The Influence of Medium Composition On The Growth and Swarming of Proteus
The Influence of Medium Composition On The Growth and Swarming of Proteus
The Influence of Medium Composition On The Growth and Swarming of Proteus
The ability of various compounds to support swarming of Proteus was
determined by making additions to a minimal medium agar on which
swarming did not occur. Swarming occurred when alanine, asparagine
aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glutamine, proline or serine were present, either
individually or together. It did not occur when certain other amino acids
were added individually to minimal medium agar but did occur when these
were added together. The ability of a compound to support swarming was
correlated with its ability to serve as a carbon +energy source and with the
stimulation of growth rate. The swarming phenomenon is discussed in the
light of these findings.
Many members of the bacterial genus Proteus exhibit the phenomenon of swarming
when grown on solid medium (Plate 1). When inoculated at the centre of a plate of
suitable medium and incubated aerobically at 30-37" the culture grows as short
organisms for a few hours; then organisms at the edge of the colony thus formed
elongate and spread over the surface, i.e. they swarm. Movement stops after 1-2 hr.
Division of organisms at the edge of the colony then occurs, to give short organisms,
and the cycle is repeated. All organisms beyond the edge of the initial colony con-
stitute the swarm. The swarming phenomenon of Proteus has been described by
many workers, with slight variations in their descriptions (Hauser, 1885; Moltke,
1927 ; Russ-Munzer, 1935 ; Dienes, 1946; Klieneberger-Nobel, 1947 ; Lominski &
Lendrum, 1947; Kvittingen, 1949a, b ; Hughes, 1957; Hoeniger, 1964; Jones, 1966).
Two theories have been proposed to explain swarming. One is that local over-popuation
exhausts the nutrients in the area and that the resultant gradient of nutrients at the
periphery encourages outward growth and movement (Moltke, 1927; Russ-Munzer,
1935). The other theory is that swarming is a response to metabolic products which
accumulate during growth of the non-swarming organisms (Lominski & Lendrum,
1947; Hughes, 1957).
There have been few studies of the effect of medium composition on swarming,
apart from studies which involved additions of inhibitors to stop swarming, and all
previous workers have used complex undefined media. We found that swarming of
Proteus mirabilis and P . vulgaris did not occur on a solid medium prepared by adding
agar to the minimal medium of Fildes (1938), although the organisms did produce
* Present address: Department of Microbiology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut,
Organisms. Several Proteus strains were isolated from swarms on blood agar
plates obtained through the courtesy of Dr T. D. Martin from the Pathology Depart-
ment, Royal Berkshire Hospital. Two strains of Proteus mirabilis were chosen for
detailed study ; these were deposited in the National Collection of Dairy Organisms
(NCDO 1880, NCDO 1881). On nutrient agar both strains gave zoned swarms typical
of Belyavin's (1951) 'A' phase (CY' variant of Coetzee & Sacks, 1960). Maintenance
was by subculture every 4 months on slopes of soft nutrient agar (see below) dispensed
in screw-capped bottles. After incubation at 37" for 24 hr cultures were stored at
room temperature.
Media. All media were prepared using demineralized water from a model 8E
Deminrolit two-cylinder ion exchanger (Permutit, London, W. 4). Nutrient agar
consisted of (%, w/v, in water) peptone (Evans), 0.5; Lab-Lemco (Oxoid), 0.5; NaCl,
0.5; New Zealand agar (Davis), 1.2; pH 7.2 before autoclaving (121", 20 min.). For
soft nutrient agar 0.8% (w/v) agar was used. Nutrient broth was of the same com-
position apart from the omission of agar. The liquid minimal medium (MM liquid)
for Proteus was that of Fildes (1938) but NaCl was incorporated to ensure sufficient
electrolyte for swarming on solid media (Naylor, 1960; Sandys, 1960). Five solutions
were prepared; Solution a was KH,P04, 18.0g.; (NHa2S04, 2.0g.; NH,Cl, 2.0g.;
sodium lactate (70 yo, w/v, aqueous solution), 1600g.; in 1800 ml. water; pH 7.6
before autoclaving (121", 20 min.): Solution b was Fe(NH,),(SO&, .6H,O,. 0.08 % (w/v)
in ~ / 5 HCl,
0 sterilized by filtration through glass : Solution c was MgS04.7H,O,
0.4 % (w/v) in water, sterilized by autoclaving (115", 10 min.) : Solution d was nicotinic
acid, 0.012 yo (w/v) in water, sterilized by autoclaving (115", 10 min.) : Solution e was
NaCl, 24.0 yo (w/v) in water, sterilized by autoclaving (121", 20 min.). For use,
solutions a (30 ml.), b (1-5ml.), c (0.6 ml.), d (1.2 ml.), e (1.2 ml.) were mixed and
made to 60 ml. with water or with aqueous solutions of test materials. To obtain
a minimal medium agar (MM agar) the constituents of solution a (see above) were
dissolved in 200 ml. demineralized water and added while hot to a hot solution of
New Zealand agar (Davis; 43.2 g. in 1600ml. water), after which the whole was sterilized
by autoclaving (115", 10 min.). For use, 30 ml. of this molten agar was cooled to
60°, the same amounts of solutions b, c, d and e as given above were added, and the
volume made to 60 ml. with water or with aqueous solutions of test materials.
