2019 Formacion de Huecos en Las Resinas Bulk

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d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 3 5 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 585–596

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Real-time in-depth imaging of gap formation in

bulk-fill resin composites

Juri Hayashi a,b , Jorge Espigares b , Tomohiro Takagaki b , Yasushi Shimada c ,

Junji Tagami b , Tomoko Numata d , Daniel Chan a , Alireza Sadr a,b,∗
a Department of Restorative Dentistry, Biomimetics Biomaterials Biophotonics Biomechanics & Technology
Laboratory, School of Dentistry, University of Washington, 1959 NE Pacific Street, Seattle, WA 98195-7456, USA
b Cariology and Operative Dentistry, Department of Restorative Sciences, Graduate School of Medical and Dental

Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 1-5-45, Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8549, Japan
c Department of Operative Dentistry, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama

University, 2-5-1 Shikata-cho, Kita-ku, Okayama 700-8525, Japan

d Analytical Technology Center, Horiba Techno Service Co., Ltd., 2-6 Awaji-cho, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0063,


a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives. This study visualized in real-time the gap forming of bulk-fill resin composites
Received 22 September 2018 during polymerization using optical coherence tomography (OCT).
Received in revised form Methods. Light-cured bulk-fill resin composites; Tetric N-ceram Bulk Fill (TNB), SonicFill
29 January 2019 (SNF), Surefil SDR (SDR), dual-cured bulk-fill resin composite Bulk EZ (BEZ), and light-cured
Accepted 30 January 2019 core resin composite Clearfil Photo Core (CPC) were investigated. Swept-source OCT real-
time cross-sectional monitoring was obtained during resin composite placement and curing
procedure. Gap formation was observed in bonded cylindrical resin composite molds (4-mm
Keywords: depth, 3-mm diameter) and free shrinkage volume was observed at the top and bottom of a
Degree of conversion tube with similar dimensions (n = 10). OCT 3D data were analyzed to calculate sealing floor
Polymerization area percentage (SFA%) and volumetric shrinkage in bonded tube (VS%). Data were analyzed
Composite resins by ANOVA at significance level of 0.05. The bottom-top degree of conversion ratio (DC%-R)
Dental restoration failure through 4-mm depth was measured using the XploRA Plus micro-Raman spectroscopy.
Optical coherence tomography Results. BEZ showed no gap formation at the cavity floor in any specimens while SNF showed
Bulk-filled the highest gap formation; the statistical order in terms of SFA% was BEZ (100 ± 0) > TNB
Self-cured (84.97 ± 2.98) > CPC (52.13 ± 8.23) = SDR (45.97 ± 9.21) > SNF (16.23 ± 6.00) (p < 0.05). On the
Shrinkage other hand, total VS% was statistically ordered as BEZ (3.40 ± 0.14) > SDR (3.22 ± 0.09) > TNB
(1.82 ± 0.11) > SNF (1.65 ± 0.04) = CPC (1.56 ± 0.04) (p < 0.05). Unlike BEZ, the light-cured resin
composites showed larger shrinkage at specimen bottom than top. TNB showed the lowest
DC%-R followed by SNF (p < 0.05).
Significance. Light-cured bulk-fill resin composites showed various degrees of gap formation
and shrinkage at 4-mm deep cavity. The dual-cured bulk-filled resin composite showed

Corresponding author at: Department of Restorative Dentistry, University of Washington, 1959 NE Pacific Street Box 357456, Seattle, WA
98195-7456, USA.
E-mail address: arsadr@uw.edu (A. Sadr).
0109-5641/© 2019 The Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
586 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 3 5 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 585–596

no decrease of degree of conversion through the depth and the highest cavity adaptation
despite its tendency for higher volumetric shrinkage.
© 2019 The Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

