesia
or definition in English or synonym in
Make 5 yes/no questions along with the
answer based on the essay.
5. Make 5 information questions along with
the answer based on the essay.
6. Make 5 objective questions with a, b, c,
d answers based on the information from the
text .
7. Use at least 10 unfamilar vocabulary
mentioned on the text to create a simple
convorsation at least 20 sentences with a
good grammatical order. Please put a picture
or illustration to strenghten the theme of
the drama/conversation.
Practice 1
ASSIGNMENT I Read this following text
Picture 1 Reading text.
By: Picture 2
Practice 2
120556782 Study these following vocabulary
Practice 3
Main idea of each paragraph
Practice 4
Answer these following questions based on the
information on the text.
ENGLISH I A. Yes/No question
B. Information question
C. Objective question
2016 Practice these following conversation
Practice 6
Play this following game.