Plates were prepared by pouring about 15 ml. molten medium at 55" into glass
Petri dishes (diam. 9 cm.) and drying open for 2 hr at 37". They were used within
24 hr.
Inoculum. Organisms from a nutrient agar slope culture incubated at 37" for 24 hr
were washed once in strength Ringer solution (50ml.) and then suspended in
3ml. strength Ringer solution to give a dense suspension. Each inoculum was
tested to see that it consisted of organisms in the A(Y) phase (see above) by inoculation
on two nutrient agar plates and examination after incubation to confirm that a zoned
swarm was produced.
Substance t o be tested
Fig. 1. Diagram to show the technique used to determine the ability
of substances to support swarming.
24 G. Microb. 47
basal medium Strain 1880 Strain 1881 Strain 1880 Strain 1881
DL-a-alanine +++ +++ ++++ ++++
DL-serine ++ +++S ++++S +++S
L-threonine + ++ ++++ ++++
L-aspartic acid + + ++++S +++S
L-glutamic acid +++ +++S +++S ++++S
L-proline ++++ ++++S ++++ ++++
L-asparagine + + ++++S ++++S
L-glutamine +++ +++ ++++S ++++S
Glycine - +++ +++
L-tyrosine - ++ ++
DL-tryptophane - ++ ++
L-cysteine HCl - ++ ++
Lcystine - ++ ++
DL-methionhe - +++ +++
L-arginine HCl - +++ ++
DL-valine - + +
DL-leucine - + +
DL-isoleucine - + +
DL-P-phenylalanine - + +
L-histidine HC1 - + +
L-lysine HCl
+- +
sodium lactate +++++ +++++
NHdCl+ (NH&SO, . +++ +++
* When tested as carbon and energy sources amino acids were added to MM agar from which
sodium lactate was omitted. When tested as nitrogen sources they were added to MM agar from
which NH4Cl and (NH4)2SO4 were omitted.
t Amount of growth, not including growth of any swarms, supported by amino compounds
varied from ++++ (maximum growth) to - (same amount of growth as that on MM agar
without sodium lactate or without NH4Cl and (NH4),S04 as appropriate).
Amount of growth supported when serving as carbon and energy sources cannot be compared
with that supported when serving as nitrogen sources as in each case the amino compound supporting
most growth was scored ++++ irrespective of the absolute amount of growth.
S, Swarming occurred.
inoculation and the production of swarms. Furthermore, when swarming did occur
it did so before maximum growth had been reached at the inoculum site, i.e. at a time
when the amount of growth was less than the maximum produced on media which
did not support swarming.
The possibility that swarming was related to the rate of growth was investigated
by using strain NCDO 1881. Because of the difficulties involved in measuring growth
Despite suggestions that the swarming of Proteus is a response to a depletion of
nutrients or to accumulation of toxic metabolic products there is little information
on which to develop a satisfactory explanation for the phenomenon. The study of the
phenomenon of swarming is difficult because swarming occurs intermittently and only
on solid (agar, gelatin) media. Our studies and those of other workers (see Jones &
Park, 1967) have shown that the occurrence of swarming of Proteus is always
associated with the change from short forms to long forms and that long forms are
not formed in liquid media (but see Kvittingen, 1949a).
Amino acid requirements for morphological changes of some micro-organisms
have been reported. SentheShanmaganathan & Nickerson (1962) found that methio-
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Photograph of a swarm of Proteus mirabilis NCDO 1881 on a nutrient agar 9 cm. plate. The plate
was inoculated at the centre with 1 drop of a suspension of organism and was incubated for 20 hr at
37". ~ 1 . 3 .