information is available on their performance in comparison

1. Introduction with light-cured bulk-fill resin composites.
Assessment of the sealing performance and morphological
Over the past several decades, resin composites have gradu- observation of interface affected by polymerization shrinkage
ally been accepted as reliable restorative materials in dentistry have been commonly carried out using various light and elec-
[1,2]. Clinical and technical demands have promoted the tron microscopes [20,21]. These methods require sectioning
development of bulk-fill resin composites which are indi- and polishing of the specimen which may lead to increased
cated for single increment placement up to 4- or 5-mm depth artifacts and interfacial gap [22]. In such an observation, the
[3,4]. According to the manufacturers, these resin composites outcome cannot clarify the mechanism of when or how the
generate lower polymerization shrinkage stress, allow higher gap or defect generated. Optical coherence tomography (OCT)
light transmission and have adequate degree of conversion can visualize internal biological and biomaterial structures
(DC). Improvements in bulk-fill resin composites have been nondestructively using infrared light waves with high biolog-
made through modification of organic matrix, initiator and ical safety [23]. The effectiveness of OCT for evaluation of
filler content, shape and size [5,6]. Volumetric shrinkage in resin composite restoration marginal adaptation and inter-
methacrylate-based resin composite materials is unavoidably facial gaps has been demonstrated [12,24,25]. The validity of
generated during polymerization due to reduction of the dis- the OCT imaging method for quantitative analysis has been
tance between monomers as the weak van der Waals forces verified by strong correlation with confocal laser scanning
between monomers are converted into covalent bonds [7]. microscopic observation [26]. Moreover, thanks to the high-
Contraction stress is the result of polymerization shrinkage speed laser scanning, fast digital to analogue (DAC) technology
taking place under confinement caused by bonding to cavity and powerful 3D image processing, OCT is a unique method
walls or other increments. The magnitude of the stress and for real-time observation and 3D quantification of defect for-
its distribution are affected by the matrix composition, vol- mation in dental resin composites [27]. In addition to defect
ume, configuration (C-factor) and compliance of the cavity, analysis, the 3D image can be simply applicable for shrinkage
and the kinetics of the polymerization reaction [8,9]. These volume analysis.
stresses can affect the adhesive interface between the tooth In this study, the momentary behavior of bulk-fill resin
and restoration and lead the interfacial gap formation [10–12] composites during light-curing was observed, and interfacial
and subsequent clinical problems such as postoperative sen- gap and shrinkage volume were quantified using OCT along
sitivity due to movement of fluids in the dentinal tubules with the DC of all tested resin composite. The null hypothesis
[13] Polymerization shrinkage stress can also lead to crack was that there was no significant difference in gap formation,
propagation and fracture of the tooth-restorative complex volumetric shrinkage and DC among the materials tested.
The physico-chemical properties of bulk-fill resin compos-
ites have been verified from a variety of perspectives [15–17]. 2. Materials and methods
Nevertheless, a correlation between these basic properties and
the clinical performance of materials is not guaranteed [18]. 2.1. Specimen preparation
An evidence-based recommendation for the clinical use of the
bulk-fill materials requires well-designed clinical studies over A schematic drawing of the experiment is shown in Fig. 1.
a long time. On the other hand, laboratory studies in clinical- For observing interfacial gap formation and shrinkage behav-
relevant set-up can provide useful insight into the clinical ior in confined environment, cylindrical cavities (3 mm in
performance of these materials. diameter, 4 mm in depth, C-factor = 4.98) and tubes (3 mm
The bulk-fill resin composites are mainly marketed as low- in diameter, 4 mm in height, C-factor = 2.67) were prepared
viscosity (flowable) or regular-viscosity resin composites. Due on resin composite blocks using diamond bur (SF101CR,
to wear and mechanical properties, the majority of flowable Shofu, Kyoto, Japan) attached to a high-speed turbine hand-
bulk-fill resin composites are recommended to be placed with piece under water coolant. A silicone impression of the
an additional layer of hybrid resin composite on the occlusal model was made (EXA’lence extra light body; GC America,
surface. Comparison of the internal adaptation between bulk- IL, USA). Fifty standardized molds and 50 standardized tubes
filled resin composites and incrementally placed conventional were duplicated by pouring and light-curing flowable resin
resin composites suggested that the incremental-fill tech- composite (Estelite Flow Quick shade A2; Tokuyama Den-
nique produced better internal adaptation than the bulk-fill tal, Tokyo, Japan) into these silicone molds. The flowable
technique [19]. resin composite was inserted and polymerized in 4 incre-
Recently, dual-cured bulk-fill resin composites have been ments with 40 seconds using a halogen light curing unit
marketed as paste-paste flowable materials with the aim to with 600 mW/cm2 light irradiance (Optilux 501, Kerr, Orange,
improve the DC through the depth of material; however, little CA, USA) for each increment. After the cavity preparation,
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 3 5 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 585–596 587

Table 1 – Tested composites, specimen preparation and surface treatment materials used in the study.
Tested composites

Material/Shade (Code/Lot No). Type recommended light Composition (filler wt% & Characteristics (as claimed on
Manufacturer activation time and vol%) the manufacturer website)
Tetric N-ceram Bulk fill/IVA High-viscosity light-cured Monomers; Bis-GMA, Bis-EMA, Shrinkage stress: isofiller; partially
(TNB/R52450) bulk-fill composite UDMA functionalized by silane and lower
Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, 20 s (≥500 mW/cm2 ) Fillers; Barium aluminium elastic modulus, acts as a stress
Liechtenstein 10 s (≥1000 mW/cm2 ) silicate glass, Ytterbium, reliever
Trifluoride, Prepolymer, Mixed Depth of cure: ivocerin and Lucirin
Oxide TPO; lower peak sensitive with high
(77 wt%, 55 vol%) absorption coefficient, contribute to
greater depth of cure up to 4 mm
Other features: stabilizer/inhibitor;
delay the polymerization process,
possible to use as a single layer

SonicFill/A2 (SNF/4637057) High-viscosity light-cured Monomers; Bis-EMA, Bis-GMA, Shrinkage stress: lower shrinkage
Karr, Orange, CA, USA bulk-fill composite TEGDMA stress ensure marginal integrity
20 s (650 − 1000 mW/cm2 ) Fillers; Barium glass, Silicon Depth of cure: refractive index
10 s (>1000 mW/cm2 ) dioxide matching and an enhanced curing
(83.5 wt%, 69 vol%) mechanism allow up to 5 mm
polymerization depths
Other features: rheological modifiers;
increase the flowability through sonic
energy as dispensed using the special
hand piece, possible to use as a single

Surefil SDR/Universal Low-viscosity light-cured Monomers; SDR patented Shrinkage stress: patented urethane
(SDR/1707000776) bulk-fill composite UDMA, TEGDMA, EBPDMA dimethacrylate monomer with high
Dentply Sirona, York, PA, USA 20 s (550 − 1000 mW/cm2 ) Fillers; Barium and strontium molecular weight and lower
10 s (1000 − 2000 mW/cm2 ) alumino fluoro silicate glass volumetric shrinkage. Polymerization
(68 wt%, 45 vol%) modulator; optimize flexibility and
higher dissipation of energy
Depth of cure: allows a bulk fill of up
to 4 mm
Other features: self-leveling feature;
allow intimate adaptation to the
cavity, requires additional occlusal

Bulk EZ/A2 (BEZ/41551) Low-viscosity dual-cured Monomers; EBPDMA, TEGDMA, Shrinkage stress: the self-cure system
Danville Materials, Carlsbad, CA, bulk-fill composite Bis-GMA, UDMA with IntelliTek technology designed to
USA 10 s (no specific Fillers; Fluoride compound, specifically control and direct
recommendation for the Glass compound shrinkage, addressing the issue of
irradiance) (Proprietary/Proprietary) stress from rapid curing
Depth of cure: unlimited cure depth
Other features: self-cure system
compatible with a wide variety of
bonding agents cavity adaptation;
High flowablity, additional occlusal
layer optional

Clearfil Photo Core/Universal High-viscosity core build-up Monomers; TEGDMA, Bis-GMA Shrinkage stress: small
(CPC/B20160) composite Fillers; Silanated silica filler, polymerization shrinkage
Kuraray Noritake Dental, Tokyo, 40 s (Halogen, silanated barium glass filler Depth of cure: cures up to a depth of
Japan 300–550 mW/cm2 ) (83 wt%, 68 vol%) 10 mm
20 s (LED, >300 mW/cm2 ) Other features: developed specifically
5 s (Halogen, >550 mW/cm2 ) as a core build-up material that cuts
like dentin
588 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 3 5 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 585–596

– Table 1 (Continued)
Specimen preparation and surface treatment materials

Materials Lot No. Manufacturer Composition Application

Estelite Flow Quick shade A2 JO651 Tokuyama Dental, Tokyo, Japan Monomers; Bis-MPEPP, Dispense in layers up to 2 mm in
TEGDMA, UDMA, thickness; Light cure for 20 s
Fillers; Silica-zirconia filler,
silica-titania fillers
(71 wt%, 53 vol%)
K-etchant gel 3D0042 Kuraray Noritake Dental, 35–45% phosphoric acid, Apply onto the adherent surface and
Tokyo, Japan colloidal silica, water leave for 5 s; thoroughly wash and dry
Clearfil Ceramic Primer Plus Kuraray Noritake Dental, Methacryloxypropil trimethoxy Apply to the adherent surface; dry the
A50030 Tokyo, Japan silane, MDP, ethanol entire adherent surface sufficiently
using mild, oil-free air blow
Clearfil SE Bond 2 Bond 4R0318 Kuraray Noritake Dental, MDP, Bis-GMA, HEMA, Apply onto the adherent surface and
Tokyo, Japan hydrophobic dimethacrylate, gently air blow; light cure for 10 s
CQ, N,N-diethanol p-toluidine,
silanated filler
Bis-EMA, bisphenol-A polyethylene glycol diether dimethacrylate; Bis-GMA, bisphenol-A diglycidyl ether dimethacrylate; Bis-MPEPP, bisphenol
A polyethoxy methacrylate; CQ, camphorquinone; EBPDMA, ethoxylated bisphenol-A-dimethacrylate; HEMA, 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate;
MDP, 10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate; TEGDMA, triethylene glycol dimethacrylate; UDMA, urethane dimethacrylate.

it was stored in 37 ◦ C for 1 week to complete polymer- 2.2. Optical observation of interfacial gap formation
ization. In order to provide sufficient bonding, the inner and volumetric shrinkage
surfaces of the molds were sandblasted with 50 ␮m alu-
mina particles (MicroEtcher II; Danville Materials, Carlsbad, A swept-source OCT system (IVS-2000; Santec, Komaki, Ehime,
CA, USA) at 0.4 MPa for 15 s, followed by ultrasonic cleaning Japan) with a center wavelength was 1330 nm (bandwidth
for 10 min (Model US 102; SND, Nagano, Japan), phosphoric 110 nm) and 30-kHz sweep rate was used for evaluation of
acid cleaning (K-etchant gel; Kuraray Noritake Dental, Tokyo, the interfacial gaps formation in the cavities and the free sur-
Japan), silanization (Clearfil Ceramic Primer Plus; Kuraray face displacements at the both ends of the tube specimens.
Noritake Dental, Tokyo, Japan) and bond application (Clearfil The optical resolution is 20 ␮m transversally and 12 ␮m axi-
SE Bond 2 Bonding Agent; Kuraray Noritake Dental, Tokyo, ally in air (7–8 ␮m in tissues with a refractive index around 1.5).
Japan). All surface conditioning steps were performed in The technical details of the system have been reported previ-
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions as listed in ously [27]. During placement and polymerization of the resin
Table 1. composite in the cavities, the OCT probe was placed beneath
Five types of resin composites recommended for bulk the cavity so that the cavity floor adhesive interface could
placement in 4 mm depth were evaluated (Table 1); Two high- be imaged. The the XZ cross-sectional images (B-scans) were
viscosity light-cured bulk-fill resin composites; SonicFill (SNF; recorded continuously at the center of the cavity in real time as
Karr, Orange, CA, USA) and Tetric N-ceram Bulk Fill (TNB; a windows media video file at a resolution of 800 × 600 pixels
Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein), a low-viscosity and 20 frames per second. 3D scans were obtained immedi-
light-cured bulk-fill resin composite; Surefil SDR (SDR; Dent- ately after light-curing at 256 × 256 × 1024 pixels over an XYZ
ply Sirona, York, PA, USA), a low-viscosity dual-cured bulk-fill volume of 5 × 5 × 7 mm3 . OCT probe was then rotated 90◦ and
resin composite; Bulk EZ (BEZ; Danville Materials, Carls- the adaptation at the axial walls of all cavities was confirmed.
bad, CA, USA), and a high-viscosity core resin composite; For the resin composites placed in the tubes, 3D scans at both
Clearfil Photo Core (CPC; Kuraray Noritake Dental, Tokyo, ends of the tubes were separately obtained as described.
Japan). All materials were placed in bulk and the free sur-
faces were covered by plastic matrix (Hawe Transparent
2.3. Quantitative 3D analysis
Striproll, Kerr, Orange, CA, USA) due to flattening the sur-
face and isolation without disturbing the light delivering.
Amira software (version 5.5.0, FEI Visualization Sciences
TNB and CPC were placed using a hand instrument as
Group, Oregon, USA) was used for OCT 3D data analysis.
a single increment. SDR and BEZ were directly dispensed
For interfacial gap quantification, a volume of interest (VOI)
from the syringe using the provided nozzle. SNF was sonic
of 3 × 3 × 0.1 mm3 , covering the whole cavity floor area was
activated (SonicFill handpiece, Kerr, Orange, CA, USA) to
selected on each scan. A binary image was created by averag-
place the material with the regulating ring of the hand-
ing XY slices over 100-␮m thick region at the floor using the
piece set at level 3. According to the instruction, after resin
maximum intensity projection (MIP) in the VOI, according to
composite placement only BEZ required 90 s before starting
the established method [26,27]. Sealed floor area percentage
light activation. The halogen light curing unit light guide
(SFA%) values were calculated considering the area proportion
tip was set perpendicularly as close as possible to the top
of the binarized pixel clusters over total floor area in each MIP
surface of the placement, and employed to 40 s light-cure
the resin composites irradiance of 600 mW/cm2 via plastic
For shrinkage volume quantification, OCT 3D data were
obtained at both ends of tube immediately after light curing.
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 3 5 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 585–596 589

Fig. 1 – Schematic of methodology for interfacial gap analysis (A), volumetric shrinkage analysis (B), and degree of
conversion analysis (C); real-time video of OCT XZ plane image was obtained during bulk-fill resin composite placement
and polymerization procedure (A2) in resin composite mold (A1). Right after curing, 3D OCT scan of the cavity floor was
obtained and the wall adaptation was confirmed (A3). OCT 3D image was reconstructed by a series of OCT XZ data (A4a, b).
The selected region of the cavity floor was projected on Z axis using the MIP method (A4c). The gap area percentage (blank
arrow) in whole cavity area (broken line circle) was calculated (A4d). For volumetric shrinkage analysis, OCT 3D scans of the
tube top and bottom were performed immediately after light-curing and the wall adaptation was confirmed (B1-3). B4a–b
present en face and B4c–d show side views of the tube ends reconstructed in 3D by Amira software. The volumetric
shrinkage percentage in whole tube volume was calculated. For degree of conversion analysis, the specimen polymerized in
silicone tube with both ends covered by plastic matrix was sectioned at the center after 24 h storage (C1–3). Raman
spectrums were recorded on the vertical line at the center of the cross-section (C4).

Volumetric shrinkage percentage in bonded tube (VS%) were with power output of 5 mW was used to collect 638 nm wave-
calculated considering the volume change at each end of the length laser spectrum along a Z-axis line at the center of
tube over the total volume of tube. The ends of tube were the cross-section at 100 ␮m intervals. The intensity ratio (IR)
distinguished as the side close to the light source (top) and was calculated using the phenyl CC peak at 1607 cm−1 as an
opposite side (bottom). The total volumetric shrinkage per- immutable reference and the vinyl CC peak at 1635 cm−1 as
centage in bonded tube (TVS%), was calculated as sum of the a reaction peak, which would decrease with polymerization.
top-VS% and bottom-VS%. To exclude the effect of oxygen inhibition and surface irregu-
larities, measurements were started at 300 ␮m below the top
surface; IRTop was obtained as the average of 0.3–0.7 mm from
2.4. DC ratio the top surface and IRBottom was obtained as the average of
3.6–4.0 mm from the top surface. The bottom-to-top DC ratio
Resin composites disks were placed in a silicone mold (3 mm (DC-R%) which means the extent of polymerization decrement
in diameter, 5 mm in height) in the same manner as described through depth was calculated according to the formula:
above. After 24 h storage in dry and dark condition at 37 ◦ C,
the disks were axially sectioned at the centers with low- IRTop
DC − R (%) = × 100
speed diamond saw (Isomet, Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL, USA). IRBottom
Raman microscopy (The XploRA Plus, Horiba, Kyoto, Japan)
590 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 3 5 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 585–596

2.5. Cross-sectional microscopy nificance level set at ˛ = 0.05. Bonferroni correction was used
for post-hoc comparisons.
In order to confirm the location and pattern of gap formation,
direct observation of the interface in the specimen under con-
3. Results
focal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM, 1LM21H/W; Lasertec
Co., Yokohama, Japan) was accomplished after trimming the
Still images from the OCT real-time videos are shown in Fig. 2.
specimen to the central cross-section. The trimming was done
The representative video clips edited in Windows Movie Maker
with different sizes of SiC paper ranging from 280-grit up to
(Microsoft, Bellevue, WA) are presented in the Videos A–E.
2000-grit followed by diamond pastes down to a particle size
Gaps, indicated by bright lines from high signal intensities at
of 0.25 ␮m in circular motion under copious cooling water to
the interface, mainly initiated from nearby the internal line
reach vicinity of the cross-section imaged by OCT. The cav-
angles at a few seconds after starting irradiation, and pro-
ity floor on each cross-section was imaged at ×500 and ×1250
gressed toward the center of the cavity. The extent, initiation
timing and propagation rates differed depending on mate-
rials (Fig. 2A–C and Videos A–C). BEZ showed no interfacial
2.6. Statistical analysis gap appearance during light curing (Fig. 2D and Video D). In
TNB, CPC and BEZ, prior to appearance of the gaps, existing
SFA%, TVS% and DC-R% values were statistically analyzed voids and air bubbles entrapped in resin composites showed
using one-way analysis of variance. A two-way repeated- enlargements (Fig. 2C).
measure analysis of variance was applied to VS% values, with In MIP images of cavity floors, TNB, CPC and SDR showed
the free surface location (top and bottom) as the within- similar toroidal gap pattern while in SNF, the gap was exten-
subjects factor and the material as the between-subjects sively widespread and in BEZ, no gap was observed (Fig. 3A).
factor. All the analyses were performed using the Statistical SFA% was significantly affected by materials (p < 0.001). SNF
Package for Social Science (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA) with the sig- showed the lowest values and the statistical order was

Fig. 2 – Representative OCT B scan frames from real-time video clips during the placement and light curing procedure (A–D)
replicated from each specimen at each point of time (1–5). During placement, the surface of SNF showed characteristic
corrugated form due to sonic activation (A1, arrow). The high signal intensities (A3, arrows) appeared at the cavity internal
angle about 3 s after starting light irradiation, and it took about 2 s for developing through the whole cavity floor (A4). In
SDR, high signal intensities appeared at the both cavity corners 4 s after starting light irradiation (B3, arrows), and
progressed to around 65% of the cavity floor in 2 s (B4). After the horizontal development of gaps through the floor interface
stopped, the series of high signal intensities developed into the double lines indicating widening of the gap (B5, arrows). In
BEZ, during the observation no high signal intensity was shown at the cavity interface (D).
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 3 5 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 585–596 591

Fig. 3 – Representative reconstructed XY plane MIP images of the cavity floors from OCT 3D data just after light curing (A).
Sealed floor area percentage (SFA%) of each groups with their standard deviations (B). Horizontal bars indicate no significant
differences between these groups (p > 0.05).

BEZ > TNB > CPC = SDR > SNF (Fig. 3B). Representative correla-
tive OCT and CLSM images were presented in Fig. 4. Increased
4. Discussion
signal intensity on OCT B-Scan corresponded to the gaps and
A new OCT technique for real-time visualization and analysis
bubbles in CLSM images (Fig. 4A1–A4). In a BEZ specimen with
of gap formation and progress at resin composite interfaces
no increased OCT signal intensity, no gaps could be observed
has been established [27]. In this study, the technique was
at the cavity interface under CLSM (Fig. 4A5, C). Under CLSM,
applied for the first time to evaluate the interfacial debonding
most gaps were observed to be located between bulk-fill resin
of bulk-fill resin composite in real time. The effective imaging
composites and adhesive (Fig. 4B).
depth of the OCT depends on the source beam characteristics
Shrinkage in bonded tube test suggested that in all
and system setup, as well as optical properties of the object.
tested materials, polymerization shrinkage led to free sur-
While sound human enamel is reported to have low attenua-
faces deformation to form a concavity at both tube ends
tion of the near-infra red light, dentin has a more anisotropic
(Fig. 5A). VS% was significantly affected by materials and
structure and an order of magnitude larger attenuation, lim-
free surface locations, and the interaction was also signifi-
iting the OCT imaging depth [28]. In this study, the simulated
cant (p < 0.001). Each light-cured material showed significantly
standard cavities were made of a resin composite commonly
different VS% between top and bottom surfaces (p < 0.001),
used in OCT experiments and known to allow at least 2-mm
with larger volumetric shrinkage at the bottom. On the other
OCT imaging depth [26,27]. The OCT probe was placed at the
hand, there was no significant difference between bottom and
bottom of the 4-mm deep resin composite to allow for effec-
top for BEZ (p > 0.05) (Fig. 5B). In terms of total shrinkage,
tive imaging of the 0.5-mm thick cavity floor. It is noteworthy
BEZ showed the largest TVS%, and the statistical order was
that the sand blasting surface treatment of the simulated
BEZ > SDR > TNB > SNF = CPC (Fig. 5C).
cavity and use of a bonding agent after application of the
TNB showed the most inferior DC-R% (70.5%) followed by
primer with silane and 10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen
SNF (81.8%), while BEZ, CPC and SDR showed little change in
phosphate (MDP) adhesive monomer promoted a strong bond-
DC from top to bottom (Fig. 6), with BEZ reaching 103.8% DC-
ing to the resin composite walls [29]. This procedure enabled
comparison of gap formation among resin composites as a
592 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 3 5 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 585–596

Fig. 4 – OCT B-scan and CLSM confirmatory images obtained for each group (A) and 1250× magnification CLSM images at
the corresponding areas (B, C). GA, gap; AD, adhesive; BC, bulk-fill resin composite; CC, cavity resin composite. High signal
intensity (A2, blank arrow) at the cavity interface corresponds with gap (A2, bold arrow). Double bright lines (A3, blank
arrows) indicated wider gaps (A3, bold arrows). High magnification CLSM image shows that the resin composite placement
separates from top surface of the adhesive layer (B). Blank arrow heads are pointing toward the interface with no increase in
signal intensity, indicating absence of gap as confirmed in corresponding CLSM images (A5). In confirmatory high
magnification CLSM image, tight adaptation between the bulk-fill resin composite, adhesive and cavity resin composite is
shown (C).

function of polymerization kinetics and stress development at material. When sufficient intensity of light is applied, resin
the cavity floor. Interestingly, none of the specimens showed composite reaches into the post-gel phase, that is, the cross-
gap formation as result of separation of the adhesive layer linking of the polymer chains within the resin composite
from the cavity wall in this study. increases modulus of elasticity [34]. The DC and polymer-
The compliance of cavity walls, which is characterized by ization rate of light-activated resin composite material are
the stiffness and deformation, affects stress development and affected by light irradiance and exposure time [7,35]; there-
distribution, cuspal deflection and interfacial gap formation fore a deeper part of resin composite reaches post-gel phase
[30,31]. A flowable resin composite was used to fabricate the at a later time compared with the shallower part i.e. adjacent
simulated cavities in this study, which are known to lower to the light source. In this manner, this delay leaves room for
stiffness than regular resin composites. The wall at the sim- viscous displacement at the deeper part. The results where all
ulated cavity floor was much thinner than that of the axial light-cured materials showed significantly larger volumetric
walls (0.5 mm vs. 2 mm) allowing for higher compliance; how- shrinkage at the tube bottom than the tube top substantiated
ever, no gaps were formed at the axial interfaces. In addition, this interpretation.
the degree of conversion of the resin composite mold could Despite modifications of the formulations to improve the
have affected the results. Therefore, the use of resin compos- flexibility of the formed polymers, the light-cured materials
ite mold instead of tooth cavity is a limitation of the current showed various degree of gap formation at the cavity floor.
study. The gaps initiated near the internal line angles and propagated
This pattern of gap formation exclusively at the cavity floor toward the center, which corroborated that the peak stresses
is supported by previous studies tested in similar conditions formed at the internal line angles of the cavity [36,37]. In addi-
of this study, which showed that large shrinkage upward- tion, the nonuniform output delivered by light curing units
pointed vectors form at the lower part in bonded no-tapered in which generally the center of the light source shows the
cylindrical cavities filled by a light-cured resin composite in a strongest power density [38,39] could be considered as another
single increment that could result in debonding [32,33], while factors affecting the gap formation pattern.
this pattern due to the shrinkage vector would be poten- Microfocus X-ray computed tomography (micro-CT) has
tially changed depends on the cavity shape, configuration, been used for analysis of resin composite shrinkage patterns
and adhesive conditions [33]. This shrinkage gradient through and volumetric shrinkage comparisons in cavities [32,40]. The
depth of placement can be explained by the light attenua- OCT used in this study had comparable axial resolution with
tion associated with the absorption and scatter within the micro-CT used in previous volumetric shrinkage study (12 ␮m
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 3 5 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 585–596 593

Fig. 5 – Representative reconstructed 3D images of the top and bottom tube ends from OCT 3D data just after light curing
(A). The coordinate corresponding to the imaging direction is set at the upper left corners. In all tested materials, the free
surfaces deform towards the center of resin composite mass. Volumetric shrinkage percentage (VS%) and total volumetric
shrinkage percentage (TVS%) of each groups with their standard deviations (B, C). A two-way repeated-measure analysis of
variance was applied to VS% values and TVS% value was statistically analyzed using one-way analysis of variance.
Horizontal bars indicate no significant differences between these groups (p > 0.05).

in air vs. 16 ␮m) [40]. TVS% showed nominal values consis- as well as for copolymerization to occur between the resin
tent with volumetric shrinkage results in the literature [41], composite and adhesive at the bottom of the cavity.
which reported a higher shrinkage strain and stress in flow- Likewise, TNB showed the lowest gap formation among
able materials compared with paste-type resin composites. In the light-cured materials. The DC-R% through depth was
this study, the interfacial gap and volumetric shrinkage did the lowest of all for this material, which could partly
not appear to be correlated, particularly as the dual-cured explain the result given that a lower DC [46] has been
material (BEZ) showed no gap formation despite its compa- associated with lower stress development [47]. In addition,
rable shrinkage to other flowable bulk-fill resin composite. TNB includes proprietary germanium photo-initiator bis-
BEZ contains a proprietary hydroperoxide oxidizing agent and (4-methoxybenzoyl)diethylgermane Ge-3 (namely Ivocerin)
a thiourea reducing agent as the catalyst redox system that and phenyl propandione and acyl phosphine oxide (Lucirin
allows polymerization reaction within 2 min after mixing. TPO), which absorb relatively lower wavelength range than
These catalyst systems have been reported to have similar camphorquinone with a higher reactivity, according to the
DC but an improved shelf-life and color-stability compared manufacturer. This together with increased inhibitor to slow
with self-cured systems based on benzoyl peroxide [42]. The the rate of polymerization and the stress [9] might have con-
depth of cure in self-cure systems is not a function of light tributed to the copolymerization with adhesive at the cavity
irradiance; however, slower polymerization rate [42], lower floor using the halogen light-curing source.
degree of cross-linking (i.e. more linear polymer) [43] and Several voids could be observed through the resin compos-
contraction stress development [44] have been reported for ites; mainly for TNB, CPC and BEZ. A previous study reported
self-cured materials. Even though the final DC in the self-cured that air inclusion of between 0.1 and 2% of the total restora-
mode may not be necessarily lower than the dual-cured mode tion volume [48]. It has been suggested that the voids can be
[43], additional light-curing would improve the polymer cross- stress relievers by increasing the material free surface, which
linking [45]. In this study, it appears that the slower initial facilitates flow during polymerization [49]. However, studies
chemical polymerization reaction preceding light activation demonstrating the significance of these small voids that form
had advantages for the bulk-fill resin composite; it allowed unintentionally through the bulk of a dental restoration in
for viscoelastic flow within the material and stress relaxation reduction of polymerization stress are lacking.
594 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 3 5 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 585–596

Fig. 6 – Representative patterns of intensity ratio (IR) progression based on Raman microscopy through depth of TNB and
BEZ (A1, A2). In TNB, IR shows ascending tendency, which indicates that the ratio of unreacted vinyl carbon double bonds
increases at the deeper part (A1). In contrast, BEZ shows stable IR through depth (A2). DC-R% of each group with their
standard deviations (B). DC-R% value was statistically analyzed using one-way analysis of variance. Horizontal bars indicate
no significant differences between these groups (p > 0.05).

Regarding the exent of the gap, the high-viscosity higher elastic modulus that its counterpart all-in-one blends
light-cured materials SNF, CPC and TNB showed different [52].
tendencies. SNF was reported to have a low light trans- It should be emphasized that the results obtained are
mission through 4 mm thickness compared to other tested applicable to the striclty standardized conditions underwhich
bulk-fill resin composites [50]. Such a significant light atten- the experiment was carried out. Factors such as the testing
uation through SNF might have resulted in the detachment substrate, cavity configurations, bonding materials and light-
at the cavity floor interface at the early stage of light irradia- curing variables could results in different outcomes. Also the
tion. interfacial integrity would be affected by long-term aging and
Lastly, the bonding quality also influences the shrinkage thermomechanical loading [53]. It is expected that the OCT
kinetics [32,51]. The bonding agent of Clearfil SE Bond 2 was method will provide further insight for the research and devel-
selected for this study as an established two-step self-etch sys- opment of improved bulk-fill resin composites.
tem with a water and solvent-free adhesive [26,27]. The MDP
functional monomer improves bonding to various substrates
and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) (Table 1) maintains 5. Conclusion
integrity of the adhesive blend [26]. These monomers are
found in many all-in-one or universal adhesives today, but this OCT real-time nondestructive observation and 3D quantifica-
adhesive system was used since it polymerized better and has tion were successfully applied to the bulk-fill resin composites
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 3 5 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 585–596 595

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